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Newron: Efficient Building Management

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Building Space

Efficient building management
Always the best solution
Building Space

Everything from the one source. And one head. Because today
efficient buildings are intelligently networked. The suitable sol­
utions for this can be found by architects, planners and oper­
ators under Building Space Solutions at ABB. This includes
innovative technology, products and services for implementing
future projects more conveniently and safely.

Modern buildings are today more than know-how of building automation as well to be used later for a different purpose,
merely the expression of future-oriented as the electrical and building systems for example. And here the Newron sys­
architecture. Integral systems must do technology sectors is merged as solution tem guarantees an assured future and
justice to the increasing demands for for buildings of the future. This portfolio efficient operation. Its openness and
energy efficiency, comfort, safety and of products and services is unique. With flexibility make it ideally suited as central
profitable operation. For this, real es­t ate this growing power of expertise, efficient and scalable building management sys­
needs intelligence in the form of well- buildings can be made a reality, safely and tem for buildings of every type and size.
designed technology. It is used to inte­ reliably – from functional buildings up to
grate information of the entire building exclusive luxury hotels. And that on an
automation and to control heating and international level. With Building Space,
cooling systems, ventilation and air con­ design, comfort, efficiency, profit­ability,
ditioning systems, lighting, sun-shading simplicity and safety are considered in
systems, as well as fire protection and their context. This is how impressive so­
safety systems. Depending on the type lutions with the greatest possible free­
of its use, a building presents special dom for design and implementation are
challenges to everyone concerned. That created. Because Building Space solu­
is why Busch-Jaeger, as subsidiary of tions adapt themselves precisely to the
the expert global brand ABB, now offers respective object and its use. Even later
an integral solution – Building Space. modifications and extensions are pos­
Under this umbrella all available expert sible at any time. When the building is

02 Building Space | Newron – Efficient building management

Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Herta & Paul Amir Building
Building Space – everything for the building of the future. The
quality of modern architecture is influenced by many par­ameters.
With Building Space, design, comfort, efficiency, profitability,
simplicity and safety are considered in their context. This results
in all-round sophisticated solutions.

E ffic i e n

a b i li t y
P ro fit Energy



Building Space Light switch


lici t
Sim p

Newron – Efficient building management | Building Space 03

Total networking
With Newron

System integrators can now work even more efficiently.

Because with the innovative Newron solutions ABB and
Busch-Jaeger offer simple and efficient possibilities for
intelligent building management.


Universal and multi protocol
automation server

IP Convergence
Schedule doMOOV
Innovative Building Management
Software operating system
enabling unique and innovative
Smart Building architecture
Trend based on IP convergence

Gateway Graphical KNX engineering tool
for ETS4

Field Automation

04 Newron | Newron – Efficient building management

More possibilities in less time. Newron solutions allow a simple
and flexible data exchange to take place between the different
levels of a building management system and the most com­
monly used protocols used in functional buildings. And here
the solutions support all open standards such as BACnet,
LON, KNX, Modbus, OPC, M-Bus and oBIX. This kind of flexi­
bility allows devices of different manufacturers and different
protocol families to be combined in a building in a very simple
way. The performance of the system is designed for processing
large amounts of data and the efficient integration of numer­
ous data points.

Newron solutions support distributed IT architecture as well

as IP convergence. The term convergence in general means
the integration of forms of communication based on different
technologies into a single network. IP convergence in the
context of building management refers to the integration of
different bus systems into one IP network. IP convergence
offers a number of advantages with regard to expandability,
performance, a uniform infrastructure as well as the possibility
of joint management. This creates the prerequisites for the in­
tegral, service-oriented consideration of information processing.

The outstanding features of Newron solutions are the intuitively

operable user interface and the easy-to-understand internal
architecture. They are ideally suited for medium to large projects
in functional buildings. Newron solutions offer the system inte­
grator the working environment for processing major projects
more efficiently and to simultaneously reduce integration time.
Newron solutions follow an integrating approach and are
therefore the direct interface to all central levels of intelligent
building management. They form the bridge between technical
system components and management level. Newron in a
practical way supplements the numerous innovative KNX
solutions for building automation in the existing program and
rounds off the portfolio. For planners and system integrators
Newron opens new possibilities and a highly attractive field of
business – for example, the integration of KNX into the different
trades of a building management system.

Newron – Efficient building management | Newron 05

The integral automation solution
for intelligent buildings

With Newron doGATE ABB and Busch-Jaeger offer the

system integrator the possibility of simple integration of
different protocols into the building automation system.

Newron doGATE Newron doMOOV

The system solution for intelligent buildings and all technical The innovative building management software for building auto­-
applications. The doGATE automation server makes it possible mation based on open standard protocols. The software in­
to connect any type of visualization, SCADA systems and offers cludes comprehensive functions for generating alarms, storage
interfaces to energy management dashboards. Newron doGATE of trend data and time-dependent switching. The doGATE
is able to handle almost all standard protocols, making it inde­- automation server includes the doMOOV automation software.
pendent from protocol, manufacturer and trade. doGATE makes
available the appropriate physical interfaces and allows the
data import from standard databases such as ETS for KNX,
LNS for LON, EDE for BACnet, Excel. This suites doGATE solu­
tion ideally for renovation, since the available data can be
integrated easily and fast.

Web-Dashboard LIZ
The Web Dashboard is a doGATE-based efficient visualization With the LIZ virtual remote control, rooms (zones) can be con­
for the services integrated in the doGATE. The Web Dashboard trolled via smartphone, tablet or PC widget. LIZ allows the user
uses the HTML5 standard and is supported by all commonly to control the rooms individually. Different rooms are called
used browsers. up with passwords.

» Data point management: reading and writing » Multi-room(zone) function

» Trend values: display and comparison » For PC, iOS and Android operating system
» Alarms: display and management
» Schedule /calendar : display and management

06 doGate | Newron–Efficient building management

Building IT Network – TCP/IP
Building IT Network – TCP/IP
Dynamic Dashboard

User-Client Administrator-Client SCADA System

doMOOV inside

Building Technical
Technical Network
Network –– TCP/IP

Administrator-Client Client doGATE for


computer Router Router Router Router

Newron–Efficient building management | doGate 07

Entering the market of large
commercial buildings

MOOVnGroup is an engineering tool based on ETS 4. It

allows integrators to implement KNX projects by means
of a graphic user interface.

With Newron MOOVnGROUP ABB und Busch-Jaeger are completely set up, addi­tional rooms and entire floors can be
pursuing a new method for commissioning KNX projects. added quickly and easily via copy-and-paste. In the next step
MOOVnGROUP is an engineering tool that was implemented a zone which contains all devices that are part of a room or
as ETS 4 app. It allows integrators to implement projects in a zone is defined with a rectangle. The connections between
very simple way by means of a graphic user interface. The floor the devices are auto­matically generated and devices, group
plan of the building or storey acts as a basis for the planning. addresses and par­a meters are inserted into the ETS project in
This floor plan is imported into the MOOVnGROUP project. In the background. MOOVnGROUP is also a valuable aid when
the second step the device templates must be created. In this the use of the building changes. For example, if two small
case, all devices contained in the ETS 4 device database can rooms are turned into a large room, only the zone needs to
be used. The selection is made independent of manufacturer be redefined via the rectangle. The appropriate group ad­
or the use of manufacturer-specific plug-ins. Device templates dresses are regenerated automatically in the background.
that have been created once can be collected in a library and The MOOVnGROUP app is available as download in the KNX
reused at any time.The device templates can be dragged online shop.
via drag-and-drop to the respective position and rooms in
which they are required. Once the first room/floor has been

08 MOOVnGROUP | Newron – Efficient building management

Graphic device templates Graphic formation Collecting the parameters
of zones defined in the profiles

Work based on  Intelligent algorithm for the

applications auto­matic creation of group
addresses and parameters

Division of modules into

detailed functions

Graphic formation of zones Working with pre-defined templates Automatic generation

»» Work based on a graphical »» Use of device and solution templates »» Group addresses (connection of devices)
zone plan of the building
»» Enormous saving of time for project »» Data for Web Dashboard
»» Drawing a rectangle (zone) creates planning and parameterization
»» Data for virtual remote control (LIZ)
group addresses /parameters
»» Reuse of once created devices and
»» BACnet objects for visualization and
»» Flexible concept of zone formation solutions via library
trend data points
and zone changes
»» Simple change of parameters and
groups of parameters

Newron – Efficient building management | MOOVnGROUP 09

All the advantages at a glance


doMOOV is a building management software for building au­

tomation and makes possible the exchange of data between
different protocols. The user-friendly interface and the simple
internal structure ensure short programming times and facili­
tate modification and adaptation.

Software solution

» Fast to configure

» User-friendly HMI (Human Machine Interface)

» Supports decentralized IT structure

 ulti-protocol gateway – supports the protocols:
KNX, LonWorks, BACnet, Modbus, M-bus

» Universal SCADA server OPC, BACnet, oBIX

» Integrated services: schedule /calendar, trends, alarms

10 Overview | Newron – Efficient building management


doGATE is an automation server optimized to doMOOV that MOOVnGROUP is an engineering tool, which as application for
is equipped with all necessary physical interfaces, which can the KNX commissioning software ETS4 with a graphic user in­
also take over backup and remote control functions related terface, facilitates the setup and editing of KNX projects. Here
to rooms. for example group addresses are automatically generated.

Automation-Server Graphic engineering tool

» Automation server that works functionally stable » Graphic engineering tool for the ETS 4

 ttuned to the requirements of functional buildings »Z
 one concept: simple, fast setup /modification of rooms /connections,
and the building management software doMOOV as well as modification of parameters

» Makes available all necessary interfaces »R

 eduction of complexity due to the automatic generation
of group addresses
» Redundancy: can be defined as backup device
» Working with templates: reuse of created device and zone templates
» Additional functions: virtual remote control and Web Dashboard
 utomatic generation of data for Web Dashboard, virtual remote control
LIZ, BACnet objects for SCADA (visualization) and trend data points

Newron – Efficient building management | Overview 11

Referenzes & projects

Project Name & Place BPCE - Headquarters - Banque Populaire Caisse

d‘Épargne - Paris, France (Finished in December 2014)

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface ~45 000 m²
Integration tools NL220 & NLFacilities
Protocols LonWorks, BACnet/IP (automates), ModBus
Datapoints Quantity 2500 devices (HVAC, Lighting, Blinds), 25 000 Datapoints
SCADA System Desigo Insight over BACnet
Infrastructure & Automation 4 doGates
Site Description Office Building - 8 Stories

Project Name & Place Hôtel Dieu - 5* Hotel - Marseille, France

New or Refurbishment New, only the facade has been conserved

Surface ~23 000 m²
Integration tools ETS
Protocols KNX & BACnet/IP
Datapoints Quantity 2 000 Datapoints
SCADA System Desigo Insight over BACnet
Infrastructure & Automation Products 1 doGate
Site Description New luxurious hotel in Marseille :
180 rooms + 16 Royal Suites +
2 Restaurants + 1 Conference Room + 1 Spa

Project Name & Place GDF Suez Tower - Brussels, Belgium

New or Refurbishment New Construction

Surface 75 000 m²
Integration tools NL220 & NLFacilities
Protocols LonWorks
Datapoints Quantity ~10 000 Datapoints
SCADA System WinCC over OPC
Infrastructure & Automation 3 doGate - 800 LIZ
Site Description Office Building, 14 stories, National Headquarters, certified

12 References | Newron – Efficient building management

Project Name & Place Dassault Headquarters - Saint Cloud, France

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface ~30 000 m²
Integration tools NL220 & NLFacilities
Protocols LonWorks
Datapoints Quantity 20 000 Datapoints
SCADA System PcVue over OPC
Infrastructure & Automation 2 doGate + 1 Redundant
Site Description Office Building - 4 Stories

Project Name & Place NHO - Hôpital d‘Orléans - Orléans, France

New or Refurbishment New Construction

Surface 200 000 m² (170 000 m² of
buildings + 30 000 m² of
underground and silo parkings)
Integration tools NL220
Protocols Lon, ModBus, BACnet
Datapoints Quantity ~1
 2 000 Datapoints/ bâtiment =
72 000 Datapoints
SCADA System Wonderware
Infrastructure & Automation 18 doGates
Site Description 6 Buildings of 6 stories each (+Ground floor + Underground) -

Project Name & Place Hôtel de Région Auvergne - Clermont Ferrand, France

New or Refurbishment New Construction

Surface 16 000m²
Integration tools Moov‘n‘Group (+ ETS)
Protocols KNX, BACnet & Modbus
Datapoints Quantity 7500 Datapoints
SCADA System PCVue in BACnet
Infrastructure & Automation 3 doGate + 27 IPR/S2.1 ABB KNX Routers
Site Description 1 Building of 5 stories gathering 338 Offices + 25 meeting rooms
+ 1 amphitheatre

Newron – Efficient building management | References 13

Project Name & Place Verrazzano - Lyon, France

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface 14 000 m²
Integration tools NL220 & NLFacilities
Protocols Lon, BACnet (soon), OPC(SCADA)
Datapoints Quantity 1100 LonWorks nodes,
around 10 000 Datapoints
SCADA System Codra - Panorama E²
Infrastructure & Automation 2 doGate
Site Description 6 Office Buildings of 3 or 4 stories

Project Name & Place ISTP - St Etienne, France

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface Around 3000m²
Integration tools NL220, ETS
Protocols Lon (AHU), KNX(Room control,
heating ceiling) ModBus(metering) BACnet (boilers), OPC (SCADA)
Datapoints Quantity 2500 Datapoints
SCADA System Codra - Panorama E²
Infrastructure & Automation 1 doGate
Site Description Prof. Training School on 3 stories

Project Name & Place Collège Jean de la Fontaine - Rouane, France

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface Around 2000 m²
Integration tools ETS
Protocols KNX (Electrical Heating),
Datapoints Quantity 5000 Datapoints
SCADA System Codra - Panorama E²
Infrastructure & Automation 1 doGate + 1 Redundant
Site Description Secondary School

Project Name & Place LDLC in the past and now SEB

New or Refurbishment New Construction

Surface 9000 m²
Integration tools NL220 & NLFacilities
Protocols Lon (Room Control), ModBus,
Datapoints Quantity 5000 Datapoints
SCADA System Codra - Panorama E²
Infrastructure & Automation 1 doGate
Site Description Office Building on 5 stories

14 References | Newron – Efficient building management

Project Name & Place Icade 270 - Aubervilliers, France

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface 9500 m²
Integration tools NL220 & NLFacilities
Protocols LonWorks, OPC
Datapoints Quantity 2500*5 = 12500 Datapoints
SCADA System Arc Informatique - PcVue
Infrastructure & Automation 5 doGate + 1 Redundant
Site Description Office Building - 7 Stories - HQE

Project Name & Place SCOR (rue kleber Paris)

New or Refurbishment New Construction

Surface 18 800m²
Integration tools NL220, NLFacilities
Protocols Lon, OPC, ModBus
Datapoints Quantity 1000 points en OPC
SCADA System PcVue in OPC
Infrastructure & Automation 1 doGate
Site Description 2 Buildings - 7 Stories each +
3 underground levels

Project Name & Place URSSAF - Lyon, France

New or Refurbishment Refurbishment

Surface -
Integration tools Moov‘n‘Group (+ ETS)
Protocols KNX + BACnet + Modbus
Datapoints Quantity -
SCADA System PCVue in BACnet
Infrastructure & Automation 1 doGate + IPR/S2.1 ABB KNX Routers
Site Description 1 Building of 8 Stories

Newron – Efficient building management | References 15

Contact us

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Freisenbergstraße 2 The majority of Busch-Jaeger products are regis­

58513 Lüdenscheid tered trademarks.

All information in this catalogue is supplied without
liability. Changes and updates which serve the pur­
www.busch-jaeger.com pose of progress are reserved.
All products in this printed material, which conform
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Phone +49 2351 956-1600
Fax +49 2351 956-1700

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