Axyl Kent Rubin Galacio - BSMT-1A - GEC STS
Axyl Kent Rubin Galacio - BSMT-1A - GEC STS
Axyl Kent Rubin Galacio - BSMT-1A - GEC STS
Guide Questions:
1. Why is nanotechnology likened to creating a statue out of a pile of dust?
Nanotechnology is an advanced field of science that, as of now, is impossible to work with due
to its small size. For many years, we humans have been attached to the method of building
things from top to bottom, just like a sculptor chipping away bits from a block of stone to create
a statue. However, nanotechnology is quite different because, whereas sculpture is built from
the top down, George Tulevski describes nanotechnology as a technology that would be built
from the bottom up and that it would be like building a statue out of a pile of dust. One of my
realizations concerning the statement "nanotechnology is likened to creating a statue out of a
pile of dust", is that this is a good way to describe how nanotechnology is a totally a different
field of science and that its development would require alternative methods that are quite
different from what we’re used to.