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Primera Ley de Newton1

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Universidad Politécnica De Cuautitlán Izcalli

Ingeniería Biomédica

Signature: FÍSICA

Topic: Newton's first law

Teacher: Miguel Villar

Student: Frida Paloma Cruz Carmona

Group: 110102

MARZO de 2023. Cuautitlán Izcalli, Estado

de México.

Newton's first law, also known as the law of inertia, is one of the fundamental laws

of physics that describes the behavior of objects at rest or in motion. This law

states that an object will remain in its state of rest or uniform rectilinear motion

unless an external force acts on it.

In other words, a moving object will continue to move at a constant speed and in a

straight line, while an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by a net

force. This law is important in understanding the motion of objects in the physical

world and applies to a wide variety of situations, from the motion of planets in

space to the motion of objects in our everyday lives. Furthermore, the first

Newton's law states that an object's momentum (its speed and direction) will

remain constant unless an external force acts on it. Therefore, if an object is in

motion and a net force acts on it, its speed and direction will change depending on

the magnitude and direction of the applied force..

Newton's first law

The English physicist, mathematician, and astronomer Sir Isaac Newton (1642-

1727), based on the studies of Galileo and Descartes, published 1684 the first great

work of Physics: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, also known as

Principia. In the first of the three parts into which the work is divided, he exposes the

relationships between forces and their dynamic effects in three laws: the laws of


• Newton's first law or principle of inertia

• Newton's second law or fundamental principle.

• Newton’s third law or principle of action react

if it is at rest
continues at rest

law of inertia
if it moves continue
in the same way
without turning or
changing its speed
→ What is inertia?

This tendency that things have to keep moving as if

following a straight line was baptized by Galileo as

"Inertia", hence the name of this law. It refers to a

displacement in the same direction and at a constant

speed, without accelerating or stopping.

The inertia of an object is measured by its mass. Mass can be determined by measuring

how hard it is for an object to accelerate. The more mass an object has, the harder it will

be to accelerate.

Also, generally speaking, the more "stuff" or matter there is in something, the more mass it

will have, and the more difficult it will be to change its velocity, that is, to speed it up.

What is meant by force, external force, and net force?

First, we have to understand what force is; force is a push or pulls exerted on an object by

another object. The units of force F are called Newtons or simply N.

That being said, what is the external force?

→ External force

It is a force that originates from outside an object, rather than being a force

internal to an object. For example, the force of gravity that the Earth exerts on the

Moon is an external force on the Moon.

→ Net force

The interaction of two or more forces acting on an object produces a single force.

→ Example

Example 1: drifting space probe

A drifting space probe moves to the right with constant velocity in deep interstellar space, far

from any influence due to planets and stars, with its rockets turned off. If two of its boosters

were to fire simultaneously, exerting identical forces to the right and the left in the directions

shown, what would happen to the rocket's motion?

1. The space probe would continue with constant speed.

2. The space probe would increase its speed.

3. The space probe would slow down and eventually stop.

4. The space probe would stop immediately.

The correct answer is 1. According to Newton's first law, a nonzero net force is required to

change the velocity of an object. The net force on the space probe is zero—since the forces

on it cancel—so there is no change in the speed of the probe

Example 2: the trajectory of a space probe

A drifting space probe is moving to the right with constant velocity in deep

interstellar space, far from any influence due to planets and stars. If one of its

thrusters is turned on and off to generate a small amount of force in the direction

shown, what would be the best representation of the path traveled by the probe

after the thruster is turned off?

1. Trajectory a
2. . Trajectory b
3. . Trajectory c
4. trajectory d

The correct answer is c. After the thruster is turned off, there will be no net force on the space

probe. Once the net force is zero, the velocity—both magnitude and direction—must remain

constant. As a consequence of Newton's first law, the space probe moves in a straight line

with constant speed. The fact that there was a vertical force on the space probe does not

affect its horizontal speed, only the vertical speed changes. Constant vertical and horizontal

velocity results in a diagonal straight line through space.


In conclusion, Newton's first law, also known as the law of inertia, states that an object at

rest will remain at rest and a moving object will continue to move at a constant velocity in a

straight line unless acted upon by a net force. This law is fundamental to understanding

the behavior of objects in the physical world since it describes the tendency of objects to

resist any change in their state of motion unless an external force acts on them. Newton's

first law is important in a wide variety of situations, from the motion of planets in space to

the motion of objects in our everyday lives, and is the foundation for understanding

Newton's other two laws and many other concepts. in physics.


• ¿Qué es la primera ley de Newton? (artículo). (s. f.). Khan Academy.



• Leyes de Newton: Primera ley de Newton: la inercia. (s. f.). GCFGlobal.org.


• Leyes de Newton. (s. f.). http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbasees/newt.html

• Leyes de Newton. (2022b, septiembre 16). Ferrovial.


• Luis R., J. (2021, 31 julio). Primera ley de Newton (Inercia) | Que es, ejemplos.

ComoFunciona. https://como-funciona.co/primera-ley-de-newton-inercia/

• Velázquez, Y. P. (2015). Aspectos históricos, filosóficos y físicos de la Primera Ley

de Newton | Eutopía.


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