Section 2 Architectural Design Standards: 2.1 General 2.1.1 Correlation and Coordination
Section 2 Architectural Design Standards: 2.1 General 2.1.1 Correlation and Coordination
Section 2 Architectural Design Standards: 2.1 General 2.1.1 Correlation and Coordination
2.1 2.1.1
GENERAL Correlation and Coordination A. This section provides standards for the Architectural design work. These design standards shall correlate with the current edition of the Facility Engineering Standards (FES), Construction Specifications, Volumes I through IV, and other relevant sections of this Facility Design Standards. Where applicable, the Engineering Construction Details delineated in the FES Construction Specifications shall be used for compatibility to LMSSC existing facilities design. The Architectural design work shall be designated under the current Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) format. The design shall be fully coordinated with other related engineering disciplines to eliminate conflicts and omissions, and to ensure that the total project requirements are met. Prudent judgment must be exercised in collaborating design solutions with LMSSC organizations and personnel. All design/construction drawings shall follow LMSSC drawing procedures and standards, unless specifically described otherwise in specific Sections of this Facility Design Standards. Refer to Section 11, Drawing Procedures for all drawing requirements.
B. C.
Design Philosophy All designs shall be done in a manner to assure that the maximum benefit is obtained for the costs expended. Safety and reliability shall not be compromised as a cost saving measure. All designs shall consider aesthetics, scale, proportion, sense of space, circulation patterns, both in concept and detail, and shall follow established professional architectural practices. Value Engineering is required at all stages of design. Leased buildings may be designed with a material and systems life span equal to the life of the lease. Thus the Designer may relax on some of the stated warranty periods and quality where deemed appropriate.
Use of Standard Details The Architectural standard details are intended to provide consistent detailing from project to project, to insure a minimum level of quality and to eliminate the need to create repetitive standard detail drawings for each project. They are not intended to limit the design or serve as a design manual, and should not be applied to situations where a different approach may be more appropriate. Suggestions for improvements to standard details and for new standard details are welcomed.
Codes and Standards Design work shall comply with the current adopted edition of all applicable city, county, state and federal codes and standards. The current adopted edition of the following codes, standards and publications, are considered as the primary references to this section. Revised 7/06 LOCKHEED MARTIN SPACE SYSTEMS COMPANY
FACILITY DESIGN STANDARDS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STANDARDS Page 2 Applicable recommendations of related trade and professional associations not listed here shall also be considered. International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) Uniform Building Code (UBC) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) California General Industrial Safety Orders (Cal/OSHA) California Code of Regulations Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Underwriters Laboratories (UL) American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) Local Municipal Codes 2.1.5 References The following are related references to this Architectural Design Standard found in this Facility Design Standards. A. B. C. D. E. F. 2.2 Section 12, Interior Development Design Standards Appendix A, City Building Permit Requirements Appendix B, Information for Architectural/Engineering (A/E) Firms Appendix C, Interior Space Guidelines Appendix F, Architectural Review Board (ARB) Policies and Procedures (for project submittal requirements) Appendix I, Plant 1 Color Standards and Signage
BUILDING SHELL A. The design of the exterior skin shall balance aesthetic considerations with cost, durability and low maintenance. Materials shall be selected to harmonize with the site and surrounding buildings. All exterior modifications including additions, repainting, signage, etc., shall be presented for review to the LMSSC Architectural Review Board (ARB). No exterior modifications shall be released for review by outside agencies or for construction without the ARBs approval. New pipes, conduits and ducts at exterior locations such as building walls shall be placed in inconspicuous locations and painted to match the building. Such items shall be screened when they detract from the appearance of the building. In addition to screening requirements imposed by regulatory agencies, new roof mounted equipment visible from surrounding streets shall be painted to match the building or as directed by the Architectural Review Board
2.3 2.3.1
FACILITY DESIGN STANDARDS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STANDARDS Page 3 A. B. 2.3.2 Sloped roof decks shall be used rather than tapered insulation to achieve roof drainage. Minimum slope shall be 1/4 inch per foot. All roof mounted equipment, ducts, or vents 18 inches in diameter or larger shall be screened from public view to their full height. Reference Appendix A for exceptions.
Roofing System A. A built-up, composite, elastomeric roof system shall be used whenever any of the following conditions exist: 1. Existing occupants and/or program hardware require minimal installation impact, including vibration, odor and hydrocarbon emissions, and potential downfall of inprocess material. Ponding conditions exist on more than 1% of the roof surface which requires corrective procedures by micro-grading with a fluid elastomer. Roof penetrations, projections, and equipment supports exceed 1 per 500 square feet, or are of such configuration(s) that the installation of a factory manufactured roofing material would require movement of equipment that would otherwise not need to be performed, or extensive installation labor to effectively waterproof.
2. 3.
Should these conditions not exist, a modified bitumen or composite, elastomeric sheet roof system may be used. B. Roof membranes installed over non-insulated or insulated decks with an aged R factor of less than 8.8 shall exhibit a minimum reflectivity of 90% per ASTM E-313 and shall be maintainable at said reflectance minimums by periodically washing with environmentally safe methods. All other roof membranes shall have gray ceramic granule surfacing or have a factory manufactured finished surface.
Overlay Roofing A. Overlay re-roofing is allowed, provided the total weight of the existing and new roofing, (including insulation and fasteners) does not exceed 85% of the calculated dead load structural allowance for the roofing material. Where overlay re-roofing is to be used, ponding conditions, defined as areas where water stands for more than 36 hours without a supply source, shall be corrected to provide positive drainage.
2.4 2.4.1
INTERIOR REQUIREMENTS Ceilings A. B. Ceiling heights for open office areas shall be between 10 feet to 12 feet depending on the size of the room. Architectural drawings shall govern the placement of all grilles, diffusers, light fixtures, fire sprinkler heads and all other ceiling installed items.
Walls A. 1/2 inch gypsum wallboard may be used on leased buildings where allowed by Code. Designer shall note this requirement in the Supplemental Specifications. Revised 7/06 LOCKHEED MARTIN SPACE SYSTEMS COMPANY
Signage A. Column Indicators 1. All columns in Plant 1 and Plant 5 buildings shall be identified by column indicators identifying floor and column, (example - 2H3). New indicators shall be applied when an area is repainted, or if indicator is missing or in poor condition. In Plant 2 buildings, all rooms shall be identified by room number indicators at entry doors. Column indicators shall not be used.
2. B.
Posting of Design Loads 1. In every building or portion thereof, where floors, work platforms, equipment pit covers, etc., are used for industrial, manufacturing, or storage purposes, the maximum designed live load shall be posted. In every office area where there is a possibility of overloading, (e.g., areas requiring the use of personal safes) the maximum design load shall be posted. These signs shall be securely affixed in a conspicuous place (i.e., top of stairs, elevator doors, near room entry, etc.) in each space to which they relate. Such signs shall be reinstalled where they have been removed or defaced. Refer to LMSSC Engineering Construction Details in FES Construction Specifications, Volume II, Architectural and Structural.
2. 3.
Floor Markings 1. Red Floor Markings Used to encircle, enclose or outline No Smoking Areas. Use in conjunction with signage. 2. Yellow Floor Marking Excluding carpeted areas, used to outline areas to Keep Clear, such as in front of electrical panels, disconnect switches, etc. 3. Yellow and Black Checkered Marking Used to designate possible Eye Protection. Use in conjunction with signage. 4. Yellow and Black Striped marking Used to designate possible Physical Hazards such as falling, tripping, etc. 5. White Marking Used in manufacturing or industrial areas to outline permanent aisles, passageways, and operational limits.
Doors, Exits and Egress A. All exterior and interior personnel doors shall be 3 feet x 7 feet minimum. Main access doors to a lobby, a conference room or a building exterior shall be 4 feet x 7 feet minimum. LOCKHEED MARTIN SPACE SYSTEMS COMPANY
Revised 7/06
Cypher and Access Control and Alarm System (ACAS) card readers required for control of access doors shall be placed away from the direct swing of the door so that a person using the card reader will not be struck by an opening door. The minimum corridor width is 5 feet but 6 feet is preferred. Widths shall be determined by occupant load and type of traffic, i.e., personnel, carts, fork lifts, etc., and clearances required for the moving of equipment. There shall be no exposed duct work, conduits, raceways or cables in corridors. Columns at corridor walls shall be recessed flush with wall, with any offset on the non-corridor side. Hollow core doors may be used in non-rated areas of leased buildings provided sound attenuation and durability is not a factor (e.g., office doors).
D. 2.4.5
Specialty Rooms A. Toilet Rooms 1. 2. 3. Plumbing walls shall have a minimum clear space of 4 inches. Entry and egress from restrooms shall maintain visual privacy from adjacent spaces. For ease of maintenance, individual lavatories shall be used in all LMSSC owned buildings. Counters with inset basins may only be used in leased facilities where requested by building owner. All lavatories shall be provided with height and clearances required for disabled access. A standard lavatory shall be used as the handicapped accessible lavatory. Pipe insulation shall be preformed. Select toilet room accessories from those listed in the FES Construction Specifications. The wheelchair accessible paper towel dispenser shall be located near the wheelchair accessible lavatory. Special care shall be taken to avoid and correct protruding objects in the accessible route.
5. 6. 7. B.
Computer Rooms and Tape Storage Vaults 1. Computer rooms are rooms that house data processing operations or equipment vital to LMSSC business. Computer rooms shall be isolated from adjoining spaces by one hour vertical and horizontal occupancy separations. Tape storage vaults are rooms that contain one of a kind material vital to LMSSC business. Tape storage vaults shall be isolated from adjoining spaces by a two hour vertical and horizontal occupancy separation. Tape storage rooms that do not contain one of a kind material shall be isolated from adjoining spaces by one hour occupancy separations. Plywood equipment and telephone backboards used in these rooms shall be fireretardant treated.
FACILITY DESIGN STANDARDS ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STANDARDS Page 6 C. Telephone Rooms Refer to Section 9, Telecommunications Design Standards, for minimum size and finish requirements for telephone rooms. D. Telephone Closets Telephone closets shall have a clear depth of 24 inches. All backboards shall be fully exposed when the closet doors are in the open position. 2.5 HAZARDS OF SLIPS, TRIPS AND FALLS A. Flooring shall have a wet Coefficient of Friction (COF) equal to or greater than 0.6 on level surfaces and 0.8 on ramps, with the flooring finish applied. Slipping on wet floors has caused a number of falls and near misses. Areas of special concern include lobbies where people with footwear wet from exterior conditions enter the building, mechanical rooms where leaks may occur, and hallways and toilet rooms that require regular wet cleaning. B. High use stairs such as those leading from main lobbies to office areas, and stairs near elevators, shall be designed with shallower risers and longer treads than allowed by code, for example 6 1/2 riser and 12 tread. This also applies to exterior stairs exposed to the weather. C. The tread of all stairs shall be proportional to the riser as determined by a stair table such as in Architectural Graphic Standards. For instance, when the riser is less than the 7 inch maximum allowed by code, the tread will be greater than the 11 inch minimum. As a quick rule of thumb the depth of the tread plus twice the height of the riser should total 25 inches, or 2R + T = 25. D. Maintenance access to roofs and other elevated locations shall, wherever possible, be by stair. Maintenance stairs shall conform to CCR Title 8 Section 3234 .Fixed Industrial Stairs. In all cases where ladders are being considered for maintenance access, the manager of Facility Technical Maintenance shall be consulted. E. Parapets for new buildings and additions shall at a minimum be at least the height required for guards at the highest point of the adjacent roof. This will provide fall protection that may be required for equipment and roof maintenance, and will serve to screen equipment. F. The Architect shall coordinate the work of other disciplines to ensure that no equipment or controls are located in proximity to unguarded elevated locations. Comply with International Building Code 1012.5 which requires that all items requiring servicing or adjustment be at least 10 feet from an unguarded edge. Guards shall extend at least 36 inches beyond the end of equipment The normal travel route from roof access points to equipment shall be at least 10 feet from unguarded roof edges 2.6 PERMIT REQUIREMENTS A. All required copies of the 100% design issue of all architectural drawings, details, specifications and Title 24 building shell calculations shall be signed and stamped by an Architect licensed in the State of California. A Plan Check/Permit Application Notification Form shall be completed and submitted within three days of submittal for plan check. Refer to Appendix B.