Inspiring, Educating, and Empowering Students For The Next Generation of Design - An Interview With Ruki Ravikumar, Part 1. - BUILD Blog
Inspiring, Educating, and Empowering Students For The Next Generation of Design - An Interview With Ruki Ravikumar, Part 1. - BUILD Blog
Inspiring, Educating, and Empowering Students For The Next Generation of Design - An Interview With Ruki Ravikumar, Part 1. - BUILD Blog
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Museums have a reputation for don’t touch and look without
experiencing, but that’s not our philosophy. We have entire
exhibits that are meant to be touched and interacted with in
order to understand what they’re doing. The point of the
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Immersion Room is for people to have a highly experimental
learning moment, for example, on wallpaper: visitors make
drawings on digital tables, which are then duplicated, and the
patterns are projected onto the walls around them. Visitors
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start to get the sense that a simply created swatch can
become self-designed wallpaper, and it teaches about pattern
and repetition in design. The result is visitors who are inspired
by basic principles of design. It’s just magic when you see the
light bulb go on.
The Importance of
In today’s world of over-the-top sensationalism, where
everyone is relentlessly promoting their own brand, how do
you determine who is actually going to make significant
contributions to the future of design?
Design Milk (http://design- I think what Cooper Hewitt does well is to collect a multi- layered story of designers and their work. As an educator, it’s
Detail (https://www.detail- important to understand that the two don’t have to go together; they’re not of a piece. When talking about the power of
Dezeen inclusive design, we don’t address the work of a single designer
( but instead reference every designer who has touched the
Life of an Architect problem. I think this is true of any good storyteller: they’re never
( just telling one story, but nested plots and various sub-stories.
Materialicious This is also true of Cooper Hewitt’s collection.
Moco Loco
( (
Which exhibit at the Cooper Hewitt are you most proud of and
I get excited about all of the exhibits because they each tell
( different stories, and they each will speak to a different
demographic. We recently had an exhibit called Tablescapes:
Designs for Dining, and in the beginning I was a little confused
about how to bring in teenagers from underserved areas of the
city and get them excited about an opulent French centerpiece.
Would I actually be working against myself because they won’t
relate to it? But, when we told them that at a certain point in
time dining was theater, and then showed them the minimalism
of Joe Doucet’s work and how he was inspired by a light bulb,
we saw them connect to the exhibition and draw comparisons.
It’s exciting for me to consider the range of stories an exhibition
may tell and who they will speak to and to then lure those
people into the museum.
A sense of humanity.
What is the one book that all designers should have on their
headshot.jpg)Ruki Ravikumar
( is
the director of education at Cooper Hewitt.
Ruki serves as the principal leader responsible
for expanding Cooper Hewitt’s educational outreach initiatives,
including the National Design Awards, Design in the Classroom
National, and the National High School Design Competition,
both nationally and globally. Ruki holds a bachelor’s degree in
the history of fine art and drawing and painting from the
University of Madras and a Master of Fine Art in Graphic Design
from Iowa State University.