Tax Review
Tax Review
Tax Review
25 April 2020
Ministry of Finance
Corporate Value
Income Added
Tax Tax
Foreign Personal
Contractor Income
Tax Tax
Corporation Income Tax (“CIT”)
Corporation Income Tax (“CIT”)
▪ Taxable incomes
▪ Financial Statements (Balance sheet, Profit and
Loss, Cash flow)
▪ Exempt income
▪ Trial Balance (TB)
✓ Vietnamese organisations
▪ Enterprises incorporated and operating pursuant to Law on Enterprise, Law on Investment, Law on Credit Institutions,
Law on Insurance Business, Law on Securities, Law on Petroleum, Commercial Law
▪ Public and non-public professional entities which have taxable income in all sectors
✓ Foreign entities conducting business activities through Permanent Establishment (“PE”) in Vietnam
▪ In principle, PE means a production and business establishment via which a foreign enterprise conducts all or a part
of its production and business activities in Vietnam.
Taxable revenues
Deductible expenses
An expense will be deductible for CIT purpose if it meets all of the following conditions:
Invoices and
vouchers Expenses are supported by legitimate invoices and vouchers in accordance with regulations.
Payment Non-cash payment documents for goods and services with value of VND20 mil or more
▪ Expenses must not fall into non-deductible categories under CIT regulations;
Deductible expenses
✓ Depreciation expenses;
✓ Employment cost (salary, bonus, life insurance, tuition fee for expatriates’ children, housing rental, etc.);
✓ Uniforms allowance;
CIT rates
▪ There are preferential tax rates from 10% to 17% are applicable to investment projects satisfying
certain conditions as prescribed under the CIT regulations, including:
CIT incentives
FY: Financial year
CY: Current year
PY: Previous year
reduction Preferential CIT
CIT rates exemption
Project FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 FY 19 FY 20 Onwards
• From 15 November 2014, requirement on quarterly CIT declaration is removed. Only quarterly
payment is required.
• Year-end finalisation:
✓ Deadline for submission and payment is the 90th day following the fiscal year-end
✓ Late and/or incorrect declarations and payments of CIT will be subject to penalty.
Corporation Income Tax (“CIT”)
Example: (VND)
The tax account notes some items for CIT adjustments:
(*): Administrative penalties: 0.5 and non-business expenses: 3
(**): Unrealised FX gain from revaluation of cash account: 2
▪ Value added tax: tax imposed on the added value of goods or services arising during the process from manufacture,
circulation to consumption.
▪ Taxable objects: “Good and services” used for production, trading and consumption in Vietnam (excluding objects n
ot subject to VAT)
▪ Tax payers:
✓ Organizations and individuals producing or trading goods and services subject to VAT in Vietnam; and
VAT rates
26 groups of goods/ services subject 5% 16 groups of goods/ services
to VAT
Invoices and
vouchers Expenses are supported by legitimate invoices and vouchers in accordance with regulations.
Payment Non-cash payment documents for goods and services with value of VND20 mil or more
For exporting goods and services, further documentation shall be required (i.e. customs declaration, contract)
Value Added Tax (“VAT”)
Value Added Tax (“VAT”)
Value Added Tax (“VAT”)
• Quarterly VAT declaration & payment for the first year (newly established company)
• Resident individuals having income both within and outside territory of Vietnam, irrespective of where income is paid.
• Non-resident individuals having income in Vietnam, irrespective of where the income is paid (Vietnam sourced income)
No. of days present in VN in a tax year (*)
Having a leased house contract, having a No leased house contract and No permanent
permanent resident card, or temporary resident resident card and No temporary resident
card with a term of more than 182 days card with a term of more than 182 days
▪ Bonus in cash (e.g. performances, sales incentives, seniority, etc.) and bonus in kind (e.g. securities, gifts, etc.);
▪ Commissions: agent commission, broker commission, payments for participation in a scientific or technical
▪ Income from participation in business associations, board of management or other associations; and
▪ Housing rental benefit (the minimum of the actual housing benefit and 15% gross income, irrespective of where
▪ Utilities;
▪ Non-compulsory insurance;
▪ Membership fees and services fees for specific individuals (i.e. golf, health care, entertainment club, sport club,
▪ Allowances/expenditures for training course, professional certificates, etc. which are not relevant to business
▪ Meal allowance paid by cash, telephone, uniform, per diem… within the cap (current cap of VND730,000/month);
▪ Overtime payments which are in excess of the salary per normal working hour;
▪ Home leave allowance: one round-trip air tickets per year for expatriate employees (paid by the Company);
▪ Others
Personal Income Tax (“PIT”)
Allowable deduction
Allowable Compulsory
Certain charity
deduction insurance
PIT payable = Net gains or Gross sales proceeds x Flat tax rate
Personal Income Tax (“PIT”)
Progressive PIT rates
Personal Income Tax (“PIT”)
Gross-up formula for Net incomes
Personal Income Tax (“PIT”)
Non-employment incomes
▪ Monthly PIT declaration and PIT payment: 20th date of the following month;
▪ Quarterly PIT declaration and PIT payment: 30th date of the following quarter;
▪ Annual PIT finalisation declaration and PIT finalisation payment: 90th date of the following tax year;
▪ Termination of Assignment and leaving Vietnam (for the expatriates): 45 th date from the departure date out of Vietnam.
▪ Required to declare and pay PIT directly to tax authority under their own tax code;
▪ Annual PIT finalisation submission and payment: determination of first tax year and the portion of taxable income.
Personal Income Tax (“PIT”)
▪ Annual PIT finalisation submission and payment: tax year ending 31 December
Thank you