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Date: 12.12.2022
Reference- Audit Report NER 03/2022-23 of Aviation safety audit of Dibrugarh during 12-14 September 2022 by Aviation Safety directed.

Sl No. Observations ( As per above reference) Action Taken PDC/ Remarks There is an average of 13 scheduled arrivals and 13 departures. Taking others like Gradually the non-core duties are being taken over from the PDC: 31.01.2023
non-scheduled, military, overflying etc, there is an average of 40 movements daily. ATCOs.
At present the traffic density and the ATC Workload are within manageable limits
for one shift operation, adhering to DGCA WDTL requirements, without assigning
additional responsibilities. But once the WDTL requirements is enforced, posted
ATCOs won't be able to take any additional non-core functions. Coordination procedure (documented), LOA with following are available -Military Preparation of SOPs are in Progress and will be completed PDC 31.01.2023
and contiguous control area. Such procedures need to be prepared between ATC & shortly.
MET, for airside operation (SOP) & with Airline operator. Aerodrome control tower is well maintained. Some cables both electrical and CNS, New ATC Building is under construction and expected to be PDC : 31.03.2023
were lying in a haphazard way. Glare of glass appears to be a problem. Needs some completed by March 2023 and issue related with Glare will be
solution. addressed in the new ATC. ALDIS (Signaling) lamp and Binocular are serviceable and available in TOWER. The The issue has been reported to Electricla Engg. Section via email PDC : 31.12.2022
Glass of the ALDIS lamp gets detached. by ATS I/c. The MET Department provides half-hourly METARs. METAR available in a display As per Met Department LOA is already existing between AAI and PDC: 31.03.2023
unit. MET official were not present in ATC Tower. As per local procedure, they IMD. However, for local SOP they will have to concern with
remain in tower only during bad weather conditions. SOP with MET not available higher authorities. However, internally development of SOP is in
and needs to be prepared. MET officer shall be in TOWER. progress and the imlementation is subject to decision of IMD. Fax machine is not Available. AFTN (AMSS) has been shifted to equipment room as Fax Machine provided at Tower and it is operational. AFTN PDC : 30.04.2023 Next
a local procedure. SOP between ATC & CNS required for AFTN. messages are delivered manually. IP Converter to be procured Financial year
for provision of Drop printer for delivering AFTN messages. Aerodrome licence is renewed up to 28/03/2023. Action required. Preparation of requisite documents is in progress for submission PDC: 31.01.2023
to Aerodrome Licensing and the same will be done in due
course of time. Accountable executives and safety manager has been nominated/ Designated. Safety Manager has completed five days SMS course of Indian Pertains to AVS Dte.
Safety manager needs to be trained. aviation academy through online mode, however, he is not RHQ-NER
trained from SMS. AVS Dte. RHQ-NER has been requested for
the arrangement of training. Aerodrome Emergency Plan, Unlawful Interference Plan and BombThreat Documentation work is in progress PDC: 31.03.2023
Contingency Ptan and Disabled Aircraft Removal Plans are available. Search and
rescue manual, Station tevel SOP for handling of VVIP flights, Building & tower fire
evacuation plan, handling of dangerous goods, disaster management, RCF
procedure available. ATS Contingency plan(with altemate ATC site), needs to be
prepared and implemented. The Anti-Hijacking control room is small. Also, clear view of the full operational area CCTV Feed has been given now. But the quality of camera is not Evidence attached.
and isolation parking area is available through a window and needs to be ok. Action initiated for the procurement for the same by RHQ
augmented through CCTV coverage. Clock showing IST not available. All facilities NER. Currently under tendering, installation will be completed
may be provided as per BCAS guidelines. once procured . This point may be dropped. The surface of the runway is bitumen. The strength of the pavement is assessed Will be complied after completion of Runway Recarpeting work. PDC: 30.06.2023
and published in AIP. At present Runway recarpeting work is in progress. The
strength needs to be assessed after completion of the work. - Action required The Runway is provided with Runway Side Stripe Markings. Threshold Markings, Will be complied after completion of Runway Recarpeting work. PDC: 30.06.2023
Centre-lines Markings, Aiming Point Marking, displaced threshold markings (for
displaced threshold of Runway 23) Markings and Runway Designation Markings
is consistent with CAR. Since runway recarpeting WIP, the markings at some
places is non-standard. Proper standard markings shall be done after
completion of work. Touch Down Zone markings should be as per the provisions of CAR Section 4/ Will be complied after completion of Runway Recarpeting work PDC: 30.06.2023
Series B/ Part I Clause 5.2.6. Turning pads should be provided with all the necessary and merging with extended portion of Runway
markings. One of the turn pad marking is nonstandard. All the markings should
be regularly painted to be conspicuous. Runway End Safety Area (RESA) of appropriate dimensions (90 m X I50 m) is Will be complied after completion of Runway Recarpeting work PDC: 30.06.2023
provided for Runway 05. But obstruction like LLZ antenna is within this area. No and merging with extended portion of Runway
RESA for RWY 23. RESA runway 23 not available. A concrete drain is within the basic strip. Some portion of the drain is open. At The drain Work in progress. Grading work will after the PDC: 31.10.2023
some other portions, construction materials like rods, shuttering covers etc. are completion of the work. Clearing of Bushes are being done on
stacked on top of the drain and needs to be removed. The areas beyond the regular basis with deployment of Grass cutter on daily basis.
runway strip of the airport are covered with wild bushes and grass. Strip is graded
and levelled and surrounding areas are maintained clear of grass and vegetation
growth. There are two aprons. The old Apron is of dimensions 263.3 meters by 108.5 Action is being taken to repair the cracks using specialised and PDC: 30.10.2023
meters and is connected to the runway through two taxiways D & E. it has four compatible material
parking bays two each for ATR 72 and two each for A 320/ B737-800. in powered
taxy in in and taxy out configuration. The new Apron is of dimensions 155
meters by 117.5 meters which includes one aircraft stand taxi lane and three
parking bays for type Airbus 320/ BT737-800 in taxi in and pushback configuration.
It is connected to the runway by two taxiway E & G. The surface is concrete and
the strength is measured. The aircraft taxi guidelines and parking stands
guidelines are continuous and properly marked. Lot of cracks are observed in
the apron especially at the joints and needs attention. Apron edge marking identified by 2 continuous yellow line and is provided. One Will be complied within stipulated time. PDC: 15.01.2023
apron edge line near stand 7 in new apron is marked in such a way that even the
wings of an ATR 72 parked had protruded beyond the edge markings. One
GHA area observed nearby and can be a safety hazard. Needs immediate
correction in the edge marking. Officials apprised of the same. Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP) is established but not maintained properly. Drain work is in progress adjacent to ARP and damages due to PDC: 15.01.2023
Action required. movement of construction vehicles. Necessary action will be
taken after completion of adjacent drain work. Wind Direction indicator is not as per the relevant specifications. Although lighted, Will be complied within stipulated time. PDC: 15.01.2023
the lights were not working. Action required. Landing Direction Indicator (LDI) is provided. Two lights of the same was found not Will be complied within stipulated time. PDC: 15.01.2023
working. Action required. The operational area needs to be cleared of grass growth and wild vegetation. The drain Work in progress. Grading work will after the PDC: 31.10.2023
General grading work is also required. Action required. completion of the work. Clearing of Bushes are being done on
regular basis with deployment of Grass cutter on daily basis. Perimeter road is available. Condition of the perimeter road needs to be improved Work awarded for improvement and is in progress. PDC: 31.10.2023
with regular maintenance. Portion of the road leading to the crash gate runway 05
is not black topped. The wild growth near the perimeter wall should be cleared.
Barbed wire overhang should be provided along the entire length of the perimeter
wall. Joint Inspection of Perimeter wall and the operational area along with security
agencies should be carried out regularly
and records to be maintained. Action required The issue of NOC requirement for construction around the airport has to be taken The issue is regularly taken up during the AEMC meetings, PDC: 31.03.2023
up with the district town planning and municipal authorities. Action required. however, guidelines on compliance to be obtained from district

2.3.9/14.2 Civil work is urgently required in equipment room , localiser building and ILS NEW ATS building is under construction. PDC 31.03.2023. All civil works PDC is
approach road. 31.03.2023 The slopping ofthe parking bays for ACFTs are very high. The height ofthe slopping Action is being initiated. PDC:31.03.2023
should be reduced to meet the response time in case of any emergency. Also,
usually the ACFTs are fully loaded with water, foam, DCP and other rescue tools
and equipment etc., which gross weight will be around 36,000kg to 37,000kg and
frequently using of high slopping on daily basis may lead the loaded vehicle's
engine damage. Proper drinking water faciliry is not available at Fire Section Action is being initiated. PDC:31.03.2023 only 02 nos ARFF personner have attended pressure Fed Fuel Fire Training. All ARFF 04(Four) nos. of ARFF personnel have been completed the PDC: Subject to
Personnel Shall complete the pressure Fed Fuel Fire training at the earliest. Pressure fed fuel fire training till now. The above mentioned consideraiton of names
training for ARFF personnel is organised centrally in phases. The from Dibrugarh for
names of remaining fire personnels at Dibrugarh will be training by RHQ
forwarded for the training. Periodical Safety Inspection of Electrical installations as per CEA regulations has not Action is being initiated. PDC:31.03.2023
been carried out. Necessary training to the O&M personal for the resucitation of persons suffering Training is being planned. PDC:28.02.2023
from Electrical shock is not imparted. Artificial respirator should be available in the Power House. Action initiated in new tender PDC:28.02.2023 Diesel storage tank has been provided at separate yard and is not maintained. Bushes are cleared. The work for provision of Proper shade to PDC: 31.01.2023
Bushes are seen Diesel Storage yard. Yard fensing is rusted. Proper shade to protect protect from rain over Diesel Pumps and Danger notice plates
from rain over Diesel Pumps are not available. Danger notice plates are not will be taken up.
available. Updated Single Line Diagram of Power distribution system should be displayed in updated SLD is available. Display of SLD is at required place is to PDC:31.12.2022
all prominent places like Power House, Switch Room, CCR room. be done. Visual docking guidance installed at BAY No. 6 is unserviceable Laser to be replaced. Action is being initiated. PDC:31.03.2023 Runway End lights of both runways are installed in two groups and the gap Action is being taken up in ongoing CAT-1 work PDC:31.05.2023
between the groups is more thanhalf the distance between the rows of runway
edge lights. Earthing Pits of PAPI and GLF are not maintained. Earthing Pits of PAPI and GLF are maintained. However, PDC:31.01.2023
Foundation of pits will be chamfered. The Fire Approach Road need to be repaired. Work will be taken along with the perimeter road work which is PDC: 15.11.2023
in progress. The turning pad of the Approach road connecting Apron, Fire station and MT Pool Work will be taken along with the perimeter road work which is PDC: 15.11.2023
are very narrow. in progress. The Fire pit approach road is not visible which is covered with grass pad. It is to be Construction of New Fire pit is in progress. PDC: 30.06.2023
required to remove the grass pad from the said road to avoid the skid of ACFTs into
unpaved area. In various portions, the condition of perimeter road is not suitable for ACFT Work will be taken along with the perimeter road work which is PDC: 15.11.2023
movement in progress. Water refilling are for ACFTs under overhead tank is found depressed and water The scope of work is already covered under the fire pit work and PDC: 31.08.2023
logged which may lead difficulties in refilling. which is in progress. There is leakage in underground Static Tank and due to this, water cannot be Water proofing of tank will be taken in FY 2023-24. PDC: 31.12.2023
stored up to the required level. White wash needed at entire Fire Section Building Water proofing of tank will be taken in FY 2023-24. PDC: 30.06.2023 The drainage system surrounding Fire section building is found damaged. Required Water proofing of tank will be taken in FY 2023-24. PDC: 30.06.2023
new construction.

(B. M. KAUL)
Aerodrome control tower is well
New ATC Building is under
maintained. Some cables both
construction and expected to be
electrical and CNS, were lying in
1 completed by March 2023 and
a haphazard way. Glare of glass
issue related with Glare will be
appears to be a problem. Needs
addressed in the new ATC.
some solution

Procedures have been laid out to

minimise runway incursions. All
safety vehicles and other vehicles
obtain specific permission from the
2 Control Tower for entering Complied
runway. Road holding position
markings or signs are available
only at one place in the airport. -
Action required.

The surface of the runway is

bitumen. The strength of the
pavement is assessed and
Will be complied after
published in AIP. At present
3 completion of Runway
Runway recarpeting work is in
Recarpeting work.
progress. The strength needs to be
assessed after completion of the
work. - Action required
The Runway is provided with
Runway Side Stripe Markings,
Threshold Markings, Centre-lines
Markings, Aiming Point Marking,
displaced threshold markings (for
displaced threshold of Runway 23) Will be complied after
4 Markings and Runway Designation completion of Runway
Markings is consistent with CAR. Recarpeting work.
Since runway recarpeting WIP, the
markings at some places is non-
standard. Proper standard markings
shall be done after completion of
work - Action required.
Runway End Safety Area (RESA)
of appropriate dimensions (90 m X
Will be complied after
I 50 m) is provided for Runway 05.
completion of Runway
5 But obstruction like LLZ antenna
Recarpeting work and merging
is within this area. No RESA for
with extended portion of Runway
RWY 23. RESA runway 23 not
available - Action required.

Touch Down Zone markings

should be as per the provisions of
Section 4/ Series B/ Parr I Clause
5.2.6. Tuming pads should be Will be complied after
provided completion of Runway
Recarpeting work and merging
with all the necessary markings. with extended portion of Runway
One of the tum pad marking is non

standard. All the markings should

be regularly painted to be
A concrete drain is within the basic
strip. Some portion of the drain is
open. At some other portions,
construction materials like rods,
shuttering covers etc are stacked on The drain Work in progress.
top of the drain and needs to be Grading work will after the
removed. The areas beyond the completion of the work. Clearing
7 runway strip of the airport are of Bushes are being done on
covered with wild bushes and regular basis with deployment of
grass. Strip is graded and levelled Grass cutter on daily basis.
and surrounding areas are
maintained clear of grass and
vegetation growth- Action
Road holding marking of all the
roads leading to the runway are
8 faded, repainting is required. Road Complied
holding sign was found only at one
place - Action required.
There are two aprons. The old
Apron is of dimensions 263.3
metres by 108.5 metres and is
connected to the runway through
two taxiways D & E. It has four
parking bays two each for ATR 72
and two each for A 3201 8737'
800, in powered taxy in in and taxy
out configuration. The new Apron
is of dimensions 155 metres by
117.5 metres which includes one
Action is being taken to repair the
aircraft stand taxi lane and three
9 cracks using specialised and
parking bays for type Airbus 3201
compatible material
8737-800 in taxi in and pushback
configuration. It is connected to the
runway by two taxiway E & G.
The surface is concrete and the
strength is measured. The aircraft
taxi guidelines and parking stands
guidelines are continuous and
properly marked. Lot of cracks are
observed in the apron especially at
the joints and needs attention -
Action required.
Apron edge marking identified by
2 continuous yellow lines and is
provided. One apron edge line near
stand 7 in new apron is marked in
such a way that even the wings of
an ATR 72 parked had protruded
10 Shall be complied
beyond the edge markings. One
GHA area observed nearby and can
be a safety hazard. Needs
immediate correction in the edge
marking. Officials apprised of the
same - Action required

The drain Work in progress.

The operational area needs to be Grading work will after the
cleared of grass growth and wild completion of the work. Clearing
vegetation. General grading work of Bushes are being done on
is also required. Action required regular basis with deployment of
Grass cutter on daily basis.
Drain work is in progress
Aerodrome Reference Point (ARP) adjacent to ARP and damages due
12 is established but not maintained to movement of construction
vehicles. Necessary action will be
taken after completion of adjacent
drain work.

properly. Action required.

Perimeter road is available.
Condition of the perimeter road
needs to
be improved with regular
maintenance. Portion of the road
leading to the crash
gate runway 05 is not black topped.
The wild growth near the perimeter
should be cleared. Barbed wire Work awarded for improvement
overhang should be provided along and is in progress.
the entire
length of the perimeter wall. Joint
Inspection of Perimeter wall and
operational area along with
security agencies should be carried
out regularly
and records to be maintained.
Action required
CNS Facilities
Equipment room is not dust free
Cement plasters has been removed
from the walls in many

14 Work in progress.
places. Regular cleaning and
maintenance not done Water
14 leakage in Localiser building. Work in progress.
Approach Road to Glide Path and
Localiser building is rugged. - Civil
work is urgently required in
equipment room, localiser
building and ILS approach road.

ARFF Facilities
Work will be taken along with the
The Fire Approach Road need to
15 perimeter road work which is in
be repaired.

The turning pad of the Approach Work will be taken along with the
16 road connecting Apron, Fire station perimeter road work which is in
and MT Pool are very narrow. progress.

The Fire pit approach road is not

visible which is covered with grass
pad. It is to be required to remove Construction of New Fire pit is in
the grass pad from the said road to progress.
avoid the skid of ACFTs into
unpaved area.
The slopping of the parking bays
for ACFTs are very high. The
height of the slopping should be
reduced to meet the response time
in case of any emergency. Also, The original construction is done
usually the ACFTs are fully loaded as per the planning directorate
18 with water, foam, DCP and other approved drawing. Matter will be
rescue tools and equipment etc., taken up with the planning
which gross weight will be around directorate for further direction.
36,000kg to 37,000kg and
frequently using of high slopping
on daily basis may lead the loaded
vehicles engine damage.

The concrete surface of the outlet

Regular repair is being done for
19 of toilet & washroom is getting
the damaged portion.

Water refilling are for ACFTs

The scope of work is already
under overhead tank is found
20 covered under the fire pit work
depressed and water logged which
and which is in progress.
may lead difficulties in refilling.

Overhead tank's outlet valve is

21 Work Completed
found leaking.
There is leakage in underground
Static Tank and due to this, water Water proofing of tank will be
cannot be stored up to the required taken in FY 2023-24.
White wash needed at entire Fire Water proofing of tank will be
Section Building taken in FY 2023-24.
The drainage system surrounding
Fire section building is found Water proofing of tank will be
damaged. Required new taken in FY 2023-24.
In various portions, the condition
of perimeter road is not suitable for Work will be taken along with the
26 ACFT perimeter road work which is in
PDC : 31.03.2023

PDC: 30.06.2023
PDC: 30.06.2023
PDC: 30.06.2023

PDC: 30.06.2023
PDC: 31.10.2023
Painting is being done
on regular basis through
Painting contract.

PDC: 30.10.2023
PDC: 15.01.2023

PDC: 31.10.2023
PDC: 15.01.2023

PDC: 31.10.2023

PDC: 31.01.2023
PDC: 31.01.2023

PDC: 15.11.2023

PDC: 15.11.2023

PDC: 30.06.2023

PDC: 31.08.2023

PDC: 31.12.2023

PDC: 30.06.2023

PDC: 30.06.2023
PDC: 15.11.2023

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