1. For different systems to be able to communicate over the Internet, protocols are
very important. Standards and protocols for the Internet are developed by the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and written in specific documents. What is
the name of these documents that define Internet protocols?
3. Alice loves to go out for long walks in nature. She uses her smartphone to take pictures of
plants and animals and want to post it immediately, so her firend can like them. What is the
most suitable acces technology fort his scenario?
- Optical Fiber(FTTH)
- Cable internet
- 3G/4G
- Ethernet
- WiFi
4. Name an access technology that can be used to connect individual hosts within a corporate
LAN tot the company network.
6. Which layer from the TCP/IP model is missing in the list below?
- Application Layer
- Network Layer
- Link layer
- Physical layer
1. Suppose Host A wants to send a large file to Host B. The path from Host A to Host B passes
through three link, of rates R1 = 4Mbps, R2= 2Mbps R3= 1Mbps.
Assuming no other traffin in the network, what is the throughput for the file transfer?
1 Mbps
5. What port number is normally used by a webserver, using the HTTP protocol?
6. When your browser makes an HTTP request, it will specify a request method. What method
is normally used to submit data tot he webserver?
7. Suppose a company has a relatively slow connection tot he internet. While its employees
need to surf the web more and more to find relevant information. The company does not
want to upgrade its internet connection. What solution can the company implement to
reduce traffic on its access link tot he internet and make sure its employees can surf the web
proxy server
9. What is the oldest application protocol used to get e-mail from a server to a client?
Week 3
1. There are different types of DNS servers. What type of DNS server is the source of
information about the IP-adresses for all hostnames within an organisation?
authoritative server
2. DNS servers store resource records. There are different types of DNS records.
What type of DNS record is used to store a domain and the address of a DNS server that
knows the IP addresses for hosts in that domain?
NS record
4. A computer network’s transport layer could, in theory, offer many different services tot he
application layer. Which service are offered by the Internet’s transport layer?
reliable data transfer
8. The UDP header has only four fields. Name one of them.
Source port
10. During the lab we used the Telnet protocol to connect to a webserver and request an object.
What is the correct HTTP request message to request the object
/wiki/HyperText_Transfer_Protocol from the webserver:
c. GET /wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol HTTP/1.1
Week 4
2. A DHCP server can provide a client with an IP-address and lease time, and it can provide other
information as well. For example, DHCP will also provide the client with the subnet mask for the
network. Name one more piece of information(other than the IP-adress, its lease time and subnet
mask) that a DHCP server will typically provied to a client
DNS server and first-hop router(or default gateway)
3. Suppose that a host wants to obtain an IP-address from a DHCP server. How will the host find the
dHCP server in the network?
it will send a message to all hosts in the network, asking fort he DHCP server to identify itself.
6. 2002:4559:1FE2:0000:0000:0000:4559:1FE2
this 128 bit address is an example of the addresses used by which network layer protocol?
8. Which method is used to connect more than one device tot he internet, sharing the ssame public
9. During the practical lab we tried out three different Linux commands for querying DNS
information. Name one of them.
10 consider a tcp connection between host a and host b. suppose that the tcp segments travelling
from host a to host b have source port number 4012 and destionation port number 96. What is the
destionation port number fort he segments travelling from host b to host a?