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CETCME-2020 - NIET - Vineet Shekher

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CETCME - 2020


Vineet Shekher1, Pankaj Kumar2, Suryadeo Chaudhary1
Associate Professor, EEE Department, NIET, Greater Noida
Consulting Engineer, Navi Mumbai

An ECG is a simple and useful test which records the rhythm and electrical activity of the
heart of the patient that suffers from any heart disease. An ECG can detect problems you may
have with your heart rhythm. It can help doctors whether you are having a heart attack or if

enlarged or thickened. Digital Filter Design problem involves the determination of a set of
filter co-efficient to meet a set of design specifications. These specifications typically consist
of the width of the pass band and the corresponding gain, the width of the stop band(s) and
the attenuation therein; the band edge frequencies (which give an indication of the transition
band) and the peak ripple tolerable in the pass band and stop band(s). There are many
techniques for selecting coefficients. We can use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, or there
are many design packages which will do the job. I have used MATLAB for this purpose as it
is the most advanced tool for DSP applications. Also it helps to verify the design and results
that comes from the hardware.

Index Terms FIR, IIR, Matlab, VHDL.

Digital filters are involved to reduce the noise of ECG signals, IIR or FIR filter each has its
own advantages and disadvantages. FIR filter because of its finite impulse response is always
stable but its number of coefficients is very large, so it needs a larger memory space to store
its coefficients. On the other hand the IIR filter has less number of coefficients and can be
unstable sometimes due feedback loop involved in it. Essentially, Equation for FIR filtering
is a 1-D convolution between the filter coefficients and the input data. In performing

The resulting stream of numbers is found by taking the sum of the multiplications at each
sliding interval. Like the IIR structure, the FIR realization can be highly replica table, which
becomes important in the hardware design. One important aspect of FIRs is the linear phase
characteristic, which makes it ideal for most digital signal processing applications [1,2]. Non
recursive filters are always stable unlike the recursive or IIR filters which have to keep the
pole placements in perspective. Again, FIRs have to have twice the order of an IIR because
they cannot achieve the smaller side lobes in the stop band of the frequency response given
the same number of parameters as an IIR. Despite the higher order of the FIR filter, the
implementation is feasible in hardware and possesses the necessary linear phase property
needed by channel models .Filter properties, design criteria, and the application at hand
determine from which filter to choose.


1. Filter output depends upon previous inputs, present inputs and also on previous outputs.
2. IIR filters are useful for high-speed designs because they typically require a lower number
of multiply compared to FIR filters.
3. IIR filters can be designed to have a frequency response that is a discrete version of the
frequency response of an analog filter.
4. Windowed-Sinc Method
5. Fourier Series Expansion with Windowing

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CETCME - 2020

6. Frequency Sampling Using Inverse FFT - Arbitrary Frequency Response

7. Parks-McClellan Program with Remez Exchange Algorithm

IIR Filters Design Process

The Digital Filter Design problem involves the determination of a set of filter coefficients to
meet a set of design specifications. These specifications typically consist of the width of the
pass band and the corresponding gain, the width of the stop band(s) and the attenuation
therein; the band edge frequencies (which give an indication of the transition band) and the
peak ripple tolerable in the pass band and stop band(s).Plainly the FIR filter is not difficult to
understand. We take a set of samples a fixed time apart, and multiply them by a set of
coefficients. This has an effect on the signal; by varying the coefficients we can choose what
the filter does [3,4].
The combination of the length of the filter (number of taps) and the values of the coefficients
determine the filter's operation. Designing the filter is just a case of deciding how many taps
and choosing the coefficients. There are many techniques for selecting coefficients. We can
use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel, or there are many design packages which will do the
job. Block diagram has been shown below:


The various blocks used in architecture of Digital IIR filter are multipliers, adders, flip flops.
Generally, the recorded ECG signal is often contaminated by noise and artifacts that can be
within the frequency band of interest. In order to extract useful information from the noisy
ECG signals, you need to process the raw ECG signals using digital filters. We have used
MATLAB for this purpose as it is the most advanced tool for DSP applications. Also it helps
to verify the design and results that comes from the hardware. Design techniques for IIR
filters include the windowing method, the frequency sampling method and the minimax
(optimal filter) method.


In the project I have used the Parks-McClellan Algorithm to calculate the coefficients. This
algorithm gives the minimum order Filter for the given specifications. The filter thus

are used to calculate minimum order and coefficients of filter. To calculate each output of the
FIR filter, we multiply a set of samples by a set of coefficients. When a new sample arrives, it
is added to the sample set, and the oldest sample is disposed of. This can be performed using
the circular addressing hardware [5,6,7].

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1. Filter Specification
2. Find filter coefficients that meet the specification
3. Calculation of Coefficient quantization and quantization noise effects
4. Realization of filter structure (Direct Form, Transposed Form, Cascade, or Lattice)

The computational algorithm implementing equation of an IIR filter can be conveniently

represented in block diagram. It is done using building blocks elements such as Multipliers,
Adders and the Unit Delays. This way of presenting the difference equations in the form of
block diagram and Signal Flow Diagram makes easy to write an algorithm, which can be
implemented in the digital computer. As mentioned above Digital Filter Design problem
involves the determination of a set of filter coefficients to meet a set of design specifications.
A typical ECG waveform has been shown in fig.

These specifications typically consist of the width of the pass band and the corresponding
gain, the width of the stop band(s) and the attenuation therein; the band edge frequencies
(which give an indication of the transition band) and the peak ripple tolerable in the pass band
and stop band(s).Many signal processing tasks frequently necessitate an immense amount of
floating-point or fixed-point calculations for real-time or near real-time speeds. Such tasks
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require special-purpose signal processing architectures using specialized data paths,

optimized sequencing, and pipelining. Unfortunately; such systems forego much flexibility
despite operating at sufficient speeds. Digital finite impulse response filtering introduces one
of many computationally demanding signal processing tasks. Wireless indoor channel
modeling can be represented by an IIR filter using complex arithmetic due to the magnitude
and phase responses of the channel impulse characteristics [7,8]We have done Comparison of
IIR filters for Removal of ECG Baseline drift by using various structures.

Devices, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are becoming increasingly popular for
rapid prototyping of designs with the aid of software simulation and synthesis. Software
synthesis tools translate high-level language descriptions of the implementation into formats
that may be loaded directly into the FPGAs. An increasing number of design changes through
software synthesis become more cost effective than similar changes done for hardware
prototypes. In addition, the implementation may be constructed on existing hardware to
help further reduce the cost [8, 9].

When considering trade-offs between hardware resources and performance, it can be useful
to evaluate the effects of filter taps and finite precision arithmetic on the filter response.
However, some of the following plots can be misleading. Finite precision arithmetic places a
noise floor on plots which can easily be misinterpreted as a floor of the filter response. The
Comparison of the complexity of different IIR filters has been shown in table.

Although not new to the realm of programmable

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However, it is possible to replace a general purpose DSP chip and design special hardware
digital filters which will operate at video-speed sampling rates. In other cases, the speed
limitations can be overcome by first storing the high speed ADC data in a buffer memory.
The buffer memory is then read at a rate which is compatible with the speed of the DSP-
based digital filter. A comparison also can be done between IIR and FIR on basis of adders
and multipliers shown in the following table:

Bandwidth and distortion limitations and filtering requirements must then be met using
purely passive components [9, 10].

By observing the VHDL simulation results of IIR and FIR filters we conclude that both the
filters perform their filtering functions correctly which matches the MATLAB design of the
filters. Low pass IIR filter gave the correct pre-synthesis and post-synthesis simulation results
and post place and route simulation was used to find the actual delays caused by the hardware
implementation of the IIR filter on FPGA. We found that the delay between FSCLK and
MCLK is 6.5 ns and delay between input and output signal is 998396.5 ns.


We have designed the filter first in MATLAB in order to check the feasibility of the
specifications in MATLAB. We get the desired results in MATLAB. Then the filter with the
desired specifications was designed in VHDL and simulated in Modelsim software.

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Figure 1: Modelsim Output.

The VHDL code of the digital IIR filter was simulated in Modelsim and the following
waveforms were obtained. After checking the filtered output the delay between the input
signal and the output signal was calculated from the Modelsim wave window.
The input wave consisting of the two waves has been shown in fig below

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Figure2: input waveconsisting of two sine waves

When input wave has been applied to digital filter the output consists of one wave form
which is desired wave and all other waves has been removed by the filter.As shown below
out of two input waves only required wave is obtained in output.Basically all other waves are
Noises which are added in ECG signal .

Figure 3: Output of the filter when the input of figure 2 was given as input

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Figure 4: Frequency response (magnitude and phase ) of filter

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