Part C-GH
Part C-GH
Part C-GH
1 PART-C 269
2 INDEX 270
3 ASSURANCE and TESTING (Electrical & Mechanical Services) 271- 291
Name of Work: Construction of Guest House Facilities(25+25) Rooms (G+2) floors on EPC
basis with Civil works including Internal water supply, & Sanitary Installations, Sewerage
system, Drainage & Development of Site, External water supply & Sewer lines, Storm
water drains, UG Sump, overhead terrace tank ,Septic tank etc., and Internal Electrical
Installations, Fans, Fire fighting & Fire Alarm, Lightening conductors, SITC of Lifts, SITC
of 250 KVA substation equipment,SITC of 125VA DGset, SITC of IP based EPABX
System,Solar water heating system, LED Street lighting,Split ACs, pumpsets etc . at
Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad
1.1 Scope of work covers planning, designing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning
of all Electrical & Mechanical services required to be provided in the said scheme & as
detailed in the NIT. The work shall be executed as per scope & specifications of E & M
works given hereafter in respective head / part of the scheme or sub-head. If any
services/work required to make the building / scheme habitable & functional, including
the statutory compliance, is not specifically mentioned in the scope of services, the
same is deemed to be included within the scope of this tender and nothing extra shall be
paid on this account.
1.2 The scope of works also covers the preparation of layout plans, drawings for E & M
schemes, Inventories of Fittings, Fixtures, Equipmentsetc and approval of the same from
the Engineer-in-Charge, before commencement of work.
1.3 The tenderer is advised to read and examine the tender documents for the work and the
set of drawings in Part - F of the tender document and also available in office of Engineer-
in-charge. He should himself inspect and examine the site and its surroundings before
submitting his tender.
1.4 Separate conditions & specification and scope are included in this tender for each of the
sub-head. The contractor shall quote the amount/rates lump-sump in figures/percentage
accurately in schedule of financial quote, as prescribed there.
1.5 The contractor(s) shall submit a detailed program of execution in accordance with the
master programme/milestone within ten days from the date of issue of award letter.
1.6 Quality of the project is of utmost importance. This shall be adhered to in accordance
with the provisions of CPWD specifications and guidelines given in the relevant paras.
1.7 Detailed scope of various E&M services is as under:
1. Internal Electrical Scope of this sub head covers planning, designing, supply,
installation, testing and commissioning of complete Internal and
Installations and
External Electrical Works which includesall copper wiring in
Fans,Networking / PVC/MS conduit, LED energy efficient luminaires , BLDC fans,
modular switches, sockets, AC power points,DBs, MCBs, MCCBs ,
WIFI, External
RCCBs, Sandwich Rising Mains or through cables with TTA load
Service connection, bank at every floor, end feed units , tap off boxes, distribution of
normal, UPS Power, enery efficientinverter type split AC with
Split AC, street
copper piping , Exhaust fans, 5 star rated Geyser and etc, cable
lighting and trays, raceways, lighting control, day light(photo) and occupancy
sensors, earthing, lightening arrestor as per NBC-2016, cable TV
wiring in PVC/MSconduit (only recessed conduiting ), Wiring with
CAT6A for data points, Wi-fi points, Telephones points, in
designated buildings etc. , wiring for voice communication
system, Central call bell system, LED street light, compound light,
Bollard lights and landscape lights, pumpsets,lighting conductor ,
contour & facia light, Emergency lighting, Electrical signages
(including photo luminiscent) and display systems. etc. as
required. The work also includes earthing and safety equipment
as per specifications.
specifications given.
2. Manual fire alaram The work shall consist of planning, designing, preparation of
system drawing, obtaining working approval from department and
obtaining approval from dept and local fire authority FIRE
NOC,supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of
Automatic Intelligent Addressable Fire alarm system and Public
Address System. The system shall be as per CPWD specifications,
NBC 2016 and Local bylaws and as per clearance issued by
Telangana State Fire Service.
If any item required to make the building / scheme habitable
and functional, is not specifically mentioned in the scope of
services, the same is deemed to be included within the scope of
this tender and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
3. Fire fighting with Design, Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of fire
Down Comer fighting system shall be as per provision of NBC-2016 and
System(fire clearance issued by Telangana state fire Service and will consist
Extinguishers) of Down Comer with automatic sprinkler, Internal Hydrants and
fire extinguisher etc.
If any item required to make the building / scheme habitable
and functional, is not specifically mentioned in the scope of
services, the same is deemed to be included within the scope of
this tender and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
6. Substation with The scope of work under this sub-head shall consists of Planning,
11KV power preparation of Designs, Drawings/SLDs for HT and LT power
distribution for entire buiding, obtaining approvals from the
distribution and
departmentand Supplying, installation, testing and
11/0.433 KV commissioning of 11kV/0.433 kV substation equipments
Substation. comprising HT Panel, Dry type copper wound Transformers of
11KV/0.433KV (1X 250 KVA (working) , HT cable, Bus trunking
from Transformer to LT Panel, LT Panel, Automatic Power factor
correction panel to Maintain .99 power factor, Active Harmonic
Filters, TVSS (Transient Voltage suppression system),SPD ( Surge
protection system), Essential panel, Earthing, required inter-
connections,substation safety equipments including LT cabling
from sub station to the buildings fed by the sub station. The work
also includes earthing, safety equipments, Gas suppression
system as per specifications and NBC -2016. If any item required
to make the system functional, is not specifically mentioned in
the scope of services, the same is deemed to be included within
the scope of this tender and nothing extra shall be paid on this
If any item required to make the building / scheme habitable
and functional, is not specifically mentioned in the scope of
services, the same is deemed to be included within the scope of
this tender and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
7. DG Set System The work shall cover complete design,Supplying, installation, testing
and commissioning of Silent Type DG Sets,AMF Panel, Bus Ducting/
Cables from DG Sets to Essential Panel, Synchronizing Panel where
required, DG Set enclosure room sound insulation/ventilation/smoke
exhaust as required, Earthing of DG Set system, control cabling, Fuel
tank/piping, DG set Exhaust piping/ Exhaust Chimney as per CPCB
norms, Civil works connected with DG Sets including Foundation as
required. The tender should quote for complete job to be
executed under the works contract.
8. Solar Water The scope of work under this sub-head shall consists of
Planning, design & preparation of drawings, obtaining approvals
Heating System
from the department and supply, installation, testing &
including providing commissioning of solar water heating system on the terrace of
building. The scope of work includes supply, installation, testing
suitable back up
and commissioning of solar panels, storage tanks, piping,
electrical heating heating elements, pumps, including providing suitable back up
electrical heating element with thermostat to use in the absence
element with
of solar water heating system etc. If any item required to make
thermostat to use the system functional, is not specifically mentioned in the scope
of services, the same is deemed to be included within the scope
in the absence of
of this tender and nothing extra shall be paid on this
solar water heating account.The minimum total capacity of Solar water heating
system installed on various location in building shall be 2000
The work is required to be executed as per the Good For
Construction (GFC) /Shop drawings to be prepared, submitted
within 60 days from the award and obtain the approval of the
same for execution.
1.8 The contractor (s) shall make his own arrangements for electricity and water required for
the execution of work.
1.9 Contractor has to deploy required T&P on the project as per Annexure-B
1.10 The contractor shall submit the running bills in the shape of the computerised MB in
pages of A-4 size as per the standard format of department and shall act as per
modified clause 6 A of CPWD-7
1.11 The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961, and the
rules and orders issued there under from time to time.
1.12 The contractor shall ensure quality control measures on different aspects of construction
including materials, workmanship and correct construction methodologies to be
adopted. The quality assurance programme should include method statement for
various items of work to be executed along with check lists to enforce quality control.
1.13 The contractor shall submit technical data sheet of various equipment and machinery
and shop drawings of various E&M services mentioned in the tender as per
requirement of sites before execution of work for approval.
1.14 Frequency and type of tests of various Materials/items/ article shall be conducted as per
specifications and relevant BIS-Codes. The test results confirm to the
1.15 The Scope of various E&M services/works covering the complete complex and building
is as under, described briefly. The scope of work shall include the systems as
described below and in the respective subheads, in complete respect with full
functionality, compliances to the NIT, local body requirements, drawings etc as
required: -
Layout Plans / Drawings/details to be submitted for approval/acceptance of design. The
layout plans / drawings / other documents pertaining to E&M services and information
in the following format shall have to be submitted for evaluation & approval, within 60
days of award of work.
1.15.1 Clearances to be taken by the firm before start of work The above schemes of all the
E&M works shall have to meet all the requirements of local bodies / CEA/ NBC norms as
applicable & also meet the technical specifications of various relevant CPWD
specifications for electrical & mechanical services.
1.15.2 All the above schemes shall be got approved by respective local bodies / CFO etc. as
applicable before commencement of execution of work at site. During execution, if the
local bodies etc. require a modification, the same shall be executed without any extra
cost. Finally, after execution, obtaining clearances from CEA (central electriacal
authority), local fire authorities, DPCC and any other local body, shall be the
responsibility of the contractor All statutory fees / charges required for obtaining
clearances from CEA shall be paid by the contractor.
1.16 Climatic Conditions
All electrical equipment, accessories and fittings employed in electrical installation shall
be specified, designed and derated for continuous and trouble free operation in the
climatic conditions of the equipment location which are summarized as follows:
System), Part-VII (HVAC), IE Rules, Indian Standards amended up to date and as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The additional specifications are to be read with above
and in case of any variations; specifications given along with the tender shall apply.
In case of discrepancy between the List of Makes, Tech. Specifications, Drawings etc the
following order of preference shall be observed:
• TechnicalSpecifications
• Drawings
• CPWD GeneralSpecifications
• IS/ IEC/International Codes
• List of Makes
Note:- The firm is to execute the works using materials of makes specified. However, if the make
of same items is mentioned in more than one sub head/make list, then firm may if so
desire, submit its request for the approval for using that make. The department reserves
the right to approve the same, if so considered fit. The decision of the department shall
be final & binding on the firm.
5. Multimeter 2 Nos.
7. Wrench 2 Nos.
1.17.3 Type of Contract: The work to be awarded by this tender shall be treated as indivisible
1.17.6 RATES
No foreign exchange shall be made available by the Department for importing (purchase)
of equipments, plants, machinery, materials of any kind or any other items required to be
carried out during execution of the work. No delay and no claim of any kind shall be
entertained from the Contractor, on account of variation in the foreign exchange rate.
The rates quoted by the tenderer, shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes (including works
contract tax), GST, octroi, entry tax, duties and levies and all charges for packing
forwarding, insurance, freight and delivery, installation, testing, commissioning etc at site
i/c temporary constructional storage, risks, overhead charges, general
liabilities/obligations and clearance from local authorities. The fee for the inspection of
installation by government authorities shall be reimbursed by the department on
production of receipts. The contractor has to, however, initially make the payment.
The completion period indicated in the tender documents is for the entire work of
planning, designing, approval of drawings etc., arrangement of materials &equipments,
delivery at site including transportation, installation, testing, commissioning and handing
over of the entire system to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
All equipments shall be guaranteed for a period of 24 months, from the date of taking
over the installation by the user department i.e. Central Reserve Police Force, against
unsatisfactory performance and/or break down due to defective design, workmanship or
material. The equipments or components, or any part thereof, so found defective during
guarantee period shall be forthwith repaired or replaced free of cost, to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in- Charge. In case it is felt by the department that undue delay is being
caused by the contractor in doing this, the same will be got done by the department at
the risk and cost of the contractor. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge in this regard
shall be final & building on the contractor.
1.17.15 The successful tenderer should furnish well in advance three copies of detailed
instructions and manuals of manufacturers for all items of equipments regarding
installation, adjustments, operation and maintenance including preventive maintenance
& trouble shooting together with all the relevant data sheets, spare parts catalogue etc.
all in triplicate.
The successful tenderer shall at all times indemnify the department, consequent on this
works contract. The successful tenderer shall be liable, in accordance with the Indian law
and regulations for any accident occurring due to any cause and the contractor shall be
responsible for any accident or damage incurred or claims arising there from during the
period of erection, construction and putting into operation the equipments and ancillary
equipment under the supervision of the successful tenderer in so far as the latter is
responsible. The successful tenderer shall also provide all insurance including third party
insurance as may be necessary to cover the risk. No extra payment would be made to the
successful tenderer on account of the above.
No tools and tackles either for unloading or for shifting the equipments for erection
purposes would be made available by the department. The successful tenderer shall
make his own arrangement for all these facilities.
21.0 The work will be carried out with least disturbance during shifting & shut down taken
in consultation with the clientdepartment.
The same shall be applicable as per civil components.
The work shall include cost of painting of the entire installation. The major equipments
shall be factory final finish painted. The agency shall be required to do only touching to
the damages caused to the painting during transportation, handling & installation at site,
if there is no major damage to the painting. However hangers, supports etc. of bus
trunking shall be painted with required shade including painting with two coats of
anticorrosive primer paint at site.
The scope of works includes the on job technical training of two persons of department
at site. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
27.0 QualityAssurance:
The technical data sheet and manufacturing drawing of all equipments and materials as
per contract specifications shall be prepared by the respective manufacturer’s and will be
submitted by contractor duly signed before placing the order or manufacturing the
material. The engineer-in-charge shall approve as per contractconditions.
All the materials to be used in the work shall be new and of good quality and shall be got
approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before use at site. The equipment shall be not
older more than 6 months from the date of receipt at site or year of manufacturing
should be current. The equipment shall be procured directly from the manufacturer or
authorized dealer and deliverychallan/invoice/ proof of dispatch of material of the
Agency from where the material is purchased in support of genuineness of material shall
be submitted along with bill forverification.
Manufacturer test certificates of all the equipment and material shall be submitted along
withsupply. The sub head wise General Guidelines for quality assurance of different
materials will be as per table given below. Engineer in charge may extend the testing
criteria as per the requirement of IS code or any other standard available. The firm has to
arrange the inspection for which nothing extra will be paid.
General guidelines for Quality Assurance
Quality to be ensured at the execution stage and works to be executed as per contract
conditions and CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works.
All the materials, equipments and work shall conform to the Agreement.
Makes of all the material and equipments etc. shall be strictly as per agreement.
The model numbers of various equipments and work approved by Engineer-in-charge
shall be checked for their conformity to the agreement.
Generally total quantity of any item in the contract shall be supplied in not more than
four lots. However, engineer-in-charge can decide number of lots in which quantities to
be supplied as per site requirements.
The materials shall be tested from 3rd party laboratories. The laboratories shall
preferably be Government Labs/ Government Autonomous bodies or as approved by
competent authority.
The testing at manufacturer’s works shall be clearly specified in the tender documents.
For the tests to be conducted at manufacture’s works, the tests shall be conducted in the
presence of engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. The dispatch note shall
be issued only after satisfactory completion of the test.
The layout/ working drawings/ shop drawings etc., shall be prepared in AutoCAD or
equivalent software by the contractor for all the services as defined in CPWD
Specifications and agreement conditions. The engineer-in-charge shall approve all the
drawings before start of execution of work. All the drawings of various equipments and
works approved by Engineer –in-charge shall be checked for their conformity to the
The delivery challans of the materials may be checked for ascertaining the genuineness
of the material.
The QA plan/ testing etc. for the other works, if required, shall be decided by Engineer-in-
charge to ensure quality of materials, equipments and work etc. as per Agreement.
28.0 All electrical & mechanical fittings / fixtures / appliances, to be provided for the work,
should have latest minimum 5-star rating (of BEE), as available in market.
The testing plan for quality control for major E&M services is attached as Annexure-A.
These plans are to be read along with following guiding notes:-
28.1.1 The material to be supplied against the contract shall be not older more than 6 months
from date of receipt at site.
28.1.2 To procure the genuine material from suppliers/ authorized dealer etc shall be the
responsibility of contractor who shall preserve copies of invoice/ excise gate pass/ proof
of dispatch and the same shall be made available for specially to engineer-in-charge for
examination/ scrutiny/ verification as deemed fit by him.
28.1.3 As per guideline only routine test as prescribed in IS/ CPWD specifications shall be carried
at manufacture works/ third party labs.
28.1.4 All items to be used and workmanship shall be thoroughly checked physically and for
their performance as per agreement.
28.1.5 All items to be used and workmanship shall be thoroughly checked physically and for
their performance as per agreement.
1 Sub Station, DG Set
Location of Test
Total Qty
Standard proof Whether
(Each type)
Material Applicable/Test of Manufacturer's
SL.No reqd. in Sample At At
/Process Required to Dispatc test certificates
agreement Size manufacture third
beDone h required
or lot size Works party
require Lab
whichever is
1 HT Panel CPWD specs Any Y Y 1 Y N
part IV/QA
Plan: CT ratio
and accuracy
class should be
2 HT Panel: Check CT ratio Any Y Y 1 Y N
metering and accuracy
and class, Relays
protection and Meters
3 LT PanelsCPWD specs Any Y Y 1 Y N
ACB with part IV/QA
Ratings of
SWG, air gaps
phases, phase
to body, IP
rating short
circuit ratings
>100 Y Y 2% Y N
1. The applicant should either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the respective
E&M components or otherwise he will have to associate with agencies, fulfilling the eligibility
requirements and hence consent letter from at least One eligible Associate Agency of the
respective components of E&M work shall also be submitted as per attached Proforma as per
Form “P”, before taking up the respective work.
In case the main contractor is himself eligible (as per eligibility criteria) for executing any specific
minor component and intends doing the job himself, he may not be required to associate with
another agency for that minor component of work. In such cases the main contractor also has to
submit the documents as per eligibility criteria mentioned for associated agency of individual
E&M component.
However, the Composite category contractor shall also be eligible to carry out himself any or all
of these works without associating any specialized agencyprovided:
(b) He directly procures the equipment of approved make from manufacturer and gets it
installed from authorized agency/service provider of the manufacturer/specialized agency, all as
per the eligibility criteria mentioned inNIT.
2. The main tenderer has to submit the following documents for association of contractor
within one month of award ofwork.
(i) In support of the eligibility conditions of the proposed Associated Contractor, copy of
their registration documents, Electrical License, GST Documents duly attested by the applicants
(Main Contractor) shall be submitted to the Executive Engineer(Electrical), CPWD, for deciding
the eligibility. Each such Associated Contractor will certify that they are not debarred as on the
day of application for sale of tender. Proposal for associating agency for minor components of
work shall be submitted in Form- “N” of this tender document from each associate
independently for all electrical and mechanical components.
(ii) The main contractor will submit an affidavit of MOU signed with eligible
associatedcontractor.The MOU in the enclosed Form“Q”shall be signed by both the parties main
contractori.e.as1st party and associated contractor as 2nd party. Independently for all electrical
and mechanical components.
3. In the event of the concerned E&M agency not performing satisfactorily or failure of
associate contractor to complete the E&M work, the main contractor on written directions of the
department, shall remove the Associate contractor deployed on the work and shall submit name
of new associate who fulfill the conditions mentioned in NIT to execute the left over work
without any loss of time or variation in cost to the department. Such associates shall also give an
undertaking along with the main tenderer that both of them together will stand guarantee for
the equipments already supplied for which payment has been released by the department in
part or full. If any equipment supplied for the work, during the currency of the earlier Associate
contractor and paid partly by the Dept., becomes redundant /not in a position to be installed and
commissioned and put to beneficial use due to change in agency for execution of E&M work,the
main contractor shall be liable for replacement of the equipment(s)without any extra cost to
department.No change of Associated Contractor will be allowed without prior approval of the
Engineer-in-charge of thework.
4. In respect of all works i.e., IEI & Fans, Street lighting, Lifts, Fire fighting System with Down
Comer System, Fire Alarm System and Public address System, VRF AC System, IP-EPABX,
Substation, DG set and Solar water Heating Systemthe materials shall be procured only from the
original equipment manufacturers/authorized dealers of OEM. The contractor shall submit all
documentary details in fulfillment of this conditions regarding procurement of materials including
relevant testcertificates.
7. The main contractor has to enter into agreement with contractor associated by him for
execution of minor component. Copy of such agreement shall be submitted to Executive
Engineer(E) in charge of minor component as well as E.E. in charge of majorcomponent.
8. The associate contractor shall attend the inspection of the work being done by the
Engineer-in-Charge of E&M works as and whenrequired.
Component of Estimated
Sl. E&M Works cost in Rs Eligibility
1. Internal Electrical 3 ,74 10,461/- The main contractor shall associate with
Installations and contractor registered in appropriate Class of
Fans, Networking composite category in CPWD for execution of
/ WIFI, External
Service this Sub head of work, possessing valid Electrical
connection and Contractor License of appropriate Voltage
street lighting issued by competent authority.
and pumpsets
2. Manual call fire 18,24,038 /- The main contractor shall have to associate
alaram system As withagency fulfilling the following eligibility
per NBC 2016 criteriahaving successfully completed during last
seven yearsending up to previous day of last
date of submissionof tender as given below with
completion certificate issued by an officer not
below the rank of Executive Engineer or
equivalent duly attested.
4. Lifts 54,45,000/- The main contractor shall associate with the Lift
Manufacturers satisfying the following Criteria
1. The Lift Manufacturer shall comply with BIS
Standards, duly certified by manufacturer itself
2. The Manufacturer shall be complaint to the
Public Procurement ( Preference to Make in
India) Order 2017 (as amended from time to
time) issuded by the Department of Industrial
policy and Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of
Commerce and Industry.
3. The experience of successful completion of
similar works shall be as per CPWD Works
4. The Manufacturer shall furnish an undertaking
regarding availability of spares for the entire life
of lift i.e., 15 to 20 years.
(b) He directly procures the equipment of
approved make from manufacturer and gets it
installed from authorized agency/service
provider of the manufacturer/specialized
agency, all as per the eligibility criteria
mentioned as above.
1) The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual
value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum calculated from the date of completion to last date
of submission of tender. For other conditions, refer special conditions specified in Part C of E & M
(i) The applicant shall either himself meet the eligibility conditions for the respective E&M
packages or otherwise, he will have to associate an agency meeting the eligibility
requirements as given in this tender document and submit the details as given in Part C of
this tender document within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component
of work whichever isearlier.
The applicant/ main contractor has to submit consent letters as per Form “P”, given in Part C
of this tender document from at least one eligible associate agency of the respective
component of E&M work for each of the component of E& M works by clearly indicating the
component of work within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component of
work whichever isearlier.
The main contractor will submit an affidavit of MOU signed with eligible associated
contractor. The MOU in the enclosed Form “Q” shall be signed by both contractors, Main
contractor as 1st party and associated contractor as 2nd party, independently for IEI & Fans,
Street lighting, Split AC, Lifts, Fire fighting System with Down Comer System, Fire Alarm
System and Public address System, IP-EPABX, Substation, DG set and Solar Water heating
System specified as above.
If the main contractor fails to associate agency for execution of minor components of work
within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component of work whichever is
earlier or furnishes incomplete details or furnishes details of ineligible agencies even after
the tenderer is given due opportunity, the entire scope of such component of work shall be
withdrawn from the tender and the same shall be got executed by the Engineer-in–Charge at
the risk and cost of the main contractor.
(ii) Verifiable completion certificates of the work, registration/approval documents as the case
may be, duly attested by the applicant shall be submitted within 30 days of award of work
OR before start of minor component of work whichever is earlier. Valid Electrical license, as
the case may be, duly attested by the applicant shall also be submitted within 30 days of
award of work OR before start of minor component of work whichever isearlier.
(iii) Self attested GST registration documents in respect of the associated agencies shall be
submitted within 30 days of award of work OR before start of minor component of work
whichever isearlier.
I/we hereby propose the following agencies as per mentioned against each for
executing corresponding minor components of work. Their consent letters are also
Sl.No Name of Category and Enlistment Monetary Validity of Consent
Associated class of copy/completion Limit of registration letter
Contractor registration Certificates attached work attached
Package C1: Internal Electrical Installations and Fans, Networking /
WIFI, External Service connection and street lighting and pumpsets
Note: Self Attested photocopies of enlistment order, valid electrical contractor license,
work experience certificates of each agency for each component of E&M work shall
Signature of contractor
Name of Work: Construction of Guest House Facilities(25+25) Rooms (G+2) floors on EPC basis
with Civil works including Internal water supply, & Sanitary Installations, Sewerage system,
Drainage & Development of Site, External water supply & Sewer lines, Storm water drains, UG
Sump, overhead terrace tank etc., and Internal Electrical Installations, Fans, Fire fighting & Fire
Alarm, Lightening conductors, SITC of Lifts, SITC of 250 KVA substation equipment,SITC of 125VA
DGset, SITC of IP based EPABX System,Solar water heating system, pumpsets etc . at
Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad.
I / We hereby give my consent to associate with M/s …………………………………, for executing the
minor component of work of …….……… (Mention category).
1. I / We will execute the work as per specifications and conditions of the agreement and as per
directions of the Engineer –in-Charge for the corresponding minor work till the completion of
2. I / We will be responsible for necessary action to handover the installations and for rectification
of defects and repair during the maintenance / warrantyperiod.
3. Also I / We will employ full time technically qualified Engineer / supervisor for the minor
component of the work as required for the work. I / We will attend inspection of officers of the
department as and when required.
Signature with date ofMajor Signature with date of Associate/ Minor
Contractor Component Contractor
Address Address
Name of Work: Construction of Guest House Facilities(25+25) Rooms (G+2) floors on EPC
basis with Civil works including Internal water supply, & Sanitary Installations, Sewerage
system, Drainage & Development of Site, External water supply & Sewer lines, Storm water
drains, UG Sump, overhead terrace tank etc., and Internal Electrical Installations, Fans, Fire
fighting & Fire Alarm, Lightening conductors, SITC of Lifts, SITC of 250 KVA substation
equipment, SITC of 125VA DGset, SITC of IP based EPABX System, Solar water heating
system, pumpsets etc . at Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad.
We state that M.O.U between us will be treated as an agreement and has legality as per Indian
Contract Act (amended up to date) and the department (CPWD) can enforce all the terms and
conditions of the agreement for execution of the above work. Both of us shall be responsible for
the execution of work as per the agreement to the extent this MOU allows. Both the parties shall
be paid consequent to the execution as per agreement to the extent this MOU permits. In case of
any dispute, either of us will go for mediation by the Engineer In charge. Any of us may appeal
against the mediation to the Chief Engineer, Hyderabad. His decision shall be final and binding on
both ofus.
1. The Associated Contractor will execute all E & M works in the wholesome
manner as per terms and conditions of theagreement.
2. The Associated Contractor shall be liable for disciplinary action if he fails to
discharge the action(s) and other legal action as peragreement.
3. All the machinery and equipments, tools and tackles required for execution of
the E & M works, as per agreement, shall be the responsibility of the
4. The site staff required for the E & M work shall be arranged by the Associated
Contractor as per terms and conditions of theagreement.
5. Site order book maintained for the said work shall be signed by the main
contractor as well as by the Engineer of the Associated Contractor and by
Associated Contractorhimself.
6. All the correspondence regarding execution of the E & M work shall be done by
the department with the Associated Contractor with a copy to the main
contractor. In case of non-compliance of the provisions of agreement, the main
contractor, as well as the associated contractor shall be responsible. The action
under clauses 2 and 3 shall be initiated and taken against the maincontractor.
Date Date:
Place: Place:
2.Witness withaddress
1. The agency must study various CPWD specifications; get themselves acquainted with
site and site conditions, provision for firefighting system for various buildings and
local byelaws and additional conditions carefully. The work shall be executed in close
co-ordination with the progress of building work.
Prior to dispatch, all equipments shall be adequately protected & insured for the
whole period of transit, storage and erection against corrosion and incidental
damages etc. from the effect of vermin, sunlight, rain, heat, humid climate and
accidents etc.
7. Procedure for approval of materials, shop floor drawings and commencement
ofworkWithin the time specified in table of milestone, the contractor shall submit the
following documents for approval.
(i) List of makes & Model numbers of all items of equipment’s and accessories each sub
Head ofwork.
(ii) Catalogues of the equipment’s to besupplied.
(iii) Shop floor drawings of each packages/ Sub work separately forapproval.
It is the responsibility of the tenderer to get the makes, models and shop floor
drawings approved by the department before placing of order.
8. Insurance: The agency shall include storage cum erection insurance including third
party insurance right from the storage to commissioning and handing over of various
equipment’s. In insurance, the beneficiary shall be Engineer-In-charge at the cost of
the agency. All insurance which the agency is required to enter into under the
contract shall be affected any authorized general insurance company and the agency
shall produce the policies of insurance. In case of any delay in ITC & handing over, the
insurance cover will be suitably extended by the contractor at his owncost.
9. Remedy of failure to insure: If the agency fails to effect and keep in force the
insurance referred to in the preceding sub-clause and in case of unforeseen
eventuality of theft/damage etc. to any material, the contractor only shall be held
responsible and necessary rectification/replacement has to be done by
10. Quality of material and workmanship: All parts of the equipment shall be of such
design, size and material so as to function satisfactorily under all rated conditions of
operation. All components of the equipment’s shall have adequate factor of safety.
The work of fabrication and assembly shall conform to sound engineering practice
and on the basis of “Fail Safe Design”. The mechanical parts subject to wear and tear
shall be easily replaceable type. The construction of the equipment’s shall be such as
to facilitate easy operation, inspection, maintenance and repairs. All connections and
contacts shall be designed to minimise risk of accidental short circuits caused by
animals, birds and vermin etc. All identical items and their component parts should
be completely interchangeable including spareparts.
13. Incidental charges: All incidental charges of any kind including cartage, storage,
wastage and safe custody of material etc. shall be borne by the contractor.
14. Quality assurance: The Contractor shall make available, on request from the
Department, for record, copies of challans, cash memos, receipts and other
certificates, if any, vouchers towards the quantity and quality of various materials
procured and the same shall be kept in record. These shall also provideinformation
on the name of the manufacturer, Manufacturer’sproduct identification,
manufacturer's instructions, warning, date of manufacturing and test certificates
from manufacturers for the product for each consignment delivered at site, shelf
life, if any, for the department to ensure that the material have been procured from
the approved source and of the approved quality, as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. Day to day account of receipt ofsuch material shall be maintained at site of
work and shall be regulated by the department. Nothing extra shall be payable on
this account.
15. Storage of materials: Storage and safe custody of all materials shall be the sole
responsibility of the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be payable on thisaccount.
16. Quality control and testing ofmaterials:
(i) All the material to be used on works shall bear ISI certification mark unless
otherwise the make is specified in the item or special conditions appended this
tender document. In case ISI mark material or the materials mentioned in the tender
documents are not available, as per opinion of Engineer-in- charge,which shall be
final and binding. The material to be used shall conform to CPWD Specifications
applicable in this tender or IS Code. In such cases Engineer-in-charge shall satisfy
himself about the quality of such material and give his approval in writing. Only
articles classified as first quality by the manufacturers and newand suitable to the site
conditons shall be used unless otherwise specified. All material not having ISI mark
shall be tested as per relevant ISI specification. The Engineer in charge may relax the
condition regarding testing if the quantity of the materials required for the work is
small. In all cases of use of ISI marked materials proper proof of procurement of
materials from authentic manufacturers shall be provided by the contractor to the
entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. All materials equivalent to the one specified
should be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge before using the said materials in
(ii) If the department desires to send any samples of materials for testing to an
accredited laboratory, the Contractor at his own expense shall supply all materials,
labour for preparing and testing samples as required by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
testing shall be carried out in the presence of the representative of the Engineer- in-
17. No foreign exchange shall be made available by the department for importing
(purchase) of equipment’s, plants, machinery, materials of any kind. No concessional
document or documents for overseas sale etc. will be issued by the department. No
delay and no claim of any kind shall be entertained from the Contractor on account of
variation in the foreign exchange rate and/or any Custom duties / charges or any
18. No waiving of legal rights and powers :The Engineer-in-Charge shall not be
precluded or stopped from taking any measurements, and framing of estimates or
detaining any certificates made either before or after the completion and acceptance
of the work and payment, from showing the true amount and character of the works
performed and materials furnished by the Contractor and from showing that any such
measurements, estimates or certificates untrue or incorrectly made and that
Engineer-in-charge shall not be precluded or stopped from recovering from the
Contractor such damages as it may be sustained by reasons of his failure to comply
the terms and conditions of thecontract.
19. The tenderers shall take into account the element of wastage(s) those are likely to be
there in allelementsof the work and quote his price, taking that into account. The
tenderers shall study all the items from thepoint of view of wastage(s), which are
likely to takeplace.
20. Power supply required for construction testing & commissioning shall have to be
arranged by the bidder at his own costs. Water required for testing of equipment’s is
also in the scope ofagency.
21. The description of E &M service & specification are given in general but they are not
exhaustive i.e., does not mention all the incidental works required to be carried out for
complete execution of the item of work. The work shall be carried out, all in accordance
with true intent and meaning of the specifications and the drawings taken together,
regardless of whether the same may or may not be particularly shown on the drawings
and/ or described in the specifications, provided that the same can be reasonably inferred
there from. There may be several incidental works which are not mentioned in the contract
document/specifications but will be necessary to complete the item in all respects. All
these incidental works/ costs which are not mentioned, but are necessary to complete the
work shall be deemed to have been included in the overall amount quoted by the
contractor for various components of work. No adjustment of rates shall be made for any
variation in quantum of incidental works due to variation/change in actual working
drawings. Also, no adjustment of rates shall be made due to any change in incidental works
or any other deviation in such element of work (which is incidental to the items of work
and are necessary to complete such items in all respects) on account of the directions of
Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
22. The scope of works also covers the preparation of layout plans, shop / detailed working
drawings, drawings for E & M schemes and approval of the same from the respective local
bodies(if required) viz. Fire Officer/Lift Inspector/ CFO / CEIG / CEA etc. before the
commencement of work. During execution, if the local bodies etc. require a modification,
the same shall be executed without any extra cost. Finally, after execution, approvals / NOCs
/ clearances from local bodies as indicated above etc. shall be the responsibility of successful
bidder for which nothing extra is payable.In case any modification / extra work is as required
by the local bodies necessary for approvals / NOCs / clearances, the same shall be get
executed and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. All statutory fees / charges
required for obtaining clearances from Fire Officer/Lift Inspector/CEA / Local Bodies etc.,
shall be reimbursed by the department to the agency on submission of documentary proof
of making payment.
Internal-External Electrical
1.1 The scope of work shall include planning, Design & preparation of Drawings, obtaining
approvals from the department and supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
complete Internal Electrical Works per CPWD specifications, NBC-2016 as follows:
1. Point wiring for lights, fans, exhaust fans, FCU, Occupancy sensors etc., as per
approved drawings.
2. Point wiring with suitable size of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor wires for
lights and fans to connected with UPS DB.
3. Power wiring for 5/6 A & 15/16 A socket outlets, AC power points (wherever
4. Distribution boards Circuit and sub main copper wiring inPVC conduits/cable tray.
5. Main Distribution Boards(MDB’s)
6. UPS Distribution Boards (UPSDB)
7. Lighting and Power distribution boards(LDBs & PDBs)
8. AC Power distribution boards (AC DBs)
9. 2 TR 5 star inverter type Split Air Conditioning System
10. Meterpanels/boards with Energy meters.
11. Lift power supply DBs.
12. Geyser of suitable capacity in Toilets.
13. LED Lighting fixtures (Internal)
14. Occupancy Sensors
15. BLDC ceiling fans and Exhaust fans
16. Data outlets, Telephone & TV outlets
17. Cat 6A wiring for data points,EPBAX, including racks and jack panels.
18. Lightning protection system.
19. Earthing of all Lift panels, MDB’s, PDB’s, UPS DB’s, DB’s, server room,lightning
protection system, IT racks etc.
20. Decorative type Bed lamp in each side of bed,twin control lights in bedroom ,key
card type master control switch inside room to be operated by key of room which
should control all power point and light fitting except fridge and ro point, 2 no.
bracet /decorative light in each bedroom and living room.
21. Exit signage in various buildings looped from nearest lighting circuit as per exit
signage drawings including EXIT sign boards.
22. Water supply pumps of required capacity of building.
23. Street pole Light with LED Light.
24. Bollard/Garden lights in Law of required numbers and as per Engineer-in-charge
Note:UPS has not been included in scope of work but UPS point and ups power
distribution to be provided wherever mentioned.
1. General
The New Building must be designed as per 3 Star Ghriha rated Building, therefore, the
energy consumption of the building should be as low as possible but without affecting
the functional requirements of the building. So all the euipments like LED fittings and
fixtures, fans and all other electrical equipments must be energy efficient. To minimize
the energy consumption of the building, maximum sun light can be utilized for working
of the offices.(a) Wiring for internal and external electric installation, copper wiring in
recessesd PVC conduit i.e. light & fan point, call bell point, light & power plug with
modular switch, socket and accessories, LED Fittings, Exhaust/Fresh air fan, BLDC
Ceiling fan, switch board, DB, MCB, MCCB, RCCB.The IP based EPBAX wiring shall be
with CAT6A cable and the server shall be installed at reception room and All room shall
connected with reception call point.
1.0 The work shall be executed on Engineering, Procurement & Construction basis from
conception to commissioning of E&M services.
1.1 The Building is a GRIHA 3 Star rated Building/ CPWD ‘GREEN’ rated Building ,
therefore, the energy consumption of the building should be minimum but without
affecting the functional requirements of the building. So, the fittings, fixtures and fans
must be energy efficient.
1.2 The scope of work covers planning, designing, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of complete Internal and External Electrical Works which includes
wiring in recessed PVC conduit as per specifictions, LED luminaires and lighting
controls including daylight and occupancy sensors, fans, modular switch, sockets,
Master Control point, DBs, LT switchgear, UPS, raceways, cable trays, earthing,
lightening arrestor, cable TV wiring in steel conduit, networking wiring (CAT6A) in
recessed pvc conduit, wall mounted patch panels for networking system, wiring for
centralized intercom system, call bell system, street light, compound light and
landscape lights, façade light etc. as required. If any item required to make the
building / scheme habitable, is not specifically mentioned in the scope of services, the
same is deemed to be included within the scope of this tender and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account.
The following points are to be incorporated for Internal and External Installations
a. Wiring for internal and external electric installation, copper wiring in steel/PVC conduit
i.e. light & fan point, call bell point, light & power plug with modular switch, socket and
accessories, LED Fittings, Exhaust/Fresh air fan, Ceiling fan, switch board, Double door
DB, MCB, MCCB, RCCB, main panel,
b. Sandwich type Rising Mains with metal enclosure on all floors for Light, Power, UPS
with 2 No. Tap off Boxes on each floor, floor panels, cabling, connections, switchgears
c. Day Light and occupancy sensors with necessary wiring,
d. Copper and GI Earthing, minimum 4 Nos. lightening Arrestor,
e. Street Light, Compound Light, Landscape Lighting, contour & Facia Lighting with
automatic operated through weather/Day Light sensors sensor etc.
f. All pumps, comprising of submersible, booster pumps, valves, piping, cabling, motor
control panels with water level indicator with sensor based automatic operation, to
fulfill different requirement/utilities of water for Building like drinking, fire fighting
system, Toilet Flushing, Wash basin. One additional pump of each type and of same
capacity shall be provided as stand by.
g. Auto/sensor operated Hand Dryers in all toilets, Labs etc.
h. All LED fittings / fixtures shall be guaranteed for the period of 5 years.From the date of
handing over.
i. The Cable tray should be hot dipped galvanized with perforation not more than 17.5%
confirming to IS:277. Galvanisation thickness coating should not be less than 50
1.0 General
(a) Contract Documents
(i) All work of this Section shall comply with the requirements of the Conditions of the
Contract (General, Supplementary, and Special), with the Drawings, and with all other
Contract Documents.
(b) Work Included
(i) Furnish and install a lighting fitting of the types indicated at each location as per RCP.
(ii) All materials, accessories, and any other equipment necessary for the complete and
proper installation of all lighting fittings included in this Contract shall be furnished by
the Contractor.
(iii) Conformance: Fittings shall be supplied in strict accordance with the Contract
Drawings and Specifications.
(iv) Specifications and scale drawings are intended to convey the salient features, function
and character of the fittings only, and do not undertake to illustrate or set forth every
item or detail necessary for the work.
(v) Minor details, not usually indicated on the drawings nor specified, but that are
necessary for the proper execution and completion of the fittings, shall be included,
the same as if they were herein specified or indicated on the drawings.
(vi) Omissions: The Department shall not be held responsible for the omission or absence
of any detail, construction feature, etc. which may be required in the production of the
fittings. The responsibility of accurately fabricating the fittings to the fulfillment of this
specification rests with Contractor.
(c) Submittals
(i) Shop Drawings shall clearly indicate the fitting details used as reference in the
development of the shop drawings and the names of the project, Department,
Architect and Designer.
(ii) The Contractor shall coordinate all his lighting fitting drawings with the drawings and
details to the Architectural, Structural, Electrical, Mechanical, and other related trades
to assure a correct and efficient installation.
(iii) No variation from the general arrangement and details indicated on the drawings shall
be made on the shop drawings unless required to suit the actual conditions on the
premises, and then only with the written acceptance of the Engineer in Charge. All
variations must be clearly marked as such on drawings submitted for approval.
(iv) Catalogue cuts lacking sufficient detail to indicate compliance with contract
documents will not be acceptable.
(v) Timely submission: Shop drawings for all lighting fittings shall be received no later than
sixty days after award of Contract.
(vi) Review of shop drawings or samples does not waive contract requirements.
(vii) Photometric Data: Where indicated on the fitting schedule and contract drawings,
supply complete photometric data for the fitting, including optical performance
rendered by independent testing laboratory developed according to methods of VDE
or IEC as follows:
For down and semi-down lights used for general illumination: (1) coefficients of
utilization; (2) Visual Comfort Probability data (fluorescent only for 100 foot-candles),
rooms with reflectance's of 80 percent (ceiling), 50 percent (walls), and 20 percent
(floor), including a (7 m. by 7 m.) room with 3.5 m. ceiling and luminaires lengthwise;
(3) Candlepower data, presented graphically and numerically, in 5 degree increments
(5 degree, 10 degree, 15 degree, etc). Data developed for up and down quadrants
normal, parallel, and at 22-1/2 degree, 45 degree, 167-1/2 degree to lamps if light
output is asymmetric; (4) Zonal lumens stated numerically in 10 degree increments (5
degree, 15 degree, etc) as above.
(viii) The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining from his supplying lighting
manufacturers, for each type of lighting fitting, a recommended maintenance manual
Tools required
Types of cleaners to be used
Replacement parts identification lists
Final, as-built shop drawings
(ix) Shop drawings for wall switches, push button stations, timers, contactors, lighting
control panels and dimmers shall include manufacturers literature, ratings, data,
dimensions and schematic diagrams.
(d) Samples
(i) After shop drawing review, and prior to release for manufacturing, the Contractor
shall furnish one sample of each fitting on the fitting schedule and contract drawings
for which sample requirement is noted.
(ii) Shipping: The samples shall be complete with specified lamps and compatible control
gear, ready for hanging, energizing, and examining, and shall be shipped, prepaid by
the Contractor to the Department and Designer.
(iii) Two weeks from date of received shall be allowed for thorough examination of the
samples by the Department and Designer.
(iv) Not returnable: Samples are not returnable, nor included in quantities listed for a
(v) Samples must be actual working unit of materials to be supplied.
(e) Reference Standards
(i) Materials and installation shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the
International Electrical Code and any other applicable International and local codes
and regulations.
(ii) All equipment and accessories shall be supplied and installed to comply with the
relevant EIC Standards or demonstrated equal approved Standards. All the light
fixtures shall be with LED lamps with Green Building norm compliances.
IEC Standard 61 - Lamp holders and caps.
IEC Standard 64 - Tungsten filament lamps.
IEC Standard 81 - Tubular fluorescent lamps.
IEC Standard 82 - Control gear for tubular fluorescent lamps.
IEC Standard 155 - Starters for fluorescent lamps.
IEC Standard 188 - High-pressure lamps.
IEC Standard 259 - Miscellaneous lamps and control gear.
IEC Standard 598 Part General Requirements and Tests - 1979 including amendment
1: 598-1 No. 1 - 1982, amendment No. 2 - 1984, 598-1-0 section 0 - 1977.
Particular Requirements including 598-2-1; Fixed General
Purpose Luminaires - 1979, 598-2-2; Recessed Luminaires,
IEC Standard 598 Part Luminaires with Built-in Transformers for Filament Lamps -1982,
2: 598-2 598-2-19; Air Handling Luminaires - 1981, 598-2-20; Lighting
Chain Suspensions - 1982, 598-2-22; Luminaires for Emergency
NBC – 2016 (or the
For All the lights of offices, external including Emergency Lighting
latest version at the -
time of execution)
ECBC 2017 (ECBC+ For LPD to be maintained area wise
1.1 Products
(a) Fitting Construction (General)
(i) All materials, accessories, and other related fitting parts shall be new and free from
defects which in any manner may impair their character, appearance, strength,
durability and function, and effectively protected from any damage or injury from the
time of fabrication to the time of delivery and until final acceptance of the work.
(ii) Sheet Metal Work: All sheet metal work shall be free from tool marks and dents, and
shall have accurate angles bent as sharp as compatible with the gauges of the required
metal. All intersections and joints shall be formed true of adequate strength and
structural rigidity to prevent any distortion after assembly.
(iii) Housings shall be so constructed that all electrical components are easily accessible
and replaceable without removing fittings from mountings or disassembly of adjacent
(iv) Castings: All castings shall be exact replicas of the approved patterns and shall be free
of sand pits, blemished, scales and rust, and shall be smoothly finished. Tolerance shall
be provided for any shrinkage of the metal castings in order that the finished castings
will accurately fit in their designated locations.
(v) All lamp holders in lighting fittings shall be suitable for the indicated lamps and shall be
set so that lamps are positioned in optically correct relation to all lighting fitting
components. If adjustable lamp holder positions are provided, lamp holder should be
reset in factory for lamp specified. If different lamp holder positions are specified for
same fitting, lamp holders shall be preset for each type, and cartons marked
(vi) All fittings shall be completely wired at the factory.
(vii) Mounting Frames and Rings: If ceiling/wall system requires, each recessed and semi-
recessed fitting shall be furnished with a mounting frame or ring compatible with the
ceiling/wall in which they are to be installed. The frames and rings shall be one piece
or constructed with electrically welded butt joints, and of sufficient size and strength
to sustain the weight of the fitting.
(viii) Light Leaks between ceiling/wall trims of recessed lighting equipment and the
ceilings/walls will not be tolerated. If fitting is used in partially transparent
ceiling/wall, light leaks above the ceiling/wall line will not be acceptable.
(ix) Stirrups, brackets and supplementary supporting members needed to mount lighting
fittings to carrier channels or other suitable ceiling members shall be furnished and
installed by the Contractor.
(x) Outdoor Fittings: Fittings for use outdoors or in areas designated as damp locations
shall be suitably gasketed to prevent the entrance of moisture. Provide approved wire
mesh screens for ventilation openings and shall have IP66 protection.
(xi) Hardware: For steel and aluminum fittings, all screws, bolts, nuts and other fastening
and latching hardware shall be cadmium or equivalent plated. For stainless steel
fittings, all hardware shall be stainless steel. For bronze fittings, all hardware shall be
stainless steel or bronze.
(xii) Temperature: All fittings and control gear must operate within the temperature limits
of their design and as specified by IEC or applicable local requirements, in the
applications and mounting conditions herein specified.
(xiii) Adjustable Angle Fittings: Each lighting fitting which has a beam angle adjustment shall
have reliable angle locking devices.
(xiv) Oval Beam Fittings: Each lighting fitting which has a lamp with an oval shape beam
pattern shall contain lamp orientation locking devices to insure that beam orientation
is not disturbed during fitting lamp replacement or cleaning.
(xv) Spread Lens Fittings: Each light fitting which has a spread lens shall contain lens
orientation locking devices to insure that lens orientation is not disturbed during
future lamp replacement or cleaning.
(b) Reflectors & Trims
(i) Installation: Reflectors, reflector cones and visible trim of all lighting fittings shall not
be installed until completion of plastering, ceiling tile work, painting and general clean-
up. They shall be carefully handled to avoid scratching or finger printing and shall be,
at the time of acceptance by the Department, Architect and Designer, completely
(ii) All silver anodized parabolic cones shall be guaranteed against discoloration for a
minimum of ten years, and, in the event of premature discoloration, shall be replaced
by the manufacturer, including both materials and the cost of labor.
(iii) Aluminum reflectors shall be finished specular, semi-specular, or diffuse as required.
Minimum requirements of reflector finished for interior and exterior service shall be as
Minimum Reflectance Percent
Minimum Weight of
Description of Service specular diffuse)
Coating per 25mm square
Specular Diffuse
Exterior industrial and
commercial reflector not 10 78 78
Exterior marine service
13 78 65
reflector not protected
(c) Lenses
(i) Plastic for lenses and diffusers shall be formed of colorless 100% Plexiglas or
polycarbonate as manufactured by 'I.C.I.' or by 'Elkamet". The quality of the raw
material must equal or exceed IEC Specifications by at least 100% which, as a
minimum standard, shall not exceed a yellowness factor of 3 after 2,000 hours of
exposure in the Fade-meter or as tested by an independent test laboratory.
(ii) Plexiglas plastic lenses and diffusers shall be properly cast, molded or extruded as
specified, and shall remain free of any dimensional instability, discoloration,
embrittlement, or loss of light transmittance for at least 15 years.
(iii) Where optical lenses are used, they shall be free from spherical and chromatic
aberrations and other imperfections, which may hinder the functional performance of
the lenses.
(iv) Mechanical: All lenses, louvers, or other light diffusing elements shall be removable,
but positively held so that hinging or other normal motion will not cause them to drop
(v) All lenses shall be turned over to the Department clean and free of dust.
(d) Finishes
(i) Painted Surfaces: Synthetic enamel, with acrylic, alkyd, epoxy, polyester, or
polyurethane base, light stabilized, baked on at 350 degree Fahrenheit minimum,
catalytically or photo-chemically polymerized after application.
(ii) Ceiling/wall opening frames shall either be manufactured of non-ferrous metal, or be
suitably rustproof after fabrication.
(iii) Selection: Unless otherwise noted, finishes shall be as selected by the Department.
(iv) Undercoat: Except for stainless steel give ferrous metal surfaces a five stage
phosphate treatment or other acceptable base bonding treatment before final
painting and after fabrication.
(v) Unpainted non-reflecting surfaces shall be satin finished and coated with a stoved
clear lacquer to preserve the surface. Where aluminum surfaces are treated with an
anodic process, the clear lacquer coating may be omitted.
(i) All lamps shall be LED in accordance with Green Building norms.
(i) At the time of final acceptance by the Department, all lighting fittings shall have been
thoroughly cleaned with materials and methods recommended by the manufacturers,
all broken parts shall have been replaced, and all lamps shall be operative.
1.2 Specifications for General light fixtures
(i) All light fixtures shall be LED having LM79 and LM80 certification from NABL
accredited laboratory and relevant approved IES files for Dialux. Before dispatch of
approved light fixtures, third party test shall be carried out by NABL accredited lab and
the test reports shall be submitted
(ii) The Service Life of the fixture including driver/control gear should be minimum 50,000
burning hours.
(iii) The CRI of the fixture should be minimum 80 unless otherwise mentioned for both
indoor applications and outdoor applications.
(iv) The THD should be less than 10%.
Properties of all proposed luminaire products for the following criteria shall be as per
the table below which is for reference purpose only. However, EPC contractor is to
provide all necessary other luminaries as per the functional requirement of the
building as per approved drawing.
Lighting shall be based on following average lighting level considerations, which are as
per NBC-2016
S.No. Area/Space Average Illumination Type of Type of Mounting
Range in Lux Lamps
1. Toilets/bathroom 50-100-150
2. Bedroom,living room 200-300-500 LED
1. The above Lux level is taken from NBC-2016. In case of any discrepancy Lux level
mentioned in NBC-2016 will prevail subjected to approval of engineer –in-charge,
while designing Lux level medium to higher range to be considered according to
furniture layout. The workplane height and type of mounting will be decided by
2. Lighting fixtures in rooms to be done as per pattern of false ceiling or POP to
maintain asthetic look in bedrooms and living room.
3. the switch board for lighting to be provided in such a way thatfirst switch should be
of light switch .
All light fixtures shall be LED having LM79 and LM80 certification from NABL accredited
laboratory (NABL labratory shall be independent and not same as make of LED
fixture)and relevant approved IES files for Dialux.
Nos. of fittings shall be provided to have required LUX level as well as maintaining
aesthetic look. The Lux level required for different areas shall be as per NBC – 2016 and
CPWD internal electrical 2013 specification.
The fixtures shall be of surface/ recessed type as per site requirement and drawing
1.1 Number of fittings shall be provided on the basis of average illumination range for
different areas subject to maximum LPD specified in CPWD internal specification 2013
(Section 2.9 and Table 11) & ECBC+ Building 2017 Table 6.2.
1.2 Only 5 Star rating BLDC ceiling fans should be provided in the various part of building
as per healthy engineering practice and as per prescribed norms/architectural
1.3 As a general practice, following type of fixtures / poles shall be used for lightning:
Indoor Areas As per NBC-2016 and LED. The driver must have
CPWD internal electrical minimum 2 KV surge
specification - 2013 protection. Edgelit models are
not accepted.
Road & outdoor Parking 15 Lux LED Lamps Street light fixtures
Areas Mounted on 6 to 7m High
decorative/octagonal poles as
per decision of Engineer-in-
charge. LED shall be IP66 rated
for ingress protection with
luminous efficacy not less than
100 lumens/watts. LED driver
must have surge protection of
2KV minimum. Edgelit models
are not accepted.
Path & Landscape areas Aesthetical LED
i) Only LED Light fittings to be provided. Switching of Light fittings to be managed with
Occupancy Sensors, Day Light Sensors for energy savings for area’s exposed to direct
sunlight, individualrooms and common areas. The general specification of LED is given
in table below:
S. No Criteria Specification
1 Luminaries type High energy efficiency LED
2 Housing/ body of fitting Pressure Die cast Aluminium
3 Cover/ Diffuser Poly carbonate/ Acrylic UV
protected/ PMMA / Toughened
4 Finish Aesthetically designed housing
with corrosion resistant powder
coating suitable for hospital
5 Protection (Minimum) IP20 for indoor and IP65 for
6 Operating Voltage 150V to 270V universal electronic
driver with internal surge
protection. ( Surge protection 2 KV
for both Live and Neutral for
Indoor Lighting , 5 KV for outdoor
7 Frequency 47 to 50 Hz
8 Fixture Ambient temperature + 40 ˚C
9 Operating temperature Range from 0 ˚C to +55 ˚C
10 Power factor >0.9
11 Efficacy of Luminaire ( including power loss) >100 lumen per watt for both
indoor and outdoor
12 Efficacy of LED >100 lumen per watt
13 Co-related colour temperature 5700 deg Kelvin to 6500 deg Kelvin
14 C.R.I. >80
15 Heat dissipation/ Heat sink Well designed thermal
management system with
aluminium heat sink.
16 LED Drive current Not more than 750mA
17 Driver efficiency > 85%
18 Certificates to be submitted LM79, LM80, Surge test and IP test
(outdoor fittings)
Average Illumination
Area / Space Type of Lamps / Fixtures
Range in Lux
LED Lamps Street light fixtures
Road & outdoor Mounted on 6 to 7m High Decorative
15 – 20 Lux
Parking Areas or Octogonal poles as per the decision
of Engineer in Charge.
Path & Landscape Aesthetical
areas Consideration
Facade As per Aesthetic Intent LED
200mmx200mmx12mm, 800mm long 'J' GI Foundation bolts (EN 8 Grade) of min. 20 mm dia
each with three GI nuts and two GI washers etc complete as per drawing. The pole shall have
a minimum of OAF of 130mm at bottom and 70 mm at top. The pole shall have a section
thickness of not less than 3 mm. The pole shall be fabricated in a single section. The pole and
pole foundation should be got approved from Engineer- in-charge. The item includes making
RCC (1:3:6)foundation with 8 mm and 12 mm steel reinforcement for the pole as per
manufacturers design anad recomendations and 40 mm OD HDPE pipe for cable entry and
Exit. (Design & drawing must be got approved).
Each Street light poles and LED fitting shall be marked. The marking shall be done using
weather proof paint.
Specification for Street Light Timer Box
Fabrication, supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of dust and vermin proof outdoor
type street light control box having IP 65 degree of protection, having sloped roof, made out
of 2 mm thick MS/CRCA sheet complete with hinged front single door with locking
arrangement, gasketting, ventilation arrangement, detachable gland plate, including
arragement for fixing switchgears, busbar etc., connections, inter connections with suitable
size FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable, body earthing with 2 Nos. of 25 x
5 mm GI strip across the width of the box, , painting with one coat of approved quality of
primer and 2 coat of approved enamel/epoxy coated paint, lettering etc, including supplying
and fixing the following accessories complete as required. The size of the Control box shall not
be less than 600 mm x 500 mm x 250 mm deep, and erected on a suitable size CC pedestal of
450 mm height above the ground/MS chanel angles and 300mm bleow the ground level etc.
complete as per site condition. The Panel shall have suitable nos. and suitable capacity MCCB
for each incoming and outgoings, Multifunction meters, LED indication lamps along with
suitable numbers of Programmable Digital Timer for automatic switching on and off the LED
Street lights.
The street light fitting must be high energy efficient LED luminarie with minimum efficiacy of
100 Lumens/Watt. LED street light fitting must be outdoor type with classification of IP 66,
Class-I, body made out of pressure diecast aluminium, high efficiency with metallic finish
paint, poly carbonate designed reflector for light distribution, toughened glass sealed with
silicon gaskets, suitable fins for heat rejection and integral driver unit, not less than inbuilt 2
KV short circuit and surge protection suitable for operation on 240Volts, 50Hz, single phase AC
etc. complete as required. The system lumens shall not less than 4000 lumens and full system
power rating not more than 45 watt
c) The cable shall be laid inside a suitable size DWC pipe. The DWC pipe shall be complete
with ISI marked couplings etc. All the accessories shall be complusorily ISI marked.
d) A GI wire of 6 SWG for Loop Earthing shall also be laid along with the street light cable.
Thi GI wire shall connect to each pole.Single GI wore for 2 core cable and 2 nos of GI
wire for 3 core cable.
e) The trench must be complusorily shown to the Engineer in Charge or to his authorized
representative before refilling the trench. Any trench refilled without showing to the
Engineer in Charge or his authorized representative shall be at the risk and cost of the
contractor and the trench may be re opened till the satifcation of the Engineer in
Charge or his authorized representative. The decision of the Engineer in Charge shall
be final and binding on the contractor.
(iv) Fans:
1.0 5 star rated BLDC Ceiling fans with electronic regulator should be provided in each
cabin /room/ work areas as per prescribed norms.
2.0 ISI marked pedestal fans /wall fans shall be used only in areas where using ceiling fans
is not possible. These fans will be highest star rated as per availability in the market.
(i) Color temperature of the light fixtures shall be decided area wise at the time of
execution. All fittings proposed should be available in 3000/
4000K/5600K/6000K/6500K for indoor fixtures depending on the functional usage of
the space concerned.
(ii) For outdoor fixtures the CCT shall be 6000K/6500K.
(iii) Color Temperature of fixtures used for façade lighting and landscape lighting shall be
approved by the Department.
(iv) All the light fixtures used for facade application should be available with
DMX/Ethernet controllable driver option.
(v) Different types of fittings are required in different areas. Specifications of different
type of fittings have been mentioned below to provide reference to the bidding
parties on the design intent and the energy efficiency. These fixtures are for reference
only. Any other fixture with specification mentioned below or better out of the
mentioned makes maybe used subject to approval from Engineer-Incharge.
Wall washing Facade 2100lm(RGB)/2400- >45 lm/W
Flooding Facade 4000-10000lm >45 lm/W
Spots Facade 1000-1500lm >45 lm/W
Sign Boards (For all buildings): The scope of work also consists of design, supply,
fabrication and fixing of sign board using word made of acrylic cut out letter with
LED and reflecting vinyl sheet as per design approved by Engineer-in-charge. The
board shall be fabricated with 3mm thick ACP sheet. Powder coated aluminum
sheet shall be fixed from the rear side of the entire board to make box section.
Powder coated aluminum cuts and bracket shall be used of minimum 3mm
2. Power Points and Light Plug Points
iii) The number of 16 Amp Power Plug, 6amp light plug outlet, LAN point outlet,
Telephone outlet and cable TV outlet to be provided as per good engineering practice.
However, it may be ensured that the following minimum sets power plug points, 6
Amp light plug outlet, LAN point outlet, Telephone outlet should be provided.
iv) Apart from the points mentioned below minimum 1 no. 6/16A Power point is to be
provided per 10 Sq. mt. of useful office area of office/ room etc.
v) In EACH BED ROOM: One Set of (5+16) on each side of bed, 1 No. 25 Amps AC Point
with DPMCB, which provision of controlling from near bed side, 1 No.15/16 Amps
point for Heater, 1 No.15/16 Amps point for Electrical cattle, 1 No. LAN point, 1 No.
Telephone point, 1 No. TV point and Power point for TV, 2 Nos. Additional 6 Amps
point for Mobile.
vi) In EACH LIVING ROOM : Minimum 4 Nos. 15/16 Amps power point, minimum 4 Nos. 6
Amps point, 1 No. TV point and power point for TV, 1 No. LAN point, 2 Nos. 25 Amps
AC point.
vii) IN DRESSING ROOM: Minimum 1 No.15/16 Amps & 1 No.6 Amps point.
viii) EACH BALCONY: Minimum 1 No. 15/16 Amps point
ix) EACH ELECTRICAL ROOM should have minimum 4 no. 15/16 6pin power point.
x) In Entrance Hall minimum 4 Nos. 15/16 Amps point
xi) IN KITCHEN: Minimum 8 Nos. 15/16 Amps point, 1 No. Three phase point for Chimney
(Chimney is not scope of work but point to be provided).
xii) IN DINING HALL: 2 nos. TV point with Power point, minimum 8 Nos. 15/16 Amps point
for Mosquito device, 4 Nos. 15/16 for RO and Water cooler, Minimum 8 Nos. AC point.
xiii) AT TERRACE: Near staircase – 1 No.15/16 Amps point.
xiv) In each guest house 1 no. master key card switch to be provided near entry gate in
living room which should have provision of control all power point and fitting except
RO and fridge or other essential accessories.
xv) Load for each workstation is to be considered as 120 W, with provision for 1 no. LAN
point, 1 no. phone point for IP phone, 1 no. 6/16A power point & 2 Nos. 6A
International UPS power points.
xvi) Each shaft have one no. bulk head fitting and 1 no. 16/6 socket at every floor.
xvii) At Reception desks shall have 1 no. LAN points, 2 no. phone points for IP phone, 1 no.
6/16 A power point, 2 Nos. 6A International UPS power points for workstation & 1 no.
6/16 A power point for printer. Each combined toilet will have 1 no. 6/16 A power
point for hand-dryers and additionally 1 no. 6/16 A power point for maintenance
purpose near mirror or wash basin but at the distance of 2m from water tap . Hand
drier shall be provided by the EPC contractor.
xviii) Each pantry will have 2 no. 6/16 A power points and 1 no. phone point for IP phone.
xix) All switch boards, power/light/UPS, LAN& Telephone Socket outlets with modular
type. Extra opening in modular boxes shall be closed with modular blanking plates.
xx) All the major distribution of power and data to be done at floor level .
xxi) Every floor shall have suitable no. of floor-standing / wall-mounted racks with suitable
no. of POE managed switch in each wing where the CAT-6 A cabling from the
respective floor data points shall terminate with all accessories like cable ties,
patchcords etc. The contractor shall ensure that the maximum length from the switch
to the data point including the patch cords etc. does not exceeds 80m. There shall be
20% redundancy on each switch.
xxii) Each floor rack shall be connected to the Server Room Main racks through backbone
Optical Fibre cable and links. Each rack shall have dual-linkage from the different
server racks.
xxiii) LED Lights to be provided for all trees with cable, control panel, timer etc.
xxiv) Compound Lights and façade with LED Fittings, cable, control panel, timer etc. to be
xxv) In corridor and lift lobby- 1 No. power plug at every 5 Mtrs. Span
xxvi) The power points/LAN points/telephone points shall at same height i.e 1100 mm from
finshing floor height.
i. All wiring should be done with 1100 V grade FRLS PVC insulated, flexible, copper
conductor wires. PVC/Metallic conduit used shall be ISI marked. Black colour
conduit is not acceptable at all.
For each circuit separate neutral and earth wire shall be compulsorily drawn.
Looping of neutral and earth wire in the circuit is not acceptable. Each
submain/circuit shall be compulsorily marked with ferrules on both end i.e. DB
and switchboard for indication of the source of power supply. Ferrules are used
for ease of electrical maintenance of the building.
6.0Emergency Lightening and signage
The emergency lighting system will be a fully addressable, self-test system using selfcontained
or with central battery luminaires and comply with the requirements of BS5266 and all other
related standards. All luminaires and exit signs shall incorporate an LED light source and
Lithium Polymer battery technology to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and
protect the environment. Luminaires incorporating fluorescent lamp technology, nickel
cadmium or nickel metal hydride batteries will not be accepted.The emergency lighting
control panel shall be capable of supporting up to minimum two circuits of emergency lighting
luminaires. Each of these circuits shall be capable of supporting up to 95 devices.. It shall be
possible to connect up to 15 panels onto a single network.The user interface shall consist of a
minimum 30-character LCD display. The Panel shall have central battery or UPS for powering
all connected device of minimum 90 minutes for full load. The panel shall have display and
programing keypad.
Each luminaire microprocessor controlled and allocated an individual address shall be self-
contained or powered by main panel and consist of a single LED light source -with a specially
designed lens to provide optimum light distribution, electronics and battery, all contained
within a single plug-in housing. Each luminaire and signages shall be capable of a minimum of
2 hrs continuous operation in an active mode. Each luminaire shall be fitted with a LED to
indicate its status. Each luminaire shall be site programmable for operation in a maintained or
non-maintained mode and shall provide a minimum of 2 hours continuous operation in the
event of a mains power supply failure. The standby batteries incorporated into each luminaire
shall be rechargeable type. LED Down-light with specially designed lens for corridor area
applications. Both surface and semi-flush mounting models shall be available. LED Down-light
with specially designed lens for open area applications. Both surface and semi-flush mounting
models shall be available. LED recessed mounting single/ double signages.
The ELCP shall consist of a sheet steel enclosure with a white powder coat finish and contain
an internal termination board for all incoming and outgoing cables. The panel shall be
designed for surface mounting. All external cabling connections are via plug-in screw
terminals. Terminals are of the rising-clamp style suitable for cables size up to 2.5mm2. The
ELCP shall have a transactions log of minimum1000 events.
Subsequent events should overwrite the logon a FIFO principle. The data shall be held in non-
volatile memory
6.4 Network Communications Outputs
The ELCP shall be able to communicate to PC via Ethernet port for programming and logs.The
ELCP shall include an RS485 port for communication with up-to eight combined keypad and
display units. One serial port shall be dedicated for uploading and downloading the
programmed data to and from a PC, or to provide data to a network interface module.The
ELCP shall allow networking between multiple panels which will allow up-to 15 panels to be
connected via an existing or dedicated TCPIP Ethernet network to a graphical interface.
It shall be possible to set a line into a “service state. In this state, the power will be removed
from the line (to allow maintenance work on the line wiring to be carried out). When switched
into this mode, the luminaires shall remain off so as to prevent discharge of the luminaire
standby batteries.
6.7 Wiring
The cable that interconnects the luminaires, I/O units and the panel shall be a screened and
twisted single pair1.5mm² cable with a maximum length of up to 1000M.
The Control Panel shall be fully site configurable and programmable using a PC-based
programme and allow the data to be backed-up to a disc for archiving purposes.This
programme shall also include the ability to produce reports of all the system programming in
a printable format.
Note:the provision of UPS has not been taken in scope of work but following to be considered
while designing layout of power point and lighting
The Laying of cable should be done as per external specification – 1994 part-II. The following
condition shall be read. If any discrepancy occurs between specifications and conditions thn
decision of Engineer – in –charge will be decide.
Medium voltage cables shall be circular, multi core annealed copper or aluminium
conductor, XLPE insulated, PVC extruded inner sheatedan FRLS PVC overall sheathed
and steel wire armoured or steel tape armoured construction or unarmoured. The
conductors of cable shall be stranded. Sector shaped stranded conductors shall be
used for cables of 50 sqmm size and above. The cables shall conform to IS:1554 part-I
in all respects.
MV power cables shall be2, 3, 3.5 or 4 cores, as required and shall have
conductors made from electrical purity aluminium conductors conforming to
Conductors shall be XLPE insulated, PVC extruded inner sheated an FRLS PVC
overall sheathed and steel wire armoured or steel tape armoured construction or
A common overing shall be applied over the laid-up cores by an extruded PVC
inner sheath.
Armouring of galvanised round steel wires or galvanised flat steel strips shall be
provided over the inner sheath.
Outer sheathof PVC shall be extruded over the armouring. Cables shall be
manufactured and tested in accordance with IS7098 Part I.
Unless otherwise specified, all control cables shall be multicore,1100V grade PVC
insulated, armoured and overall PVC sheathed with stranded copper conductors
of 2.5, conforming to IS 1554 Part I. Cores shall be identified by colour
scheme of PVC insulation.
Core Identifications
Cores shall be provided with the following colour scheme of PVC insulation
Selection of Cable:
2. While deciding cable sizes, the de rating factors for type and depth of
laying, grouping, ambient temperature, ground temperature and soil
resistivity shall be taken into account.
The individual cores shall have continuous numbering of the core all along its
length and also be provided with identification ferrules at both ends. Individual
control cables shall have 20% spare cores.
PVC / XLPE cables shall be used for all electrical works to prevent flame
propagation, smoke reduction and to avoid toxic gas emission in the event of a
fire. FRLS compound shall be tested rigorously for oxygen index as per ASTMD
2863, acid gas generation to IEC754-1, smoke density to ASTMD 2843 and
flammability SS 4241475 class F3, IEEE383 and IEC 332-1.
The contractor shall take care to see that all the cables received at site are
apportioned to various locations in such a manner as to ensure maximum
utilization and avoidance of straight cable jointing.This apportioning shall be got
approved by the Construction manager/ Consultant before the cables are cut to
Where straight joints in cable are unavoidable, the use and location of such
straight joints shall be got approved by Construction manager /Consultant.
Cable joint boxes shall be of appropriate size, suitable for XLPE insulated PVC
Sheathed armoured cables of particular voltage rating.
Jointing of Cables
All cable joints shall be made in suitable, approved cable joint boxes, jointing of
cables in the joint boxes and the filling in of compound shall be done
inaccordance with manufacturer's instructions and in an approved manner. All
straight joints shall be done in epoxy mould boxes with epoxyres in (Tropolin/M-
Seal resin or approved equal). All jointing accessories shall be of CCI/INCAB or
approved equal. All terminal leads of conductors shall be heavy soldered upto
atleast 50mm length.
All cables shall be joined colour to colour and tested for continuity and insulation
resistance before jointing commences. These also of cables shall not be removed
until preparations for jointing are completed. Joints shall be finished on the
same day as commenced and sufficient protection from the weather shall be
arranged. The conductors shall be efficiently insulated with high voltage
insulating tape and by using spreaders of approved size and pattern. The joints
shall be completely filled with epoxy compound and tapped so as to ensure that
the box is properly filled.
Equal quantities of resin and hardener shall be mixed thoroughly by hand until
the mixtureis free from white patches and has uniform colour. No water,oil orany
other liquid shall be added to the mixture to make it soft as this will affect the
properties of the compound. The mixture shall be used within 30-40 minutes of
mixing. The surface on which epoxy compound is to be used, shall be free from
dust,rust,oil,grease and shall be dry. The joints hall neither be disturbed no
rmoved till the epoxy compound is completely hardened. A smooth surface can
be made by rubbing adamp cloth smoothly on the compound before it sets. The
joints shall be painted after it has completely hardened.
Alternatively, ready mix of epoxy cable jointing compound may also be used.
Cable Markers/CableTags
Cable Markers
All underg round cables and cable joints shall be marked on the surface by
markers generally manufactured and tested to her equirements of relevant ISS.
Approved CI cable markers shall be provided at every 30m along the route of the
cables and at both ends of road crossing, indicating cable joints and cables as
applicable. Special CI markers shall be provided at all buried cable joints
indicating"Electrical Cable Joints". CI plates duly engraved with the size of the
cable and the place it serves shall be tied to the cable at regular intervals of 5m
for easy identification of cables.
Cable tags shall be made out of 2mm thick aluminium sheets, each tag 32mm
india with one hole of 2.5mmdia. 6mm be low the periphery shall be provided for
clamping the same with cables.
Cable design nation are to be punched with letter/number punches and the tags
are to be tied to cables with pian owires of approved quality and size.Tags shall
be tied inside the panels beyond the glands as well as below the glands at cable
entires.Along trays,tags are to be tied at all bends on straight lengths, tags shall
be provided at every 5 meter.
Cable termination shall be done in terminal box or cable end box or distribution
boards, or apparatus/equipments.Terminations are to be made with mechanical
gland and of the tinned nickel plated, anti-corrosive, three piece improved
pattern which is to gripinner and outer PVC sheaths as well as the armour of the
cable.The cable ends or the core conductor are to be connected by solder less
lugs or sockets using crimping tool of approved make for all cables.
When required the water tightness of the terminal boxes may be obtained by filling
with a compound preferably plastic flame retarding and non-dripping type with in
the norma lrange of temperatures.
When the cable is cut during the course of installation the open ends are to be
sealed immediately by means of self-adhesiven on hygroscopic tape over awax
water seal to make an air and water tight joint.
Cable shall be laid ina manner as indicated on the drawings .Generally cables are
laid in the following manner.
Cables shall be laid by skilled and experienced workmen using adequate rollers to
minimize stretching of the cable.The cable drums shall be placed on jacks before
unwinding the cable. The cable drums shall be rotated in a direction as indicated
by the manufacturer. Care shall be exercised in laying cables to avoid forming
kinks.The drums shall be unrolled and cables run over wood enrollers, placed at
intervals not exceeding 2 meters.
All cables shall be adequately protected against any risk of mechanical damage to
which they may be liable in normal conditions of service.
Where cable passes through walls,ceiling, floor, it shall run through sleeve of PVC
pipes/GI Pipes or hume pipes of adequate diameter. After pulling the cable
through sleeve, both the ends of the sleeve shall be sealed water tight with fire
resistance material to prevent spread of fire and see page of water.
Generally along each cable route either in tern chorin cable trays/ladders or in
pipe separate
Metal sheaths and armour of all cables, metal conduits,ducts, trunking, and bare
earth continuity conductors associated with such cables, which might otherwise
come into fortuitous contact with other fixed metal work shall be effectively
bonded there to earth so as to prevent appreciable potential difference at such
possible points of contact.
Underground Installations
The cables shall be laid in an excavated trench. The depth of the trench shall be
minimum 750mm below the final ground level but shall be decided on the
number of cables to be laid in the trench so that the vertical distance between
two adjacent layers of cables shall not be less than 350mm. The width of the
trench shall be decided on the number of cables to be laid in the trench so that
the distance between two adjacent cables shall not be less than one cable
Width of Trench
i) The minimum width of trench for laying single cable shall be350mm.
ii) Where more than over cable is to be laid in the same trench in horizontal
formation, the width of trench shall be increased such that the inter axial
spacing between the cables, except whether otherwise specified shall
beat least 200mm.
iii) Thereshall be clearance of atleast 150mm between axis of the end cables
and the sides of the trench.
b) Depth of Trench:
i) Where cables are laid in single tier formation, the total depth of the
trench shall not be less than 750mm.
ii) When more than one tier of cables is un avoidable and vertical formation
of laying adopted, depth of trench in (i) above shall be increasedby 300
mm for each additional tier to be formed.
In any case the to player of the cables shall be minimum 600 mm below the
finished level of the ground.
The top of the cable trench shall be well compacted till the finished level of the
ground and shall be approved by the Construction Manager/Consultant. If
required a laboratory compaction test shall be carried out in presence of the
Construction Manager/Consultant.
H.V.,M.V.,cables shall not be laid in the same trench/cable tray and/or along side
of water main.
Cables under road crossings and any surfaces subjected to heavy traffic shall be
protected by running them through Humepipes of suitable size.
Where cables cross one another,the cables of higher voltages shall be laid at
lowerl evel than the cable of lower voltage.
There lative position of the cables laid in the same trench shall be preserved and
the cables shall not cross each other as far as possible. At all changes in direction
in horizontal and vertica lplanes ,the cable shall be bent smooth with a radius of
bend not less than 15 times the diameter of the cable. Minimum 3 meters long
loop shall be provided at both sides of every straight joint and 5 meters at each
end of the cable. Distinguishing marks shall be made at the cable ends for
Insulation tapes of appropriate voltage and inred, yellow, and blue colors shall be
wrapped just below the sockets for phase identification.
All the excavation and back fill including timbering, shoring, and pumping
required for the installation of the cables shall be carried out as indicated on the
drawing and as per requirements laid down else where or as per Construction
manager/Consultant direction. Trenches shall be dugtruetoline and grades. Back
fill for trenches shall be filled in layers not exceeding 150 mm. At each layer
compaction test shall be carried out in presence of Construction
manager/Consultant Each layer shall be properly rammed and consolidated
before laying then extlayer. The contractor shall restore all surfaces, roadways,
sidewalls, curbs, walls, land scaping or other works cut for excavation to their
original condition, the satisfaction of the Construction manager/Consultant.
Suitable approved type cable markers shall be installed along the cable route &
where ever change of direction takes place.
The cables inside the building shall be installed in one of the following manner,as
indicated in the drawing and approved by the Construction manager/Consultant.
Installedin Built-upTrench
The cables laid on the bottom of the structural trenches shall not lay freely up on
the trench bottom. They shall be raised to prevent the possibility of their coming
into contact with deleterious materials.
The cables laid in the trench shall be laid on angle iron brackets/cabletray/cable
ladder/cable troughs/cable racks as indicated on the drawings, and as approved
by the Construction manager/Consultant.Where cables are clamped to the wall a
minimum clearance of 100mm shall be maintained between wall and cable and
minimum 150mm vertical clearance shall be maintained between two cables.
Where cables are laid on brackets the brackets shall not be fixed more than
500mm a part to avoid sag in the cables. Where the cables are laid on cable
tray/ladder/troughs/racks, minimum 300 mm distance shall be observed
between adjacent tier of tray/ladder/troughs/racks, and cable shall be fixed
minimum 25mm away from the wall,and minimum of one cable diameter
distance shall be observed between two adjacent cables. Cables shall be properly
fixed with the tray/ladder/ troughs/racks with cable tie or saddles or straps.
Where cables are installed under above suspended ceiling or below ceiling or on
wall,they shall be laid on a ladder/perforated G.I. cable tray and shall be run in
such positions that they are not liable to be damaged by contact with the floor or
the ceiling or otherfixtures.
The trays shall be made of 2mm thick perforated sheet having minimum 75 mm
depth.The width of perforation shall be maximum 10mm spaced at maximum
20mm distance .The width of the cable tray shall be selected so as to
accommodate required number of cables to be laid onit,with minimum
separation of minimum one cable diameter between two adjacent cables. The
cables shall be tied with the cable tray with nylon strip/Aluminium clamps/GI
Rusting and scale shall be removed by Pickling with dilute acid followed by
washing with running water,rinsing with slightly alkaline hotwater and over
The phosphate coating shall be sealed by the application of two coats of ready
mixed stoving type zinc chromate primer.
After application of the primer, two coats of finishing stove enamelled paint shall
be applied. The final finished thickness of paint film on steel shall not be less than
50microns and shall not be morethan 100microns.
The finish painting shall be black matt as per ISS or as approved by consultants.
The cable reaching the motors in the mechanical room or plant room or
machines room or service are a shall be laid on cable tray except where indicated
in masonry underground trenches.
The cable reaching the motors shall be protected by rigid galvanized conduits
upto a height of 300mm above the floor. Above that height, the cable shall be
protected by means of oil tight flexible metallic G.I.conduits to the terminal box
of the motor. The connection between the rigid conduit and the flexible conduit
shall be done by as crewed coupling of an approved type. The flexible conduit
shall be properly fixed with the terminal box of the motor by means of double
hexagonal check nut.
The jointing between the sections shall be made with coupler plates of the same
material and thickness as the channel section. Two coupler plates, each of
minimum 200mm length, shall be bolted on each of the two sides of the channel
section with 8mm dia round headed bolts, nuts and washers. Inorder to maintain
proper earth continuity bond, the paint on the contact surfaces between the
coupler plates and cabletray shall be scraped and removed before the
The width of the cable tray shall be chosen so as to accommodate all the cable in
one tier, plus 30to50%additional width for future expansion.This additional width
shall be minimum 100mm.The overall width of one cable tray shall be limited to
The cable tray shall be suspended from the ceiling slab with the help of 12mm
dia Electro Galvanized MSrods or 25mmx5mm flats at specified spacing as per of
CPWD General Specification of Electrical Work PartII-1994. Flat type suspenders
may be used for channels upto 450mm width bolted to cable trays.Round
suspenders shall be threaded and bolted to the cable trays or to independent
support angles 50mmx50mmx5mmat the bottom end as specified.These shall be
grouted to the ceilings lab at the other end through an effective means,as
approved by the Engineer,to take the weight of the cablet ray with the cables.
The cable tray shall be bonded to the earth Terminal of the switch bonds at both
The cable trays shall be measured on unit length basis,along the centreline of the
cable tray, including bends,reducers,tees, cross joints,etc,and paid for
All accessories like bends, tees, crosses, reducers etc. shall be factory fabricated. Site
fabricated will not be accepted.
Cable tags shall be made out of 2mm thick aluminium sheets. Each tag shall be 2” in dia or 3”
x 3” square with one hole of 2.5mm dia, 6 mm below the periphery, or as approved by
Consultant. Cable designations are to be punched with letters / number punches and the tags
are to be tied to cables with piano wires of approve quality & size. Tags shall be tied inside the
panels beyond the glanding as well as above the glands at cable entries. Along trays tags are
to be tied at all bends. On straight lengths, tags shall be provided at every 5 meters.
Cables shall be secured to cable trays with 3mm thick x 25mm wide aluminium strips/suitable
GI clamp, or as approved by Consultant, at 1000 mm intervals and screwed by means of rust
proof screws, washers and bolts, of adequate but not excessive lengths. Cable trays for
horizontal runs suspended from the ceiling will be supported with mild steel straps or
brackets, at 1000 mm intervals and the overall tray arrangement shall be of a rigid
construction. External cabling route marker with GI plate marked with “DANGER 1.1 KV
CABLE” with 1 meter long GI angle iron grouting bracket including 1:3:6 ratio cement
concrete base block of minimum size 200 x 200 x 350 mm to be provided or as approved by
Elect. Supply Company
Cable tags shall be made out of 2mm thick aluminium sheets. Each tag shall be 2” in dia or 3”
x 3” square with one hole of 2.5mm dia, 6 mm below the periphery, or as approved by
Consultant. Cable designations are to be punched with letters / number punches and the tags
are to be tied to cables with piano wires of approve quality & size. Tags shall be tied inside the
panels beyond the glanding as well as above the glands at cable entries. Along trays tags are
to be tied at all bends. On straight lengths, tags shall be provided at every 5 meters.
Cables shall be secured to cable trays with 3mm thick x 25mm wide aluminium strips/suitable
GI clamp, or as approved by Consultant, at 1000 mm intervals and screwed by means of rust
proof screws, washers and bolts, of adequate but not excessive lengths. Cable trays for
horizontal runs suspended from the ceiling will be supported with mild steel straps or
brackets, at 1000 mm intervals and the overall tray arrangement shall be of a rigid
construction. External cabling route marker with GI plate marked with “DANGER 1.1 KV
CABLE” with 1 meter long GI angle iron grouting bracket including 1:3:6 ratio cement
concrete base block of minimum size 200 x 200 x 350 mm to be provided or as approved by
Elect. Supply Company
a) The Co-axial shall be of wide band type with operation capability upto 500 MHz.
b) The ageing resistance of the co-axial cable shall comply with DIN 47252. Part 2, i.e.
max. 5% increase in attenuation at 200 MHz measured by artificial ageing (14 days at
80 deg.C).
c) Cables shall meet or exceed the following specifications.
RG-6 MATV Type RG-11 MATV Type
a. Centre Conductor 18 AWG copper coated steel 12 AWG copper coated steel 18%
18% conductivity conductivity.
b. Dielectric Foam polyethylene Nom. Dia. Foam polyethylene Nom. Dia. 0.280
c. Shield Foil – 0.003 Al. Tape Braid – 34 Foil – 0.003 Al. Tape Braid – 34
AWG 4 end Al. 60% coverage AWG 6 end Al. 60% coverage dia.
dia. 0.212 0.314
d. Jacket Black PVC flame retardant dia. Black PVC flame retardant dia. Over
Over jacket 0.272 ± 0.008 Min. jacket 0.405 ± 0.010 Min spot
spot 0.023 0.032.
Electrical Properties
a. Dielectric Strength Conductor to shield 2000 VDC Conductor to shield 1500 VDC
b. Capacitance 16.2 PF/Ft. Nom. 16.2 PF/Ft. Nom.
c. Impedance 75.0 ± 3.0 ohms 75.0 ± 3.0 ohms
d. Attnuation DB/100 ft. DB/100 ft.
0.65 DB at 5 MHz 0.35 DB at 5 MHz
0.76 DB at 10MHz 0.94 DB at 50MHz
0.96 DB at 20 MHz 1.28 DB at 100 MHz
1.98 DB at 100 MHz 1.78 DB at 200 MHz
4.21 DB at 450 MHz 2.20 DB at 300 MHz
4.80 Db at 550 MHz 2.75 Db at 450 MHz
6.49 DB at 1000 MHz 4.30 DB at 1000 MHz
e. Velocityof 82.0% Nom 92.0% Nom
f. DCR 35.47 ohms/1000 ft. 14.29 ohms/1000 ft.
g. SRL 30 DB (10 MHz to 300 MHz) 20 DB (5 to 450 MHz)
d) Directional Couplers
i. These shall be of Ultra Wideband type and of hybrid circuit design.
ii. These shall have a near flat frequency response over the entire operating
iii. These shall have an aluminium cast housing for high frequency radiation
iv. These shall have ‘F’ sockets for all input, output and branch ports.
v. The Tap offs shall be available in one way, two way and four way
vi. The splitters shall be available in two way, three way and four way
vii. The Tap offs shall be available in different tap values ranging from 11 dB, 15
dB, 20 dB, 25 dB and 30 dB.
LED type Exit Sign Boards IP-42, single/ Double sided shall be provided near staircase, lift
lobby, fire hydrant,Toilets, Water cooler location,Sub Station, AC plant , AHUs, DG Set,
CCTVRoom, Fire Control Room, Entrance,Exit, parking in basement and wherever required
as per NBC 2016 with self containedrechargable LED lit Lazer ETCHED Acrylic signages
Emergency board with super bright Red, Green LED's having inbuilt rechargable battery of
Ni-Mh/Ni-cd battery backup of atleast 4 Hrs having wattage less than 2 watts LED lamp
fitting housed in Epoxy polyester powder coating acrylic sheet of thickness 8mm with
recharging period of 16 - 24 Hrs. with constant current charger having current through
LED's under all conditions 20 mA ± 20% and Voltage 3.5V ± 10%, input supply single phase
230 V 50 HZ incorporating indicaters showing following features (A) normal supply
connected (B) Battery is being charged (C) Circuit continuity exists and confiming to IS:
9583- 1981, with suitable hanging arrangement with SS chain/ directely on wall/ false
ceiling as per site requirment.
Note: The Cable trench must be complusorily shown to the Engineer in Charge or to his
authorized representative before refilling the trench. Any trench refilled without showing
to the Engineer in Charge or his authorized representative shall be at the risk and cost of
the contractor and the trench may be re opened till the satifcation of the Engineer in
Charge or his authorized representative. The decision of the Engineer in Charge shall be
final and binding on the contractor.
All the LED bulbs/ LED fittings shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years.
50% of the performance guarantee of total amount of pacakage-1 shall be refunded
to the contractor soon after the completion of work and recording of the completion
50% of the performance guarantee shall be retained as security Deposite.
50% of the performance guarantee retained as Security Deposite plus 2.50 %
Security Deposite (with respect to package -1 amount)already deducted from
running bills (Total 2.5+2.5=5%) shall be refunded year wise proportionately
Technical Specifications for Internal-External Electrical Installations
The electric power will be received and distributed in a building, through following means:-
(ii) The building is divided into convenient number of parts, each part served by a
rising main system to distribute power vertically/horizontally.
(iii) Power flows from rising main through tap-off box to floor main board to final
DBs and then to wiring.
(iv) Dedicatedcircuitfordifferentloadssuchaslighting,HVAC,powerplugloadsshall be
provided, whereverpossible
(v) Rising main, which takes care of general lighting and power outlet load of the
building, should have independent cables for lighting as well as power,
wherever possible. Other loads like lifts, water pump sets, other motor loads
are fed by independent cables of suitable capacity fed from properly designed
essential/non- essential LT power panels with suitably designed switchgear
having necessary control and safely features.
(i) The wiring shall be done from a distribution system through main and/or branch
distribution boards. The system design and location of boards will be properly
worked out.
(ii) Each main distribution board and branch distribution board shall be controlled by
an incoming circuit breaker/linked switch with fuse. Each outgoing circuit shall be
controlled by a circuit breaker/switch withfuse.
(iii) For non-residential and residential buildings as far as possible DBs shall be
separate for light and power.
(v) Double door DBs shall not be used for final circuit distribution as far aspossible.
(vi) ‘Power’wiringshallbekeptseparateanddistinctfromlightwiring,fromthelevelof
shall be separate.
(viii) Generally, no switchboard will have more than one source of incoming supply.
More than one incoming supply will be allowed only at main board with proper
safety and interlocking so that only one source can be switched on at a time.
(ix) Each MDB/DB/Switch Board will have reasonable spare outgoing ways for future
2.3 Wiring
Submain wiring shall mean the wiring from one main/distribution switchboard to
Circuit wiring shall mean the wiring from the distribution board to the 1st tapping
point inside the switch box, from where point wiring starts.
Note: Conduit carrying submain will not carry circuit/point wiring. Similarly conduit carrying
circuit wiring will not carry submain/point wiring. Conduit carrying point wiring will not carry
submain/circuit wiring.
2.4 PointWiring
2.3.1 Definition
A point (other than socket outlet point) shall include all work necessary in
complete wiring to the following outlets from the controlling switch or MCB.
(a) Ceiling rose or connector (in the case of points for ceiling/exhaust fan points,
prewired light fittings, and callbells).
(d) Lamp holder (in the case of goose neck type wall brackets, batten holders
and fittings which are notprewired).
2.3.2 Scope
(a) Conduit/channel as the case may be, accessories for the same and wiring cables
between the switch box and the point outlet, loop protective earthing of each fan/
light fixture.
(b) All fixing accessories such as clips, screws, Phil plug, rawl plug etc. Asrequired.
(c) Metal or PVC switch boxes for control switches, regulators, sockets etc, recessed or
surface type, and phenolic laminated sheet covers over thesame.
(d) Outlet boxes, junction boxes, pull-through boxes etc. but excluding metal boxes if any,
provided with switchboards for loose wires/conduitterminations.
(g) Connections to ceiling rose, connector, socket outlet, lamp holder, switchetc.
(h) Bushed conduit or porcelain tubing where wiring cables pass through walletc.
(Note: In areas where false ceiling are provided, termination of wires should be at the
fittings. Flexible conduits from ceiling junction box to the fittings shall be provided duly
coupled at both ends.This shall be included within the scope of point wiring.)
(i) Inter connecting wiring between switches with in the switch box on the same circuit.
(i) The light plug(6A) point and power(16A) point wiring shall be measured on linear basis,
from the respective tapping point of live cable, namely, switch box, another socket
outlet point, or the sub-distribution board as the case may be, up to the socket outlet.
(ii) The metal/PVC box with cover, switch/MCB, socket outlet and other accessories shall
be measured and paid as a separate item.
Note: There shall normally be no “on the board” light plug point.
(iii) The power point outlet may be 16 A/6 A six pin socket outlet, where so specified in the
tender documents.
2.3.4 Group Control PointWiring
In the case of points with more than one point controlled by the same switch, such points
shall be (a) from the switch to the first point outlet as one point and classified according
to 3.4.4, and (b) for the subsequent points, the distance from that outlet to the next one
and so on, shall be treated as separate point(s) and classified according to3.4.4.
(i) A light point controlled by two numbers of two way switches shall be two points from
the fitting to the switches on either side.
(ii) No recovery shall be made for non-provision of more than one ceiling rose or
connector in such cases.
(i) In the case of call bell points with a single call bell outlet,controlled from more than
one place, the points shall be measured in partsi.e.
(a) From the call bell out let to one of the nearest ceiling roses meant for
connection to bell push, treated as one point
(b) From that ceiling rose to the next one and soon,shall be treated as separate
(ii) No recovery shall be made for non-provision of more than one ceiling rose or
connector for connection to call bell in suchcases.
2.5 WiringSystem
(i) Wiring shall be done only by the looping system. Phase/live conductors shall be looped
at the switch box. For point wiring, neutral wire/earth wire looping for the 1st point
shall be done in the switch box; and neutral/earth looping of subsequent points will
be made from pointoutlets.
(ii) In wiring, no joints in wiring will be permitted any where, except in switch box or point
outlets,where jointing of wires will be allowed with use of suitable connector.
(iii) The wiring throughout the installation shall be such that there is no break in the
neutral wire except in the form of linkedswitchgear.
(iv) Light, fans and call bells shall be wired in the ‘lighting’ circuits. 15A/16A socket outlets
and other power outlets shall be wired in the ‘power’ circuits. 5A/6Asocket outlets
shall also be wired in the ‘power’ circuit both in residential as well as non-
residential buildings.
(v) ColourCoding
Neutral: Black
Earth : Yellow/Green.
The switchboard will have phase, neutral and earth terminal connector blocks to
receive phase/ neutral/ earth wire.
(i) The type of wiring shall besurface/recessed steel conduit, for electrical wiring and
surface/ recessed PVC conduit for networking/telephone cable.
(ii) Surface wiring shall run as far as possible along the walls and ceiling, so as to be easily
accessible forinspection.
(iii) Above false ceiling, in no case,open wiring shall be allowed.Wiring will be done in
recessed conduit or surface steel conduit.
(iv) In recessed conduit system, routes of conduit will be planned, so that various
inspection boxes provided don’t present a shabby look. Such boxes can be provided 5
mm above plaster level, and they can be covered with plaster of paris with marking
of junctionboxes.
(v) Where number of electrical services like electrical wiring, telephone wiring, computer
cabling, pass through corridors, it may be proper to plan such service with properly
designed aluminium/PVC channels duly covered by a false ceiling, so that
subsequently such service can be maintained and additional cables can be provided.
(vi) Generally conduits for wiring will not be taken in floors labs. When it is unavoidable
special precaution to be taken to provide floor channels with provision for safety and
maintenance. Alternatively false flooring can beprovided.
(i) When wiring cables are to pass through a wall, these shall be taken through a
protection (steel/ PVC) pipe or porcelain tube of suitable size such that they pass
through in a straight line without twist or cross in them on either porcelain, PVCor
other approved material.
(ii) All floor openings for carrying any wiring shall be suitably sealed afterinstallation.
(i) No bare conductor in phase and/or neutral or twisted joints in phase, neutral,and/
or protective conductors in wiring shall bepermitted.
(ii) There shall be no joints in the through-runs of cables.If the length of final circuitor
submain is more than the length of a standard coil, thus necessitating a through
joint, such joints shall be made by means of approved mechanical connectors in
suitable junction boxes.
(iii) Termination of multi-stranded conductors shall be done using suitable crimping type
(i) Incandescent lamps in residential and non-residential buildings shall be rated at 60W
and 100Wrespectively.
(ii) 6A and 16A socket outlet points shall be rated at 100W and 1000W respectively,
unless the actual values of loads are specified.
(ii) Power circuit in non-residential building will have only one outlet percircuit.
(iv) Load more than 1 KW shall be controlled by suitably rated MCB and cable size shall
be decided as percalculations.
It is permitted to meet large-scale power requirement in a hall, or floor, with use of single
phase or 3 phase bus bars running inside a metal enclosure. This will be provided with
careful design and use of factory fabricated bus-trunking of reputed make, conforming to
relevant BIS standards and with standard accessories like End feed unit, tap off with
necessary safety features like over current, short-circuit and earth fault protection. Such
trunking will be of specified breaking KArating.
(i) Socket outlets modular type shall be 6A 3 pin, 16 Amp 3 pin or 16/6 Amp 6 pin. 5 pin
socket outlets will not bepermitted.
The third pin shall be connected to earth through protective (loop earthing)
conductor. 2 pin or 5 pin sockets shall not be permitted to be used.
(ii) Conductors connecting electrical appliances with socket outlets shall be of flexible type
with an earthing conductor for connection to the earth terminal of plug and the
metallic body of the electrical appliance.
(iii) Sockets for the power outlets of rating above 1KW shall be of industrial type with
associated plug top and controlling MCB.
(iv) Where specified, shutter type (interlocking type) of sockets shall be used.
(v) Every socket outlet shall be controlled by a switch or MCB, as specified. The control
switch/MCB shall be connected on the ‘live’ side of the line.
(vi) 5A/6A and 15A/16A socket outlets shall be installed at the following positions, unless
otherwise specified.
(a) Non-residential buildings – 1.1m above floorlevel.
(b) Kitchen – 23 cm above working platform and away from the likely positions of
stove and sink.
(c) Bathroom – No socket outlet is permitted for connecting a portable appliance
thereto. MCB/IC switch may be provided above 2 m for fixed appliances, and at
least 1 m away from shower.
(d) Rooms in residences – 1.1m above floor level, or any other level in special cases
as desired by the Engineer-in-charge.
(vii) Unless and otherwise specified, the control switches for the 6A and 16A socket outlets
shall be kept along with the socketoutlets.
2.12 Cables
(i) Copper conductor cable only will be used for submain/ circuit/ pointwiring.
(ii) Minimum size ofwiring:
LightWiring :
Power Wiring: 4.0
Powercircuit rated: More than 1 KW, Size as percalculation.
(iii) Insulation :Copper conduct or cable shall be PVC insulated conforming to
BIS Specification.
(iv) Multistranded :Cables are permitted to be used.
(i) Control switches (single pole switch) carrying not more than 16A shall be
modular type. The switch shall be ‘On’ when the knob isdown.
(ii) (a)In type I, II & III quarters, Barracks & school buildings (except principal’s &
staff rooms) etc. Piano type switches shall be provided (unless specifically asked
for by the user department /Architect.)
(b) Modular type switches to beprovided for remaining types of buildings i.e. in all
types of remaining non-residential buildings & residential buildings of type IV &
above & Transit hostel or as may be decided by the Architect/ user department.
(Note: Provision is meant for new constructions and in existing buildings during
rewiring if the building work renovation is also in progress in the area.Otherwise
existing type of piano switches will becontinued.)
(i) It is recommended to provide double pole MCB in proper enclosure as power
outlet for window type AC units, geysersetc.
(i) Switch box shall be hot dip galvanized, factory fabricated, suitable in sizefor
surface/ recess mounting and suitable in size for accommodating the required
number of switches and accessories (where required to be usedfor applications
other then modular switches/sockets).
(ii) Switch box also can be of non-metallic material. The technical sanctioning
authority will approve specified makes of reputed quality and specifications.
(d) Switch Box Covers (for application other than modular type)
Phenolic laminated sheets of approved shade shall be used for switch box covers.
These shall be of 3 mm thick synthetic phenolic resin bonded laminated sheet as
base material and conforming to grade P- I of IS 2036 :1974.
Note: Specification for switch boxes is covered in the chapters on the various
types of wiring.
(i) A ceiling rose shall not be used on a circuit, the voltage of which normally
exceeds 250V.
(ii) Only one flexible cord shall be connected to a ceiling rose. Specially designed
ceiling roses shall be used for multiple pendants.
(iii) A ceiling rose shall not embody fuse terminal as an integral part of it.
(i) Lamp holders may be batten, angle, pendant or bracket holder type as
required. The holder shall be made of brass and shall be rigid enough to
maintain shape on application of a nominal external pressure. There should
be sufficient threading for fixing the base to the lamp holder part so thatthey
do not open out during attention to the lamp orshade.
(ii) Lamp holders for use on brackets and the like shall have not less than 1.3 cm
nipple, and all those for use with flexible pendant shall be provided with cord
(iv) Where center contact Edison Screw lamp holders are used, the outer or screw
contact shall be connected to the ‘middle wire’, or the neutral conductor of
the circuit.
(g) Fittings
(i) Where conductors are required to be drawn through tube or channel leading to
the fitting,the tube or channel must be free from sharp angles or projecting
edge, and of such size as will enable them to be wired with the conductors
used for the final circuit without removing the braiding or sheathing. As far as
possible all such tubes or channels should be of sufficient size to permit
looping back.
(ii) Wires used within prewired fittings shall be flexible with PVC insulation and
14/0.193 mm (minimum) copper conductors. The leads shall be terminated on
built-in-terminal block, ceiling rose or connector, asrequired.
(iii) Fittings using discharge lamps shall be complete with power factor correction
capacitors, either integrally or externally. An earth terminal with suitable
marking shall be provided for each fitting for dischargelamps.
(iv) Fittings shall be installed such that the lamp is at a height of 2.4m above floor
level, unless otherwise directed by theEngineer-in-charge.
(v) Fittings made of CRCA shall be phosphatized and powder/epoxy painted. For
coastal areas and humid area like toilets, kitchen, for prolonging the life of
such fittings, corrosion free materials like engineering plastic, aluminium,
stainless steel etc. should be used.
Outdoor fittings shall have suitable IP protection. It is preferable that street lightfittings
are of cast aluminium body of IP 65, for reducing recurring maintenance
costandimprovedperformance.WhererequiredIP66fittingsalsocanbeprovided for reducing
maintenance frequency andcost.
Other fittings, which are not available with tested IP 65/54 protection, can be properly
fabricated with weatherproof features, proper gasketing etc. As far as possible corrosion
free material like cast aluminium, stainless steel, engineering plastics may be used for
fabrication of such fittings, to prolong life of such fittings. There should not be any
exposed wiring in such outdoor fittings.
(i) All accessories like switches, socket outlets, call bell pushes and regulators shall be
fixed in flush pattern inside the switch/regulator boxes. Accessories like ceiling
(ii) Aluminium alloy or cadmium plated iron screws shall be used to fix the accessories
to their bases.
(iii) The switch box/regulator box shall normally be mounted with their bottom 1.25 m
from floor level, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
(i) Wooden plugs for fixing to wall/ceiling will not be allowed.Fixing will be done
with the help of PVC sleeves/Rowel plugs/ dash fasteners asrequired.
(ii) Drilling of holes shall be done by drilling machines only. No manual drilling of hole
will be allowed.
(i) Ceiling fans including their suspension shall conform to relevant Indian Standards.
(ii) The capacity of a ceiling fan to meet the requirement of a room with the longer
dimension D meters should be about 55 D m3/min.
(iii)The height of fan blades above the floor should be (3H + W)/4, where H is the height of
the room, and W is the height of the work plane.
(iv) The minimum distance between fan blades and the ceiling should be about 0.3
(v) When actual ventilated zone does not cover the entire room area, then optimum size
of ceiling fan should be chosen based on the actual usable area of the room,
rather than the total floor area of the room.
(vi) The number of fans and the optimum sizes for rooms of different dimensions are
given in the following table:
Note: This table is indicative only. Case specific design should be done by field officers
based on site conditions & constraints.
(i) Energy Efficient fans with BEE5 star rating or complying with IS374:1979,shall be
used.The minimum service value of fans shall be 6.87 m3/min/Wand air delivery
Standard Power with Air Delivery of Fan as per the IS 374 Code
Note:Air delivery values are on the basis of air velocity measurements upto 15m/
(ii) Step Type Electronic regulators should be used instead of resistance type regulators for
controlling speed offans.
(iii) All ceiling fans shall be wired to ceiling roses or to special connector boxes, and
suspended from hooks or shackles, with insulators between hooks and suspension
rods. There shall be no joint in the suspensionrod.
(iv) For wooden or steel joists and beams, the suspension shall consist of GI flat of size not
less than 40 mm x 6 mm, secured on the sides of the joists or beams by means of two
coach screws of size not less than 5 cm for each flat. Where there is space above the
beam, a through-bolt of size not less than 1.5 cm dia, shall be placed above the beam
from which the flats are suspended. In the latter case, the flats shall be secured from
movements by means of another bolt and nut at the bottom of the beam. A hook
consisting of MS rod of size not less than 1.5 cm dia shall be inserted between the MS
flat through oval holes on their sides. Alternatively, the flats may be bent inwards to
hold tightly between them by means of a bolt and nut, a hook of ‘S’form.
(v) In the case of ‘I’ beams, flats shall be shaped suitably to catch the flanges and shall be
held together by means of a long bolt andnut.
(vi) For concrete roofs, a 12 mm dia.MS rod in the shape of ‘U’with their vertical legs bent
horizontally at the top at least 19 cm on either side, and bound to the top
reinforcement of the roof shall be used.
(vii) In buildings with concrete roofs having a low ceiling height, where the fan clamp
mentioned under sub-clause (v) above cannot be used, or wherever specified, recessed
type fan clamp inside metallic box shall be used.
(viii) Canopies on top of suspension rod shall effectively hide the suspension.
(ix) The leading in wire shall be of nominal cross sectional area not less than 1.5 sq. mm.
and shall be protected fromabrasion.
(x) Unless otherwise specified, all ceiling fans shall be hung 2.75 m above the floor.
(xi) In the case of measurement of extra down rod for ceiling fan including wiring, the same
shall be measured in units of 10cm. Any length less than 5cm shall be ignored.
(xii) The wiring of extra downrod shall be paid as supplying and drawing cable in existing
(b) Exhaust Fans
(ii) Exhaust fans shall be erected at the places indicated by the Engineer-in- charge. For
fixing an exhaust fan, a circular opening shall be provided in the wall to suit the size
of the frame, which shall be fixed by means of rag bolts embedded in the wall. The
hole shall be neatly plastered to the original finish of the wall. The exhaust fan shall
be connected to the exhaust fan point, which shall be wired as near to the opening
as possible, by means of a flexible cord, care being taken to see that the blades
rotate in the proper direction.
(iii)Exhaust fans for installation in corrosive atmosphere, shall be painted with special PVC
paint or chlorinated rubber paint.
(iv) Installation of exhaust fans in kitchens, dark rooms and such other special locations
need careful consideration; any special provisions needed shall be specified.
(c) Regulators
(iii)Each main board/submain board shall be marked indicating rating of each incoming/
outgoing switch and the details of load/area it feeds. Detail/size of incoming and
outgoing cable also shall be marked indicating from where the incoming cable has
(ii) Marking of Distribution Board
Main earthingterminalsinmain/submainswitchboardshallbepermanentlymarked,
as “Safety Earth – Don’tRemove”.
Cable Tag & Marker
(i) Each cable and Metal conduit run shall be tagged with numbers that appear in the
cable and Metal conduit schedules.
(ii) Cables and Metal conduits shall be tagged at their entrance, every 30m and exit from
any equipment, junction box.
(iii) The tags shall be of Aluminum with the number punched on it and securely attached
to the cable by not less than two turns of nylon 6 cable ties.
(iv) The location of cable joints, if any, shall be clearly indicated with cable marker with an
additional inscription ‗cable-joint‘. The Successful Bidder shall furnish and install all
tags and markers stated above. For buried cable, the marker shall project 150 mm
above ground and shall be spaced at an interval of 30 meters and at every change of
2.18 LTDistributionSwitchgear
(b) DBs – Conventional DBs of reputed makes can also be used with the approval of
technical sanctioning authority in addition to prewiredDB.
Also specially designed switchboards can be used with detailed specification and
fabrication drawings approved by the technical sanctioning authority.
(i) Switchboards are to be located in common areas like corridors, lobby etc. and not
to be located in locked room.
(ii) Switchboard shall be located only in dry situation and in well-ventilated space. They
shall not be placed in the vicinity of storage battery or exposed to chemical fume.
(iii) Switchboards shall not be erected above gas stove, or sinks or within 2.5 meter of
any washing unit in washing rooms of launderings or in the bath rooms, toilets, or
(iv) As far as possible main boards shall not be located in basement. Such main boards
can be located in ground floor.
(v) It is preferable to locate floor main boards in rising main shafts of adequate size,
with steel doors (having ventilation) or in suitable room.
(vi) Similarly DBs can be in suitable nitches in corridor walls having doors.
(vii) Locating main boards under staircase or standing open in corridor is not a desirable
practice, besides being highly unaesthetic.
(viii) The main switchboard, which receives power to the building, should be invariably
locatedinaswitchroom,havingroundtheclockaccess,foremergencyattendance to the
(i) Themainobjectiveistoavoidpossiblefirehazards,whichcallsforsounddetailed
designing and use of quality equipments and materials executed with sound
workmanship andsupervision.
(ii) All control LTP anels,controlling power supply to the entire building will be located
in a centralized room, from where centralized control and monitoring of the entire
power supply system can bemade.
(iii) Earth fault protection shall be provided for each individual building at the LT
receiving point i.e. Main LT Panel. ELCB shall not be provided as a matter of
routine in distribution boards. These can be provided, if required, by the Chief
Engineer (E), in charge.
(iv) Office buildings are prone to fire hazard during night hours. Therefore, after office
hours, all the LT Panels should be switched off. Based on need of the building,
onlythespecified LTpaneltobekept‘ON’whichfeedtheloadsduringnighthours. Such
panel, called common service panel, may feed following loads, which are normally
used after officehours:-
(vi) It is preferable to plan for a separate service building, to combine all electrical and
mechanical services of the building, so that the services can be maintained
comprehensively at a lower cost and also reducing the overall area requirement.
Such service building can combine electric sub-station, DG Sets, UPS, Air-
conditioning Plant, water supply pump sets, etc.
3.0 Scope
chapter covers both surface and recessed types of works.
3.1 Application
3.1.1 Recessed conduit is suitable generally for all applications. Surface conduit work may
be adopted in places like workshops,plantrooms, pumprooms,wiring above false
ceiling/below false flooring, and at locations where recessed work may not be
possible to be done. The type of work, viz. surface or recessed, shall be as specified
in the respective works.
3.1.2 Flexible conduits may only be permitted for interconnections between switchgear,
DBs and conduit terminations inwall.
3.2 Material
3.2.1 Conduits
(i) All rigid conduit pipes shall be of steel and be ISI marked. The wall thick- ness shall be
not less than 1.6 mm (16 SWG) for conduits upto 32 mm dia and not less than 2
mm (14 SWG) for conduits above 32 mm dia. These shall be solid drawn or reamed by
welding, and finished with galvanized or stove enameled surface.
(ii) The maximum number of PVC insulated cables conforming to IS 694 : 1990 that can
be drawn in one conduit is given size wise in Table I, and the number of cables per
conduit shall not be exceeded. Conduit sizes shall be selected accordingly in each run.
3.2.2 ConduitAccessories
(i) The conduit wiring system shall be complete in all respects, including their accessories.
(ii) All conduit accessories shall be of threaded type, and under no circumstancespin
grip type or clamp grip type accessories shall beused.
(iii) Bends, couplers etc.Shall be solid type inrecessed type of works and may besolid or
inspection type as required, in surface type ofworks.
(iv) (a) Saddles for surface conduit work on wall shall not be less than 0.55 mm (24
gauges) for conduits upto 25 mm dia and not less than 0.9 mm (20 gauges) for larger
diameter. The corresponding widths shall be 19 mm & 25mm.
(b) The minimum width and the thickness of girder clips used for fixing conduits to
steel joists, and clamps shall be as per Table II.
3.2.3 Outlets
(i) The switch box or regulator box shall be made of metal on all sides, except on the
front. In the case of cast boxes, the wall thickness shall be at least 3mm and in case of
welded mild steel sheetboxes,the wall thickness shall not be less than 1.2 mm (18
gauge) for boxes upto a size of 20 cm x 30 cm, and above thissize1.6mm(16gauge)
thick MS boxes shall be used.The metallic boxes shall be duly painted with anti
corrosive paint before erection as per chapter 15 ofthese Specifications.
(ii) (a) Outlet boxes shall be of one of the size, covered in the Schedule of Rates (Elect.),
(b) Where a large number of control switches and/or fan regulators are required to be
installed at one place, these shall be installed in more than one outlet box
adjacent to each other for ease of maintenance.
(iii) An earth terminal with studand 2 metal washers and terminal block shall be
provided in each MS box for termination of protective conductors and for
connection to socket outlet/metallic body of fan regulatoretc.
(iv) A metal strip shall be welded/screwed, to the metal box as support if tumbler type
of control switches, sockets and/or fan regulators in flushpattern.
(v) Clear depth of the box shall not be less than 60 mm and this shall be increased
suitably to accommodate mounting of fan regulators in flush pattern.
(vi) The fan regulators can also be mounted on the switch box covers, if so stipulated in
(vii) Except where otherwise stated, 3 mm thick phenolic laminated sheets as per clause
3.14(c) shall be fixed on the front with brass screws, or aluminium alloy/ cadmium
plated iron screws as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
3.3 Installation
(a) The conduit work of each circuit or section shall be completed before the cables are
drawn in.
(b) Conduit pipes shall be joined by means of screwed couplers and screwed accessories
only. Threads on conduit pipes in all cases shall be between 13 mm to 19 mm long,
sufficient to accommodate pipes to full threaded portion of couplers or accessories.
(c) Cut ends of conduit pipes shall have no sharp edges, nor any burrs left to avoid
damage to the insulation of the conductors while pulling them through such pipes.
(d) The Engineer-in-charge, with a view to ensuring that the above provision has been
carried out, may require that the separate lengths of conduit etc., after they have
been prepared, shall be submitted for inspection before being fixed.
(e) No bare threaded portion of conduit pipe shall be allowed, unless such bare threaded
portion is treated with anticorrosive preservative or covered with approved plastic
(ii)Bends in Conduit
(a) All necessary bends in the system, including diversion, shall be done either by
neatly bending the pipes without cracking with a bending radius of not less than
7.5 cm, or alternatively, by inserting suitable solid or inspection type normal
bends, elbows or similar fittings, or by fixing cast ironinspection boxes,
whichever is mostsuitable.
(b) No length of conduit shall have more than the equivalent of four quarter bends
from outlet to outlet.
(c) Conduit fittings shall be avoided as far as possible on conduit system exposed to
weather. Where necessary, solid type fittings shall be used.
(iii) Outlets
(a) All outlets such as switches, wall sockets etc. may be either flush mounting type,or
of surface mounting type, as specified in the Additional Specifications.
(b) All switches (except piano type switches), socket outlets and fan regulators shall be
fixed on metal strips which shall be screwed / welded to the box. Piano type
switches and accessories shall be fixed on the phenolic laminated sheet covers in
flush pattern.
After installation, all accessible surfaces of conduit pipes, fittings, switch and
regulator boxes etc. Shall be painted in compliance with the clauses under Chapter
15 “Painting”.
The outer surface of conduit including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes etc.
forming part of the conduit system, shall be adequately protected against rust when
such system is exposed to weather, by being painted with 2 coats of red oxide paint
applied before they are fixed.
(ii)Fixing Conduit onSurface
(a) Conduit pipes shall be fixed by saddles, secured to suitable approved plugs with
screws in an approved manner at an interval of not more than one meter, but on
eitherside of the couplers or bends o rsimilar fittings, saddles shallbe fixed at a
distance of 30 cm from the center of suchfittings
(b) Where conduit pipes are to be laid along the trusses, steel joists etc. the same
shall be secured by means of saddles or girder clips or clamps as required by the
(c) In long distance straight run of conduit, inspection type couplers at reasonable
intervals shall be provided, or running threads with couplers and jam nuts shall
be provided.
Only portion of the switch box shall be sunk in the wall, the other portion being
projected out for suitable entry of conduit pipes into the box.
(a) The chase in the wall shall be neatly made and of ampledimensions to permit the
conduit to be fixed in the mannerdesired.
(b) In the case of buildings under construction,the conduits shall be buried in the wall
before plastering, and shall be finished neatly after erection ofconduit.
(c) In case of exposed brick/rubble masonry work, special care shall be taken to fix the
(a) The conduit pipe shall be fixed by means of staples, J-hooks, or by means of
saddles, not more than 60 cm apart or by any other approved means of fixing.
(b) All threaded joints of conduit pipes shall be treated with some approved
preservative compound to secure protection against rust.
(a) The conduit pipes shall be laid in position and fixed to the steel reinforcement
bars by steel binding wires before the concreting is done. The conduit pipes shall
be fixed firmly to the steel reinforcement bars to avoid their dislocation during
pouring of cement concrete and subsequent tamping of the same.
(b) Fixing of standard bends or elbows shall be avoided as far as practicable, and all
curves shall be maintained by bending the conduit pipe itself with a long radius,
which will permit easy drawing in of conductors.
(b) These shall be mounted flush with the wall or ceiling concrete. Minimum 65 mm
depth junction boxes shall be used in roof slabs and the depth of the boxes in
other places shall be as per IS 2667 : 1988.
(c) Suitable ventilating holes shall be provided in the inspection box covers.
Switch boxes shall be mounted flush with the wall. All outlets such as switches,
socket outlets etc. shall be flush mounting type, unless otherwise specified in the
Additional Specifications.
(vi) FishWire
To facilitate subsequent drawing of wires in the conduit, GI fish wire of 1.6 mm/1.2
mm (16/18 SWG) shall be provided along with the laying of the recessed conduit.
(a) Cables carrying Direct Current may, if desired, be bunched whatever their
polarity, but cables carrying alternating current, if installed in metal conduit shall
always be bunched so that the outgoing and return cables are drawn into the
same conduit.
(b) Where the distribution is for single phase loads only, conductors for these phases
shall be drawn in one conduit.
(c) In case of three phase loads, separate conduits shall be run from the distribution
boards to the load points, or outlets as the case may be.
(i) The entire system of metallic conduit work, including the outlet boxes and other
metallic accessories, shall be mechanically and electrically continuous by proper
screwed joints, or by double check nuts at terminations. The conduit shall be
continuous when passing through walls orfloors.
(ii) A protective (loop earthing) conductor(s) shall be laid inside the conduit between the
metallic switch boxes and distribution switch boards and terminated with proper
earth lugs/ terminals. Only PVC insulated copper conductor cable of specified size
green in colour shall be allowed.
(iii) The protective conductors shall be terminated properly using earth studs, earth
terminal block etc. as the case may be.
(iv) Gas or water pipe shall not be used as protective conductor (earth medium).
Nominal cross 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 38 mm 51 mm 64 mm
sectional area of
conductor in
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1.50 5 4 10 8 18 12 – – – – – –
2.50 5 3 8 6 12 10 – – – – – –
4 3 2 6 5 10 8 – – – – – –
6 2 – 5 4 8 7 – – – – – –
10 2 – 4 3 6 5 8 6 – – – –
16 – – 2 2 3 3 6 5 10 7 12 8
25 – – – – 3 2 5 3 8 6 9 7
35 – – – – – – 3 2 6 5 8 6
50 – – – – – – – – 5 3 6 5
70 – – – – – – – – 4 3 5 4
Note:The above table shows the maximum capacity of conduits for a simultaneous drawing in of
(1) The column sheaded‘S’ apply to runs of conduits which have distance not exceeding
4.25 m between draw in boxes and which do not deflect from the straight by an angle
of more than 15 degrees. The columns headed ‘B’ apply to runs of conduit, which
deflect from the straight by an angle of more than 15 degrees.
(2) Conduit sizes are the nominal externaldiameters.
The switchboard shall be floor mounted free standing totally enclosed and
extensible type. The switch board shall be dust & vermin proof and shall be
suitable for the climate conditions as specified. The design shall include all
provisions for safety of operation and maintenance personnel. The general
construction shall conform to IS 8623:1993 for factory assembled switch
board.all panel should be type tested assembly. Cubical type panels shall be fabricated out of sheet steel not less than 2.0 mm
thick. Wherever necessary, such sheet steel members shall be stiffened by
angle iron frame work. General construction shall employ the principle of
compart mentalization and segregation for each circuit. Unless otherwise
approved, incomer and bus section panels or sections shall be separate and
independent and shall not be mixed with sections required for feeders. Each
section of the rear accessible type panel shall have hinged access doors at the
rear.Over all height of the panel shall not exceed 2.4 meters. Operating levers,
handle etc. of highest unit shall not be higher than 1.7 meters . Multi-
tiermounting of feeder is permissible.The general arrangement formulti-tier
construction shall be such that the horizontal tiers formed present a pleasing
and aesthetic look. The general arrangement shall be approved before
fabrication. Cable entries for various feeders shall be either from top or
bottom. Through cable alleys located in between two circuit sections, either
in the rear or in the front of the panel. All cable terminations shall be through
gland plates. There shall be separate gland plate for each cable entry so that
there will not be dislocation of already wired circuits when new feeders are
added. Cable entry plates shall therefore be sectionalized. The construction
shall include necessary cable supports for clamping the cable in the cable alley
or rear cable chamber.
Cubicle panels with more than 1000 Amps bus shall be made of tested
structural modular sections.
The bus bars shall be of Copper of high conductivity electrolytic quality and of
adequate section. Current density for copper shall not exceed 160 amps/sq.
cm. The bus bar system may comprise of a system of main horizontal bus bars
and ancillary vertical bus bars run in bus bar alleys on either side of which the
circuit could be arranged with front access cable entries. In the case of rear
access, horizontal bus system shall run suitably either at the top or bottom. All
connections to individual circuits from the bus bar shall preferably be solid
connections; however flexible connections shall also be permitted as per
recommendations of the Panel Manufacturer. All bus bars and connections
shall be suitably sleeved / insulated in approved manner. Instruments
On all the incomers of M.V panels, ON/OFF indicating LED lamps shall be
provided and shall be suitable for operation on AC supply. Phase indicating LED
lamps shall be associated with necessary ON/OFF toggle switch.
All small wiring for Controls, Indication etc. shall be with suitable ZHFR/ HFFR
(halogen free fire retardant) copper conductor cables. Wiring shall be suitably
protected within switch board. Runs of wires shall be neatly bunched, suitably
supported and clamped. Means shall be provided for easy identifications of
the wires. Where wires are drawn through steel conduits, the works shall
conform to CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part I- Internal),
2013 and IS 732 as the case may be. Identification ferrules shall be used at
both ends of the wires. All control wiring meant for external connections are
to be brought out of terminal board.
(a) The panel shall comprise of incomers, outgoing feeders and bus coupler as
specified.Theincomershallbeeitheradoublebreak/contactrepulsionMCCB or an Air Circuit
Breaker. The bus coupler shall be either a circuit breaker ora double break / contact
repulsion MCCB or switch disconnector fuse unit as specified.The outgoing feeders shall
be circuit breakers/MCCBs as specified.
(b) Busbars for phase and neutral shall have a rating as specified in the format of
Appendix II.
(c ) The entire switch panel shall be cubical type generally conforming toIS 8623:1993
for factory assembled switchboard.
(d) The incomer panel shall be suitable for receiving bus trunking or MV cable of size
specified either from top or frombottom.
(e) All incoming AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER/ MCCB shall have suitable adjustable tripping
current and the time delaysettings.
(f) The entire panel shall have a common earth bar of size as specified with two
terminals for earthconnections.
All Air Circuit Breakers shall be 3/4 pole with minimum 50 KA breaking capacity (35
MVAat433V)conforming toIS13947(Part-II).Rated current shall be as per capacities specified.
The equipment shall be complete with the following :-
• Necessary circuit breaker carriage with 3 position (isolate, test, service) draw- out
• Necessary mechanism interlock and automatic safe shutters gear with arrangement
for padlocking.
• ACB shall be provided with microprocessor based releases having built in over load,
short circuit & earth fault protection. Microprocessor release shall be EMI (Electro
Magnetic Induction)/ EMC (Electro Magnetic Compatible) certified.
• In case of 4 pole breaker neutral shall be fully rated with adjustable settings from 50%
to 100% ofIn.
• ACB terminals shall be suitable/ suitably brought out for direct aluminum termination
as per IS 13947Part-II.
(b) MCCB
4.2.3All MCCBs shall be current limiting type with features of load line reversibility and
suitable for Horizontal/ Vertical mounting without any derating. Beyond 300 Amps
capacity MCCBs shall have positive isolation and preferably double break / contact
repulsion & double insulation features.
All routine tests shall be carried out and test certificates produced to the
The installation work shall cover assembly of various sections of the panels lining up,
grouting the units etc. In the case of multiple panel switch boards after connecting up the
bus bars etc., all joints shall be insulated with necessary insulation tape or approved
insulation compound. A common earth bar as per section 7 of these specifications shall be
run inside at the back of switch panel connecting all the sections for connection to frame
earth system. All protection and other small wirings for indication etc. shall be completed
before calibration and commissioning checks are commenced. All relays, meters etc. shall
be mounted and connected with appropriate wiring.
Commissioning checks and tests shall include all wiring checks and checking up of
connections. Relay adjustment/setting shall be done before commissioning in addition to
routine Megger tests. Checks and tests shall include the following : -
(d) Insulation test: When measured with 500 V Megger the insulation resistance
shall not be less than 100 megaohms.
This section covers supply, laying and jointing as required and testing and
energizing all cable work.
5.2.1 11 KV grade XLPE insulated PVC sheathed armoured Aluminum/ Copper cable shall
be 3 core earthed of sizes as specified. The cable shall conform to IS 1554, PartII
5.2.2 1.1 KV grade XLPE insulated PVC sheathed armoured Aluminum / Copper cable shall
be 3 ½ /4 core of sizes as specified. The cable shall conform to IS 1554 Part I.
5.2.3 All control wires shall be 650 V grade copper conductor Halogen free fire retardantor
ZHFR PVC insulated, conforming to IS 1554-Part I. The minimum size of the control
wires shall be 1.5
Cable shall be laid in ground, trenches, cable trays and on walls as specified.
Installation shall include all supports and clamps as required. The complete work
shall be in accordance to CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works - Part II
(External) 1994 amended upto date. As far as possible cables shall not be fixed on
walls directly but laid on cable trays.
Jointing work shall be carried out only by licensed experienced cable jointer and
shall be in accordance to CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works - Part II
(External) 1994 amended uptodate.
All HV cable glands shall be connected to the earth with 2 Nos. 38.6 mm copper or
equivalent G.I. conductors.
5.6 Selection shall be made as per tables given under Table V of CPWD General
Specifications for Electrical Works Part-II (External) - 1994 amended uptodate.
Testing of the complete cable installation shall be as per clause 2.8.2 and 2.8.3 of
CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works - Part II (External) 1994 amended
upto date.
6 The enclosure will be made from 16 SWG GI/ CRCA sheet steel powder coated to
and the conductors will be individually insulated with 4 layers of insulation
film. Inner layer will be of glass MICA and outer layer of polyester material
Class‘F’.Alternatively extrusion of Class‘F’ material inform of epoxy insulation
may be provided.Nodrilling of bus bars is permitted. Aluminium conductors
will be of 19501 grade and copper conductor of 99.9% purity and ETP grade
with radialised edges. Length of section will be limited to max. 3 Mtrs. Bus bars
of one section will be connected to bus bars of adjacent section by uniblock
joint system removable as separate sub-assembly,so that it can be inserted or
removed without disturbing the adjacentsections.
8 For installation as Rising Mains / Vertical installation, at each floor, a set consisting of
two Spring Hangers will be provided for fixing it on channels grouted in wall.At
the start of run, Hangers without springs may be used for rigid support. In
addition Horizontal supports will be provided (2 Nos. per floor) to hold bus
bars in position. On Rising Mains, on front face of the bus bar trunking tap off
points will be provided for inserting plug in boxes. Number of tap off points at
each floor will be as per requirement but minimum distance between tap off
points may be kept around 500 mm. Each Tap off opening will be closed by
insulated shutters forming part of BBT, when not occupied by Plug in Boxes.
Neutral cross section will be same as phase cross section.
Bus bars trunking will be rigidly fixed to the side walls or suspended from
ceiling by supports as per requirement detailed in the layout.
All the components like Busbar ducting, Bends, hanger ends, Adopter Boxes
etc. will be made from CRCA or GI sheets. Two earth strips of copper or
aluminum of size as mentioned in IEC 60439, dependent on short circuit
withstand capacity required will be provided throughout the length.
9 Bus trunking will be designed to withstand short circuit current for onesecond.
10 Bus bar system should be designed for an ambient temperature of 40 deg. C and
temperature risere stricted to 55deg.Cmax. Above ambient on conductors above
16 Plug in Boxes will be of draw out type. Contacts will be of silver plated copper
andspring loaded. Earth connection will be the first to make and last to break
during insertion and withdrawal. Plug in Box will be made from 1.6 mm CRCA
sheet steel powder coated or GI.Inside the plug in Boxes MCCB or SFU with fuses
will be located as per requirements. The operation handle will be interlocked
with plug in Box cover so that MCCB can be operated only with suitable cover in
closed position. If required the plug in Box will be interlocked with Bus bar
trunking so that it can not be inserted or removed with the plug in Box lid
opened.MCCB/SFU will be of 4 pole type unless otherwise specified in BOQ.
Short circuit breaking capacity of MCCB in PIB should preferably be same as
short circuit withstand for one second of Bus BarTrunking.
This section covers the general requirements of the earthing system for Sub-station
installation. G.I. plate earthing with G.I. strip for sub-stations of 500 KVA capacityand
copper plate earthing for sub-stations of higher capacity shall preferably beused.
Earthing system shall comprise earth electrodes in accordance with clause 8.2.1 of
General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part I-Internal), 2013. For every
additional transformer 2 more separate and distinct earth electrodes shall be
provided for neutral earthing. The body earthing for transformers, HV & MV panels
shall be done to a common earth bus connected to two separate and distinct earth
Note: For a single transformer Sub-station, the total number of earth electrodes shall
be 4 (2 for neutral and 2 for connection to a common earth bus for body earthing).
For a two transformer Sub-station total number of earth electrodes shall be 6 (4 for
neutral earthing, two each for two transformers, and 2 for connection to a common
earth bus for body earthing).
The earth electrodes shall be as per CPWD General Specifications for Electrical
Works (Part I-Internal), 2013.
Normally an earth electrode shall not be situated less than 1.5 m from any building.
Care shall be taken that the excavation of earth electrode may not affect the column
footings or foundation of the building. In such cases electrodes may be farther away
from the building.
The location of the electrode earth will be a place where the soil has reasonable
chance of remaining moist. As far as possible, entrances, pavements and road ways,
are to be definitely avoided for locating the earth electrode.
The recommended sizes of copper earth bus lead in case of Sub-stations shall be in
accordance with clause 8.2.2 of General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part I-
Internal), 2013 amended upto date. The minimum size of earth lead shall be 25 mm x 5
mm copper or equivalent GI strip.
All joints shall be riveted and sweated. Joints in the earth bar shall be bolted and the
joints faces tinned. Where the diameter of the bolt for connecting earth bar to
apparatus exceeds one quarter of the width of the earth bar, the connection to the
bolt shall be made with a wider piece of flange of copper jointed to earth bar. These
shall be tinned at the point of connection to equipment and special care taken to
ensure a permanent low resistance contact to iron or steel. All steel bolts, nuts,
washers etc. shall be cadmium plated, main earth bars shall be spaced sufficiently on
the surface to which they are fixed such as walls or the side trenches to allow for ease
of connections. Copper earthing shall not be fixed by ferrous fittings. The earthing shall
suitably be protected from mechanical injury by galvanized pipe wherever it passes
through wall and floor. The portion within ground shall be buried at least 60 cm deep.
The earthing lead shall be securely bolted and soldered to plate or pipe as the case
may be. In the case of plate earthing the lead shall be connected by means of a cable
socket with two bolts and nuts. All washers shall be of the same materials as the plate
or pipe. All iron bolts, nuts and washers shall be galvanized.
of 433 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz capacitor banks and other suchdevices.
Capacities of the capacitor banks/ RLC panels shall be indicated in the format vide
Appendix II.
8.3.1 ThecapacitorbanksshallgenerallyconformtoIS13341:1992,13340:1993.
8.3.2 The capacitor units shall be indoor type, air-cooled with low viscosity impregnated
paper dielectric hermitically sealed. The impregnation used shall be non-
inflammable, non-oxidizing, lower freezing point type synthetic compound. Each
individual cell shall be provided with pressuresensitive disconnectors / devices.
8.3.3 Main connections from the active element shall be brought out through porcelain
bushing. Care shall be taken to solder the bushing to the cover to ensure perfect
8.3.4 Capacitor units shall be provided with externally mounted discharge resistors to
reduce the residual voltage to less than 50 Volts in one minute of switching off.
8.3.5 Individual unit shall be provided with HRC fuses/ adequate capacity of
MCBs/ MCCBs, contactors (capacitor duty) bus bars and terminal chambers to
make bank of required KVAR. Terminal chamber shall be suitable for bottom/top
cable entry. Two earth terminals shall be provided to each capacitorbank.
All routine and type tests as per IS 2834 relevant to capacitor banks as amended
upto date shall be carried out at manufacturer’s works and test certificates shall
be furnished to the department.
Capacitor banks shall be installed at least 30 cm away from the walls on suitable
metal frame work of welded construction. The earth terminals provided on the
body of capacitor bank shall be bonded to the main capacitor panel earth bus
with 2 Nos. 8 SWG copper or 6 SWG GI earth wires.
Insulation resistance with 500 V DC Megger shall be carried out and test results
The equipments are called power conditioner savers. These are waveform
correction and power factor improvement devices using Rapid Instruction Semi
Conductor (RISC) micro controllers / capacitor duty contactor switching.
These work on principle of using low loss continuously variable reactance &
adjustable phase wise capacitance to provide optimum impedance to the circuit
for transfer efficiently.
Technical Features:
These devices may save upto 30% energy & provide pure near true, quality
This section covers the requirements of items to be provided in the sub-station for
compliance with statutory regulations, safety and operational needs.
Safety provisions shall be generally in conformity with appendices (A) and (C) of
CPWD General Specifications of Electrical Works (Part I-Internal), 2013. In particular
following items shall be provided:
10 Charts (one in English, one in Hindi, one in Regional language), displaying methods of
giving artificial respiration to a recipient of electrical shock shall be
prominently provided at appropriate place. Standard first aid boxes containing
materials as prescribed by St. John Ambulance brigade or Indian Red Cross
should be provided in eachsub-station.
Fire buckets conforming to IS 2546: 1974 shall be installed with the suitable
stand for storage of water and sand.
A Standard tool box containing necessary tools required for operation and
maintenance shall be provided in the sub-station.
Necessary number of caution boards such as “Man on Line” ‘Don’t Switch on’ etc.
shall be available in the sub-station.
(7) (ii) PVC insulated and PVC sheathed heavy duty cables IS 3961 (Part II)
(10) Conductors for insulated electric cables and flexible cords IS 8130 :1984
(11) Busbar trunking system (Air insulated& sandwitch IS 8623 Part I & II :
1993, insulatedtype) IEC 60439 Part I &
(4) not exceeding 1000 Volts a.c or 1200 volts d.c. IS 13947 (Part -II)
(9) (ii) Particular requirements for bus bar trunking system IS 8623
(Part II) : 1993 (Bus ways)
(14) A.C. Metal Enclosed Switchgear and Control IS 3427 : 1997 gear for
Rated Voltages Above I KV and up
(2) PowerTransformer
(1) Preferred Specification/Selection of Air Circuit Breaker and Moulded Case Circuit
Breakers; These should be confirmed entering into the agreements:-
(II) MCCBs: MCCBs should preferably be used for loads below 800Amperes.
(1) Upto 160 A MCCBs shall be of > 20 Ka (Ics=Icu) at 433 V Short CKt. Current
rating and should be ThermalMagnetic.
(2) From 200 A- 250 A MCCBs shall be of > 35 Ka (Ics= Icu) at 433 V Short Ckt.
Current rating and should be ThermalMagnetic.
(3) From 200 A-250 A MCCBs shall be of > 50 Ka (Ics=Icu) at 433 V Short Ckt.
Current rating and should be micro process or based having overload and
short circuit protection. If used as incomer should also have earth fault
protection &time delay and inbuilt earth fault protection.
(4) Note: Rated operational voltage = 415 V; Rated Insulation Voltage (Ui) = 750
V are additional features. These should have Rated Impulse Voltage (Uimp)
8KV for all frame sizes.
Susol MP D Sine MP NS MP T. Max
MCCBs for sub-station panels should have single/double break, positive isolation current
limiting, load line reversibility & horizontal-cum-vertical mounting features.
Frame Size
(III) For Thermal Magnetic protection the O/L adjustment should be 80% - 100% and
for S/C it should be 5 to 10 times. For Microprocessor-based release the
adjustment should be 50% - 100% and S/C for 4 to 10 times.
(IV) ACBs: From 800 A onwards ACBs shall normally (MCCBs should be used judiciously
for such loads) be used. These should have 50 Ka (Icu=Ics) Short Ckt. Current rating
with microprocessor based overload, short circuit and earth fault protection at 415
volts, 50 Hz.
(V) Electrical/ Mechanical Endurance: Endurance values are available for ACBs of
reputed manufacturers which are many times higher than BIS/IES standards. These
are given in Annexure enclosed.
(VI) The air circuit-breakers (ACBs) used in low-voltage installations shall be designed,
built and tested in compliance with the standards of the IEC 947-2 & EN 60947/ IS
19947 (Part-II) : 1993
(VII) The ACBs shall be suitable for service from -5° C to +70°C.
(IX) Note : C&S & LT are manufacturing MCCBs/ACBs of 415 & 690 V; AB, Siemens, MG
manufacture MCCBs of rated voltage of only 690 volts.
(X) The rated insulation voltage shall be equal to or greater than 1000 V.
(XI) The rated impulse withstand voltage shall be equal to 8 KV for MCCB and 12 KV for
(XIII) Overload protection shall have adjustable setting from 50% to 100% of the ACB’s
(XIV) Current in steps of 10% and adjustable time setting from 3-18 m sec. For generator
application lower settings may be used.
(XV) Short circuit protection shall have adjustable current setting from 400% to 100% of
rated current.
(XVI) The short circuit setting and adjustable time delay setting for fault discrimination
from 50- 500 m sec.
(a) E/F protection if specified will have adjustable current setting from 20% to 100%
ofACB’s rated current and adjustable time setting from 100-400 msec.
(b) The ACB release shall be self-powered, requiring no external power supply. For it
(c) Note :
(1) With judicious application of mind MCCBs may be used for greater than
800 Amp. capacity also both for incoming as well as outgoing sections.
(2) Wherever MCCBs are used as incomer these shall be provided with
earth fault protection.
(5) Releases are also available with LCD display (ACB only) which display all
three phase current & neutral current. These releases will also display
maintenance date like no. of operations, contact wear & fault history (10
trips). To protect the load and cables from repetitive over temperature
protection. In case of BMS connectivity through RS 485 port, the release
shall enable the user full control over the breaker and also to get the
protection data.
4.0 Scope
Thiscoverssupply/erection/testingandcommissioningoftheequipmentssuitablefor 415
Volt, 3 Phase, 50 HZ 4 wiresystem.
4.1 Requirements
(i) For each equipment, required IP rating and short circuit rating capacity will be
specified. Governing BIS also will bespecified.
(ii) Alltheequipmentswillbefactoryfabricatedinanapprovedfactoryhavingmodern
fabrication and testing process. It shall have seven tank pre-treatment process
comprising of degreasing, rinsing, de-rusting, rinsing, phosphatising, rinsing and
passivation followed by powder coat painting having a paint thickness of 60 microns
or as specified. The powder paint will be subjected to oven-heated process. All panels
will be provided with suitable gasket to make it dust/ vermin proof.
(a) Cubicle panel shall be floor mounted (on a base frame) totally enclosed and
extensibletype TTA PANEL.The general construction shall conformtoIS8623:93.The
design shall include all provisions for safety of operating and maintenance
personnel. Degree of IP protection shall be IP-42for in door application and IP-65 for
out doors, unless otherwise specified.
(b) The panel shall be compartmentalized type having space and arrangement for
incoming cable/ bus ducting, incoming switchgear/ switchgears, bus coupler,
insulated and properly supported compartmentalized bus bars, outgoing
compartmentalized switchgear, bus bar supports, joint shrouds, cable alleys of
suitable size for cabling routing, support and terminations, inter-connection between
bus bars and switchgear with auxiliary bus bars/ insulated conductors/ strips etc. Also
the panel will be provided with necessary instrumentation like CTs, PTs, Ammeters,
Voltmeters, phase indicating lamps, other required instruments, wiring, fuses etc. All
main cum essential panel and synchronization panel shall be provided with Form 4B
segregation and IK 08 impact protection with transparent glass/fibre window. All
other sub panels shall be provided with Form 4B segregation.
(c) It shall be fabricated out of CRCA sheet not less than 2.0 mm thick for load bearing
members and 1.6 mm for doors of LT panels. The framework may be Angle Iron/
Channel/ Bolted type construction. General constructions shall employ the principle
of compartmentalization and segregation of each circuit. Unless otherwise approved,
incomer and bus section panels shall be separate and independent and shall not be
mixed with sections required for feeders. Each section of the rear accessible type
board shall have hinged access door at the rear. Operating handle of the highest unit
shall be at a height not more than 1.7 mt. Overall height of the board shall not
exceed 2.3 metre.
Cable entries shall be provided either from the rear or from the front through cable
alleys of suitable size. Removable gland plate to be provided for each cable
entry.Cable support arrangement to be provided inside cable alley so that cables are
neatly arranged and fixed. From each outgoing switch, insulated strip/ conductor of
suitable size to be provided up to suitable terminal block, which will receive
incoming/ outgoing cable termination. It is desirable that cables are not terminated
directly to switchgear, but terminated through proper terminal blocks.
Terminal block of reputed make shall be used. The housing material shall be
polyamide having unbreakable and fire-retardant characteristic. All the metal parts
shall be made up of copper alloy including the screws. Mounting shall be ‘Din’ or ‘G-
rail’ type. Screws shall be self captive type. No protection cover is required, and the
block should be touch proof.
The bus bar system may comprise of a system of main/ auxiliary bus bars run in bus
bar alleys.
For bus bar material, ratings, current density, insulation, supports, bus bar clearances
and joints
2 Nos. 20 x 3 mm copper strip for LT panel upto 400 Amp. capacity or 2 Nos. 20 x 5
mm copper strip for LT panel of higher capacity shall be fixed all around the panel
connected to 2 Nos. earth bus copper strips connected to incoming earth
As a general practice only prewired MCB DBs shall be used, on accountof their
superior technical features, compared to conventional DBs, which don’t allow for
proper wiring space and wiring termination. Rewirable fuse type DBs shall not be
(b) Phase/neutral/earthterminalblocksforterminationofincoming&outgoingwires.
(d) Arrangement for mounting incomer MCB/ RCCB/ RCBO/ MCCB asrequired.
(h) Interconnectionbetweenterminalblock/incomingswitch/busbar/neutralterminal
block/ earth terminal connector with specified size of ZHFR preinsulated copper
conductor cable duly fitted with copper lugs/thimbles.
(i) Terminal blocks should be suitable for termination of conductor/ cable of required
size but minimum rated cross section of the terminal blocks should be 6
(k) Colour terminal blocks and ZHFR wires for easy identification of RYB Phases, Neutral
and Earth.
(l) Prewired DB shall be provided with a detachable cassette for safe removal of MCBs,
RCCBs. Terminal connectors from the DB without loosening the internal cable
connections of phase and neutral circuits. (This is an optionalfeature.)
(m) The prewired DB shall have peelable poly layer on the cover for protection from
cement, plaster, paints etc. during the constructionperiod.
(n) Detachable plate with Knock out holes shall be provided at the top/ bottom of
board. Complete board shall be factory fabricated and pre-wired in factory ready for
installation at site. The box and cover shall be fabricated from 1.6mm sheet steel,
properly pre-treated, phosphatized with powder coatedfinish.
Where specified it shall be of double door construction provided with hinged cover in
the front.
TTA load banks shall be provided in each floor for each rising main for distributing the
power supply for that floor. The power shall flow from Rising Main tap off box to Load bank to
different DB’s. This load bank shall be provided in the electrical rooms of each floor. TTA load
banks are selected because of its compact design and superior quality. The load banks shall be
complete with Multifunction meters, Voltmeters, ammeters etc.
Rising Mains
Rising Mains for Lighting, Power and UPS and capacity as per actual design in various floors
and required number of location. Seperate metering shall be provided for each type of load/
rising main as per GRIHA requirement. With2 No. Tap off Boxes per rising main in each room,
floor panels, cabling, connections, switchgears etc. shall be provided
Sandwich type Rising mains with Al. Bus-Bars for elect. supply to various floors shall be
The supply shall be given from Main LT panel to end feed unit of each rising mains through
suitable size and rating XLPE cable armoured cable. From rising main, suitable capacity tap off
box (2 No. per each floor) shall be provided to connect the TPDB with incomer of suitable size
4 pole MCCB through XLPE Cableunarmoured cable. Separate tap off box for light, UPS and
power shall be provided from TPDB, the supply shall be connected to different Horizontal
TPDBs at different locations for further distribution to the circuits through MCBs with suitable
size copper conductor cables in MS conduit. RCCB of 100 mA sensitivity shall be used in the
incomer for all DBs (other than TPDBs). MCB of required rating and “C” curve charateristic
(matching with the load current) shall be provided for protection of each circuit.
For each circuit separate neutral and earth wire shall be compulsorily drawn. Looping of
neutral and earth wire in the circuit is not acceptable. Each submain/circuit shall be
compulsorily marked with ferrules on both end i.e. DB and switchboard for indication of the
source of power supply. Ferrules are used for ease of electrical maintenance of the building.
Power distribution (Light, UPS and power load) shall be made inside the building at various
floors with the help of 3 Sets X 3 Nos. nos. suitable capacity, Sandwiched type rising mains
suitable for use on 3 Phase, 4 Wire, 415 Volts, 50 Hz AC supply with metal clad enclosures
made of 1.6 mm thick steel sheet duly powder coated with 4 Nos. Aluminium bus bars (100%
neutral), necessary joints, elbow joints and, expansion joints, fire barriers at regular interval of
3 Meter approx. (Each floor crossing), Continuous earthing with two nos. copper strip of
suitable size (one on each side) including GI clamping brackets, suspenders, angle iron
brackets, steel fasteners, connecting to earthing system. Opening in rising mains for tap off
box shall be at regular interval of one meter. All these Rising Mains upto 800 Amp capacity
shall be fed though sheathed XLPE insulated Cables and Sandwitch type bus trunking above
800 Amp Capacity.
Bus bar thrust pads at the end feed unit for ensuring only upward movement of busbar shall
be compulsorily provided for each vertical rising mains for 10 meter run. For rising main above
10 meters, 2 No. bus bar thrust pads shall be provided, 1 at End Feed Unit and another after
10 meter run. The bus bar thrust pads must be provided by the Manufacturer of Bus bar
trunking and shall not be site fabricated.
Neoprene gasket between front cover and side channel to be provided. EPDM gasket is not
acceptable as it not flame retardant.
Ventilation with suitable number of non ferrous metallic mesh in the 1.6 mm metal enclosure
surrounding the busbar shall be provided for rejection of heat inside the metal enclosure.
4.1.3 Application
(a) These are only for indoor applications. For vertical power distribution, this is a
preferred method, compared to rising cable system and is more reliable and safe
from point of view of fire hazard.
(b) Tap-off arrangements shall be provided on the rising main swith tap-off boxes.
(c) The rising main shall comprise of sheet metal enclosure, bus bars, tap-off points,
tap-off boxes, end feed units, fire barriers, expansion joints, bus bar thrust pads,
end covers and fixing bracketsetc.
(d) The rising main shall conform to IS 8623 and IEC 60439-1&2 / IEC 61439-1&6 and
shall be suitable for 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz supply and insulation of rising mains shall
be capable of withstanding the voltage of 660 volt AC. Degree of IP protection and
short circuit rating shall bespecified.
4.1.4 Enclosure
(a) Rating
Bus bars shall be made of wrought aluminium or aluminium alloy, or electric grade
copper, conforming to relevant Indian Standard, as specified. The ratings of the bus
bars shall be 100A, 200A, 300A, 400A, 500A, 600A, or 800A as specified.
The cross section of the neutral bus bar shall be the same as that of the phase bus
bar for bus bars of capacities upto 200A; for higher capacities, the neutral busbar
must not be less than half the cross-section of that of the phase bus bar.
(c) Insulation
Each bus bar shall be suitably insulated with PVC sleeves/ tapes.
The insulation of the rising mains shall be capable of withstanding the voltage of
660 V of AC.
Bus bar support insulators shall be class F insulators made of non- hygroscopic,
non-combustible, track resistant and high strength FRP/ SMC/ DMC material, and
shall be of suitable size and spacing to with-stand the dynamic stresses due to
short circuit currents. The spacing between two insulators should be provided by
the manufacturers according to the design approved by CPRI for their bus bar
(e) Bus Bar Clearances
(a) The minimum clearance to be maintained for enclosed indoor air insulated
bus bars for medium voltage applications shall be asfollows:
Phaseto earth 26 mm
Phaseto phase 32 mm
Note: For strip connection from bus bars to switchgear, the above clearances
don’t apply.
(b) (a) Bus bar joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and a suitable
oxidizing grease shall be applied before making thejoint.
(b) Hightensilebolts,plainandspringwashersshallbeprovidedtoensure
good contact at the joints.
(c) The overlap of the bus bars at the joints shall be not less than
thearea of the cross section of the busbars.
(f) Bus Bar Marking
4.1.6 Bus bars and main connections shall be marked by color or letter as per Table
a) The bus bars shall be provided with thrust pads so that the expansion of the
conductors is upwards only.
b) The bus bar clamps and insulators shall be designed to withstand theforces due
to short circuit current. They shall also permit free vertical movement of the bus
bars during expansion andcontraction. Bus bar thrust pads at the end feed unit
for ensuring only upward movement of busbar shall be compulsorily provided for
each vertical rising mains for 10 meter run. For rising main above 10 meters, 2
No. bus bar thrust pads shall be provided, 1 at End Feed Unit and another after
10 meter run. The bus bar thrust pads must be provided by the Manufacturer of
Bus bar trunking and shall not be site fabricated.
4.1.9 Mounting
(i) Incoming cable will be connected to the rising main through an end feed unit,
consisting of switch fuse unit with MCCB/ ACB of required capacity and cable
(ii) Tap-off boxes at specified intervals and height shall be provided on rising main to
tap power. The box shall consist of set of MCCB/ Switch fuse unit, so that power
from rising main can be switched ON/OFF and provided with suitable overload/
short circuitprotection.
(iii) Distribution boards/ switch boards will not be mounted on rising main. Such
boards will be separately erected on floor/ wall and connected to tap-off box
with suitable copper conductor cable
4.1.1 Construction Features
(a) The rising mains shall be manufactured in convenient sections to facilitate easy
transportation and installation. The sections shall be connected toform a vertical
run at site. Each section shall be provided with suitable wallstraps at convenient
intervals for fixing to thewall.
(b) The enclosure shall be sturdy so as to withstand the internal and external forces
resulting from the various operatingconditions.
(c) The front covers shall be detachable. Neoprene gaskets shall be provided
between the covers and the sidechannels.
(d) The enclosure shall have a degree of protection not less than IP42.
(e) The rising main shall be designed for temperature rise not exceeding 40 degree C
over ambient temperature of 45 degreeC.
(f) Built-in fireproof barriers having 2 hr. fire rating shall be provided to restrict the
spread of fire through the rising mains from one section to the adjacent section.
(g) Necessary provisions for ventilation shall be made at suitable intervals. These
shall be complete with welded non-ferrous metallic mesh to prevent entry of
(h) Two numbers of copper earth strips of 20 x 3 mm (for Rising Main upto 400
Amp.) and 20 x 5 mm (for Rising main above 400 Amp. and upto 800 Amp.) shall
be provided along side the rising mains enclosure, and shall be bolted to each
section of the risingmains.
(i) Rising mains shall be installed on walls, to which the foundation bolts shall be
suitably grouted (in a shaft of adequate size for rising main and floor
distribution panel). The foundation bolts shall be provided by the contractor
without extra payment.
(ii) (a)No structural member in the building shall be damaged/ altered, without
prior approval from the competent authority through the Engineer-in-
(c) All such openings in floors provided shall be closed by the contractor after
installing the cables/ conduits/ rising mains etc. as the case may be, by any
suitable means as approved by the Engineer-in-charge without any
(d) All chases required in connection with the electrical works shall be
provided and filled by the contractor at his own cost to the original
architectural finish of thebuildings.
4.1.3 Commissioning
The manufacturer of the Bus Bar Trunking shall certify in writing for each rising main
route after the installation is done as a part of pre commissioning activity. Only
after receipt of certification by the manufacturer, the rising main will be allowed to
These shall be provided on the enclosure at suitable intervals and not exceeding 5
Aluminium/ Copper Bus Bar Sections
2000 2 125 x 10 – –
2500 3 125 x 10 – –
(i) In larger busbars of sizes above 1000 amps,the sections can be accepted in
other rectangular cross-sections and numbers also, provided the total cross-
sectional area offered is not less than the total cross-sectionalarea shown in the
above table against the respective bus barrating.
(ii) With aluminium bus bars, only aluminium wire/ solid bar connections shall be
made for incoming/ outgoing mountings on the switchboards.
(iii) With copper bus bars, only copper wire/ solid bar connections shall be made
for incoming/ outgoing mountings on the switchboards.
5. Rising main above 400 Amp and up Copper/ 2 Nos. 20 x 5 mm copper strip
to 800 Amp capacity Aluminium
All MCCB’s provided shall be complete with spreader links, phase separation pades for
both incoming and outgoing side.
5.0 Scope
This chapter covers the essential requirements of earthing system components and
their installation. This shall be read with Appendix F, which lays down criteria for
their design. For details not covered in these specifications IS code of Practice on
Earthing (IS 3043 : 1987) shall be referred to.
5.1 Application
(i) The electrical distribution system in the Department is with earthed neutral (i.e.
neutral earthed at the transformer / generator end). In addition to the neutral
earthing, provision is made for earthing the metallic body of equipments and non-
current carrying metallic components in the sub-station, as well as in the internal/
external electrical installations.
(ii) Earthing system is also required for lightning protection, computer installations and
hospital operation theaters, etc. for functional reasons.
(iii) Each electrical panel, DG Sets, Transformer shall have separate and independent 2
Nos. body earthing with copper earth plates with salt/charcoal as per CPWD
(iv) Earthing requirements are laid down in Indian Electricity Rules, 1956, as amended
from time to time, and in the Regulations of the Electricity Supply Authority
concerned. These shall be compliedwith.
(a) Every sub-main will have earth continuity conductor to run along with sub-main
wiring. In case of 3-phase sub-main wiring two earth continuity conductors shall
be provided.
(b) Every circuit will have its earth continuity conductor to run alongwith circuit
wiring. In case of 3-phase circuit two earth continuity conductors shall be
(d) When 2/3 power outlets are looped to one circuit, earth looping of these
outlets is permissible.
5.2 Types of Electrodes &Material
(i) Types
The type of earth electrode shall be any of the following, as specified. (For
selection criteria in designs, Appendix F may be referred to).
(i) The materials and minimum sizes of earth electrodes shall be as per Table IX (revised).
(ii) GI pipe electrodes shall be cut tapered at the bottom, and provided with holes of
12mmdia,drilled not less than7.5cm from each other upto 2m of length from the
(iii) The length of the buried strip or conductor earth electrode shall be not less than 15 m.
This length shall suitably be increased if necessary, on the basis of the information
available about soil resistance, so that the required earth resistance is obtained.
Prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall be taken for any such increase in
(iv) All hardware items used for connecting the earthing conductor with the electrode shall
be of GI in the case of GI pipe and GI plate earth electrodes, and forged tinned brass
in case of copper plateelectrodes.
(i) The earthing conductor (protective conductor from earth electrode up to the main
earthing terminal/earth bus, as the case may be) shall be of the same material as the
electrode, viz. GI or copper, and in the form of wire or strip as specified.
(a) The size of earthing conductor shall be specified, but this shall not be
less than the following (For calculating the size of the earthing conductor in
(i) Normally an earth electrode shall not be located closer than 1.5 m from any building.
(ii) Care shall be taken to see that the excavation for earth electrode does not affect the
foundation of the building; in such cases, electrodes may be located further away
from the building, with the prior approval of theEngineer-in-charge.
(iii) The location of the earth electrode will be such that the soil has a reasonable
chanceofremainingmoistasfaraspossible.Entrances,pavementsandroadways, should
be avoided for locating earthelectrodes.
(iv) Each electrical panel shall have separate and independent 2 No. body earthing.
5.4 Installation
(i) Electrodes
(ii) (b) In locations where the full length of pipe electrode is not possible to be installed
due to meeting a water table, hard soil or rock, the electrode may be of reduced
length, provided the required earth resistance result is achieved with or without
additional electrodes, or any alternative method of earthing may be adopted, with
the prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Pipe electrodes may also be installed
in horizontal formation in such exceptional cases.
(iii) Plate electrode shall be burieding round with its faces vertical, and it stop not less than
3.0 m below the ground level.
(iv) When more than one electrode (plate/pipe) is to be installed, a separation of not less
than 2 m shall be maintained between two adjacent electrodes.
(v) (a) The strip or conductor electrode shall be buried in trench not less than 0.5 m deep.
(b) If conditions necessitate the use of more than one strip or conductor electrode,
they shall be laid as widely distributed as possible, in a single straight trench where
feasible, or preferably in a number of trenches radiating from one point.
(c) If the electrode cannot be laid in a straight length, it may be laid in a zigzag
manner with adeviation upto 45 degrees from the axis of the strip.It can also be
laid in the form of an arc with curvature more than 1 m or apolygon.
5.4.i.2 Artificial Treatment of Soil
When artificial treatment of soil is to be resorted to, the same shall be specified
in the schedule of work. The electrode shall be surrounded by charcoal / coke
and salt. In such cases, excavation for earth electrode shall be increased.
5.4.i.3 WateringArrangement
(i) In the case of plate earth electrodes, a watering pipe 20 mm dia. Medium class pipe
shall be provided and attached to the electrodes. A funnel with mesh shall be
provided on the top of this pipe for watering the earth.
(ii) In the case of pipe electrodes, a 40 mm x 20 mm reducer shall be used for fixing the
funnel with mesh.
(iii) The watering funnel attachment shall be housed in a masonry enclosure of size not
less than 30 cm x 30 cm x 30cm.
(i) In the case of plate earth electrode, the earthing conductor shall be securely
terminated on to the plate with two bolts, nuts, check nuts andwashers.
(ii) In the case of pipe earth electrode, wire type earthing conductor shall be using a
through bolt, nuts and washers and terminating socket.
(iii) Adouble C-clamp arrangement shall be provided for terminating tape type earthing
conductor with GI watering pipe coupled to the pipe earth electrode. Galvanized “C”
shaped strips, bolts, washers, nuts and check nuts of adequate size shall be used for
the purpose.
(iv) The earthing conductor from the electrode up to the building shall be protected from
mechanical injury by a medium class,15mmdia.GI pipe in the case of wire, and by 40
mm dia, medium class GI pipe in the case of strip. The protection pipe in ground shall
be buried at least 30 cm deep (to be increased to 60 cm in case of road crossing and
pavements).The portion with in the building shall be recessed in walls and floors to
adequate depth in due co-ordination with the buildingwork.
(v) The earthing conductor shall be securely connected at the other end to the earth
stud/earth bar provided on the switch boardby:
(a) Soldered or preferably crimped lug, bolt, nut and washer in the case of wire, and
(i) Earth terminal of every switchboard in the distribution system shall be bonded to the
earth bar/ terminal of the upstream switch board by protectiveconductor(s).
(ii) Two protective conductors shall be provided for a switchboard carrying a 3-phase
switchgear thereon.
(iii)Loop earthing of individual units will not be however necessary in the case of cubicle
type switchboards.
(iv) The earth connector in every distribution board (DB) shall be securely connected to
the earth stud/ earth bar of the corresponding switch board by a protective
5.5 The earth pin of socket outlets as well as metallic body of fan regulators shall be
connected to the earth stud in switch boxes by protective conductor. Where the
switch boxes are of non-metallic type, these shall be looped at the socket earth
terminals, or at an independent screwed connector inside the switch box. Twisted
earth connections shall not be accepted in any case.
5.6 Earth Resistance
(i) The earth resistance at each electrode shall be measured.No earth electrode shall have a greater ohmic
resistance than 5 ohms as measured by an approved earth testing apparatus. In rocky soil the
resistance may be up to 8ohms.
(ii)Where the above stated earth resistance is not achieved,necessary improvement shall be made by
additional provisions, such as additional electrode(s), different type of electrode,or artificial chemical
treatment of soil etc.,as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
5.7 Marking
(i) Earth bars/terminals at all switch boards shall be marked permanently, either as “E” or
(ii) Main earthing terminal shall be marked“SAFETYEARTH–DONOTDISCONNECT”.
6.0 Scope
6.1 Application
This system shall be provided where specified.The decision whether or not to provide
this system should be taken by the competent authority considering all relevant factors
as per AppendixH.
(vi)Earth electrodes.
6.3 Materials
8.75.1 The materials of air terminations, down conductors, earth termination etc. of the
protective system shall be reliably resistant to corrosion, or be adequately
protected against corrosion. The material shall be one of the following, asspecified.
(a) Copper: Solid or flat copper strip of at least 98% conductivity conforming to
relevant I.S. Specifications shall beused.
(b) Copper Clad Steel: Copper clad steel with copper covering permanently and
effectively welded to the steel core shall be used. The proportion of copper
and steel shall be such that the conductance of the material is not less than
30% of conductance of the solid copper of the same total cross-
(c) Galvanized Steel: Steel thoroughly protected against corrosion by a zinc
coating shall be used.
(d) Aluminium: Aluminium, 99% pure, and with sufficient mechanical strength,
and protected against corrosion shall beused.
8.75.3 Aluminium should not be used underground, or in direct contactwithwalls .
8.75.4 All air terminations shall be of GI and all down conductors shall be of GI or
aluminium, except where the atmospheric conditions necessitate the use of
copperor copper clad steel for air terminations and downconductors.
8.75.5 The recommended shape and minimum sizes of conductors for use above and
below ground are given in Tables.
6.1 Layout
6.4.1 The system design and layout shall be done in accordance with IS 2309 : 1989 and
specifiedinthetenderdocuments.Theworkshallbecarriedoutaccordinglysatisfying at
the same time
6.4.2 AirTerminations
(ii) Avertical air termination, where provided, need not have more than one point, and
shall project at least 30 cm, above the object, salient point or network on which it is
(iii)For a flat roof, horizontal air termination along the outer perimeter of the roof shall be
used. For a roof of larger area a network of parallel horizontal conductors shall be
installed. No part of the roof should be more than 9 m from the nearest horizontal
protective conductor.
(iv) Horizontal air terminations should be carried along the contours such as ridges,
parapets and edges of flat roofs, and, where necessary, over flat surfaces, in such a
way as to join each air termination to the rest, and should themselves form a closed
(v) All metallic projections including reinforcement, on or above the main surface of the
roof which are connected to the general mass of the earth, should be bonded and
form a part of the air termination network.
(vi) If portions of a structure vary considerably in height, any necessary air terminations or
air termination network for the lower portions should be bonded to the down
conductors of the taller portions, in addition to their own down conductors.
(i) The number and spacing of down conductors shall be as specified, or as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge.
(ii) Routing
(a) A down conductor should follow the most direct path possible between the air
terminal network and the earth termination network. Where more than one down
conductor is used, the conductors should be arranged as evenly as practicable
around the outside walls of the structures.
(b) The walls of light wells may be used for fixing down conductors, but lift shafts
should not be used for this purpose.
(c) Metal pipes leading rainwater from the roof to the ground may be connected to
the down conductors, but cannot replace them, such connections should have
disconnecting joints.
(d) In deciding on the routing of the down conductor, its accessibility for inspection,
testing and maintenance should be taken into consideration.
(a) Where the provision of external routes for down conductors isimpracticable, for
example,in buildings of can til ever construction from the first floor upwards,
down conductors should not follow the outside contours of the building.Todo so
would create a hazard to persons standing under the over hang. In such cases,
the down conductors may be housed in an air space provided by a non-metallic
and non-combustible internal duct and taken straight down to the ground.
(c) In cases where an un restricted duct is used,seal sateach floor level may be
required for fire protection. As far as possible, access to the interior of the duct
should beavailable.
6.4.4 The lightning protective system should be so installed that it does not spoil the
architectural or aesthetic beauty of thebuilding.
6.4 Installation
6.5.1 General
(i) The entire lightning protective system should be mechanically strong to withstand the
mechanical forces produced in the event of a lightningstrike.
(ii) Conductors shall be securely attached to the building, or other object to be protected
by fasteners, which shall be substantial in construction, not subject to breakage,and
shall be of galvanized steel or other suitable materials,with suitable precautions to
avoid corrosion.
(iii)The lightning conductors shall be secured not more than1.2m a part for horizontal run,
and 1 m for vertical run.
6.5.2 AirTerminations
All air terminals shall be effectively secured against overturning either by attachment to
the object to be protected, or by means of substantial bracings and fixings which shall be
permanently and rigidly attached to the building.The method and nature of the fixings
should be simple,solid and permanent,due attention being given to the climatic
conditions and possiblecorrosion.
(ii) (a) Practical reasons may not sometimes allow the most direct route to be
followed.Whiles harpbends,such as arise at the end of roof are in escapable (and
hence permissible), re-entrant loops in a conductor can produce high inductive
voltage drops so that the lightning discharge may jump across the open side of a
loop. As a rough guide, this risk may arise when the length of the conductor forming
the loop exceeds 8 times the width of the open side of the loop.
(b) When large re-entrant loops as defined above cannot be avoided, such asin the
case of some cornices or parapets,the conductors should be arranged in such
away that the distance across the open side of a loop complies with the
requirement indicated above.Alternatively, such cornices or parapets should be
provided with holes through which the conductor can passfreely.
Any metal in, or forming a part of the structure, or any building services
having metallic parts which are in contact with the general mass of the earth,
should be either isolated from, or bonded to the down conductor. This also
applies to all exposed large metal items having any dimension greater than
2 m whetherconnected to the earth ornot.
(ii) Joints should be mechanically and electrically effective, for example, clamped,
screwed, bolted, crimped, riveted orwelded.
(iv) Contact surfaces should first be cleaned, and then inhibited from oxidation
with a suitable non-corrosivecompound.
(vi) Bonds have to join a variety of metallic parts of different shapes and
composition, and cannot therefore be of a standardform.
(vii) There is the constant problem of corrosion and careful attention must be given
to the metals involved, i.e. the metal from which the bond is made, and
those of the items being bonded.
(viii) The bond must be mechanically and electrically effective, and protected from
corrosion in, and erosion by the operatingenvironment.
(ix) External metal on, or forming part of a structure, may have to discharge the
full lightning current, and its bond to the lightning protective system should
have a cross-sectional area not less than that employed for the
(x) Structures supporting overhead electric supply, telephone and other lines
must not be bonded to a lightning protective system without the permission
of the appropriateauthority.
(xi) Gas pipe in no case shall be bonded to the lightning protective earth
termination system.
Each down conductor should be provided with a test joint in such a position that,
while not inviting unauthorized interference, it is convenient for use when
(ii) Each of the earth stations should have a resistance not exceeding the product
given by 10 ohms multiplied by the number of earth electrodes to be provided
therein. The whole of the lightning protective system, including any ring earth,
should have a combined resistance to earth not exceeding 10 ohms without
taking account of any bonding.
(iii) If the value obtained for the whole of the lightning protection system exceeds 10
ohms, a reduction can be achieved by extending or adding to the electrodes, or by
interconnecting the individual earth terminations of the down conductors by a
conductor installed below ground, sometimes referred to as a ring conductor.Buried
ring conductors laid in this manner are considered to be an integral part of the earth
termination network, and should be taken into account when assessing the overall
value of resistance to earth of theinstallation.
(iv) A reduction of the resistance to the earth to a value below 10 ohms has the advantage
of further reducing the potential gradient around the earth electrode when
discharging lightning current. It also further reduces the risk of side flashing to metal
in, or of structure.
(v) Earth electrodes should be capable of being isolated and a reference earth point
should be provided for testingpurposes.
Safety Procedure
7.1 While the Indian Electricity Rules 1956, as amended upto date, are to be
followed in their entirety, particular attention is drawn to the various clauses.
Any installation or portion of installation, which does not comply with these
rules, should be got rectified immediately.
7.2 The detailed instructions on safety procedures given in B.I.S. Code No. 5216
Such shafts should not be used for dumping floor malba etc.
Protected Premises
admission allowed to authorized persons only.
Also,thefrontageofsuchareasshallbekeptfreeandparkingetc.infrontshallnot be
7.4 No inflammable materials shall be stored in places other than the rooms
specially constructed for this purpose in accordance with the provisions of
Indian Explosives Act.
7.5 Rubber or insulating mats should be provided infront of the main switch boards
or any other control equipments of medium voltage andabove.
7.6 Protective and safety equipments such as rubber gauntlets or gloves, earthing
rods, linemen’s belt, portable artificial respiration apparatus etc. should be
provided ineach sub-station, service center/enquiry office and important
installations. Where electric welding or such other nature of work is
undertaken, goggles shall also beprovided.
7.7 Necessary number of caution boards such as “Man on Line, Don’t switch on”
should be readily available in each sub-station, enquiry office and
7.9 Periodical examination of the first aid facilities and protective and safety
equipments provided at the various installations shall be undertaken for their
adequacy and effectiveness and a proper record shall bemaintained.
7.10 Charts (one in English and another one in the regional language) displaying
methods of giving artificial respiration to a recipient of electrical shock should
be prominently displayed at appropriateplaces.
7.11 A chart containing the names, addresses and telephone numbers of nearest
authorized medical practitioners ,hospitals, firebrigade and also of the officers
in executive charge shall be displayed prominently along with the First AidBox.
7.13 All new recruits should be given such FirstAid Training immediately after
7.14 All supervisory and authorized persons of the Engineering staff should be
deputedfor refresher course in First Aid Training after every twoyears.
7.16 Electrical wiring and control switches should be periodically inspected and any
defective wiring, broken parts of switches which will expose live parts, should
be replaced immediately to make the installations safe for the user.
7.19 No work of live L.T. switch board in the sub-stations should be handled by a
person below the rank of a Wireman and such a work should preferably be
done in the presence of the Junior Engineer (E) in charge of thework.
7.20 When working on or near live installations, suitably insulated tools should be
used,and special care should be taken to see that those tools accidentally do
not drop on live terminals causing shock or deadshort.
7.21 The electrica lswitchgears and distribution boards should be clearly marked to
indicate the areas being controlled bythem.
7.22 Before starting any work on the existing installation, it should be ensured that
the electric supply to that portion in which the work is undertaken is preferably
cut off. Precautions like displaying “Men at Work” caution boards on the
controlling switches, removing fuse carrier from these switches, and these fuse
carriers being kept with the person working on the installation,etc. Should be
taken against accident alenergisation. “Permit to Work” should be obtained
from the Junior Engineer-in-charge. No workon H.T.main should be undertake
nunless it is made dead and discharged to earth with an earthing lead of
appropriate size. The discharge operation shall be repeated several times and
the installation connected to earth positively before any work isstarted.
7.24 In case of electrical accidents and shock, the electrical installation on which the
accident occurred should be switched off immediately and the affected
personshould be immediately removed from the live installation by pulling him
with the help of his coat, shirt, wooden rod, broom handle or with any other
dry cloth or paper. He should be removed from the place of accident to a
nearby safe place and artificialrespiration continuously given as contained in
B.I.S. Code and Standard prescribed by St. John Ambulance Brigade or
7.25 While artificial respiration on the affected person is started immediately, help
of Fire Brigade and Medical Practitioner should be called for and artificial
respiration should be continued uninterrupted until such helparrives.
7.26 TheseinstructionsshouldbeexplainedinHindi/locallanguagetothosestaffthatdoes
not understand English.
7.27 Executive Engineers should take particular care to ensure that these
instructions are imparted to the existing staff and as well as to the
Fire Hazards
6.1 The main pre-requisites of a fire hazard free building are: -
(a) Installation based on sound design and use of quality materials
(b) Good house keeping.
(c) Propermaintenancebasedonskilledpersonnel,propersupervisionandprev
entive maintenance.
(iii) One socket outlet to feed one appliance only and do not use multipleoutlets.
(iv) The AE (E) in charge will have an annual inspection of the building and list out
deficiencies and report to the EE who will take necessary remedialaction.
(v) Only MCB type DBs to be provided, so that overload, short circuit currents
are interrupted immediately. Rewirable type fuses not to beused.
(viii) Record Room – No power outlet / switches should be provided inside the
room. Use flameproof electrical fittings. In case it is a must to provide
switches / outlets in a record room, they should beflameproof.
(a) The building should have a comprehensive fire protection system in conformity with
CFO’s requirement, backed by proper manning and maintenance.
(b) Important building will have a fire control room, for monitoring and control of fire
safety of thebuilding.
(c) Local fire extinguishers for various electrical Switchgears Locations, Lift Machine
Room, Electrical Sub-station, Generating Rooms, Pump Houses etc.
(x) Maintenance
(ii) Keep telephone/ address details of Fire Station/ Police/ Hospital/ Departmental
Officials/Client Department Officials, both Office and Residence (in case of
(iii) All switch rooms/ electrical shafts to be kept clean and duly locked. All locks
will have common key, with keys available to all authorizedpersonnel.
(iv) Keep appliances ‘OFF’ after office hours. Instruction to be issued, so that all
switches and appliances are ‘OFF’ after officehours.
Energy Conservation
Lighting design to be done in such a way that it achieves the required visual
comfort at working plane and is energy efficient. Visual comfort can be defined
in terms of lux level at the working plane and energy efficiency can be defined in
terms of lighting power density (Watt/m2). The recommended lux levels and
lighting power densities have been specified
For general lighting, lux levels required for circulation and other non-critica
lapplications should be maintained.
Selection of lamp is the most important criterion for lighting design.The lamp
selection should be on the basis of efficacy and good colour rendering
Lamps used for general lighting scheme should comply to the following:
Point Light Source – All the point light sources installed in the building for general
lighting should be LED based with minimum lamp efficacy of 120 lm/W.
Linear Light Source–All the linear light sources installed in the building for general
lighting should be LED
Table lists the Wattage, luminous flux, efficacy and CRI of different types of
10 Interior lighting systems in buildings larger than 500 m2 (5000 ft2) shall be equipped with
an automatic control device. Within these buildings, all office areas less than
30m2(300ft2)enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions, all meeting and conference
rooms,all school classrooms, and all storage spaces shall be equipped with occupancy
For other spaces, this automatic control device shall function on either :
11 Occupancy sensor that shall turn the lighting off within 3 minutes of an occupant leaving
the space.Light fixtures controlled by occupancy sensors shall have a wall mounted,
manual switch capable to turning off lights when the space is occupied.
12 Exception to above: Lighting systems designed for 24-hour use.
Each space enclosed by ceiling-height partitions shall have atleast one control
device to independently control the general lighting with in the space. Each
control device shall be activated either manually by an occupant or automatically
by sensing an occupant. The maximum coverage area for each control device is
given in the tablebelow:
Sl. No. Space Area (m2) Maximum Coverage Area for each
Control Device (m2)
1 < 1000 250
2 > 1000 1000
Each control device shall be capable of overriding the required shut off control
for no more than 2hours.Its hould be readily accessible and located such that the
occupant can see the control.
Luminaires in day lighted areas greater than 25 m2 (250 ft2) shall be equipped
with either a manual or automatic lighting control device that is capable of
reducing lighting output of the luminaires in the day lighted areas by at least
50% and controls only the luminaires located entirely within the day
12.1.3 Exterior Lighting Control
Lighting for exterior applications shall be controlled by a photo sensor or
astronomical time switch that is capable of automatically turning off the exterior
lighting when day light is available or the lighting is notrequired.
Timers: These are the simplest type of controls and are most popular. Some
areas in buildings may require lighting for specific durations like security lighting,
landscape lighting or building floodlighting. Timers allow this type of control by
switching ‘on’and ‘off’ as per preset times.These can have one
setting(sametime)for the wholeyear or several (seasonal/ weekly/daily) settings
to take care of the changing sunsettimes.
Photocell Lighting Control: These measure the amount of natural light available
and suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. When available light falls
below a specified level,a control unit switches the lights on(or adjusts a driver to
provide more light). Photocells can be programmed so that lights do not flip on
and off on partially cloudy days.
Passive Infrared Sensors : These detect the motion or heat between vertical and
horizontal detection zones. This technology requires a direct line of sight and is
more sensitive to lateral motion, but it requires layer motion as distance from
the sensor increases. The coverage pattern and field of view can also be
precisely controlled. It typically finds its best application in smaller spaces with a
direct line of sight, such as restrooms.
13 Scope
This chapter covers the requirements of painting work in internal electrical installations,
carried out manually by brush. This does not cover spray-painting work of factory made
Paints, oils, varnishes etc. of approved make in original tin to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-charge shall only be used.
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and made free from dust or foreign matter before
painting is started.The proposed surface may be inspected by the Engineer-in- charge before
the paint isapplied.
13.1.3 Application
(i) Paint shall be applied with brush. The paint shall be spread as smooth and even as
possible. Particular care shall be paid to rivets, nuts, bolts and over- lapping. Before
drawing out in smaller containers, it shall be continuously stirred with a smooth stick,
while painting work is takenup.
(ii) Primer coat of anti-corrosive paint shall be given in the case of steel work, after
preparing the surface. In all cases of painting work, finishing shall be with 2 coats of
paint in approvedshade.
(iii) Each coat shall be allowed to dry out sufficiently before a subsequent coat is applied.
13.1.4 Precautions
13.1.5 Repainting
(iv) Painting on old surface in indoor situations will not include primer coat except
where specially mentioned in the tender documents. However, where rust has
formed on iron and steel surfaces, the spots will be painted with one anti-rust
primer coat, after preparing thesurface.
(v) In cases of repainting, the old paint shall be removed by first scrapping, or by
(ii) Requirementofpaintingofmetallicboxes
The spray painting of ceiling fan shall be done as per following procedure:
(i) Clean the surface free from all foreign and harmful materials as dirt, moisture,
greasy dirt, salts, rust etc. by means of any suitable detergent as required
anddry the surface.
(ii) Rub down lightly with waterproof emery paper, if required in case surface is
rusty and wipe off the surface using a piece of clean and dry softcloth.
(iii) Apply one coat of finishing enamel conforming to IS 2932 : 1974 uniformly by
spraying and allow it to dry.
Testing Of Installation
14 Scope
This chapter describes the details of tests to be conducted in the completed internal electrical
installations, before commissioning.
14.1 Tests
Testing shall be carried out for the completed installations, in the presence of
and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge by the contractor. All test
results shall be recorded and submitted to the Department.
All necessary test instruments for the tests shall be arranged by the contractor if
so required by the Engineer-in-charge.
all the lamps in position and switches in“off” position ,and its value shall be not less
than that specified
14.2.3 The insulation resistance in mega ohms measured as above shall not be less than12.5
mega ohms for the wiring with PVC insulated cables, subject to a minimum of 1 mega
14.2.4 Where a whole installation is being tested, a lower value than that given by the
formula, subject to a minimum of 1 mega ohm, is acceptable.
14.2.5 A preliminary and similar test may be made before the lamps etc. are installed, and in
this event the insulation resistance to earth should not be less than 25 mega ohms for
the wiring with PVC insulted cables, subject to a minimum of 2 mega ohms.
14.2.6 The term “outlet” includes every point along with every switch, except that a switch
combined with a socket outlet, appliance or lighting fitting is regarded as one outlet.
14.2.7 Control
rheostats, heating and power appliances and electric signs may,if required, be
disconnected from the circuit during the test,but in that event the insulation resistance
between the case or frame work, and all live parts of each rheostat, appliance and
electric sign, shall be not less than that specified in the relevant Indian Standard
Specifications,or where there is no such specification, shall be not less than one mega
14.3 Polarity Test ofSwitch
14.3.1 In a two wire installation, a test shall be made to verify that all the switches in every
circuit have been fitted in the same conductor throughout, and such conductor shall be
labeled or marked for connection to the phase conductor, or to the non-earthed
conductors of the supply.
14.3.2 In a three wire or a four wire installation, a test shall be made to verify that every non-
linked single pole switch is fitted in a conductor which is labeled, or marked for
connection to one of the phase conductors of the supply.
14.3.3 The installation shall be connected to the supply for testing. The terminals of all
switches shall be tested by a test lamp, one lead of which is connected to the earth.
Glowing of test lamp to its full brilliance, when the switch is in “on” position
irrespective of appliance in position or not, shall indicate that the switch is connected
to the right polarity.
14.4 Testing of Earth ContinuityPath
The earth continuity conductor, including metal conduits and metallic envelopes
of cables in all cases, shall be tested for electric continuity. The electrical
resistance of the same along with the earthing lead, but excluding any added
resistance, or earth leakage circuit breaker, measured from the connection with
the earth electrode toany
point in the earth continuity conductor in the completed installation shall not
exceed one ohm.
voltmeter involts,
14.5.3 At the time of test, the test electrode shall be separated from the earthing system.
14.5.4 The auxiliary electrodes shall be of 13 mm diameter mild steel rod driven upto 1 m into
the ground.
14.5.5 All the three electrodes shall be so placed that they are independent of the resistance
area of each other. If the test electrode is in the form of a rod, pipe or plate, the
auxiliary current electrode ‘C’ shall be placed at least 30 m away from it, and the
auxiliary potential electrode ‘B’ shall be placed mid-way between them.
14.5.6 Unless three consecutive readings of test electrode resistance agree, the test shall be
repeated by increasing the distance between electrodes A and C upto 50 m, and each
time placing the electrode B midway between them.
14.5.7 On these principles, “Megger Earth Tester”, containing a direct reading ohm-meter, a
hand driven generator and auxiliary electrodes are manufactured for direct reading of
earth resistance ofelectrodes.
14.6 Test Certificate
15 General
This Appendix indicates details useful in the design of earthing as applicable to the
installations generally encountered in the Department. For complete details, IS
3043: 1987 shall be referred to. This Appendix shall supplement the requirements
laid down in Chapter 8 of these specifications. All medium voltage equipments shall be earthed by two separate and distinct
connections with earth.In the case of high and extra high voltages, the neutral
points shall be earthed by not less than two separate and distinct connections
with earth, each having its own electrode at the generating station or sub-
station, and may be earthed at any other point, provided no interference is
caused by such earthing. If necessary, the neutral may be earthed through
16 “System Earthing” is provided to preserve the security of the supply system. This is done
by limiting the potential of live conductors with reference to earth, to such values as
consistent with the level of insulation applied. Earthing the neutral point of the
transformer ensures reasonable potential to earth, including at the time when the HV
supply is impressed on the transformer. Earthing also ensures efficient operation of
protective gear in the case of earth faults. Earthing may not give protection against faults
that are not essentially earth faults. For example, if a phase conductor on an overhead
spur line breaks, and the part remote fromthe supply falls to the ground, it is unlikely that
any protective gear relying on earthing, other than current balance protection at the sub-
station, will operate, since the earth fault current circuit includes the impedance of the
load that would be high relative to the rest of thecircuit.
line are connected to this PE & N conductor. (A CNE cable is used for wiring
such installations).Additional earth electrode has to be provided for this
conductor locally for 3 phase consumers.
All the exposed conductive parts in the installation are connected to the PE & N
conductor, through protective conductors and this main earthing terminal link. TT System
Neutralisear the donly at source and no PE conductor is given with supply line.
All the exposed conductive parts of the installation are connected to an earth
electrode at consumer end, which is independent of the source earth,
electrically. IT System
The source has either no earth or is earthed through high impedance. All the
exposed conductive parts of the installation are connected to an earth
electrode, which is independent of the source earth, electrically.
Note: Decision regarding the providing of RCD (RCCB) shall be taken in individual cases
keeping in view the type, use, importance, system of earthing and nature of electrical
installations to be protected by the RCD, requirements of the local Electric Supply
Earthing (comprising the electrode, earthing conductor, main earthing terminal etc.) and
protective conductors in an installation are thus vital components in this system of protection
against shock hazards. The concept is indicated diagrammatically in Fig. 14 & Fig. 15 indicates
the method of ensuring the same, as envisaged in thesespecifications. Rule 61A of I.E. Rules, 1956 calls for protective devices against earth leakages
for certain loads. This should be complied with. The following exposed conductive parts are exempted from bonding to earth:
(i) Overhead line insulator, wall brackets or another metal connected to
them, provided they are out of arm’sreach.
(ii) Inaccessible steel reinforcement in RCCpoles.
Following are general guidelines for the selection of the type of electrodes.
Type ofelectrode Application
(i) In all cases, relevant provisions of Rules 33,61 and 67 of the Indian Electricity
Rules, 1956 as amended, shall be compliedwith.
(ii) Non-current carrying metal parts of all apparatus utilizing power supply at
voltage exceeding 250 volts shall be earthed by two separate and distinct
connections to the earth bus, or to two separate and distinct earthingsets.
(iii) The number of earthing electrodes for sub-stations and generating sets shall be
as under:-
For body earthing of all thegeneratingsets- 2 sets for eachLT panels and
other electrical
equipments in the
generator room
(iv) Separate earth electrodes shall be provided for lightning arrester/ lightning
Note 2 : Values of K for different materials are given in IS 3043 for various parameters.
Note: If the material of the protective conductor is different from that of the phase
conductor, the size as per the above should be multiplied by K1/K2 where K1 is the K factor
for phase conductor material, and K2 is K factor for the protective conductor material. As a
rough guide, the following values can betaken.
K1/K2 for
The main bonding conductor should be half the size of the earthing
conductor, subject to a minimum of maximum, or equivalent sizes for other materials. This is applicable
for TN-S and TN-C-S systemonly.
(9) IS 3646 (Part Code of practice for interior illumination: Part 1 March 2008
1): General requirements and recommendations for
1992 working interiors (first revision)
(10) IS 3646 (Part Code of practice for interior illumination: Part 2 March 2008
2): Schedule of illumination and glare index
(11) IS 3646 (Part Code of practice fori nterior March 2008
3): illumination:Part3Calculation of coefficients of
1968 utilization by the BZmethod
(12) IS 4347:1967 Code of practice for hospital lighting May 2010
(13) IS 6665:1972 Code of practice for industrial lighting May 2010
(14) IS 2672:1966 Code of practice for library lighting May 2010
(15) IS 8623 (Part Specification for low voltage switchgear and March 2008 2
1): 1993/ controlgear assemblies: Part 1 Requirements
IEC 60439-1 for type-tested and partially type tested
(1985) assemblies (first revision).
(16) IS 8623 (Part Specification for low voltage switchgear and March 2008 2
2):1993/ controlgear assemblies: Part 2 Particular
IEC 60439-2 requirements for busbar trunking systems
(1987) (busways)-(first revision)
(17) IS 8544 (Part Motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000 2
1): V: Part Direction line ac starters [superseded
1977 by IS 13947 (Part 4/Section 1): 1993]
(18) IS 8544 (Part Motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000
2): V : Part 2 Star-delta starters [superseded by IS
1977 13947 (Part 4/ Section 1): 1993]
(19) IS 8544 (Part Motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000
3/ Sec 1): 1979 V : Part 3
ements [superseded by IS 13947 (Part 4/Section
(20) IS 8544 (Part Motor starters for voltages not exceeding 1000
4): V: Part 4 Reduced voltage ac starters: two step
1979 auto-transformer starters [superseded by IS
13947 (Part 4/Section 1): 1993]
(3) IS 3480:1966 Flexible steel conduits for electrical wiring May 2012 (1)
(4) IS 2667:1988 Fittings for rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring February 2008
(first revision) [Superseded by IS 14768 (Part 2):
(5) IS 3837:1976 Accessories for rigid steel conduits for electrical May 2012 (1)
wiring (first revision)
(6) IS 9537 (Part 4): Conduits for electrical installations: Part 4 Pliable May 2012
1983 self- recovering conduits of insulating materials
(7) IS 9537 (Part 5): Conduits for a electrical installations: Part 5 June 2010
2000/ Pliable conduits of insulating material
IEC 60614-2-3 [Superseding IS 6946]
(8) IS 3419:1989 Fittings for rigid non-metallic conduits (second May 2012
(9) IS 14772:2000/ Enclosures for accessories for household and May 2010
IEC 60670-1 similar fixed electrical installations
(1989) [Superseding IS 5133 (Part 1 and 2)]
(10) IS 2412:1975 Link clips for electrical wiring (first revision) May 2012 (2)
(11) IS 371:1999 Ceiling roses (third revision) March 2010 (4)
(12) IS 3854:1997/ Switches for domestic and similar purposes July 2012 (6)
IEC 60669-1 (second revision)
(13) IS 4615:1968 Switch-socket outlets (non-interlocking type)
(14) IS 4160:2005/ Interlocking switch socket outlets - Specification June 2010
IEC 60884-2-6 (first revision)
(15) IS 1293:2005/ Plugs and socket outlets of rated voltage upto June 2010 (5)
IEC 60884-1 and including 250 volts and rated current upto
(2002) and including 16 amperes - Specification (third
that to the best of my/our knowledge and belief it complies with Indian Electricity Rules,
1956,as well as the C.P.W.D. General Specifications of Electrical Works2013.
I. Particulars ofwork:
(ii) Fanpoint
(b) Otherplants:
III. Testresults:
(a) Insulation resistance
(i) Insulation resistance of the whole system of Conductorstoearth –
(ii) Insulation between the phase conductor and neutral Between Phase
Randneutral – Mega ohms Between Phase Yandneutral –
Mega ohms Between Phase Bandneutral – Megaohms
(iii) Insulation resistance between the phase conductors in case of polyphase supply.
Between Phase R and Phase Y – Mega ohms Between Phase Y and Phase B –
Mega ohms Between Phase B and Phase R – Mega ohms
Signature andnameof Contractor Signature and Name of the Junior Engineer (E)
/AE (E)
Chart showing the Distance upto which Different Sizes of UG Aluminium Conductor Cables can
be used for Different Peak Load Current Ratings for 8 Volts Drop when Laid in Ground (PVC
Insulated, PVC Sheathed, 3 core or 4 core) when Cable Grading is 1.1 KV
Note 1 : PVC Insulated electrical cable for voltage grade upto 1.1 KV is based on 8 volts drop.
1 This table is based on current and resistance as given in M/s lncab’s table for cables
(April 1964. Table No.17 and 33)
2 The distances are given in meters and after rounding.
3 The condition of installation of cable is ground temp.15 degree C.
Note 2 : For Temperature Correction please see as detailed below:
1 Whenthevoltagedropandlengthisconstantthentofindthesizeofcableforfollowingcurre
ntratingsof the chart to obtain the calculated load current by the following factors
and then see the size according to that ratings which was multiplied by the
Ground Temp: 20 Degree C 25 Degree C 30 Degree C 35 Degree C
Rating Factors: 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8
Current Rating (in Ground) for XLPE Insulated 1.1 KV Grade Cables
10 51 55 46 50 65 71 60 65
16 66 74 60 68 85 95 77 87
25 86 98 76 90 110 125 99 115
35 100 118 92 108 130 150 120 138
50 120 137 110 126 155 175 145 161
70 140 172 135 158 190 220 175 202
95 175 204 165 187 220 260 210 239
120 195 234 185 215 250 301 240 276
150 220 262 210 240 280 336 270 308
185 240 298 235 273 305 381 300 350
240 270 344 275 316 345 441 345 405
300 295 387 305 355 375 496 385 455
400 325 458 335 420 400 586 425 538
500 345 495 - - 425 635 - -
630 390 555 - - 470 710 - -
800 440 625 - - - - -
1000 490 685 - - - - - -
For durations other than one second the short circuit current may be calculated from the
following formula:
Isc = I
Where Isc – Short circuit current during time t,amperes.
I – Short circuit current during the time one second as given in above table.
Note :For large currents the force between the conductors must be considered especially
When single core cable are used.
‘B’ Curve: For protection of electric circuits with equipment that does not cause surge current (lighting and
socket outlet circuits)
‘C’ Curve: For protection of electric circuits with equipment that cause surge current (inductive and motor
‘D’ Curve: For protection of electric circuits which cause high in rush current when they are switched ON,
typically 15 times the normal running current (Transformers, Heavy Start Motors, 2 PoleMotors)
(i) Compound Lighting to be provided with LED lighting placed on Octagonal Poles at suitable height &
spacing along the Road and Boundary Wall.
(ii) Gates of the campus are to be provided with appropriate Illumination as per Architectural
(iii) The Horticultural Work, Landscaping, Water Bodies, Façade Lighting to be provided with appropriate
illumination as per Aesthetic Considerations.
(iv) The Electrical panel board for out door lights shall be with programmable Logic Timer controller.
(v) The bracket of street light shall be of the same make of street light pole.
a) The detailed instructions on safety procedures given in BIS code no. 5216:1982 “Code of safety
Procedures and Practices in Electrical works” shall be strictly followed.
b) Safety procedures given in Chapter 10 of CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works Part-
1(Internal) shall be followed.
c) Safety recommendation as per IE rules 1956 as per Appendix “C”.
d) The materials shall be tested from 3rd Party laboratories are conduit, wires, cables etc.
e) Provisions and fixing of check-nuts for conduit work as per CPWD Specifications.
f) No. of wires in one conduit shall be ensure as per CPWD Specifications.
g) Colour coding of wires to be ensure.
h) Lugs and thimbles at cable/ wire ends in switch boxes as per CPWD Specifications.
i) Labeling of switch boxes shall be ensured.
j) Termination of earth terminals in earth pits, switch box, DBs and accessories to be ensured. Earth
chamber to be constructed and proper marking to be done.
k) A comprehensive schematic diagram is prepared starting from the main board up to the final DBs. All
such boards are duly marked and numbered.
l) The pre-commissioning testing of the installation shall be carried out such as
i) Insulation resistance test.
ii) Polarity test of switch.
iii) Earth continuity test.
iv) Earth electrode resistance test.
m) All the tests at site shall be carried out for the completed installations, in the presence of and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge by the contractor. All the test results shall be recorded and
submitted to the Department.
The contractor will assess the requirement of water supply for domestic, Air conditioning, flushing and
gardening as per NBC-2016 norms.
The pumps will be designed for 4-6 hours pumping during the day.
1. All pumps, valves, piping, cabling, protection and safety devices, electrical control panels with
BMS compatibility, earthing etc as required for the building for all the water based services to
collect the water in the underground/ on ground/ overhead tanks and to pump them to the
required tanks, as required to ensure the availability of the water for different type of utilities.
2. This will include the water being received from local body, borewells etc besides others if any
as applicable
Water supply pumping and treatment system of suitably designed capacity pumping system ( for
potable water, air-conditioning water,ordinary water etc., each separately ) with minimum 100%
standby capacity for each type of pumping arrangement, with required Electrical Panels, cabling, GI
piping , controls , control wiring, safety and control equipment, earthing etc. as required.
1. Type, Pressure, Head and discharge of the pumps, sizes and type of valve shall be designed bythe
contractor for proper service.
3. Layout drawing (working) shall be prepare by contractor indicating dimension of each and every
equipment, foundation, hanging arrangement etc and shall be submitted to the Department for the
1. The scope of work shall include planning, designing, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of complete of LAN and WiFiSystemsystem.
2. The no of data outlets to be provided are as described above. The scope of work also includes
the provision of both Active & Passive Components.
4. The complete system has to be supplied, installed, tested and commissioned in complete
manner to have a fully functional system, as required.
5. The entire office shall be Wi-fi enabled. Contractor shall submit wi-fi hot mapping. Each wi-fi
point will have 2 sources i.e. 2 separate networking cables for redundancy. The required no of
transmitters and receivers shall be provided as per the requirement and approved scheme. The
scheme shall be got approved from the Engineer In Charge.
6. Every floor shall have suitable no. of floor-standing / wall-mounted racks with suitable no. of
switch in each wing. The LAN wiring shall be carried out with CAT-6 A cabling from the
respective floor data points which shall terminate in the LAN switches.
7. The contractor shall ensure that the maximum length from the switch to the data point
including the patch cords etc. does not exceeds 80m. There shall be 20% redundancy on each
8. Each floor rack shall be connected to the Server Room Main racks through backbone Optical
Fibre cable and links. Each rack shall have dual-linkage from the different server racks.
Supply, Installation,Testing and Commissioning of 2TR rating wall mounted, highly energy efficient
inverter splti type 5 star Air Conditioner, certified by Bureau of Energy Efficient (BEE), fitted with high
efficiency, higher energy, efficient rotary compressor, larger surface copper condenser coil, electrical
connectivity, between indoor and out - door units, refrigerant piping of suitable size and standard lenghts,
precharged out - door unit operating on R-410A / R32 refrigerant and suitable for operation on 230 V AC
supply including making suitable hole in the wall / ceiling using core cutting machine, providing copper piping
upto 3 mtrs. length with nitrile rubber insulation for suction and discharge lines for the above capacity AC Unit
as per connections between indoor and outdoor units accessories etc., as required. capable of performing the
following functions in Bed Rooms. The total quatity of AC are 54 numbers.
A) Cooling
B) Dehumidifying
C) Air Circulation
D) Filtering.
Fire Alarm SystemSystem
1. Scope of Work
The scope of work consists of Planning, designing & preparation of Drawings, obtaining approvals from the
Department, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Manual Fire alarm system ,Fire Exit LED
signages with 4 hours battery backup etc ,manual call boxes, Sounders of low intensity and high intensity
typesas mentioned in hereafter and tender drawings as per EN54, BS: 5839 or NFPA 71/72, NBC-2016, CPWD
Specifications-PART-VI- Fire Detection and Alarm System-2018, TelanganaBuilding Rules, 2012 (as applicable in
TS) with up-to date amendments, UBBL code. The Manual Fire Alarm system shall be same as that of
Automatic Addressable Fire Alarm System except for the non-provision of detectors.
The rates quoted by the tenderer, shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes (including GST), duties and
levies and all charges for packing, forwarding, insurance, freight and delivery, installation, testing,
commissioning etc. at site including temporary constructional storage, risks, overhead charges, general
liabilities/ obligations etc.
(i) In respect of all labour employed directly or indirectly on the work for the performance of the fire
fighting contractor’s part of work, the contractor athisown expense, will arrange for the safety
provisions as per the statutory provisions including “Safety, Health and Environment Hand book
2019” published by CPWD, B.I.S recommendations, Factory Act, Workman’s Compensation Act,
CPWD Code and instructions issued from time to time.Failure to provide such safety requirements
would make the tenderer liablefor penalty to be decided by Engineer-in-charge. In addition, the
Engineer-in-charge, shall be at liberty to make arrangements and provide facilities as aforesaid and
recover the cost incurred thereon from the contractor.
(ii) The contractor shall provide necessary barriers, warning signals and other safety measures while
laying pipelines, cables etc. or wherever necessary so as to avoid accident. He shall also indemnify
CPWD against claims for compensation arising out of negligence in this respect. Contractor shall be
liable, in accordance with the Indian Law and Regulations, for any accident occurring due to any
cause. The department shall not be responsible for any accident occurred or damage incurred or
claims arising there from during the execution of work. The contractor shall also provide all
insurance including third party insurance as may be necessary to cover the risk. No extra payment
would be made to the contractor due to the above provisions thereof.
ii. All minor building work such as cutting and making good the damages.
iii. Necessary testing equipment’s.
iv. Watch and ward of the equipment’s, materials and installation, till their handing over to the
department duly installed and commissioned.
v. Approval from the concerned fire authorities as may be required as per the local Fire Regulations
and bye laws.
The power supply and water supply for testing and commissioning of the complete installation shall be
made by the agency /contractor only.
(i) The contractor shall guarantee the complete system to provide the specified flow and pressure
under all conditions at outlets.
(ii) All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of 36 months from the dateof completion of
entire scope of agreement.The equipment or component or any part thereof so found defective
duringthe guarantee period shall be repaired or replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge. In case, it is felt by the department that undue delay is being caused by the
contractor in doing this, the same will be got done by the department at the risk and cost of the
contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final.
(i) Layout of detectors, manual call boxes and all other accessories.
(ii) Wiring diagram including connection topology for the complete system.
(iv) Constructional details of the various control and indicating panels and mimic diagram(s).
The above drawings, with observations of the Department duly incorporated, shall be submitted
to the Engineer-in-Charge in triplicate along with any special instructions, with regard to
handling, storage and installation.
Three sets of the following documents shall be furnished to the department by the contractor on
completion of work:-
(iii) Operation and maintenance manual of all major equipments, detailing all adjustments,
operation and maintenance procedures.
(a) Installation drawings giving complete details of all the components/items such as detectors,
call boxes etc.
(b) Line diagram and layout of all electrical control panels and work station.
(c) Control wiring drawings with all control components and sequence of operation to explain the
operation of control circuits.
The work under this subhead shall be carried out as per CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works
Part VI Fire Detection and Alarm System – 2018, NBC 2016, relevant IS codes amended upto date.
IS No. Title
694: 2010 Polyvinyl chloride insulated unsheathed and sheathed cables/ cords
with rigid and flexible conductor for rated voltages up to and including
450/750 V (fourth revision)
1255 : 1983 Code of practice for installation and maintenance of power cables upto and
including 33 KV rating (second revision)
1554(Part-I): 1988 PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables: Part 1 for working voltage upto
and including 1100 V (third revision)
2175 : 1988 Specification for heat sensitive fire detectors for use in automatic fire alarm
system (Second revision)
9968(part 1) :1988 Elastomer insulated cables : Part 1 for working voltage upto and including
1100 V (first revision)
11360 : 1985 Specification for smoke detectors for use in automatic electrical fire alarm
2189 : 2008 Code of Practice for selection , installation and maintenance of Automatic
fire detection and alarm system (second revision )- Code of Practice
National Building Code, 2016
Fire-Fighting Down ComerSystemandFire
The scope of work consists of Planning, designing & preparation of Drawings, obtaining approvals from the
Department, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of firefighting system with Down Comer, fire
hydrant system, fire extinguishers including providing of electric fire pumps, terrace pumps, internal hydrants,
first AID Hose reels, hose pipes, branch pipes, electrical panels and cables for the electrical panel and motors
as mentioned in hereafter and tender drawings as per NBC-2016, CPWD General Specification for Electrical
Works (Wet Riser)- 2020, TELANGANA Building Rules, 2012 (as applicable in TS) with up-to date amendments,
UBBL code and requirement of TELANGANA State Disaster Response fire service for all the buildings.
1) To get the fire fighting scheme approved first from Telangana Sate Fire Service before taking up
execution of work, if required.
2) To execute the work as per approval of Telangana Sate Fire Service and as directed by Engineer in
3) Agency shall obtain clearance certificate from Telangana Sate Fire Service. for installations of Fire
Fightingsystem.if required
4) 2 Nos. Down comer pump (1 working + 1 standby) at terrace of capacity as per NBC 2016.
5) Electrical panels for Down comer system i/c provision of automatic on /off during low pressure in pipes
with pressure gauges.
6) The number of pumps,HEAD OF PUMP,LPM OF PUMP will be calculated as per the NBC 2016.
7) The location of fire brigade inlet, external fire hydrants, etc. to be marked in the drawings and submit
to the department for approval and subsequent execution of work.
8) The provision of 2/4 way fire brigade connection shall be made as per the provision of NBC 2016.
However, for each vertical riser there should be provision of 2-way fire brigade connection.
9) The separate ring mains for external hydrants shall be laid and appropriate number of external
hydrants shall be provided as per the guidelines laid in NBC 2016.
10) Different types of fire extinguishers (ABC &CO2)shall be provided in all the floors as per the guidelines
of NBC 2016.
11) The all-electrical shafts, electrical room, lift machine rooms shall be provided sufficient number of 4.5
KG CO2 cylinders.
12) Extra number of fire extinguishers shall be provided at the locations where hazardous materials to be
13) Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, metering and testing devices required for the
purpose. On award of work, Contractor shall submit a detailed proposal giving methods of testing
and gauging the performance of the equipment to be supplied and installed under this contract
14) All tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his representative or any inspecting
authority. At least five working days notice in writing shall be given to the inspecting parties before
performing anytest.
15) Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer in A4 size sheet paper in two
weeks after completion of the tests.
16) However, terrace water tank and underground sump shall be covered by the respective civil work
under Part-B.
17) Atleast, one number 4.5 kg Co2 type fire extinguisher and one number 9.00 ltr water type extinguisher
(gas pressure type) shall be installed at each floor near each staircase in SEST building. (as per
NBC/Telangana State Fire Service. norms). In addition to this, Co2 type fire extinguishers and ABC type
fire extinguishers of not less than 4.5 kg capacity shall also be installed in Electrical rooms, fire pump
house, LT rooms, Lift machine rooms (are as per NBC/Telangana Sate Fire Service).
18) Fire buckets shall be provided as per the fire norms.
19) The agency must study specifications, provision for fire-fighting system for various buildings, NBC code
– 2016, local byelaws and additional conditions carefully. The work shall be executed in close co-
ordination with the progress of buildingwork.
20) Contractor shall provide all tools, equipment, metering and testing devices required for the purpose.
On award of work, Contractor shall submit a detailed proposal giving methods of testing and gauging
the performance of the equipment to be supplied and installed under this contract
21) All tests shall be made in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his representative or any inspecting
authority. At least five working days notice in writing shall be given to the inspecting parties before
performing anytest.
22) Three copies of all test results shall be submitted to the Engineer in A4 size sheet paper in two weeks
after completion of the tests.
23) All the E&M fittings, fixtures, machinery and equipment proposed to be used in the execution shall
confirm to highest start rating i.e. ‘5 STAR’ rating under star labelling program of Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE).
The above requirement is indicative only not exhaustive, the contractor should plan, design and
submit the requirement AS NBC 2016 along with layout drawings for approval and execution.
The rates quoted by the tenderer, shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes (including GST), duties and
levies and all charges for packing, forwarding, insurance, freight and delivery, installation, testing,
commissioning etc. at site including temporary constructional storage, risks, overhead charges, general
liabilities/ obligations etc.
(iii) In respect of all labour employed directly or indirectly on the work for the performance of the fire
fighting contractor’s part of work, the contractor athisown expense, will arrange for the safety
provisions as per the statutory provisions including “Safety, Health and Environment Hand book
2019” published by CPWD, B.I.S recommendations, Factory Act, Workman’s Compensation Act,
CPWD Code and instructions issued from time to time.Failure to provide such safety requirements
would make the tenderer liablefor penalty to be decided by Engineer-in-charge. In addition, the
Engineer-in-charge, shall be at liberty to make arrangements and provide facilities as aforesaid and
recover the cost incurred thereon from the contractor.
(iv) The contractor shall provide necessary barriers, warning signals and other safety measures while
laying pipelines, cables etc. or wherever necessary so as to avoid accident. He shall also indemnify
CPWD against claims for compensation arising out of negligence in this respect. Contractor shall be
liable, in accordance with the Indian Law and Regulations, for any accident occurring due to any
cause. The department shall not be responsible for any accident occurred or damage incurred or
claims arising there from during the execution of work. The contractor shall also provide all
insurance including third party insurance as may be necessary to cover the risk. No extra payment
would be made to the contractor due to the above provisions thereof.
vii. All minor building work such as cutting and making good the damages.
viii. Necessary testing equipment’s.
ix. Watch and ward of the equipment’s, materials and installation, till their handing over to the
department duly installed and commissioned.
x. Approval from the concerned fire authorities as may be required as per the local Fire Regulations
and bye laws.
components of the work shall be deemed to have been included in the tender, irrespective of the fact
whether such items are specifically mentioned in the tender or not.
2. Submission of programme:
Within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the letter of award, the successful tenderer shall
submit his programme for submission of drawings, supply of equipment, installation, testing,
commissioning and handing overof the installation to the Engineer-in-Charge. This programme shall be
framed keeping in view the building progress and the Milestones fixed in Schedule ‘F’ Clause-5 of
General Conditions of Contract.
3. Submission of Drawings:
The contractor shall submit the drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge as per specification for approval
within 60 days from the start of work.
4. Commencement of work:
The contractor shall commence work as soon as the drawings submitted by him are approved either in
full or inpart as the case may be.
finish at his cost. He shall also remove all unwanted and waste materials arising out of the installation
from the site ofwork from time to time.
2.13.1 Initial Inspection and testing
(v) Initial inspection of materials and equipment at manufacturer’s works may be done by the
Engineer-in-Charge or his representative. For item/ equipment requiring initial inspection at
manufacturer’s works, the contractor will intimate the date of testing of equipment at the
manufacturer’s works before dispatch.The contractor shall give sufficient advance notice regarding
the dates proposed for such tests to the department’s representative(s) to facilitate hispresence
during testing. The Engineer-in-charge at his discretion may witnesss such testing. Equipment will
be inspected at the manufacturer/ authorized dealer’s premises, before dispatch to the site by the
(vi) The department also reserves the right to inspect the fabrication job at factory and the successful
tenderer has to make arrangements for the same.
(vii) The materials duly inspected by Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative shall be
dispatched to site by the contractor.
(viii) No additional payment shall be made to the contractor for initial inspection/testing at the
manufacturer’s works by the representative of the Engineer-in-Charge. However, the department
will bear the expenses of its representative deputed for carrying out initial inspection/testing.
2.13.3 SafetyMeasures
All equipment shall incorporate suitable safety provisions to ensure safety of theoperating
personnel at all times. The initial and final inspection reports shall bring out explicitly the
safetyprovisions incorporated in each equipment.
(iii)The contractor shall guarantee the complete system to provide the specified flow and pressure
under all conditions at outlets.
(iv) All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of 36 months from the dateof completion of
entire scope of agreement.The equipment or component or any part thereof so found defective
duringthe guarantee period shall be repaired or replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of the
Engineer-in-charge. In case, it is felt by the department that undue delay is being caused by the
contractor in doing this, the same will be got done by the department at the risk and cost of the
contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final.
(ii) Wiring diagram including connection topology for the complete system.
(iv) Constructional details of the various control and indicating panels and mimic diagram(s).
The above drawings, with observations of the Department duly incorporated, shall be submitted
to the Engineer-in-Charge in triplicate along with any special instructions, with regard to
handling, storage and installation.
Three sets of the following documents shall be furnished to the department by the contractor on
completion of work:-
(iii) Operation and maintenance manual of all major equipments, detailing all adjustments,
operation and maintenance procedures.
(a) Installation drawings giving complete details of all the components/items such as detectors,
call boxes etc.
(b) Line diagram and layout of all electrical control panels and work station.
(c) Control wiring drawings with all control components and sequence of operation to explain the
operation of control circuits.
The work under this subhead shall be carried out as per CPWD General Specification for Electrical Works Part V Wet
Riser and Sprinkler System – 2020, NBC 2016, relevant IS codes amended upto date.Air vessels for Downcomer
14.0 TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FORMAT (To be submitted after award of work)
Fluid Handled
Impeller Type
No. of Stage
Casing material
Impeller material
Shaft material
Shaft sleeve
Casing Ring
Impeller Ring
1.0 All equipment, supply, erection, testing and commissioning shall comply with the requirements of
Indian Standards and code of practices. All equipment and material being supplied by the Contractor shall
meet the requirements of IS., Tariff advisory committee’s regulation (fire insurance), electrical inspectorate
and Indian Electricity rules and other Codes/Publications as given below.
A) General :
IS : 27 Pig lead
IS : 554 Dimensions for pipe threads where pressure tight joints are
required on the threads.
IS : 1554 (Part- 1) PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables : Part 1 for
working voltages up to and including 1100V.
IS : 1554 (Part- 2) PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables : Part 2 for
working voltages from 3.3 kV up to and including 11 kV.
IS : 2527 Code of practice for fixing rainwater gutters and down pipes
for roof drainage.
IS : 5329 Code of practice for sanitary pipe work above ground for
IS : 9912 Coal tar based coating materials and suitable primers for
protecting iron and steel pipe lines.
BSEN : 274 Sanitary tapware, waste fittings for basins, bidets and baths.
General technical specifications.
IS : 1239 (Part 1) Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings
IS : 1239 (Part 2) Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought steel fittings :
Part 2 Mild steel tubular and other wrought steel pipe
IS : 1536 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for water, gas
and sewage
IS : 1537 Vertically cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and
IS : 1538 Cast iron fittings for pressure pipes for water, gas and
IS : 1729 Sand cast iron spigot and socket soil, waste and ventilating
pipes, fittings and accessories.
IS : 2643 (Part 1) Dimensions for pipe threads for fastening purposes : Part 1
Basic profile and dimensions.
IS : 2643 (Part 2) Dimensions for pipe threads for fastening purposes : Part 2
IS : 2643 (Part 3) Dimensions for pipe threads for fastening purposes : Part 3
Limits of sizes.
IS : 3989 Centrifugally cast (spun) iron spigot and socket soil, waste
and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories.
IS : 4346 Specifications for washers for use with fittings for water
IS : 6418 Cast iron and malleable cast iron flanges for general
engineering purposes.
IS : 778 Specification for copper alloy gate, globe and check valves
for water works purposes
IS : 14846 Specification for sluice valves for water works purposes (50
mm to 1200 mm size)
IS : 5312 (Part 1) Specification for swing check type reflux (non return)
valves : Part 1 Single door pattern
IS : 5312 (Part 2) Specification for swing check type reflux (non return)
valves : Part 2 Multi door pattern
12, 1993
IS : 884 Specification for First Aid Hose Reel for fire fighting
IS : 901 Specification for first aid hose reel for fire fighting
IS : 2002 Steel plates for pressure vessels for intermediate and high
temperature service including boilers
IS : 4682 (Part 1) Code of practice for lining of vessels and equipment for
chemical processes Part 1 : Rubber lining
IS : 8034 Specification for submersible pump sets for clear, cold, fresh
5. Drainage Black
A. The Scope of work of the successful tenderer shall be inclusive of the following and shall be done
by the contractor.
Providing, Installation, Testing and Commissioning & putting into operation of of 2 no. 13 passngers lift
(machine room less ) with all control equipments& accessories for the required nos. of
landings/openings and speed of lifts in accordance with NBC 2016 as amended up to the date.
1. All electrical works including interconnections from MCCB (including MCCB) and loop earthing
from the earth bar provided in the machine room.
2. Provision of adequate lighting in the machine rooms, lift shafts and all landings.
3. Provision of proper ventilation in machine rooms, lift wells and water proof lift pits including
4. Provision of hoisting beam or hook above the lift well and trap door
5. Architrave work at lift entrance
6. Temporary barricades with caution boards at each landing to prevent accident during execution
of work.
7. Electric supply to individual lift shall be given from the dedicated lift panel.
General Commercial & Technical Conditions
1. All the works shall be carried out as per CPWD General specification for Electrical Works, Part-I
(Internal-2013); Part-II (External) and Part-III (Lifts & Escalators)-2003, amended up to date and
should also comply with relevant provisions of the Indian Electricity Rules and Acts, BIS for Lifts
and Escalators as applicable, amended up to date.
2. The contractor is advised to visit the site of work to have an idea of the execution of the work;
failure to do so shall not absolve their responsibility to do the work as specified in agreement.
3. The lifts are to be provided as per the details provided below in the tables.
1. The works will be executed to comply with the CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works
Part-I Internal (2013), Part II External (1994), and Part-III (Lifts & Escalators-2003) and with up
to date amendments and to confirm to the Indian Electricity Act & rules, BIS for Lifts and
Escalators & direction of Engineer-in-charge.
2. The work will be executed as per general arrangement drawing and detailed fabrication
drawings duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The various items of equipment will be
ordered only after the drawings are approved and quantities in detail of various items are
ascertained as per actual requirements. Therefore, the actual quantities / measurement may
vary from the stipulated quantities, which are only indicative.
3. The contractor / agency will engage suitable qualified / experienced / licensed engineering
supervisor for the work and suitable skilled personnel with required license for doing the
erection work. Required special tools to be used in the execution of the job.
4. The work will be performed as per the day to day instruction and approval of the engineer-in-
charge. All materials/ equipments will be used after taking approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
5. Equipments will be duly inspected in the manufacturer’s premises before dispatch to the site,
as per instructions of Engineer-in charge.
6. The work will be executed as per the programme of the completion of the project, The delivery
& erection schedule of various materials / equipments will be as per approval of Engineer-in-
7. This is a turnkey contract and the contractor is responsible for the entire job as per relevant
CPWD specification. If any item is left out within the schedule of work but if it is considered
essential for the completion of the job, the contractor has to carry out the items within the
tendered amount & nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
8. The contractor shall have to make arrangements, at his own risk and cost, for transportation of
materials from the point of issue of stores to site of work, if any.
9. The contractor shall ensure that the staff employed by him for execution of the electrical work,
possess the valid electrical license issued by competent authority. Consequences arising due to
the default of the contractor in not complying with the above condition shall be the entire
responsibility of the contractor.
10. All concealed work and earthing shall be done in the presence of the Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized representative.
Capacity ____________kg.
2. 2. Capacity ________ Persons____
5. Do not lean against the lift door. 5. Passenger travel at their own risk.
6. Watch before stepping out. 6. Please keep the lift neat and clean
1. The above-mentioned lift number capacity and speed are the minimum requirement.
2. The EPC Contractor will plan and design the elevators as per architectural plans.
A General :
1. Name of Manufacturer.
2. Country of Manufacture.
3. Capacities (Personal Weight).
4. Service
5. Speed of Travel
6. Height of Travel.
7. No. of Floors served.
8. No. of openings.
9. Position of counterweight.
10. Type of Levelling method.
B Machine:
1. Type of Motor
2. Capacity of Motor
3. Make.
4. Whether confirm to BIS
5. Class of Insulation
6. Voltage Tolerance
7. General/Geared
8. RPM
1. Size with No. of Strands.
2. Make
E. Counterweight
1. Position of Weights
2. Weights (Kgs.)
F. Travelling Cable
1. Size
2. Make
I. Safety Devices:
1. Car safety-type
2. Counter weight safety-type
3. Door inter locks in car-type
4. Door locks in landing-type.
Car enclosure Car ceiling with sleek small circular LED lights &
Regular FAN) - Stainless Steel MoonRock finish
Hand rails Stainless steel on all the three sides of the Car
The above specifications are illustrative only and any additional features as required shall be provided to meet
the requirements of NBC 2016 guidelines and Accessible India Norms.
IP Based EPABX System
IP based voice communication system with 2No. PRI Trunks lines (30 channels) with CLI facility for minimum
896 IP/Analog/Digital users license for life time. 55 Nos. IP Based Smart telephone instruments, 55 Nos. IP
Phones, and 10 Analog Phones with cabling and latest Pure IP at core Server based Voice communication
system. IP based operator console, In-skin Voice mail for all the users and access to call outside the campus
through analog trunks or PRI trunks via local service provider (MTNL).The system should be provided in such
that all phone should be connected to common reception number and all other important essential areas.
Providing complete of IP based voice communication system with 2 no. PRI Trunks lines (30 channels) with clip
facility for 55 IP users license for life time. The outlets are as described in the Internal EI subhead. The scope of
work also includes the provision of the IP based telephones.
The wiring shall be in the scope of the work of the firm and shall be IP based LAN networking, as described in
the Internal EI sub-head. LAN networking shall be covered in the LAN subhead. The complete system has to be
supplied, installed, tested and commissioned in complete manner to have a fully functional system, as
The Scope and purpose are to provide the voice communication with latest Pure IP at core Server based Voice
communication system in Guest House including IP based operator console, In-skin Voice mail for all the users
& access to call outside the campus through analog trunks or PRI trunks via local service provider (e.g MTNL
The Scope and purpose are to provide the internal as well as external voice communication for all the users in
entire campus.
The system should have in-skin voice mail used to play the welcome message during the incoming call through
the analog or PRI trunk.
Voicemail will be used to leave the voice message in user’s voicemail box. Like, if user doesn’t answer the call.
Then caller will get the guided message to leave the voice message for the user. The user will get visual
indication in the analog phone he will know that there is some message in his voicemail box & he will retrieve
the message by dialing a code followed by his PIN.
The hardware& software required for the system including Servers, gateways, workstations, IP based Operator
console, 19” rack, online UPS, Access switches, gateways for analog as well as PRI trunks Cards will be in
Vendor’s scope.
It will be the responsibility of the vendor/bidder to make the entire system fully functional as per the
specifications. Vendor/ bidder shall consider any equipment/devices required to make the system functional if
not mentioned herewith.
1 The offered system shall be full-featured IP based communications system providing a rich feature
set of the system, with pure Voice over IP (VoIP) communications, across corporate Local and
Wide Area Networks (LAN and WAN).The Architecture of the IP-PBX shall be capable of seamless
migration to its maximum capacity by simply adding peripheral cards on the gateways without
compromising on any function, features of this system or any degradation of service. The system
shall support IP distributed architecture. The system shall have universal ports for line / trunk
cards, wherein any peripheral card can be inserted in any slot of the peripheral shelf, thereby
enhancing the flexibility of the configuration. The system should provide 19” rack mountable
chassis. System should be ROHS complied as green product with power saving
System must have TEC Certificate.
Environmental Condition:
The offered system shall be capable of maintaining its guaranteed performance when operating
continuously for 24 hours a day and 365 days a year under the following environmental conditions.
Operational temperature: 0 to 45 Degree C.
Humidity: 10% to 95% RH (non-condensing)
Note: Offered product must be IS9000 Certified for Environmental conditions. Bidder must submit test
report from Central Govt/ NABL approved / ILAC accredited lab to provide conformity to the specifications
including Environmental Test Sequence.
i) Cold Test: At Zero degree C for 2 Hrs as per IS9000/ Pt 2/Sec4
ii) Dry Test: At 45 degree C for 16 Hrs as per IS9000/ Pt 3/Sec5/1977
iii) Damp Heat (Steady State) Test: At 40 degree C & 95% RH for 2 cycles as per IS9000/ Pt 5/Sec
2 The system is full featured, modular and expandable for port capacity atleast upto 896 IP extensions and
400 Trunks.
3 The system shall support in-built music-on-hold. It shall also be able to interlace with an external music
4 The system shall support Voice over IP (VOIP) applications. The VOIP card should be daughter board type
not consuming any additional slot. There should not be any restriction in capacity for User or Trunk type
i.e. system should support all Users as Analog/ Digital/ SIP and Trunk as Analog/ ISDN PRI/ SIP.
5 The IP Phones should be designed to provide a converged infrastructure at the desktop, with a
10/100BASE-TX connection to the LAN and built-in hub for a PC connection to the telephone itself. IP
Phones are Modular in design and flexible to incorporate more number of keys without replacing Phone,
i.e. 6 or 12 key phone can be upgraded to 24 key whenever required protecting initial investment just by
replacing key Module/pad
6 The system shall be equipped with integrated (in-skin) Voice Response System (VRS) with a minimum of
16 channels for voice processing applications allowing the incoming call to be directly connected to the
desired extension number after the voice response from the VRS. The VRS should not occupy any slot or
result in decrease of any ports.
7 The system should have in built battery charging facility
8 Both peer-to-peer connections and TDM-based connections are controlled by the CPU board. The
CPU incorporates a built-in Device Registration Server (DRS) and a single interface point of IP
connection to IP telephone.
9 The legacy TDM circuits should not utilize any IP bandwidth when any TDM-TDM switching is being done
in the system.
10 The system should have extensions lock facility, Toll restricted features along with malicious call tracing,
blacklisting feature. System should support in-skin application for malicious call trace, Number blacklist
feature, Auto Pop-up/ alert in case of outgoing or incoming call from blacklist number.
11 System Architecture is latest pure IP and is 19”Rack mount with 2U chassis based architecture
22 The system should have GUI and web based configuration manger
25 The system should support minimum 49 Remote Nodes and if link between Main System and Remote
System fails then all Remote Systems should work in self-survivable mode and must be able to
communicate with each other.
26 The system should have in-skin mobile client (Android/ iOS) facility with P2P Video Calling
27 The system should support in-skin Contact Centre (55 Seat) with MIS Reporting, ACD, Skill based Routing,
Whispering, Monitoring and Reporting functionality.
28 The system modularity shall be such that there is no requirement of traffic study or load study to
configure the system in case more numbers of lines of applications are added. The system shall be of
completely Non-Blocking type & all the cards shall have equal access to any free available time slot, i.e.
there shall be no segmentation of the time slots required for particular shelf of cards.
29 Suitable marking shall be done for different types of cards to enable easy identification & replacement.
C- 6
1. Scope of Work
The scope of work under this sub-head shall consists of Planning, preparation of Designs, Drawings/SLDs for
HT and LT power distribution for entire buiding, getting CEA approval,obtaining approvals from the
departmentand Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 11kV/0.433 kV substation equipments
comprising HT Panel, Dry type Transformers of 11KV/0.433KV (1X 250 KVA (working) , HT cable, Bus trunking
from Transformer to LT Panel, LT Panel, Automatic Power factor correction panel to Maintain .99 power
factor, Active Harmonic Filters, TVSS (Transient Voltage suppression system),SPD ( Surge protection system),
Essential panel, Earthing, required inter-connections,substation safety equipments including LT cabling from
sub station to the buildings fed by the sub station. The work also includes earthing, safety equipments, Gas
suppression system as per specifications and NBC -2016. If any item required to make the system functional, is
not specifically mentioned in the scope of services, the same is deemed to be included within the scope of this
tender and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.The system is three phase, 50 Hz, A.C, and power is to
be distributed in the Building, , HCU at 11KV voltage level at receiving and distribution at 11KV voltage level
with power and distribution sub-station 11 KV/ 0.433 .
i. The scope of work covers working out the power requirement of proposed buildings and future
loads and design the 11KV HT Panel with 11KV VCB panels, Bus coupler VCB, inter connecting
cables/Bus ducts in Main sub-station, integrating DG sets supply, Suitable number of feeders,
11KV HT cable, Feeder pillars for feeding power supply to buildings with spare switchgears, LT
cables of suitable sizes from SS to feeder pillars for feeding buildings.
ii. The design of entire, 11KV HT and MV power distribution, HT and LT cables shall be verified
through ETAP software and should submit load flow analysis, SC Fault level calculations etc
and get the design and capacities/ sizes approved by Engineer-in-charge before execution of
work. The agency should submit the above in both soft and hard copies.
iii. Within the period of 60 days from award of work, the contractor shall submit 3 sets of drawings,
for approval by the Engineer-in-charge. All detail drawings submitted for approval shall be to scale
not less than 1:20. Lettering sizes and thickness of lettering and lines shall be selected so that if
reduced by two stages to one quarter of their size, the alphanumeric characters and lines are still
perfectly be seen.
For presentation of design drawings and circuit documents IEC Publication 617 or IS:12032-11
standards for graphical symbols are to be followed.
iv. Preparation of required drawings, documents, submission of the application for approval
along with required documents to CEA, arranging the required testing procedures, testing
equipments, technicians during the CEA inspection, getting the approval from CEA,
commissioning of the entire power supply network, Operation and maintenance of
substations with required technical staff up to a period of three months beyond the
completion of whole project.
v. All the E&M fittings, fixtures, machinery and equipment proposed to be used in the execution
shall confirm to highest star rating i.e. ‘5 STAR’ rating under star labeling program of Bureau
of Energy Efficiency (BEE). Machinery and equipment which does not fall under star labeling
program of Bureau of Energy Efficiency, shall meet SUPER ECBC 2017 norms.
vi. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account as this is included in the scope of work of design and
engineering of following parts.
2. Part-II: 11KV/433V sub-stations and LT cabling from SS to Feeder pillars near Load
centers/buildings and From feeder pillars to main incoming panel of the buildings.
i. The scope of work includes Planning, Designing, Supplying, installation, testing and
commissioning of 11kV/0.433 kV substation (SS) equipments comprising, Dry type
Transformer, interconnecting HT cable, LT Panels, Feeder pillars, TVSS (Transient Voltage
suppression system), SPD (Surge protection system), Essential panel, Power factor correction
Equipment, Earthing, required inter-connections, substation safety equipments including LT
cabling from compact substation to feeder pillars near load centers/buildings and LT cables
from feeder pillars to main incoming panel of the buildings, Earthing.
ii. The payment for 11KV/433V sub-stations and LT cabling from SS to Feeder pillars near Load
centers/buildings and From feeder pillars to main incoming panel of the buildings shall be
included in the cost of 11/0.433 KV substation accordingly EPC contractor is to quote ,nothing
extra shall be paid on this account.
iii. The payment for the substation building shall be paid separately as per the item in part-D.
Part V:Detailedscope of work and power distribution system and the scheme for the sub station:-
1. Power Distribution shall generally be as per schematic the contractor will provide power distribution
for complete building by preparing SLD starting from substation to power point/switch board.
2. one source of electric connection will be taken from supply company . The scope of EPC contractor will be
from the meter rooms installed inside the boundary near gates as per practice/ requirement of supply
3. VCB panel having one number incomer, and two number outgoings will be installed in sub-station area.
4. One number indoor type dry transformers with OLTC of equal ratings i.e. one working one stand by will
be installed in separate transformer rooms.
5. HT Panel and transformers will be connected using cable of 11 KV rating.
6. Transformer and LT panel will be connected with the help of sandwitch type bus duct.
7. The main LT panel will have two incomers from transformers and one incomers from synchronization
panel of DG set.
8. All incomers ACB will be of four pole.
9. The main LT panel will have three bus bar sections and the section will be connected with bus coupler of
four pole ACB of suitable rating.
10. The minimum rating of outgoing feeder in the main LT panel will be250 ampere three pole MCCB.
11. The sections of LT panel shall have load balancing and have 20-25 % spare outgoing feeder than the
require number of outgoings feeders. The spare feeder shall be of similar rating.
12. The following panels shall be provided with two or more incomers from different transformers and bus
coupler shall be provided in between the bus sections scope of work (here provision of 1 no. transformer
is taken but all panel has to be provided by assuming two no. transformers)
a) Main LT Panel
b) Main Emergency Panel
c) Fire Fighting Panel
d) Main Lift Panels
e) Main Water Supply Panel
13. All the all panels having incomer suitable Amp and above shall be Totally Type Tested Assemblies
designed based except APFC panel which maybe PTTA or TTA. All panels having incomer less than 630
Amp will be Partially Type Tested Assemblies.
14. The main LT Panel will directly feed all rising mains, Lift panel of each lift block, fire fighting pump panel,
VRF panel, external lighting and façade lighting feeder pillar, pump house panel or any major load
exceeding 80 KW. Compliance of fire norms has to be ensured.
15. The minimum size of rising mains have been given in internal EI sub head. Theactual load calculation for
rising main shall be done considering diversity given onlight and power outlets in preceding paras.
16. As substation is to be installed in basement so all panels and other equipment shall have arrangement of
entry of cable/busduct from the top.
17. One no. APFC panel of 125 kvar (only indicative actual rating is to be calculated to maintain 0.99 power
factor)with 7% copper dtunted for harmonic filter have to be provided and having tripping arrangement
in case of DG supply in the main panel.
18. The cable sizing shall be done on the basis of connected load and voltage drop defined in CPWD’s
19. All feeders up to 400 Amp will be with UG Cables of appropriate size . All feeders above 400 Amp will be
with Bus duct from the source to the load end.
20. All feeders from 32 Amp upto 400 Amp shall be with MCCB. All fedders of 630Amp and above shall be
with ACB.
21. The bus bar size of all panels will be one capacity higher than that of incomer capacity.
22. Transformer losses shall be minimum in accordance with energy efficiency level 3 of IS 1180.
23. Power factor shall be maintained automatically near to unity with APFC panel.
24. All cables shall be de-rated to reduce losses. This will avoid heating of cables & improve reliability.
26. Copper Fire Survival cable will be provided for the following load in case bus duct is not provided:
a) Fire Pumps
b) Entire Ventilation, Smoke Extraction
c) All lifts
d) Fire Alarm & Public Address System
Note:in scope of work provision of only 250 KVA (tentative capacity ) has been taken but design of VCB
panel should be done by considering two number transformers)
Max. Normal
S. Area ed Dive
DESCRIPTION Factor Assumed Demand Load
No. (Sqmt) Lo rsity
(kW) (kW)
1 Lighting 6029.88 15 W/Sqmt 80% 72.34 72.34
Elevators (1
3 2 12 KW/Elev 24 80% 19.2 19.2
VRF Load
Split Ac 1. 12
4 108 KW/TR 80% 103.68 103.68
2 9.6
Fire Fighting
Down comer 5.
5 2 KW/Pump 11 11.0 11.0
Pump 5
Water Supply &
7 2 7.4 80% 5.92 5.92
WTP 3.7 KW/Pump
External 10.
8 80% 8.0 8.0
Lighting 0
TOTAL LOAD 2.4 220.14 220.14
Overall Diversity 80% KW
KVA Demand (Power Factor 0.95/0.8 )
Futher Load 10% 31.36
Total 250
Minimum Capacity of Proposed
(1x 250 KVA) KVA 250
Transformer with standby
NOTE:Nothing in the above load details provided shall be construed to relieve the successful
tenderer of his responsibility for the planning, design, engineering, supply, installation, testing,
getting CEA approval and commissioning of the all the substation equipments/items with all
accessories in accordance with currently applicable specifications, NBC-2016 and client
1. The agency must study various CPWD specifications; get themselves acquainted with site and
site conditions, provision for substation equipments for various building as per specifications
and standards/NBC-2016 carefully.
1.1 The work shall be generally carried out in accordance with tender/bid specifications and the
following specifications / rules.
a) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical work Part I Internal – 2013, as amended up to
b) CPWD General Specifications for Electrical work Part II External - 1994, as amended up to
c) Part-IV CPWD General Specifications for Substations – 2013, as amended up to date.
d) Additional Technical specifications and list of acceptable makes attached for each of the
sub-head of work.
e) The Indian Electricity Act, 2003, as amended up to date.
f) Indian Electricity Rules 2005, as amended up to date.
g) Relevant BIS standards as modified up to date.
Should there be any difference or discrepancy between the description of items as given in the
Schedule of Quantities, technical specifications for individual items of work (including
additional and commercial conditions) and IS Codes etc., the following order of preference
shall be followed:
a) Schedule of quantities
b) Commercial and Additional conditions for this work
c) General Conditions of Contract for CPWD Works
d) Drawings
e) CPWD General Specifications
f) Relevant IS or any other International code in case IS code is not available.
These commercial and Additional conditions are to be read in conjunction with above and in
case of variations, specifications given in these additional conditions shall apply. However,
nothing extra shall be paid on account of these additional specifications and conditions, as the
same are to be read along with schedule of quantities for the work.
1.3 This specification covers manufacture, testing as may be necessary before dispatch, delivery at
site, all preparatory work, assembly and installation, commissioning putting into operation of
equipment of all E&M components of the tender
1.4 The tenderer should in his own interest visit the site and get familiarize with the site conditions
before tendering.
1.5 No T&P shall be issued by the Department and nothing extra shall be paid on account of this.
1.6 All the equipment’s shall be delivered with (i) Manufacturer´s test certificate, (ii)
Manufacturer´s technical catalogues and Installation / Instruction (O&M) manuals.
1.7 Foundation of all equipment’s as per recommendations of OEM, Anti vibration isolators etc as
required shall be provided without any additional cost.
1.8 Making good all damages caused to the structure during installation and restoring the same to
their original finish.
1.9 Minor building works necessary for installation of equipment, foundation, trench /tray for
cables, making of opening in walls or in floors and restoring them to their original
condition/finish and necessary grouting etc. as required.
1.10 All electrical works and neutral earthing, body earthing, control and instrument wiring,
1.11 Scaffoldings & any other T & P required for execution, testing and commissioning of work shall
be arranged by the contractor and is included in the cost of work tendered by the contractor.
All routine tests shall be conducted before dispatch of equipment. No equipment shall be
dispatched out from the manufactures premises before such tests are conducted and test
result recorded. These test certificates shall be given along the supply of equipment. The
Engineer In-charge or his representative shall inspect and witness the pre-delivery tests. For
this purpose, the agency shall give 15 days advance notice. Agency shall arrange for inspection
of the department. Department shall bear expenses of its officials for inspection as far as
traveling, boarding and / lodging is concerned. However, the inspection shall be done at the
discretion of the department without any cost implication but ROUTINE TEST & TYPE TEST
Certificates shall have to be submitted for equipment.
Prior to dispatch, all equipment shall be adequately protected & insured for the whole period
of transit, storage and erection against corrosion and incidental damages etc. from the effect
of vermin, sunlight, rain, heat and humid climate.
It is the responsibility of the tenderer to get the makes, models approved before placing the
purchase order.
The successful tenderer would be required to submit the following drawings after award of
work for approval before commencement of installation.
4. Insurance:
The agency shall include storage cum erection insurance including third party insurance right
from the storage to commissioning and handing over of various equipment. In insurance, the
beneficiary shall be Engineer -In-charge at the cost of the agency. All insurance which the
agency is required to enter into, under the contract shall be affected any authorized general
insurance company and the agency shall produce the policies of insurance. In case of any delay
in Installation, Testing, Commissioning & handing over, the insurance cover will be suitably
extended by the contractor at his own cost.
If the agency fails to effect and keep in force the insurance referred to in the preceding sub-
clause the department may affect and keep in force any such insurance and pay such premium
as may be necessary for that purpose and from time to time deduct the amount, so paid by the
department, from any money due or which may become due to bids or recover the same as
debit from the agency’s bill.
All parts of the equipment shall be of such design, size and material so as to function
satisfactorily under all rated conditions of operation. All components of the equipment shall
have adequate factor of safety. The work of fabrication and assembly shall conform to sound
engineering practice and on the basis of “Fail Safe Design”. The mechanical parts subject to
wear and tear shall be easily replaceable type. All connections and contacts shall be designed
to minimize risk of accidental short circuits caused by animals, birds and vermin etc. All
identical items and their component parts should be completely, interchangeable including
spare parts.
7. Inspection and testing at site:
(1) The installation shall be subject to necessary inspection during every stage of erection,
by the Engineer In-charge or his authorized representative. The successful bidder shall
provide all facilities and assistance for the purpose.
(2) The completed installation shall be inspected and tested by the Engineer-in charge in
8. Completeness of work:
(1) The installations shall be completed in all respects and put in to operation even
where certain details have not been mentioned / left out in these specifications. Any
discrepancy may be brought to the notice of Engineer-in-charge.
(2) All E&M works shall be declared as completed after completion of trial run of 1
month or completion of whole work whichever is later. DLP / Warranty period of all
works / machine / equipment shall commence from date of completion of complete
work and handing over to client.
(3) The agency shall extend his full cooperation by providing technical staff in
handing over of all E&M installations/equipments to the client which requires
successful and satisfying operation of all E&M installations/equipments. The date of
inspection shall be decided by client after completion of whole work under this
agreement, which shall be within fortnight from date of completion of whole work.
The CPWD specifications are available at CPWD website “” under publications part
which can be seen and downloaded free of cost. The department shall not be responsible for the lack
of knowledge and also the consequences thereof to the Contractor. The information and data
mentioned in the tender document have been furnished in good faith and for general information and
guidance only. The Engineer-in-Charge in no case shall be held responsible for the accuracy thereof
and / or interpretations or conclusions drawn there from by the Contractor and all consequences shall
be borne by the Contractor and no claim, whatsoever, shall be entertained from the Contractor, if the
data or information furnished in tender document is different from data/drawing. It is presumed that
the Contractor has satisfied himself for all possible contingencies, situations, bottlenecks and acts of
coordination, which may be required between different agencies.
For any clarification of E&M items the relevant CPWD E&M DSR-2018 and amended up to date may be
referred. However, if any related accessories/ spare part is required to make it functional that should
be treated as included for which nothing extra shall be paid.
All incidental charges of any kind including cartage, storage, wastage and safe custody of material etc.
shall be borne by the Contractor.
specified by the Indian Standards related to the works covered by this specification. In particular, the
equipment and installation will comply with the following:
i. Factories Act.
ii. Indian Electricity Rules.
iii. Workmen’s compensation Act.
iv. B.I.S. & other standards as applicable.
v. Statutory norms prescribed by local bodies like CEA, A.P. Power Supply Co., CPCB as amended
up to date etc.
Nothing in this specification shall be construed to relieve the successful tenderer of his responsibility
for the design, manufacture and installation of the equipment with all accessories in accordance with
currently applicable statutory regulations and safety codes.
Successful tenderer shall arrange for compliance with statutory provisions of safety regulations and
departmental requirements of safety codes in respect of labour employed on the work by the
tenderer. Failure to provide such safety requirement would make the tenderer liable for fine of Rs
5000/- (Rs Five Thousand only) for each default. In addition, the department will be at liberty to make
arrangement for the safety requirements at the cost of tenderer and recover the cost thereof from
13. RATES:
No foreign exchange shall be made available by the Department for importing (purchase) of
equipment, plants, machinery, materials of any kind or any other items required to be carried out
during execution of the work. No delay and no claim of any kind shall be entertained from the
Contractor, on account of variation in the foreign exchange rate. The rates quoted by the tenderer,
shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes including works contract tax, GST, entry tax, duties and levies
and all charges for packing, forwarding, insurance, freight, delivery, installation, testing and
commissioning etc., at site including temporary constructional storage, risks, overhead charges,
general liabilities/obligations and clearance from local authorities. The fee for the inspection of
installation by government authorities shall be reimbursed by the department on production of
receipts. The contractor has to, however, initially make the payment. Income tax, GST, labour cess
&other statutory deductions etc. shall be made at source as per the prevalent laws. The deductions of
Security Deposit, Income-Tax, GST, LWC etc. shall be done after calculation of the due payments and
net payment shall be reduced accordingly.
The successful tenderer shall at all times indemnify the department, consequent on this works
contract. The successful tenderer shall be liable, in accordance with the Indian law and regulations for
any accident occurring due to any cause and the contractor shall be responsible for any accident or
damage incurred or claims arising there from during the period of erection, construction and putting
into operation the equipment and ancillary equipment under the supervision of the successful
tenderer in so far as the latter is responsible. The successful tenderer shall also provide all insurance
including third party insurance as may be necessary to cover the risk. No extra payment would be
made to the successful tenderer on account of the above.
The scope of works includes the on job technical training of two persons of department at site.
Nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
(2) As per the QA plan, it is needed to send any samples of materials for testing in a accredited
laboratory, the Contractor at his own expense shall supply all materials, labour for preparing and
testing samples as required by the Engineer- in-Charge. The testing shall be carried out in the
presence of the representative of the Engineer- in- Charge. The transportation and testing charges
shall also be borne by the contractor.
(3) The technical data sheet and manufacturing drawing of all equipment and materials as per
contract specifications shall be prepared by the respective manufacturer’s and will be submitted by
contractor duly signed before placing the order or manufacturing the material. The engineer-in-charge
shall approve as per contract conditions.
21. No foreign exchange shall be made available by the department for importing (purchase) of
equipment, plants, machinery, materials of any kind. No delay and no claim of any kind shall be
entertained from the Contractor on account of variation in the foreign exchange rate and/or any
Custom duties / charges or any other levies.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall not be precluded or stopped from taking any measurements, and
framing of estimates or detaining any certificates made either before or after the completion and
acceptance of the work and payment, from showing the true amount and character of the works
performed and materials Furnished by the Contractor and from showing that any such measurements,
estimates or certificates untrue or incorrectly made and that Engineer-in- charge shall not be
precluded or stopped from recovering from the Contractor such damages as it may be sustained by
reasons of his failure to comply the terms and conditions of the contract.
23. The tenderers shall take into account the element of wastage(s) those are likely to be there in all
elements of the work and quote his price, taking that into account. The tenderers shall study all the
items from the point of view of wastage(s), which are likely to take place.
24. Power supply and water required for construction; testing & commissioning shall have to be arranged
by the bidder at his own costs.
25. The description of E&M services and specifications are given in general but they are not exhaustive i.e.
does not mention all the incidental works required to be carried out for complete execution of the
item of work. The work shall be carried out, all in accordance with true intent and meaning of the
specifications and the drawings taken together, regardless of whether the same may or may not be
particularly shown on the drawings and/ or described in the specifications, provided that the same can
be reasonably inferred there from. If any services/work required to make the building / scheme
habitable & functional, including the statutory compliance, is not specifically mentioned in the scope
of services, the same is deemed to be included within the scope of this tender and nothing extra shall
be paid on this account. There may be several incidental works, which are not mentioned in the
contract document/specifications but will be necessary to complete the item in all respects. All these
incidental works/ costs which are not mentioned, but are necessary to complete the work shall be
deemed to have been included in the overall amount quoted by the contractor for various
26. All the required work to be carried out has been shown in the tender drawings. Even if it is not
mentioned but otherwise required as per the tender document conditions and scope of work, the
agency has to carry out without any extra cost to make the building /scheme functional and habitable.
Similarly, if the work is not mentioned on the drawing but covered in the tender
specifications/conditions, the agency has to carry out without any extra cost to make the building
/scheme functional and habitable.
27. SUPERVISION OF WORK: The Contractor shall depute Site Engineers & skilled/qualified workers as
required for the work as per the tender document. He shall submit organization chart along with
details of Engineers and supervisory staff. The Contractor shall also furnish list of persons for
specialized works to be executed for various items of work. The Contractor shall identify and deploy
key persons having qualifications and experience in the similar and other major works, as per the field
of their expertise. If during the course of execution of work, the Engineer-in- Charge is of the opinion
that the deployed staff is not sufficient or not well experienced; the Contractor shall deploy more staff
or better-experienced staff at site to complete the work quality and in stipulated time limit.
The staff for a particular E&M works shall be engaged in such a manner that they should remain
engaged right from the beginning till completion of work.
28. LIST OF PREFERRED MAKES is attached in this tender document or at the end of the section.
i. The material to be supplied against the contract shall not be more than 6 months old from
date of receipt at site.
ii. To procure the genuine material from suppliers/ authorized dealer etc., shall be the
responsibility of contractor who shall preserve copies of invoice/ excise gate pass/ proof of
dispatch and the same shall be made available to Engineer-in-charge for examination/
scrutiny/ verification as deemed fit by him. As per guideline only routine test as prescribed in
IS/ CPWD specifications shall be carried at manufacture works/ third party labs. All items to be
used and workmanship shall be thoroughly checked physically and for their performance as
per agreement. All items to be used and workmanship shall be thoroughly checked physically
and for their performance as per agreement. The agency has to submit all warranty/guarantee
cards of all the E&M equipments and fittings/fans.
29. The scope of work, specifications etc., given are for guidance. Execution shall be carried out as per
functional requirement and design/ drawings provided and approved by engineer-in- charge
i. All routine tests shall be conducted before dispatch of equipment. No equipment shall be
dispatched from the manufacture’s premises without such tests being conducted and test
result recorded. These test certificates shall be given along with the supply of equipment. The
Engineer In-charge shall inspect and witness the pre-delivery tests. For this purpose, the
contractor shall give 15 days’ advance notice. Agency shall arrange for inspection by the
department. Department shall bear expenses for inspection as far as traveling, boarding and /
lodging is concerned. However, waiver if any, for inspection shall be at the discretion of the
department without any cost implication but ROUTINE TEST & TYPE TEST Certificates shall have
to be submitted for equipment. Prior to dispatch, all equipment shall be adequately protected
& insured for the whole period of transit, storage and erection against corrosion and incidental
damages etc. from the effect of vermin sunlight, rain, heat and humid climate.
The installation shall be subject to necessary inspection during every stage of erection, by the
Engineer In-charge or his authorized representative. The successful tenderer shall provide all
facilities and assistance for the purpose.
The completed installation shall be inspected and tested by the Engineer-in-Charge in the
manner as will be laid down by him, in consultation with the contractor.
All instruments and facilities necessary for the tests shall be provided by the contractor.
All parts of the equipment shall be of such design, size and material so as to function
satisfactorily under all rated conditions of operation. All components of the equipment shall
have adequate factor of safety. The work of fabrication and assembly shall conform to sound
engineering practice and on the basis of “Fail Safe Design”. The mechanical parts subject to
wear and tear shall be easily replaceable type. The construction of the equipment shall be such
as to facilitate easy operation, inspection, maintenance and repairs. All connections and
contacts shall be designed to minimize risk of accidental short circuits caused by animals, birds
and vermin etc. All identical items and their component parts should be completely,
interchangeable including spare parts.
iv. Completion Plan
Contractor shall periodically submit completion drawings for all the E&M services as and when
work in all respects is completed in a particular area. These drawings shall be submitted in the
form of four sets of CD’s / Pen Drive and four in hard copy each containing complete set of
drawings on approved scale indicating the work as - installed. These drawings shall clearly
indicate following:
a. Location and details of equipment and other particulars.
b. Complete wiring diagram, as installed and scheduled showing all connections in the
All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of 36 months from the date of completion of entire
project and taking over of the installation by the client department i.e., “HCU ”. This guarantee is
required against un-satisfactory performance and/or breakdown due to defective design, material,
manufacture, workmanship or installation. The equipment or component or any part thereof so found
defective during the guarantee period shall be repaired or replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of
the Engineer in-charge. In case it is felt by the department that undue delay is being caused by the
contractor in doing this, the same will be got done by the department at the risk and cost of the
contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the
On successful completion of work, the agency is to handover all the OEM guarantee or warranty
cards, along with copies cash Memo or vouchers etc to CPWD to avail the OEM services during the
guarantee or warranty period.
the inserts, fixtures, reinforcement and formwork are not displaced or disturbed during the vibration of
the concrete. Vibration is commonly used method of compaction of concrete, the use of mechanical
vibrators complying with IS 2505, IS 2506, IS 2514 and IS 4656 for compacting concrete is
For all practical purposes, the vibration can be considered to be sufficient when the air bubbles cease
to appear and sufficient mortar appears to close the surface and facilitate easy finishing operations.
The period of vibration required for a mix depends upon the workability of the mix.
The work shall be carried out as per CPWD General Specifications for ElectricalWorks (Part-IV- SUB
STATION) 2013 as amended up to date and CPWD GeneralSpecifications for Electrical Works Part-I & II, as
amended upto date and CPWDGeneral Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-VII- DG SET WORK 2013) as
amended upto date, relevant IE rules, and as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
All the materials used in the work as far as applicable shall comply to the relevantIndian Standard
Specifications with all upto date amendments. The contractor shallproduce test certificates for their
conforming to relevant I.S. specifications. Thematerials having I.S.I. mark shall have precedence over the
ones conforming to I.S.specifications.
The transformer shall comply with the following Indian standards as amendeduptodate:
IS 11171 - 1985 – Dry type power transformers.
IS 10028 (Part II & Part III) - Installation and maintenance of Transformers.
IS 2099 – Bushing
IS 2705 – Current Transformers
The Transformer shall be indoor type as specified, thetransformer in addition shall have thermal and
dynamic ability to with stand externalshort circuit as per clause 9 of IS 2026 (Part I) 1977.
Low voltage side of transformer shall be suitable for Copper flexible, sandwich type bustrunking terminals.
HV side shall be provided with cable end box suitable for Pushon type/Heat shrinkable joint for
3x300sqmm, 11K.V. XLPE (earthed) cable.It shall be equipped with winding temperature indicators and
contactor actuated bymeans of temperature transducer either resistance type or Thermistor type
embeddedin each leg of LV windings. Contacts shall also be provided to operate alarm &tripcircuits in case
of high temperature. Suitable cabling for the facility of alarm at thefirst set point and tripping H.T. breaker
at the second set point between the HT panelsand transformers shall be provided by the contractor with in
the tendered rates oftransformers. The control shall be PVC insulated and PVC sheathed
armouredhavingcopper conductor of size not less than 2.5
All routine and other tests prescribed by IS: 11171-1985 and IS: 2026-1977 shall becarried out at the
manufacturer’s works before dispatch and a copy of the same shallbe furnished to the engineer-in-charge.
(a) The transformer shall be suitably designed so that total maximum allowable losses
shall be as per ECBC.
Transformer shall be provided with a sheet steel enclosure with adequate provision for ventilation. The
degree of protection of enclosure shall be IP 33.
Door limit switch for safety tripping, door limit switch to trip the HT breaker incase doors of
transformer enclosure are opened.
The low voltage side of the transformer shall be suitable to connect bus ducting of 2500 Amp. from the
top of the Transformer.
H.T. sides of the transformers shall have cable end boxes to receive 11 KV cable of size 3 x 300
XLPE Al Cable.
Necessary hardware, clamps, lugs etc. for termination on HV/MV etc. for all transformers.
Rating Plates
A rating plate of weather-proof material bearing the data specified in clause-8 of IS 11171:1985.
All gaskets used for making gas tight joints shall be of proven material.
Parallel Operation
For parallel operation of transformers, the transformers shall have the samepercentage impedance, same
voltage ratio, same vector group, phase sequence etc.
Wherever more than one transformer is to be installed in the same Sub-Stationcapacity of each
Transformer shall preferably be same.
a) The transformer shall be installed in accordance with IS 10028 (Part II & III) code of
b) practice for installation and maintenance of transformer. Necessary support channels
c) shall be grouted in the flooring.
d) The transformer shall be moved to its location and shall be correctly positioned.
e) Transformer wheels shall be either locked or provided with wheel stoppers.
f) Wiring of devices shall be carried out as per drawings; Earthing of neutral and body
g) of the transformer shall be done in accordance with section (7) of these
h) specifications.
i) All devices shall be checked for satisfactory operation.
j) 440
k) All tests specified in 3.2.14 of these specifications shall be carried out by the
l) contractor in the presence of inspecting officer/consignee free of cost.
The routine, special and type test certificate of the transformer shall be furnished forapproval before the
delivery of the equipment from the factory.
As regards the type tests in case these have been done earlier by OEM for similardesign/type, same if
produce shall be acceptable. In case, same is not done earlier,these will have to be done for one of the
transformer of the present lot.
During manufacture and on completion, the transformer shall be subjected but notlimited to the following
Routine Tests as laid down in the latest revision of the IS11171 IEC - 726
Tests at Works
All routine and other tests prescribed in IS 11171: 1985 shall be carried out at themanufacturer’s works
before the dispatch of the transformer in the presence ofinspecting officer. Copies of the test certificates
shall be furnished to the department.In addition to the prescribed routine tests, temperature rise test shall
be invariablydone on one transformer of each design. A copy of the impulse test certificate doneon the
same type/ design of the transformer shall be furnished in accordance with IS11171:1985 for purpose of
record. If no impulse test was done in an earlier unit ofthe same design and type, one transformer will be
subjected to impulse test inconsultationwiththe Inspector at the firm’s cost. Copies of the impulse test
forshort circuit shall be supplied to the Department.
The type test certificates for the following type tests carried out on similar capacityrating shall be
submitted along with the routine test certificates.
Test at site
In addition to tests at manufacturer’s premises, all relevant pre-commissioning checksand tests conforming
to IS code of practice No. 10028 (part-II & III) shall be donebefore energization.
The following tests are to be particularly done before cable jointing or connectingthebus bar trunking.
After installation at site, the transformer shall be subjected to the following field testbefore commissioning,
besides any tests as per CPWD specification.
a) Ratio tests
b) Polarity test
c) Tap change operation test.
d) Insulation test.
Power transformers of the proper ratings and design must be selected to satisfy theminimum
acceptable efficiency at 50% and full load rating.
Total losses for dry type distribution transformers should conform as per GeneralSpecifications for
Electrical Works Part-IV, Sub-Station 2013.
Planning Designing ,Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of indoor type floor
mounted metal clad, 11KV, VCB panel with 1Nos. VCBs (1Nos. Incomer & 2 Nos. Outgoing)
totally enclosed & fully interlocked, horizontal drawout, horizontal/vertical isolation type
breaker as per IS: 13118/ IEC 62271-200, as amended up to date and additional
specifications, having capacities mentioned below, single break, trip free mechanism,
manually charged and auto/manually closing breaker, suitable for use on 11KV, 3 Phase, 50
Hz A.C. supply withshort circuit fault level of 500 MVA for 3 sec and certified for internal arc
of 25KA for 1 sec, complete with self contained, fully interlocked, rack in and rack out
mechanism, air insulated but encapsulated copper bus bars of 800 Amps capacity, breaker
featured with mechanical ON/OFF indicator with hand trip device, spring release coil, shunt
trip coil and auxiliary switch of 4 NO + 4NC and equipped with following switchgears and
accessories i/c connections suitable for 3 core x 300 ), XLPE 11 KV cable
(cable entry from top/ bottom) end termination with heat shrinkable jointing material etc. as
required. (Note: Cost of end termination not included in this item). The HT panel shall be
compatible for SCADA/ BMS applications and shall be complete with compatible hardwares
and shall be errected on suitable foundation with 1:3:6 cement concrete (1Cement; 3 sand: 6
graded stone of 20 mm size ) construction of buzel pedestal of 1:4 (1cement :4 sand) cement
plastering above ground etc as required. etc as required.the panel should have following
Incoming –2 no. 630 Amp. VCB with interlocking with the following accessories on each panel-
a) 11 KV /110 Volts P.T. class 0.5 accuracy and 100 VA burden and protection MCB for HT
metering up to 12KV on incomer- 1No.
b) One set of Digital multi function meter with RS-485 modbus, and of accuracy class-1.0 -
c) Microprocessor based numerical relay with O/L, E/F and S/C protection with
communication facility and Modbus Protocol- 1No
d) Dual core, dual ratio 3 CT300/150/5/5A, 15VA burden and accuracy Class - 0.5 for
metering and class 5P10 for protection- 1 Set.
e) One set of digital Tri vector meter, accuracy class-0.5, with RS 485 modbus
communication ports.
f) Power pack with 220 Volt AC input & 24Volt DC continuous output suitable for closing/
tripping/ indication of 5 Nos. of HT panel boards with 2Nos.12 Volts each maintenance free
batteries 100AH ( suitable) each , charging unit, capacitor bank for emergency delivering for
trip system complete with suitable capacity of Ammeter & Voltmeter i/c connections with
2.5 FRLS insulated copper conductor cable etc. as required- 1 Set.
2 Sets- 630A VCB each comprising with the following accessories on each panel
a) One set of Digital multi function meter with RS-485 modbus, and of accuracy class-1.0 -
b) Microprocessor based numerical relays with O/L, E/F & S/C protections with
communication facility and Modbus Protocol - 1Nos.
c)Dual core, dual ratio 3 CTs 150/75/5/5A, 15VA burden and accuracy Class - 0.5 for metering
and class 5P10 for protection- 1 Set.
g) Trip circuit supervision relay
h) Master trip relay
i) Indications for CB close/ CB open/ CB trip/ Spring charge/ trip circuit
j) Local remote switch
k) 8 window annunciation facia.
l)transformer protection relay
m) Hooter for fault detection.
NOTE: The above requirement and rating of accessories is for indicative only not exhaustive, the contractor
should plan, design and submit the requirement along with layout drawings for approva and execution.
These specifications cover the detailed requirements for supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of High Voltage 11 KV Panels.
2.1 The panel shall be indoor type, having the incoming sectionalisation and outgoing switch gears as per IS 13118-
1991 of VCB, IEC 62271-100 for Breakers and - 200 for Panels / IS 3427 of switch board. The degree of
enclosure protection shall be IP-4X for indoor panel and IP-67 for SF6 gas filled stainless steel tank and IP54 for
outer enclosure of outdoor type panel.
Updated and current Indian Standard Specifications and Codes of Practice will apply to the equipment
and the work covered by the scope of this contract. In addition the relevant clauses of the Indian Electricity Act
2003, Indian Electricity Rules 1956, National Building Code 2005, National Electric Code 1985, Code of Practice
for Fire Safety of Building (general): General Principal and Fire Grading - IS 1641 - 1988 as amended up to date
shall also apply. Wherever appropriate Indian Standards are not available, relevant British and/or IEC Standards
shall be applicable. The outdoor VCB panel shall be having slanting roof, double door design and shall be
mounted on suitable plinth (600mm depth and 300mm above ground level).
2.2 Rating: All panels assembled to form a board shall be suitable for the nominal operation voltage and rupturing
capacity as specified. They should be rated as specified with a minimum of 630 Amps. And suitable for operation
on 11 KV, 3 phase 50 Hz system. Type test certificate for the breaking capacity of the panel shall be supplied. A
circuit breaker for a given duty in service is best selected by considering the individual rated values required by
load conditions and fault condition.
2.3 Type: The HV panel Board shall be metal clad, indoor, floor mounting, free standing type. It shall be totally
enclosed dust, damp and vermin proof.
2.4 General Construction: Separately earthed compartments shall be provided for circuit breakers, bus bars, relay &
instruments, CT & PT and cable boxes, fully and effectively segregating these from one another so that fault in
anyone compartment do not cause damage to equipment(s) in other compartment(s).
The housing shall be of bolted construction to ensure compact and rigid structure, presenting a neat and
pleasing appearance. The sheet steel used should not be less than 2mm. thick.
The panels shall be bolted together to form a continuous flush front switch gear suitable for front operation of
board and for extension at both ends.
2.5 General Design Aspects: The HV panel board shall be designed such that the switchgear, instruments, relays,
bus bars, small wiring etc. are arranged and mounted with due consideration for the followings:
i) Facility for inspection, maintenance and repairs of testing terminals and terminal boards for ease of external
-- Secured and vibration proof connections for power and control circuits.
iii) Risk of accidental contact and danger to personnel due to live connections.
3.1 General Arrangements: The circuit breaker panels shall be complete with the following:
e) Minimum of 4 NO and 4 NC Auxiliary contacts directly operated by the circuit breaker. Additional NO & NC
contacts can be provided with auxiliary contactors.
f) Anti condensation space heaters suitable for operation on 240V, 1 Ph 50 Hz A.C. for each panel wherever
h) Mechanical counter to assess the total number of operations of the breaker (if asked for specifically).
3.2 Type: The circuit breaker shall be of horizontal isolation, horizontal draw out pattern.
3.3 Breaker Truck: The breaker carriage shall be fabricated from steel, providing a sturdy vehicle for the circuit
breaker and its operating and tripping mechanism. The carriage shall be mounted on wheels, moving on guides,
designed to align correctly and allow easy movement of the circuit breaker and for removing the carriage for
inspection and maintenance purposes.
Vacuum interrupters shall be hermetically sealed and shall be designed for minimum contact erosion, fast
recovery of di-electric strength, maintenance
free vacuum interrupter, suitable for auto-reclosing. The drive mechanism shall preferably be provided with
facility for pad locking at any position namely, "Service", "Test" and "Fully Isolated". It should be possible for
testing the circuit breaker for its operation without energizing the power circuit in the "Testing" position.
The contacts shall be made only after the breaker is inserted into service position. Interlocking should prevent
contacts from being disconnected if circuit breaker is tried to be moved from service position.
3.4 General Features: Single break contacts are provided in sealed vacuum interrupter.
3.5 Rating: The circuit breakers shall be continuously rated as specified with a minimum rated current of 630 Amps with
voltage rating and breaking capacity as specified.
3.6 Operating Mechanism: The operating mechanism shall be one of the following as specified:
a) Manually operated spring charged / motor wound spring charged with both mechanical and electrical release
for closing. The operating mechanism shall be trip free.
b) External auxiliary supply shall be made available for charging motors & heaters operation.
General Requirement: The switch board shall be single bus bar pattern with air insulated encapsulated bus bars
housed in a separate compartment, segregated from other compartments.
Material: The bus bars shall be of high conductivity electrolytic copper rated as specified. The bus bars shall be
sized for carrying the rated and short circuit current without over-heating. Maximum bus bar temperature shall
not exceed 95 degree C.
5.1 General Requirements: Accommodation shall be provided in the circuit breaker panel to mount one set of three
numbers dual core dual ratio CTs for metering and protection purposes. Access to the CTs for cleaning, testing or
changing shall be from the front, back or top of the panel.
5.2 Rating: Dual core & dual ratio CTs of suitable burden (but not less than 15 VA) shall be preferred:
The CTs shall conform to relevant Indian Standards. The design and construction shall be robust to withstand
thermal and dynamic stresses during short circuits. Secondary terminals of CTs shall be brought out suitably to a
terminal block which will be easily accessible for testing and terminal connections. The protection CTs shall be of
accuracy class 5 P 10 of IS 2705Part III-1992.
The metering CTs shall conform to the metering ratio and accuracy class 0.5 of IS 2705-1992 for incomer and
class 1 for outgoing Panels.
General Requirements: A voltage transformer of burden not less than 100 VA and of proper ratio as specified
shall be provided at the incoming panel. The accuracy class for the VT shall be class 0.5 as per IS 3156 parts I to
III for incomer and class 1 for outgoing Panels.
The transformer shall be of cast epoxy resin construction. It shall be fixed / withdrawable type. HRC fuses /
MCBs shall be provided on both HV and LV sides.
7.1 Protection: The Relays shall be microprocessor based numerical relays with O/L , E/F and S/C protection Tripping
relay shall be used for tripping signal to the Shunt Trip Coil of Circuit Breaker operating on 24V/30V DC supply /
Power pack / 110 V VT supply.
Note: - 24V / 30V DC shall be provided through 2 Nos. SMF batteries of 12/15 volts of minimum 26 AH capacity
with a battery charger as per recommendation of the manufacturer both for protection as well as indications.
Alternatively Power Pack converters fed through PT / 230V externally could be provided with 2 Nos., 12/15 volt,
7 AH SMF batteries (Power pack with condenser / capacitor backup are also available which do not need
batteries, these should not be used) for tripping. In cases where tripping is fed through PT, VA burden of PT shall
be suitably increased (say 200 VA) as recommended by the manufacturer depending upon the number of panels
and connected controls. In addition external 24 volt / 30 volt DC supply shall be provided for indications etc.
through 2 Nos. SMF batteries of 12/15 volts of minimum 26 AH capacity with a battery charger as per
recommendation of the manufacturer.
7.2 Relays: Over current Relays shall have adjustable setting for current from 50% to 200% and earth fault from 10%
to 40% or 20% to 80%. These should be of manual reset type. All relays shall have a LED indicator which will
indicate operation for each function. It shall be possible to reset it only by manual operation. The number and
types of relays shall be as specified.
The small wiring shall be carried out with minimum 1.5sq. mm FRLS / HFFR insulated copper conductor cables.
CT wiring shall be done with minimum 2.5 sq mm wires with colour code: R Y B, Gray for auxiliary DC circuits and
Black for auxiliary AC circuits. The wiring shall be securely fixed and neatly arranged to enable easy tracing of
wires. Identification tags shall be fitted to all wire terminals to render identification easy and to facilitate
checking in accordance with IS 375. Necessary terminal blocks and cable entries shall be provided for RTD relay
wiring, power supply etc.
9.1 Metering: Energy metering shall be done either on the incomers or on the feeders as specified in schedule of work.
9.2 Voltage Selection Scheme: Where a bus coupler is incorporated and only one incomer feeder (out of two available)
is intended to be operated at a time, a VT Transfer Relay shall be incorporated to provide necessary potential for
metering. This will be necessary when energy metering is done on individual feeders or where VT supply is used
for trip circuits. Alternatively PTs shall be provided on both the bus sections (incomers) with individual metering
on each incomer.
9.3 Instrument Panels: The instrument panel shall form part of the housing. Relays, meters and instruments shall be
mounted as per general arrangement drawings to be submitted by the tenderer. They shall be preferably of
flush mounting type at a maximum height of 1800 mm.
9.4 Instrumentation:
a) A voltmeter of class 1.5 accuracy as per IS-1248 shall be provided at each incomer panel, with selector switch.
The instrument shall be calibrated for the ranges specified.
b) Energy meters of class 1.0 conforming to IS - 722 (Part IX) and power factor meter of class of accuracy of 2
shall be provided, if specified.
c) Ammeter of specified range of class 1.5 accuracy as per IS-1248 shall be provided at both incomer and
outgoing panels along with necessary selector switches.
d) The panel assembly shall also take care of the following requirements:
i) Lamp indication shall be provided to indicate ON / OFF (BY red / green respectively) of switch gear.
iii) Mechanical indication for spring charged status. If possible an indicating lamp could be provided.
vi) Separate fuses / MCBs. shall be provided for lamps, heaters, voltmeters and other instrumentation etc. on
each panel.
vii) Anti-condensation space heaters shall be provided, and shall be suitable for operation on 240 V, 1 phase, 50
Hz A.C. for each panel if specified.
viii) Where there is more than one incomer and bus sections, these shall be castle key interlocked as per
interlocking scheme as specified.
HT power cables shall be 3 core aluminium conductor XLPE steel tape armouredcable. Cables shall be
ISI marked. This shall be suitable for 11 KV unearthed system.The cable shall be provided with steel
armouring and FRLS PVC inner and outer sheath.The HT cables shall be brought to site on drums which
shall be duly marked withname of the manufacturer and size of the cable.
The contractor shall ensure that for the HT cables brought at site, the test certificatein original issued
by the factory before dispatch of the cable indicating the testscarried out and their results shall be
produced to the Engineer-in-Charge. Withoutsuch certificate the cable shall not be accepted by the
HT cable shall be suitably terminated with the help of heat shrinkable terminationkit at both ends. Unit
rate of cable quoted in Schedule ‘A’ shall be deemed to beexclusive of cost of termination at both
These cables shall have individually screened cores and be manufactured and testedaccording to IS:
7098 (Part II) - 1973 amended up to date & latest. The conductorfor these cables shall be from
electrical purity Aluminum 3/4 H or H Temper. Allconductors shall be compacted circular in shape. The
insulation shall be high qualitycross linked Polythene - obtained by chemical cross linking of polythene
The armoring applied over the common covering shall be of flat steel wires.
Each and every delivery length of the cable shall be subjected to routine tests as perIS:7098 (Part II)
1973 amended up to the date. The operating characteristics of thesecables shall be as under.
EXTERNAL) - 2005 with all up to dateamendments.
EXTERNAL) - 2005 with all up to dateamendments.
Electrical Panel Protection System: This includes Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Novec-1230 or equivalent gas Suppression system in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Scope of Work:
a. Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of clean Agent (Novec 1230 or equivalent)
Fire Suppression system designed to provide a uniform concentration within the electrical
panels in accordance with NFPA 2001 and requirements of the contract documents).
b. Provide all engineering design and materials for a complete agent suppression system
including storage cylinders with steel bracket, extinguishing agent, detection tube, cylinder
valve and associated accessories including but not limit to; adaptors, pressure switch, tube
fittings etc, required for complete operation of system.
c. All necessary safety requirements such as warning signs, discharge alarm shall be part of
d. The necessary nomenclature such as pressurization level, agent volume, gross/net weight of
cylinder shall be clearly marked on cylinder.
e. Prior to supply of material at site. Contractor must submit following documents for approval
of Engineer-in-charge.
a) Drawing in A-4 size, clearly showing the panel, routing of tube inside the panel, location and
fixing arrangement of cylinder & system components.
f. All doors and holes in the enclosed/equipment’s should be closed or sealed to maintain the
tightness of enclosure.
System Description:
a) The detection tube shall be fixed with cylinder valve at top of cylinder. The tube shall be pressurized
with dry nitrogen. In case of reach of pre-determined temperature (100-120oC), the tube shall rupture
gas shall be released from tube over the protected area.
b) The pressure switch shall be provided for necessary indication of discharge of gas.
c) The Extinguishing Agent shall be stored in cylinder as liquefied compressed gas, super pressurized with
dry nitrogen at 15 Bar.
d) The cylinder shall be equipped with brass valve, pressure gauge (to monitor agent pressure) and
isolation valve for maintenance purposes. The cylinder bracket shall be of steel construction with quick
release clamp.
e) The detection tube shall be installed throughout the compartments of panel. The location and spacing
of tube shall be above the hazard, to be protected.
f) In case of fire, the tube shall rupture at a point. The rupture of tube shall result in formation of
discharge point and release the agent in uniform pattern.
g) With system activation, a signal should be generated via Audio Visual Alarm installed at convenient
location as per Engineer-in-Charge.
h) The system must be service for minimum of 5 years.
System Components:
The bidder shall provide an undertaking from Principle Manufacturer of CE marked product they intent
to install, that manufacturer will fully support the bidder for this specific project.
a) Cylinder of steel construction with standard red epoxy paint finish. Cylinders shall be accompanied by
original manufacturers test certificate confirming the contents of the cylinder.
b) The cylinders shall be from reputed Manufacturers only. Cylinders shall be super pressurized with dry
nitrogen to an operating pressure and temperature as per manufacturer recommendations.
c) Each cylinder shall have pressure gauze and low pressure switch to provide visual and electrical
supervision of the cylinder pressure. The low pressure switch shall be wired to the Audio Visual Alarm
to provide audible and visual trouble alarm in the event of drop of pressure. The pressure gauze shall
be color coded to provide an easy, visual indication of cylinder pressure.
d) Furnish a welded steel bracket with each cylinder assembly for holding the cylinders in a saddle with a
front bracket piece that secures the cylinders.
e) Cylinder shall be provided with a certificate provided by the company who charge with the gas
mixture. The certificate shall be secured around the cylinder with chain fastener.
f) The Detection Tube, LPCB/UL/CE approved to be Red Colour and pressurized at 15 Bar. The Detection
Tube to rupture between (100-120oC).
g) The Pressure Switch should be CE Marked having NO/NC contac
h) The cylinder should be manufactured as per BIS 15683 specifications.
Extinguishing Agent
(a) The agent shall not contain any Hydroflurocarbons (HFC).
(b) The ozone depletion potential should be zero.
(c) The Global warming potential should be equal to or less than 1.
(d) The Extinguishing Agent should be UL Listed/ FM approved.
(e) The extinguishing agent should be filled in an UL Listed or FM approved filling station.
a) The system shall be installed on the basis of approved shop drawing.
b) The installation / final connections shall carry out in direct supervision of representative of
Manufacturer/authorized distributors.
c) The installation contractor should be a proven source with minimum 5 years of installation of Trace
Tube Systems in India.
d) Cylinder shall be located so that they are not subjected to mechanical, chemical or other damage.
e) All system components shall be capable of withstanding heat of fire and severe weather conditions.
f) Detection Tube to be properly secured inside the panel by Clips/Tie etc.
g) The Detection Tube outside the panel should be protected in flexible conduit.
h) Inspection certificate should be pasted on cylinder clearly marking next due date of inspection.
The contractor shall submit six complete sets of drawings on white paper to theDepartment/ Engineer-In-
Charge after completion of the work.
These drawings must give the following information’s, in addition to the informationasked for in various
other sections of the specifications:
a) Location of all equipments viz. transformers, H.T. Panels, L.T. Panels, earthing stationsetc.
b) Cable routes clearly indicating the sizes & number of cables.
c) Earthing layout - indicating the type of earth station & size of earth conductor.
d) Wiring diagram of L.T. Panels.
e) Complete single line diagram for Normal and Emergency supplies.
f) Any other information the Engineer-In-Charge may dream fit.
No completion certificate will be issued until the drawings are submitted. Thedrawings will be prepared
and submitted by the contractor without any extra charge.
The scope of work shall cover earthing stations (earth mats and earth electrodes), laying copper/GI
earth strips and connecting the power panels, DBs, switch boards and other equipment such as pumps, PLCs
of BMS etc.
Earthing means an electrical connection to the general mass of earth to provide safe passage to fault
current to enable to operate protective devices and provide safety to personnel and Equipments
All the non-current carrying metal parts of electrical installation shall be earthed properly. All
metal conduits, cable trays, trunking, cable sheaths, switchgear, distribution fuse boards, light fittings and all
other parts made of metal shall be bonded together and connected by means of specified earthing conductors
to an efficient earthing system. All earthing shall be in conformity with Indian Electricity Rules and CEA safety
regulation in vogue .
Earth mats and Electrodes as per IEEE 80: 2000 and IS: 3043 - 1987
Earthing Leads
Earth Conductors
Residual current earth leakage circuit breakers where applicable as per IE rules 61A.
The size of conductor to be provided for earth mat &electrodes, however contractors should verify
these sizes as per norms provided in the codes and rules and should provide conductor size as per the
All three phase equipment shall have two separate and distinct body earths and single phase
equipment shall have a single body earth.
All the earthing strips shall be buried in floor or wall as required and all the fastening (by nut bolts) of
earthing strips shall be tag welded as well.
All codes and standards mean the latest. Where not specified otherwise the installation shall generally
follow the Indian Standard Code of Practice or the British Standard Code of Practice in the absence of Indian
3 Types of Earthing
System Earthing
This is primarily concerned with the protection of Electrical equipment by stabilizing the voltage with respect
to ground (Connection between part of plant in an operating system like LV neutral of a Power Transformer
winding and earth).
This is primarily concerned with the protection of personnel from electric shock by maintaining the potential
of noncurrent carrying equipment at or near ground potential. Connecting frames of equipment (like motor
body, Transformer tank, Switch gear box, operating rods of Air break switches, etc) to earth.
The system earthing and safety earthing are interconnected and therefore fault current flowing through
system ground raises the potential of the safety ground and also causes steep potential gradient in and
around the Substation. But separating the two earthing systems have disadvantages like higher short circuit
current, low current flows through relays and long distance to be covered to separate the two earths. After
weighing the merits and demerits in each case, the common practice of common and solid (direct) grounding
system designed for effective earthing and safe potential gradients is being adopted.
1. Rod electrode.
2. Pipe electrode.
3. Plate electrode
If an electrical facility can expand in system, it creates different routes in the electrode. What was formerly a
suitable low earth resistance can become obsolete standard.
More number of metallic pipes, which were buried underground, become less and less dependable as
effective low resistance ground connection.
Most of the location, the water table gradually falling. In a year or two, area ends up with dry earth of high
These factors emphasize the importance of a continuous, periodic program of earth resistance testing.
6 The earth resistance shall be as low as possible and shall not exceed the following limits
7 Specification of Earthing
i. Depending on resistivity, the earth conductor (flats) shall be buried at the following depths.
Table 2.
1) 50 100 0.5
To keep the earth resistance as low as possible in order to achieve safe step and touch voltages, an
earth mat shall be buried at the above depths below ground and the mat shall be provided with grounding
rods at suitable points. All non-current carrying parts at the Substation shall be connected to this grid so as to
ensure that under fault conditions, none of these parts are at a higher potential than the grounding grid.
Following points should be followed to keep the earth resistance as low as possible.
Materials of which the protective system is composed shall be resistant to corrosion or be adequately
protected against corrosion. Adequate margin for corrosion should be taken for the selection of the size. The
material comply to the following requirements:
Copper - When solid or stranded copper wire is used it shall be of the grade ordinarily required for
commercial electrical work generally designated as being of 97% conductivity when annealed, conforming to
Indian standard specifications as per IEEE 80 A.
Galvanized Steel - Galvanized steel used shall be thoroughly protected against corrosion by hot dipped
Zinc coating. The material coating shall withstand the test specified in IS 2309 1989.
The strips to be used shall be in maximum lengths available as manufactured normally avoiding
unnecessary joints.
Earth mat shall be constructed as per IEEE 80 2000 and IS 3043 1987. GI flats should be used for
constructing earth mat of adequate size (horizontal and vertical conductors) and at depth of 500 mm or
deeper as per the final earthing design as per site condition and from ground as per IEEE 80 A. Adequate
number of risers shall be brought from earth mat for further connection to equipment. Main earth terminals
shall be provided in Service Yard & Terminal Building as required. The resistance of the MS copper cladded
rod of suitable diaearth mat should not be more than 1 shall be placed at relevant spacing as per detailed
engineering calculations.
The pipe earth shall be as shown on the approved working drawing and shall be used for equipment
earth grid. The earth electrode shall be 4.5m long, 40mm diameter, 5mm thick galvanized steel pipe. The earth
resistance shall be maintained with a suitable soil treatment as shown on approved working drawings and as
per plate electrodes.
The earth lead shall be fixed to the pipe with a clamp and safety set screws. The clamps shall be
permanently accessible.
This section covers the technical details for Maintenance Free Chemical Earth Station with following
technical features:-
The chemical earth electrode should be tested in CPRI (Central Power Research Institute) for Peak &
RMS current.
The earth electrode manufacturer shall be ISO 9001:2008 & ISO 14001:2004 certified company.
The earth electrode shall be of GI construction Dual Pipe technology with the galvanization of 80-100
microns. For thickness of strips & pipes PWD & SOR specs shall be followed.
The earth electrode shall be surrounded by resistance lowering grounding minerals to increase the
overall conductive surface area in order to lower the ohmic value and also to minimize the corrosion process.
Earth electrode should be able to carry the peak short circuit withstand current of minimum 30KA and
duly tested and certified by CPRI.
Resistance lowering grounding minerals should be of specially developed electrolytic gel which should
be of highly conductive. The “chemical” shall be made of natural minerals mixture of Sulphate, Silica, Alumina,
Iron Oxide, Titanium Oxide, Calcium Oxide, Magnesium Oxide, Sodium Oxide, Zinc Oxide, Potassium Oxide,
Chloride, Nickel Oxide, etc and it absorbs the moisture from the surrounding soil and is non corrosive.
The chemical compound used for back filling around the earth electrode shall be duly tested and
certified by any International accredited and BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards), Govt of India accredited
laboratory. The testing laboratory should be ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified.
Between the inner & outer pipes, it should be adequately filled with special composition of highly
conductive metallic compound which will have the continuity for fast conduction & highly resistive to
At any cost, usage of Salt & Charcoal with the earth electrode is strictly not permitted.
Metallic covers or supports of all medium or HT apparatus or conductors shall, in all cases be
connected to not less than two separate and distinct earth electrodes.
Two Earth Mats are envisaged for two Transformers Neutral Earthing; Make an Earth Grid in the bottom of the
pit, at -1.0 M level and cover the Earth grid on top & bottom with Ground Enhancement Material (GEM).
Make Eighteen Maintenance free Earth pits on the periphery of the above Earth Grid. These Earth pits will be
made by drilling a bore of 4’ dia * 10’ Long from -1.0M level, inserting a Ground Rod of 5/8” dia * 10’ L and
filling up with GEM. The Earth pits will be connected to the Earth Grid.
Take Six Risers from Six Earth pits from each earth mat these four will be connected to Transformer Neutrals.
Take four Risers from four Earth pits from each earth mat these four will be connected to DG sets Neutrals.
Two pits each are envisaged for Transformer Body (2 No’s); If, the acceptable earth resistance is not achieved
with 2 nos earth pits due to higher soil resistivity at the particular location, then, extra pits must added.
Two pits each are envisaged for DG Sets Body (2 No’s); If, the acceptable earth resistance is not achieved with
2 nos earth pits due to higher soil resistivity at the particular location, then, extra pits must added.
Two pits each are envisaged for 33KV VCB Panel Body (2 No’s); If, the acceptable earth resistance is not
achieved with 2 nos earth pits due to higher soil resistivity at the particular location, then, extra pits must
Two pits each are envisaged for 11KV VCB Panel Body (2 No’s); If, the acceptable earth resistance is not
achieved with 2 nos earth pits due to higher soil resistivity at the particular location, then, extra pits must
The following guidelines shall be followed for locating the earth electrodes
An earth electrode shall not be situated less than 3 meters from any building. The excavations for
electrode shall not affect the column footings or foundations of the buildings. Entrances, pavements and road
ways shall not be used for locating the earth electrode. In such cases electrode may be further away from the
Earth mat locations Earth mats shall be constructed at a suitable place in the area as near to Service
Yard Terminal Building as possible.
The location of the earth electrode / mats shall be such where the soil has reasonable chance of
remaining moist, as far as possible.
9.6 GI/Copper Plate/pipe Earth should be as per CPWD specifications. Method of Installing Watering
In the case of plate earth electrode, a watering pipe of 20mm diameter of B class GI Pipe shall be
provided and attached to the electrode. A funnel with mesh shall be provided at the top of this pipe for
watering the earth. The watering funnel attachment shall be housed in masonry enclosure of not less than 300
x 300 x 300 mm. A cast iron/MS frame with cover having identity mode “EARTH” and having locking
arrangement shall be suitably embedded in the masonry enclosure.
The strip earthing leads shall be connected to the Earth Electrode / Earth mat at one end and to the
main equipment at the other end. The earthing lead shall connect to the earthing network in the installation.
Earth lead shall be bare copper or galvanized steel as specified with sizes shown on approved working
drawings. Copper lead shall have a phosphor content of not over 0.15 percent. Galvanized steel buried in
ground shall be protected with bitumen and hessian wrap or polythene faced hessian and bitumen coating. At
road crossings necessary HDPE Pipes shall be laid. Earth lead run on surface of wall or ceiling shall be fixed on
saddles or wall so that the strip is at least 8mm away from the wall surface.
Copper riveting with 80mm fish plate and brazing with at least
80mm brazing as a lap joint along the length
The buried strip earthing lead shall be in trench not less than 0.5 m deep. If conditions necessitate use
of more than one earthing lead, they shall be laid as widely distributed as possible, preferably in a single
straight trench or in a number of trenches radiating from one point.
In the case of plate earth electrode, the earthing lead shall be securely bolted to the plate with two
bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers as required by IS 3043:1987. All materials used for connecting the earth
lead with electrode shall be GI in case of GI Pipe earth electrodes or tinned brass in case of Copper plate
Main earthing conductors shall be taken from the earth connections at the substation to the earth bar
at the main switch boards in the TN-S configuration and the earth bar may also be directly earthed as in Indian
Sub-mains earthing conductors shall run from the earth bar at the main switch board to the sub-
distribution boards and to the final distribution boards.
Loop earthing conductors shall run from the final distribution boards and shall be connected to any
point on the main/sub-main earthing conductor, or its distribution board.
Metal conduits, cable sheathing and armouring shall be earthed at the ends adjacent to switch boards
at which they originate, or otherwise at the commencement of the run by an earth bonding conductor in
effective electrical contact with cable sheathing. Switches, accessories, lighting fitting etc shall be effectively
connected to the Loop Earthing Conductors. A metallic conduit shall not be considered as the only protective
earth conductor.
Point wiring for lights, fans, ceiling fans, exhaust fans, power sockets and sub- main wiring, shall all
have an earth continuity conductor (ECC) with the same cross section and type of wires used, the minimum in
this case being 2.5-sqmm copper.
Neutral conductor, sprinkler pipes, or pipes conveying gas, water, or inflammable liquid, structural
steel work, metallic enclosures, metallic conduits and lighting protection system conductors shall not be used
as a means of earthing an installation or even as a link in an earthing system. However, these are to be
effectively earth bonded.
No earth as measured by anelectrode shall have a greater ohmic resistance than 1 approved earth
testing apparatus. In rocky soil the resistance may be up to 10 . The electrical resistance measured between
earth connection at the mainswitchboard and any other point on the completed installation shall be low
enough to permit the passage of current necessary to operate fuses or circuit breakers.
Note: - All joints and connection between dissimilar metal should be done by providing bimetallic
conductor /plate as required of equivalent area /cross section.
All apparatus and equipment transmitting or utilizing power shall be earthed as per the drawings.
Metallic conduit shall not be accepted as an earth continuity conductor. A separate insulated earth
continuity conductor of size related to phase conductor shall be provided. Non-metallic conduit shall have an
insulated earth continuity conductor of the same size as above. All metal junction and switch boxes shall have
an inside earth stud to which the earth conductor shall be connected. The earth conductor shall be distinctly
coloured (green) for easy identification.
Armoured cables shall be earthed by 2 bonding earth connections to the armouring at both the ends
and the size of connection being as above. In multiple cables entering a panel/ DB, the cable joints shall be
bonded together using a bonding wire selected on the basis of the largest size of cable in the group. In the
case of unarmored cable, an earth continuity conductor shall either be run outside along the cable. Three
phase power panels and distribution boards shall have 2 distinct earth connections of the size correlated to
the incoming cable size. In case of single phase DB’s a single earth connection is adequate. Similarly for 3-
Phase and 1-Phase isolating switches there shall be 2 and 1 earth connections respectively, sizes being
correlated to the incoming cable.
Three Phase motors and other 3-Phase apparatus shall have 2 distinct earth connections of size equal
to incoming feeder size. For 1-Phase motor and 1-Phase apparatus, the single earth connections shall be
provided of the above size.
Earth electrode, Earth enhancement material, Earth pit, Earth conductor consisting of connecting
cable or tape/strip and all other associated accessories.
a) Earth Electrode:
The earth electrode shall be made of high tensile low carbon steel circular rods, molecularly bonded with
copper on outer surface to meet the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 467-2007 or latest. Such
copper bonded steel cored rod is preferred due to its overall combination of strength, corrosion resistance,
low resistance path to earth and cost effectiveness.
The earth electrode shall be UL listed and of 14.20mm diameter and minimum 3.0mtrs. Long.
Marking: UL marking, Manufacturer’s name or trade name, length, diameter, catalogue number must be
punched on every earth electrode.
The Earth Electrode shall have a test report from CPRI or any Test Center certified by NABL.
Earth electrode can be visually inspected, checked for dimensions and thickness of copper coating using
micron gauge. The supplier shall arrange for such inspection at the time of supply, if so desired.
Earth enhancement material is a superior conductive material that improves earthing effectiveness, especially
in areas of poor conductivity (rocky ground, areas of moisture variation, sandy soils etc.). It improves
conductivity of the earth electrode and ground contact area. It shall have following characteristics-
Shall mainly consist of Carbon fibre, moisture absorbent polymers, cement and mineral moisture controller;
Bentonate content shall be negligible.
Shall have high conductivity, improves earth’s absorbing power and humidity retention capability.
Shall be non-corrosive in nature having low water solubility but highly hygroscopic.
Shall have resistivity of less than 0.20 Ohm-m. Necessary certificate from National/ International lab for the
resistivity shall also be submitted.
Shall not depend on the continuous presence of water to maintain its conductivity.
Shall be permanent & maintenance free and in its “set form”, maintains its resistivity constant with time.
Shall not require periodic charging treatment nor replacement and maintenance.
Shall be suitable for any kind of electrode and all kinds of soils of different resistivity.
Shall not pollute the soil or local water table and meets environmental friendly requirements for landfill.
The Earth Enhancement material shall have the properties as given below:
Description Specification
Durability Good
Marking: The Earth enhancement material shall be supplied in sealed, moisture proof bags. These
bags shall be marked with Manufacturer’s name or trade name, quantity etc.
Earth Rod clamp should have provision for clamping different sizes of cables/tapes.
Should be non-corrosive and the assembly forms a robust and electrically conducting connection.
A 4” dia, 3000mm depth bore is made at the location using the manual rig or bore well machine.
The Earth Rod shall be placed in the centre of the pit. It is driven into the ground by hammering up to 150mm.
The Ground Enhancement material, GEM is mixed in a slurry form in a drum using recommended quantity of
the water, mixing thoroughly with a stick.
The slurry is poured into the Pit slowly and is compacted using a rod or a suitable tool to remove air bubbles.
In case, the bore well machine is not available or the location is not accessible with bore well machine,
then, manual digging is adopted.
The Earth Rod shall be placed in the centre of the pit. It is driven into the ground by hammering up to 150mm.
A PVC pipe, 150mmD*1500mm L shall be inserted in the pit concentrically to the Earth Rod assembly.
The space around the PVC pipe in the pit shall be filled with black soil. The soil is compacted by tampering with
a Rod or a suitable tool by pouring sufficient water.
The Ground Enhancement material, GEM is mixed in a slurry form in a drum using recommended quantity of
the water, mixing thoroughly with a stick.
The slurry is poured into the PVC pipe slowly and is compacted using a rod or a suitable tool to remove air
As the slurry is poured and gets compacted, the PVC pipe is removed slowly; at the same time, compacting the
soil around the pipe. This is done layer by layer until the total depth of the pit around the PVC pipe is filled
with the soil and slurry is filled in the space within the PVC pipe to cover the total length of the Rod.
After the completion of the filling the pit, the connection of Earth conductor is done with the Earth Rod.
The distance between two earth electrodes shall be min. 3mtrs. and max. Up to twice the length of the earth
electrode i.e. 6 mtrs.approx.
The two Earth pits for Transformer neutral shall be interconnected using 50*6 mm GI tape using bolted
connection. SS hardware is used for the connection. Likewise, two Earth pits for Transformer body shall be
inter-connected using 50*6 mm GI tape using bolted connection.
The interconnecting tape shall be buried at depth not less than 500mm below the ground level. This
interconnecting tape shall also be covered with earth enhancing compound.
Inspection Chamber:
A 300X300X300 mm (inside dimension) concrete box with smooth cement plaster finish shall be provided on
the top of the pit. A concrete lid, painted black, approx. 50 mm. thick with pulling hooks, shall be provided to
cover the earth pit.
Care shall be taken regarding level of the floor surrounding the earth so that the connector is not too deep in
the masonry or projecting out of it.
On backside of the cover, date of the testing and average resistance value shall be written with yellow paint
on black background.
One Inspection Chamber will be provided for Transformer neutral Earth pits and one for Transformer body.
11 Earth Mat:
Earthing System in a Sub Station comprises of Earth Mat or Grid, Earth Electrode, Earthing Conductor
and Earth Connectors.
Primary requirement of Earthing is to have a low earth resistance. Substation involves many Earthings through
individual Electrodes, which will have fairly high resistance. But if these individual electrodes are inter linked
inside the soil, it increases the area in contact with soil and creates number of parallel paths. Hence the value
of the earth resistance in the interlinked state which is called combined earth value which will be much lower
than the individual value.
The inter link is made from flat or rod conductor which is called as Earth Mat or Grid. It keeps the surface of
substation equipment as nearly as absolute earth potential as possible. To achieve the primary requirement of
Earthing system, the Earth Mat should be designed properly by considering the safe limit of Step
Potential, Touch Potential and Transfer Potential.
Duration of Fault
Soil Resistivity
Shock Duration
Earthing resistance
The most favorable earth surface potential distribution concepts have horizontal earth electrodes, especially
meshed ones, whose surface potential can be controlled relatively simply. The potential distribution of vertical
electrodes is the most unfavorable, with high values of touch potential. On the other hand, vertical
electrodes can easily reach low earthing resistance with stable values, largely independent from
seasons. Vertical electrodes are also used in combination with horizontal ones in order to reach lower values
of earthing resistance. These results are obtained above prove that this earth grid design is safe for 400 kV
substation in the range of soil resistivity 100-350 Ωm.
The earth resistance shall be measured at the Earth Rod clamp with the earth pits
interconnected as described in previous clauses. The measurement shall be done using the
Megger make digital Earth tester which is most accurate meter for the measurement of Earth resistance.
The Fall of Potential method as per para 37 of IS: 3043 will be used.
If the earth resistance is too high and the multiple electrodes do not give adequate low resistance to
earth, as specified in clause no. 4.0, then the soil resistivity immediately surrounding the earth electrodes shall
be reduced by using methods as provided in IEEE 80A.
The following earth resistance values shall be measured with an approved earth megger and recorded.
Earth Continuity
1 Scope
This Section covers the detailed requirements of medium voltage switch Panel for 433V, 3 phase 50 Hz
4 wire system. These shall be branded and/or assembled/fabricated from a factory of repute. All switchgears
shall be fully rated at an ambient of 40° C.
2 Type of Panel
The medium voltage switch board panel shall comprise of anyone of the following types of switchgears
or combination thereof as specified.
b) MCCBs of suitable Ics ratings. MCCBs shall invariably be Current Limiting type. Features like Double
Break, Positive Isolation functions shall be preferred.
The Panel shall be indoor type having incoming sectionalization and outgoing switchgears as specified.
The design shall be cubical type. The degree of enclosure protection shall be IP 42 as per IS: 13947 (Part-I) and
IP-54 for outdoor panel.
3 M. V. Panel
The switchboard shall be floor mounted free standing totally enclosed and extensible type. The switch
board shall be dust & vermin proof and shall be suitable for the climate conditions as specified. The design
shall include all provisions for safety of operation and maintenance personnel. The general construction shall
conform to IS: 8623/1993 for factory assembled switch board.
i) Cubical type panels shall be fabricated out of sheet steel not less than 2.0 mm thick. Wherever
necessary, such sheet steel members shall be stiffened by angle iron frame work. General construction shall
employ the principle of compartmentalization and segregation for each circuit. Unless otherwise approved,
incomer and bus section panels or sections shall be separate and independent and shall not be mixed with
sections required for feeders. Each section of the rear accessible type panel shall have hinged access doors at
the rear. Overall height of the panel shall not exceed 2.4 meters. Operating levers, handle etc. of highest unit
shall not be higher than 1.7 meters. Multi-tier mounting of feeder is permissible. The general arrangement for
multi tier construction shall be such that the horizontal tiers formed present a pleasing and aesthetic look. The
general arrangement shall be approved before fabrication. Cable entries for various feeders shall be either
from top or bottom. Through cable alleys located in between two circuit sections, either in the rear or in the
front of the panel. All cable terminations shall be through gland plates. There shall be separate gland plate for
each cable entry so that there will not be dislocation of already wired circuits when new feeders are added.
Cable entry plates shall therefore be sectionalized. The construction shall include necessary cable supports for
clamping the cable in the cable alley or rear cable chamber.
Cubicle panels with more than 1000 Amps BUS shall be made of tested structural modular sections.
The bus bars shall be of Copper of high conductivity electrolytic quality /Aluminium and of adequate
section. Current density shall not exceed 160 amps for Copper / sq. cm. The bus bar system may comprise of a
system of main horizontal bus bars and ancillary vertical bus bars run in bus bar alleys on either side of which
the circuit could be arranged with front access cable entries. In the case of rear access, horizontal bus system
shall run suitably either at the top or bottom. All connections to individual circuits from the bus bar shall
preferably be solid connections; however flexible connections shall also be permitted as per recommendations
of the Panel Manufacturer. All bus bars and connections shall be suitably sleeved I insulated in approved
Incomer termination shall be suitable for receiving bus trunking / underground cables. Cable
terminations shall invariably be through terminal blocks (Polyamide or superior) or brought out solid
iv) Instruments
All voltmeters and ammeters shall be flush mounted of size minimum 96 mm conforming to class 1.5 of
IS:1248 for accuracy. All voltmeters shall be protected with MCB.
v) Indicating Lamps
On all the incomers of M.V panels, ON/OFF indicating LED lamps shall be provided and shall be
suitable for operation on AC supply. Phase indicating LED lamps shall be associated with necessary ON/OFF
toggle switch.
All small wiring for Controls, Indication etc. shall be of with suitable FRLS copper conductor cables.
Wiring shall be suitably protected within switch board. Runs of wires shall be neatly bunched, suitably
supported and clamped. Means shall be provided for easy identifications of the wires. Where wires are
drawn through steel conduits, the works shall conform to CPWD General Specifications for Electrical works
(Part 1- Internal) - 2013 and IS: 732 as the case may be. Identification ferrules shall be used at both ends of the
wires. All control wiring meant for external connections are to be brought out of terminal board.
a) The panel shall comprise of incomers, outgoing feeders and bus coupler as specified. The incomer shall be
either a double break / contact repulsion MCCB or an Air Circuit Breaker. The bus coupler shall be either a
circuit breaker or a double break / contact repulsion MCCB or switch disconnector fuse unit as specified. The
outgoing feeders shall be circuit breakers/MCCBs as specified.
b) Bus bars for phase and neutral shall have a rating as per specifications.
c) The entire switch panel shall be cubical type generally conforming to IS: 86231- 1993 for factory
assembled switch board.
d) The incomer panel shall be suitable for receiving bus trunking or MV cable of size specified either
from top or from bottom.
e) All incoming AIRCIRCUIT BREAKER/MCCB shall have suitable adjustable tripping current and the
time delay settings.
f) The entire panel shall have a common earth bar of size as specified with two terminals for earth
All Air Circuit Breakers shall be 3/4 pole with minimum 50 KA breaking capacity (35 MV A at 433V)
conforming to IS: 13947 (Part-II). Rated current shall be as per capacities specified. The equipment shall be
complete with the following:
a) Necessary circuit breaker carriage with 3 position (isolate, test, service) draw out mechanism.
c) Necessary mechanism interlock and automatic safe shutters gear with arrangement for pad locking.
d) Necessary independent manual spring mechanism with mechanical On/Off indication as well as
electrical On/Off indication.
f) ACB shall be provided with microprocessor based releases having built in over load, short circuit &
earth fault protection. Microprocessor release shall be EMI (electromagnetic induction) /EMC
(electromagnetic compatible) certified.
i) Necessary identification, metering requirements as specified i/c. ON/OFF indication lamps, selector
switches, fuses, ammeter, voltmeter etc.
j) In case of 4 pole breaker neutral shall be fully rated with adjustable settings from 50% to 100% of In.
k) ACB terminals shall be suitable/suitably brought out for direct aluminum termination as per IS: 13947
a) Switch Disconnector Fuse Units: All SDF units for feeders or outgoing circuits shall be suitable for a
Breaking capacity of 80 KA (57 MV A 433V) capacity at 433V 3 phase 50 Hz AC system conforming to IS: 4064.
The number of units and rated current shall be as per detailed requirements specified. Switch Disconnector
Fuse unit shall be double break front operated type. The units shall be complete with following:
3) Necessary set of CTs together with an ammeter and selector switch as specified.
b) MCCB: All MCCBs shall be current limiting type with features of load line reversibility and suitable for
Horizontal / Vertical mounting without any derating. Beyond 300Amps capacity MCCBs shall have positive
isolation and preferably double break I contact repulsion & double insulation features. The MCCBs shall
invariably be used with terminal spreaders. For all MCCBs, Ics= Icu.
iii) Interlocking
Arrangement of electrical interlocking in LT panel shall be provided for transformers incomers, DG Set
incomers and bus couplers
All routine tests shall be carried out and test certificates produced to the department.
i) The installation work shall cover assembly of various sections of the panels lining up, grouting the
units etc. In the case of multiple panel switch boards after connecting up the bus bars etc., all joints shall be
insulated with necessary insulation tape or approved insulation compound. A common earth bar as per these
specifications shall be run inside at the back of switch panel connecting all the sections for connection to
frame earth system. All protection and other small wirings for indication etc. shall be completed before
calibration and commissioning checks are commenced. All relays, meters etc. shall be mounted and connected
with appropriate wiring.
ii) Commissioning checks and tests shall include all wiring checks and checking up of connections. Relay
adjustment/setting shall be done before commissioning in addition to routine Megger tests. Checks and tests
shall include the following:
d) Insulation test: When measured with 500V Megger the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100
mega ohms.
Sheet steel used in the fabrication of switchboards shall undergo a rigorous cleaning and surface
treatment seven tank process comprising of alkaline degreasing, descaling in dilute sulphuric acid and a
phosphating process after which a coat of primer paint compactively with the final paint shall be applied over
the treated surface. Final paint coat of oven baked powder coating, of minimum 50 micron thickness, of sheet
approved by Engineer-in-Charge shall then be provided. The final shade shall got approved from the Engineer-
Suitable engraved white on black name plates and identification labels of metal for all Switchboards
and Circuits shall be provided. For incoming the label shall indicate the source, bur trunking / cable length and
size. For outgoing feeders, these shall indicate the feeder number, feeder designation, bus trunking / cable
size, length and the load.
Switchboard configurations offered shall be CPRI / equivalent international test house tested for all the
tests as per IEC 61439-1&6& 2 and internal arc tests. Copies of the test certificates shall be submitted with
the drawings for approval.
10 Testing at Works
Copies of type test carried out at ACB/ MCCB manufacturers works and routine tests carried out at the
switchboard fabricators shop shall be furnished along with the delivery of the switchboards. Engineer-in-
Charge reserves the right to get the switchboard inspected by their representative at fabricators works prior
to dispatch to site to witness the following:
3. Functional check
4. HV test
5. IR test
3. The fabricator shall have valid CPRI certificate for the rating and short circuit rating of feeder pillars.
4. The fabricator shall also have valid test certificate for the IP rating of feeder pillars as per item of work.
5. All the materials used shall confirm to relevant Indian Standard Specification and where ever materials
with ISI certification mark shall be used.
ACB’s shall be Electrical Draw Out/Manual Draw out type as specified in SLD. The Air Circuit breakers
shall 3 pole or 4 pole with minimum 50KA short circuit breaking capacity (35 MVA at 415V) conforming to IS:
13947 ( part-II). Rated current shall be as per capacities specified.
ACB shall be air break, horizontal draw-out type & type tested & certified for compliance to IS:13947-2
from Indian testing authorities CPRI/ ERDA.
The ACBs should have Ics =Icu =Icw for 1 sec for Short circuit breaking capacity of minimum 50KA rms
at 415V, 50Hz AC or as specified in SLD.
The protection release shall be Microprocessor based having inbuilt adjustable protections against
Overload, Short circuit, Instantaneous and Earth faults.
Microprocessor based release shall be EMI / EMC compatible. Protection release shall have following
The release shall draw power from main breaker CTs and shall require no external power supply for its
Multi state LED to indicate Power ON and micro-processor unhealthy condition. Release shall also
provide separate fault indication by LEDs for each type of fault without using external power supply.
It should be possible to carry out inspection and maintenance without removing ACB from panel.
Automatically operated safety shutters shall be provided to screen the fixed isolating contacts when
the breaker is drawn out from the cradle.
The ACBs shall be fully rated at free air ambient temperature of 40°C.
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers shall be incorporated in sub distribution boards wherever specified
MCCB’s shall conform to IS 13947-2 and / or IEC 947 in all respects. MCCB’s shall be suitable either for single
phase AC 230 volts or three phase 415 volts.
The MCCB should have double break, positive isolation current limiting, load line reversibility&
horizontal cum vertical mounting features.
MCCB shall comply with the requirements of the relevant standards IS13947 – Part 2/IEC 60947-2 and
should have test certificates for breaking capacities from independent test authorities CPRI / ERDA
MCCB shall comprise of Make - break switching mechanism, arc extinguishing device and the tripping
unit shall be contained in a compact, high strength, heat resistant, flame retardant, insulating moulded case
with high withstand capability against thermal and mechanical stresses.
The breaking capacity of MCCB shall be minimum 25kA for ratings upto 63A, minimum 35KA for ratings
upto 200A and50KA for 250A ratings & above. The rated service breaking capacity should be equal to rated
ultimate breaking capacities(Ics=Icu).
All MCCB ratings up to 250A shall be provided with Thermal Magnetic release having adjustable
settings for Overload and instantaneous Short Circuit Protections. For ratings above 250A protection release
should be Microprocessor based having inbuilt adjustable protections against Over Load (L) and Short Circuit
(S). If used as incomer then it should have earth fault protection and time delay in addition to above
protection. Earth leakage modules are not acceptable.
All MCCBs should be provided with the Rotary Operating Mechanism. The ROM should be with door
interlock (with defeat feature) & padlock facility.
MCCB should have Spreader links & Phase barriers as standard feature
The MCCB’s shall have the following frame sizes subject to meeting the fault level specified elsewhere.
The MCCB cover and case shall be made of high strength heat treatment and flame retardant thermo-
setting insulating material. Operating handle shall be of rotary type quick make/quick break, trip-free type.
The operating handle for simultaneous operation and tripping of all the three phases.
Suitable fire extinguishing device shall be provided for each contact. Tripping unit shall be of thermo
magnetic type up to 125 A for adjustable overload & short circuit protection and shall be microprocessor type
above 125 A for adjustable overload, short circuit & earth fault protection. MCCB shall be line load reversible
type. Device shall have IDMT characteristics for sustained overload, and short circuits. MCCB shall be current
limiting type.
Contacts trips shall be made of suitable are resistant, silver alloy for long electrical life. Terminals shall
be of liberal design with adequate clearance.
MCCBs with ratings up to 125 A shall be equipped with adjustable Thermal- magnetic (thermal for
overload and magnetic for short-circuit protection) / microprocessor based trip units.
Microprocessor MCCBs with ratings above 125 A shall be equipped with microprocessor based trip
units. (both variable setting).
Microprocessor trip units shall comply IEC 60947-2 standard (measurement of rms current values,
electromagnetic compatibility, etc.)
The setting of release shall be provided to make the system working with discrimination as per actual
load coming at site.
MCCB shall comply to ROHS norms. Terminals shall be such designed to withstand higher
thermodynamic stress cross bolted/circular as per OEM standards. It shall be invariably be used with spreader
The Moulded Case Circuit Breaker service breaking capacity (Ics) shall be based on actual calculation.
Test certificate of the MCCB as per relevant Indian Standards (IS) shall be furnished. Pre-
commissioning tests on the sub distribution boards incorporating the MCCB shall be done as per standard.
Direct reading electrical instruments shall be in conforming to IS 1248. The accuracy of direct reading
shall be 1.0 for voltmeter and 1.5 for ammeters. Other type of instruments direct reading shall be 1.0 for
voltmeter and 1.5 for ammeters. Other type of instruments shall have accuracy of 1.5. The errors due to
variations in temperature shall be limited to a minimum. The meter shall be of flush mounting type of 96mm
square pattern. The meter shall be enclosed in a dust tight housing. The housing shall be of steel or phenolic
mould. The design and manufacture of the meters shall ensure the prevention of fogging of instruments glass.
Instruments meters shall be sealed in such away that access to the measuring element and to the accessories
with in the case shall not be possible without removal of the seal. The meters shall be provided with white
dials and black scale markings.
The pointer shall be black in colour and shall have zero position adjustment device which could be
operated from outside. The direction of deflection shall be from left to right.
Suitable selector switches shall be provided for all ammeters and voltmeters intended to be used on
three phase supply.
The specifications herein-after laid down shall also cover all the meters, instrument and protective
devices required for the electrical works. The ratings, type and quantity of meters, instruments and protective
devices shall be as per the bill of quantities.
Digital Ammeters shall be confirmed to IS: 13875. It shall be digital type 7 segment LED display.
Ammeter shall be suitable for accuracy class 1.0 and burden 0.2 VA approx. The ammeters shall be capable of
carrying sustained overloads during fault conditions without damage or loss of accuracy. The meter shall be
suitable for working in ambient temp 0 degree to 50 degree and 95% humidity condition.
Digital Voltmeters shall be confirmed to IS: 13875. It shall be digital type 7 segment LED display.
Voltmeter shall be suitable for accuracy class 1.0 and burden 0.2 VA approx. The range for 3 phase voltmeters
shall be 0 to 500 volts. The meter shall be suitable for working in ambient temp 0 degree to 50 degree and
95% humidity condition. The voltmeter shall be provided with protection MCB of suitable capacity.
Current transformers shall be in conformity with IS: 2705 (Part I, II & III) in all respects. All current
transformers used for medium voltage applications shall be rated for 1KV Current transformers shall have
rated primary current, rated burden and class of accuracy as required. However, the rated secondary current
shall be 15A unless otherwise specified. The acceptable minimum class of various applications shall be as given
Protection : Class 5 P 10
Current transformers shall be capable of withstanding without damage, magnetic and thermal stresses
due to short circuit fault on medium voltage system. Terminals of the current transformer shall be marked
permanently for easy identification of poles. Separate CT shall be provided for measuring instruments and
protection relays. Each C.T. shall be provided with rating plate.
Current transformers shall be mounted such that they are easily accessible for inspection maintenance
and replacement. The wiring for CT’s shall be copper conductor, PVC insulated wires with proper termination
lugs and wiring shall be bunched with cable straps and fixed to the panel structure in a neat manner.
15 Control switches
Control switches shall be of the heavy duty rotary type with escutcheon plates clearly marked to show
the operating position. They shall be semi-flush mounting with only the front plate and operating handle
Indicating lamps shall be of the LED type, and with translucent lamps covers. Bulbs & lenses shall be
easily replaced from the front.
Push buttons shall be on the momentary contact, push to actuate type fitted with self reset contacts &
provided with integral escutcheon plates marked with its functions.
16 Cable Terminations
Cable entries and terminals shall be provided in the sub distribution boards to suit the number, type
and size of aluminium conductor power cable and copper conductor control cable specified.
Provision shall be made for top or bottom entry of cables as required. Generous size of cabling
chambers shall be provided, with the position of cable gland and terminals such that cables can be easily and
safely terminated. Cable glands shall be brass compression type, barriers or shrouds shall be provided to
permit safe working at the terminals of one circuit without accidentally touching that of another live circuit.
Cable risers shall be adequately supported to withstand the effects of rated short circuit currents
without damage and without causing secondary faults.
17 Control Wiring
All control wirings shall be carried out with 1100V grade single core ZHFR (FRLS) cable conforming to IS
694/IS 8130 having stranded copper conductors of minimum 1.5 sq. mm for potential circuits and 2.5 sq. mm
for current transformer circuits. Wiring shall be neatly bunched, adequately supported and properly routed to
allow for easy access and maintenance. Wiring shall be identified by numbering ferrules at each end. All
control fuses shall be mounted in front of the panel and shall be easily accessible.
18 Terminal Block
Terminal blocks shall be 500 Volts grade of the stud type. Insulating barriers shall be provided between
adjacent terminals. Terminals block shall have a minimum current rating of 10 Amps and shall be shrouded.
Provisions shall be made for label inscriptions.
All routine tests specified is IS: 8623-1977 shall be carried out and test certificates submitted to the
Engineer in Charge.
Commissioning checks and tests shall be included all wiring checks and checking up of connections.
Primary/secondary injection tests for the relays adjustment/setting shall be done before commissioning in
addition to routine megger test. Checks and tests shall include the following:
Insulation test: When measured with 500 V megger, the insulation resistance shall not be less than 100
mega ohms.
This specification covers the supply & installation of LT power & control cables. Cables shall be tested
at works and supplied in accordance with drawings, specifications, relevant Indian Standard Specifications and
cable manufacturer's instructions. The cables shall be delivered at site in original drums with manufacturer's
name clearly written on the drum.
The LT power cables shall be XLPE insulated PVC sheathed, Aluminium conductor armoured cable
conforming to IS: 7098 (Part - I). The Aluminium conductor shall be stranded, grade H4 class 2 as per IS: 8130.
The LT control cable shall be PVC insulated copper conducted armoured stranded cable.
i. Shop Tests:
The cables shall be subjected to shop tests in accordance with relevant standards to prove the design
and general qualities of the cables as below (as per IS 10810):
Type tests on each type of cable, inclusive of measurement of armour DC resistance of power cables.
Test certificates of all the tests carried out at the works shall be furnished for approval of the Engineer-
in-charge before the cables are dispatched from the manufacturer's works to the site.
Tests reports shall be complete with all details and shall also contain IS specified limit values wherever
applicable to facilitate review.
Cable current ratings for different types of installation inclusive of derating factors for ambient temperatures,
grouping etc.
Write up on manufacturer's recommended method of splicing, jointing, termination etc of the cables.
The cables will be used for connection of power circuits of the electrical system.
Cables will be generally laid in soft soil, surface or in RCC/Hume/GI pipes/ cable tray. For continuous operation
at specified rating, maximum conductor temperature shall be limited to the permissible value as per relevant
standard and (or this specification).
The insulation and sheath materials shall be tough enough to withstand mechanical stresses during handling.
Core identification for multi core cable shall be provided by colour coding.
Drum length & tolerance: the cables shall be supplied in wooden drums, each containing minimum 500
metres length of cable. Allowable tolerance on individual drum length is ± 5%.
Cable identification: cable identification shall be provided by embossing on the outer sheath the following at
regular intervals of 2/3 metres.
All cables shall be inspected upon receipt at site and checked by the Engineer-in-charge for any
damage during transit.
Cables shall be laid as per the CPWD specifications (Amended Up to Date) given below:
i. Duct system:
Wherever specified such as road crossing, entry to building or in paved area etc. cables shall be laid in
underground ducts. The duct system shall consists of a required number of stone ware pipes, GI, CI or spun
reinforced concrete pipe with simplex joints and all the jointing work shall be done according to the CPWD
building specifications or as per the instructions of the Engineer-In-Charge as the case may be. The size of the
pipe shall not be less than 100mm in diameter for a single cable and shall not be less than 150mm for more
than one cable and so on. The pipe shall be laid directly in ground without making any special bed but
wherever asbestos cement pipes are used, the pipes shall be encased in concrete of 75mm thick. The ducts
shall be properly anchored to prevent any movement. The top surface of the cable ducts shall not be less than
60 cm. below the ground level. The ducts shall be laid a gradient of at least 1:300. The duct shall be provided
manholes of adequate size at regular intervals for drawing the cables. The manhole cover and frame shall be
of cast iron and machine finished to ensure a perfect joint. The manhole covers shall be installed flush with the
ground or paved surfaces. The duct entry to the manholes shall be made leak proof with lead-wool joints. The
ducts shall be properly plugged at the ends to prevent entry of water, rodents, etc. Suitable duct markers shall
be placed along the run of the cable ducts. The duct markers shall at least be 15 cm. square embedded in
concrete, indicating duct. Suitable cable supports made of angle iron shall be provided in the manholes for
supporting the cables. Proper identification tags shall be provided for each cable in the manholes.
Cable shall be laid in outdoor trenches wherever called for. The depth of the trenches shall not be less
than 75cm from the final ground level. The width of the trenches shall not be less than 45 cm. However,
where more than one cable is laid, an axial distance of not less than 15 cm. shall be allowed between the
cables. The trenches shall be excavated in reasonably straight line with vertical side walls and with uniform
depth. Wherever there is a change in direction suitable curvature shall be provided complying with the
requirements. Suitable shoring and propping may be done to avoid caving in of trench walls. The bottom of
the trench shall be level and free from stone brick bats etc. The trench shall then be provided with a layer of
clean, dry sand cushion of not less than 8 cm. in depth.
The cable shall be pulled over rollers in the trench steadily and uniformly without jerks and strains. The
entire cable length shall as far as possible be paved of in one stretch. However where this is not possible the
remainder of the cable may be removed by "Flaking" i.e. by making one long loop in the reverse direction.
After the cable has been uncoiled and laid into the trench over the rollers, the cable shall be lifted slightly over
the rollers beginning from one end by helpers standing about 10 mtrs. apart and drawn straight. The cable
should then be taken off the rollers by additional helpers lifting the cable and then laid in a reasonably straight
For short cut runs and sizes upto 50 of cables upto 1.1 KV grade any other suitable method of
direct handling and laying can be adopted with the prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge.
When the cable has been properly straightened, the cores are tested for continuity and insulation
resistance and the cable length then measured. The ends of all cables shall be sealed immediately. In case of
PVC cables suitable moisture seal tape shall be used for this purpose.
Cable laid in trenches in a single tier formation shall have a covering of clean, dry sand of not less 17
cms above the base cushion of sand before the protective cover is laid. In the case of vertical multi tier
formation after the first cable has been laid, a sand cushion of 30 cms shall be provided over the initial bed
before the second tier is laid. If additional tiers are formed, each of the subsequent tiers also shall have a sand
cushion of 30 cms as stated above. The top most cable shall have final sand covering not less than 17 cms
before the protective cover is laid.
Unless otherwise specified, the cables shall be protected by the second class bricks of not less 20 cms x
10 cms x 10 cms (nominal size) protection covers placed on top of the sand (bricks to be laid breadth wise) for
the full length of the cable. Where more than one cable is to be laid in the same trench, this protective
covering shall cover all the cables and project at 5 cm. over the sides of the end cables. The trenches shall be
taken back filled with excavated earth free from stones or other sharp edge debris and shall be rammed and
watered, if necessary, in successive layers not exceeding 30 cm, unless otherwise specified.
Cable route marker marked "Cable" shall be provided along with the route of the cable and location of
loops. The route markers shall be of tapered concrete slab of 60 x 60cm at bottom and 50 x 50cm at top
having a thickness of 10cm. Cable marker shall be mounted parallel to and 50cm away from the edge of the
Cables shall be laid in indoor trenches wherever specified. The trench shall be made of brick masonry
with smooth cement mortar finish with suitable removable covers (i.e. pre-casted slabs or MS chequered
plates). The dimensions of the trenches shall be determined depending upon the maximum number of cables
that is expected to be accommodated and can be conveniently laid. Cables shall be arranged in tier formation
in trenches and if necessary, cables may be fixed with clamps. Suitable clamps, hooks and saddles shall be
used for securing the cables in position. Spacing between the cables shall not be less than 15 cm centre to
centre. Wherever specified, trenches shall be filled with fine sand and covered with RCC or steel chequered
trench covers.
v. Cable on Trays/Racks
Cable shall be laid on cable trays/racks wherever specified. Cable racks/trays shall be of ladder, trough
or channel design suitable for the purpose. The nominal depth of the trays/racks shall be 150 mm. The width
of the trays shall be made of steel or aluminum. The trays/racks shall be completed with end plates, tees,
elbows, risers, and all necessary hardware, entire steel trays/ racks shall be hot dip galvanized including widths
& accessories. Cable trays shall be erected properly to present a neat and clean appearance. Suitable cleats or
saddles made of aluminum strips with PVC covering shall be used for securing the cables to the cable trays.
The cable trays shall comply with the following requirements :
The tray shall have suitable strength and rigidity to provide adequate support for all contained cables.
It shall not present sharp edges, burrs or projections injurious to the insulation of wiring/cables.
If made of metal, it shall be adequately protected against corrosion or shall be made of corrosion-resistant
It shall include fittings or other suitable means for changes in direction and elevation of runs.
9 Installation
Cable trays shall be installed as a complete system. Trays shall be supported properly from the building
structure. The entire cable tray system shall be rigid.
Each run of the cable tray shall be completed before the installation of cables.
In portions where additional protection is required, non combustible covers/ enclosures shall be used.
Where cables of different system are installed on the same cable tray, non combustible, solid barriers shall be
used for segregating the cables.
Cable trays shall be grounded by two nos, earth continuity wires. Cable trays shall not be used as equipment
grounding conductors.
At no place the cable tray / rack / ladder running horizontally should rest on any building partition like Brick
wall, RCC beams etc. but instead proper MS supports/ hangers to be provided at minimum of 1500 mm
intervals and at every Turning Angles.
Cable jointing shall be done as per the recommendations of the cable manufacturer. All jointing work
shall be done only by qualified/licensed cable jointer.
All jointing pits shall be of sufficient dimensions as to allow easy and comfortable working. Jointing
materials and accessories like conductor, ferrules, solder, flex, insulating and protective tapes, filling
compound, jointing box etc. of right quality and correct sizes, confirming to relevant Indian Standards.
Each termination’s shall be carried out using brass compression glands and cable sockets. Hydraulic
crimping tool shall be used for making the end termination’s. Cable gland shall be bounded to the earth by
using suitable size copper wire/tape
L.T. Cables shall be supplied, inspected, laid tested and commissioned in accordance with drawings,
specifications, relevant Indian Standards specifications and cable manufacturer’s instructions. The cable shall
be delivered at site in original drums with manufacturer’s name clearly written on the drums. The
recommendations of the cable manufacturer with regard to jointing and sealing shall be strictly followed.
The L.T. Power cables shall be XLPE insulated PVC sheathed type aluminium conductor armoured cable
conforming to IS : 7098 : 1988 (Part-I) with upto date amendments where as control cable shall be XLPE
insulated and PVC sheathed copper conductor armoured/ unarmoured cable conforming to IS:7098 (Part-I)
All the street light Cables shall be laid in 50mm dia HDPE pipes, as per the direction of Engineer- In-
Charge. Cable laying shall be carried out as per CPWD specifications.
All cables shall be inspected at site and checked for any damage during transit.
The Contractor shall take care to see that the cables received at site are apportioned to various
locations in such a manner as to ensure maximum utilisation and avoiding of cable joints. This apportioning
shall be got approved from Engineer-In-Charge before the cables are cut to lengths.
Cable tags shall be made out of 2mm thick aluminium sheets, each tag 1-1/2 inch in dia with one hole of
2.5mm dia, 6mm below the periphery. Cable designations are to be punched with letter/number punches and
the tags are to be tied inside the panels beyond the glanding as well as below the glands at cable entries. Trays
tags are to be tied at all bends. On straight lengths, tags shall be provided at every 15 metres.
Prior to installation, burying of cables, following tests shall be carried out. Insulation test between phases,
phase & neutral, phase & earth for each length of cable.
Before laying.
After laying.
After jointing.
On completion of cable laying work, the following tests shall be conducted in the presence of the
Earth Test.
All tests shall be carried out in accordance with relevant Indian Standard code of practice and Indian
Electricity Rules. The Contractor shall provide necessary instruments, equipment and labour for conducting
the above tests & shall bear all expenses of conducting such tests
All cables trays shall be made of G.I. sheet. Cable trays shall be complete with bends, joints, coupler
plates and accessories as may be required for joining the cable trays. The bends, Tee joint, Cross joint for all
sizes of cable tray shall be factory fabricated.
Cable trays shall be either perforated or ladder type as called for in the schedule of quantities.
Length : 2500 mm
Sizes of angle for cable tray supports shall be minimum 40 x 40 x 5 mm up to 600mm & 50 x 50 x 5mm
minimum as specified in the drawings/schedule of quantities for sizes above 600 mm. Hangers shall be of
minimum 10 mm dia steel round bars up to 600 mm & 12 mm dia steel from 750 mm to 1200 mm as specified
in the drawings/schedule of quantities. All the support shall be G.I.
The testing on galvanized material if required shall be carried out as per IS: 2633, amended to date.
1 Cables shall be laid in NP2 class/ SW Pipe/DWC pipe / in Ground as per CPWD General Specifications
for Electrical work Part II External - 1994, as amended up to date. The cable laying, including route drawing
shall be got approved from Engineer-in-charge, before commencing work the work at site.
Location of cables laid in the ground shall be clearly indicated with cable marker made of cement
Location of buried cable joints shall be indicated with a cable marker having an additional inscription
"Cable joint".
Cable markers shall project 150 mm above ground and shall be spaced at an interval of 30 meters and
at every change in direction. They shall be located on both sides of road and drain crossings.
Where cables leave the apparatus in an upward direction the cable boxes shall be provided with a
barrier joint to prevent leakage of cable oil or compound into the apparatus. Where cable cores are liable to
contact with oil or oil vapour the insulation shall be unaffected by oil. XLPE cables shall be terminated by
compression glands complying with relevant standards.
Auxiliary XLPE/ PVC insulated cables shall be terminated with compression type glands, clamps or
armour clamps complete with all the necessary fittings.
Colours shall be marked on the cable box, cable tail ends and single core cables at all connecting points
and/or any positions the Engineer-in-charge may determine. Cable boxes shall be provided with suitable labels
indicating the purpose of the supply where such supply is not obvious or where Engineer-in-charge may
All cables shall be identified and shall have phase colours marked at their termination. All incoming and
outgoing connections shall be terminated at a terminal block. Direct termination into auxiliary switches will
not be accepted.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the excavation of trenches which shall include all pumping and
bailing out as required and the provision of all necessary labour, plant, tools, water, additional soil, fuel or
motor power for such purposes.
Cables in trenches will be inspected by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative before
the trenches are backfilled.
The running of communications and power cables along the same route shall be avoided as far as
possible. Where this is not possible they shall be segregated, one group from the other. Power and
communication cables shall be laid in separate tiers. For other than directly buried cables, the order of laying
of various cables shall be as follows:
11.1 Scope :
Planning Designing Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of IP 42 indoor cubical type
minimum 125KVAR (actual capacity to be calculated by agency) APFC Panel suitable for 440V, 3
Phase, 4 Wire 50 Hz AC supply system of suitable size fabricated from CRCA sheet steel of 2 mm thick
for frame work and covers, 3mm thick for gland plates i/c cleaning & finishing complete with 7 tank
process for powder coating in approved shade, having 350A capacity four strip Pre insulated
Aluminium busbars of high conductivity, DMC / SMC bus bar supports, bottom base channel of MS
section not less than 100 mmx 50 mm x 5 mm thick, entire panel shall havea common GI earth bar
25mm x 5mm at the rear with 2 Nos. earth studs and control wiring with 2.5 sq. mm. PVC insulated
copper conductor S/C cable, cable alleys, cable gland plates and Panel should be of suitable size to
accommodate the mounting the following capacitors & reactors, including making connections and
interconnections, earthing, including necessary arrangement for accommodating different capacity
capacitors as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge, proper ventilation arrangement with suitable
exhaust fan etc as reqd.the APFC panel should have follwing
in incomer should have suitable rating four pole MCCB Thermal magnetic based release,
(a) Multi function meter with 3 nos. CTs of ratio of suitable rating , suitable class mimimum 0.5 accurancy
and suitable Burden(as per manufacturer design)
c) Thermal magnetic based Automatic 12-Step APFC Relay 1 No. and ON Delay Timer 1No.
The outgoing of panel should have suitable number of capacitor bank with provision of 1 no. of fixed bank (as
per design criteria ) ,each capacitor should consists of following:
c) MPP Type Heavy Duty Capacitor Bank 20 kVAR with discharge resistors. - 1no
e) 1 no. 7% detuned copper reactor for harmonic filter .according to copper detunted capacity of capacitor
bank to be selected .
Note :
1. The step rating of APFC panel should be as per manufacturer and to be got approved from
2. The above requirement is indicative only not exhaustive, the contractor should plan, design
and submit the requirement along with layout drawings for approval and execution.
The APFC panel should be designed in such a way that in output we can get .99 power factor and minimum
harmonic distortion.
The specification covers requirement of Medium voltage capacitors and control panel to be used for
power factor improvement of the electrical system and shall be connected to main L.T. panels.
Automatic Power correction panel shall be functional to improve power factor of the system in which it
is connected. It shall improve power factor up to 0.99 from initial power factor of 0.70, 10% to 20% of
the total capacitor rating shall be fixed permanently to ensure power factor compensation at low load/
night mode condition.
The design, manufacture and performance of power capacitors and accessories shall comply with all
currently applicable status, regulations and safety codes for power installation as prescribed in relevant
IS codes and to requirement of Local Electricity supply Authority to which the equipment shall be
Unless otherwise specified the capacitor and control panel shall conform to following:
i) Low power factor results in higher current resulting in higher voltage drop and system losses. In order
to have control over these parameters, power factor of not less than 0.99 lag to be maintained by the
power consumers. Heavy penalty is imposed in case of low power factor.
Percentage reduction of load current and transformer loss due to power factor improvement is given
in table below:
Properly designed APFC panels shall be provided to maintain power factor automatically at desired
Technical Specifications
f. Panel Constructions - Modular, Free standing, Sheet metal, Powder coated with
Antirust treatment
binary logic
11.3 The control panel shall be indoor, cubical type, floor mounted, dust and vermin proof enclosure
enclosing capacitor bank shall be of protection class IP-41.The power capacitor. Control relay &
electronic switches should be as per specification & from same manufacturer only.
11.4 Cubical panel shall comprise rigid structural frame enclosed by 2 mm thick cold rolled sheet steel; for
frame work, doors and covers. Structural framework with foundation bolts etc. shall be provided at the
bottom to mount control panel directly on concrete/floor/steel channel base.
11.5 All doors, removable covers shall be gasketed all around preferably with neoprene gaskets.
11.6 The capacitors control panel shall, in general, comprise of the following and shall be housed in well-
ventilated panel. Capacitors and their control elements may be installed in such a manner so that
minimize the space requirement.
Capacitor panel shall be of step system. Each step shall comprise of capacitor banks. Each step shall be
suitable for accommodating capacitors of required KVAR rating, of electronic switching as required for
each steps and protecting MCB / MCCB of suitable rating.
Capacitors mounted inside the panel shall be three phase, low loss ISI marked capacitors only. The
system shall have microprocessor based power factor controller with 12 steps provided in the
command module for target P. F setting with digital P. F. display. All three, phase to phase voltages and
phase to neutral voltage supports MODBUS-RTU protocol. The controller Display size of 240 X 128
mega pixels on time. Cooling fan shall be provided for efficient performance.
11.7 The Capacitor panel door shall be interlocked mechanically with the suitable mechanical lock so that
the door cannot be opened without the lock key. The APFC panel, ISI marked power capacitor & relay
should be of same make & as per NIT preferred makes only.
11.8 Each section of bank shall be controlled by a separate MCCB and provided with rapid discharge for
protection of shunt Capacitor as per the schedule of quantity.
11.9 Indicating lights shall be provided to indicate the number of capacitors in circuit. The capacitors
manufacturing firm should have valid manufacturing license from BIS and all the capacitors shall be
MPP Heavy duty box (resin filled) type with ISI marked only from same firm. Indicating lamps shall be
LED type.
11.10 The main buses and connection shall be of high conductivity Aluminum sized for specified current
ratings shall be limited to 105 degree centigrade for silver plated aluminum joints.
11.11 For all bus connection adequate contact pressure shall be ensured by means of two-bolt connection
with plain and spring washers and locknuts.
11.12 Bus bars and connections shall be fully insulated for working voltage with adequate phase/ ground
clearance. Insulating sleeves for bus bars and shroud for joints shall be provided.
Shroud for bus bars joints and tapping points shall be of two-part epoxy resin cast/ fiberglass moulded.
Minimum clearance of 20mm is required between phases and 15mm between phase and earth
irrespective of sleeve/ shrouds provided for bus bar. Insulating shrouds shall be molded type. Bus
supports shall be non-hygroscopic type epoxy/ SMC with high creep age surface.
11.13 All buses and connections shall be supported and braced to withstand the stresses due to maximum
short circuit current and also to take care of any thermal expansion.
11.14 Bus bars shall be color coded for easy identification and so located that the sequence R-Y-B shall be
from left to right, top to bottom or front to rear, when viewed from the front to panel assembly.
11.15 Routine tests shall be carried out on assembled capacitors and control panel as per relevant Indian
11.16 Type tests reports for similar capacitors units shall be submitted.
11.17 Copies of type test and routine test certificates as per IS:2834, conducted at manufacturer’s works shall
be submitted for Engineer-in-charge approval before dispatch of capacitor and control panel.
11.18 Visual inspection including witnessing routine tests shall be carried out by Engineer-in-charge or his
authorized representative.
11.19 Contractor shall notify Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representatives in writing at least fifteen
(15) days prior to contractor’s scheduled inspection test.
11.20 Capacitor banks shall be installed at least 30CM away from the walls on suitable metal frame work of
welded construction. The earth terminals provided on the body of capacitor bank shall be bonded to
the main capacitor panel earth bus with 2 Nos. 8 SWG copper or 6 SWG GI earth wires.
11.21 Insulation resistance with 500V DC Megger shall be carried and record test results.
11.22 Technical particulars, Annexure-XI as appended with the tender documents has to be dully filled &
uploaded by the tenderer failing which tender is liable to be rejected
C- 7
DG Set System
1.0 The scope of work covers Planning, Design, preparation of Drawings, obtaining approvals from
the department, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of ‘Silent type’ water cooled
turbo charged ,1 number415V DG (Prime power rating of 125KVA) Sets including AMF panel as
per OEM ,essential panel for feeding DG set load to essential load (lift ,emergency lights,water
pump,fire pumps,street lights etc),interconnection by suitable rating XLPE cable of 1.1KV from
amf panel to dg set and to main LT panel ,construction of foundation of DG set,necessary
earthing ,exhaust system asper CPCB norms etc as required at site.
1.1 Providing,Installing,Testing and Commissioning of ‘Silent Type’ Diesel Generating set along with
havingPrimePowerRatingof 125KVA (tentative capacity),415 KV at 1500RPM, 0.8 lagging power
factor at 4 1 5 K V suitable for 50Hz,3 phase system & for 0.85 Load Factor and consisting of the
1.1.1 Diesel Engine:
Diesel engine 4 stroke water cooled, electricstart, of suitable BHP at 1500 RPM suitable for
above output of alternator at 40 Degree C,50%RH & at 1000MeterMSL and conforming to BS
5514, BS 649, IS 10000, capable of taking10% over loading for one hour after 12 hours of
continuous operation. The engine will be fitted complete with all the required accessories.
Engine mounted Instrument Panel fitted with and having digital display for following:
(i) Start-stopswitch with key
(ii) Watertemperatureindication
(iii) Lubricationoil pressure indication
(iv) Lubricationoil temperature indication
(v) Batterycharging indication
(vi) RPMindication
(vii) Overspeed indication
(viii) Lowlub. Oil trip indication
(ix) EngineHours indication
1.1.2 Alternator:
Synchronousalternatorratedat125KVA, 415KV at 1500 RPM, 3 phase 50 Hz, AC supplywith 0.8
lagging power factor at 40 Degree C,50% RH & at 1000 Meter MSL. The alternat or shall be
having SPDP enclosure, brushless, continuous duty, self-excitedandself-regulated through AVR
conforming to IS: 4722/BS 2613suitable for tropical conditions and with class-F/H insulation.
1.1.7 Accoustic and weather proof enclosure with arrangement for fresh air in take for cooling of the
engine & alternator, extraction, discharging hotairin to the atmosphere as per specifications.
1.1.8 Supplying and fixing exhaust gas piping of suitable dia. welded black MS, B Class pipe
conforming to IS:3589 cut to required lengthsand installed with necessary bends, supports and
clamps,anti-vibration mountings, insulation of exhaust system with mineral wool/Rock wool,
50 mm thick wire mesh & aluminum cladding etc.,as required as per specifications.
1.1.9 Earthing with Copper earth plate 600mmx600mmx3 mm thick including accessories,
providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe
etc.with charcoal or coke and salt complete asrequired.
1.2 The scope of work includes planning, design, fabrication, installation, integration with 11KV
power distribution HT panel, testing and commissioning of Synchronization panel for operation
of DG sets.
1.5 Installation of DG Sets shall include laying of suitable size Cement Concrete foundation as per
CPWD specifications/OEM recommendations, providing acoustic enclosure to DG set and metal
cladding to exhaust pipe line with mineral wool for sound insulation, providing designed MS
lattice structure to exhaust stacks (the lattice structure design to be got approved by Engineer-
1.8 It is tentatively proposed to have 1x125 KVA, 415V DG Sets, but Capacity is to be calculated and
Design, Equipment,Selection.
The tenderer shall submit detailed schematic diagram for the approval of the Engineer-in-
charge. He will make sure that the equipment offered shall fulfill the design conditions. All
the equipments and their installation shall be suitable for the environmental conditions
encountered at the location as indicated inspecifications.
The number and size of the MS pipe for exhaust piping shall be as per the
recommendation of the engine manufacturer. Wherever 2 numbers exhaust pipes are
recommended by the engine manufacturer, the number of silencer shall alsobe
2 numbers.3.2 Conformity to Statutory Acts, Rules, Regulations, Standards and safety
The entire work shall be carried out as per following CPWD General
a) CPWD General Specification for Electrical works (Part-VII) DG Set2013
The installation shall be carried out in conformity with the local Fire Regulations and Rules
there under wherever they are in force and the provisions in local bye-laws, if any.
(i) Foundations for equipments including vibration isolation springs/ pads, Making good
all damages caused to the structure during installation and restoring the same to their
(ii) Minor building works necessary for installation of equipments, foundation trench for
fuel line & cable, making of opening in walls or in floors and restoring them to their
original condition/finish and necessary grouting etc. asrequired.
(iii) All supports for exhaust & water pipes, chimney, bus trunking (if included in scope of
contract), cables, anti- vibration pads etc. as arenecessary.
(iv) All electrical work and neutral earthing, body earthing, required for engine &
alternator, main board/ control panels, and control wiring including loop earthing, if
specified in Schedule ofWork.
(v) All pipes, bus trunking and/ or cableconnections.
(vi) POL i.e. HSD oil and Lub. oil for diesel engine for testing & commissioning for 12 hours
i/c 1hr of 10% overloading at OEA/ OEM works shall be arranged by the contractor.
POL i.e. HSD oil and Lub. oil for trial run of 4 Hrs. at site at available load shall be
arranged by thedepartment.
(vii) Painting of all exposed metal surfaces of equipments and components with
(viii) Clearance/ Approval of the complete installation from CPCB/ State Pollution Control
Board, Central Electricity Authority (CEA)/ Local Bodies and other licensing authorities,
Acceptable make: Approved makes of materials to be used in the work have been appended
with tenderDocument.
Diesel Engine
The engines shall be multi cylinders, vertical, 4 stroke cycles, water cooled, turbo charged
with after cooler diesel engine developing suitable BHP for giving a prime power output of
125 KVA as designed for individual set at 0.8 P.F. at the load terminals of the respective
alternators (exclusive of the power requirements of auxiliaries deriving power from the
engine) (as per ISO 8528 part- I).
The engines shall be capable for delivering specified prime power rating at variable loads
for PF of 0.8 lag with 10% overload available in excess of specified output for one hour in
every 12 hours. The average load factor of the engine over period of 24 hours shall be
0.85 (85%) for prime power output. The engines shall conform to BS 5514/ BS 649/
IS10000/ ISO: 3046 amended upto date. The engines shall be fitted with following
i) Fly. Wheel, dynamically balanced to suit flexible coupling with necessary housing.
ii) Necessary flexible coupling and guard for alternator andengine.
iii) Air cleaner dry type with replaceableelements.
iv) Corrosion Inhibitor Coolant.
v) An electronic speed governor of class-A1 to maintain engine speed at all conditions of
vi) M.S. sheet daily fuel service tank of suitable capacity as specified in BOQ. Tank should
be provided with inlet, outlet connections, air vent folding tap, drain plug and level
indicator (gauge). M.S fuel piping from tank to engine with valves, unions, reducers,
flexible hose connection and floor mounting pedestals, twin fuel filters and fuel
injectors. The location of the tank shall depend on standard manufacturersdesign.
vii) Fuel pump.
viii) Residential exhaust silencers withflanges.
ix) Suitable self starter 12 / 24 VD.C.
x) Battery Charging alternator unit and voltage regulator, 1 / 2 Nos. 12/24 Volts hour
heavy duty lead acid type batteries as per manufacturers design, insulated battery racks
with interconnecting leads and terminals. The connection between battery charger and
batteries shall be provided with suitable copper leads with lugsetc.
xi) Necessary pumps for lubricating oil, priming of engine bearing as well as fuel system etc.
as required.
xii) Exhaust gas turbocharger with aftercooler.
xiii)Lubricating oilcooler.
xiv) Lubrication oil filters with replaceableelements.
xv) Fuel injector.
xvi) Fuel controlsolenoid.
xvii) Fuel pump with engine speed adjustment.
xviii) Engine Control Panel fitted and having digital display forfollowing:
a) Start / stop key switch. b) Lube oil pressureindication.
c) Water temperatureindication.
d) RPM indication.
e) Engine Hoursindications.
f) Battery chargingindication.
g) Low lube oil tripindication.
h) High water temperatureindication.
i) Over speed indication
xix) Safety controls against low lube oil pressure, high lube oil temperature, and high
cooling water temperature and fail tostart.
xx) Base frame as per manufacturer’s specification including required nos. of anti vibration
cushy foot mountings.
xxi) Necessary over-speed trip on theengine.
xxii) 1 no. 0.5 hp mono block, self prime pump set with suitable size & length suction &
delivery oil resistive pipe for filling the daily service fueltank.
xxiii) Exhaust piping wrapped with asbestos rope of not less than 10 mm dia. complete with
aluminium foilcovering.
xxiv) Heavy Duty Radiator, radiator fan andmounting.
xxv)Set of standardtools.
All moving parts of the engine shall be mechanically guarded in such a manner that a
human cannot touch any moving part. Necessary certificate indicating the compliance of the above capacity requirement for
the engine model so selected along with compliance of Noise and Emission norms as per
latest CPCB guidelines for DG set capacity up-to 1000 KVA, should be furnished from the
manufacturers along with the technical bid. However, above 1000 KVA DG set,
manufacturers shall furnish certificate that the engine for the DG set complies with the
CPCB Emission norms.
The guidelinesas per CPWD General Specification for DG set-2006 (Part-VII) to be followed in this
The Governor shall be mechanical type confirming to class A2 confirm to ISO 3046
/ BS 5514 with actuator as per standard design of manufacturer.
The engine speed shall be so maintained that frequency variation at constant load including no
load shall remain within a band of 1% of rated frequency.
It shall be fed through engine driven fuel pump. A replaceable element of fuel filter shall be
suitable located to permit easy servicing. The daily service tank shall be complete with
necessary supports, gauges, connecting pipe work etc. In case of top mounted tanks, non
return valves are must in fuel supply and return line of specified value. Pipe sealant should
be used for sealing all connections. No Teflon tape is to be used. If piping length is more
than 10 meters, detail engineering is required in consultation with OEM / Manufacturers.
Lubricating oil system
It shall be so designed that when the engine starts after a long shut down lubricating
failure does not occur. Necessary priming pump for the lube oil circuit shall be installed to
keep bearings primed. This pump shall be normally automatically operative on AC/DC
supply available with theset.
This shall comprise of necessary set of heavy-duty batteries 12/24 V D.C., and suitable
starter motors, axial gear to match with the toothed ring on the flywheel. Battery capacity
shall be suitable for meeting the needs of the starting system aswell as the requirements of
control panel, indications and auxiliaries such as priming pump etc. the scope shall cover all
cabling, terminals including initials charging etc. The system shall be capable of starting the
DG Set within 20-30 sec, even in winter condition with an ambient temperature down to
Zero deg.C.
All pipe lines and fittings and accessories required inside the engine room
/enclosure and outside for exhaust piping shall be provided by the contractor. This shall
include necessary flexible pieces in the exhaust, fuel, lube oil and water as are necessary in
view of the vibration isolation requirement in the installation. Piping of adequate size shall
be used for lube Oil of the materials as per manufacturer standard. However, only MS
pipes for the exhaust and fuel oil lines shall be used.
The pipe work shall be inclusive of all fittings and accessories required such as bends,
reducers, elbows, flanges, flexible connections, necessary hardware’s etc. The installation
shall cover clamps, supports, hangers etc. as are necessary for completing the work.
Welding or brazing will be permitted in the installation. However, the work shall be
sectionalized with flanged connections as are necessary for easy isolation for purposes of
maintenance of unit as approved by Engineer-in- charge.
All M.S. pipe work shall be medium class. The work includes necessary lagging of exhaust
pipe work using asbestos rope.
Exhaust System
Exhaust piping: All MS pipes for exhaust lines shall be confirming to relevant IS. The runs
forming part of factory assembly on the engine flexible connections upto exhaust silencer
shall be exclusive of exhaust piping item. The work includes necessary cladding of exhaust
pipe work using 10mm dia asbestos rope insulation &aluminium cladding (0.80 mm thick)
for the complete portion. The exhaust pipe work includes necessary supports, foundation
etc. to avoid any load & stress on turbo charger / exhaust piping. The exhaust pipe support
structure shall be got approved by engineer –in-charge beforeexecution.
a) Exhaust system should create minimum backpressure.
b) Number of bends should be kept minimum and smooth bends should be used to
minimize backpressure.
c) Pipe sleeve of large dia should be used while passing the pipe through concrete wall &
gap should be filled with ‘feltlining.
d) Exhaust piping inside the Acoustic Enclosure / Gen set room should be lagged with
asbestos rope along with aluminium sheet cladding to avoid heat in put to theroom.
e) Exhaust flexible shall have it’s free length when it is installed. For bigger engines,
two flexible bellows can beused.
f) For engines upto 500 KVA, only one bellow is required. However, if exhaust pipe length
is more than 7 m, then additional bellow / provision for expansion should beprovided.
g) 1‘Class B’ MS pipes and long bend / elbows should be used.
h) The exhaust outlet should be in the direction of prevailing winds and should not
allow exhaust gases to entire air inlet / windowsetc.
i) When tail end is horizontal, 45 Degree downward cut should be given at theend of the
pipe to avoid rain water entry into exhaustpiping.
j) When tail end is vertical, there should be rain trap to avoid rain water entry. If rain cap
is used, the distance between exhaust pipe and rain cap should be higher than
diameter ofpipe.
Horizontal run of exhaust piping should slope downwards away from engine to the
condensate trap. Silencer should be installed with drain plug at bottom.
Optimum Silencer Location:Location of the silencer in exhaust system has very definite
influence on both reduction of noise and back pressure imposed on the system.
Care should be taken to ensure that no carbon particle emitted due to exhaust leaking
enters and deposits on alternator windings and on openconnections.
Support to exhaust piping: Exhaust piping should be supported in such manner that load
of exhaust piping is not exerted to turbocharger.
Air System
It is preferable to provide vacuum indicator with all engines to indicate choked filter.
Maximum air intake restrictions with clean and choked filters should be within prescribed
limit as per OEM / Manufacturer recommendation for particular model of the engine. Gen
set should be supplied with medium duty air cleaners.
I. System should be designed for ambient condition ofPatna.
II. Water softening /demineralising plants should be used, if raw water quality is not
III. Coolant should be used mixed with additive (in suitable proportion) asper
recommendation of OEM /Manufacturer for various enginemodels.
IV. Radiator fan flow should be free from anyobstruction.
V. For radiator cooled DG Set and proper room ventilation should be planned at the time
of construction of DG room.
Synchronous Alternator: Self excited, screen protected, self regulated, brush less
alternator, horizontal foot mounted in single bearing construction suitable for the
Rated PF : 0.8(lag)
Rated voltage : 415Volts
Rated frequency : 50Hz
No.ofphases : 3
Enclosure : SPDP
Degree of protection: IP-23
Ventilation : Self ventilated air cooled
AmbientTemperature: 400 C maximum
Insulationclass : H
TemperatureRise : Within class H limits at rated load
Voltage regulation : +/-1%
Voltage variation : +/-5%
Overload duration /capacity: 10% for one hour in every 12 hours of continuoususe.
Frequencyvariation : As defined by Engine Governor(+/- 1%) Excitation :
TypeofAVR : Electronic
AMF ControlPanel
Associated AMF panel of DG set can be located inside the acoustic enclosure or outside the
acoustic enclosure as per the manufacturer’s standard. In case the AMF panel is to be
installed outside the acoustic enclosure, it should be closer to the acoustic enclosure in
consultation with the Architect.
The control panel shall be fabricated out of 2 mm sheet steel totally enclosed, dust, damp
and vermin proof free standing floor mounted type and front operated. It shall be made
into sections such that there should be no mixing of control, power, DC& AC functions.
Hinged doors shall be provided preferably double leaf for access for routine inspection
from the rear. There is no objection to have single leaf hinged door in the front, all
indication lamps, instrument meters etc. shall be flushed in the front. The degree of
protection required will be IP-42 confirming to IS:2147.
d) Necessary indication lamps, fuses, terminal blocks, push buttons, control switches
e) Necessary engine/generating set shut down devices due tofaults/abnormalities.
f) Necessary visual audio alarm indication and annunciation facility asspecified.
g) Necessary batterycharger.
h) Necessary excitation control and voltage regulatingequipment.
i) Necessary cable end terminations, all internal wirings, connections etc as required.
j) Switch gears as specified in the schedule of work.
System Operation:
The following operations are required:
a) A line voltage monitor shall monitor supply voltage on each phase. When the
main supply voltage fails completely or fails below set value (variable between 80 to
90% of the normal value)on any phase, the monitor module shall initiate start- up of
diesel engine. To avoid initiation due to momentary disturbances, a time delay
adjustment between 0 to 5 sec shall be incorporated in start-up initiation.
b) A three attempt starting facility shall be provided 6 seconds ON, 5 seconds OFF, 6
seconds ON,5 seconds OFF,6seconds ON.If at the end of the third attempt, the engine
does not start, it shall be locked out of start and a master timer shall be provided for this
function. Suitable adjustment timers are to be incorporated which will make it feasible
to vary independently ON-OFF setting periods from 1- 10 seconds. If alternator does not
build up voltage after first or second start as may be further starting attempt will not
made until the starting facility is reset.
c) Once the alternator has built up voltage, the alternator circuit breaker shallclose
connecting the load to the alternator. The load is now supplied by thealternator.
d) When the main supply is restored and is healthy as sensed by the line voltage monitor
setting, both for under voltage and unbalance, the system shall be monitored by a
suitable timer which can be set between 1 min to 10 min for the load to be transferred
automatically to mainsupply.
e) The diesel alternator set reverts to standby for the next operation as per (a),(b) and
a) In a manual mode, it shall be feasible to start-up the generator set by the operator on
pressing the start pushbutton.
b) Three attempts starting facility shall be operative for the start upfunction.
c) Alternator circuit breaker closing and trip operations shall also be through operator
only by pressing the appropriate button on the panel and closure shall be feasible only
after alternator has built up full voltage. If the load is already on ‘mains’, pressure on
‘close’ buttons shall beineffective.
d) Engine shut down, otherwise due to faults, shall be manual by pressing a ‘stop’
Test mode
a) When under ‘test’ mode, pressing of ‘test’ button shall complete the start up
sequence simulation and start the engine. The simulation will be that of main failure.
b) Engine shall build up voltage but the set shall not take load by closing of
alternator circuit breaker. When the load is on the mains, monitoring of performance
for voltage/frequency etc. shall be feasible without supply toload.
c) If during test mode, the power supply has failed, the load shall automatically get
transferred toalternator.
d) Bringing the mode selector to auto position shall shut down the set as per sequence
10.3.1 (d) provided main supply is ON. If the main supply is not available at that time,
the alternator shall take load as in (c )above.
Engine shut down and alternator protectionequipments:
Following shut down and protection system shall be integrated in the control Panel.
a) Engine
i) Low lubricating oil pressure shut down. This shall be inoperative during up and
ii) High coolant (Water) temperature shutdown.
ii) Engine over speed shut down.
b) Alternatorprotection
i) Overload
ii) Shortcircuit
iii) Earthfault
iv) Overvoltage
Monitoring and meteringsystem:
a) Necessary energy analyzer unit for visual monitoring of mains, alternator and load
voltage, current, frequency, KWH, power factoretc.
b) A set of visual monitoring lamp indicationfor:
i) Load onset
ii) Load onmains
iii) Set on Test (Alternator on operation duty, Alternator on stand-byduty)
iv) Set of lamp for engine shut down for over-speed, low lube oil pressure and high coolant
water temp, overload trip of alternator, earth leakage trip of alternator, engine lock out
and failure to start etc. All these indication shall have an audio visual alarm. When operator
accepts the alarm, the hooter will be silenced and the fault indication will become steady
until reset by operating a resetbutton.
A set of operation devices shall be incorporated in the front of panel as under.
a) Master Engine ControlSwitch
This shall cut off in “OFF” position DC control supply to the entire panel, thus
preventing start-up of engine due to any cause. However, battery charger, lamp test
button for testing the healthiness of indication lamps, DC volt meter, ammeter etc.
shall be operative. It shall be feasible to lock the switch in OFF position for
maintenance and shut down purposes.
b) Operation selector switch OFF/AUTO /MANUAL/TSETposition
c) A Set of push buttons asspecified.
d) Necessary battery charger with boost / trickle selector, DC voltmeter and DC ammeter.
e) Energy analyzer unit for display of various electrical parameters like voltage, current,
frequency, KW, Power factoretc
f) Relays, contactors, timers, circuit breakers as required.
Battery / ElectricalSystem
Batteries supplied with Gen set are generally dry and uncharged. First charging of uncharged
batteries is very important and should be done from authorized battery charging centre. Initial
charging should be done for 72 – 80-hours.
Batteries should be placed on insulated stands and relatively at coolplace.
The battery should be 180 AH capacity 12 / 24 Volt, 25 plate and the size of copper conductor
battery cable should be of
For AMF applications, a static battery charger working on mains supply is recommended to keep
the charged all thetimes.
1.5 Sq. mm. copper wire should be used for wiring between junction box and controlpanel.
Power cabling between alternator to control panel and control panel to changeover switch should
be done with one no. 3.5 core 400 XLPE insulated aluminium conductor armoured cable.
Multi core copper cable should be used for inter connecting the engine controls with the switch
gear and otherequipments.
It is recommended to support output cables on separate structure on ground so that weights of
cables should not fall on alternator / baserail.
Scope: This section covers details of foundations for DG set with or without acousticenclosures.
Gen set with acoustic enclosure:
a) For DG Sets installed inside the DG Set Room - A PCC foundation (1:2:4,M- 20 grade) of
approximate depth 150mm above the finished Gen set Room Floor level is required so as to
provide leveled surface for placement of the acoustics enclosure. The length and breadth of
foundation should be at least 250 mm more on all sides than the size of the enclosure. Gen set
should be mounted on AVM’s inside theenclosure.
b) For DG Sets installed outside in open area - A PCC (1:2:4, M-20 grade) foundation of weight 2.5
times the operating weight of the Gen set with enclosure or as recommended by the Gen set
manufacturer OEM/OEA, whichever is higher, is required to provided and is included in scope of
work for SITC of Gen set. 300 mm of this foundation height should be above the ground level. The
length and breadth of foundation should be at least 250 mm more on all sides than the size of
enclosure. Gen set should be mounted on AVM’s inside the enclosure. Design of the foundation as
recommended by the OEM shall be submitted by the contractor before execution of work along
with the drawings.
The enclosure shall be made of from OEMs only, who are approved / certified by CPCB.
The canopy will enclose the following items inside: -
a) DieselEngine
b) Alternator
c) ControlPanel
d) 12 / 24 Volt StartingBattery
e) Daily service fueltank.
f)Other accessories so that the DG set with all items and accessories could be placed in
open space without any other requirement of Diesel Generator room suitable to
withstand all weather conditions.
The acoustic enclosure shall be designed and manufactured confirming to relevant
standards suitable for outdoor installation exposed to weather conditions, and to limit
overall noise level to 75 dB (A) at a distance of 1 mtr. from the enclosure as per CPCB
norms under free fieldconditions.
The construction should be such that it prevents entry of rain water splashing into the
enclosure and allows free & quick flow of rain water to the ground in the eventof heavy
rain. The detained construction shall confirm to the details asunder:
The acoustic enclosure will be made on the basis of modular construction i.e made in parts
and can be assembled or disassembled at site. All members will be properly gasketed and
bolted together. The structure should be weatherproof.
The enclosure will be totally enclosed type made of high quality CRCA sheet of thickness at
least 16 SWG (1.6mm)
The sheet metal components shall be hot dip seven tanks pre-treated before powder
coating. The enclosure shall be powder coated (inside as well outside) with a special pure
polyester basedpowder.
All nut and bolts / external / hardware shall be made of Stainless Steel.
Sound proofing of the enclosure shall be done with high quality Fire Retardant insulation
material i.e. Glass wool / mineral wool of minimum 50mm thickness confirming to relevant
IS. The sound proofing materials would be further covered with fine glass fibre cloth and
would be supported by perforated MS sheet duly powdercoated.
The doors shall be gasketed with high quality gaskets to prevent leakage of sound and the
door handles shall be lockabletype.
There shall be a provision for filling fuel from outside the enclosure with locking
arrangement. Fuel tank should have provision forcleaning.
The provision of external drain plug shall be kept for draining lub oil anddiesel.
Especially design attenuators shall be provided to control sound at air entry exit point.
Especially design residential silencer shall be provided within the enclosure to reduce
Adequate ventilation shall be provided to meet total air requirement. If necessary suitable
numbers of axial flow fan and exhaust fan of suitable dia meter shall be provided as per
The temperature rise inside the enclosure should not be more than 50 C for maximum
ambient above 40 deg.C and it should be below 100 C for ambient below 40deg.C.
Temperature Control Relay which continuously indicates the inside temperature of the
canopy with variable setting for tripping the generator.
There shall be a provision of emergency shutdown from outside theenclosure.
Acoustic enclosure will be provided with flexible exhaust pipe connection with adequate
and suitable arrangement of mounting of the residential silencer mounted on the top and
concealed in the body of the enclosure. The exhaust pipe will be provided with asbestos
rope insulation of 10mm thick and covering with aluminium foil. The exhaust pipe inside
the enclosure must be lagged (exceptbelow).
The DG set will be provided with special spring mounted vibration damper to eliminate the
vibration when DG set is working on fullload.
The front panel should include engine RPM meter electricallyoperated.
The Fuel gauge shall have electrically operated – fuel gauge shall have to provide inside
There should have a provision of DC Emergency light operated automatically with
The inside of the enclosure shall be illuminated by the fluorescent tube with the help of
PVC insulated copper conductor wiring in recess conduit suitable for single phase
To avoid re-circulation of hot air, durable sealing between radiator and canopy is must.
The acoustic enclosure should be suitable for cable connection / connection through bus-
trunking. Such arrangements on acoustic enclosure should be water proof and dust-proof
confirming to IP-65protection.
The inside of enclosure should be provided with at least two nos. 28W- T5 fluorescent tube
light Luminaire LED lights controlled by a 5A switch for adequate lighting during servicing
etc. of the DG Set. The power supply to this Luminaire should be from the load side of the
AMF Panel so that it can remain energized under allconditions.
Inspection andTesting
The successful tenderer will arrange staff / fuel / POL for test run at his cost.
Testing shall necessarily be carried out at factory / manufacturer premises in presence of
representative of the department.
For testing following procedure will be followed: All major items / equipments i.e. engine
and alternator in assembled condition, associated electrical control panels etc. shall be
offered for inspection and testing at factory / manufacturers works. The successful
tenderer shall give a notice of minimum two weeks for carrying out such tests. The
Engineer-in-charge / or his authorized representative shall witness such inspection &
testing at mutually agreed date. The cost of the Dept’s representative’s visit to the factory
will be borne by theDepartment.
The department also reserves the right to inspect the fabrication job at factory and
successful tenderer has to make arrangements for thesame.
DG set will be tested on load of unity power factor for the rated KW rating. During testing,
the DG set covered under scope of the work, shall be operated for a period of 12 hours on
the rated KW at DG set’s KW rating i/c 1 hour of 10% over load after continuous run of the
12 hours. During testing all controls / operations safeties will be checked and proper record
will be maintained. Any defect / abnormality noticed during testing shall rectified. The
testing will be declared successful only when no abnormality / failure is noticed during the
testing. The DG set will be cleared for dispatched to site only when the testing is declared
successful by authorised representative / Engineer-in-charge.
Trial Run/Running-in-Period
After successful testing of the DG Set, a trial run at available load will be carried out for 120
Hours or 15 Days whichever is earlier. The DG Set will be operated and a log of all relevant
parameters will be maintained during this period. The arrangement of staff for trial run/
running in period will be made by the successful tenderer. However, diesel shall be
provided by Department. The contractor will be freeto
carry out necessary adjustments. The DG Set will be said to have successfully completed
the trial run, if no break-down or abnormal/ unsatisfactory operation of any component of
the entire installation included in the scope of work of the contract, occurs during this
period. After this the DG Set will be made available for beneficial use. After the DG Set has
operated without any major break-down/ trouble, it shall be taken over by the department
subject to guarantee clause of the contract. This date of taking over of the DG Set, after
trouble free operation during the trial run/ running-in period, shall be the date of
acceptance/ taking over.
Safety measures
All equipments shall incorporate suitable safety provisions to ensure safety of the
operating personnel as per manufacturers’ standard practice.
Approval/ clearance of the complete installation shall be obtained by the contractor from
CPCB/ State pollution Control Boards/ Local Bodies/ Central Electricity Authority (CEA)/
other licensing authorities wherever required. However, application shall be made by
Department and any statutory fee, as applicable, shall be paid by Department directly to
the govt. authorities concerned.
Scope: This section covers the earthing requirement of DG Set installations. Copper plate
earthing (Neutral Grounding) shall be provided for DG Sets of capacity 500KVA or above,
whereas G.I. plate earthing (Neutral Grounding) shall be provided for DG Sets below
500KVA capacity. The body earthing shall generally be ofG.I.The generating set and all
associated equipments control and switch gear and switch gear panels must be earthed
before the set is put intooperation.
Four numbers earth sets for each DG Sets are required asunder:
- 2 earthing sets for Gen set/ control panelbody.
- 2 earthing sets forneutral.
In case there are more than one DG Set in one location, independent two nos. neutral
earthing shall be provided for each DG set. However, two nos. earthing sets shall be
common for the body earthing of DG Sets, Control Panel, AMF Panel and Essential LT
Earthing job should be carried out per General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part-1-
Copper or GI strips of suitable size shall be used for earthing as detailed here under for
DG Set of 500KVA capacity or above:- Copperstrip
DG Set below 500 KVA capacity:- GIstrip
For Gen sets with AVM’s between engine/ alternator and base rail, the body earthing must
be done at the engine/ alternator and not atbase-rail.
Gen set should be earthed at two distinct points through a conductor strip having cross-
section suitable to carry the short circuit (three phase dead short circuit with ground)
current without burning out in conformity to General Specifications for Electrical Works
(Part-1-Internal)-2013 invogue.
Earth Bus: For body earthing, an earth-bus shall beprovided.
In case, DG Set is being installed inside the substation building or near to the sub-station,
for body-earthing of DG set, AMF Panel and Essential Panel, earth bus provided for sub-
station shall beused.
Test joints should be provided for testing the earthing as and whenrequired.
For further details of Earthing work, like size of plate/ earth strip, depth of earthing,
method etc., please refer “CPWD General Specifications For Electrical Works(Part-1-
Internal), 2013 invogue.
The scope of work consists of Planning, designing & preparation of Drawings, obtaining
approvals from the Department, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning and
putting into operation with recirculation pumps, solar collector panels, support structure
for collectors, mixing tank (as per building requirement), absorbers, heat exchangers (as
per building requirement), electrical control panel with electrical cables, back up heaters
with heat pumps, make up water tank, inter connecting pipes with suitable insulation,
valves, pressure gauges, thermometers as mentioned in hereafter and tender drawings as
per MNRE & GRIHA guidelines, including providing suitable back up electrical heating
element with thermostat to use in the absence of solar water heating system. Hot Water
points shall include tap point/ shower point in bathroom, Kitchen sink, wash basin, etc.
However, the outlet piping from system shall be covered by the plumbing part of the
respective civil work under Part-B.
All the E&M fittings, fixtures, machinery and equipment proposed to be used in the
execution shall confirm to highest start rating i.e. ‘5 STAR’ rating under star labeling
program of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
The above requirement is indicative only not exhaustive, the contractor should plan, design
and submit the requirement along with layout drawings for approval and execution.
The rates quoted by the tenderer, shall be firm and inclusive of all taxes (including GST),
duties and levies and all charges for packing, forwarding, insurance, freight and delivery,
installation, testing, commissioning etc. at site including temporary constructional
storage, risks, overhead charges, general liabilities/ obligations etc.
(i) All components and their installation shall conform to relevant Indian Standard
Specifications, wherever existing, amended to date.
(ii) As per Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order (PPP-MII Order),
inclusion of foreign standards/certification in tenders, there by excluding local
manufacturers is violative of theOrder.
(iii) Therefore,utmost care shall be taken to stipulate Indian Standards/certifications
instead of foreign standards/certifications for various products/materials in the
tender documents. In all cases, the PPP-MII Order 2017 as amended shall be strictly
(iv) All electrical works shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Indian
Electricity Act, 2003 and Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010, NEC 2011 amended to date. They shall also conform to
CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works, Part-I (Internal)-2013, Part-II
(External)- 1994, Part IV (Sub-station) 2013 and Part-VII(DG Sets)-2013 amended to
(i) In respect of all labour employed directly or indirectly on the work for the
performance of the fire fighting contractor’s part of work, the contractor athisown
expense, will arrange for the safety provisions as per the statutory provisions
including “Safety, Health and Environment Hand book 2019” published by CPWD,
B.I.S recommendations, Factory Act, Workman’s Compensation Act, CPWD Code
and instructions issued from time to time.Failure to provide such safety
requirements would make the tenderer liablefor penalty to be decided by
Unless otherwise mentioned in the tender documents, the following works shall be done
by the contractor and therefore, their cost shall be deemed to be included in the
tendered cost- whether specifically indicated in the Schedule of Work ornot:-
(i) Foundations for equipment including foundation bolts and vibration isolation
(ii) Suspenders, brackets and floor/wall supports for suspending/supporting pipes.
(iii) Suspenders and/or cable trays for laying the cables,
(iv) Excavation and refilling of trenches in soil wherever the pipes are to be laid directly
in ground,including necessary base treatmentand supports.
(v) Sealing of all floor slab/wall openings provided by the Department or made by the
contractor for pipes and cables,from fire safety point of view,after laying of the
(vi) Painting of all exposed metal surfaces of equipment and components with
appropriate colour.
(vii) Making openings in the walls/floors/slabs or modification in the existing openings
wherever provided for carrying pipeline,cables etc.
(viii) All electrical works including cable/wires, earthing etc. beyond power supply made
available by the department.
(ix) Making good all damagescaused to the structure during installation and restoring
the same to their original finish.
(i) Completenessofthetender:
(ii) All sun dry equipment, fittings, assemblies, accessories, hardware items, foundation
bolts, supports, termination lugs for electrical connections, cable glands, junction boxes
and all other items which are useful and necessary for proper assembly and efficient
working of the various equipment and components of the work shall be deemed to
have been included in the tender, irrespective of the fact whether such items are
specifically mentioned in the tender or not.
(v) Submission of programme:
Within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the letter of award, the successful
tenderer shall submit his programme for submission of drawings, supply of equipment,
installation, testing, commissioning and handing overof the installation to the Engineer-in-Charge.
This programme shall be framed keeping in view the building progress and the Milestones
fixed in Schedule ‘F’ Clause-5 of General Conditions of Contract.
(iii) SubmissionofDrawings:
The contractor shall submit the drawings to the Engineer-in-Charge as per specification for
approval within 60 days from the start of work.
(iv) Commencementofwork:
The contractor shall commence work as soon as the drawings submitted by
himareapprovedeitherinfullor inpartas the casemaybe.
The contractor shall dispatch materials to site in consultation with the Engineer-in-
Charge. No storage accommodation shall be made available to contractor. Watch and ward
,safe custody of material shall be the responsibility of contractor. Programme of dispatch of
material shall be framed keeping in view the building progress. Safe custody of all machinery
and equipment supplied bythe contractor shall be the responsibility of the contractor till final
taking over by the department.
The contractor shall co-ordinate with all other agencies involved in the work so that thework
of other agencies is not hampered due to delay in his work.
(i) The components of the installation shall be of such design so as to satisfactorily function
under all conditions of operation.
(ii) The entire work of manufacture/fabrication, assembly and installation shall conform to
so undengineering practice.
(iii) All equipment and materials to be used in work shall be manufactured in factories of
good repute having excellent track record of quality manufacturing, performance and
proper after sales service.
Care shall be taken by the contractor during execution of the work to avoiddamage to the
building. He shall be responsible for repairing all such damagesand restoring the same to
the original finish at his cost. He shall also remove allunwanted and waste
materialsarising out of the installation from the site ofworkfromtimetotime.
(i) Allequipment shall be guaranteed fora period of24 months from the dateof
completion of entire scope of agreement.Theequipmentorcomponent or anypart
thereofso found defectiveduringthe guaranteeperiod shall be repaired or
replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of theEngineer-in-charge. In case, it is felt
by the department that undue delay isbeing caused by the contractor in doing
this, the same will be got done by thedepartment at the risk and cost of the
contractor. The decision of Engineer-in-chargeinthis regardshallbefinal.
2.14.1 TenderDrawings
The drawings appended with the tender documents are intended to show
theareasallotted for various equipment, tentative pipe routes. The equipment
offered shall be suitable for installation in the spaces shown in these drawings.
2.14.2 Drawingsforapprovalonawardofthework
The contractor shall prepare and submit following drawings and get them approved from
the Engineer-in-charge before the start of the work.The approval of drawing showever does
not absolve the contractor of his responsibility to supply the equipment/materials as per
agreement. In case of any contradiction between the approved drawings and agreement
the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor.
2.14.3 CompletionDrawings
(a) Installation drawings giving complete details of all the components/items such
as detectors, call boxes etc.
(b) Line diagram and layout of all electrical control panels and work station.
(c) Control wiring drawings with all control components and sequence of operation
to explain the operation of control circuits.
1 Solar flat plate Solar flat plate collector cover plate made to toughened glass sheet
collector for absorber made of copper.
Absorber made of copper sheet and copper tube.
2 Solar flat plate 1. Solar flat plate collector shall conform to IS:12933 (part-1) with
collector amdt.No.1 & 2. and IS: 12933 (Part-2)/2003 and various components
Specifications shall be as under:
A Absorber Absorber shall consist of riser, header and sheet for absorber. The
diameter of header shall be 25.4 + /- 0.5 mm and thickness 0.71 mm.
The diameter of riser shall be 12.7 + /-0.5 mm and thickness 0.56
mm and made of copper only. The distance between the risers from
center to center shall be 120 mm. type grade, size, workmanship and
finish of the material used shall be as per section-3 of IS: 12933 (pt-
B Absorber sheet (a) Collector box insulation shall be provided at back and sides.
and riser/ Thermal resistance (R) of insulation material shall be minimum 0.96
headers m square degree c/w for back insulation and minimum 0.48 m
square degree c/w for side insulation. This shall be derived after
determining thermal conductivity (k) value at 100 degree c mean
temperature in accordance with IS: 3346. Collector box insulation
shall conform to sec. 4 of IS: 12933 (pt-2)/2003.
3 Assembly of The load of the absorber should not be on the insulation. It should
collectors be taken by the collector box.
The air gap between the glazing and the absorber should be 25 mm
The glass should be firmly held, without strain taking into account
the expansions of glass.
6 Painting of Proper cleaning and degreasing of the surface should be done with
Stands the help of three in one solution before painting. Two coats of zinc
chromate red oxide primer shall be applied followed by two coats of
enamel paint of suitable colour as per NIT.
7 Storage Tank
(Hot Water)
8 Piping a) Material
The pipe line should be properly supported and fixed with clamp
with the help of suitable size stand/ civil structure (Cement concrete
ratio 1:4) ISI mark strainer of standard make should be fitted in the
main cold water supply line before the system.
11 Cold water tank HDPE/LDPE material with Gun metal float valve (ISI marked) equal to
the capacity of hot water storage tank.
12 Stands & The tank will be mounted on stands made out of angle iron frame of
Pedestals for 35x35x4 mm upto 2000 liters and 65x65x6 mm for capacity above
the tank 2000 liters with each leg duly grouted with PCC 1:2:4 of 1'x1'x1' size.
The cold water tanks will be placed over angle iron frame having 4
cross members in 4 legs with 5 mm thick MS sheet for full bottom
support fixed of 4 horizontal members based on the size of the cold
water tank.
13 System layout & Maximum number of collectors in series should not be more than
design ten.
(i) Material
(i) Material
(ii) Thickness
The surface area of the heat exchanger should not be less and per
sq. m of the absorber area of the system (for 100 LPD system the
copper tube length of 7 meter is required).
15 Electrical BACK Air Source Heat Pump is used for the backup for generation of
UP for water hot water:
Heating. The Heat Pump shall have the following specifications:
Output rate suitable liters based on the system capacity at
30 deg delta T.
Rated output heating capacity – Based on the system
Input power consumption- Based on the system capacity.
Input power supply - 400V/3Ph/50Hz.
Inlet water temperature - 25 deg C - 30 deg C.
Outlet water temperature- 50 deg C-55 deg C.
Co-efficient of performance - 3.5 - 4.0
16 Electrical Control panel designed for providing 3-phase power supply ( based
backup control on design requirement) and control the recirculating pumps, Heat
panel pumps and automatic operation between the circulating pump and
back up heating system.
b. Deburring /Beveling:
Burrs and fittings should be removed from the outside and inside of pipe with a
pocket knife or file otherwise burrs and fittings may prevent proper contact
between pipe and fittings during assembly.
c. Fittingpreparation:
Ac leandry rag/cloth should be used to wipe dirt and moisture from the fitting
sockets and tubing end.The tubing should make contact with the socket wall 1/3 or
2/3 of the way into the fitting socket.
d. Solvent CementApplication:
Only CPVC solvent cement confirming to ASTM-F493 should be used for joining
pipe with fittings. An even coat of solvent cement should be applied on the pipe
end and a thin coat inside the fitting socket,otherwise too much of cement solvent
can cause clogged waterways.
Approx. No. of joints which can 200 180 150 130 100
be made per litre of solvent 70 No
cement. No No No No No
e. Assembly:
After applying the solvent cement on both pipe and fitting socket,pipe should be
insertedintothefittingsocket within 30 seconds, and rotating the pipe¼to ½turn
while inserting so as to ensure even distribution of solvent cement with the joint.
The assembled system should be held for 10 seconds (approximately) in order to
allow the joint to setup. An even bead of cement should be evident around the
joint and if this bead is not continuous remake the joint to avoid potential leaks.
Special care shall be exercised when assembling flow guard systems in extremely
low temperature (below4°C) or extremely high temperature (above 45°C) In
extremely hot temperatures, make sure that both surfaces to be joined are still
wet with cement solvent when putting them together.
h. Threaded Sealants
Teflon tape shall be used to make threaded connections leak proof.
i. SolventCement
Only CPVC solvent cement conforming to ASTMF 493 should be used for joining
pipe with fittings and valves.Flowguard CPVC cement solvent have a minimum
shelf life of 1year.
Aged cement solvent will of ten change colour or being to thicken and become
gelatinous or jelly like and when this happens, the cement should not be used. The
cement solvent should be used within 30 days after opening the company’s seal
and tightly close the seal after using in order to avoid its freezing. The freezed
cement solvent should be discarded immediately and fresh one should be
used.The CPVC solvent cement usage should bead hered to as given in table
j. Hangers andsupports
For Horizontal runs, support should be given at 3-foot (90 cm)
intervalsfordiametersofoneinchandbelowandat4-foot(1.2m)intervalsfor largersizes.
Hangersshouldnothaveroughorsharpedgeswhichcomeincontactwiththe tubing.
k. PipeSupports
All pipe supports, hangers and clamps to be fixed on RCC walls, beams, columns,
slabs and masonry walls 230mm/115mm thick and above by means of galvanized
expandable anchor fasteners in drilled holes of correct size and model to carry the
weight of pipes. Drilling shall be made only by approved type of power drill as
recommend and approved by manufacturer of the anchor fasteners. Failure of any
fastening devices shall be the entire responsibility and contractor shall red or
V. Valves
Valves upto 50 mm dia. shall be screwed type Ball Valves with stainless steel balls,
spindle, Teflon seating and gland packing tested to a hydraulic pressure of 20
kg/, and accompanying couplings and steel handles. ( to BS-5351)
Valves 65 mm dia and above shall be cast iron butterfly valve to be used for
isolation. The valves shall be bubble tight, resilient seated suitable for flow in
either direction and seal in both direction with accompanying flanges and steel
Each Butterfly and Slim Type Swing Check (NRV) Valve shall be provided with a pair
off langes screwed or welded to the main line and having the required number of
galvanized nuts, bolts and washers of correct length.
vi. Testing
Once an installation is completed and cored as per above mentioned
recommendations, the system should be hydrostatically pressure tested at 150 psi
(10 Bar) for one hour. During pressure testing, the system should be fitted with
water and if a leak is found, the joint should be cut out and replacingthe same with
new one by usingcouplers.
Copper tubes conforming to EN:1057 in 10 ft. length and thickness as per Table`X’.
Dimension must be strictly as pre EN:1057& Chemical Composition of copper pipes to
be as follows:
Copper% - 99.9%
For sizes 15mm and above, hard drawn tubes will be used. The tubes shall be totally
cylindrical and of uniform thickness free from flaw, pin holes, cracks and other skin
detects.The maximum working and burst pressure of tubes shall be asEN:1057.All
tubes shall be eddy current tested to ensure the tubes are free from any internal blow
holes / flaw or eccentricity. Tubes from manufacturers who do not have eddycurrent
testing facility will not be accepted. The buyer / user reserves the right to inspect the
facility of the manufacturer to ensure that eddy current testing facility is prevalent and
being done. Carbon film or Carbon content test must be conducted on Copper Tubes
as perEN:1057.
Calculated Burst working
Tube Outer Diameter Inner Pressure
Size Dia pressure
All fittings will be embossed with the BS symbol mentioning the specification
BS:864 or withEN:1254.
For 15mm to 28mm sizes Integral Solder Ring Fittings will be used for all internal
For sizes 35mm and above, End feed fittings will be used for all external services.
Fittings of sizes 15mm to 28mm will be joined with copper pipes by the use of soft
lead free solder wire as per specifications mentioned below.
For fittings for sizes 35mm and above, the process of joining will be by brazing as
per details given below. Under no circumstances will fittings for 35mm and below
be brazed and under no circumstances will fittings of 35mm and above be soft
The fittings must be capable of End Feeding, Solder Wire to be used with these
fittings must be soft solder capable of melting at approx.230deg Cand must
confirm to BS:219 / EN BS 29453. Solder wire must be absolutely lead-free. Copper
tin or Silver Tin Solder is acceptable only. All fittings of 35mm and above will be of
End Fedtype.
Legislation has resulted in a ban on the use of lead containing solders on both new
and repaired potable water systems. All integral solder ring fittings contain lead
free solder. In the case of End Feed Fittings, the onus is on the specifier and
installer to ensure that lead-tree, Tin-copper or Tin-silver solders, as specified in
BS:EN:29453 (FormerlyBS:219)are used exclusively inportable water installations.
The copper pipes and fittings shall run wall chase or ceiling or as specified. The
fixing shall be done by means of standard pattern holder but clamps keeping the
pipes about 1.5 cm clear of the wall where to be laid on surface. Where it is
specified to conceal the pipes, chasing may be adopted. For pipes fixed in shafts,
ducts, etc. there should be sufficient space to work on the pipes with the usual
tools.As far as possible, pipes may be buried for short distances provided adequate
protection is given against damage and where so required special care to be taken
at joints.Where directed by the Owner’s site representative / Architect, pipe
sleeves shall be fixed at a place thepipe is passing through a wall or floor for
reception of the pipes and allow freedom for expansion and contraction and other
movements. In case pipe is embedded in walls or floors, it shall be covered with a
protective tape wrapped around the pipes & fittings.
Copper pipe shall be joined with approved above mentioned fittings conforming to
BS:864 Part II and EN:125. Care shall be taken to remove any bulk from the end of
the pipes aftercutting. Only fittings of the size suitable to the pipe shall be used.
The ends of the tube shall be cut to the correct size using a tube cutter or a line
bladed hack saw.Care shall be taken to ensure that the ends of the tubes are cut
perpendicular to the axis of the tube and that the ends remain undamaged and
free of burrs. Any burrs remaining shall be removed with a smooth file.Clean the
outside surface of the tube that shall go into the fitting.
Flux shall be applied on the pipe surface ensuring even and uniform application.
Insert the tube into the fitting and push home until the stop is reached. Wipe off
excess flux with a soft cloth. Now the assembled joint shall be heated with a blow
torch or any similar appliance that emits a clean,blue, soot free flame.The heat
shall be turned off once completering of solder has appeared on the mouth of the
Combined list of Acceptable Makes of Various Equipment/Material for Electrical & Mechanical
Services C1 to C 9
RR Kabel
Fortune art
Fortune art
Steel Krsfts
Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
L&T (D-sine)
Havells (Crabtree)
Kolaors (kosmik)
Exhaust fans
Crompton Greaves
Crompton Greaves
AO Smith
DWC Pipes
Universal/ NICCO
With IP55
ABB Equivalent
Schneider Equivalent
Legrand Equivalent
Siemens Equivalent
29 Transformers Kirloskar/Siemens/ABB/areval
Crompton Greaves
34 CTs AE
The approval of the Engineer in charge shall be final and binding for the items not covered
The approval of the Engineer in charge shall be final and binding for the items not covered
CI NRV/ Sluice/ Butterfly Valves (ISI Zoloto / Leader/ Kirloskar/ Deepak/ L&T
markes only) Valves Limited/ KSB
First Aid Hose reel/ Fire Hose/ Safex/ Padmini/ GeTech/ Agni/ Newage/
Gunmetal Branch Pipe/ Fireman Axe Ceasefire/ Life Guard/ Kesaraplast
8 Hydrant valven
Grundfos/Kirloskar/Mather & Platt India
11 Fire/Terrace/Sprinkler/Jockey/Primi
ng pump sets
13 Motors Siemens/Kirloskar/ABB/ITT
14 LT Switchgear
15 Starters Crompton/L&T/Siemens/Eaton/BCH/ABB
16 Ammeter/Voltmeter IMP/AE/MECO/L&T
17 Batteries Panasonic/Exide/Amaron/HBL
24 All other items not covered above As per approval of the Engineer-inCharge
The Lift Manufacturers satisfying the following Criteria are considered as preferred
makes. Required documentary evidence shall be submitted at the time of approval for
associating as Specialized agency.
The Lift Manufacturer shall comply with BIS Standards, duly certified by designated labs /
certifying agencies.
The experience of successful completion of similar works shall be as per CPWD Works
The Manufacturer shall furnish an undertaking regarding availability of spares for the entire life
of lift i.e., 15 to 20 years.
The downtime of installed lifts, which are being maintained by the Manufacturer, shall not be
more than 8 hours (average) in case of minor faults and 7 days (average) in case of major repairs
in last one year. The data to be considered shall be for lats financial year.
Note: The Chief Engineer, Hyderbad reserves the right to add or delete any materials and
makes/brands in the list of preferred makes of materials/brands. Approval list of preferred makes
for E&M Item issued from ADG concerned.