Kelimeler Set 14
Kelimeler Set 14
Kelimeler Set 14
Target Vocabulary:
Bu bölümde öğrenmenizi hedeflediğimiz ‘’hedef kelimeler’’.
fear: the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad is going to happen
I have a fear of heights.
Don’t let fear take you over! Do what you have to do.
My fear is that she will believe the rumors and won’t even listen to my side of the story.
envy: to wish that you had someone else’s possessions, abilities etc
akıl, kafa
It is impossible to understand the complex nature of the human mind.
What do you have in your mind for today?
When you have to make important decisions, use your mind, not your heart.
care: to think that something is important, so that you are interested in it, worried about it etc
If anything happened to the kids I’d never forgive myself.
Please forgive me - it was a complete accident.
enjoy: to get pleasure from something
A) Exercise: Öğren!
Fill in the blanks with the target words!
fear envy
mind x2 care desire x2
enjoy x2 forgive
1. She didn’t ____________________ what her father said to her and went to the party.
2. My wife has a ___________________ flying, so going there by plane is not an option.
3. I really __________________ you and Jack, you seem so happy together.
4. Did you _____________________ the party? How was it?
5. Everybody wants something from life. What is your ________________?
6. There was no doubt in my ____________________ that it was the right decision to make.
7. She lied to me and I can’t ___________________ her for that.
8. The only thing he seems to __________________ about is money.
9. I really ________________ talking to you and spending time with you.
10. The hotel has everything you could possibly ______________________. So you don’t have to
worry about anything.
11. There is a ___________________ that the disease will spread to other countries.
12. A: I am bored. Would you like to do something? B: Sure, what do you have in your
enjoy forgive
1) ………………………………..: your thoughts or your ability to think, feel, and imagine things
2) ………………………………..: to get pleasure from something
3) ………………………………..: a strong hope or wish
4) ………………………………..: to stop being angry with someone and stop blaming them, although
they have done something wrong
5) ………………………………..: to want something very much
6) ………………………………..: to think that something is important, so that you are interested in it,
worried about it etc.
7) ………………………………..: to wish that you had someone else’s possessions, abilities etc.
8) ………………………………..: the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad
is going to happen
C) Write a sentence of your own for each of the words you’ve just learned! ++ Write
Turkish meanings of the words. – Uzmanlaş!
- Öğrendiğiniz kelimelerin Türkçe karşılıklarını hiçbir yere bakmadan yazın, daha sonra bu
kelimelerle en az 1 tane örnek cümle yazın. (Verilen her anlam için bir örnek)
desire: (V)
desire: (N)
A: care, fear, envy, enjoy, desire, mind, forgive, care, enjoyed, desire, fear, mind