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Universitas Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

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Introduction to Research Method 25 Maret 2022
OTORISASI Pengembang RPS Koordinator RMK Ketua PRODI
Agci Hikmawati, M.Pd

Capaian CPL-PRODI yang dibebankan pada MK

Pembelajaran (CP) CPL S1 Mampu menanamkan nilai-nilai moral dan akhlak serta menunjukkan sikap bertaqwa kepada Allah swt
CPL S9 Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya sesuai dengan perkembangan IPTEKS
secara mandiri berdasarkan nilai-nilai Islam
CPL PP6 Menguasai konsep dan teknik pengembangan program pembelajaran, penyajian (metode dan prosedur), pengelolaan,
dan evaluasi program pembelajaran Bahasa
CPL KU1 Mampu menerapkan pemikiran logis, kritis, sistematis, dan inovatif dalam konteks pengembangan atau implementasi
ilmu pengetahuan dan/atau teknologi sesuai dengan bidang keahliannya
CPL KK7 Mampu mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis masalah mutu, relevansi, atau akses pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris serta
menyajikan beberapa alternatif solusi sebagai bahan pengambilan keputusan;
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK)
CPMK1 Understand research terminology and the importance of research design
CPMK2 Be aware of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes
CPMK3 Describe quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research
CPMK4 Describe and compare the major quantitative and qualitative research methods
CPMK5 Identify the components of a literature review process
CPMK6 Critically analyze published research
CPMK7 Have an understanding of basic principles of datacollection (both quantitative & qualitative)
CPMK8 Understand simple methods of data analysis
Deskripsi Singkat This subject will lead students to productive discussion on designing and implementing a research project, from developing a good
MK understanding of critical issues and problems in the English language teaching, formulating statements of research problem, objectives,
hypotheses, developing research instruments, collecting and analysis data, to interpreting the result of data analysis and drawing
conclusions. These all will be discussed in the perspective of both positivistic, quantitative and interpretive, qualitative paradigm. This
course will also provide an opportunity for students to establish their understanding of research through critical exploration of research
language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements
of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Participants will use these theoretical
underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or interests and determine how research findings are useful in
forming their understanding of their work, social, local and global environment.
Bahan Kajian: Module 1: Foundations
Materi Lesson 1: Introduction to Research and the Research Process
Pembelajaran Lesson 2: Research Ethics and Integrity
Lesson 3: Critical appraisal

Module 2: Quantitative Research

Lesson 4: Introduction to Quantitative Research, Study Designs and Methods
Lesson 5: Analysis and Interpretation of Quantitative Data
Lesson 6: Critical Appraisal of Quantitative Research

Module 3: Qualitative Research

Lesson 7: Introduction to Qualitative Research, Study Designs and Methods
Lesson 8: Analysis and Interpretation of Qualitative Data
Lesson 9: Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research

Module 4: Mixed Methods Research

Lesson 10: Introduction to Mixed Methods Research, Study Designs and Methods
Lesson 11: Analysis and Interpretation of Mixed Methods Data
Lesson 12: Critical Appraisal of Mixed Methods Research
Pustaka Utama :
Creswell, J. W. Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches. 5th Ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2018.
TRU Library. APA Citation Style - Quick Guide. 6th edition. 2011. Type: Online Guide. Retrieved from
Pendukung :
1. Allwright, D., and Bailey, K. M. 1991. Focusing on the Language Classroom An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language
Researchers. Cambridge: CUP.
2. Best, J. W. 1983. Research in Education Fourth Edition. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.
3. Brown, J.D. 1988. Understanding Research in Second Language Learning A Teacher’s Guide to Statistics and Research Design.
Cambridge: CUP.
4. Cohen, L., and Manion, L. 1994. Research Methods in Education Fourth Edition. London: Rotledge.
5.Harmer, J. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching Third Edition Completely Revised and Update. Essex: Longman
6.Hatch, E. and Farhady, H. 1982. Research Designs and Statistics for Applied Linguistics. California: Newbury House Publisher, Inc.
7.Pinter, A. 2006. Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8.Richards, J.C., and Rogers, T.S. 1986. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching: A Description and Analysis. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. Suherdi, D. 2006. Classroom Discourse Analysis. Bandung: UPI Press.
Dosen Pengampu Pratiwi Amelia, M.Pd
Matakuliah syarat -
Bantuk Pembelajaran,
Kemampuan akhir tiap Penilaian Metode Pembelajaran, Materi Bobot
Mg Ke- tahapan belajar Penugasan Mahasiswa, Pembelajaran Penilaia
(Sub-CPMK) [ Estimasi Waktu] [ Pustaka ] n (%)
Indikator Kriteria & Teknik Luring (offline) Daring (online)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Introduction to 5%
comprehend and explain the and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Research and the
foundation of research and understanding Understanding online (dalam Research Process
the research process of the jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
foundation of
oleh dosen), tanya
research and jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
the process of ✓ Penjelasan materi
conducting oleh dosen
research ✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
2 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Research Ethics and 5%
explain the research ethics and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Integrity
and integrity understanding Understanding online (dalam
of research Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
ethics and Writing summary
oleh dosen), tanya
integrity of the materials jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
Class Dojo,
GoogleMeet dan e-
3 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Critical appraisal 5%
comprehend critical and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara
appraisal in ELT research understanding Understanding online (dalam
in making Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
critical Writing summary
oleh dosen), tanya
appraisal of of the materials jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
research in ✓ Penjelasan materi
ELT oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo, dan e-
4 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Introduction to 5%
elaborate the concept of and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Quantitative
quantitative research, study understanding Understanding online (dalam Research, Study
designs and methods on quantitative Non-test form: jaringan) Designs and
Ceramah (penyajian
research, Group presentation Methods
oleh dosen), tanya
study designs, and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
and methods submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
5 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Analysis and 5%
elaborate the kind of analysis and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Interpretation of
and interpretation of understanding Understanding online (dalam Quantitative Data
quantitative data of data Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
analysis and Writing fiction and
oleh dosen), tanya
interpretation non-fiction texts jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
qualitatively ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
6 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Critical Appraisal of 5%
make critical appraisal of and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Quantitative
quantitative research understanding Understanding online (dalam Research
in making Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
appraisal of Group presentation
oleh dosen), tanya
quantitative and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
research submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
7 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Introduction to 5%
explain the concept of and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Qualitative
qualitative research, study understanding Understanding online (dalam Research, Study
designs and methods of concept in Non-test form: jaringan) Designs and
Ceramah (penyajian Methods
qualitative Group presentation
oleh dosen), tanya
research, and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
study designs submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
and methods oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
8 Evaluasi Tengah Semester / Ujian Tengan Semester 15%
9 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Analysis and 5%
explain kind of analysis and and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Interpretation of
making simple interpretation understanding Understanding online (dalam Qualitative Data
of qualitative data of data Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
analysis Group presentation
oleh dosen), tanya
qualitatively and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo, dan e-
10 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Critical Appraisal of 5%
making simple critical and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Qualitative Research
appraisal of qualitative understanding Understanding online (dalam
research of making Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
appraisal of Group presentation
oleh dosen), tanya
qualitative and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
research submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
11 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Introduction to 5%
explain the concept of mixed and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Mixed Methods
methods research, study understanding Understanding online (dalam Research, Study
designs and methods of mixed Non-test form: jaringan) Designs and
Ceramah (penyajian
methods, Group presentation Methods
oleh dosen), tanya
study designs and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
and methods submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
12 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Analysis and 5%
explain kind of analysis and and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Interpretation of
make simple interpretation of understanding Understanding online (dalam Mixed Methods Data
mixed methods data of data Non-test form: jaringan)
analysis in paper submission Ceramah (penyajian
mixed methods oleh dosen), tanya
research jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
13 The students are able to able The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Critical Appraisal of 5%
to make simple critical and profound Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara Mixed Methods
appraisal of mixed methods understanding Understanding online (dalam Research
research of making Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
appraisal of paper submission
oleh dosen), tanya
mixed methods jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
research ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
14 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Outline of Research 5%
design outline of research in in choosing Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara
ELT research Understanding online (dalam
approach, Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
study design, paper submission
oleh dosen), tanya
and methods jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
15 The students are able to The accuracy Criteria: Kuliah dan Diskusi: Pembelajaran Outline of Research 5%
design outline of research in in choosing Accuracy and [TM: 2x(2x50’)] dilaksanakan secara
ELT research Understanding online (dalam
approach, Non-test form: jaringan)
Ceramah (penyajian
study design, Group presentation
oleh dosen), tanya
and methods and paper jawab dan diskusi Synchronous:
submission ✓ Penjelasan materi
oleh dosen
✓ Presentasi
✓ Diskusi
✓ Tanya Jawab
aplikasi Zoom,
GoogleMeet, Class
Dojo dan e-
16 Evaluasi Akhir Semester / Ujian Akhir Semester 15%

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