Manufacturing Account Notes
Manufacturing Account Notes
Manufacturing Account Notes
There are some businesses that make, create, produce or manufacture their own products. In addition
there are other businesses that both buy and manufacture goods at the same time. Any business that is
involved in some form of production will need to prepare a manufacturing account to calculate cost
of production. The business will therefore will be able to determine if they are making a profit or not
by comparing the cost of production and their sales.
Direct Cost
These are cost that can be traced to the production of each unit or item. They are:
● Direct Material – Raw Material
● Direct Labour – Wages paid to workers who make the products
● Direct Expenses – Royalties and Legal fees
In the manufacturing account all Direct Cost are added together. The total of these cost is called
Prime Cost.
⮚ Direct Material
+ = Prime Cost
⮚ Direct Labour
⮚ Direct Expenses
⮚ Direct Material
⮚ Direct Labour
⮚ Direct Expenses Prime Cost
+ = Production Cost
Indirect Cost
There are times, however, when a business will have incomplete or unfinished products at the
beginning and or at the end of the accounting period. These unfinished products are called Work- In-
Progress (WIP).
Adjustment(s) must be made with work-in-progress in order to determine the value of the production
● Add opening stock of work-in-progress, (WIP at the beginning of the accounting
● Subtract closing stock of work-in-progress, (WIP at the end of the accounting period).
⮚ Direct Material
⮚ Direct Labour = Prime Cost
⮚ Direct Expense +
= Manufacturing Cost
Indirect Cost
Opening Stock of WIP = Production Cost
Closing Stock of WIP
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Final Accounts
Businesses which manufacture their own products also prepare the following final accounts:
Trading Account
The Trading Account deals with the sale of goods manufactured and or purchased.
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Trading Account for the year ended September 30, 2020
$ $ $
NB: If it is a business that is both manufacturing and buying goods to sell, additional
information that would be found in the Trading Account are:
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Profit and Loss Account
Expenses and revenues are treated in the Profit and Loss Account. Expenses are mainly divided
into two (2) categories:
1. Administrative (related to the office)
2. Selling and Distribution
Profit and Loss Account for the year ended September 30, 2020
$ $ $
Gross Profit 37 000
Less Administrative Expenses:
Office Salaries 6 000
Office Rent 10 000
16 000
NB: 1. Students may be required to apportion or share expenses between the Manufacturing and
Profit and Loss Account.
Trial Balance Rent $5 000
Footnote Rent is to be apportioned: Office 1/5; Factory 4/5
1/5 X $5 000 = $1 000 – In the profit and Loss Account under Administrative Expenses.
4/5 X $5 000 = $4 000 – In the Manufacturing Account under Indirect Cost.
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NB: 2. Students may also be required to make adjustments in the final accounts with:
● Accruals
● Prepayments
● Depreciation
● Provisions for Bad Debts
Balance Sheet
Unlike the other Balance Sheet prepared before, there will now three (3) closing stock listed under the
heading Current Assets:
Current Assets
Sock: Raw Material 15 000
Work-In-Progress 7 500
Finished Goods 13 000
35 500
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