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CF34-10E Service Bulletin No 72-0034 R00

Revised: 06/02/2006 Issued: 06/02/2006

SB 72-0034 R00 ENGINE - General (72-00-00) - Introduction of Improved High
Pressure Compressor Stator Case Horizontal Flange Bolt PN J815P026A


The information contained in this publication is GE proprietary

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GE and shall not be used, disclosed to others or reproduced without
the express written consent of GE, including, but without
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All technical documentation and information contained herein, with

respect to assembly and disassembly, cleaning, inspection methods
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to non-GE-approved parts and repairs.

Copyright (2006) General Electric Company, U.S.A.

A. Effectivity
(1) This Service Bulletin is applicable to these CF34-10E
turbofan engines:
• CF34-10E engines, serial numbers 994101 through 994183.
(2) The improvement described in this Service Bulletin has
been introduced on these CF34-10E engine serial numbers
• CF34-10E engines, serial numbers 994184 and up.
B. Concurrent Requirements
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CF34-10E Service Bulletin No 72-0034 R00
Revised: 06/02/2006 Issued: 06/02/2006
SB 72-0034 R00 ENGINE - General (72-00-00) - Introduction of Improved High
Pressure Compressor Stator Case Horizontal Flange Bolt PN J815P026A

C. Description
This Service Bulletin introduces a high pressure compressor
(HPC) stator case horizontal flange double hexagon head bolt
PN J815P026A to eliminate the likelihood the nut will bottom
out on the incomplete bolt threads. When the nut bottoms out
there is a possibility that it will lead to a reduced
clamp/leakage for those locations. The ultimate capability
is not compromised with the original stack-up, however to
ensure best practices GE recommends using the new
D. Compliance
Category 5
GE recommends that you do this Service Bulletin as soon as
the HPC stator case horizontal flange double hexagon head
bolts PN J815P028A are removed from the engine.
E. Reason
(1) Objective:
To replace the HPC stator case horizontal flange double
head hexagon, PN J815P028A for a new horizontal flange
double head hexagon bolt PN J815P026A
(2) Condition:
A possibility exists that the bolts near the forward end
of the HPC stator case horizontal flange may currently
have incomplete threads partially engaged. This condition
could lead to reduced clamp/leakage at those locations.
Ultimate capability is not affected.
(3) Cause:
At locations where the HPC stator case horizontal flange
is thinner (near the front) the longer double hexagon head
bolt may bottom out before clamping on the flange. This
stack-up was overlooked when the HPC case bolted joints
were originally designed.
(4) Improvement:
The proposed HPC stator case horizontal flange double
hexagon head bolt, PN J815P026A, is identical to the
current double hexagon head bolt, PN J815P028A, except the
unthreaded shank length and total length are slightly
(5) Substantiation:
The proposed bolt, PN J815P026A, meets the requirement of
having two threads protrude past the end of the nut (for
self-locking) and the requirement that the nut not bottom
out on the bolt before clamping on the flange. The main
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CF34-10E Service Bulletin No 72-0034 R00
Revised: 06/02/2006 Issued: 06/02/2006
SB 72-0034 R00 ENGINE - General (72-00-00) - Introduction of Improved High
Pressure Compressor Stator Case Horizontal Flange Bolt PN J815P026A

effect of the current condition is that preload (clamp)

could be reduced in some stacks. This does not affect
ultimate capability.
F. Approval
Technical aspects, FAA approved June 02, 2006.
G. Manpower
No additional man-hours are required to comply with this
Service Bulletin if accomplished at an approved overhaul
H. Weight and Balance
Weight and balance are not changed.
I. References (Use the latest version of these documents)
CF34 Turbofan Engine Service Record
GEK 9250, Commercial Engine Standard Practices Manual (SPM)
GEK 112081, CF34-10E Engine Manual (EM)
GEK 112082, CF34-10E Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC)
NOTE: The reference document listed below is for the engine
manufacturer′s internal use only:
CID: 475273
J. Publications Affected
CF34 Turbofan Engine Service Record
GEK 112081, CF34-10E Engine Manual (EM)
GEK 112082, CF34-10E Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC)
K. Interchangeability
Replace old parts with new parts. Do not replace the new
parts with old parts.
L. Electrical Load Data
Not changed.
M. Software Accomplishment Summary
Not applicable.
A. Material - Price and Availability
(1) Parts necessary to do this Service Bulletin:
Unit Lead
Qty/ Price Pkg Time
Part Number Eng Part Name ($) Qty Days
J815P026A (12) Bolt, Double Quote (-) Quote
Hexagon Head
(2) Other spare parts:

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3 of 5
CF34-10E Service Bulletin No 72-0034 R00
Revised: 06/02/2006 Issued: 06/02/2006
SB 72-0034 R00 ENGINE - General (72-00-00) - Introduction of Improved High
Pressure Compressor Stator Case Horizontal Flange Bolt PN J815P026A

(3) Consumables:
B. Industry Support Information
(1) Materials required to accomplish this Service Bulletin
are listed in paragraph 2.A., Material Price and
(2) Material and labor cost estimates may be obtained from
any GE Aircraft Engines authorized service or overhaul
facility upon request. Material and labor costs are the
responsibility of the operator.
C. Configuration Chart
Old Chg/
New Qty/ Part Number/ Qty/ Op Sprt
Part Number Eng Part Name IPC Location Eng Code Code
2205M30G01 (X) Assembly, 2205M30G01 (X) RM -/-
/G02/G03 Core Module /G02/G03
.J815P026A (1) Bolt, Double .J815P028A (12) RE 1/A
Hexagon Head 72-00-02-05-
Change Codes
1 = One-way interchangeable.
Spare Parts Support Codes
A = Old parts will no longer be supplied.
Operation Codes
RE = Replace
RM = Remains
D. Parts Disposition
Discard old parts
E. Tooling - Price and Availability
No special tooling required.
A. General
(1) Before you start these procedures, read the assembly and
disassembly techniques section. Refer to GEK 9250 (70-10-
(2) Do a visual inspection to all engine parts based on the
appropriate level of assembly. Refer to GEK 112081 (05-

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data is considered ITAR and/or EAR controlled; transfer of this
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CF34-10E Service Bulletin No 72-0034 R00
Revised: 06/02/2006 Issued: 06/02/2006
SB 72-0034 R00 ENGINE - General (72-00-00) - Introduction of Improved High
Pressure Compressor Stator Case Horizontal Flange Bolt PN J815P026A

B. Removal
(1) Remove HPC stator horizontal flange double hexagon head
bolts. Refer to GEK 112081 (72-00-02, Disassembly 005)
TASK 72-00-02-030-802.
C. Installation
(1) Install new HPC stator horizontal flange double hexagon
head bolts PN J815P026A. Refer to GEK 112081 (72-00-02,
Assembly 005) TASK 72-00-02-430-804.
D. Service Record Entry
(1) Make an entry in the CF34 Turbofan Engine Service Record
as follows:
(a) Record compliance to this Service Bulletin in the
Engine Service Record, Section II (Service Bulletins).
(b) Send a copy of compliance entry data to:
GE Aircraft Engines
1000 Western Avenue
Lynn, MA 01910
Attn.: Lynn Product Data Center, MZ 264X7
CF34 Service Bulletin Coordinator

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