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> Test

(Bloque 3 Comprensión escrita: 1. Comprender instrucciones extensas y complejas; 5. Comprender la información en noticias y artículos
periodísticos y de opinión bien estructurados y de cierta longitud; Bloque 4 Producción escrita: 4. Escribir notas, anuncios, mensajes y

Read the news article and answer the questions that follow.

It's All in a Day's Work

I Somewhere in India, Deepak, an agricultural worker, finishes a long, back-breaking day under the blazing sun, picking
fruit and receiving only a low wage. But, ironically, he feels very satisfied with his job. On the other hand, Danielle
from Israel has just completed a day of teaching in a modern, technological school in a major city. Every month she
earns a good wage and has good working conditions. It’s hard to believe, but her working life leaves her feeling
II How can this be? It’s only natural that you want your work to be recognised, appreciated and respected. These two
different working experiences can be explained by a phenomenon called “occupational prestige” (or “job prestige”),
which is the value a society gives to a certain job. It includes the control and involvement workers have in their
employment, the respect they receive and the salary they are paid. Ultimately, this affects people’s job choice.
III India has national and family traditions connected to working the land. A majority of the country still depend on it to
make a living. For these people, usually from the lower level of the caste or social system, agriculture is a high-prestige
job. In these communities, most people carry on family work traditions. This allows them to contribute to both the
nation’s economy and their families. So, even though many people may think a job picking fruit is not a worthy one,
lots of Indians do.
IV In Israel, the teaching profession was highly valued in the past. At that time, teachers were among the most educated
members of their communities and were looked up to. Today this has changed, as so many more people are educated.
Additionally, parents are challenging teachers’ authority. This is because Israelis tend to challenge beliefs and ideas.
Furthermore, nowadays everyone seems to be looking out for themselves and people are not as united as in the past.
All of this has led to teachers questioning if this is the right profession for them.
V So, whether you would proudly celebrate World Teacher’s Day on 5th October or World Agriculture Day on 11th June
depends on what country you are from!

1 Choose the correct answer. (4 x 2 = 8 points)

1 Deepak feels happy in his job .......... .
a because it is valued
b because it is difficult
c because he works in the sun
d even though he has not achieved his goals
2 What is NOT part of “occupational prestige”?
a control of the job
b level of earnings
c work experience
c respect from people
3 The writer uses agriculture as an example of a job that .......... .
a causes frustration
b is not considered difficult
c pays well
d is valued in India
4 Teachers in Israel .......... .
a have always been respected
b are doubting their profession
c are more educated than others
d are challenging parents’ authority

> Test
2 Complete the sentences. (6 x 2 = 12 points)
1 Danielle is unhappy in her profession ............................................................................................................................................................... .
2 According to the writer, all workers are looking to receive ............................................................................................................ .
3 The reason Deepak works in agriculture is because .............................................................................................................................. .
4 Parents are lowering the prestige of educators by ................................................................................................................................... .
5 Israeli teachers have started to ................................................................................................................................................................................. .
6 In the last paragraph about who celebrates certain days around the world, the writer says that ...........................
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .

3 Find words or expressions in the text that mean: (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1 physically difficult (paragraph I) ................................................
2 farming (paragraph III) ................................................
3 continue (paragraph III) ................................................
4 admired (paragraph IV) ................................................
5 worrying about (paragraph IV) ................................................

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