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MTD 21

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sino, 1s No, Year 2. ts 9158: 1979 2. 139295: 1963, 26. Is 1077: 1982 n. 1s 11428 (Part 3): 1985, 28. Is 12714 (Part35): 1996, 28. isin: 1966, 2. 112620; 1989 a. ts 12791: 1989 2, ts13197: 1991 2. savers: 2022 a. ts 1776: 2022 ame Spectcationforcol- Drawn high pressure uid power cyinder tubes Speciation fr steettubes frit for belt conveyors Fist Revision Speciation fortancing pipes Spectiction for wrought carbon steel butt-Welding pipefitings Specification forsee tubes for heat exchangers Speciction fr tin walle flexible quick coupling pipes ‘Seamless steel tubes fr manufacturing high pressure gas ynders Specification High carbon chromium bearing steel tubes fr the manufacture of bearing races Specification Grooved pipe couplings- Specification Stainless Stel seamless pipes and tubes fo genera service Stainiess see wolded pipes and tubes for general service ‘cope: Standardization nthe field of non-destructive testing Liaison 180 76435 $€-9(P: Acoustic emission testing si Reafirmation No.of Degree of No, 15H. Tie Details Amendments Equivalence 2, (S2u82:1082 Recommended- Practice foradiographic examination of fusion February, Indigenous welded butt joints in tet plates Second Revision 2020 2, 1S2817:2002 Glossary of terms wed in ultrasonic nondestroctvetesting Second February, Not Revision 2000 Equivalent 3 [S2478:1991 Glossary oftermsrelatingtoindustal radiology Second Revision ‘February, Indigenous 4. 152505:2008 Industrial radiographic testing-Code of practice Second Revision February, Indigenous 2020 5, 152059:1985 Glossary of terms used for interpretation of welds and castings February, Indigenous radlographs Fist Revision 2020 5. [slI80,3057: Non-Destructive testing -Metallographic replica techniques of February, Identical 1998 surface amination 2020 under single umoering si 10, a 2 2 ¥. 15 16. n, 18 1. 2». a 2, SNe. Tide Glossary of terms used in magnetic particle flaw detection Second Revision Speciation for radiographic image quality indicators Second Revision Code of practice for liguid penetrant Naw detection Second Revision Code of practice for ultrasonic pulse echo testing by contact and immersion methods first revision Recommended practice for magnetic particle law detection Second Revision Stel Ultrasone Testing af tet Flat Products of Thickness Equal tor Greaterthan 6mm Third Revision Recommended practice for ultrasonic testing of but welds in fersitie steel Third Revision Recommended practice fr radiographic inspection of fusion welded buttjont in stel pipes Fist Revision Calibration blocks fo use ln ultrasonic non - Destructive testing Speciation Fourth Revision Magnetic particle law detection of welds Code of practice Third Revision Non Destructive testing Industrial radiographic illuminators Minimum requirements Ltwasone testing of seamless metallic tubular products by contact and immersion methods -Code of practice Second Revision Non-Destructive Testing of Steel Tubes Part? Automated Eddy Ccurcen sting of Seamless and Welded Except Submerged Ac Welded Stee Tubes forthe Detection ofimpertections Second Revision Magnetic law detection inks and powders Spcifiation Second Revision Code of practice for magnetic particle faw detection ofer0us pipes and tubes Second Revision Code of practice for ultrasonic testing of ferrous welded pipes and tubular produets- First Revision Uteasonic examination offerte castings of carbon and low alloy steel-Recommedned procedure First Revision Recommended practice for magnetic particle esting and inspection of tel forghgs First Revision Reafirmation No.of Details Amendments February, 2020 February, 2020 Februany, 2020 February, 2000 Mareh,2021 February, 2000 Mare, 2038 February, 220 orc, 2038 Mare, 2038 February, 2020 February, 2020 Februay, = 2020 Februay, = 2020 Mare, 2038 Degree of Equivalence Not Equivalent Not Equivalent Inlgenous Not Equivalent Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Equvalent Indigenous Identical under single numbering Indigenous ‘dentical, underdual numbering Not Equivalent Indigenous Indigenous Inigenous Indigenous si 26 a » 2. a 2. 2. 2 as 26. ar 28 2». 40. 4. 2 SNe. Tie Code of practice for radiographic examination of resistance spot welds on aluminium andi alloy Fist Revision Non Destructive testing of steel castings - Code of practice Fist Revision Code of practice for ultrasonic Naw detection af frre stee forgings Leak detection techniques glossary Fist Revision Recommended practice for leak esting Fist Revision Meti96 for dry powder magnetic partie testing Code of practice freddy current testing ofnorferous seamless Pipes and tubes First Revision Recommended practice for ultrasonic testing and acceptance for plain carbon and low aloy forging quality steel blooms First Revision Method for ultrasonic testing of see! plates for pressure vessels and special appllatins Fist Revision Procedure for stray ux testing of ferrous magnetic seamless tel ‘tubular progucts Recommended practice for wel magnetic panicle examination Fist Revision Guidelines for requirements of non-destructive testing agencies Performance sssessmentf ultrasonic la detection equipment Fits Revision ‘Acoustic emission testing - Giossary of terms Guidelines fr using thermography for monitoring of industrial components Metalic costing thickness by Xray ucrescence technique method Determination Performance evaluation of materials used for liquid penetrant test FirstRevision Glossary of terms used in electro magnetic Edy Current testing Recommended practice for eddy current examination by rotating probe method of round steel bars Reafirmation No.of Details Amendments February, ~ 2020 February, 2000 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2000 February, = 2020 February, 200 February, 2000 Februany, = 2020 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2000 February, 2020 February, 220 February, 2020 Februany, Degree of Equivalence Incigenous Indigenous Indigenous Not Equivalent Indigenous Equvalent Incigenous Indigenous Indlgenous Inigenous Indigeneus Indigenous Equivalent Not Equivalent Indigenous Indigenous Not Equivalent Not Equivalent Not Equivalent si No. 4% an 0. SL 53. 56. sr 8. 61 2008 oe 20s 08 517059 (2at 2018 Tide General sandard for qualifcation and certification of non Dessuetve testing personne! - Specification First Revision Thermal neuron radiography Recommended practices Recommended practice fo acoustic emission Inspection duting hydrostatie pressure testing system Recommended practice fr sorting of ferrous non -Ferous materials using electromagnetic Eedy Curent technique Recommended practice for measuring ultrasonic velocity in materials Recommended practice for measurngthickness using ultrasonic method Recommended practice for flaw siting by ultrasonic 065 method Performance evaluation of ultrasonic thickness gouges Recommended practice fr uilrasonic testing of weld filets of non- linear joints Recommended practice for magnetic particle amination ofsteam ‘urine rotor blades Recommended practice for eddycurrent testing of installed non- ferromagnetic heat exchanger tubing using dual frequency method Non-Destructive examination of polymer based composite materials Code of practice Glossary of terms for signal analysis elated to nondestructive testing Non Destructive testing of concrete structures using impact Echo technique- Recommended practice Guidelines for infrared thermography inspection of electrical Installations Realtime radioscopic examination of weldments Guidelines for visual inspection using borescopes and videoscopes Non Destructive testing -Quaifcation of radiographic itm Aigtzaion systems Prt definitions quantitative measurements of Image quality parameters stondord reference film and qualitative contol Reafirmation No.of Details Amendments Februay, 1 2020 February, 2000 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2000 Februany, 2020 February, 200 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 2020 February, 220 February, 2000 February, 2020 Degree of Equivalence Not Equivalent Indigenous Indigenous Not Equivalent Indigenous Equivalent Inigenous Equivalent Indigenous Incigerous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Indigenous Identical under dual numbering No, 1S No. Reaficmation Title Detaite 62. \517060/Pact Non Destructive testing Qualification of radiographic lm 2za9 Aligitization systems Prt 2 minimum requirements 1s0.14096:2; 2008, 63. LS1Z180: Guidelines for Using Infrared Thermography for Condition of Rotating, mo Components 64, ISLZIBL; ——_—Remote eld Eddy Current Testingof Steam Generator and Heat mn Exchanger Tubes 65. |S1Z182; Xray Difraction Based Residual Stress Measurements 2020 65. ISL7S27/Pact Nondestructive teting- Radiation methods for computed nm tomography-Part Terminology soisz08-; zo 67. 510527 (Part Non destructive testing. Radiation methods for computed 22m tomography -Part 2 Principles equipment and samples ss0.157082; a oe No SL.No. oe No 4 wro21 07491) 2 702117528) 3 7021 15853) 1 sro 21 (17866) Standards Under Develpoment Projects Approved ame No Records Found Preliminary Draft standards me No.of Amendments Degreeof Equivalence Identical under dual numbering Indigenous Not Equivalent Indigenous Identical under single numbering Identical unde single numbering Non-Destructive Testing of Steel Wires Automated Eddy Curent Testing of Steel Wires for Detection of Surface Imperfections Non-Destructive Testing of Bolts Studs And Fasteners Non-destuctive testing Edy Current TestngDetermination of Electrical Conductivity of Non-magnetic Metals Drafts Standards in WC Stage Doce ame Revision of 183703:2008 Recommended practice for magnetic particle aw detection Third Revision Draft standards Completed WC Stage SiN. oc No ame 1 ro 21 (7037) Non-destuctive testing Utasonic testing. Characterization and sng of| iscontiuities Finalized Draft Indian Standard Sino. oc No me NoRecords Found Finalized Draft Indian Standards under Print Simo. oe No mmr 1 To 21(18705), Non-Destructive Testing of tee Tubes Part Automated Eddy Current Testing of Seamless and welded Except Submerged ArcWelded Steel Tubes forthe Detection of imperfections Second Revision Amendment-1 “Total Published Standards: 67 Total Standards Under dev pment 6 Aspect Wise Report Product 1 Code of Practices: a Methods of Test. “ Texminology 10 Dimensions 1 ‘system Standard ° Safety Standard o others: 4 Service Specification ° Process Specification 0 Unclassified ° Total: 67 2 . 152598: 1966 is 7am: a974 19246: 1979 Iso. me Safety code for industial radiographic practice Code of practice for immersed ultrasonic testing by the reflection method using pulse longitudinal waves Recommended practice for certification of NOT personnel for ultrasonic examination

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