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MATRIC NUMBER: ************






MARCH, 2023


This is to certify that this seminar report was written by *********************, with

matriculation number ************, in the Department of Computer Science, under my


************ DATE





With profound gratitude I appreciate the Almighty God for His mercies and blessings upon my


I sincerely appreciate my dear parents and guardian for their care, love and provision for me to

ensure I have a good and quality education.

I also want to express my appreciation to my supervisor for his patience and valuable

contributions to this report.


Title page………………………………………………………………………………………..i



Table of contents………………………………………………………………………………..iv


Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………….1

Transactional models ………………………………….…………….………………………….3


Literature Review……………………………………………….……..………………………..5


General requirements of a ca system …………………………………………...…..…………..10

Functional requirements of a ca system……………………………………………..………….14

System implementation …………………………………………………………………………16


Conclusions and Recommendations ……………………………………………………………20




A conditional access (CA) system comprises a combination of scrambling and encryption to

prevent unauthorized reception. Scrambling is the process of rendering the sound, pictures and

data unintelligible. Encryption is the process of protecting the secret keys that have to be

transmitted with the scrambled signal in order for the descrambler to work. After descrambling,

any defects on the sound and pictures should be imperceptible, i.e. the CA system should be

transparent. The primary purpose of a CA system for broadcasting is to determine which

individual receivers/ set-top decoders shall be able to deliver particular program services, or

individual programs to the viewers. The reasons why access may need to be restricted include :

EBU Project Group B/CA has developed a functional model of a conditional access system for

use with digital television broadcasts. It should be of benefit to EBU Members who intend to

introduce encrypted digital broadcasts; by using this reference model, Members will be able to

evaluate the different conditional access systems that are available(Menezes,2017) .

The model is not intended as a specification for a particular system. Rather, it provides a

framework for defining the terms and operating principles of conditional access systems and it

illustrates some of the conflicts and trade-offs that occur when designing such systems.  to

enforce payments by viewers who want access to particular programs or program services;

 to restrict access to a particular geographical area because of program-rights




Transactional models can be used to illustrate the underlying commercial transactions that take

place in a conditional access broadcasting system, in a way which is independent of the

technology employed. A similar analogy is sometimes used for the sale of goods to the public

through retail and wholesale chains: in that situation, there is a flow of goods and services in one

direction – from the manufacturers to the end customers – and a flow of money in the reverse

direction (Oded, 2011).

A model of a vertically-integrated CA system is shown in Fig. 1. Here, the service provider is

also the network operator and the CA system operator. Historically, CA systems originated in

this form and the model remains true for many cable systems today: the cable operator acts as the

service provider (usually by purchasing the rights to show programmes made by third parties)

and also as the carrier and the CA system operator. In such circumstances, and especially where

– as in most cable systems – the cable operator supplies and owns the decoders, a single

proprietary system is acceptable, because there is no requirement to share any part of the system

with competitors. A model of a devolved CA system is shown in Fig. 2. In this case, the

functions of the service provider, network operator and CA system operator are split. Indeed,

there are two separate service providers, A and B, who share a common delivery system (owned

and operated by a third party) and a common CA system which is owned and operated by a

different third party. Thus all billing and collection of money is carried out by the CA system

operator who then passes on payments in respect of program rights back to the appropriate

service providers. This model is true for many analogue satellite systems today and also applies

to a retail market in which there is only one retailer. Note how the CA system operator has

information about the names, addresses and entitlement status of all viewers; program providers,

on the other hand, have access only to 2. This is generally a Service Information (SI) function.

However, regulators might specify that programmes should be scrambled where parental control

is required. In current analogue systems, parental control often uses the CA system. the names,

addresses and entitlement status of viewers to their own services (Menezes,2017).

An alternative model of a devolved CA system is shown in Fig. 3. Here, there are two

independent CA Subscriber Authorization System (SAS) operators, I and J (see Section 5.3.).

System J is used by service provider C only, whereas system I is used by all three service

providers. Conversely, service providers A and B use system I only, whereas service provider C

uses systems I and J. Thus, viewers to the services provided by C can use a decoder which is

appropriate for either system I or J. A further feature of this model is that the billing and the

money flow is directly between the viewers and the Subscriber Management System (SMS)

operators (see Section 5.3.); it does not pass via the SAS operators or the transmission system

operators. Consequently, sensitive information about the names and addresses of subscribers is

known only to the appropriate service provider (Menezes,2017).



Functional model of a CA reference system

A functional model of a hypothetical CA reference system is now described. The model is

loosely based on the Euro crypt conditional access system but its principles of operation are

expected to apply to CA systems generally.

Conditional Access Sub-System

A Conditional Access Sub-System (CASS) is a detachable security module which is used as part

of the CA system in a receiver. It is also possible to embed the security module in the receiver

itself, in which case each receiver will typically have its own secret individual address.

Replacement of the CASS is one means of recovering from a piracy attack. Replacement of the

CASS also enables new features to be added to the system as and when they are developed.

For analogue systems and some digital systems, the CASS is typically a smart card [1]. For

digital systems which use the Common Interface (see Section 3.6.), the CASS will be a

PCMCIA3 module and this may have an associated smart card (Liddell, 2014).

Scrambling and descrambling

The basic process of scrambling and descrambling the broadcast MPEG-2 transport stream [2] is

shown in Fig. 4. The European DVB Project has defined a suitable, highly-secure, Common

Scrambling Algorithm.

3.3. Entitlement Control Messages

The generation, transmission and application of Entitlement Control Messages (ECMs) – which

are used to recover the descrambling control word in the decoder – is illustrated in Fig. 5. The

ECMs are combined with a service key and the result is decrypted to produce a control word. At

present, the control word is typically 60 bits long and is updated every 2-10 seconds.

If the access conditions are to be changed at a program boundary, it may be necessary to update

the access conditions every frame, which is much more frequently than is required for security

reasons. Alternatively, a change in access conditions could be made frame-specific by sending

out a change in entitlements in advance and then instigating the change with a flag. A third

method would be to change the control word itself at a program boundary. However, the second

and third approaches would not allow a program producer to change the access conditions

instantaneously (Kahn, 2017).

Entitlement Management Messages

The generation, transmission, and application of Entitlement Management Messages (EMMs) by

the Subscriber Authorization System is illustrated in Fig 6.

The card supplier provides the CASS (usually a smart card) and then the SAS sends the EMMs

over-air or by another route, e.g. via a telephone line. To retain the confidentiality of customer

information, it is best that the card supplier delivers the smart cards direct to the Subscriber

Management System (or another business centre which guarantees confidentiality) for mailing to

the viewer (see Section 3.5.). It is possible to supply the cards through retail outlets as well,

provided the retailer can guarantee confidentiality. In this situation, considerable care has to be

taken if the cards have been preauthorized by the SAS, because such cards will be a worthwhile

target for theft. When using the CA Common Interface, in conjuction with a PCMCIA module

acting as the CASS, the descrambler is also situated in the CASS .

Note 1: Descrambling requires possession of a descrambler, a decrypter and the current service


Note 2: Decryption requires the Entitlement Management Messages (EMMs) for the current

program – which usually involves secret keys stored in a detachable Conditional Access

SubSystem (CASS).

Subscriber Management System

As shown in Fig 7., the reference model is completed by the addition of a Subscriber

Management System (SMS), which deals with the billing of viewers and the collection of their

payments. The control word need not be a decrypted ECM; it can be generated locally (e.g. from

a seed) which means that the control word could be changed very quickly (Oded, 2011) .

Common Interface

The European DVB Project has designed a Common Interface for use between the Integrated

Receiver Decoder (IRD) and the CA system. As shown in Fig. 8, the IRD contains only those

elements that are needed to receive clear broadcasts.

The CA system is contained in a low-priced, proprietary module which communicates with the

IRD via the Common Interface. No secret conditional access data passes across the interface.

The Common Interface allows broadcasters to use CA modules which contain solutions from

different suppliers, thus increasing their choice and antipiracy options.



To be acceptable for use by EBU members, a conditional access system needs to meet the

following general requirements, some of which conflict.

Convenience for viewers

The CA system should impose a minimum of burden on the authorized viewer at any stage in the

transaction. In particular it should not require special action when changing channels (e.g.

swapping a smart card or keying in a Personal Identification Number) nor should it significantly

delay presentation of picture and sound when “zapping” (a sensible upper limit on the “zapping”

time is 1 second). Furthermore, it should be easy to gain initial access to the broadcasts, requiring

the minimum of equipment, outlay and effort. Ideally, the complete system would be integrated

into the television set which would be able to access any combination of programme services to

which individual viewers had subscribed(Oded, 2011) .


The CA system must be effective in preventing piracy, i.e. unauthorized viewing by people who

are not entitled to access particular programs or services.

Although no CA technology can deliver per-72 EBU Technical Review Winter 1995 EBU

Project Group B/CA fect security, the overall system – combined with appropriate anti-piracy

legislation and evasion deterrent measures – must make piracy sufficiently difficult and/or

uneconomic that the levels of evasion are kept small. Smart cards or payment cards must be

resistant to tampering. For Pay-Per-View services in particular, the counting mechanism which

indicates the remaining credit should be immune to resetting by unauthorized parties.

It is very important that the relationship between the service provider and the CA system operator

is well defined so that, for example, a CA system operator can be compelled to act when piracy

reaches a certain level. There are a number of ways to recover from a piracy attack. It is possible

to initiate electronic counter measures over-air, whereby pirate cards are disabled or subtle

changes are made in the operation of genuine CASSs. Alternatively, by issuing new CASSs,

large changes can be made to the conditional access system (Menezes,2017.

Open marketing of digital receivers

The viewers should be able to benefit from a large choice of digital receivers or set-top boxes,

produced by a wide range of manufacturers competing in an open market. Such an open market

ideally requires that the complete digital broadcasting system, excluding the CA system, be fully

described in open standards which are fully published by the appropriate organization (e.g. the

ETSI4 or the ISO5). The terms of licensing any Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) included

within a standard must be regulated by the appropriate standards organization. (For example, in

the case of an ETSI standard, licensing is open to all manufacturers on an equitable basis.) It is

undesirable for the CA system to be standardized : (Liddell, 2014)

instead, the flexibility offered by the DVB Common Interface should ensure that a plurality of

CA systems may be adopted (see Section 3.6.).

Open marketing of programme services

Authorized program services should be accessible to any viewer whose IRD conforms to the

relevant standard and who has the relevant CA entitlements issued solely under the control of the

service provider. It must also be ensured that all approved service providers have fair access to a

suitable delivery system.

Autonomy of the service provider’s business

The primary contract should be between the service provider and the viewer. Although third

parties (such as common carriers and/or CA system operators) may necessarily be involved in

the broadcasting process, the CA system (and any other part of the system) should not require the

service provider to share commercially-sensitive information with rival service providers, e.g.

the identities of customers and their entitlements to view.

Low entry and operating costs:-

The cost of setting up and operating the CA system is significant but must not be prohibitive. In

particular, it should be capable of being scaled to allow low start-up costs when the subscriber

base is very small. The system should not pose a constraint on the ultimate number of

households that can be addressed; this could reach many tens of millions. The costs of upgrades

to the CA system and of recovering from security breaches should be minimized by selecting a

reliable and secure system(Kahn, 2017) .


Payment schemes:

It is important that the CA system supports a wide range of charging and payment schemes.

These include:

• subscription (pre-payment for a time period of viewing);

• Pay-Per-View (payment for a program or group of programmes);

• Impulse Pay-Per-View (payment for a program or group of programmes without

advance notice).

Pay-Per-View (PPV) and Impulse Pay-Per-View (IPPV) often require the provision of a return

path from the viewer to the CA system operator: in many systems this is implemented using a

telephone connection and a modem built into the IRD. The return path can be used to record

viewing history, which is important when considering the program rights issues.

The acceptability and rules of operation for such a telephone return-path need further study. In

particular, a system must exist for those viewers who do not have a telephone connection. One

possible method would be to purchase credits in advance and to store them as viewing tokens on

a smart card or CA module. The card or module could be reauthorized at a trusted dealer when

information on past viewing could be transferred to the system operator. Provided security was

not compromised, it would also be possible to have the smart card or module credited over-air

with tokens which could be initiated by a telephoned (voice) request from the viewer. There must

be a method to ensure that all service providers are paid fairly for the programmes provided, in

proportion to the total number of viewer hours.

Multiple-decoder households:

The question must be addressed as to whether payment authorizes:

1.the use of only one decoder to receive and

decode the services;

2.use throughout a household, which may have multiple receivers/decoders and a VCR;

3.use by one individual anywhere within a household, in which case the entitlement needs to be

transferable from one IRD to another, probably using a detachable security element such as a

smart card.

In the third case given above, there is a conflict with the requirement to validate the security

device for use with a particular decoder only. Therefore, each decoder should have its own CASS

and the records of multiple CASSs within a household should be grouped together in the SMS to

permit appropriate and reasonable billing(Kahn, 2017).


Satellite transmission

The DVB Project has given its backing to two CA approaches for the transmission of digital

television via satellite, namely SimulCrypt and Multi-Crypt. These approaches are also relevant

in cable and terrestrial transmission.


In the case of SimulCrypt, each service is transmitted with the entitlement messages for a number

of different proprietary systems, so that decoders using different conditional access systems (in

different geographic areas) can decode the service.

SimulCrypt requires a common framework for signalling the different Entitlement Message

streams. Access to the system is controlled by the system operators. Operation of the system

requires commercial negotiations between broadcasters and conditional access operators. A code

of conduct has been drawn up for the operation of SimulCrypt (Liddell, 2014).

The philosophy behind the system is that in one geographical area, it will only be necessary to

have a single smart card or CA module and a single decoder to receive the local service. If one

wanted to descramble the service of a neighbouring area, one could subscribe to, and use the

smart card/ module for that service. Consequently, it is only necessary to have a single

Subscriber Management System for a given area. When a viewer wants to watch services from

two neighbouring areas, it is necessary for both services to carry the entitlement messages for

that viewer. Therefore it is necessary to have secure links between the different Subscriber

Management Systems of the different operators to allow transfer of the entitlement messages

between operators.


MultiCrypt is an open system which allows competition between conditional access system

providers and Subscriber Management System operators. MultiCrypt uses common

receiver/decoder elements which could be built into television sets.

The Common Conditional Access Interface can be used to implement MultiCrypt. Conditional

access modules from different system operators can be plugged into different slots in the

common receiver/decoder, using the common interface.

Return path

For most home installations, a return path could be set up between the set-top decoder and the

Subscriber Management System using a modem and the telephone network or a cable TV return.

For example, calls could be initiated by the customer using a remote control unit which autodials

a number delivered over-air. Also, the broadcaster may want the customer’s decoder box to

contact the SMS. This process could be initiated by commands sent over-air or (less likely) the

SMS could dial up the customer’s decoder box and interrogate it directly (Menezes,2017).

Reasons for using a return path

There are a number of reasons for using a return path: a)Enhanced


The return path establishes a one-to-one link between the broadcaster and each decoder

box.Communication via the return path should be encrypted. b)Payment billing;

Pre-booked Pay-Per-View (PPV) and impulse PPV could be registered using the return path.

Also, electronic viewing tokens could be purchased via the return path. A central server with a

gateway would be necessary as a buffer for the large numbers of requests that would be expected

as part of a Pay-Per-View service. These payment billing services could also be obtained by the

viewer dialling up the SMS using his conventional telephone and having a conversation with an

operator at the SMS. However this approach would be more time-consuming and costly to both

the viewer and the SMS. c)Interactive TV;

The return path could be used for audience participation (for example voting, games

playing,teleshopping and telebanking). The return path could also be used for message delivery

from the SMS to the decoder, although its limited bandwidth means that it is not very suitable for

more complicated procedures such as Video-On-Demand (VOD). The return path could be used

to deliver to the SMS diagnostic information such as measurements of signal strength and bit

error rate (BER) to help solve transmission problems, and other information such as a record of

programmes watched to provide statistical information to the broadcaster.

d)Transmission of entitlement messages.

For large shared networks, the capacity for transmission of entitlement messages may be

inadequate and additional capacity may be achieved by using the telephone network. The return

path could also be used to check that the decoder is tuned to the correct channel when giving

authorization over-air. This could reduce the number of over-air signals that had to be repeated


Reasons for not using a return path

There are also a number of reasons for not using a return path, as follows: a)

Increased decoder cost;

b) Installation difficulties;

The customer may not have a telephone at all, or may not have a telephone in the relevant room

(in which case an extension socket would have to be fitted or a “cordless” connection would have

to be used which would increase costs).

c)Reliability of the telephone; In some areas, the reliability of the telephone

service may be an issue.

d)Blocking of normal calls;

When the decoder is communicating, it will not be possible to make or receive normal

telephone calls, unless there is more than one telephone line to the house. e)Telephone tapping.

Depending on how the communication system works, there is a potential for reduced system

security due to telephone tapping. Ideally, to overcome this problem, it is recommended that the

Subscriber Management System should return the calls made by the IRD (although this will

increase the costs to the SMS), the communication should be encrypted, and the Subscriber

Management System should be able to identify individual IRDs.

Overall, the benefits of using a return path far exceed the costs. In situations where the

return path does not exist but alternative facilities exist for performing some of its functions,

decoders should be manufactured which are capable of implementing the return path. Cheaper

decoders could be sold which do not have this option installed (Kahn, 2017).



A basic set of transactional and functional models of CA systems for use with digital video

broadcasting systems has been outlined. These models are intended to help EBU Members to

understand and evaluate practical CA systems for use with future DVB services and, in

particular, to understand the functionality, technical terms, and trade-offs in these systems. The

specification or evaluation of a practical CA system requires considerably more depth and detail

than could be included in this outline. In particular, an evaluation of security issues requires a

careful analysis of the overall system security, including non-technical issues such as the theft of



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