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Bahria Foundation Colleges (North) Centralized Notes of Short Questions (F.B.I.S.E) Computer Science SSC - I

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Computer SSC-I


Centralized Notes of Short Questions

Computer Science SSC–I

Topic: Fundamentals of Computer

1. Why is Charles Babbage known as the father of modern digital computers?

Charles Babbage is known as the father of modern digital computer because all
of today’s computers are based on his idea and plans. He laid the foundation
stone of modern digital computers.
2. What kind of computers should bank use?
Banks should use mainframe computers as they are powerful computers with
large storage capacity
That can support hundreds or even thousands of users at the same time.
3. Were Analytical engine and Difference engine a successful venture?
No, even after working on them for years Charles Babbage couldn’t complete
these because the technology was not advanced enough
4. How is super computer different from mainframe computer?
Supercomputers are the specialized and most powerful computer systems that
are designed for intense scientific calculations that would be practically
impossible for other computers. Mainframes, on the other hand, typically handle a
large variety of tasks including data processing. A supercomputer works on a
single problem at a time unlike mainframe which can support many problems and
users at a same time.
5. How is present day calculator different from Pascaline?
Pascaline at its time could only add and subtract whereas, today’s calculator can
perform more complex calculations. Today’s calculator is user friendly and easy
to carry whereas Pascaline was huge in size. Moreover, Pascaline had moveable
dials while todays calculators have buttons.

Computer SSC-I

6. Is Herman Hollerith considered as the pioneer of computers?

Yes, He is considered the pioneer of computer as he invented punched cards
which could store data and built a tabulating machine which could process data
stored on the punched cards. This machine was invented to help with the census
of 1890 in America. He also started a company which later became IBM.
7. Among hard disk and cloud computing storage, what would you prefer?
I will prefer Cloud computing storage because; it prevents data loss due to
hardware failure because of networked backups. Cloud based applications are
accessible from virtually any internet connected device. It also have vast storage
capacity as compare to hard disk which has limited storage.
8. What was the need to invent transistors?
Transistors were invented to replace vacuum tubes as they were huge in size,
unreliable, costly, and it required the high voltage power supply, not suitable for
smaller voltage devices. They were made of glass which burnt out very often and
was difficult to maintain and repair. Whereas a transistor were small in size, more
reliable, cheaper and increased the speed and memory capacity.
9. What do you know about AI (Artificial Intelligence)?
Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science concerned with making
computer behave like humans. The goal of AI is to develop devices that can
understand natural languages and have thinking power.
10. What do you know about hybrid computers?
Hybrid computers are combination of analog and digital computers. They
combine the characteristics of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid
computers are mainly used for scientific applications. These computers are used
in spaceships, missiles systems, scientific research, and hospitals etc.
11. What language does computer understand?
The computer only understands binary language which is written in the form of
0’s and 1’s. A computer can understand assembly language but an assembler is
required which converts the assembly language to binary language. Similarly, for
understanding high level languages, compilers and interpreters are required.

Computer SSC-I

12. Which unit of computer is responsible for producing useful information for
the users?
The output unit is responsible for giving the results to the user in the form of a
printed report or visual display.
13. Whose job is to save data and instructions to make them readily available?
The storage unit is responsible for storing the data. It makes the instructions
readily available for initial processing whenever required. The cache is a software
component that stores data to serve the data requests in future. It can contain the
result of some earlier computations.
14. What is the job of network administrator?
Network administrators are responsible for installing, configuration, and
maintenance of computer networks in an organization. They are in charge of
maintenance of computer hardware and software that make up a computer
network. They assign passwords to network users so that unauthorized user do
not have access to network.
15. What is a plotter?
Plotter is an output device used for printing engineering drawings, machine parts,
building designs, maps, charts and pan flexes etc. on large size paper/sheets.
Such large size printing is not possible on printers. It is more expensive than
printers. There are two types of plotters: ink plotter and pen plotter.
16. Briefly explain about Registers.
Registers are small memory units inside the microprocessor used to temporarily
store some information during the execution of a program. Some commonly used
registers are, Instruction register, Accumulator register, Data register and
Memory address register.
17. Describe the structure of motherboard.
Motherboard id the main circuit board inside the system unit. It contains
microprocessor, main memory, expansion cards, many IC chips, connectors and
other electronic components. It has many buses (electrical pathway) printed on it.
These are used to transmit information between various components of the

Computer SSC-I

18. Describe the working and function of scanner.

It is a device that captures images from photographs, magazines, books etc. and
stores them in computer in digital form. These images can be edited, displayed
on the screen or inserted in documents.
19. Why the keys on keyboard are not arranged in alphabetical order?
QWERTY layout was designed to let people type as quickly as possible without
jamming a mechanical typewriter. As it happens, this same layout is nearly
optimal for pure speed, as it tends to cause the fingers and hands to alternate.
20. Justify the statement that computer evolution is a continuous process.
Since computer evolution is a continuous process, it has not stopped in the
modern era. New systems are being developed to produce voice recognition and
understand natural languages. HPC is being used in today’s data center for fast
processing. The goal is to produce a system that behaves just as a human.
21. What is a shareware?
Shareware is distributed free of cost for a limited time period, usually one or two
months. It is a trial version of software given to people to decide whether they
would like to buy the full version or not. Some sharewares are installed on new
computers when they are sold. Examples are, antivirus software, computer
programs etc.
22. What is the need of productivity software?
Productivity software is a category of application programs that help users
produce things such as documents, databases, graphs, spreadsheets and
presentations. Productivity software increases efficiency by facilitating people's
tasks. Examples of office productivity software include word processors, graphics
software and spreadsheet applications.
23. What is a language processor?
A language processor is a special type of software program that has the potential
to translate the program codes into machine codes. Languages such as COBOL
and FORTRAN have language processors, which are generally used to perform
tasks like processing source code to object code. An assembler converts
assembly language into machine language.
24. What are utility programs?
A program that performs a specific task related to the management of computer
functions, resources, or files, as password protection, memory management,

Computer SSC-I

virus protection, and file compression. Examples are, window explorer, backup
utility, Antivirus software etc.

25. Describe Napier’s Bone and Slide Rule.

Napier’s Bone:
John Napier a Scottish mathematician invented a calculating device called
Napier’s Bone in 1614. It consisted of a wooden box containing rotating cylinders
each of which had the digits from 0 to 9. It could multiply, divide and find square
roots. His biggest achievement was the invention of logarithm.

Slide Rule:
Based on the idea of logarithm, English mathematician, William Oughtred
developed a device called Slide Rule in 1920s. it was very useful for solving
problems that involved multiplication and division. It has three parts slide, rule and a
transparent sliding cursor.

26.Compare 1st and 3rd generation computers.

Ans: 1st Generation Computers:

First generation use vacuum tube. It generated so much heat that it had to be cooled
by air conditioner.vaccum tube burnt out often and it was difficult to repair and
maintain it.
Features of First-generation computers:
i. They use vacuum tube.
ii. Slow in speed and memory was limited.
iii. Huge in size and take entire room.
iv. Consumed more power and generated lot of heat.
v. Input was based on punched cards.

Example: ENIAC, UNIVAC, IBM 604, Mark I and EDSAC.

3rd Generation Computers:
Integrated circuits were used in these computers. ICs were developed in 1960s. a
single chip contains a large number of transistors. IC chip increased the power of

Computer SSC-I

these computers.
Features of 3rd Generation Computers:
i. They used IC chips.
ii. Computers consumed less power and generate less heat.
iii. The ICs improved the speed and memory of these computers.
iv. They are more reliable than 2nd and 1st generation computers.
v. Keyboard and monitors were used in these computers.

Example: IBM 360, system3, Control Data Corporation’s3300 and6600 computers.

27.Differentiate between analog and digital computers.

Ans: Analog Computers:

They represent and process data by measuring quantities such as voltage and
current to solve a problem. They work on supply of continuous signals as input and
display output simultaneously. They are special purpose devices, designed to
perform single specific task. The accuracy is low but they are faster in speed as
compared to digital computers.
Example: Heath Kit EC-1 an educational analog computer by USA in 1960

Digital Computers:
They work with digits. Everything in digital computer is represented with binary digits
0s and 1s. they manipulates them at very fast speed. They can store and process
large amount of information at high speed. The results produce by these computers
are reliable and accurate. They are general purpose computers.
Example: IBM PCs, and Apple Macintosh computers

28. Ahmed, a class IX student is asking his father to replace his home
computer CRT monitor with LCD monitor. How will you justify his demand?

Ans: LCDs are free from geometric image distortions. They have uniform screen
brightness. They are flicker free. They are smaller than CRT monitors. They also
require less energy than CRT monitors.

Computer SSC-I

29. What will happen if storage devices are removed from a computer?

Storage devices are the fundamental components of a computer. The purpose of

these devices is to store the information and also retrieve it. If storage devices are
removed than it will be impossible to store the information on computer.

30. Differentiate between system software and application software.

System Software Application Software

System software is a collection of

Application software is developed for
programs which makes the use of
computer users to solve their problems.
computer easy and efficient.
Highly experienced computer
Used to write letters, create
programmers develop system
presentations or managing database.
Example: Productivity software,
Examples: O.S, device drivers, utility
business software and education
programs and language processors.

31. How a student can use a computer to improve academic

performance? Ans: A student can improve his academic performance by using
computer in a number of ways;
i. Using computer applications increases the student learning motivation.
ii. They can use testing application to improve their test performance.
iii. By surfing internet for the learning purpose
iv. They can use different case studies for their learning.
v. They become active in class due to awareness and updating.

32.Give any three uses of computers in a school library?

Ans: Uses of computer:

i. Access to large amount of information.
ii. Advance search and retrieval of information.

Computer SSC-I

iii. Access to primary information resources.

iv. Integration with other digital libraries.
v. Access to global information using internet.

33.Name few house hold appliances in which microprocessor are used.

Appliances using Microprocessor:

Mobile phones, ovens, cameras, washing machines and LEDs etc.

34. What are the tasks performed by operating system?

Tasks Performed by O.S:
i) It loads programs into memory and executes them.
ii) It controls the operations of I.O and storages devices.
iii) It manages files and folders.
iv) It detects hardware failures.

Computer SSC-I

Topic: Fundamentals of Operating System

1. What is a real time system?

A real time system has well defined, fixed time constraints. Processing must be
done within the defined constraints, or the system will fail. It is often used to
control device in a dedicated application. These are used to control industrial
processes such as oil refining.
2. What is a process?
A process is a program in execution. It is an active entity. When a process
executes, it passes through different states. These stages may differ in different
operating systems, and the names of these states are also not standardized.
3. What is the relationship between operating systems and computer
Operating system helps to make the computer hardware available to the
application program s. Without operating system we cannot access computer
4. What is main purpose of operating system?
Operating system exists for two main purposes. One is that it is designed to
make sure a computer system performs well by managing its computational
activities. Another is that it provides an environment for the development and
execution of programs.
5. What is time sharing system?
In a time-sharing system, the CPU executes multiple jobs by switching among
them, also known as multitasking. This process happens so fast that users can
interact with each program while it is running. Many computer networks
organized for the purpose of exchanging data and resources are centered on
time-sharing systems.
6. Explain pros of command line interface?
A command line interface allows the user to type in commands that can
immediately provide results. Many seasoned computer users are well
accustomed to using the command line because they find it quicker and simpler.
7. Explain cons of command line interface?
The problem with command line is that users have to be familiar with the
commands, learning all the commands. This is downsized for people who are not

Computer SSC-I

fond of memorizing commands. If a user makes any mistake, he/she has to start
from the scratch again.
8. What is multitasking?
Multitasking is the process within an operating system that allows the user to
run several applications at the same time. However, only one application is active
at a time for user interaction, although some applications can run behind the
9. What is GUI?
GUI is short for Graphical User Interface. It provides users with an interface
wherein actions can be performed by interacting with icons and graphical
symbols. People find it easier to interact with the computer with a GUI especially
when using the mouse. Instead of having to remember and type commands, user
point and click to perform a process.
10. What is the advantage of multiprogramming?
Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that the CPU
always has one to execute. Several jobs are placed in the main memory and
processor is switched from job-to-job s needed to keep several jobs advancing
while keeping the peripheral devices in use.
11. What is an interactive computer system?
Interactive computer system provides direct communication between the user
and the system. The user gives instructions to the operating system or to a
program directly, using a keyboard or a mouse, and waits for immediate results.
12. What inconveniences a user can face without an operating system?
Without an operating system computer hardware is only an inactive electronic
machine, which is inconvenient to user for execution of programs. As computer
understands only machine language. It is difficult to develop each and every
program in machine language in order to execute it. Thus without operating
system execution of user program or solve user problems is extremely difficult.
13. What is multiprocessor system?
A multiprocessor system is a type of system that includes two or more CPUs. It
involves the processing of different computer programs at the same time mostly
by the computer system with two or more than two CPUs that are sharing single

Computer SSC-I

14. What are benefits of multiprocessor system?

It is more reliable Systems. In a multiprocessor system, even if one processor
fails, the system will not halt. User gets more work in less time.
15. Explain why operating system can be viewed as a resource allocator.
A computer system has many resources that may be required to solve a problem.
The OS acts as manager of these resources. Facing numerous requests for
resources the OS must decide how to allocate them to specific program and user
so that it can operate the computer system efficiently.
16. What advantages are of batch OS?
Execution time taken for similar jobs is higher. Multiple users can share batch
systems. Managing large works become easy in batch systems. The idle batch
for a single batch is very less.
17. What are advantages of real-time OS?
It provides more output from all resources as there is maximum utilization of
systems. It provides the best management of memory allocation. These systems
are always error free. These OS focus more on running applications than those in
the queue. Shifting from one task to another takes very little time.
18. What are disadvantages of real tome OS?
System resources are extremely expensive and are not so good. The algorithms
used are very complex. Only limited task can run at a single time. These systems
cannot switch tasks easily.
19. What is some disadvantage of GUI?
Implementing a graphical user interface is not an easy process as it seems while
using it. The design of graphical user interface makes it more difficult and costly
to develop. GUI needs a relatively high amount of storage space in the system.
Moreover, they need faster computers as compare to other interfaces.
20. What is a window defender?
It is antivirus software developed by Microsoft to protect computers running
Windows. It scans, detects, and removes viruses, spyware, and malware, helping
to protect the operating system from infection.

21. What is importance of OS

An operating system is the most important software that runs on a computer. It
manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software

Computer SSC-I

and hardware. It also allows you to communicate with the computer without
knowing how to speak the computer's language.

22. Why Operating System is important software for a computer? Give any five
Operating system is important software for a computer because of:
a) Process Management
b) Memory Management
c) Input/Output Management
d) File Management
e) Resource Management
f) User Management

23.Give any three objectives of operating system?

1. It makes the computer more convenient to use.
2 It allows computer resources such as CPU, memory and I/O devices to be
used in an efficient way.
3. It can be viewed as a resource manager.

24.Mention few disadvantages of using DOS.

DOS is CLI interface. In order to work properly in DOS, the user has to learn
all the required commands. These commands are difficult to remember. It is single
user OS and single task OS. It cannot support graphics.

25.Name two operating systems which are used in modern mobile phones.
The modern mobile operating systems are;
i. Android OS (Google Inc.)
ii. Bada (Samsung Electronics)
iii. iPhone OS/iOS(Apple)
iv. Palm OS (Garnet OS)
v. Symbian OS (Nokia)

Computer SSC-I

26. What difficulties a student may face if he or she is not familiar with the
Operating system of a computer?
Without basic knowledge of an operating system a student may face difficulties of
steps involved in installation of operating system, office automation and antivirus. He
must know how to give commands to computer to operate it properly. Internet is the
best source for him to learn quickly about the OS.
27. Define UNIX and Windows operating system.
UNIX is a multi-user CLI operating system. It was introduced in 1969. It was
developed for use on large computer systems like mainframe. Later on GUI was also
introduced in UNIX.
Windows OS :
It is the most popular OS used on micro-computers. It was developed by
Microsoft. Windows has GUI interface and easy to use as compared to UNIX, that’s
why it was introduced as user-friendly OS. Some popular versions of Windows are;
a) Windows 95
b) Windows 98
c) Windows 7, 8 and 10
28. Differentiate between single-user and multi-user operating system?
Single-User Operating System:
OS that is used by a single user at a time is known as single user operating system.
Some features are;
i) It allows single user to login and use the computer at a time.
ii) Resources of computer are not shared.
iii) It is used on microcomputers
iv) It require less memory
v) They are not very costly computers.
Examples Windows XP and Windows 7 etc.
Multi-user Operating System:
OS that allows many users to use computer at the same time is known
as multi-user OS. Some features are;
i) It allows many users to login and run different programs at a time.
ii) It shared the resources with other computer over the network.
iii) Administrator is responsible for allocation of resources.

Computer SSC-I

iv) They are costly computers.

Examples Windows NT, UNIX and LINUX

29.What is meant by managing data and why is it important?

A managing data means storing data files in secondary storage devices, such as
hard disk or USB flash in an organized way. This helps in searching of files easily
and quickly. These files are stored in folders. Folders are the best mean for this

30.What is meant by resources of computer?

The resources of a computer include microprocessor, memory and all the devices
attached to the computer. The operating system allocates these resource to the
programs according the user’s requirement.

31. What types of problems may a student face if no antivirus is installed in his
or her computer system?
If no antivirus is installed on a computer, a student may face a number of problems
due to virus attack. The viruses may damage the data, software or the computer
itself. Some activities of a virus are;
a) Copy it to other programs.
b) Display information on the screen.
c) Destroy data files.
d) May erase entire hard disk.

Computer SSC-I

Topic: Office Automation

1. What is office automation?

Office automation (OA) refers to the collective hardware, software and processes
that enables automation of the information processing and communication tasks in
an organization. It involves using computers and software to digitize, store, process
and communicate most routine tasks and processes in a standard office.
2. What is Word processing?
Word processing is the process of creating and editing documents on a computer. It
allows a user to create documents that mimic the format and style of a typical
3. What is the purpose of quick access toolbar in Ms Word?
Quick Access Toolbar lies next to the Microsoft Office Button. It is a customizable
toolbar that comes with a set of independent commands. It gives you quick access to
commonly used commands such as Save, Undo, Redo, etc.
4. What is the difference between Save and Save As?
Save allows us to update the last saved version so that it will match with the current
working version and that last saved work will be updated with the new work. Save As
allows us to save our work for the first time and also it will ask for in what name it will
be saved and where it will be saved.
5. What is meant by editing text?
The ability to change text by adding, deleting and rearranging letters, words,
sentences and paragraphs. Text editing is the main operation users perform in word
processors, which typically also handle graphics and other multimedia files. See text
editor and word processing.
6. What is text formatting in word processing?
The process of formatting a document involves specifying how the document will
look in its final form on the screen and when printed. Common formatting options
include the font, font size, color, alignment, spacing, margins and other properties
7. What we use Ctrl+F in word processing?
In Microsoft Word, and other word processors and text editors, Ctrl + F opens a find
box that lets you search for characters, text, and phrases in the current document. In
Word specifically,
Ctrl + F open a search box in the Navigation task pane

Computer SSC-I

8. What is the difference between copy and cut text?

The difference between Cut and Copy is that cut text is removed, while copied text is
simply copied; copied text remains in its original location while a duplicate goes onto
the Clipboard.
9. What are the uses of minimizing and maximizing buttons?
The Minimize button shrinks the window and places it on the taskbar while leaving
the program running. The Maximize button, which looks like a small window, is used
to enlarge a window to cover the entire desktop.
10. What is paragraph formatting in Ms word?
Paragraph formatting is a change in the format of text that affects an entire
paragraph or is different from other paragraphs in a document. Paragraphs in a word
processing document or on a web page can have paragraph formatting applied to
them, including alignment, font type, font size, highlighting, and indentation
11. What is page formatting in Ms word?
A page format contains formatting controls for your data set that indicate where and
how text, and optionally, page overlays and page segments are to be placed on the
12. Why header and footer used in Ms word?
Headers and footers generally contain document information, such as the file name,
author, date created, page numbering and the like. This information is repeated on
each page and thus enables the reader to easily navigate the document.
13. In MS word why we use Shift+delete key?
Shift + Delete is used to delete the selected item permanently without placing the
item in the Recycle Bin.
14. Why we use hyperlink in a document? Or Why Hyperlinks are created in
Word document?
You can add hyperlinks to your document that give your readers instant access to
information in another part of the same document. The hyperlink can be text or
graphics. By using hyperlinks, you can provide information to your readers without
repeating the same information on different pages.

Computer SSC-I

15. Define spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet is a file that exists of cells in rows and columns and can help arrange,
calculate and sort data. Data in a spreadsheet can be numeric values, as well as
text, formulas, references and functions.
16. What is fill handle in excel?
In Microsoft Excel, a fill handle is a feature to extend (and fill) several numbers,
dates, or even text to other cells. In the active cell of the spreadsheet, the fill handle
is a small black box at the bottom-right corner, as shown in the image.
17. What is difference between absolute and relative cell addressing?
Relative and absolute references behave differently when copied and filled to other
cells. Relative references change when a formula is copied to another cell. Absolute
references, on the other hand, remain constant no matter where they are copied.
18. What is the use of paste special in Excel?
Excel Paste Special makes the pasting operation smoother by letting you choose
which formatting (source or destination) to keep or by stripping all formatting and just
pasting the values or formulas.
19. What is difference between function and formula in Excel?
A Formula is an equation designed by a user in Excel, while a Function is a
predefined calculation in the spreadsheet application.
20. Name some area of application of Excel?
1. Data Entry and Storage
2. Performing Calculations
3. Data Analysis and Interpretation
4. Reporting and Visualizations
5. Accounting and Budgeting
6. Collection and Verification of Business Data
7. Calendars and Schedules

21. When Microsoft was founded?

Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in April 1975.
22. What Is the Advantage of Using the Chart Function in Excel?
Excel charts allow spreadsheet administrators to create visualizations of data sets.
A chart can create a clearer picture of a set of data values than a table with rows of

Computer SSC-I

numbers in it, allowing managers to incorporate this understanding into analysis

and future planning.
Benefits of charts and graphs also come into play in presentations, where they can
be used to quickly illustrate trends in data for others to see.
23. Write advantages of sorting and filtering data in Excel.
 Systematic representation – sorting enables users to represent the data in a very
systematic manner that enables fine presentation.
 Better understanding of data – when data is presented in a sorted and filtered
manner then then data decoding and understanding becomes very easy.
24. Why data filtering use in Excel?
In addition to sorting, you may find that adding a filter allows you to better analyze
your data. When data is filtered, only rows that meet the filter criteria will display and
other rows will be hidden. With filtered data, you can then copy, format, print, etc.,
your data, without having to sort or move it first.
25. Why data Validation use in Excel?
Excel can restrict data entry to certain cells by using data validation, prompt users to
enter valid data when a cell is selected, and display an error message when a user
enters invalid data.
26. Why we protect our worksheet in Excel?
To prevent other users from accidentally or deliberately changing, moving, or
deleting data in a worksheet, you can lock the cells on your Excel worksheet and
then protect the sheet with a password.
27. What is conditional formatting in excel?
Conditional formatting makes it easy to highlight certain values or make particular
cells easy to identify. This changes the appearance of a cell range based on a
condition (or criteria). You can use conditional formatting to highlight cells that
contain values which meet a certain condition.
28. Why we use Inpage?
Inpage is used on PCs where the user wishes to create their documents in Urdu.
29.What is word processor? Write some advantages of it over a typewriter.
Word Processor:
Word processor is computer application software that is used for the creation of
different types of documents on the computer.

Computer SSC-I

MS Word:
It is a common processing program used in Ms Office. Some advantages of
using word processing over a Typewriter are as under;
We can delete Mistakes.
We can check the spellings.
Different fonts can be used.
We can save the document.
It provides different colors and pictures.
We can e-mail over documents.

30. Name any three types of documents which can be prepared in word.
Word processor can be used to prepare different types of documents like letters,
reports, resumes, newsletters, memos, and flyers etc.
31. Differentiate between page break and section break.
Page Break:
A page break is a marker that tells Word program that the contents which
follow are to appear on a new page. Word automatically inserts a page break when
user wants to add a new page to the document.
Section Break:
A section break also inserts a new page but it allows the user to change the
page format without having any effect on the formatting of the previous pages
Example: section break can be used to break a document into sections having
different header and footer for each chapter of a book.
32. Why header and footer are important in a word document?
Header: Header refers to information that appears at the top of a page.
Footer: Footer refers to information that appears at the bottom of a page.

Importance of header and footer:

Header and footer plays very important role in a document. it gives us the
recognition of a document. it may include book title, document title, chapter number
and title, page number and company name etc.

Computer SSC-I

31. What is the purpose of control buttons in Word window?

Control Buttons:
In computer every window has a set of three control buttons on the right side of title
bar. These are Minimize, Maximize and restore or close button.
Minimize Button:
This button is used to minimize or screen of the window. the program
remains open behind the screen.
Maximize Button/Restore Button:
This button is used to enlarge the window. But by clicking the button again we can
return the window to its original size, that's why this button is also called restore
Close Button:
This button is used to close the running program or window. It has a different color
than the other two buttons.
32. Why hyperlinks are created in Word document?
Hyperlinks give the readers an instant access to information. They just get the
required information by clicking the link. it may be a text or graphic. In other words it
is location address inserted into document that links to another object or location.
33. Name any three areas of application of excel.
In MS excel we can perform calculations like calculator and manipulate any text like
MS word. Here are some application areas of excel;
Pivot Tables:
They summarize large amount of excel data from database, where first row
contains headings and the other values.
Conditional Formatting:
It helps users to quickly focus on important aspects or to highlight errors
or to identify important patterns in data. Sorting and Filtering: sorting and filtering
your data save much time of the users and make the excel spread sheet more
effective and powerful.
Basic Math:
We can type the calculation we want to perform directly into the cell or
the formula bar and on pressing enter the answer will be shown in the cell.

Computer SSC-I

Mixed type Charts:

Mixed or combo charts combine two styles, excel column chart and line chart.
This format is helpful where we want to show variation.
34. Differentiate between relative and absolute cell addressing in Excel.
Relative Cell Addressing:
Relative cell address means when a formula is copied to other cell, the
cell references in the formula change to reflect the formula's new location.
Enter the formula =B5+C5+D5 in cell E5 to calculate the total
Numbers. Copy the formula in E6. the formula in E6 becomes =B6+C6+D6,
the cell references automatically changed based on the relative position.
Absolute Cell Addressing:
User can address a particular cell location no matter where the formula appears by
using absolute cell address. it keeps cell address constant when copying a formula
or function. The formula begins with $ sign e.g; =$C$5 + $D$5

35. What are the advantages of protecting an Excel worksheet?

Sometimes you may not want others to edit or delete your important data. In excel
worksheet you can protect your sensitive data or information in elements down to the
cell level. When a worksheet is protected others can only view it but changes cannot
be made.
36. How graphical representation of spread sheet data can be helpful in
Graphical Representation of Data:
Charts are very useful in representing data. most commonly used chart is column
chart. Excel allows business users to unlock the potential of their data by displaying
data in visual form i.e.; graphs or charts. Using pie charts, graphs and clustered
columns adds meaning to data. These visualizations can add extra emphasis to
business reports and marketing materials.

Computer SSC-I

Topic: Data Communication

1. Explain the process of data transmission in detail?

Data transmission means sending information from one place to another using
computer networks and data communication systems. In computer technology, it
means sending streams of bits or bytes from one place to another using copper
wire, fiber optics, satellite communication, etc.
2. What are various types of transmission media?
There are two broad categories of transmission media:
a. Guided media includes fiber optic cable, coaxial cable, and twisted pair
b. Unguided media includes radio waves, micro waves, infrared, Bluetooth,
satellite etc.
3. Briefly explain advantages and disadvantages of twisted pair cable.
Often available in existing phone system
Reduces crosstalk
Not as durable as coaxial
Does not support high speed
4. What do you mean by communication protocol?
A protocol is a set of rules to enable computers to connect with one another and
to exchange information with minimum possible error. Without a protocol two
devices may be connected but they cannot communicate with each other.
5. What do you mean by MODEM?
MODEM stands for Modulator-Demodulator. It is a device that can convert an
analog signal into digital signal and vice versa. The two common types of
MODEMS are Dialup modem and DSL modem. Dial up modems are being
replaced by faster DSL connection for internet.

Computer SSC-I

6. Define modulation and demodulation?

A telephone line is used for voice transmission which is analog signal. A modem
converts digital computer signal to analog form for transmission over telephone
line. This process is called modulation.
Another, modem at the receiving end, converts the analog signal back to digital
form which is known as demodulation.

7. Define an advantage and disadvantage of wireless network card?

Advantage: Disadvantage:
Wireless network card provides an It is slow and less reliable than wired
easy way to create a wireless network card.

8. Define the term bandwidth?

Bandwidth is the range of frequencies that is available for the transmission of
data. It is overall data transmission capacity of a medium or channel. Wider the
bandwidth of a communication channel, the more data it can transmit in a given
period of time. Bandwidth is also measured in bits per second.
9. What are elements of data communication?
The elements of data communication are:
Transmission medium

Computer SSC-I

10. How can we check the effectiveness of data communication?

The effectiveness of data communication can be checked by:
 Accuracy: Data communication system must deliver the message
accurately without any change.
 Delivery: Data system must deliver the message to correct destination
 Timeliness: The system must deliver the data without significant delay in
timely manner
11. What factors affect data transmission?
The performance of a network can be affected by various factors:
 The number of devices on the network
 The bandwidth of the transmission medium
 The type of network traffic
 Transmission impairments like attenuation (signal loss)
 Network latency that is a measure of how long it takes a message to travel
from one device to another across a network.
Any network can be affected by one or a combination of these factors.
12. What is a communication channel? What choices do you have while
choosing a network?
A communication channel refers to either physical transmission media mean the
connecting cables that link various workstations (Guided media) or transmission
through open space (Unguided media).
13. What are the factors on which data rate depends?
Data rate i.e., how fast we can send data depends upon:
a. Bandwidth available

Computer SSC-I

b. The level of signals we can use

c. The quality of the channel (level of noise)
14. What is asynchronous mode of data transmission?
It is a serial mode of transmission. In this mode of transmission, time interval
between each character is not same. Each byte is framed with a start and a stop
bit. There may be a variable length gap between each byte. It is suitable for low-
speed connection like connection between system unit and keyboard.
15. What is synchronous mode of data transmission?
In this mode of transmission, time interval between the characters is always the
same. Bits are sent in a continuous stream without start stop bits and without
gaps between bytes. Regrouping the bits into meaningful bytes is the
responsibility of the receiver.
16. What do you mean by wireless communication?
Unguided media transport electromagnetic waves without using physical
conductor. This type of communication is referred to as wireless communication.
Here signals are broadcasted through air and thus available to anyone who has a
device to receive it.
17. What do you mean by Bluetooth?
It is a wireless LAN technology that uses radio waves to connect portable
electronic devices over short distance. It eliminates the need of cable
connections. It provides fast and reliable transmission. For e.g., a Bluetooth
headset connected to a laptop or mobile phone.
18. What is IP address?
The internet address (IP address) is 32 bits that uniquely and universally defines
a host or router on the internet. The portion of IP address that identifies the
network is called net id. The portion of IP address that identifies the host or router
on the network is called host id.

19. What are the advantages of fiber optic cable?

The advantages of fiber optic cable are noise resistance. As they use light so
external noise is not a factor. Less signal attenuation fiber optic transmission. It
provides high quality transmission at extremely fast speed. It can transmit trillions
of bits per second.

Computer SSC-I

20. What are disadvantages of fiber optic cable?

The disadvantages of fiber optic cable are:
It is costly, expensive installation and maintenance is required, any roughness or
cracking defuses light and alter the signal fragility which means it is more fragile
than other cables.
21. Why does satellite stay in orbit and never fall on the earth?
This is the law of inertia. The force of gravity acts upon a high-speed satellite to
deviate its trajectory from a straight-line inertial path. Indeed, a satellite is
accelerating towards the earth due to force of gravity. Finally, a satellite does fall
towards the earth, only it never falls into the earth.

22. Define communication and data communication?

Communication is the process of sharing a message.
A conversation between two people is an example of communication.
Data Communication:
Data communications refers to the sharing of a virtual message. Data
communication is the exchange of digital messages between two devices. It involves
a sender and a receiver which communicate via some form of transmission medium
such as a cable.
Electronic communications, like emails and instant messages and phone calls are
examples of data communications.

23. Define the following terminologies of data communication?

 Data
 Data Communication
 Data Transmission
 Analog Signals
 Digital Signals
 Data Rate / Bit Rate

Computer SSC-I

 Baud Rate
 Signal to Noise Ratio

(i) Data:

 Collection of raw facts and figures is called data. The word data is derived
from Latin language and it is plural of Datum.
 The text, numbers, symbols, images, voice and video which are processed by
computers and digital devices are called data. Data can be considered as
unprocessed information.

(ii) Data Communication:

Data Communication is the process of transferring data electrically from one place to
another. It is the process of exchange of data and information between two parties
Example: Such as human and electronic or computing device.

(iii) Data Transmission:

The data transmission means emission of data in any direction via wireless or wired
medium. Transmission may occur between source and destination.

(iv) Analog Signals:

Analog signals are a continuously varying signals or waves that change with time
period and used to represent data. An analog signal can be used to measure
changes in some physical quantities
Example: Such as light, sound, pressure or temperature.

(v) Digital Signals:

A digital signal is an electrical signal that is converted into a pattern of bits to

Computer SSC-I

represent a sequence of discrete values, at any given time. It can only be one of the
finite numbers represented as 0 or 1.

(vi) Data Rate / Bit Rate:

 Data rate is the rate at which data is transferred. It is normally measured in

bits per second. Bit is the actual binary digit which is the basic unit of data
transmission. Bit can hold either 0 or 1.
 Bit Rate:
Data rate can be ranging from bps (bits per second) for smaller values to kbps
(kilo bits per second) and mbps (megabits per second). It is also called bit
 Data rate becomes faster when more bits are transferred in one second.
 Formula Of Bit Rate:

Bit rate = baud rate x the number of bits per signal units.

(vii) Baud Rate:

 The baud rate is the number of signals transmitted per second and one signal
can represent one or more bits. It is used to describe the maximum change in
an electronic signal.
 For example, if a signal changes 1200 times in one second, it would be
measured at 1200 baud.
 Formula of Baud Rate:

Baud rate = bite rate / the number of bits per signal units.

Computer SSC-I

(viii) Signal to Noise Ratio:

 Signal-to-noise ratio (abbreviated SNR or S/N) is a measure. It is dened as

the ratio of signal power to the noise power, often expressed in decibels.
 Uses: It is used in engineering that compares the level of a desired signal and
the level of background noise.

24. Differentiate between:

(a) analog and digital signals
(b) Data rate or Bite rate and baud rate?

Difference Between Analog Signals and Digital signals

S.No. Analog Signals Digital signals

1. An analog signal is a continuous A digital signal is a discrete wave
wave that changes by time period. that carries information in binary
2. Analog signal has no fixed range. Digital signal has a finite number
i.e. 0 and 1.
3. An analog signal can easily be A digital signal is less prone to
disturbed by other signals or waves. other signals disturbance.
4. The human voice is example of an Signals used by computer are the
analog signal. digital signal.
5. An analog signal is represented by A digital signal is represented by
a sine wave. square waves.

26. Difference between Data Rate/Bit Rate and Baud Rate:

S.NO. Data Rate/Bit Rate Baud Rate

1. Bit rate tells the number of bits Baud rate is used when we want to
transmitted per unit of time know the number of signal units
(Second). transmitted per unit of time

Computer SSC-I

2. Bit rate is the number bits (0's and Baud rate is the number of times a
1's) transmitted per second. signal is traveling comprised of bits.
One signal can represent more than
one bit.
3. Formula: Formula:
Bit rate = baud rate x the number Baud rate = bit rate / the number of
of bits per signal unit bits per signal unit

27. What are the properties of a Good Communication System?

The effectiveness of a data communications system depends on the fundamental
characteristics which include delivery, accuracy and timeliness.

S.No. Characteristic Description

1. Delivery Making sure that the data is delivered is the first
fundamental characteristic of any communication
network. The system must be able to deliver data in
correct order to the correct destination.
2. Accuracy The system must deliver the data accurately. Data
that has been altered during transmission and left
uncorrected is not useful.
3. Timeliness The data must be delivered in a timely manner. Late
delivered data is useless.

28. Differentiate between:

 Guided and unguided media

 Radio wave, microwave and infrared wave


1. In guided media signals are It does not require physical medium
transmitted in a narrow pathway by such as wire for the transmission of
using physical links. electromagnetic signals.

Computer SSC-I

2. It is also called Wired or Bounded Unguided media is also termed as

transmission media. wireless or unbounded transmission
3. Wired transmission Wireless transmission
4. It provides direction to signal for It does not provide any direction.
travelling. Unguided media is generally suited
for radio broadcasting in all
5. Transmission speed is generally Transmission speed is generally
faster. slow.

29. Describe the different types of flaws and faults (impairment) in

transmission signals?
Sometimes, signals traveling through transmission media lose their quality. This
means that received signal is not same as the signal that was sent. This
phenomenon is called transmission impairments. Transmission impairments are
those defects that occur when data is transmitted.
There are three causes of impairment i.e.:

1. Attenuation
2. Distortion and
3. Noise

Computer SSC-I

Topic: Computer Networks

1. Define Network?
A network is a set of devices connected by physical media links. A network is
recursively is a connection of two or more nodes by a physical link or two or more
networks connected by one or more nodes.
2. What is internet?
Internet is world-wide network that interconnects millions of computers and provides
information and communication facilities.
3. What is a node?
A network can consist of two or more computers directly connected by some
physical medium such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such a physical medium is
called as Links and the computer it connects is called as Nodes.
4. What is point-point link?
If the physical links are limited to a pair of nodes it is said to be point-point link.
5. What is Multiple Access?
If the physical links are shared by more than two nodes, it is said to be Multiple
6. What is point-point link?
If the physical links are limited to a pair of nodes it is said to be point-point link.
7. What are the advantages of Distributed Processing?
a. Security/Encapsulation
b. Distributed database
c. Faster Problem solving
d. Security through redundancy
e. Collaborative Processing
8. What is the criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network?
a. Performance
It can be measured in many ways, including transmit time and response time.
b. Reliability
It is measured by frequency of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a
failure, and the network's robustness.
c. Security
Security issues include protecting data from unauthorized access and viruses.

Computer SSC-I

9. Name the factors that affect the reliability of the network?

a. Frequency of failure
b. Recovery time of a network after a failure
10. Name the factors that affect the security of the network?
a. Unauthorized Access
b. Viruses
12. What is Protocol?
A protocol is a set of rules that govern all aspects of information communication.
13. What are the key elements of protocols?
The key elements of protocols are
a. Syntax
It refers to the structure or format of the data, that is the order in which they are
b. Semantics
It refers to the meaning of each section of bits.
c. Timing
Timing refers to two characteristics: When data should be sent and how fast they
can be sent.
14. What are the key design issues of a computer Network?
a. Connectivity
b. Cost-effective Resource Sharing
c. Support for common Services
d. Performance
16. What is a peer-peer process?
The processes on each machine that communicate at a given layer are called peer-
peer process.
17. What is Multiplexing?
Multiplexing is the set of techniques that allows the simultaneous transmission of
multiple signals across a single data link.
18. What are major types of networks and explain?
1. Server-based network: provides centralized control of network resources and rely
on server computers to provide security and network administration
2. Peer-to-peer network: computers can act as both servers sharing resources and
as clients using the resources.

Computer SSC-I

19. What is mesh network?

A network in which there are multiple networks links between computers to provide
multiple paths for data to travel.
20. What is network architecture?
Network architecture is the design of a computer network. It frameworks for the
specification of a network's physical components and their functional organization
and configuration, its operational principles and procedures, as well as
communication protocols used.
21. Define server?
A server is a computer program or device that provides a service to another
computer program and its user, also known as the client. In a data center, the
physical computer that a server program runs on is also frequently referred to as a
22. Define Client?
A client is a computer that connects to and uses the resources of a remote
computer, or server. Many corporate networks comprise a client computer for each
employee, each of which connects to the corporate server.
23. How many types of connections are there in a network?
There are two possible types of connections: point-to-point and multipoint.
24. What is a network topology?
A network topology is the physical and logical arrangement of nodes and
connections in a network. Nodes usually include devices such as switches, routers
and software with switch and router features.
25. Why is network topology important?
Network topology plays a major role in how a network functions. Namely, the
topology has a direct effect on network functionality. A well-defined network topology
makes it easier for network admins to locate faults, troubleshoot issues and to
allocate network resources
26. In how many types the network topology is categorized? Name them.
The network topology is categorized into two types.
i. Physical topologies
ii. Logical topologies

Computer SSC-I

27. How many types of physical topologies are there?

There are seven types of physical topologies. They are bus,star,ring,mesh,tree and
hybrid topologies.
28. Write some disadvantages of star topologies?
i. It is expensive to install as this type of network uses the most cable (network
cable is expensive)
ii. Extra hardware is required (hubs or switches) which adds to cost.
iii. If a hub or switch fails, all the devices connected to it will have no network
29. How do you communicate over a network?
Communication across a network is carried on a medium. The medium provides the
channel over which the message travels from source to destination.
30. How many communication lines provided via telephone network?
There are four types of communication lines provided via telephone network.
i. Dial-up line
ii. DSL
iii. ISDN
iv. CDMA

Computer SSC-I

Topic: Computer Security and Ethics

1. Why do we need an installation key whereas a software can be protected

with a password?
Installation key or product key is a unique, alphanumeric code of any length
required by many software programs during installation. They help software
developers ensure that each copy of their software was legally purchased.
Passwords are used for authentication to enter a system. Password helps to
prevent unauthorized people from accessing files, programs and other resources.
2. Is there any difference between software piracy and privacy?
Yes, protecting data from malicious users is called data privacy or information
privacy. Whereas, piracy means making illegal copies. It can be a book, software,
movie, poetry, painting or any other work protected by copyright law.
3. How do we ensure that we are not buying illegal copies of a software?
Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution or uses of software. Some
software companies sell software with a confidential text called the key of that
software. This key is provided to only those people who buy that software. In this
way illegal copies are stopped to be installed.
4. How fraud and misuse occur using computer over internet?
Using computers over internet, some unauthorized activities can take place.
Some of these include theft of money, theft of services, theft of valuable data,
and theft of personal information to commit crimes, internet harassment and
cyber bullying.
5. What do you know about copyright law?
Copyright law says that some ideas or products cannot be copied. The rights are
reserved for copying. Software products are mostly copyright protected. It means
we cannot copy them, like Ms. Word, Ms. Office etc. If someone by some means
copy a software it is called software piracy which is a crime.
6. What is a computer malware?
A computer virus maybe a program or set of programs that can cause extensive
damage to your computer system. A virus is a computer program written with
negative intentions. It can change/destroy an information or damage a precious

Computer SSC-I

7. What is the use of password?

A password is a string of letters, numbers and special characters used to verify
the identity of a user during the authentication process. Passwords are used for
authentication to enter a system.
8. Write down any three characteristics of a good password.
1. A good password should be difficult to guess or crack.
2. It should be lengthy, complex and unique.
3. It should be a mixture of letters (including uppercase and lowercase
letters), numbers and special characters.
9. What is phishing?
Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email,
telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure
individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable
information, banking and credit card details, and passwords.
The information is then used to access important accounts and can result in
identity theft and financial loss.
10. What do you mean by computerized system?
System that includes software, hardware, application software, operating system
software, supporting documentation, e.g., automated laboratory systems, control
systems, manufacturing, clinical, or compliance monitoring database systems,
11. Explain cybercrime and harassment with examples.
Cyberbullying or harassment is a type of cybercrime in which electronic means
like computer, mobile phones or internet are used for online bullying or
Harmful bullying can include:
a) Posting rumors
b) Threats
c) Passing inappropriate remarks
d) Leaking personal information
e) Blackmailing
f) Committing hate speech

Computer SSC-I

12. What is ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking involves an authorized attempt to gain unauthorized access to a
computer system, application, or data. Carrying out an ethical hack involves
duplicating strategies and actions of malicious attackers.
13. How are crackers different from hackers?
The basic difference is that a hacker uses their extensive knowledge of computer
logic and code, while a cracker looks for back doors in programs, and exploits
those back doors. Hackers break into the security systems for the sole purpose of
checking the holes in the system and works on rectifying these while as the
Cracker breaks into the security system for criminal and illegal reasons or for
personal gains.
14. Write down some safeguards against malware.
Some simple steps that can protect our systems from malware are:
a) Install antivirus software and keep it updated
b) Run scheduled scans regularly with any antivirus software
c) Keeping our operating system updated
d) Do not click on internet links with unusual captions or images
e) Do not open email attachment from unknown user
f) Only download files and programs from trusted sources
g) Never use an open Wi-Fi
15. Define authentication mechanism.
The authentication mechanism is the hardware or software-based mechanic that
forces users to prove their identity before accessing data on a device. The
process makes sure the only authenticated user gets access to data or devices.
16. What is biometric verification?
Biometric verification is a way to identify individuals based on their unique
characteristics or body measurements, for example, their face, fingerprints or
voice. It prevents highly secure identification and personal verification
17. What is multimodal authentication?
Multimodal authentication means combination of two or more types of
authentication methods. For example, a multimodal authentication can combine
access card and PIN to open security gate.

Computer SSC-I

18. Define computer ethics.

Computer ethics means an acceptable behavior for using computer technology. It
is a code of behavior for moral and social issues while using computer
technology, particularly internet. Computer user should be honest, respect the
rights of others on the internet and obey laws that apply to online behavior.
19. What are some moral guidelines one should follow to avoid unauthorized
use of computer.
Some important guidelines for ethical use of computer technology are:
a) Computers should not be used to harm other people.
b) Computer users should not break into others computer systems to steal,
change, or destroy data.
c) People should not make illegal copies of copyright software.
d) Computer users should respect privacy of others.
e) People should not commit any type of crime with the help of computer
20. Can email attachment spread malware?
Yes, opening email attachments from a stranger or from unknown address can
infect computer with malware. Even downloading and opening email from a friend
or family member can be dangerous. They may pass the user a virus or other
malware without knowing about it.


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