Bahria Foundation Colleges (North) Centralized Notes of Short Questions (F.B.I.S.E) Computer Science SSC - I
Bahria Foundation Colleges (North) Centralized Notes of Short Questions (F.B.I.S.E) Computer Science SSC - I
Bahria Foundation Colleges (North) Centralized Notes of Short Questions (F.B.I.S.E) Computer Science SSC - I
Topic: Fundamentals of Computer
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
12. Which unit of computer is responsible for producing useful information for
the users?
The output unit is responsible for giving the results to the user in the form of a
printed report or visual display.
13. Whose job is to save data and instructions to make them readily available?
The storage unit is responsible for storing the data. It makes the instructions
readily available for initial processing whenever required. The cache is a software
component that stores data to serve the data requests in future. It can contain the
result of some earlier computations.
14. What is the job of network administrator?
Network administrators are responsible for installing, configuration, and
maintenance of computer networks in an organization. They are in charge of
maintenance of computer hardware and software that make up a computer
network. They assign passwords to network users so that unauthorized user do
not have access to network.
15. What is a plotter?
Plotter is an output device used for printing engineering drawings, machine parts,
building designs, maps, charts and pan flexes etc. on large size paper/sheets.
Such large size printing is not possible on printers. It is more expensive than
printers. There are two types of plotters: ink plotter and pen plotter.
16. Briefly explain about Registers.
Registers are small memory units inside the microprocessor used to temporarily
store some information during the execution of a program. Some commonly used
registers are, Instruction register, Accumulator register, Data register and
Memory address register.
17. Describe the structure of motherboard.
Motherboard id the main circuit board inside the system unit. It contains
microprocessor, main memory, expansion cards, many IC chips, connectors and
other electronic components. It has many buses (electrical pathway) printed on it.
These are used to transmit information between various components of the
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
virus protection, and file compression. Examples are, window explorer, backup
utility, Antivirus software etc.
Napier’s Bone:
John Napier a Scottish mathematician invented a calculating device called
Napier’s Bone in 1614. It consisted of a wooden box containing rotating cylinders
each of which had the digits from 0 to 9. It could multiply, divide and find square
roots. His biggest achievement was the invention of logarithm.
Slide Rule:
Based on the idea of logarithm, English mathematician, William Oughtred
developed a device called Slide Rule in 1920s. it was very useful for solving
problems that involved multiplication and division. It has three parts slide, rule and a
transparent sliding cursor.
Computer SSC-I
these computers.
Features of 3rd Generation Computers:
i. They used IC chips.
ii. Computers consumed less power and generate less heat.
iii. The ICs improved the speed and memory of these computers.
iv. They are more reliable than 2nd and 1st generation computers.
v. Keyboard and monitors were used in these computers.
Digital Computers:
They work with digits. Everything in digital computer is represented with binary digits
0s and 1s. they manipulates them at very fast speed. They can store and process
large amount of information at high speed. The results produce by these computers
are reliable and accurate. They are general purpose computers.
Example: IBM PCs, and Apple Macintosh computers
28. Ahmed, a class IX student is asking his father to replace his home
computer CRT monitor with LCD monitor. How will you justify his demand?
Ans: LCDs are free from geometric image distortions. They have uniform screen
brightness. They are flicker free. They are smaller than CRT monitors. They also
require less energy than CRT monitors.
Computer SSC-I
29. What will happen if storage devices are removed from a computer?
these devices is to store the information and also retrieve it. If storage devices are
removed than it will be impossible to store the information on computer.
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
fond of memorizing commands. If a user makes any mistake, he/she has to start
from the scratch again.
8. What is multitasking?
Multitasking is the process within an operating system that allows the user to
run several applications at the same time. However, only one application is active
at a time for user interaction, although some applications can run behind the
9. What is GUI?
GUI is short for Graphical User Interface. It provides users with an interface
wherein actions can be performed by interacting with icons and graphical
symbols. People find it easier to interact with the computer with a GUI especially
when using the mouse. Instead of having to remember and type commands, user
point and click to perform a process.
10. What is the advantage of multiprogramming?
Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that the CPU
always has one to execute. Several jobs are placed in the main memory and
processor is switched from job-to-job s needed to keep several jobs advancing
while keeping the peripheral devices in use.
11. What is an interactive computer system?
Interactive computer system provides direct communication between the user
and the system. The user gives instructions to the operating system or to a
program directly, using a keyboard or a mouse, and waits for immediate results.
12. What inconveniences a user can face without an operating system?
Without an operating system computer hardware is only an inactive electronic
machine, which is inconvenient to user for execution of programs. As computer
understands only machine language. It is difficult to develop each and every
program in machine language in order to execute it. Thus without operating
system execution of user program or solve user problems is extremely difficult.
13. What is multiprocessor system?
A multiprocessor system is a type of system that includes two or more CPUs. It
involves the processing of different computer programs at the same time mostly
by the computer system with two or more than two CPUs that are sharing single
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without
knowing how to speak the computer's language.
22. Why Operating System is important software for a computer? Give any five
Operating system is important software for a computer because of:
a) Process Management
b) Memory Management
c) Input/Output Management
d) File Management
e) Resource Management
f) User Management
25.Name two operating systems which are used in modern mobile phones.
The modern mobile operating systems are;
i. Android OS (Google Inc.)
ii. Bada (Samsung Electronics)
iii. iPhone OS/iOS(Apple)
iv. Palm OS (Garnet OS)
v. Symbian OS (Nokia)
Computer SSC-I
26. What difficulties a student may face if he or she is not familiar with the
Operating system of a computer?
Without basic knowledge of an operating system a student may face difficulties of
steps involved in installation of operating system, office automation and antivirus. He
must know how to give commands to computer to operate it properly. Internet is the
best source for him to learn quickly about the OS.
27. Define UNIX and Windows operating system.
UNIX is a multi-user CLI operating system. It was introduced in 1969. It was
developed for use on large computer systems like mainframe. Later on GUI was also
introduced in UNIX.
Windows OS :
It is the most popular OS used on micro-computers. It was developed by
Microsoft. Windows has GUI interface and easy to use as compared to UNIX, that’s
why it was introduced as user-friendly OS. Some popular versions of Windows are;
a) Windows 95
b) Windows 98
c) Windows 7, 8 and 10
28. Differentiate between single-user and multi-user operating system?
Single-User Operating System:
OS that is used by a single user at a time is known as single user operating system.
Some features are;
i) It allows single user to login and use the computer at a time.
ii) Resources of computer are not shared.
iii) It is used on microcomputers
iv) It require less memory
v) They are not very costly computers.
Examples Windows XP and Windows 7 etc.
Multi-user Operating System:
OS that allows many users to use computer at the same time is known
as multi-user OS. Some features are;
i) It allows many users to login and run different programs at a time.
ii) It shared the resources with other computer over the network.
iii) Administrator is responsible for allocation of resources.
Computer SSC-I
31. What types of problems may a student face if no antivirus is installed in his
or her computer system?
If no antivirus is installed on a computer, a student may face a number of problems
due to virus attack. The viruses may damage the data, software or the computer
itself. Some activities of a virus are;
a) Copy it to other programs.
b) Display information on the screen.
c) Destroy data files.
d) May erase entire hard disk.
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
MS Word:
It is a common processing program used in Ms Office. Some advantages of
using word processing over a Typewriter are as under;
We can delete Mistakes.
We can check the spellings.
Different fonts can be used.
We can save the document.
It provides different colors and pictures.
We can e-mail over documents.
30. Name any three types of documents which can be prepared in word.
Word processor can be used to prepare different types of documents like letters,
reports, resumes, newsletters, memos, and flyers etc.
31. Differentiate between page break and section break.
Page Break:
A page break is a marker that tells Word program that the contents which
follow are to appear on a new page. Word automatically inserts a page break when
user wants to add a new page to the document.
Section Break:
A section break also inserts a new page but it allows the user to change the
page format without having any effect on the formatting of the previous pages
Example: section break can be used to break a document into sections having
different header and footer for each chapter of a book.
32. Why header and footer are important in a word document?
Header: Header refers to information that appears at the top of a page.
Footer: Footer refers to information that appears at the bottom of a page.
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Data Communication
Data Transmission
Analog Signals
Digital Signals
Data Rate / Bit Rate
Computer SSC-I
Baud Rate
Signal to Noise Ratio
(i) Data:
Collection of raw facts and figures is called data. The word data is derived
from Latin language and it is plural of Datum.
The text, numbers, symbols, images, voice and video which are processed by
computers and digital devices are called data. Data can be considered as
unprocessed information.
Computer SSC-I
represent a sequence of discrete values, at any given time. It can only be one of the
finite numbers represented as 0 or 1.
Bit rate = baud rate x the number of bits per signal units.
The baud rate is the number of signals transmitted per second and one signal
can represent one or more bits. It is used to describe the maximum change in
an electronic signal.
For example, if a signal changes 1200 times in one second, it would be
measured at 1200 baud.
Formula of Baud Rate:
Baud rate = bite rate / the number of bits per signal units.
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
2. Bit rate is the number bits (0's and Baud rate is the number of times a
1's) transmitted per second. signal is traveling comprised of bits.
One signal can represent more than
one bit.
3. Formula: Formula:
Bit rate = baud rate x the number Baud rate = bit rate / the number of
of bits per signal unit bits per signal unit
Computer SSC-I
1. Attenuation
2. Distortion and
3. Noise
Computer SSC-I
1. Define Network?
A network is a set of devices connected by physical media links. A network is
recursively is a connection of two or more nodes by a physical link or two or more
networks connected by one or more nodes.
2. What is internet?
Internet is world-wide network that interconnects millions of computers and provides
information and communication facilities.
3. What is a node?
A network can consist of two or more computers directly connected by some
physical medium such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such a physical medium is
called as Links and the computer it connects is called as Nodes.
4. What is point-point link?
If the physical links are limited to a pair of nodes it is said to be point-point link.
5. What is Multiple Access?
If the physical links are shared by more than two nodes, it is said to be Multiple
6. What is point-point link?
If the physical links are limited to a pair of nodes it is said to be point-point link.
7. What are the advantages of Distributed Processing?
a. Security/Encapsulation
b. Distributed database
c. Faster Problem solving
d. Security through redundancy
e. Collaborative Processing
8. What is the criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?
a. Performance
It can be measured in many ways, including transmit time and response time.
b. Reliability
It is measured by frequency of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a
failure, and the network's robustness.
c. Security
Security issues include protecting data from unauthorized access and viruses.
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I
Computer SSC-I