Performance Analysis: Q4FY22 & FY22
Performance Analysis: Q4FY22 & FY22
Performance Analysis: Q4FY22 & FY22
3.92% 3.84% 3.80% 3.85%
Yield on Advances
Domestic Global International Mar'21 Jun'21 Sep'21 Dec'21 Mar'22
2.50% 2.62%
1.95% 2.01% 2.09%
4.98% 3.85%
3.52% Mar'20 Mar'21* Mar'22
0.95% International
1.34% 1.29%
Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
Yield on Advances
Domestic Global International
Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
7.83% 7.61%
7.99% Global
6.98% 6.79% 3.03%
2.73% 2.71%
2.48% 2.18%
Total Fee Income 1,747 1,557 1,848 5.8 5,693 6,409 12.6
Other Non-Interest Income 3,070 962 674 -78.0 7,241 5,075 -29.9
Non- Interest Income 4,817 2,519 2,522 -72.3 12,934 11,484 -11.2
Operating Income 11,924 11,071 11,134 -6.6 41,743 44,106 5.7
Operating Expenses 5,689 5,588 5,499 -3.3 20,544 21,716 5.7
Operating Profit 6,235 5,483 5,635 -9.6 21,199 22,389 5.6*
Cost to Income Ratio (%) 47.71 50.47 49.39 49.22 49.24
*Growth in Operating Profit for FY22 excluding revaluation of investment would have been 13.1%
Other Miscellaneous Income 436 317 403 -7.6 1,196 1,283 7.3
Total Fee Income 1,747 1,557 1,848 5.8 5,693 6,409 12.6
Recovery from TWO 2,040 516 916 -55.1 2,985 2,510 -15.9
Other Non-Interest Income 3,070 962 674 -78.0 7,241 5,075 -29.9
Total Non-Interest Income 4,817 2,519 2,522 -47.6 12,934 11,484 -11.2
Other Operating Expenses 2,564 2,485 2,797 9.1 9,098 9,737 7.0
of which :
417 358 431 3.4 1,506 1,473 -2.2
Rent, Taxes and Lighting
Printing and Stationery 41 32 40 -3.3 126 122 -3.5
Depreciation 333 394 413 24.0 1,315 1,390 5.7
Law charges 52 48 53 1.9 164 191 16.5
Repairs and Maintenance 302 243 256 -15.2 1,110 993 -10.5
Insurance 434 316 428 -1.4 1,354 1,379 1.8
NFS charges/Fees 109 126 119 9.2 380 449 18.2
Other Expenditure 876 969 1,057 20.6 3,143 3,740 19.0
Operating Expenses 5,689 5,588 5,499 -3.3 20,544 21,716 5.7
Q4 FY21 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 YOY (%) FY21 FY22 YOY (%)
(INR crore)
Operating Profit 6,235 5,483 5,635 -9.6 21,199 22,389 5.6
Total Provisions 3,555 2,506 3,736 5.1 15,643 13,002 -16.9
of which
Provision for NPA & Bad 4,593 4,283 5,200 13.2 12,408 14,640 18.0
Debts Written-off
Provision for Standard
-1,663 -1,936 -1,744 - 2,158 -2,672 -
Provision for Investment 442 447 117 -73.5 879 559 -36.4
Term Deposits 4,90,386 5,16,888 5.4 4,88,386 5,16,888 5.8 7%
Bulk Deposits
98,716 1,11,701 13.2 88,637 1,11,701 26.0
(including CD) Savings
Domestic Deposits 8,58,413 9,27,011 8.0 8,76,555 9,27,011 5.8 36%
*ex-pool purchase. Retail including pool stands at INR 1,50,253 crore. MSME including pool at INR 1,00,131 crore as on Mar 31, 2022 15.0%
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Risk profile – Retail loans
3% 0%
18% 14% 16%
10% 10%
Above 725 701-725 Up to 700 -1 Above 725 701-725 Upto 700 0 & -1 Above 725 701-725 Upto 700 0 & -1
*Based on Amt.
*CIBIL scores (V1) as on 01.04.2019 have been converted into corresponding Credit Vision CIBIL Scores
Outstanding Outstanding
11% 12% % Share % Share
(INR cr) (INR cr)
Dec'21 Mar'22
590 4,308
3,985 3,980
Mar'21 Dec'21 Mar'22
18,335 498
Market Share* of BOB in PMJDY Deposits (%)
In Q4FY22, Bank’s 85 FLC centres across the country conducted 1,456 meetings/camps to educate 38,958 people. Mar'21 Dec'21 Mar'22
Further, our 64 RSETIs have trained 13,189 youth through 485 training programmes. *amongst PSBs
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Asset Quality
© 2022 Bank of Baroda. All Rights Reserved Page | 19
Movement of NPAs
Q4 FY21 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY22 FY21 FY22
(INR crore)
A. Opening Balance 63,182 59,504 55,997 69,381 66,671
B. Additions 12,274 3,491 5,780 20,005 14,255
Out of which, Fresh Slippages 11,656 2,830 4,514 18,101 11,046
C. Reductions 8,785 6,998 7,717 22,716 26,867
Recovery 2,759 2,032 2,136 5,867 6,054
Upgradation 279 1,272 1,112 1,423 2,394
Write-Offs 5,747 3,694 4,425 14,878 17,967
Other Adju/ Exchange difference 0 0 45 548 452
Closing Balance (Gross NPA) 66,671 55,997 54,059 66,671 54,059
Net NPA 21,800 16,465 13,365 21,800 13,365
Recovery in TWO* 2,040 516 916 2,985 2,510
Slippage Ratio(%) 6.83 1.68 2.52 2.71 1.61
Credit cost (%) 2.46 2.33 2.69 1.68 1.95
Gross NPA Ratio (%) 8.87 7.25 6.61 8.87 6.61
Net NPA Ratio (%) 3.09 2.25 1.72 3.09 1.72
Provision Coverage Ratio (Including TWO) (%) 81.80 85.95 88.71 81.80 88.71
Provision Coverage Ratio (Excluding TWO) (%) 67.30 70.60 75.28 67.30 75.28
2. Telecom 1,839 1 2
MSME 13,025 13,320 12,882
3. Roads & Ports 1,662 1,467 1,281
Others 6 10 10 14 30 1.12
Total Domestic 10,969 2,741 4,438 11,447 10,656
Mar'21 Dec-21 Mar-22
International 687 89 76 6,653 390
98.28% 98.05%
34451 97.51%
RBI 1 List RBI 2 List Accounts filed Accounts filed Total RBI 1 List RBI 2 List Accounts filed Accounts filed Total
by BOB at by other banks by BOB at by other banks
Bank has raised capital through Additional Tier – 1 (AT-1) bonds of amount INR 2,749 crore in FY22
214 types of push notification in ~32 lakhs users have registered for
10 separate categories merchant services and ~6.5 lakhs
unique users have been proactively
shopping through compare and shop
Digital Passbook accessed UPI handle generated Average Engagement PPF Account Opening
through bob World through bob World Ratio through bob World
Mar’22 Q4FY22
Mar’22 Source: NeSL Source: NeSL
IndiaFirst Life recorded YoY growth of 50% in Crossed milestone of One million cards - Merged with BNP Paribas AMC with effect
Individual New Business APE and 47% YoY Number of Cards as of March 31,2022 stood at from March 14, 2022.
Growth on Total New Business APE for FY 22 11,03,921.
Total revenue of the merged entity for FY22 is
AUM as of March 31, 2022 stands at INR New Credit Cards issuance in grew by 132% INR 103.14 crore.
18,932 crore, with 11% YoY growth. YoY.
Net worth of the merged entity is INR 146.76
IndiaFirst improved its FY22 ranking by 1 Spends in Q4FY22 grew by 83% compared to crore as on 31st Mar 2022
position to 11th on Individual New Business Q4FY21
APE as compared to FY21 (amongst private Average Assets Under Maintenance (AAUM)
peers) Unaudited Net Profit for FY22 stands at INR of the merged entity stands at INR 21,393
10.07 crore. crore.
Market share amongst Private Insurers stands
at 2.4% (Individual NB APE terms) Credit rating of A1+
Gross premium income stands at INR 1,656.4 Unaudited CRAR as of March 31, 2022 is at
crore for Q4FY22 and INR 5,186.6 crore for 22.18%
Note: APE stands for Annualised Premium Equivalent, where single premium is considered at 10%
India Infradebt Limited Baroda Global Shared Services Limited BOB Capital Markets Limited
(Joint Venture of 40.99%) (Subsidiary Holding – 100%) (Subsidiary Holding – 100%)
India Infradebt focused on disbursement in BGSSL total income (PBT) grew 72% YoY The gross revenue for Q4FY22 is at INR 13.85
renewable energy sector during the quarter. in FY22 crores and for FY22 is at INR 55.05 crores vis-
à-vis INR 24.90 crores & INR 46.55 crores
Total Income during FY22 stood at INR 385 Total Revenue grew by 71% YoY in FY22 respectively for previous year’s corresponding
Crore. and stood at INR 84.16 crore as on March periods.
31, 2022.
Operating profit in FY22 increased by 11% Profit for Q4FY22 is INR 1.08 crores and for
YoY to INR 349 Crore. Direct Sales Team (DST) of 700+DSEs FY22 is INR 7.72 crores, after adjusting one
across 20+ cities has sanctioned loans of time cost towards deferred staff
Net profit stands at INR 317 crore. INR 1,600 crore Loans since inception in incentive/retention costs.
October 2021.
Successfully closed 3 Syndication
Achieved 1,421 Business Correspondent transactions, 2 Advisory and 18 DCM
mandates across 14 States, 28 Business transactions, secured 11th Rank in Bloomberg
Correspondents operationalized in Mar’22 DCM League.
and more than 250+ transactions
performed. Successfully completed 5 OTR transactions
aggregating INR 38,600 Crore in FY22.
Bank of Baroda (Uganda) Ltd. Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd. Bank of Baroda (UK) Ltd.
Total Deposits of Bank of Baroda (Uganda) Total Deposits of Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Total Deposits of Bank of Baroda (UK) stood at
stood at INR 3,326 crore as in FY22* stood at INR 9,814 crore as in FY22* INR 7,562 crore during FY22.
registering a growth of 5.78% YoY. registering a growth of 8.61% YoY
The gross advances grew by 11.90% and
The gross advances grew by 17.66% on YoY The gross advances stood at INR 3,821 crore stands at INR 2,707 crore during FY22.
basis to INR 1,993 crore. registering a growth of 11.62% YoY
GNPA ratio at the end of FY22 was at 0.0%.
Net profit increased by 17.53% YoY to INR 181 Net profit increased by 13.65% on YoY basis to (NIL NPA)
crore during FY22*. INR 357 crore.
The RONW as on FY22* stands at 15.43%. The RONW during the year stands at 18.32%
*Kenya and Uganda are December year end overseas subsidiaries hence, data provided for these subsidiaries are as of 31 December 2020 and 31 December 2021.
Capital 1,036 1,036 1,036 Net Interest Income 31,113 34,570 11.1%
Share Application Money Pending
0 0 0
Allotment Non Interest Income 15,254 14,395 -5.6%
Reserves & Surplus 81,354 87,412 90,833
Total Income 46,367 48,965 5.6%
Minority Interest 436 488 758
Deposits 9,95,910 10,07,753 10,75,804 Operating Expenses 23,117 24,839 7.4%
Borrowings 71,263 96,077 1,09,526
Operating Profit 23,250 24,126 3.8%
Other Liabilities & Provisions 52,677 54,283 62,180
TOTAL 12,02,676 12,47,049 13,40,137 Provisions 16,876 14,118 -16.3%
Cash and Balances with RBI 40,154 47,408 56,775 Profit before Tax 6,374 10,008 57.0%
Balances with Banks 88,507 57,903 73,454 Tax 4,919 2,308 -53.1%
Investments 2,81,859 3,28,508 3,47,587
Minority Interest 73 83 13.7%
Loans & Advances 7,23,242 7,51,572 7,97,281
Fixed Assets 8,217 7,707 10,188 Share of Earning in Associates 166 233 40.4%
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