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Part 2 A 2022

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Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority

Invigilator’s Signature
Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources

2nd Energy Auditor Certification Examination-2022

Paper- 2 Candidate’s Roll No. 2 0 2 2 0 3

Examinee’s Name _________________________________________________

Paper 2: Energy Efficiency in Thermal Systems
Total Marks- 150, Time- 3.00 Hours, Date: 5 March 2022

• Important Instruction:
1. This Paper has 50 MCQs + 8 Short Questions + 6 Long Questions = Total 64 Questions.
2. Mark indicated on the right side of each question.

3. Fill in correct circle with permanent ink ballpoint pen shown on the top sheet only
corresponding to the MCQ given in Section A.

Invigilator’s Signature
4. Answer in the blank space provided after each question (short/long).
5. Do not put any sign or write anything on the answer script except written answer.
6. Any unfair means, peer talking, keeping any communication device and misbehavior will
lead to cancellation of examination.

MCQ Answer (Section A):

1     18     35    
2     19     36    
3     20     37    
4     21     38    
5     22     39    
6     23     40    
7     24     41    
8     25     42    
9     26     43    
10     27     44    
11     28     45    
12     29     46    
13     30     47    
14     31     48    
15     32     49    
16     33     50    
17     34    

For Official Use only

MCQ : [ ]
Short Question : [ ]
Long Description Question : [ ]
Total Marks : [ ] Signature of Examiner

P2 A (Page 1 of 22)
P2 A (Page 2 of 22)
Section A: MCQ
Fill the appropriate circle in the OMR answer sheet at the top page.
1 x 50 =50
1 Among which of the following fuels, the difference between the GCV and NCV is

A) coal C) natural gas

B) furnace Oil D) hydrogen

2 Which of the following has the lowest energy content in terms of MJ/kg

A) LPG C) Bagasse

B) Diesel D) Furnace oil

3 The stoichiometric amount of air required to burn 1 kg of methane is

A) 69.57 C) 17.39

B) 4 D) 16

4 Temperature control in fuel oil storage tank is intended to control

A) viscosity C) specific heat

B) density D) caloric value

5 With increase in the percentage of excess air for combustion of coal, percentage of
CO2 in flue gas

A) increases C) remains same

B) decreases D) none of the above

6 Desirable boiler water pH should be?

A) ) 5-7 C) 9-11

B) 7-9 D) none of the above

7 In a boiler Air preheater is installed

A) before the economizer C) after ESP

B) after economizer D) before superheater

8 According to the Boiler Act, 1923 which is not true for boiler definition

A) volume of vessel must be over 22.76 C) it must be a closed vessel


B) working pressure more than 1.0 MPa D) it must generate steam for external

9 Which of the component is common to supercritical boiler and sub critical boiler for
power generation

A) economizer C) re-heaters

B) water walls D) all of the above

P2 A (Page 3 of 22)
10 The material used to control SOx in the FBC boiler is

A) limestone C) silica

B) alumina D) fly ash

11 The TDS level in boiler water, in the context of boiler blow down, can be determined
by measuring
A) alkalinity of water C) electrical conductivity of water

B) thermal conductivity of water D) turbidity of water

12 In an oil-fired steam boiler, the air to fuel ratio is 15:1 & evaporation ratio is 14:1.
The flue gas to fuel ratio will be
A) 29:1 C) 14:1

B) 16:1 D) 15:1

13 Latent heat of steam increases

A) with increasing pressure C) does not changes with pressure

B) with decreasing pressure D) none of the above

14 If the diameter of the steam main is 280 mm what will be the pocket diameter of the
drip leg?

A) 280 mm C) 140 mm

B) 100 mm D) 140 mm

15 Which is not the component of a PRV (Pressure Reducing Valve) station?

A) separator C) safety Valve

B) strainer D) temperature Gauge

16 Removal of dissolved gases from the boiler feed water is called

A) degasification C) deoxidation

B) deaeration D) none of the above

17 Large and irregular lumps of coal when fired in a boiler may lead to ____.

A) poor combustion C) low unburnt fuel in the ash

B) low excess air D) high thermal efficiency

18 High percentage of carbon monoxide presence in the flue gas of boiler is an indicator
A) high excess air C) good control of pollutants

B) complete combustion D) low excess air

19 Heat transfer mode in a furnace -

A) radiation and convection C) conduction and radiation

B) only radiation D) only convection

20 What pressure should be maintained for optimum fuel consumption in furnace?

A) slight positive pressure C) negative pressure

B) positive pressure D) slight negative pressure

P2 A (Page 4 of 22)
21 Which of the following is used as insulation in low temperature applications?

A) ceramic fiber C) fiber glass

B) calcium silicate D) polystyrene

22 The determination of economic thickness of insulation does not depend on

A) surface temperature C) cost of insulation

B) pipe diameter D) material of the surface

23 The coefficient of thermal expansion of refractory material should be

A) low C) medium

B) high D) very high

24 Low combustion temperature minimises___ in FBC boilers

A) NOx C) CO

B) SOx D) Suspended particulate matter

25 The difference between mean velocity of solid and gas in a FBC boiler is called

A) fluidization factor C) settling velocity

B) slip velocity D) none of the above

26 Which of the following is not measured in proximate analysis?

A) volatile matter C) sulphur

B) fixed carbon D) ash

27 In a counter-flow heat exchanger, cold fluid enters at 30°C and leaves at 50°C,
whereas the hot fluid enters at 150°C and leaves at 130°C. The LMTD is
A) 100°C C) 0°C

B) 280°C D) 20

28 100 kg of a fuel contains 2% Sulphur. For complete combustion of Sulphur it will

require _________kg of oxygen
A) 2 C) 50

B) 4 D) 200

29 In a CFBC boiler, the capture and recycling of bed material is accomplished by

A) bag filter C) natural gas

B) settling chamber D) scrubber system

30 In a steam turbine power plant, vacuum is generated at

A) turbine inlet C) deaerator

B) condenser D) all of the above

P2 A (Page 5 of 22)
31 1 kg of wood contains 30% moisture and 5% hydrogen by weight. How much water is
evaporated during complete combustion of 1 kg of wood?

A) 0.75 kg C) 0.15 kg

B) 200 g D) none of the above

32 Which of the Cogen system can offer a minimum range of heat to power ratios
A) back pressure steam turbine C) gas turbine

B) combined Cycle D) DG sets

33 A 2000 kg/hr flue gas is exhausted from DG set at 400oC. Specific heat is 0.25
kCal/kg. Ambient temperature is 30oC. What is the Heat available in the flue gas?

A) 2,00,000 kCal/hr C) 8,00,000 kCal/hr

B) 1,85,000 kCal/hr D) 1,00,000 kCal/hr

34 The exhaust from which of the following is not suitable for waste heat boiler
A) gas turbine C) diesel engine

B) hot air dryer D) furnace

35 Which is not the problem of undersized steam pipe works

A) a lower pressure might be available at C) greater volume of condensate will be
the point of use formed

B) there is a risk of steam starvation D) there is a greater risk of erosion, water

hammer and noise

36 For high temperature application which is the best insulation material?

A) asbestos C) glass wool

B) rock wool D) glass wool

37 For steam main pipeline which steam trap is best suited?

A) thermodynamic trap C) inverted bucket trap

B) float trap D) thermostatic trap

38 What happen to the furnace exhaust gas loss if the air/fuel ratio decreases?
A) increase C) initially decrease and then start to

B) decrease D) no change

39 Which is wrong for proper heat distribution in furnace?

A) the flame should impinge the stock C) flame should not hit the roof

B) the axis of the burner is never placed D) more burner of less capacity gives
parallel to the hearth better heat distribution in the furnace

40 Which of the following is a synthetic refractory?

A) MgO C) SiC

B) Al2O3 D) SiO2

P2 A (Page 6 of 22)
41 Which is not the features of cold insulation?
A) low thermal conductivity C) durability at low temperature

B) high water resistance D) high capillary absorption

42 In FBC boiler the combustion is carried out at a temperature

A) closer to steam temperature C) at and above ash fusion temperature

B) at adiabatic combustion temperature D) below ash fusion temperature of fuel


43 The heat loss in a furnace depends on

A) emissivity of walls C) wall thickness

B) conductivity of refractory D) all of the above

44 ____ gives an estimate of heating value of coal

A) ash content C) fixed carbon

B) moisture content D) volatile matter

45 In a coke fired cupola, carbon monoxide is produced in the

A) melting zone C) combustion zone

B) reducing zone D) preheating zone

46 Dolomite is a ________ type of refractory

A) acidic C) neutral

B) basic D) none of the above

47 For transporting the steam to the long distance, the best quality of steam is

A) dry saturated steam C) mildly wet steam

B) slightly superheated steam D) very high pressure steam

48 An increase in bulk density of a refractory increases its

A) thermal conductivity C) resistance to slag penetration

B) heat capacity D) all of the above

49 An increase in the steam pressure from 3 bar to 10 bar, will result in a decrease of

A) sensible heat C) saturation temperature

B) enthalpy of steam D) specific volume

50 The amount of CO2 produced in complete combustion of 18 Kg of carbon is

A) 50 C) 66

B) 44 D) 792

P2 A (Page 7 of 22)
Section B: Short Question
01 Explain the difference between Flash Point and Pour Point of a liquid 5

02 Calculate the savings in heat loss due to reduction in blow down by 5

using auto blow-down controller, from 2.5% to 1% for 10 T/hr boiler,
which operates 8000 hrs/year. The temperature of boiler blow down
water is 180oC, boiler efficiency is 80% and GCV of Furnace oil is
10,000 kCal/kg. Feed water temperature = 30oC

P2 A (Page 8 of 22)
03 The efficiency of a billet heating furnace with an output of 15 ton/hr was 5
32%. Find out the specific fuel consumption in litre/ton of billet heating
and total fuel consumption per hour as per data given below:
Billet heating furnace:
Initial temp. = 50oC
Final temp. = 1150oC
Specific heat of billet = 0.12 kCal/kgoC
Density of fuel oil = 0.95 kg/litre
GCV of fuel oil = 10,000 kCal/kg
Determine the specific fuel consumption in litre/ton and total fuel
consumption in litre/hr.

P2 A (Page 9 of 22)
04 How can you select refractories for any application? 5

05 Two identical FBC boilers of capacity 10 TPH are operated in a chemical 5

industry. They each have a full load efficiency of 80%. The part load
efficiencies at 70% and 40% load are 75% and 68% respectively.
For meeting 14 TPH requirement of steam, would you prefer to run both
the boilers at 7 TPH capacity or one at full load capacity and other at 40%
capacity. Estimate the % savings in the preferred case.

P2 A (Page 10 of 22)
06 Milk is flowing in a pipe cooler at a rate of 0.95 kg/sec. Initial 5
temperature of the milk is 55°C and it is cooled to 18°C using a stirred
water bath with the constant temperature of 10°C around the pipe.
Specific heat of milk is 3.86 KJ/kg°C. Calculate the heat transfer rate
(kCal/hr) and also LMTD of the exchanger.

07 5
What are the parameters required to estimate the boiler efficiency by
‘direct method’?

P2 A (Page 11 of 22)
08 The following are the parameters obtained from a steam audit of a 5
cylindrical dryer used for drying cloth:
Cloth Throughput = 25 m/minute
Cloth Density = 10 m/kg
Measured Condensate Rate = 150 kg/hour

Calculate the specific steam consumption per kg of cloth.

P2 A (Page 12 of 22)
Section C: Long Question
01 Paddy husk is being used as a fuel in a water tube boiler. The ultimate 10
analysis of fuel is given below. Calculate the theoretical quantity of air
required for complete combustion and compute the quantity of CO2, H2O
and SO2 generated per 100 kg of fuel. The ultimate analysis of paddy husk
is given below.
Ultimate analysis of paddy husk %
Moisture 10.8
Mineral Matter 16.7
Carbon 34.0
Hydrogen 5.0
Nitrogen 0.9
Sulphur 0.1
Oxygen 32.5
GCV (kCal/kg) 3570

P2 A (Page 13 of 22)
02 What are the common mistakes in steam trap installation? State their 10
corrective measures.

P2 A (Page 14 of 22)
P2 A (Page 15 of 22)
03 In an engineering industry, an electrically heated furnace of efficiency 10
80%, is used for annealing of the components. The annealing cycle and
corresponding energy consumption as follows.

S.No Heat treatment Temperature Time Power drawn in

0 hrs
cycle C kW
1 Heat -Up 30 - 850 4 500
2 Holding at 850 4 100
3 Cooling 850 - 60 4 20

The electrical energy drawn in each sub-cycle is uniform and plant

operates 50 batches per month. The cost of electricity is Tk.8/kWh.

The management has decided to replace the electric furnace with Furnace
oil fired furnace with efficiency of 50%. The cost of Furnace Oil is
Tk.30/kg. Calculate cost savings and payback period of converting from
electric to oil fired furnace. Investment for Furnace Oil fired furnace is
Tk.25 lakhs. The GCV of Furnace Oil is 10,000 kCal/kg.

P2 A (Page 16 of 22)
04 a) List the advantages of CFBC boilers over AFBC boilers. 5+5

b) What are the advantages of plate heat exchanger over shell and tube
heat exchanger?

P2 A (Page 17 of 22)
P2 A (Page 18 of 22)
05 The schematic of a back pressure steam turbine cogeneration system of 10
process plant operating round the clock with operating data is depicted

If the steam requirement of the process is to be increased to 45 TPH which can

be met by the existing boiler through the back pressure turbine,
a) Find out the reduction in cost of electrical energy drawn from the grid per
day due to additional power generation, assuming the same steam to power
recovery as in the existing case and at a grid electricity cost of BDT 6/kWh,
aux. power remains the same.
b) Estimate the cost of coal per day, if the coal price is BDT 12,500/Ton.
c) Comment on the findings.

P2 A (Page 19 of 22)
06 In a crude distillation unit of a refinery, furnace is operated to heat 500 10
m3/hr of crude oil from 260°C to 360°C by firing 3.4 tons/hr of fuel oil
having GCV of 10000 kCal/kg. As an energy conservation measure, the
management has installed an air preheater (APH) to reduce the flue gas
heat loss. The APH is designed to pre-heat 57 tons/hr of combustion air to
200°C. Calculate the efficiency of the furnace before & after the
installation of APH. Consider the following data:
Specific heat of crude oil = 0.6 kCal/kg°C
Specific heat of air = 0.24 kCal/kg°C
Specific gravity of Crude oil = 0.85
Ambient temperature = 30°C.

P2 A (Page 20 of 22)
P2 A (Page 21 of 22)
P2 A (Page 22 of 22)

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