Fluid Flow Analysis of A Shark-Inspired Microstructure
Fluid Flow Analysis of A Shark-Inspired Microstructure
Fluid Flow Analysis of A Shark-Inspired Microstructure
1. Introduction
Nature has produced structures and materials that are efficient and multipurpose
using commonly occurring materials in order to survive. From these resourceful
designs, researchers have created bioinspired designs with the goals of replicating
and expanding their functionality in order to solve practical problems (Bhushan 2009,
2012). There are many aspects of nature that can serve as an inspiration for design.
For example, superhydrophobicity can be found from the leaves of Lotus flowers
(Bhushan 2009), reversible adhesion from the toes of a gecko (Autumn et al. 2000;
Gao et al. 2005; Autumn et al. 2006; Bhushan 2010), antireflectivity from the eyes
of moths (Genzer & Efimenko 2006) and self-cleaning from rice leaves and butterfly
wings (Bixler & Bhushan 2012b).
A model surface inspired by nature for drag reduction is provided by shark skin.
Fast-swimming sharks can quickly move through water with a low energy input. As
shown in figure 1, sharks are covered in scales called dermal denticles (little skin
teeth) and have riblets with microscopic grooves aligned parallel to fluid flow. The
Dermal denticle
F IGURE 1. (Colour online) Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs of the skin
of a fast-swimming shark from living nature shown at two magnifications (adapted from
Bixler & Bhushan 2012b). These images highlight the scales (dermal denticles) and riblets
which are responsible for drag reduction. Arrows indicate fluid flow direction.
scales are generally 0.2–0.5 mm in size with the grooves spaced 30–100 µm apart
(Reif 1985; Bechert, Bruse & Hage 2000a,b; Bhushan 2012). Shark-skin-inspired
riblets have been studied by various researchers both experimentally (Walsh 1982;
Rohr et al. 1992; Bechert, Bruse & Hage 1997b; Lee & Lee 2001; Jung & Bhushan
2009; Dean & Bhushan 2010; Bixler & Bhushan 2012a, 2013) and computationally
(Choi, Moin & Kim 1993; Chu & Karniadakis 1993; Goldstein, Handler & Sirovich
1995). In these studies, various riblet geometries have been examined including blade,
scalloped and sawtooth designs, and riblet configurations such as continuous and
Experiments to study the drag benefits of riblets have been carried out using the
so-called Berlin oil channel which contained two test plates, one with riblets and one
without, inserted into a flow channel (Bechert et al. 1992). Force measurements on
these plates were compared, and the percentage drag reduction on the riblet surface
was reported using 1τ /τ0 where 1τ is the difference in shear stress between the riblet
and smooth surfaces and τ0 is the shear stress for the smooth surface. The surface area
used to calculate the shear stress was based on the smooth surface area. The riblet
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5 10 15 20 25 30 35
F IGURE 2. Drag-reduction curves for three continuous riblet geometries for various s+
spacing (adapted from Bechert et al. 1997b). Blade riblets provide the greatest drag
reduction followed by scalloped and sawtooth riblets. Drag reduction was calculated by
measuring the force on two test plates, one with riblets and one without, and reported as
1τ /τ0 where 1τ is the difference in shear stress between the riblet and smooth surfaces
and τ0 is the shear stress for the smooth surface. For this study, optimal spacing is at
s+ ≈ 16 where s+ is a non-dimensional spacing parameter defined by s+ = svτ /ν where s
is the dimensional riblet spacing, vτ = (τ0 /ρ)1/2 where vτ is the wall shear-stress velocity
and ν is the kinematic viscosity. Riblet geometries are commonly non-dimensionalized in
order to compare their drag change.
vortices in turbulent flow and reducing the turbulence fluctuations in the cross-flow
direction (table 1).
In the first mechanism stated in table 1, riblets control the streamwise vortices
that form in turbulent flow. These vortices rotate along the axis of the mean velocity
direction generating ejecting and sweeping motions in which high-velocity fluid mixes
with the low-velocity fluid near the surface. Consequently, this motion creates zones
of high shear stress and drag. By choosing an appropriately sized riblet spacing based
on the vortex size inherent to the flow, these vortices can be lifted away from the
surface, decreasing the area exposed to high shear stress and therefore reduce drag
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
(Kim, Moin & Moser 1987; Choi et al. 1993; Lee & Lee 2001).
In the second mechanism stated in table 1, riblets decrease the fluctuating velocity
component in the cross-flow direction. In turbulent flow, the flow is unsteady, and
the fluid velocity oscillates around the mean flow velocity. By channelling the flow
using riblets, this oscillation is reduced; therefore, the momentum transfer close to
the surface and overall drag is reduced. An effective protrusion height parameter has
been suggested to measure the riblet geometry effectiveness in reducing drag. This
parameter is the difference between the streamwise and cross-flow protrusion heights
shown in table 1 (Bechert et al. 1986; Bechert & Bartenwerfer 1989). The effective
protrusion height parameter (1h) increases with increased spacing (s) because 1h is
a constant fraction of the riblet spacing. With a larger spacing, the turbulent cross-
flow and momentum exchange near the wall decreases and therefore the cross-flow
protrusion height decreases. With riblets with small spacing only interacting in the
viscous regime, a linear relationship is expected due to the law of the wall, which
is the relationship between the velocity at the wall and the distance from the wall in
non-dimensional units (Spalding 1961) and so the initial slope of the drag reduction
curve is proportional to (1h/s)s+ (Bechert et al. 1997b).
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
y parameter (1h) is a measure of how effectively the riblets been modified to see the change in turbulent
h ps x z reduce drag and is the difference between the streamwise cross-flow velocity component and compared
(hps ) and cross-flow protrusion heights (hps ) (Bechert et al. with the overall drag change.
Apparent flow origins
1986; Bechert & Bartenwerfer 1989).
Schematic of the mean velocity
profiles for flow in the streamwise and At low s+ , the drag reduction was found to be
cross-flow dirctions proportional to (1h/s)s+ (Bechert et al. 1997b).
(adapted from Bechert et al., 1997b)
TABLE 1. Two ideas for the riblet drag-reduction mechanism. The first idea shows an image of a lifted vortex created by atomizing oil
burned in air to produce smoke. With appropriate sized riblet spacing, vortices are lifted away from the surface decreasing the ejecting and
sweeping motions. The second idea shows an image of the effective protrusion height parameter which is a calculation to show the efficiency
of the riblet geometry in channelling the fluid and reducing the cross-flow turbulence fluctuations.
Fluid flow analysis of a shark-inspired microstructure 9
Researchers do not fully understand the mechanism of drag reduction and have
primarily suggested these mechanisms as possible explanations. Furthermore, from the
definition of s+ , the drag reduction should be the same for constant non-dimensional
parameters even if the spacing, velocity or viscosity terms are changed. This concept
has not been explored, and limited drag data can be compared to answer whether this
definition holds. In addition, it is not understood how the effect of riblet geometry
and flow properties impacts on drag, vortex size and turbulence fluctuations. The size
of vortices has been measured for limited geometries and Reynolds numbers, and
turbulence fluctuations have not been compared with drag change for various riblet
By investigating and answering these concerns, riblets can become more widely
implemented in commercial applications as a method of drag reduction. For example,
riblet technology has applications in competitive swimsuits; air, water and oil pipe
flow; and transportation. Currently, riblet technology has been employed in competitive
swimwear such as the Speedo Fastskinr swimsuit to reportedly decrease drag by up
to 4 % (Krieger 2004). Applying riblets to the inside of pipes would decrease drag
(Bechert, Bruse & Hage 1997a; Weiss 1997) and reduce fouling in oil and water
flow (Bixler & Bhushan 2012a,b). In oil pipeline flow, sludge accumulation causes
high drag and requires higher pumping energy. In ships, biofouling in which aquatic
growth accumulates on the hull also increases drag. Riblets could be applied to the
hull of ships to reduce fouling and create a drag reduction. To investigate reducing
skin friction drag on aircraft using riblet structures, studies at the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration’s Langley Research Center (Walsh & Anders 1989) and
the German Aerospace Center (Bechert et al. 1997a) have been carried out. Riblets
by covering approximately 70 % of the hull of an aircraft can provide a 3 % drag
reduction resulting in desirable fuel savings (Bechert et al. 1997a).
In this paper, a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model of blade riblet structures
was created in order to study drag, vortex formations and turbulence fluctuations.
These insights will help determine which of the two proposed riblet mechanisms is
relevant and help to develop optimal riblet designs. In addition, the definition of riblet
spacing can be evaluated to determine whether it is a valid non-dimensional parameter
in determining drag. To answer these questions, two fluid parameters (velocity and
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
viscosity) and three riblet parameters (spacing, height and thickness) for blade riblets
were independently changed.
2. Modelling
In this section, the CFD program and turbulence model will be presented first. Next,
a validation model of the flow around a square cylinder will be shown. Lastly, the
shark-skin inspired riblet models are presented along with the methods to analyse the
flow results.
D Square cylinder
14D x
4.5D D 15D
F IGURE 3. Side view of the flow in a rectangular channel with a square cylinder for
LES validation showing geometry (a) and mesh (b). Computational mesh of the geometry
is 220 × 150 × 20.
A time step of 2.5 × 10−3 s was used for 10 000 time steps. This time step
was chosen to resolve the flow using the Courant condition which allows for the
calculations to capture the time scales at the cell residence time. The data was
averaged over the last 7000 time steps which was approximately 11 times the
residence time. From published experimental and numerical results, the mean lift
coefficient, C̄L , lift oscillation amplitude, CLrms , mean drag coefficient, C̄D , drag
oscillation amplitude, CDrms , and Strouhal number, St, were compared with the results
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
of the test case. It can be seen in table 2 that the results for this work agree and so
this model was validated for use in modelling riblet structures.
Varying Vl Varying ν
ν = 10−6 m2 s−1 Vl = 0.42 m s−1
Baseline 1.00 0.50 20.0 2.38 2.38 16.2 8.1 0.32 20
Effect of V 4.00 10.3 5.1 0.21 20
2.38 16.2 8.1 0.32 20
1.39 24.5 12.3 0.49 20
0.98 32.4 16.2 0.65 20
0.76 46.8 23.4 0.94 20
Effect of ν 4.00 10.7 5.4 0.21 20
2.38 16.2 8.1 0.32 20
1.39 27.4 13.7 0.55 20
0.77 46.7 23.3 0.93 20
Effect of s 0.50 8.4 8.4 0.34 40
1.00 16.2 8.1 0.32 20
1.50 25.3 8.4 0.34 13
2.50 41.1 8.2 0.33 8
Effect of h 0.25 16.2 4.1 0.32 20
S. Martin and B. Bhushan
F IGURE 4. Wall shear-stress velocity compared with velocity showing a linear relationship
which allows for changing velocity as a means to modify the wall shear-stress velocity.
and velocity from the test cases in table 3, figure 4 shows wall shear-stress velocity
compared with velocity. Because the relationship was approximately linear, changing
the velocity will linearly change the wall shear-stress velocity, and (1.1) could be
used to non-dimensionalize the riblet parameters. Therefore, the data trends presented
in this paper are independent of the dimensions selected for the models.
For the test cases with varying velocity or viscosity, either the viscosity or the
velocity was held constant and was listed in the table as ν/Vl . For the effect of
velocity cases, the viscosity was held constant at ν = 10−6 m2 s−1 ; for the effect of
viscosity cases, the velocity was held constant at Vl = 0.42 m s−1 . The baseline values
shown in bold numbers in the table were chosen for blank cells.
The values of the dimensional parameters were chosen to fulfil several requirements.
First, they were chosen over a range, such that when they were non-dimensionalized,
the cases would cover a wide non-dimensionalized range for the parameter. Second,
the values were selected so that the non-dimensional values could be compared
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with the other cases. By having similar non-dimensional values that were created by
modifying different dimensional parameters, the definition of non-dimensionalizing
could be explored. Lastly, the dimensional values were chosen so that s+ of 15–20
would be in the centre of the parameter’s ranges. In other studies, this range has
been shown for optimal drag reduction. By centring the data on this value, it would
allow for test cases on either side of this range to be investigated.
Two sets of riblet height test cases were created to further explore the relationship
between riblet height and drag. In the first set, only the height was modified so the
other parameters were kept the same as the baseline case. In the second set, all of the
parameters were modified to increase the Reynolds number, centre s+ near 23 and h+
near 10.
F IGURE 5. (a) Computational domain of the riblet geometry for the baseline case showing
geometry and the riblet dimensions. Twenty riblets are on the bottom surface and a smooth
surface is on the top surface for drag comparison. (b) Computational mesh near riblets.
can be directly compared with the smooth surface. The x, y, and z axes denote the
streamwise, wall-normal and spanwise or cross-flow directions, respectively.
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The instantaneous skin-friction drag for the smooth surface, Ds , and riblet surface,
Dr , were calculated with
Ds = µ dAs
ZAs (2.3)
Dr = µ dAr
Ar ∂n
where n is the coordinate normal to the surface, and As and Ar are the surface areas
for the smooth and riblet surfaces, respectively. Figure 6 shows that the instantaneous
drag for the riblet and smooth surfaces was quasi-periodic. To calculate the time-
averaged drag, the drag on each surface was averaged over a time period of at least
T + = 500. The percentage drag change was calculated by comparing the time-averaged
drag for these two surfaces as (D̄r − D̄s )/D̄s .
At time intervals of T + = 50, four equally spaced y–z planes with vorticity contours
and tangential velocity vectors were plotted. These images were used to measure the
16 S. Martin and B. Bhushan
Riblet surface Baseline case
Smooth surface
F IGURE 6. (Colour online) Time history of drag on the riblet and smooth surfaces. Due
to turbulence, the drag on each surface changes with time. The simulation was run for at
least 500 non-dimensionalized time units (T + ) to average the drag on each surface. This
figure shows an 8 % drag reduction on the riblet surface.
height, width and vortex centre distance from the wall for vortices in the buffer layer
(5–30 non-dimensionalized wall units from the wall) on the riblet and smooth surfaces,
as illustrated in figure 7. For each case over a time of T + = 500, this resulted in 44
images to analyse. The vortex size data taken from these images was averaged for
each case and will be presented to explain a possible riblet mechanism.
The definition of a vortex by Robinson (1990) states that ‘A vortex exists when
instantaneous streamlines mapped onto a plane normal to the vortex core exhibit
a roughly circular or spiral pattern, when viewed from a reference frame moving
with the center of the vortex core’. This definition was used to measure the
quasi-streamwise vortices located in the buffer layer (Robinson 1990) with the vortex
boundary defined as the edges at which the spinning motion of the fluid shown by the
velocity vectors began to break down. Vorticity plots were not used by themselves to
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
determine vortices because strong vorticity is not entirely indicative of actual vortices
especially near the walls (Robinson, Kline & Spalart 1989). For example, at the riblet
peaks in figure 7, strong vorticity was seen, but the velocity vectors do not suggest
a vortex at the peaks.
To measure the turbulence fluctuation in the cross-flow direction, points in the
model were created. These points were located at the centre of the riblet valleys (half
the riblet height and half the riblet spacing) and at the corresponding locations on the
smooth surface. The root-mean-square (r.m.s.) of the cross-flow turbulence fluctuation
was recorded at these points. The reduction in cross-flow turbulence was defined as
(w0s − w0r )/w0s , where w0s and w0r are the r.m.s. cross-flow turbulence fluctuations for the
smooth and riblet surfaces, respectively. This data was used to view the relationship
between riblet geometry and the reduction in turbulence fluctuations as explained in
the second riblet mechanism.
(a) W
from wall
vorticity (s–1)
F IGURE 7. Contour plot of streamwise vorticity and tangential velocity vectors on an y–z
plane showing the effects of turbulence. The height, width and distance from a wall for
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
an example vortex are presented. The parameters used in the image are s = 1.00 mm,
h = 0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm and Re = 4180.
the two possible mechanisms of drag reduction and present how riblet parameters
affect drag change and vortex size.
(a) 15 (b) 15
Varying V
10 Varying 10
Drag change (%)
5 5
0 0
–5 –5
–10 –10
–15 –15
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
(c) 15 (d ) 15
10 10
Drag change (%)
5 5
0 0
–5 –5
–10 –10
–15 –15
0 5 10 15 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
F IGURE 8. Drag change for the various models plotted against their non-dimensionalized
parameter. The data used in the analyses is for: (a) varying V or ν s = 1.00 mm, h =
0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm, Re = 2500–13 000; (b) varying s h = 0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm,
ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180; (c) varying h downward-pointing triangle s = 1.00 mm,
t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180; asterisk s = 0.75 mm, t = 15.0 µm, ν/Vl =
1.20 µm, Re = 8360; (d) varying t s = 1.00 mm, h = 0.50 mm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180.
In the models with varying velocity, viscosity or spacing (a,b), the curves agree to a
first order. At higher s values and constant h values, the h/s ratio becomes small leading
to a slightly different curve (b). From the models with varying velocity or viscosity (a),
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
optimal spacing was found to be at s+ ≈ 18–20. From the models with varying spacing
(b), optimal spacing was found to be at s+ ≈ 23. From the models with varying height (c),
optimal height was found to be at h+ ≈ 8–10. The s+ and h+ terms affect drag significantly,
whereas this range of t+ did not affect drag notably as shown in (d).
In figure 8(b) with varying spacing, the drag reduction minimum of 11 % was
located at s+ = 23. Even though the spacing was modified similarly to the models
with varying velocity or viscosity, the spacing curve did not match the velocity or
viscosity curve. This discrepancy was due to the riblet height and thickness not being
affected by modifying the spacing term. Changing velocity or viscosity resulted in
changing non-dimensional spacing, height and thickness; however, changing spacing
only resulted in changing non-dimensional spacing. In the models with varying
spacing, the height remained constant, and a greater non-dimensional riblet spacing
was required for the riblets to reach a drag increasing state. Due to the differences
between the velocity and viscosity curves and the spacing curve, it was apparent that
both riblet spacing and height played a large role in determining drag change.
Fluid flow analysis of a shark-inspired microstructure 19
Furthermore, in figure 8(c) with varying height and constant spacing, there was a
dramatic drag change between the baseline case and the taller riblet case for s+ ≈ 16.
In the baseline case, there was a drag reduction of nearly 10 % with h+ = 8.1, but
in the taller riblet case, there was a drag increase of 12 % with h+ = 12.5. Similarly
with s+ ≈ 23, there was a drag reduction of 8.2 % at h+ = 9.9 with less of a drag
reduction on either side of this case. A height in the region of h+ = 8–10 optimally
reduced drag for both cases even with different Reynolds numbers and riblet spacings;
however, increasing outside of this range quickly led to a drag increasing state and
decreasing outside this range led to less efficient state.
When the riblet thickness was modified, little drag change occurred (figure 8d).
The thicknesses ranged from t+ = 0.08–0.50, and the drag reduction was found to
be roughly constant at approximately 9 %. There were slight oscillations around this
value, but because there was not a strong positive or negative relationship, the trend
was reported as constant over this range of thicknesses. At much larger thicknesses,
the riblet valley width would decrease and the surface area at the riblet peaks would
increase. It is expected that these changes would generate a weaker drag reduction,
and eventually a drag increase.
(a) (b)
60 60
Smooth surface vortex width
Riblet surface vortex width
50 Smooth surface vortex height 50
Riblet surface vortex height
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
(c) (d)
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 5 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6
F IGURE 9. Vortex height and width on the riblet and smooth surfaces for the various
models. The data used in the analyses is for: (a) varying V s = 1.00 mm, h = 0.50 mm,
t = 20.0 µm, Re = 2500–13 000; (b) varying s h = 0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm,
Re = 4180; (c) varying h s = 1.00 mm, t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180;
(d) varying t s = 1.00 mm, h = 0.50 mm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180. With increasing
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
velocity (a), Reynolds number based on channel height and vortex size increases. In the
models with varying s, h or t (b)–(d), vortex size remains approximately constant. Average
vortices have a greater width than height, and vortices on the smooth surface are larger
than on the riblet surface. Riblets pin the vortex keeping them from growing and becoming
the same size as the vortices on the smooth surface.
vortex width on figure 9(a,b), it was found that the average riblet surface vortex width
was approximately 32 non-dimensional units. This corresponded to a vortex-width-to-
spacing ratio of approximately 1.5. As the spacing and riblet surface vortex width
approached the same value, the drag became larger and eventually became a drag-
increasing case. It is thought that this ratio is effective in lifting away the vortices
from the surface and minimizing the exchange of high-velocity and low-velocity fluid.
As the size of the vortices and spacing approached the same value, there was a greater
possibility of a vortex fitting within a riblet valley and increasing drag.
The average vortex centre distance from the wall was plotted for the models with
varying spacing in figure 10. As s+ increased, the vortices were lifted less on the riblet
Fluid flow analysis of a shark-inspired microstructure 21
Riblet surface
0 10 20 30 40 50
F IGURE 10. Vortex centre distance from the wall on the riblet and smooth surfaces for
the models with varying spacing. The data used in the analyses is for h = 0.50 mm, t =
20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm and Re = 4180. As s+ increases, vortex centre distance from
the wall decreases on the riblet surface and stays approximately constant on the smooth
surface and stayed at y+ ≈ 20 on the smooth surface. At small spacing, riblets lift up
the vortices, but have a much larger surface area. At large spacing, riblets do not lift
up the vortices. When the spacing was s+ ≈ 20, vortices were lifted from the riblet
wall without dramatically increasing the surface area and a greater drag reduction was
observed in the riblet valleys. At larger spacings, the fluid was further from the no-slip
condition at the wall and was more affected by vortices in the flow; therefore, for
larger riblet spacings, it was easier for the fluid to travel in the cross-flow direction.
In figure 11(c) with the models with varying h+ , the taller riblets heights created
lower cross-flow turbulence fluctuations. As the riblets became taller, the velocity at
the riblet centre was less affected by the fluid above the riblets. The flow in tall
riblets was less perturbed and resulted in more streamwise flow. In figure 11(d) with
the models with varying t+ , modifying the riblet thickness minimally affected the
turbulence fluctuations. Because the valley spacing was nearly the same in these cases,
there was little difference in the turbulence fluctuations.
The reduction in turbulence fluctuations and the drag change trends did not match.
According to the second possible mechanism, these plots were expected to match
with a maximum drag reduction corresponding to a maximum reduction in turbulence
fluctuations. For example, in the models with varying s+ , there was not an inflection in
the reduction in turbulence fluctuations. In the models with varying riblet height, there
was the same reduction in turbulence fluctuations for the baseline case and taller riblet
case; however, one of these cases was a drag reduction while the other was a drag
22 S. Martin and B. Bhushan
(a) (b)
100 100
Varying V
80 Baseline Varying 80 Baseline
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
(c) (d)
100 100
80 80 Baseline
60 60
40 40
20 20
F IGURE 11. Cross-flow turbulence fluctuations for the various models. The data used
in the analyses is for: (a) varying V or ν s = 1.00 mm, h = 0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm,
Re = 2500–13 000; (b) varying s h = 0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180;
(c) varying h downward-pointing triangle s = 1.00 mm, t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm,
Re = 4180; asterisk s = 0.75 mm, t = 15.0 µm, ν/Vl = 1.20 µm, Re = 8360; (d) varying
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
t s = 1.00 mm, h = 0.50 mm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm, Re = 4180. A maximum in the turbulence
fluctuations reduction should appear at the optimal drag reduction; however, the figures do
not match this trend. Because this data does not match the drag change data, this method
is not believed to be the drag reduction mechanism.
increase. Because the drag change and reduction in cross-flow turbulence fluctuations
did not match, this idea was not thought to be the drag reduction mechanism in riblets.
The vortices and cross-flow turbulence fluctuations mechanisms may not be
completely independent; however, from the simulations, the correlation between
the two mechanisms was poor. Vortices generate ejecting and bursting motions which
mixes high-velocity fluid with low-velocity fluid which increases drag. The presence
of vortices near the wall could increase the cross-flow turbulence fluctuations. Vortices
closer to the wall would have a larger effect on increasing cross-flow turbulence
fluctuations than vortices further from the wall. It is thought that lifting vortices from
the riblet surface is the primary mechanism rather than the channelling of flow in the
streamwise direction as in the second mechanism.
Fluid flow analysis of a shark-inspired microstructure 23
Baseline (s, h, t, )
Smooth surface Riblet surface
Effect of
At higher At lower
Re, , , Re, , ,
vortex height/width vortex height/width
vortices are lifted vortices fall down
Effect of s
At lower s At higher s
Contact area and Contact area and
Vortex height/width constant Vortex height/width constant
Vortices are lifted Vortices fall down
Effect of h
At lower h At higher h
Contact area and Contact area and
Protrusion height Protrusion height
Vortex height/width constant Vortex height/width constant
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Effect of t
At lower t At higher t
Contact area and Contact area and
F IGURE 12. (Colour online) Conceptual models of various parameters effects on vortices
(flow into the page, relative scale with average vortex size data). Drag reduction was
obtained when vortices are lifted from the surface. Optimal riblet spacing was found to
be when the vortex width was 1.5 times greater than the spacing with a riblet height
h+ ≈ 8–10 which is near the lower boundary of the buffer layer. Minimal changes in drag
and vortex height or width were found for tested values of t+ . At large values of t+ , the
riblet spacing would be affected and increase drag.
riblet spacing. The data supports the first mechanism involving lifting of vortices by
the riblet peaks, appropriately sized riblets lift the vortices from the surface decreasing
the mixing of high-velocity and low-velocity fluid which leads to a drag reduction.
The model with s+ = 25.3 had a drag reduction of 11.7 %, whereas the model with
s+ = 41.2 had a drag reduction of 4.2 %. In both cases, the vortices are approximately
the same size on the smooth and riblet surfaces. The parabolic curve fit for the
drag change has a weaker drag reduction for small and large riblet spacings. At a
small riblet spacing, the combination of greater surface area and vortices contacting
many riblet peaks leads to a weaker drag reduction. At a large riblet spacing, the
vortices fall within the riblet valley increasing drag which again leads to a weaker
drag reduction. Eventually with even larger riblet spacings, a drag increase will be
expected. A vortex width that was approximately 1.5 times the riblet spacing yielded
an optimal drag reduction.
Based on the present study, optimal riblet spacing was in the range of s+ ≈ 18–25
and will depend on other riblet parameters. These values were on the same
order to the maximum drag reduction spacing of s+ = 16 (Bechert et al. 1997b)
Fluid flow analysis of a shark-inspired microstructure 25
(c) 15
Drag change (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
F IGURE 13. Vortices on the smooth and riblet surface with varying spacing along with the
corresponding drag change for h = 0.50 mm, t = 20.0 µm, ν/Vl = 2.38 µm and Re = 4180.
Streamwise vorticity and tangential velocity vectors plotted to show vortices on smooth
and riblet surfaces for (a) s+ = 25.3 and (b) s+ = 41.2. (c) Drag change for varying
riblet spacing. Vortices are lifted from the surface with a smaller riblet spacing, but with
a larger riblet spacing, the vortices fit within the riblet valley leading to greater drag and
a weaker drag reduction. Increasing the riblet spacing even more will eventually lead to
a drag increase.
and s+ = 17.7 (El-Samni, Chun & Yoon 2007) for blade riblets. The riblet height
should be calculated to stay in the range of h+ = 8–10. In this range, the drag
reduction was maximized; however, increasing the height and extending further into
the channel quickly led to a drag increasing case. Because riblet thickness did not
play a significant role at the tested thicknesses, the width of the riblet should be
chosen to be durable enough for the application.
26 S. Martin and B. Bhushan
4. Conclusions
The scales of fast-swimming sharks have been shown to provide a drag-reduction
benefit over a smooth plate (Bechert et al. 2000b; Jung & Bhushan 2009). These
scales have riblet structures with microgrooves that efficiently control the flow
of water and have shown drag reductions of up to 10 %. In prior studies, two
prevalent drag-reduction mechanisms have been presented. In the first mechanism,
appropriately sized riblets lift vortices from the surface decreasing eject and sweep
motions associated with high shear stress and drag. In the second mechanism, riblets
channel the flow and reduce the cross-flow turbulence fluctuations. To study these
mechanisms and the effect of riblet geometry and flow properties on drag, vortices
and turbulence fluctuations, computational models were created.
In this research, the data agreed with the first mechanism and disagreed with the
second mechanism. When the vortices were approximately 1.5 times as large as
the riblet spacing, optimal drag reduction was observed. The largest drag reductions
occurred when the riblet spacing was s+ ≈ 18–25 and h+ ≈ 8–10 which was on the
same order to s+ = 16 and h+ = 8 from Bechert et al. (1997b) and s+ = 18 and
h+ = 9 from El-Samni et al. (2007). As the vortices approached and became smaller
than the spacing size, the riblet surface became a drag increasing case. In the second
mechanism, the cross-flow turbulence fluctuations were measured and compared with
the drag change. Because the cross-flow turbulence fluctuations and drag change
trends did not match, it showed that this mechanism did not adequately explain the
riblet drag-reduction mechanism.
The average vortex size is believed to be dependent on Reynolds number based
on channel height with smaller vortices on the riblet surface than the smooth surface
due to riblets obstructing vortex rotation and growth. For both surfaces as Reynolds
number increased, vortex size increased. In addition to choosing appropriate riblet
spacing, the height needed to be h+ = 8–10 for optimal drag reduction. Increasing the
height quickly led to a drag increasing case due to the riblets protruding further into
the higher-velocity flow. The thickness parameter had little effect on the drag change
at the tested values due to the much larger surface area in the riblet valleys.
By independently changing the velocity, viscosity, spacing, height and thickness
parameters, it was observed that the non-dimensional definition was valid. Comparable
drag changes were observed for similar non-dimensional spacings that were created by
modifying the velocity, viscosity or spacing variables; therefore, the non-dimensional
https://doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2014.447 Published online by Cambridge University Press
The authors would like to thank the Ohio State University for their university
fellowship support to the first author, Dr G. Bixler and Professor S. Mazumder for
their insightful discussion, and B. Woodall for Ohio Supercomputer Center (OSC)
support. This work was supported in part by an allocation of computing time from
the OSC.
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