Top 10 Irish Beers
Top 10 Irish Beers
Top 10 Irish Beers
Light and sweet in flavor compared to the rest, Murphy’s Irish Stout has become
increasingly more popular especially in the US.
Joining fruits such as bananas, peaches and plums with traditional hops, this golden
wheat ale is smooth and thirst-quenching. Although not the common irish stout, this tasty
brew is perfect for those who prefer a lighter, easy-drinking option.
Often referred to as “Smitticks”, Smithwick’s captures a unique flavor that combines its
hops with sweet armoatic fruits and deep malt, coffee and roasted barley notes.
Truly unique, Porterhouse’s Oyster Stout is a Dublin favorite dark and aromatic beer with
interesting blends of flavorful grains, hops and fresh oysters.
This full-bodied, smooth and dry Irish stout combines the rich flavor of smooth coffee
with traditional hops and tasty notes of licorice.
Beamish Irish Stout
The fully rounded, malted flavor of Beamish Irish Stout is created using original Beamish
yeast dating back to 1792 to capture the traditional taste of stout from Ireland.
With a base flavor similar to Smithwick’s, the distinct smooth and creamy finish of
Kilkenny Irish Cream Ale gives it its own unique and delicious blend.
Harp Lager
Light in color and refreshing in flavor, this highly-favored European-style lager is unlike
the rest as it boasts a smooth and sharp finish.
Originally dating back to 1856, this naturally red, hoppy Irish beer is crisp and dry with
flavorful notes of fruit and caramel.
With deep, dark and satisfying flavors and distinctly smooth aromas, the three varieties of
Guinness brews are undoubtedly among the most popular Irish beers, especially in the