Teldor 500 SC Fungicide Product Label
Teldor 500 SC Fungicide Product Label
Teldor 500 SC Fungicide Product Label
Teldor® 500 SC
For control of bunch rot on grapevines and grey mould on cucumber, lettuce, peppers, rubus and
rubus hybrids, strawberries, snow and sugar snap peas as specified in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE
DO NOT allow bystanders to come into contact with the spray cloud.
DO NOT apply in a manner that may cause an unacceptable impact to native vegetation, agricultural c rops,
landscaped gardens and aquaculture production, or cause contamination of plant or livestock commodit ies,
outside the application site from spray drift. Wherever possible, correctly use application equipment designed
to reduce spray drift and apply when the wind direction is away from these sensitive area.
DO NOT apply unless the wind speed is between 3 and 20 kilometres per hour at the application site during
the time of application.
DO NOT apply if there are hazardous surface temperature inversion conditions present at the application site
during the time of application. Surface temperature inversion conditions exist most evenings 1 t o 2 hours
bef ore sunset and persist until 1 to 2 hours after sunrise.
Peppers Grey mould 1 L/ha Peppers Apply prior to or at the onset of disease.
(including or botrytis or H Apply using a knapsack or boomspray in a
capsicum and rot 100 mL/100 L 1 day spray volume of 500-1500 L/ha.
chilli), (Botrytis Add non-ionic surfactant at recommended
cucumber and cinerea) Cucumber, rates.
lettuce lettuce A second application can be made after 7-10
(head and H days.
leaf y) 3 days DO NOT apply more than 2 applications per
Protected and Follow a complete disease management
f ield cropping program for botrytis by rotating with fungicides
situations f rom unrelated chemical groups as per the
CropLife fungicide resistance management
The sensitivity of some crops to be treated has
not been f ully evaluated. Treat a small number
of plants to ascertain their reaction before
treating the whole crop.
Rubus and Grey mould 100 mL/100 L H Reduce background levels of disease by
rubus hybrids: (Botrytis 1 days removing plant debris and rotted fruit.
dewberries cinerea) Apply at first signs of infection or at white bud.
(including DO NOT exceed a maximum of 4 applications
boysenberries, per crop per season with not more than 2
loganberries), applications sequentially before using another
blackberries, f ungicide from a different chemical group.
raspberries, Allow a minimum re-treatment interval of 7-10
cloudberries days between consecutive applications.
and Apply using airblast, knapsack or equivalent.
youngberries DO NOT apply in less than 500 L/ha of spray
volume. Spray volume should be adequate to
Protected and ensure good coverage of all plant surfaces.
f ield cropping The sensitivity of some crops to be treated has
situations not been f ully evaluated. Treat a small number
of plants to ascertain their reaction before
treating the whole crop.
Snow peas and Grey mould 1 L/ha where H, G Apply as a protective treatment when conditions
sugar snap (Botrytis spray volume 3 days (i.e. cool and humid weather) are conducive to
peas cinerea), is less than disease development.
chocolate 1000 L/ha Apply in a spray volume of 500-1500 L/ha,
Protected and spot OR ensuring thorough coverage of all foliage.
f ield cropping (Botrytis 100 mL/100 L DO NOT apply more than 2 applications per
situations fabae) where spray crop, with a minimum re-treatment interval of 7-
volume 10 days.
exceeds 1000 The sensitivity of some cultivars/varieties of
L/ha snow peas and sugar snap peas to be treated
Plus has not been fully evaluated. Treat a small area
a non-ionic of crop to ascertain the reaction of host plants
surf actant bef ore treating a larger area or the whole crop
(e.g. Agral
Adjuvant) at
10 mL/100 L
Grazing (G)
Snow peas and sugar snap peas: DO NOT GRAZE OR CUT FOR STOCK FOOD FOR 3 DAY S AFTER
Prior to pouring, shake container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Teldor 500 SC to clean wat er
in the spray vat while stirring or with agitators in motion.
Dilute spraying (grapevines)
♦ Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of run-off and matched to the crop
being sprayed.
♦ Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply s uf f icient
water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off.
♦ The required water volume may be determined by applying dif f erent test volumes, using dif f erent
settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice.
♦ Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the
point of run-off.
♦ The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need t o be
changed, as the crop grows.
♦ Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen
water volume.
♦ Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (See Dilute spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is
needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.
♦ The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way:
1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1500 L/ha
2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500 L/ha
3. The concentration factor in this example is: 3 X (i.e. 1500 L ÷ 500 L = 3)
4. As the dilute label rate is 100 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 100, that is 300 mL/ 100
L of concentrate spray.
♦ The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operat ion
may need to be changed as the crop grows.
♦ Do not use a concentrate rate higher than that specified in the CRITICAL COMMENTS.
♦ For f urther inf ormation on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry
guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices.
Teldor is compatible with Bayfidan® 250 EC, Dithane® M45, Mimic® 700 WP and Prosper® 500 E C. D o not
mix concentrates together but add each to the spray tank separately. As formulations of other manufacturers'
products are beyond the control of BayerCropScience Pty Ltd, all mixtures should be tested prior t o mixing
commercial quantities. As changes in climatic conditions can alter the sensitiv it y of plant s t o mix tures of
sprays, Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd cannot be responsible for the behaviour of such mixtures.
Re-entry (grapevines)
Do not allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried. If prior entry is nec essary , wear c hemic al
resistant gloves.
compliance with relevant Local, State or Territory government regulations. Do not burn empty cont ainers or
product. Do not re-use empty container for any other purpose.
When opening the container and preparing spray, wear elbow-length gloves. Wash hands af t er us e. Af t er
each day's use, wash gloves.
First aid is not generally required. If in doubt, contact a Poisons Information Centre (phone A ust ralia 13 11
26) or a doctor.
This product must be used strictly as directed, and in accordance with all instructions appearing on the label
and in other ref erence material. So far as it is lawfully able to do so Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd ac cept s no
liability or responsibility for loss or damage arising from failure to follow such directions and instructions.
Classification not required according to GHS criteria.