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Method and Apparatus For Assocative Memory

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,995,954
L00S (45) Date of Patent: Nov.30, 1999
54 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 5,034,918 7/1991 Jeong ........................................ 395/24
ASSOCATIVE MEMORY 5,072,130 12/1991 Dobson ... ... 395/24
5,080,464 1/1992 Toyoda ... ... 395/25
76 Inventor: Hendricus G. Loos, 3019 Cresta Way, 5,167,007 11/1992 Toyoda ...................................... 395/25
Laguna Beach, Calif. 92651 Primary Examiner Tariq R. Hafiz
21 Appl. No.: 07/853,107 57
22 Filed: Mar 18, 1992 A method and apparatus for an electronic artificial neural
e --Vs network, which Serves as an associative memory that has a
(51) Int. Cl." ...................................................... G06F 15/18 complete Set of N-dimensional Hadamard vectors as Stored
52 U.S. Cl. .................................. 706/26; 706/40, 706/41 states, Suitable for large N that are powers of 2. The neural
58 Field of Search .................................. 395/24, 25, 27 net has nonlinear Synapses, each of which processes signals
395/425, 275; 364,727 from two neurons. These Synapses can be implemented by
s s Simple passive circuits comprised of eight resistors and four
56) References Cited diodes. The connections in the neural net are Specified
through a Subset of a group that is defined over the integers
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS from 1 to N. The Subset is chosen Such that the connections
4,807,168 2/1989 Moopennet al. ........................ 395/27 can be implemented in VLSI or wafer Scale integration. An
4,892,370 1/1990 Lee ................... ... 364/727 extension of the Hadamard memory causes the memory to
4,956,564 9/1990 Holler et al. .............................. 395/24 provide new Hadamard vectors when these are needed for
4,961,002 10/1990 Tam et al...... ... 395/24 the purpose of Hebb learning.
5,023,833 6/1991 Baum et al. .. 395/425
5,028,810 7/1991 Castro et al. . ... 395/24 11 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Nov.30, 1999 Sheet 1 of 2 5,995,954

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U.S. Patent Nov.30, 1999 Sheet 2 of 2 5,995,954



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This invention was made with Government Support pro

vided by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Hadamard Vector that goes with the largest of the
ARPA Order 6429, through Contract DAAHO1-88-C-0887, coefficients c, if unique. Hence, if c>c., for all Clz.f3, then
issued by the U.S. Army Missile Command. The Govern the Hadamard vector he is selected. The device has been
ment has certain rights in the invention. named Dominant Label Selector (DLS), because the code
vectors he serve as labels for the Stored vectors q. The
output he of the DLS is returned to the BLT for a backstroke,
in which the BLT produces the vector
The invention pertains to electronic artificial neural
networks, in which many simple electronic units are heavily x' = hgB = Xheld go = Nag,
interconnected Such that they are capable of massively 15 x

parallel computation. AS is customary in the discussion of

artificial neural networks, functional parts are given names where N is the dimension of the Hadamard vectors. The
Suggested by neurobiology, and the adjective "artificial” is
Suppressed; hence we will Speak here simply of “neurons', result holds because the Hadamard vectors are orthogonal
“synapses”, and “dendrites”. and have the Euclidean norm VN. Division by N or, in case
of a bipolar X, thresholding with a Sigmoidal function that
With this understanding, a neural net may be described as ranges from -1 to 1, gives x'=q. But f is the index for which
a collection of functional units, called neurons, which are c., is maximum. Since c=q,x', the vector q is the stored
interconnected Viajunctions, called Synapses, and input lines vector which has the largest Scalar product with the input
called dendrites. Each dendrite collects Synaptic outputs into 25
vector X. Therefore, if the DLS indeed selects from u=Bx'
a Sum, called activation, which is presented to a neuron for the dominant Hadamard vector, then the device consisting of
processing according to an output function, thereby produc the BLT and the DLS has perfect associative recall of up to
ing a signal. In electronic neural nets, the Signals are usually N Stored vectors. The device has been called Selective
Voltages, the activations are electric currents, and the neu Reflexive Memory (SRM)1-4). Its front end, the BLT, may
rons are operational amplifiers which have an activation be seen as a Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM)
current as input, and a signal Voltage as output. The output 5–7), with the rear thresholding removed, and the front
function is usually of Sigmoidal type, Such as the hyperbolic thresholding optional. The DLS in the rear may be seen as
tangent. The dendrite of the neuron is a conductor that a distributed winner-take-all net; instead of Selecting from
collects the output currents of certain Synapses. The Synaptic an analog vector the maximium component, the net Selects
inputs are signals from certain neurons. 35
the largest term in the Hadamard expansion of the vector.
Neural networks can be Structured in Such a manner that Distributing the winner-take-all proceSS improves fault
the net functions as an associative memory, i.e., a device that tolerance, Since there are then no grandmother cells.
is capable of associative recall, in which an input vector X Since the DLS output is the Hadamard vector that is
produces as output the Stored vector that is closest to X. closest to the vector u, the DLS may itself be seen as an
Undesirable consequences of correlations between Stored 40
asSociative memory with a complete Set of Hadamard vec
vectors can be eliminated by encoding the Stored vectors as tors as stored states. Therefore, this DLS is called a Had
orthogonal bipolar vectors, i.e., orthogonal vectors with amard memory.
components 1 and -1. Such vectors are called Hadamard A Hadamard memory cannot be constructed with the
vectors. Encoding the Stored vectors q, C=1 to L, as customary linear activation. Instead, one may consider a net
Hadamard Vectors means that to every Stored vector q is 45
with quadratic activation, So that the total current in the
dendrite of neuron i is
assigned a Hadamard vector h. These assignments may be
expressed in an outer products matrix
I =XSiyyy (1)

where y is the Signal from neuron i, determined from the
where T denotes transposition.
activation V of the neuron by the output function S(..),
The encoding is used in the following manner. From an (2)
input vector X one forms the vector 55
The function S(.) is restricted to be sigmoidal and
antisymmetric, and to have the range -1,1). Hence, fully
developed neuron Signals are bipolar. All indices range from
1 to N, restricted to be a power of 2. In the simplest
60 continuum model, the equations of motion are
this is just a linear combination of Hadamard vectors h, (3)
with coefficients c=q,x', the scalar products of X with the
vectors q. The operation Bx is performed by a device where dot denotes differentiation with respect to time, and
called Bidirectional Linear Transformer (BLT). The bidirec the term r, expresses a threshold or an external coupling. The
tional feature will become clear presently. The BLT is 65 first two terms in (3) have unit coefficients, but that does not
followed by a device that selects, from the linear combina constitute a physical restriction, Since this form can always
tion be obtained by Scaling of the time and activation, together

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with a related adjustment of the neuron output function S(..).
In view of the quadratic form of the dendrite current (1), one B= X has
has here a case of higher-order neurons 8,9). A Hadamard x

memory is obtained by choosing the connection tensor as

of the BLT has outer-products structure, and it can therefore
Siik = (11 NX hoiho ihok, (4) be modified by Hebb learning 12). This requires that a new
Hadamard vector be presented to the back of the BLT,
whenever a new vector q is to be Stored. An extension to
where h is the ith component of the Hadamard vector he the Hadamard memory is needed, that causes the memory to
It has been shown 8 that a neural net with nonlinear provide Such vectors in a simple manner, when learning is
activation is stable if the connection tensor is Symmetric, and required. It is the further object of the present invention to
furnish Such an extension.
if all tensor components for which two or more indices are
equal vanish. The connection tensor given by (4) is indeed SUMMARY
Symmetric. In order to Satisfy the Second condition, Subtrac 15 It is the object of the present invention to provide a
tions have to be applied, to give the tensor method and means for constructing Hadamard memories of
large dimension, in Such a manner that 1) the connections
Siik = can be implemented in VLSI or wafer-scale integration, 2)
(11 NXhahjhak - Noor - Noikoi - Notion +2Noroioi, the Synapses are Such that they can be implemented by
x Simple passive circuits, and 3) the Hadamard memory Sup
plies heretofore unused Hadamard Vectors for the purpose of
Hebb learning.
where 8, is the Kronecker delta. The Subtractions are correct
for a choice of Hadamard vectors such that their first
Object 1) is met as follows.
In the course of computer experiments we discovered
component is +1, and the vector h has all components +1. 25 that, as the dimension N is increased, the fraction of con
The connection tensor (5) is referred to as Subtracted. It can nections that needs to be implemented in order to obtain
be shown that all nonzero connection tensor components good associative recall diminishes dramatically, to a degree
have the same value, which is positive; this is true for (4) as that was completely unexpected. This Sets the Stage for
well as for (5). Hence, in a Hadamard memory, all Synapses massive pruning of the connections implied by (4) or (5),
are excitatory, and they all have the same Strength. Up to essentially without loSS of performance.
couplings, the Structure of the memory is entirely deter The Set of Selected connections needs to be shift invariant,
mined by the connections. in order that the dendrites can be implemented in a compact
The BLT output must be coupled to the Hadamard fashion on a chip or wafer. There is also a slope limitation
memory. This may be done in Several ways. In initial value on the Segments of the dendrites, which is chosen to avoid
coupling, the BLT output u is used as an initial value of the 35 overcrowding of the dendrites.
activation V, after multiplying with a properly chosen cou Finally, the Selected connections must be chosen from the
pling constant. The term r in the equation of motion (3) is components i, j, k, for which the connection tensor (4) or (5)
then taken as constant, usually Zero. In the external coupling is nonzero. For large N, the calculation of these index
the activation is started out at Zero, and the BLT output u is combinations (i,j,k), based on the Hadamard vectors, is very
applied to the term r of (3), after multiplication with a 40 lengthy. We give a shortcut for this calculation, based on
coupling constant. Combined coupling involves a combina group properties, Shift invariance, and the window property.
tion of these Schemes. From the resulting set of index combinations (i,j,k), a small
Computer simulations have shown the Hadamard Subset of connections to be implemented is Selected by using
memory to have perfect associative recall, for N=8 and 16, the slope limitation condition. An example result is shown in
for each of these couplings, for a range of coupling 45 FIGS. 1 and 2, for dimension N=1024.
constants, and for unsubtracted as well as Subtracted con Object 2) is met as follows.
nection tensors, (4) and (5). The quadratic dendrite current (1) requires use of product
In practice, Hadamard memories become particularly Synapses, which, for signal inputs y, and y, produce an
important for large dimension N. For N a power of 2, and output current proportional to yy. Although the product
with well-chosen Hadamard vectors, the number of product 50 operation is simple in computer simulation, implementation
synapses is N(N-1)/2 and (N-1)(N-2)/2 respectively for in hardware is cumberSome, requiring at least 9 transistors.
unsubtracted and Subtracted connection tensors, these num Considering the very large number of Synapses that need to
bers of connections are about the same as for a fully be placed on a chip or wafer for large dimension N, it is
connected Hopfield memory 10). It is difficult to construct important to simplify the Synapse circuitry, which means
So many connections in electronic implementations for large 55 giving up the product function. We have found a Synapse
dimension N. For instance, for N=1024, one would need circuit that is comprised of 8 resistors and 4 diodes, and that
522753 connections in the Subtracted case. Furthermore, provides, for fully developed neuron Signals, the same
each Synapse must compute the product of its two inputs, output current as a product Synapse; however, this circuit
and that requires a four-quadrant multiplier, with at least 9 requires a doubling of the neuron Signal lines, Such that one
transistors 11. For the example mentioned above, that 60 line carries the Signal Voltage, and the other line carries the
comes to 4.7 million transistors for the Synapses alone! It is opposite Voltage. For underdeveloped neuron signals, i.e.,
an object of the present invention to overcome the problem Signals with magnitude below unity, the Synapse output
of the large number of connections and Synapse transistors, current deviates from the product function. However, com
for Hadamard memories of large dimension N. puter simulations of associative recall for N=1024 and
With the Hadamard memory used as the rear stage of an 65 N=2048 have shown that these “RD' synapses are
SRM, many applications require the BLT to be adaptive. The Satisfactory, if the connections are chosen in the manner
connection matrix discussed.

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Object 3) is met as follows. Si-Sik, (9)
Hebb learning amounts to adding to the Synaptic matrix of
the BLT a matrix for all indices i, j, and k that belong to the index Set 2 that
ranges from 1 to N. At this point we also want to Satisfy the
restrictions that imply stability of nets with higher-order
neurons 8,
where his the Hadamard vector that we want x to be labeled
with. The Hebb addition (6) to the BLT matrix should be Sik-Si-Sik, (10)
made only if the input vector X is much different from all the and
vectors that have been stored so far. That condition can be
easily checked by computing the correlation between the S-0, (1 1)
input vector and output vector of the Hadamard memory. For valid for all i,j, and k belonging to the index Set S.2. The
large N, it is cumbersome to find the new Hadamard vector conditions (9) and (10) imply that there exist triads of
h, that must be presented to the back of the BLT for the Hebb indices, (i,j,k), for which the order of indices is irrelevant,
learning (6). We have found a method of acquiring hy, 15 and which determine the connections by the condition that
Simply by letting the Hadamard memory determine this the outputs of neurons and k are connected to a Synapse on
vector by associative recall, using as input vector a bipolar dendrite i if and only if the indices i, j, and k form a triad.
counter word of bit length m=log N, concatenated with We choose to express the fact that neurons j and k are
Zeros. Incrementing the counter, everytime that learning is connected to a Synapse on dendrite i Symbolically as *k=i.
required as evidenced by a “weak’ correlation, and present We thus have that a triad (i,j,k) implies that jk=i, ij=k,
ing the counter word to the Hadamard memory, then results ki=j, and further that the operation * is commutative. In
in a new Hadamard vector for the Hebb learning. The order to extend the range of calculations, the operation * is
method relies on the so-called window property of Had endowed with associativity, so that i*(*k)=(ii)*k, and the
amard vectors that have been constructed from maximal
length shift-register Sequences 13. brackets may be omitted. Suppose that triads (i,j,k) can be
25 defined for all indices i and j of the Set 2, Such that keS2.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Then, for given i there exists a triad (i,i,c). That implies that
FIG. 1 depicts the layout of dendrites in a Single plane in ci=i. For kzi there is a triad (i,j,k), implying that ij=k.
Writing, in the last equation, i as ci gives cij=k, with the
VLSI or wafer-scale integration. result that clc=k. Since k was unequal to i, but otherwise
FIG. 2 shows the arrangement of input lines, their ties, arbitrary in S2, it follows that clk=k for all keS2. Hence,
and the hookup of the operational amplifiers that implement the indeX c acts as an identity in the composition *. The last
the neurons. equation and (10) imply that kk=c; hence, under the
FIG. 3 shows the schematic for a synapse that employs composition *, each index is its own inverse. Hence, (k,k,c)
passive circuitry. is a triad, for all keS2. Now, all the conditions for a group
FIG. 4 shows a context in which a Hadamard memory can 35 are satisfied; hence, if triads (i,j,k) exist for all i and j that
be used, and also illustrates a method for providing new belong to S2, Such that keS2, then the triads define over the
Hadamard vectors for the purpose of Hebb learning. index Set 2 a commutative group with composition *. We
call the group a triad group. The indeX c that acts as the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION identity may be assigned as unity, without loss of generality.
The first object of the invention is to have a Hadamard 40 It can be shown that a triad group exists for all N that are
memory with relatively few connections, the Second object powers of 2. For other N a triad group does not exist. The
is to modify the product Synapses Such that they can be triads (i,i,1) are called trivial triads; the remaining triads are
implemented electronically by Simple circuits. The discus nontrivial. Condition (11) is Satisfied by omitting connec
Sion of how to meet these objects is begun by generalizing tions with trivial triads. Because neuron #1 is then not
the total dendrite current (1) to the expression 45 connected to anything, it can be omitted. However, we still
need a #1 output line for the DLS, if the DLS output is to be
I = XSify, yk), (7)
processed by the BLT in the backstroke. The #1 output line
must then be permanently clamped to +1,
y1=1. (12)
where f(y,y) product in (1). This step prepares for synapse The indices 2 to N can be permuted in such a manner that
functions other than a product of the two incoming neuron the triads become shift invariant. This means that, if (i,j,k)
signals. The tensor S. in (7) is the connection tensor. This is a nontrivial triad, So is (i+1+1,k+1). If a Sum exceeds N,
tensor Specifies how the neural net is hooked up; neurons a wrapping is applied, by changing the Sum S to (S-2)mod
and k are connected to a Synapse on the dendrite of neuron 55 (N-1)+2. The wrapping is Somewhat complicated because
i., if and only if the tensor component S is not zero. The of the identity role played by the unit integer, and physically,
dendrite current (7) implies that the Synapses are uniform, because neuron #1 is not implemented.
Since they all have the same output function f(...). Unifor The shift-invariant triad group over the index Set 2 for
mity of the Synapses further requires that all nonvanishing N=2", 1<ms 21, can be constructed by the following pro
components of the tensor S, have the same value; the latter 60 cedure. The trivial triads are of course (1,i,i), withie C2. The
is taken as unity, without loSS of generality. We also want the nontrivial triads (i,j,k) have indices in S2', the set of indices
Synapses to be Symmetric, which requires that the function from 2 to N. We will discuss how to recursively construct
f(...) is Such that m-dimensional bipolar vectors g, ieS2, Starting out with g,
which is chosen to have all components equal to -1. The
65 components of g, are here denoted as g., C =1 to m. For m
for all neuron Signals y and Z, and moreover that the any of the special values 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17,
connection tensor S satisfies the condition 18, 20, and 21, the recursion formulas are

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7 8
g;1...g. 1 for Cl=1 to n-1, (13) must connect the Synapses according to the Set B, and there
is a question of the order in which these connections are to
Si+1.m3.13.1+n: (14) be made. The ordering protocol requires that the connection
where n is given in Table I. Sequence of Synapses according to the Set B of triads (2,j,k)
be Such that j-k changes monotonically along the dendrite.
TABLE I An example of a dendrite that Satisfies the ordering protocol
as well as the Slope limitation condition for the dimension
2 1.
N=1024 is depicted in FIG. 1, where the dendrite #2 is
3 1.
denoted as 1. The dendrite runs roughly along the codiago
4 1. nal. In this case the slopes of the dendrite Segments are all
5 2 smaller than 2.5. The complete set of dendrites is found by
6 1. parallel displacement of dendrite #2, with displacement
7 1.
9 4
vectors that are multiples of the vector with Aj=1 and Ak=1.
1O 3 In FIG. 1 only a small fraction of the dendrites are shown,
11 2 15 lest the dendrite area appears completely black. The den
15 1. drites shown have a spacing of 64. Dendrite #66 is marked
17 3
18 7
as 2, and dendrite #1024 is marked as 3.
2O 3 The question remains how to organize the input lines to
21 2 the dendrites in VLSI or wafer-scale integration. The orga
nization is shown in FIG. 2, which depicts a preferred
embodiment for the dimension N=1024. As before, the
For the remaining values of m: 8, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 19, Eq. integer indices j and k in a triad (2.j,k) serve as Cartesian
(13) is used, but Eq. (14) is replaced by the formula given coordinates, the coordinate System being marked as 1.
in Table II.
Implementation of the triad (2.j,k) involves a Synapse with
25 input lines and k, and an output to dendrite #2, denoted as
2 in the Figure. The synapses on dendrite #2 are shown in
FIG. 2 as Small Squares, located on the kinks in the dendrite
#2. For instance, the Synapse that implements the triad
(2,431,563) is denoted as 3. A reverse wrapping has been
applied if it improves the Simplicity and compactness of the
chip; for instance, k=563 was actually plotted as k=-460.
From the dendrite #2, the other dendrites are found by
parallel displacement, using displacement Vectors that are
For given ms 21, Starting with g as the all-negative multiples of the vector (Aj.Ak)=(1,1), as discussed above. In
bipolar Vector, the bipolar Vectors ga. g., . . . , gy may be 35 FIG. 2, only two dendrites are shown: #2, denoted as 2, and
calculated with the recursion formulas given. It turns out that #1024, denoted as 12. In between these first and last
the Sequence g, ga. . . . , gy contains all bipolar Vectors of dendrites, the dendrite plane contains 1021 other dendrites,
a small fraction of which are shown in FIG.1. In accord with
dimension m, except for the all-positive vector. From this
Sequence, the nontrivial triads (2.j,k) are found, for every j=3 the use of the indices j and k in a Cartesian coordinate
to N, by finding an index k such that 40 System, the Signal input lines to the Synapses are arranged in
two planes that are parallel and close to the dendrite plane;
g=-g: (15) in each of the two planes the lines are parallel, and the lines
in one plane are perpendicular to the lines in the other plane.
Such an index jeS2' always exists. Once all the nontrivial The j plane contains “vertical” lines of fixed value; the
triads (2,j,k) are known, shift invariance determines the rest 45 vertical line j=2 is denoted in the FIGS. 2 as 4. The k-plane
of the nontrivial triads. contains “horizontal” input lines; the horizontal line k=258
It remains to choose a Subset B of the shift-invariant is denoted in the Figure as 5. The input lines in the two
nontrivial triads group Such that the connections made planes are connected with ties at the points that are indicated
according to the Subset can be implemented in VLSI or with circles in the Figure. The ties are short conductors that
wafer-Scale integration. The object is here to choose the 50 run perpendicular to the planes. The ties connect lines that
Subset B such that the dendrites do not get too crowded in have the same index. Therefore, they are placed at the points
the dendrite plane, i.e., the plane in which the dendrites are in the coordinate System where j=k. These points lie on a
located. The description of this condition is given here in "diagonal', and they are near one border of the chip or
terms of the codiagonal, defined as the Straight line which wafer; this border may be called the “lower border', with the
contains the points for which j+k=N, where the indices and 55 understanding that it runs under a 45° angle in the Figure.
k Serve as Cartesian coordinates in the dendrite plane. If Y, The tie at j=k=258 is denoted in the Figure as 6. The
0sys90, is the angle between the codiagonal and a wrapping, defined above, requires identification of certain
Straight-line Segment of the dendrite, then the slope of the lines with different indices. For instance, the vertical line
dendrite Segment is defined as tan Y. Overcrowding of the with j=1025 is also labelled as j=2, as Suggested by the
shift-invariant set of dendrites is avoided by limiting the 60 coordinates shown in the Figure at the point denoted as 7.
Slopes of the dendrite Segments to a value equal to 3 or So. The wrapping requires that ties are also placed along a
The Subset B of triads must itself be shift invariant, in diagonal near the “upper border of the chip or wafer. An
order to assure that the dendrites form a shift-invariant Set. example for Such a tie is denoted as 8. The Figure shows
The dendrite ifi must connect the Synapses with outputs to input lines at Spacings of 64. The actual spacing is unity, but
neuron i; let these Synapses be chosen according to the 65 lines with that spacing cannot be shown on the Scale of the
Subset B, of B. B. consists of the triads (i,j,k) of B for which Figure, Since the lines would completely fill the chip area an
the first index has the value i. The dendrite for neuron #2 make it appear black.

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The Synapse circuit to be chosen requires a doubling of Al-RRo/R, (17)
the input lines, so that every j line doubles into a j and a j where u is the slope of the Sigmoid function S(...) (see (2)), at
line, and every kline doubles into a kline and a kline. The the origin. Computer Simulations have shown the value u=50
+ lines and the -lines carry opposite Voltages. The input line to give good results, the performance of the Hadamard
doubling allows a simple passive circuit for the Sympses, in memory does not depend much on the precise value of u.
a manner to be discussed. For clarity, the doubling is not The choice of amplifier is influenced by the input resistance
shown in FIG. 2. Ties are made only between lines of the Ro, the input capacitance Co, the Slew rate, the input noise
Same type. current, and the ease of VLSI implementation in silicon. The
At each synapse location (j,k) connections are made from RoCo time corresponds to the time Step At=1 in the theory
the Synapse input ports called a and a respectively to the that uses normalized equation of motion (3). The RoCo time
j line and the j line, and connections are made from the and the Slew rate need to be appropriate to the Speed that is
remaining Synapse input ports b, and b respectively to the required of the Hadamard memory; computer Simulations
k line and the k line. These connections can be made very have shown that the Hadamard memory settles its output
Short, because of the placement of the Synapse. The Synapse within about /3 of the RC time, for u=50, and for initial
output port is connected to the dendrite that runs essentially 15 value coupling with coupling constants near unity. The value
through the point (jk), and thus this connection can be made of R also influences the magnitude of the current into the
very Short also. The Synapse can be implemented entirely in amplifiers; this current should be compared with the input
Silicon, with the circuit components located conveniently in noise current. It is emphasised that the Hadamard memory
a compact cluster centered at or near the point (jk), at has a large measure of noise tolerance, So that rather Small
convenient depths, reckoned from the dendrite plane. The j, Signal-to-noise ratioS are allowable at the amplifier input. Of
j, k and k lines, and the dendrites, are implemented on the course, the resistance R and the Voltage V influence the
chip or wafer by aluminum Strips or other electrical con power dissipation on the chip or wafer. Finally, there are
ductors. practical limitations on the values of R that can be imple
The dendrites collect the Synapse output currents, and mented in a simple manner in Silicon. The considerations
connect to the inputs of the amplifiers that implement the 25 mentioned can be used by those skilled in the art to arrive at
neurons. The upper insert in FIG. 2 shows how these a Sensible choice of the resistance R, and the feedback
connections are made, by depicting neuron #2, marked as 9, resistance R, together with the amplifier parameters.
with input provided by dendrite #2, marked as 10, and with The purpose of FIG. 4 is twofold: 1) to show a context in
the output connected to the horizontal line with k=2, marked which the Hadamard memory can be used, and 2) to
here as 11. Again the doubling of the neuron Signal lines is Schematically depict an extension of the Hadamard memory
not shown, really, amplifier 9 has two outputs, Say, c, and c, that causes the memory to provide a new Hadamard Vector
and the Voltages on these outputs have opposite values. for the purpose of Hebb learning, whenever Such learning is
The amplifiers that serve the role of neurons can be required. Shown is an SRM with frontStage 1 and rear stage
implemented as operational amplifiers for which the invert 2. The front stage is a BLT as described in the background
ing input is used as input port, while the noninverting input 35 section. The BLT transforms an input vector X into a vector
is grounded. A Sigmoidal output function is obtained either u, which is a linear combination of Hadamard vectors, with
as a consequence of the Saturation near the power Supply as coefficients the correlations between X and the Stored
Voltages, or by the use of Silicon diodes or Zener diodes in vectors q, The vector u is used as the input to the rear Stage
the feedback circuit, in a manner that is known to those 2. The rear Stage is a DLS as discussed in the background
skilled in the art. The amplifiers need to have two output 40 Section; it is a Hadamard memory, i.e., an associative
ports, c, and c, with opposite output Voltages. This can be memory that has a complete Set of Hadamard Vectors as
achieved in a manner that is known to those skilled in the art. Stored States.
Power supply voltages may be chosen as +2.5V. The Hadamard memory 2 returns to the BLT 1 the vector
The layout depicted in FIG. 2 features short connections he, the Hadamard vector 4 that is dominant in the vector u.
and a compact design for VLSI or wafer-Scale integration. 45 In the backstroke 5, the BLT 1 acts on he, and produces as
FIG. 3 shows the Simple passive circuit for the Synapses. output 6 the stored vector q that is nearest the input X,
A single Synapses is shown with input ports a, a, b, and marked as 7. Upon presentation of an input vector X that is
b, respectively marked as 1, 2, 3, and 4, and with an output far from any of the Stored vectors, there is need for activating
port marked as 5. The circuit consists of eight resistors with a Hebb learning procedure, that ultimately must result in the
resistance R, and four Substantially identical diodes, hooked 50 addition of the vector X to the set of stored vectors. The
up as shown. It is easy to see that, with Voltages X, -X, y, and learning procedure requires the addition of a matrix (6) to
-y applied respectively to the input ports a, a , b, and b, the connection matrix B of the BLT. The vector h, in (6) is
the current from the output port 5 to ground is approximately a “new” Hadamard vector, i.e., a Hadamard vector that has
equal to not yet been used as a label for a stored state. The Hebb
55 learning (6) is indicated schematically in FIG. 4 by heavy
lines with arrows. The heavy vertical line 8 depicts the
where d is the forward diode barrier Voltage, and g() is a transfer of the input vector X to the BLT, for use in the outer
function Such that g(q)=q for postive q, and g(q)=0 for product (6), and likewise, the heavy horizontal line 9 depicts
negative or Zero q. For implementations in Silicon, the the transfer of the vector h, to the BLT, for use in (6). A
diodes will have a forward barrier of about 0.6V. Computer 60 discussion of the physical proceSS used for the modification
Simulations have shown Such a barrier to be acceptable, if of the BLT synapses in the manner of (6) falls outside the
the maximum neuron output Voltage is chosen as V=2.5V or present invention. The Hebb learning is discussed here
SO. merely to provide context for the extension of the Hadamard
The choice of the resistance R is to be made with the memory, which causes the Hadamard memory to provide a
following considerations. The resistance R is related to the 65 new Hadamard vector h, when learning is required. The
input resistance Ro of the amplifiers and the feedback extension comprises a correlator 10, a bipolar counter 11,
resistance R of the amplifiers through the relation and Switches 12. The bipolar counter has the bit length

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11 12
m=logN. The correlator routinely computes the Scalar prod that is Substantially proportional to the function g(x+y)-g
uct between the vector u and the vector he, the latter vector (x-y-d) discussed above, where d=0.48, which corre
being the response of the Hadamard memory to its input u sponds to the diode barrier of 0.6V of silicon diodes, after
that is provided by the BLT. When the scalar product applying a Scale adjustment from practical Signal Voltage
computed by the correlator falls below a predetermined limits of +2.5V to the bipolar values * 1 used in the theory.
positive number that may be considered a learning The numerical integrations of the equations of motion (3)
parameter, processes are activated that are indicated by the were made with time steps of magnitude RoC/50, where Ro
heavy lines 13, 14, and 15. First, a control signal along line and Co are respectively the input resistance and input
13 causes the counter to be incremented. Second, the bipolar capacitance of the operational amplifiers that represent the
counter word is concatenated with a string of Zeros, Such as neurons. AS aluded to above, in (3) we have Ro=1 and Co=1
to form an N-dimensional vector w, that is denoted as 16. as a matter of normalization. The neuron output function
Third, the vector w is presented to the Hadamard memory 2 S(..), that occurs in (2), was chosen as a piece wise linear
as an input. The Second and third steps are performed function with a gain u (slope) of 50. This means that the
together by Switches 12, which connect the first m input amplifierS Start to Saturate to the bipolar values t1 at
terminals of the Hadamard memory with the counter output, 15 activations of t0.02. Initial-value coupling was used, with a
and which ground the remaining input terminals m+1 to N. coupling constant of unity.
In response to the input vector W, the Hadamard memory 2 In the computations of associative recall, the input vectors
produces as output hy, the Hadamard vector for which the u to the Hadamard memory were chosen as bipolar cor
components 2 to m+1 are proportional to the bipolar counter rupted versions of Hadamard vectors, the corruption being
word. This result is obtained because of the manner in which applied to 400 of the 1024 bipolar components; hence, the
the memory 2 is connected. As a result of the peculiar components at 400 places were multiplied by -1. The
connections, the memory 2, after being presented an input Hamming distance of 400 between input vector and the
vector, always Settles into a Stationary State that is one of a nearest Hadamard vector amounts to an angle of 77
complete set of Hadamard vectors of a kind that display shift between the two vectors. In the actual computations, the
invariance, and that can be generated by a maximal-length 25 input vectors always had the Hadamard vector h as the
shift-register sequence 13). Such Hadamard vectors have nearest Hadamard vector. This restriction does not constitute
the window property 13). As a result, there exists a one a loSS of generality, because of the invariance of the dynam
to-one correspondence between these Hadamard vectors and ics under the Hadamard group 15.
the bipolar vectors of dimension m. The latter vectors may The computations discussed were performed for a
be seen as the counter words. The correspondence is realized pseudo-random sample of input vectors. The 26973 cases
Simply by letting the Hadamard memory 2 respond to the computed So far have given perfect associative recall, with
vector W described above, the response being the Hadamard the exception of 3 cases, for which the memory Settled on the
Vector neareSt W. wrong Hadamard vector.
Several comments are in order. The good associative recall, in spite of the skimpy Set of
First, we report the results of extensive numerical com 35 connections that include only 5.5% of the full set implied by
putations of associative recall of the Hadamard memory. (5), is not well understood. It has to do with the exquisite
These numerical computations were done for data dimen Selectivity of the keys that are provided by the connections
Sion N=1024, for each input vector, the computations according to triads; these keys match the class of Hadamard
involve numerical integration of the 1023 coupled nonlinear vectors used. The operation of these keys may be likened
differential equations (3), using a dendrite current I pro 40 somewhat to the transcription of DNA.
vided by 28 synapses for each value of the index i, with The connections have here been defined by a Subset B of
connections chosen from a Set B of nontrivial Synapses, B the triad group. A construction of the triad group has been
being a Subset of the triad group over the integers from 1 to given here by means of recursion. The triad group can also
1024. The set B was determined by shifts of the 28 triads be derived in another manner which is equivalent to our first
(2.5.12), (2,502,545), (2,512.517), (2,16,1019), (2,30,1013), 45 procedure, but is much more cumberSome when N is large.
(2.53,967), (2,58,1001), (2,77,956), (2,127,905), (2,152, The alternate method goes back to the Subtracted connection
887), (2,115,941), (2,172,870), (2.252,785), (2,257,771), matrix (5). As a first step, a complete set of Hadamard
(2,343,684), (2,390,660), (2,408,638), (2,427,609), (2,477, vectors he, C-1 to N, is calculated in Some manner. Then
575), (2,479,551), (2.207,798), (2,193,852), (2,283,736), one calculates all (N-1)(N-2)(N-3)/3 components of the
(2,187.830), (2,328,697), (2,384,679), (2,429,569), and 50 tensor S., for which none of the indices is unity and all
(2,431,563). These triads were determined by the procedure indices are different, Skipping components with permuted
discussed above. Applying shifts to the triads means adding, indices. The set of triplets {i,j,k} for which Sz0 then
to all integers of each triad, a fixed integer p, which define the full set of connections for the Hadamard memory.
Succesively is taken as 0, 1, ... 1023. Wrapping is applied If this procedure is followed for N a power 2, and if the
when necessary. The collection of all triads formed by 55 Hadamard vectors are constructed from maximal-length
applying shifts to the 28 triads shown above is the set B; shift-register sequences, then the triplets {i,j,k} are identical
clearly B is shift-invariant. The dendrites shown in FIGS. 1 to the nontrivial triads of the triad Set over S2, and hence,
and 2 are constructed for this case. Hence, dendrite #2, the alternate procedure is equivalent to our first. The equiva
marked in FIG. 1 as 1, and marked in FIG. 2 as 2, connects lence is due to the fact that 1) the Hadamard vectors
the Synapses that correspond to the list of triads (2,j,k) 60 constructed from maximal-length shift-register Sequences
shown. AS discussed above, the indices and k are used as form a group under component-wise multiplication, 2) this
Cartesian coordinates for the Synapse locations in the den group is a representation of the triad group, and 3) the
drite plane, as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2. Hadamard vectors So constructed have the window property
The set B of triads used includes only about 5.5% of all 13).
nontrivial triads in the triad group over G2. 65 Although the construction of Hadamard vectors from
The Synapses used in the numerical computations all have maximal-length shift-register Sequences requires N to be a
the RD circuit of FIG. 3, giving an output current to ground power of 2, the alternate procedure can be executed for Some

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13 14
other dimensions N. For instance, there is the construction of currents are reduced to Zero in Simultaneous fashion shortly
Hadamard vectors by quadratic residues, valid for any after the net dynamics has been Started, the coupling is initial
dimension N that is a multiple of 4 and equal to a prime plus Value coupling.
unity 13). If, for such an N that is not a power of 2, the In FIGS. 1 and 2 we admit to some fudging that was done
alternated procedure is followed, the number of nonzero because the number of gaps between adjacent dendrites is
components of the connection tensor S is of order N, not divisible by 64.
instead of O(N’), found when N is a power of 2, and our first The recursions described by formula (13) and (14),
procedure is followed. This proliferation of connections is together with Tables I and II, for values of m from 2 to 20,
due to the loSS of group property of the Hadamard vectors. have been derived from Table A.2. of 13, by transcribing
Since the proof of stability 4 of Hadamard vectors in the the polynomials as products, in a manner that will be clear
discrete model relies on the group property of the Hadamard from inspection. The recursion formula for m=21 was deter
vectors, this Stability is then in question also. Finally, there mined by a numerical computation, using the criterion that
is the disadvantage that the nonvanishing components of the the Sequence of Vectors g. generated must include all
m-dimensional bipolar vectors, with the exception of the
connection tensor S. do not all have the same value.
There exist dimensions N that are of the above mentioned 15
all-positive vector.
The concept of Selective Reflexive Memory (SRM) was
form, but which also are powers of 2; N=4, 8, 32 are introduced and developed in 1-4,14-16). The SRM has as
examples. For N=4 or N=8 the Hadamard vectors con rear Stage a Hadamard memory. Investigation of the asyn
Structed by quadratic residues coincide with the Hadamard chronous discrete model of the Hadamard memory has been
vectors constructed from maximal-lenght shift-register reported in detail in 4, and a Summary on this work is
Sequences, and therefore the alternate procedure, using the shown in 2). The continuous model for the Hadamard
quadratic residue construction, leads to the triad group. memory is discussed in 14), and a partial Summary is given
However, for N=32 the Hadamard vectors constructed from in 3). The group theory for Hadamard memories is devel
quadratic residues are essentially different from those con oped in 15 and 16). An overview of the SRM, with
Structed from maximal-length shift-register Sequences, and emphasis on the Hadamard memory, is given in 16. The
they do not form a group under component-wise multipli 25 extension of the Hadamard memory, arranged to provide
cation. As a consequence, there is no triad group, and the new Hadamard vectors for Hebb learning purposes is dis
number of connections is undully large. Therefore, not only cussed in 16.
must the dimension N be restricted to a power of 2, but one The invention is not limited by the embodiments shown in
also needs to use Hadamard vectors generated from the drawings and described in the description, which are
maximal-length shift-register Sequences, if one wants to given by way of example and not of limitation, but only in
follow the alternate procedure for finding the triad group. accordance with the Scope of the appended claims.
Of course, one can ignore the triad group altogether, and REFERENCES
choose a Subset of connections from the connections implied
by the connection tensor (4) or (5). However, whether or not 1 H. G. Loos, “Reflexive Associative Memories”, in NEU
the triad group is acknowledged, this procedure is equivalent 35 RAL INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS, Ed.
to the method that is phrased in terms of the triad group. Dana Z. Anderson, American Institute of Physics, New
Switches may be chosen as Solid-State Switches, built in York, 1988, p.495
CMOS, if great speed is not required. Substantial simulta 2 H. G. Loos, “Quadratic Hadamard Memories”,
neity of Switching of the different components of vectors Proceedings, International Joint Conference on Neural
may be an issue, depending on the Slew rate of the 40 Networks, San Diego, Calif., Jun. 17-21, 1990, p. I-735
amplifiers, and high-speed Switches may be required for 3 H. G. Loos, “Continuum Model for Quadratic
proper operation of the Hadamard memory. Memories”, Proceedings, International Joint Conference
The three couplings, initial value coupling, external on Neural Networks, Seattle, Wash., Jul. 8-12, 1991,
coupling, and combined coupling, that were described p.11-297
briefly in the background Section, are used in the present 45 4 H. G. Loos, “Quadratic Hadamard Memories I”, Tech.
invention in the following manner. Rep. #1, ARPA Order No. 6429, Contract DAAHO1-88
In all cases considered, the input currents u, n=2 to N, are C-0887, 1989
applied directly to the amplifier inputs in a Substantially 5 B. Kosko, Proceedings IEEE International Conference
Synchronous manner. If this is done to amplifiers without on Neural Networks (ICNN-87), p.II-261 (1987)
input Switches, the coupling of input currents to the Had 50 6 B. Kosko, IEEE Trans. SMC-18, 49 (1988)
amard memory constitutes an external coupling, with an 7 B. Kosko, Appl. Optics 26, 4947 (1987)
initial activation that is “left over” from the previous round 8 H. H. Chen, Y. C. Lee, G. Z. Sun, and H. Y. Lee, “High
of associative recall. For this coupling, computer Simula Order Correlation Model for Associative Memory”, in
tions have shown the Hadamard memory to perform well if NEURAL NETWORKS FOR COMPUTING, AIP Con
the currents u, have the magnitude V/R, where V is the 55 ference Proceedings #151, p.86 (1986)
maximum magnitude of the neuron Signals, and R is the 9 D.J. Volper and S. E. Hampson, Neural Networks 3,93
resistance of the resistors in the synapse circuit of FIG. 3. (1990)
If Switches are provided between dendrites and amplifier 10 J. J. Hopfield, “Neural networks and physical systems
inputs, and the Switches are opened before the input currents with emergent collective computational abilities”, Proc.
u, n=2 to N, are applied to the amplifier input ports, then the 60 Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 79, 2554 (1982)
Synapse outputs are disconnected from the amplifier inputs, 11C. Mead, ANALOG VLSI AND NEURAL SYSTEMS,
So that the amplifier activations are just the current inputs. Addison-Wesley, New York, 1989
By closing the input Switches in Simultaneous fashion, the 12 D. O. Hebb, ORGANIZATION OF BEHAVIOR; A
full net dynamicS is Started, using as initial activations the NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY, Wiley, New
input currents u. If the input currents u, are maintained 65 York, 1949
while the dynamical development of the Signal State 13.M. Harwit and N.J. A. Sloane, HADAMARD TRANS
proceeds, we have a case of combined coupling. If the input FORM OPTICS, Academic Press, New York, 1979

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15 16
14 H. G. Loos, Quadratic Hadamard Memories II”, Tech. circuit means for Outputting Voltages y, n=1 to N, y
Rep. #2, ARPA Order No. 6429, Contract DAAHO1-88 being the said predetermined positive voltage, and y,
C-0887, 1990 n=2 to N, being the Voltage on A(c.).
15 H. G. Loos, “Group Theory of Memories with Qua 2. An apparatus according to claim 1, further including:
dratic Activation”, Tech. Rep. #3, ARPA Order No. 6429, circuit means for a bipolar counter, the Said bipolar
Contract DAAHO1-88-C-0887, 1991 counter having a bit length m=log-N, the Said bipolar
16. H. G. Loos, “Adaptive Stochastic Content-Addressable counter having output ports p, q=1 to m, the voltage on
Memory”, Final Report, ARPA Order No. 6429, Contract p, being called the bipolar counter output q;
DAAHO1-88-C-0887, 1991
I claim: 1O
circuit means for a correlator, the Said correlator having an
1. An apparatus for an electronic neural network that output port, the Said circuit means being Such that the
Serves as an associative memory in which the Stored States Voltage at the last Said output port is Substantially
are Hadamard vectors of dimension N, the said dimension N proportional to the Scalar product of a first vector and
being a power of 2, the Said apparatus comprising: a Second vector, the Said first vector being the Said input
circuit means for N-1 amplifiers A, n=2 to N, each of the 15
Vector to the Said associative memory, and the Said
Said amplifiers having an input port and two output Second vector having as components the Said Voltages
ports denoted as output port c, and output port c, the y, n=1 to N,
input port of amplifier A, being denoted as A(a), the circuit means for incrementing the Said bipolar counter;
output port c of amplifier A, being denoted as A(C) circuit means for applying, in Substantially simultaneous
and the ouput port c of amplifier A, being denoted as fashion for every integer n from 2 to N, a current w, to
A(c), said circuit means being Such that the said input conductor C, the Said current W., for nsm+1, being
port is held Substantially at Zero potential, the Voltages proportional to the Said bipolar counter output q, where
at the Said output port c, and the Said output port c q=n-1, and the Said current W., for n>m+1, being
have Substantially opposite values, and the Voltage at Substantially Zero;
the said output port c is S(I), where I is the current into 25 circuit means for activating the Said incrementing, as a
the Said input port, and S() is a sigmoidal function result of the last Said Voltage being less than a prede
which is Substantially antisymmetric and ranges Sub termined value; and
stantially from -V to V, V being a predetermined circuit means for commencing the Said applying, as a
positive Voltage; result of the Said incrementing.
circuit means for K electronic units, K being divisible by 3. An apparatus according to claim 1, in which the Said
3, each Said electronic unit being called a Synapse, each circuit means for the Said electronic unit is comprised of
Said Synapse having one output port and four input connections, resistorSR, b=1 to 8, and diodes D, c=1 to 4,
ports, denoted as input port a, input port a , input port the terminals of resistor R, being denoted as R(1) and
b, and input port b, the Said circuit means being Such R(2), the terminals of diode D being denoted as D.(1) and
that, when Substantially opposite Voltages are applied 35 D(2), Such that current can be passed through the said diode
to the Said input port a and the said input port a , and D. in the direction from D.(1) to D.(2), c=1 to 4, the said
Substantially opposite Voltages are applied to the Said connections being Such that the Said output port of the Said
input port band the said input port b, the current from Synapse is connected to D (2), D(1), D(2), and D.(1),
the Said output port to ground is Substantially propor D. (1) is connected to R(1) and R(1), D(2) is connected to
tional to g(x+y-d)-g(x-y-d), where X and y are 40 R(1) and R(1), D(1) is connected to R(1) and R(1),
respectively the Voltages at the Said input port a, and D(2) is connected to R7(1) and R(1), the said portal of the
the Said input port b, and where furthermore d and d. last Said Synapse is connected to R. (2) and Rs(2), the said
are constants, and g(.) is a function Such that g(q)=q if port a of the last said Synapse is connected to R(2) and
q>0, else Zero; Rs(2), the said port b of the last said synapse is connected
connections between each of the Said amplifiers and a 45 to R(2) and R(2), and the said port b of the last Said
plurality of Said electronic units, a connection existing Synapse is connected to R(2) and R7(2).
between A.(c.) and the said input port a. of a said 4. An apparatus according to claim 2, in which the Said
Synapse, a connection existing between A.(c), and the circuit means for the Said electronic unit is comprised of
Said input port a of the last Said Synapse, a connection connections, resistors R., b=1 to 8, and diodes D, c=1 to 4,
existing between A.(c) and the said input port b of the 50 the terminals of resistor R, being denoted as R(1) and
last said Synapse, a connection existing between A.(c) R(2), the terminals of diode D being denoted as D.(1) and
and the Said input port b of the last Said Synapse, and D(2), Such that current can be passed through the said diode
a connection existing between the Said output port of D. in the direction from D.(1) to D.(2), c=1 to 4, the said
the last said Synapse and A(a), if and only if the connections being Such that the Said output port of the Said
integers i, j, and k occur together in a triad that belongs 55 Synapse is connected to D (2), D(1), D(2), and D.(1),
to a fixed shift-invariant triad set B, the said triad set B D. (1) is connected to R(1) and R(1), D(2) is connected to
having a cardinality equal to K/3, the Said triad Set B R(1) and R(1), D(1) is connected to Rs.(1) and R(1),
being a subset of the set of nontrivial triads for the D(2) is connected to R7(1) and R(1), the said portal of the
shift-invariant triad group over the integers from 1 to N, last Said Synapse is connected to R. (2) and Rs(2), the said
the Said triad group being Such that the integer 1 Serves 60 port a of the last said Synapse is connected to R(2) and
as the identity element; Rs(2), the said port b of the last said synapse is connected
N-1 conductors C, n=2 to N: to R(2) and R(2), and the said port b of the last Said
a connection, for every n=2 to N, between conductor C, Synapse is connected to R(2) and R,(2).
and A.(a); and 5. An apparatus for an electronic neural network that
circuit means for applying, for every n=2 to N, a current 65 Serves as an associative memory in which the Stored States
u to conductor C, the Said current u, being applied for are Hadamard vectors of dimension N, the said dimension N
all n=2 to N in a Substantially simultaneous manner; being a power of 2, comprising:

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17 18
circuit means for N-1 amplifiers A, n=2 to N, each of the 6. An apparatus according to claim 5, further including:
Said amplifiers having an input port, and two output circuit means for a bipolar counter, the Said bipolar
ports denoted as output port c, and output port c, the counter having a bit length m=log-N, the Said bipolar
input port of amplifier A, being denoted as A(a), the counter having output ports p, q=1 to m, the Voltage on
output port c of amplifier A, being denoted as A(c), p, being called the bipolar counter output q;
and the output port c of amplifier A, being called circuit means for a correlator, the Said correlator having an
A(c), said circuit means being Such that the said input output port, the Said circuit means being Such that the
port is held Substantially at Zero potential, the Voltages Voltage at the last Said output port is Substantially
at the said output port c and the said output port c proportional to the Scalar product of a first vector and
have Substantially opposite values, and the Voltage at a Second vector, the Said first vector being the Said input
the said output port c is S(I), where I is the current into Vector to the Said associative memory, and the Said
the Said input port, and S() is a sigmoidal function Second vector having as components the Said Voltages
which is Substantially antisymmetric and ranges Sub y, n=1 to N,
stantially from -V to V, V being a predetermined circuit means for incrementing the Said bipolar counter;
positive Voltage; 15 circuit means for opening, for each n=2 to N, the Said
circuit means for K electronic units, K being divisible by Switch n;
3, each of the Said electronic unit being called a circuit means for applying, in Substantially simultaneous
Synapse, each Said Synapse having one output port and fashion for each integer n from 2 to N, a current W, to
four input ports, denoted as input porta, input portal, conductor C, the Said current W., for nsm+1, being
input port b, and input port b, the Said circuit means proportional to the Said bipolar counter output q, where
being Such that, when Substantially opposite Voltages q=n-1, and the Said current W., for n>m+1 being
are applied to the Said input port a and the Said input Substantially Zero;
port a, and Substantially opposite Voltages are applied circuit means for closing, for each n=2 to N, the Said
to the said input port band the said input port b , the Switch n, the Said circuit means being Such that the Said
current from the Said output port to ground is Substan 25 closing being done in Substantially simultaneous fash
tially proportional to g(x+y|-d)-g(x-y-d), where X ion for all b=2 to N:
and y are respectively the Voltages at the Said input port circuit means for activating the Said incrementing, as a
a and the said input port b, and where furthermore d result of last Said Voltage being less than a predeter
and d are constants, and g(.) is a function Such that mined value; and
g(q)=q if q>0, else Zero; circuit means for commencing the Said applying, as a
a conductor for every integer n=2 to N, the Said conductor result of the Said incrementing.
being called the dendrite n, 7. An apparatus according to claim 5, in which the Said
circuit means for a Switch for every integer n=2 to N, the circuit means for the Said electronic unit is comprised of
said Switch being of SPST type, the said Switch having connections, resistorSR, b=1 to 8, and diodes D, c=1 to 4,
two terminals, the Said terminals being called Sands, 35 the terminals of resistor R, being denoted as R(1) and
the Said Switch being called the Switch n; R(2), the terminals of diode D being denoted as D.(1) and
a connection, for every n=2 to N, between the Said D(2), Such that current can be passed through the said diode
terminal S of the Said Switch n and the Said dendrite n; D. in the direction from D.(1) to D.(2), c=1 to 4, the said
a connection, for every n=2 to N, between the Said connections being Such that the Said output port of the Said
terminal S of the said Switch n and A(a);
40 Synapse is connected to D (2), D(1), D(2), and D.(1),D
connections between each of the Said amplifiers and a (1) is connected to R(1) and R(1), D(2) is connected to
plurality of Said electronic units, a connection existing R(1) and R(1), D(1) is connected to R(1) and R(1),
D(2) is connected to R7(1) and R(1), the said portal of the
between A.(c.) and the said input port a. of a said last Said Synapse is connected to R. (2) and Rs(2), the said
Synapse, a connection existing between A.(c), and the 45 port a of the last said Synapse is connected to R(2) and
Said input port a of the last Said Synapse, a connection Rs(2), the said port b of the last said synapse is connected
existing between A.(c) and the said input port b of the to R(2) and R(2), and the said port b of the last Said
last said Synapse, a connection existing between A.(c) Synapse is connected to R(2) and R7(2).
and the Said input port b of the last Said Synapse, and 8. An apparatus according to claim 6, in which the Said
a connection existing between the Said output port of 50 circuit means for the Said electronic unit is comprised of
the last Said Synapse and the dendrite i, if and only if the connections, resistorSR, b=1 to 8, and diodes D, c=1 to 4,
integers i, j, and k occur together in a triad that belongs the terminals of resistor R, being denoted as R(1) and
to a fixed shift-invariant triad set B, the said triad set B R(2), the terminals of diode D being denoted as D.(1) and
having a cardinality equal to K/3, the Said triad Set B D(2), Such that current can be passed through the said
being a subset of the set of nontrivial triads for the 55 diode, from D.(1) to D. (2), c=1 to 4, the said connections
shift-invariant triad group over the integers from 1 to N, being Such that the Said output port of the Said Synapse is
the Said triad group being Such that the integer 1 Serves connected to D (2), D(1), D(2), and D.(1), D (1) is
as the identity element; connected to R(1) and R(1), D(2) is connected to R(1)
conductors C, n=2 to N, and R(1), D(1) is connected to Rs.(1) and R(1), D(2) is
a connection, for every n=2 to N, between conductor C, 60 connected to R7(1) and Rs.(1), the said portal of the last Said
A.(a); and Synapse is connected to R. (2) and Rs(2), the said port a of
circuit means for applying, for every n=2 to N, a current the last Said Synapse is connected to R. (2) and Rs.(2), the
u to conductor C, the current u, being applied for all said port b of the last said Synapse is connected to R(2) and
n=2 to N in a Substantially simultaneous manner; and R(2), and the said port b of the last said Synapse is
circuit means for Outputting Voltages y, n=1 to N, y 65 connected to R(2) and R7(2).
being the Said predetermined positive Voltage, and y, 9. In a neural network that includes Synapses and neurons
n=2 to N, being the Voltage on A(c.). A, n=2 to N, N being a power of 2, Said Synapses having

archived by triple7inc
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two inputs and one output, a method for connecting neurons 10. A method according to claim 9, further including the
to Synapses, the Said method comprising: Steps of
constructing the shift-invariant triad group over the inte Selecting a Subset B of B, the Subset B being comprised
gers from 1 to N, the Said group being Such that the of all triads (2,j,k), the Said Subset B defining the
integer 1 Serves as the identity element, the Structure of dendrite for neuron A, the Said dendrite having
the group being expressed by triads, the triad with Straight-line Segments, each of the Said Segments hav
integers i, j, and k being denoted by (i,j,k), ing a slope; and
Selecting the Set S of Said triads that do not include the restricting the Said Subset B in Such a manner that each of
integer 1, the Said slopes of the Segments of the dendrite is at most
1O a fixed positive number that is Smaller than 4.
Selecting a proper Subset B of S, Said Subset B being 11. In a neural network that includes neurons, the method
shift-invariant; and of providing activations that Substantially are Sums of Sig
connecting the output of neuron A, and the output of nals g(x+y|-d)-g(x-y-d), where X and y are outputs of
neuron A respectively to one input and to the other two of the said neurons, d and d are constants, and g(.) is
input of a Said Synapse, and connecting the output of 15 a function Such that g(q)=q if q>0, else Zero.
the last Said Synapse to the input of neuron A, if and
only if the triad (i,j,k) belongs to the said Subset B. k k k k k


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