Test preparation
Instrument-specific information
This procedure is applicable to the meters and probes that are shown in Table 1.
Procedures for other meters and probes can be different.
Table 1 Instrument-specific information
Meter Probe
Before starting
Refer to the meter documentation for meter settings and operation. Refer to probe documentation for probe preparation,
maintenance and storage information.
Prepare the probe before initial use. Refer to probe documentation.
When the probe is disconnected from the meter for 1 hour or more, connect the probe to the meter for at minimum 1 hour to
polarize the probe before calibration or measurement. When the probe is disconnected from the meter for less than 1 hour, a
stabilization period of 5–25 minutes can be necessary.
Calibrate the probe before initial use. Refer to Calibration on page 4. For more accurate results, calibrate the probe at the
start of each day.
Keep the probe at a constant temperature. An inaccurate calibration will occur if the temperature of the thermistor is different
from the probe membrane.
Do not touch the metallic button on the side of the probe. The metallic button is a temperature sensor.
If the probe was used in a sample of high sodium concentration, put the probe in a solution of low sodium concentration for
at least 10 minutes to recondition it before low-sodium samples are measured.
To measure dissolved oxygen levels less than 1 mg/L or 10% saturation, zero the probe before calibration. Refer to Zero the
probe on page 5.
When measurements are complete, put the probe in the calibration and storage chamber. Keep the sponge moist in the
Analyze the samples immediately. The samples cannot be preserved for later analysis.
Air bubbles under the sensor tip can cause slow response or measurement errors. To remove the bubbles, carefully shake
the probe.
Review the Safety Data Sheets (MSDS/SDS) for the chemicals that are used. Use the recommended personal protective
Dispose of reacted solutions according to local, state and federal regulations. Refer to the Safety Data Sheets for disposal
information for unused reagents. Refer to the environmental, health and safety staff for your facility and/or local regulatory
agencies for further disposal information.
Items to collect
Description Quantity
Sample collection
The main consideration with sample collection is to prevent contamination of the sample
with atmospheric oxygen.
• Analyze the samples immediately. The samples cannot be preserved for later
• Collect samples in 300 mL glass BOD bottles. Completely fill the bottles.
Test procedure
1. If the sample salinity was 2. Rinse the probe with 3. Laboratory test: Put the 4. When the reading on the
measured with a deionized water. Dry the probe in a beaker that meter is stable, record the
conductivity probe, enter the probe with a lint-free cloth. contains the solution. Make value or push store to save
value in parts per thousand sure that the metallic button the value.
(ppt). on the probe is in the
solution. Do not let the
probe touch the stir bar,
bottom or sides of the
container. Remove the air
bubbles from under the
probe tip. Stir the sample
vigorously with the probe or
use a stir stand and stir bar.
Field test: Put the probe in
the sample. Move the probe
up and down to remove
bubbles from the probe tip.
To measure in deep water,
pull the probe up and down
by the cable to supply
sufficient flow across the
probe tip.
1. Add 400 mL of sample to 2. Add the contents of one 3. Add a stir bar and put the 4. Rinse the probe with
a 600‑mL beaker. Sodium ISA Powder Pillow beaker on a magnetic deionized water. Dry the
to the beaker. stirrer. Stir at a moderate probe with a lint-free cloth.
5. Put the probe in the 6. When the reading on the 7. To change the units that
solution. Do not let the meter is stable, record the show on the display (mg/L
probe touch the stir bar, value or push store to save or % saturation), push con
bottom or sides of the the value. %.
container. Remove the air
bubbles from under the
probe tip.
1. Attach the probe cable to 2. Put the chamber in water. 3. If the probe cap is wet, 4. Put the probe in the
the calibration and storage Squeeze the chamber two carefully dry the probe cap calibration and storage
chamber. Put the probe times to pull water in the with a soft cloth. chamber. Make sure that
cable through the bottom of lower chamber through the the probe tip stays dry.
the chamber lid before the inlet. Do not fully fill the
chamber lid is filled with lower chamber with water.
water. As an alternative, open the
bottom of the chamber and
insert a moist sponge.
5. Wait 10 minutes for the 6. Push cal. 7. Enter the barometric 8. The display shows the
atmosphere in the chamber pressure and altitude. Refer current value for sample
to become stable. to Enter the barometric salinity (‰). Set the salinity
To decrease stabilization pressure and altitude to zero (0 ‰), then push
time, squeeze the lower on page 4. enter. The display shows
chamber two times to push 100%.
water saturated air in the
Oxidizing gases (e.g., chlorine, chlorine dioxide, sulphur trioxide and bromine) can react
at the cathode and cause positive interferences. Reducing gases (e.g., hydrogen,
hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and boranes) can react at the anode. After exposure to
1. Put the probe in the calibration and storage chamber. Wet the sponge that is in the
Note: If there is no sponge in the chamber, put a small quantity of water in the chamber.
2. Wait at least 10 minutes for the probe to become stable.
3. At the meter, enter the current barometric pressure and altitude. Refer to the meter
4. If the meter does not show "100% saturation", calibrate the meter. Refer to the meter
1. Rinse the probe with deionized water. Blot dry with a lint-free cloth.
2. If harsh contaminants are attached to the probe, polish the probe tip with a soft cloth
or cotton swab to remove the contaminants.
3. Soak the probe in deionized water for 1 minute.
Method performance
The accuracy of the measurements is dependent on many factors that are related with
the overall system, which includes the meter, the probe and calibration solutions. Refer to
the meter or probe documentation for more information.
Summary of method
The probe is a Clark-type amperometric sensor used to measure dissolved oxygen in
aqueous solutions. The probe has an anode/cathode electrode system and potassium
chloride-based electrolyte. The replaceable oxygen-permeable Teflon membrane of the
probe keeps the sample away from the electrodes. At a constant temperature, the electric
current changes linearly with the oxygen concentration of the solution. A built-in
thermistor supplies automatic temperature compensation. The unit % Dissolved Oxygen
is dependent on the temperature and salinity of the sample and the barometric pressure
of the environment where the measurement is done.
Consumables and replacement items
sensION+ meters and probes
© Hach Company/Hach Lange GmbH, 2007–2015. All rights reserved. 03/2015, Edition 8