Sale Deed
Sale Deed
Sale Deed
WHEREAS the VENDOR assure that except them no one else has any
title, claim, share or demand over the Schedule mentioned Property and that
the same is free from all encumbrances, whatsoever, and;
Mr. Stalin S/o Mr. M. Gunaraj
No.31, Kandasamy Colony, East Tambaram,
Chennai – 600 059.
(Aadhar No.8904 3893 1362)
Mr. B. Kothandan S/o (late) Babu
Bajanai Kovil Street,
Pudupakkam – 603 103.
(Aadhar No.6846 3835 3936)
Mr. STALIN (Aadhar No. 8904 3893 1362 & PAN NO. BQBPS4165A)
son of Mr. Gunaraj, aged about 40 years residing at No.31/17, Kandhasamy
Colony, East Tambaram, Chennai – 600 059, hereinafter called the
“PURCHASER” which expression shall mean and include wherever the context so
requires or permits his legal heirs, legal representatives, executors, administrators,
nominees and assigns of the OTHER PART:-
WHEREAS the Said Mrs. R.B. Himathri is the absolute owner of the
Schedule mentioned Property measuring an extent of 2400 Sq.ft. in bearing Plot
No.130, situated at “R.K. GARDENS” comprised in Survey No.156/2A2(part) of
PUDUPAKKAM Village, Vandalur Taluk, Chengalpattu District, Registration
District of Chengalpattu, Thirupporur Sub-Registrar Office, Pudupakkam
Panchyat Union Limit, the same having purchased by the Mrs. R.B. Himathri out
of her own funds from Mrs. Vijayakumari D/o Mr. Angamuthu under a registered
Sale Deed dated 10.06.2002 registered as Document No.1275 of 2002 in Book-1,
in the office of the Sub Registrar, Thiruporur.
The said Mrs. R.B. Himathri getting patta, Chitta and adangal extract the
Revenue records in her name Patta issued in the name of Mrs. R.B. Himathri
D/o Mr. G. Ramchandran vide Patta No.1509 as Per Patta New Survey
No.156/2A2J by Deputy Thasildar Chengalpattu which in other words conform
her possession and enjoyment of respective property. After that the said Mrs. R.B.
Himathri executed a Deed of Adjudication Power of Attorney dated 03.10.2022 in
favour of Mrs. Bhanumathi Ramachandran as her lawful Power of Attorney
Agents and the same has been registered as Document No. Adj/203/2022, on the
file of Sub Register Office Thiruporur, bearing Plot No.130, measuring an extent
of 2400 sq.ft comprised in Old Survey No.156/2A2(part) as per Patta No.1509,
New Survey
No.156/2A2J in “R.K. GARDENS” layout (Approved by DTCP Approval
No._________/20_____) Situated at No.19, Pudupakkam Village, Vandalur
Taluk, Chengalpattu District.
WHEREAS the VENDOR assure that except her Power Agent no one else
has any right, title, claim, share or demand over the Schedule mentioned Property
and that the same is free from all encumbrances, whatsoever, and;
The VENDOR covenant with the PURCHASER that they have absolute right
over the Property hereby conveyed and that they have got a valid, indisputable and
marketable title over the same;
The VENDOR further covenant with the PURCHASER that they have not done
or suffered or been a party or privy to any acts, deeds or things by reason of
which their title to the Schedule mentioned Property is in any way hampered;
The VENDOR declare that the Property hereby conveyed is free from all
encumbrances, charges, lien, lispendence, actions-at-law attachment, undertaking
or court security and that the Property is not subject to any pending litigation in
any court of law or tribunal;
The VENDOR undertake to indemnify and keep the PURCHASER indemnified
forever against any loss, damages or expenses the PURCHASER may sustain or
be put to or incur by reason of any encumbrances found to be subsisting on the
title as on date;
The VENDOR further undertake that at the request and at the cost of the
PURCHASER there would execute any appropriate instrument by that in
favour of the PURCHASER to confirm and confer the peaceful approach to the
Schedule mentioned Property;
The VENDOR agree with the PURCHASER that they will at all times do all such
acts, deeds and things that may be required to fortify and more perfectly
convey as the PURCHASER may reasonably require;
The VENDOR hereby handed over to the PURCHASER the Original Sale Deed,
Mother Documents together with all connected records for the Schedule
mentioned Property;
The VENDOR has paid all the taxes, rates and other public dues in respect of
the Schedule mentioned Property hereby till this date, and the PURCHASER shall
be liable to pay the same from this day;
The VENDOR has given their consent for the Transfer in favour of the
PURCHASER without any further reference to him in respect of the following;
a) The ownership of the Property in the Revenue Records of the Panchayat Board.
b) The Patta in respect of the Property in the Records of the concerned Tahsildar
Revenue Authority; and
The VENDOR has this day put the PURCHASER in Vacant Possession for the
Schedule mentioned Property hereby conveyed.
All that piece and parcel of Vacant Land bearing Plot No.130 measuring an
extent of 1200 sq.ft out of 2400 sq.ft in Northern Side, comprised in Old
Survey no.156/2A2(part) bearing Patta No.1509 as per Patta New Patta Survey
No.156/2A2J, in “R.K. GARDENS” layout (DTCP Approval
No._________/20___) Situated at No.19, Pudupakkam Village, Vandalur Taluk,
Chengalpattu District and
bounded on the;
North by - 24 feet Road
South by - Land belongs to Mr. Muthumanigunaraj
East by - Plot No.131
West by - 24 feet Road
And measuring on the:
North by - 40 Feet
South by - 40 Feet
East by - 30 Feet
West by - 30 Feet
In all measuring to an extent of 1200 sq.ft of Plot.
The Present Market Value of the Schedule mentioned Property is
Rs.6,72,000/- (Rupees Six Lakhs Seventy Two Only)
2. Mr. B. Kothandan,
S/o (late) Babu
Bajanai Kovil Street,
Pudupakkam – 603 103.
(Aadhar No.6846 3835 3936)
Mr. MUTHUMANI GUNARAJ, (Aadhar Card No. 9063 5136 9925), S/o. ………,
aged about 75 years, residing at No. 31, Kandasamy Colony, East Tambaram, Chennai-
600 059, Tambaram Taluk, Chengalpattu District, hereinafter called the PURCHASER of
The terms ‘VENDOR’ and the ‘PURCHASER’ herein used shall wherever the
context so admits mean and include their respective heirs, executors, successors, legal
representatives, administrators, nominees and assigns etc., as the WITNESSETH as
Thereafter the Vendor’s Mrs. R.B. Himathri herein regularized in the above Plot
No. 130 had obtained Plan Approved before Directorate of Town and Country Planning
(DTCP) 43R/2017 No. 137/2017/M1, dated 7-11-2017 issued by The Special Officer,
Puthupakkam Town Panchayat, Thiruporur Taluk, Chengalpattu District more fully
described in the schedule hereunder.
WHEREAS the VENDOR in order to clear debts and for other commitments
decided and offered to sell the schedule mentioned property being vacant land measuring
1200 Square Feet out of 2400 sq. feet Southern Side of Plot No.130, R.K. Gardens in
comprised in Patta No. 1509 as per patta in Survey No.156/2A2J, No. 41
PUDUPAKKAM VILLAGE, Vandalur Taluk, Chengalpattu District for the sale
consideration sum of Rs.7,20,000/- (Rupees Seven lakhs twenty thousand only) free
from all encumbrances and the PURCHASER accepted the offer of the VENDOR and
agreed to purchase the schedule mentioned property for the above said price and
consideration and the parties have executed this deed of absolute sale.
the receipt of which sum of Rs.7,20,000/- (Rupees Seven lakhs twenty thousand only)
the VENDOR do hereby admit and acknowledge full consideration and release the
PURCHASER from further payment thereto, and the VENDOR do hereby grant,
convey, transfer, assign and sell unto and to the use of the PURCHASER, the property
more fully described in the schedule hereunder together with all the easement, liberties,
privileges advantages and appurtenances and all the estate, right, title, and interest
claim and demand of the VENDOR into and upon the said property TO HAVE AND TO
HOLD UNTO the use of the PURCHASER absolutely and forever free from all
encumbrances and claims with all power of alienation.
All that piece and parcel of the property being vacant land measuring 1200 sq. feet
out of 2400 sq. feet on the southern side of Plot No. 130 comprised in old Survey
No.156/2A2 part, Patta No.1509, as per patta in New Survey No. 156/2A2J No.41,
Pudupakkam Village, R.K. Gardens, at present Vandalur Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
and the land being bounded on the :
Measuring :
North : 40 Feet
South : 40 Feet
East : 30 Feet
West : 30 Feet
In all measuring 1200 Square Feet out of 2400 Sq.ft., and the property situate
within the Sub-Registration District of Thiruporur and Registration District of
Chengalpattu. There is no building over the said proeprty.
The present market value of the schedule property is Rs.7,20,000/- (Rupees Seven
Lakhs twenty thousand only)
Mr. MUTHUMANI GUNARAJ, (Aadhar Card No. 9063 5136 9925), S/o. ………,
aged about 75 years, residing at No. 31, Kandasamy Colony, East Tambaram, Chennai-
600 059, Tambaram Taluk, Chengalpattu District, hereinafter called the PURCHASER of
The terms ‘VENDOR’ and the ‘PURCHASER’ herein used shall wherever the
context so admits mean and include their respective heirs, executors, successors, legal
representatives, administrators, nominees and assigns etc., as the WITNESSETH as
WHEREAS THE VENDOR herein is the absolute owner of all that piece and
parcel of land Plot No.130, R.K. Gardens in Old Survey No. 156/2A2 part as per Patta
No. 1509 in New Survey No. 156/2A2J measuring 2400 sq. feet, No.41, Pudupakkam
Village, now Vandalur Taluk, Chengalpet District which is the more fully described
hereunder as SCHEDULE OF PRPERTY which she purchased from one Mrs.
Vijayakumar, D/o. Mr. Angamuthu by way of valid Sale deed by the VENDOR as per
registered Sale deed Doc. No. 1275 of 2002 dated 10/6/2002 SRO Thiruporur and the
Patta has been obtained by the VENDOR and is in possession and enjoyment of the same
till date.
Thereafter the Vendor’s Mrs. R.B. Himathri herein regularized in the above Plot
No. 130 had obtained Plan Approved before Directorate of Town and Country Planning
(DTCP) 43R/2017 No. 137/2017/M1, dated 7-11-2017 issued by The Special Officer,
Puthupakkam Town Panchayat, Thiruporur Taluk, Chengalpattu District more fully
described in the schedule hereunder.
WHEREAS the VENDOR in order to clear debts and for other commitments
decided and offered to sell the schedule mentioned property being land measuring 1200
Square Feet out of 2400 sq. feet (Southern Side) bearing Plot No.130, R.K. Gardens in
comprised in Patta No. 1509 as per patta in Survey No.156/2A2J, No. 41
PUDUPAKKAM VILLAGE, Vandalur Taluk, Chengalpattu District for the sale
consideration sum of Rs.7,20,000/- (Rupees Seven lakhs twenty thousand only) free
from all encumbrances and the PURCHASER accepted the offer of the VENDOR and
agreed to purchase the schedule mentioned property for the above said price and
consideration and the parties have executed this deed of absolute sale.
the receipt of which sum of Rs.7,20,000/- (Rupees Seven lakhs twenty thousand only)
the VENDOR do hereby admit and acknowledge full consideration and release the
PURCHASER from further payment thereto, and the VENDOR do hereby grant,
convey, transfer, assign and sell unto and to the use of the PURCHASER, the property
more fully described in the schedule hereunder together with all the easement, liberties,
privileges advantages and appurtenances and all the estate, right, title, and interest
claim and demand of the VENDOR into and upon the said property TO HAVE AND TO
HOLD UNTO the use of the PURCHASER absolutely and forever free from all
encumbrances and claims with all power of alienation.
All that piece and parcel of the property vacant land measuring 1200 sq. feet out
of 2400 sq. feet on the southern side, bearing Plot No. 130 comprised in old Survey
No.156/2A2 part, Patta No.1509, as per patta in New Survey No. 156/2A2J, No. 41,
Pudupakkam Village, R.K. Gardens, at present Vandalur Taluk, Chengalpattu District,
and being bounded on the :
Measuring :
North : 40 Feet
South : 40 Feet
East : 30 Feet
West : 30 Feet
In all measuring 1200 Square Feet out of 2400 Sq.ft., and the property situate
within the Sub-Registration District of Thiruporur and Registration District of
The present market value of the schedule property is Rs.7,20,000/- (Rupees Seven
Lakhs twenty thousand only)