Health History and Immunization Form: University of Valley Forge - Health Center
Health History and Immunization Form: University of Valley Forge - Health Center
Health History and Immunization Form: University of Valley Forge - Health Center
Instructions: All students are required to complete a Health History and Immunization Form. Students who do not complete this
form in its entirety will be ineligible to participate in certain university activities.
Please legibly PRINT the requested information below. he contents of this record are conidential and cannot be
released without your permission.
Last First Middle
Expected 1st Semester: ______________________ (i.e., Spring 2020, Fall 2020) Cell Phone: (________)______________________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
I do not have health insurance. I acknowledge via my initials below that I am responsible for payment
of all my medical bills. I will not hold the university responsible for any medical services I receive while
attending the University of Valley Forge. ________ Student initials required (or guardian if student
is under 18 years of age). If you do have health insurance, write “N/A” (Not Applicable).
Are you under the care of a healthcare specialist at present? _________ If yes, please specify: ________________________________
Note: UVF does not provide immunizations. You must complete immunizations prior to your arrival on campus.
VARICELLA (2 doses) Date of First and Second Dose Date of Infection (or indicate that you had the disease)
Chicken Pox is a serious communicable disease that can spread
easily. It is strongly recommended that all students be immunized.
Polio Vaccine (IPV) (4 doses) Date of First and Second Dose Date of hird and Fourth Dose
Primary series during childhood; IVP booster only if needed for
travel after the age 18 years.
If you answered yes to any of the above questions or have other health problems not covered by this questionnaire, please explain
in detail (use an additional sheet of paper if necessary)
*Diabetic patients or students that use any injectable medications need to obtain proper needle disposal equipment.
If you answered yes to any allergies, please list the allergy, reaction and treatment:
I understand I must send in (mail, email, fax, or attach) an oicial copy of my immunization records from my doctor’s oice
or previous school.
I am aware that my health form will not be complete until I have attached or sent in an oicial copy of my immunization
record from my doctor’s oice or previous school.
Parent or guardian must also sign if the student is under 18 years of age at the time this medical information is submitted.
By checking this box and typing my name above, I am electronically signing this document.