Agilent's PLTS 2014 includes novel features that will help solve real world problems. PLTS is the signal integrity industry solution for measurement and analysis of physical layer devices. Built-in customizable TX sources can be customized to match a specified signal.
Agilent's PLTS 2014 includes novel features that will help solve real world problems. PLTS is the signal integrity industry solution for measurement and analysis of physical layer devices. Built-in customizable TX sources can be customized to match a specified signal.
Agilent's PLTS 2014 includes novel features that will help solve real world problems. PLTS is the signal integrity industry solution for measurement and analysis of physical layer devices. Built-in customizable TX sources can be customized to match a specified signal.
Agilent's PLTS 2014 includes novel features that will help solve real world problems. PLTS is the signal integrity industry solution for measurement and analysis of physical layer devices. Built-in customizable TX sources can be customized to match a specified signal.
Technical Overview Vector Network Analyzer-based and Time Domain Reflectometer-based Systems Includes: Whats New in PLTS 2014 Software 2 Whats New with with PLTS 2014? The new Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2014 includes novel features that will help solve real world problems for todays signal integrity engineers. There are so many signal integrity tools avail- able for design, analysis, and troubleshooting of high-speed inter- connects its difficult to manage them all. Agilents PLTS design team has created version 2014, integrating new features into PLTS for a substantial boost in productivity.
PLTS is the signal integrity industry solution for measurement and analysis of physical layer devices. Wizards help users to calibrate and measure multiport devices with ease. Once measured, PLTS has a rich set of displays, analysis, data reformatting and conver- sion tools, as well as a versatile set of import and export capabili- ties. PLTS works with PNA and ENA network analyzers, and TDRs. Data and transmission line models can be exported to, or imported from simulation tools. The analysis features include single-ended and differential plots in frequency or time, as well as eye diagrams and RCLG model extraction. Major tool advancements Many usability features have been incorporated into PLTS 2014, but there are two new capabilities that are considered breakthrough for the technical industry. The first is multi-channel simulation and the other is 1-port automatic fixture removal (AFR). Together they create a time saving tool that helps the experienced user accomplish more advanced analysis of the physical layer channel. The multi-channel simulation capability allows the user to quickly measure a channel, remove any fixtures and then simulate the measured channels performance. The newly added capability to use vendor supplied IBIS-AMI models for TX and RX creates real-world simulation results. Built-in TX sources can be customized to match a specified sig- nal. Users can specify data rates, lengths and voltages and then add noise, jitter, and pre-emphasis. The built-in customizable RX allows the user to select from the common CTLE, FFE, and DFE equalizers. Multiple sources can be added to simulate aggressor cross talk for multi-channel simulations. The resulting waveforms can be displayed in multi-color eye diagrams with histograms for common eye measurements. The 1-port automatic fixture removal tool is a breakthrough extension of the 2X THRU AFR that saves the user from designing and fabricating special calibration structures on PCBs. Now, the test fixture itself can be used as the 1X THRU structure with an open circuit on port 2. This is extremely helpful when working with FPGA applications where it is nearly impossible to create a normal 2X THRU structure. Furthermore, the accuracy can be enhanced by using additional calibration structures together such as an open, short and/or THRU. This error correction flexibility gives the signal integrity engineer more control over accuracy versus ease-of-use decisions that need to be made for leading edge applications. Figure 1. Multi-channel simulation capability allows users to quickly measure a channel, remove any fixtures, and then simulate the measured channels performance using the newly added capability to use vendor supplied IBIS-AMI models for TX and RX. Figure 2. 1-port AFR wizard provides more control of error correction techniques by enabling the test fixture itself to be used as the calibration standard rather than requiring the additional 2X THRU structure to be fabricated. 3 The next generation computer and communication systems now being developed will handle data rates of multiple gigabits/sec- ond. Many systems will incorporate processors and SERDES chip sets that exceed GigaHertz clock frequencies. New and troubling input/output issues are emerging as switches, routers, server blades, and storage area networking equipment moving toward 10 Gbps data rates. Digital design engineers choosing chip-to- chip and backplane technologies for these systems are finding signal integrity challenges that have not been encountered before. Traditional parallel bus topologies are running out of bandwidth. As parallel busses become wider, the complexity and cost to route on PC boards increase dramatically. The growing skew between data and clock lines has become increasingly difficult to resolve within parallel busses. The solution is fast serial chan- nels. The newer serial bus structure is quickly replacing the parallel bus structure for high-speed digital systems. Engineers have been turning to a multitude of gigabit serial interconnect protocols with embedded clocking to achieve the goal of simple routing and more bandwidth per pin. However, these serial inter- connects bring their own set of problems. In order to maintain the same total bandwidth as the older paral- lel bus, the new serial bus needs to increase its data rate. As the data rate increases through serial interconnects, the rise time of the data transition from a zero logic level to a one logic level becomes shorter. This shorter rise time creates larger reflections at impedance discontinuities and degrade the eye diagram at the end of the channel. As a result, physical layer components such as printed circuit board traces, connectors, cables, and IC packag- es can no longer be ignored. In fact, in many cases, the silicon is so fast that the physical layer device has become the bottleneck. In order to maintain signal integrity throughout the complete channel, engineers are moving away from single-ended circuits and now use differential circuits. The differential circuit provides good Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) and helps shield adjacent PCB traces from crosstalk. Properly designed differential transmission lines will minimize the undesirable effect of mode conversion and enhance the maximum data rate throughput pos- sible. Unfortunately, differential signaling technology is not always an intuitive science. Differential transmission lines coupled with the microwave effects of high-speed data have created the need for new design and validation tools for the digital design engineer. Understanding the fundamental properties of signal propagation through measure- ment and post-measurement analysis is mandatory for todays leading edge telecommunication and computer systems. The traditional Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) is still a very useful tool, but many times the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) is needed for the complete characterization of physical layer components. There is a strong need for a test and measurement system that will allow simple characterization of complex microwave behavior seen in high speed digital interconnects. In fact, many digital standards groups have now recognized the importance of specifying frequency domain physical layer measurements as a compliance requirement. Both Serial ATA and PCI Express have adopted the SDD21 parameter (input differential insertion loss) as a required measurement to ensure channel compliance. This parameter is an indication of the frequency response that the differential signal sees as it propagates through the high-speed serial channel. An example of a proposed SDD21 compliance mask is shown in Figure 5 for the Channel Electrical Interface (CEI) working group for the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF). Figure 3. Todays digital standards are now using frequency domain mea- surements for compliance testing, such as this input differential insertion loss (SDD21) mask for XAUI. ISI Loss > 4 dB Sample Compliance Interconnect 0 312.5 MHz 1.5625 GHz 3.125 GHz 11.4 15 S D D 2 1
( d B ) 0 Why is Physical Layer Testing Required? 4 Time-domain analysis is typically used for characterization of these physical-layer structures, but often, the designer concen- trates only on the intended modes of operation. For a complete time-domain view, step and impulse responses in reflection and transmission (TDR and TDT) must be seen. The analysis must include the unintended modes of operation as well. Frequency-domain analysis, again in all possible modes of opera- tion, is also necessary for fully characterizing these physical-layer structures. The s-parameter model describes the analog behavior exhibited by these digital structures. This behavior includes reflections from discontinuities, frequency dependent losses, crosstalk, and EMI performance. For translating device performance into standards compliance, eye diagrams add an important statistical analysis. And for lever- aging this complete characterization into improved simulations, measurement-based s-parameter or RLCG model extraction completes the picture. Time domain Frequency domain Mode TDR TDT Reflection Transmission Differential TDD11 TDD21 SDD11 SDD21 TDD22 TDD12 SDD22 SDD12 Diff-to-comm TCD11 TCD21 SCD11 SCD21 TCD22 TCD12 SCD22 SCD12 Comm-to-diff TDC11 TDC21 SDC11 SDC21 TDC22 TDC12 SDC22 SDC12 Common TCC11 TCC21 SCC11 SCC21 TCC22 TCC12 SCC22 SCC12 Single-ended T11 T21 T31 T41 S11 S21 S31 S41 T22 T12 T32 T42 S22 S12 S32 S42 T33 T13 T23 T43 S33 S13 S23 S43 T44 T14 T24 T34 S44 S14 S24 S34 Figure 5. Complete characterization includes forward and reverse transmission and reflection, in all possible modes of operation, in both frequency and time domains. A single test system can provide the total view As the combination of both time-domain and frequency domain analysis becomes more important, the need for multiple test systems becomes difficult to manage. A single test system that can fully characterize differential high-speed digital devices, while leaving domain and format of the analysis up to the designer, is a very powerful tool. Agilents Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) is designed specifically for this purpose. PLTS has been designed specifically for signal integrity analysis. PLTS software guides the user through hardware setup and calibration, and controls the data acquisition. It automatically applies patented transformation algorithms to present the data in both frequency and time domains, in both forward and reverse transmission and reflection terms, and in all possible modes of operation (single-ended, differential, and mode-conversion). A powerful virtual bit pattern generator feature allows a user- defined binary sequence to be applied to the measured data to convolve eye pattern diagrams. Next, highly accurate RLCG 1
models can be extracted and used to enhance the accuracy of your models and simulations. PLTS provides design condence through complete characterization Physical-layer structures have increasingly become the bottleneck in high-speed digital system performance. At low data rates, these interconnects are electrically short. The driver and receiver are typically the biggest contributors to signal integrity. But as clock speeds, bus speeds, and link speeds all push past the giga- bit-per-second mark, physical layer characterization becomes more critical. Another challenge for today's digital designers is the trend to differential topologies. Fully understanding device performance requires analysis in all possible modes of operation. 1. An RLCG equivalent circuit model, also known as Telegraphers Parameters, describes the electrical behavior of a passive transmission line. The model is a distributed network consisting of series resistance and inductance (R and L) and parallel capacitance and conductance (C and G). Single ended Port 1 Single ended Port 2 Single ended Port 3 Single ended Port 4 Differential Port 2 Differential Port 1 Device under test +
Figure 4. A differential structure operates in many modes.
Single-ended analysis can reveal sources of asymmetry on this differential transmission line. 5 Mode conversion A practical application of how mode conversion helps identify problems in physical layer devices is shown in Figure 9. This shows a XAUI backplane with two daughter cards that typically transmit data at 3.125 Gbps. The design objective for this high-speed differential channel is to minimize the crosstalk between adjacent differential PCB traces throughout the length of the channel. The channel consists of the linear passive combination of the backplane and two daughter cards. Any mode conversion from differential mode to common mode will generate EMI and create crosstalk that will be incident upon other channels and will degrade performance. However, locating the exact structure within the channel that creates the most mode conversion is not simple. Figure 7. By aligning the impedance profile with the mode conversion profile, PLTS allows the pinpointing of crosstalk-generating structures within physical layer devices. Looking at Figure 9, the differential to common mode conversion time domain reflection parameter (TCD11) is time aligned with the differential impedance profile of the channel (TDD11) below it. A marker is placed on the largest magnitude peak of TCD11. This is where the physical structure within the channel is creating the most mode conversion and thus the source of the most crosstalk. We can align the TDD11 to the TCD11 in time and therefore co- locate the problematic structure on TDD11. To relate this struc- ture to the channel, we use the differential impedance profile as a reference. From previous analysis, we know that the two capaci- tive discontinuities on TDD11 are the daughter card via field and motherboard via field, respectively. Since the marker falls upon the second discontinuity on TDD11, it is deduced that the mother- board via field is the biggest culprit to causing crosstalk in adja- cent channels. The motherboard via field was subsequently re- routed and the crosstalk generation was reduced considerably. This shows how identifying the mode conversion in a channel can be intuitive with proper analysis. PLTS enables mode-conversion analysis for early insight into EMI problems The benefits of differential signaling include lower voltage swings, immunity from power supply noise, a reduced dependency on RF ground, and improved EMI performance (reduced generation and susceptibility). The extent to which a device can take advantage of these benefits is directly related to device symmetry. Symmetric devices only respond to, and only generate, differen- tial signals. These ideal devices do not respond to or generate common-mode signals, and they reject radiated external signals (i.e., power supply noise, harmonics of digital clocks or data, and EMI from other RF circuitry). Asymmetric devices however, do not exhibit these benefits. When stimulated differentially, an asymmetric device will produce a common-mode response in addition to the intended differential response, and cause EMI radiation. Conversely, with a common- mode stimulus, an asymmetric device will produce an unintended differential response. This mode conversion is a source of EMI susceptibility. Mode-conversion analysis is an important tool for understanding and improving device symmetry, and provides the designer with early insight to identify and resolve EMI problems at the design stage. Figure 6. Asymmetric devices cause mode-conversions, which are indicators of EMI generation and susceptibility. Passive differential structure Differential stimulus Differential response Common-mode response (unintended mode conversion) 6 Dynamic range High-dynamic range is important for a number of reasons. Certainly, measurements of very low levels of crosstalk are possible, but this is only one parameter where dynamic range is important. More important is the ability to overcome masking effects of multiple discontinuities, which in systems with lower dynamic range would attenuate the stimulus such that deep structures would become invisible. And most importantly for differential devices, high-dynamic range allows for identification of very low levels of mode-conversion, which are the direct result of device asymmetry. This allows early resolution of potential EMI issues. Accuracy through error-correction VNA-based systems Four-port SOLT (Short-Open-Load-Thru) The most common technique for both coaxial and non-coaxial environments, SOLT calibration, is a vector error correction pro- cess that characterizes systematic error by measuring known calibration standards. This data is used to calculate a 72-term error model, which is then used to remove the effects of systematic errors from subsequent measurements. Utilizing three impedance standards (the short, open, and load) and a thru standard, the error model compensates for directivity, source match, load match, reflection and transmission tracking (frequency response), and crosstalk in both forward and reverse directions. Four-port TRL (Thru-Reect-Line) TRL calibration is primarily (but not exclusively) used in non-coaxial environments, such as in-fixture or microprobe measurements. It determines the same error model as the SOLT calibration, although it uses different calibration standards - a thru, a reflection standard (a short), and one or more offset length transmission lines.
Figure 9. The vector-correction process characterizes systematic error to provide superior accuracy in network analyzer-based systems. TRL calibration typically provides more accuracy than SOLT and is only available for PNA-based systems (it is not supported for 872x-based systems). Four-port LRM (Line-Reect-Match) LRM is a variation of TRL, and determines the same error model as the SOLT and TRL calibrations, although it uses different (and fewer) calibration standards a transmission line, a reflection standard (a short), and a load. In broadband non-coaxial environments, specifically microprobing, LRM can offer an accuracy improvement over TRL due to band- width limitations of the TRL line standards. LRM calibration is only available for PNA network analyzer-based systems (it is not supported for Agilent 872x-network analyzer based systems). Four-port Electronic Calibration (ECal) For electronic calibration to 9 GHz, the Agilent N4430B ECal Module (30 kHz to 9 GHz) is supported by all of the PLTS VNA- based systems. With one set of connections, this solid-state tuner simulates all of the impedance states required for full four-port error correction with accuracy that is generally better than SOLT, but somewhat less than TRL. Figure 8. The PNA network analyzer-based calibration interface simplifies a complex process, allowing full error-correction in minutes, not hours. 7 TDR-based systems Module calibration Module calibration, also called vertical calibration, calibrates the gains, offsets, and timing for each channel. At the start of the TDR calibration process, PLTS will report that a module calibration is valid, recommended, or required. This calibration is available for all supported TDR-based systems. De-skew Asymmetry in a differential system between the two step generators, between the two receivers, etc can potentially lead to imbalances or errors in resulting measurements. When differential measurements are selected in the calibration process, PLTS automatically performs this operation to remove length variance from cables or test fixtures. This calibration is available for all supported TDR-based systems. Reference plane calibration (RPC) RPC adjusts the calibration reference plane to the end of the test cables and automatically performs the de-skew operation (see above). This calibration is available for all supported TDR-based systems. Normalization Normalization is an error correction process that characterizes systematic error by measuring known calibration standards (a short, a load, and a thru) to calculate an error model, which is then used to remove the effects of systematic errors from subsequent measurements. The error model compensates for directivity, source match, and reflection tracking (frequency response). This is the most accurate calibration type for TDR. Note: Normalization is available for the Agilent 86100 family of oscilloscopes only. Figure 10. Like the PNA network analyzer-based calibration interface, the TDR-based calibration interface guides the user through the calibration(s) reducing operator error and saving time. 8 Figure 11. PLTS has advanced error correction techniques to allow flexibility for many applications. Port Extension (also known as Phase Rotation) mathematically extends the calibration reference plane to the DUT. This technique is easy to use, but assumes the fixture the unwanted structure looks like a perfect transmission line: a flat magnitude response, a linear phase response, and constant impedance. If the fixture is very well designed, this technique can provide good results. Because gating essentially considers the magnitude of the unwanted discontinuity, and Port Extensions consider phase (electrical length), using the two tools together may provide optimum results. Time-domain gating is similar to port extension, in that it is also very easy and fast. The user simply defines two points in time or distance, and the software mathematically replaces the actual measured data in that section with data representing an "ideal" transmission line. The return loss is then recalculated to show the effects of the change in the frequency domain. One practical application of time-domain gating is as a confidence check before replacing a suspect connector. Figure 14 illustrates how this technique might be used. Remove unwanted effects from the measurement Error correction Over the years, many different approaches have been developed for removing the effects of the test fixture from the measurement (shown in Figure 13). The level of difficulty for each error correction technique is linearly related to the accuracy of each method. Time domain gating is perhaps the simplest and most straightforward method, but it is also the least accurate. Likewise, de-embeding is the most complicated method, but it is the most accurate. It is important to have a test system that will allow flexibility of choos- ing the method of error correction desired for each application. Error correction techniques fall into two fundamental categories: direct measurement (pre-measurement processing) and de- embedding (post-measurement processing). Direct measurement requires specialized calibration standards that are connected to the end of a coaxial test cable and measured. The accuracy of the device measurement relies on the quality of these physical stan- dards. De-embedding uses a model of the test fixture and math- ematically removes the fixture characteristics from the overall measurement. This fixture de-embedding procedure can produce very accurate results. 9 Calibration at the DUT reference plane has the advantage that the precise characteristics of the fixture do not need to be known beforehand, as they are measured and corrected for during the calibration process. An example of this technique is microprobing using a calibration substrate, where the calibration reference plane is established at the probe tips, rather than at the end of the coaxial test cables. Advanced calibration techniques (TRL/LRM) originally developed for wafer probing applications provide additional options. Figure 14. A microprobing application, where the calibration is performed using an impedance standard substrate, establishes the calibration reference plane at the probe tips. Figure 13. The effects of test fixtures can be removed from the device in post-processing through de-embedding. De-embedding uses an accurate linear model of the fixture, or measured s-parameter data of the fixture. This fixture data can then be removed mathematically from the DUT measurement data in post-processing. Figure 12. In this rather extreme example of time-domain gating, the top plots show the measured differential step impedance and return loss. The lower left plot shows a gate added to remove the large discontinuity in the center of the trace. On the lower right, the measured and the recalculated return losses are displayed. In this case, the gate improved the return loss by more than 10 dB within the frequency band of interest. 10 PLTS Support for Microprobing Applications Agilent works closely with leading microprobe and probe station suppliers to provide the best complete system solutions possible. One of the most significant measurement challenges is connectiv- ity. Test equipment provides a controlled coaxial environment, but what if the DUT the backplane, the interface connector, the IC package is non-coaxial? Test fixtures can provide the required connectivity, but at a cost. The quality of the test fixture its connectors, impedance discontinuities, parasitics, and dielectric losses all contribute to less than ideal performance of the fixture. Subsequently, the accuracy of the device measurement is degraded. Several techniques are available to remove these fixture effects (see Remove Unwanted Effects from the Measurement on page 7), but the accuracy of these techniques is greatly impacted by the quality of the fixture itself, or the availability of an accurate s-parameter model of the fixture (used for de-embedding). Microprobing can offer the user the ability to forego the test fixture and launch the stimulus directly at the device input. The response can be measured directly at the device output. Additionally, when calibration substrates are available, calibration can be performed directly at the probe tips. This achieves co-location of the calibration reference plane with the device measurement reference plane. PLTS has the flexibility to accommodate many microprobe configurations. By adding the calibration substrate coefficients as a calibration kit, the process becomes as straightforward as a coaxial calibration. Figure 15. Cascade Microtechs Summit probe station. Figure 16. GigaTest Labs GTL-4060 probe station. 11 Step 1 System setup Step 2 Calibration Step 3 Device measurement TDR setup process VNA setup process Setup and calibration complete TDR setup Select calibration and measurement parameters VNA setup TDR calibration VNA calibration PLTS Simplies the Measurement Process Device characterization with PLTS software is straightforward. The user interface has been designed to make setup, calibration, and measurement intuitive and error-free. A wizard guides the user through all of the required steps. The last prompt is to connect the device-under-test and initiate the measurement. Setup and calibration differs slightly between TDR-based and VNA-based systems. However, in both cases the PLTS software provides an intuitive wizard to assist in the step-by-step process. Easy setup Step 1. In the first step, PLTS software automatically polls the GPIB, and prompts the user to accept or modify the default parameters based on hardware capabilities. Figure 17. PLTS has a three-step system set up to make measurements intuitive and error-free. TDR setup VNA setup Figure 18. PLTS software completely controls the hardware setup via GPIB. Figure 20. Default parameters are calculated from system capabilities. User modifications are interactive. Figure 19. The user may calibrate only for the specific parameters of interest. Estimated calibration times are calculated based on selections. Parameter selection not required in the VNA setup 12 Step 3. Device measurement For both TDR and VNA systems, when the calibration is completed, PLTS prompts the user to connect the device-under-test, and select an initial analysis format. Then, the system makes all of the measurements required for the complete characterization. With one setup, calibration and measurement, up to sixty-four time-domain and frequency-domain device parameters are available. Step 2. Calibration After the system setup, the calibration method is selected. Again, the wizard simplifies the process and provides the greatest flex- ibility to the user. The calibration interface shows the required calibration standards as icons, which are initially represented in red. As the user con- nects the standards, and mouse-clicks the corresponding icon, the system makes the measurement, and the icon color changes to green (indicating completion). When all of the icons are green, the calibration is complete. TDR calibration VNA calibration Setup and calibration complete Figure 23. All domains and formats are available immediately after the measurement is completed. Figure 22. The VNA system calibration wizard simplifies four-port SOLT, TRL, and LRM error correction. Figure 21. The TDR system calibration wizard provides status and controls module and reference plane calibrations, de-skew, and normalization. 13 File and view management with the data browser Time domain analysis: 2 n 2 parameters 7 formats time or distance Frequency domain analysis: 2 n 2 parameters 8 formats Format, scaling, and marker control with easy access toolbars RLCG model extraction 2 n 2 parameters Plot and trace management with context-sensitive parameter buttons Eye diagram analysis: n 2 parameters 8 formats
Data analysis with n-port PLTS 14 4-port data analysis All supported analysis types and formats are available immediately after the measurement is completed, and at any time there after. PLTS flexibility allows the user to begin where they are most familiar. Time-domain analysis The mixed-mode time domain is a common starting point. Initially, sixteen parameters are displayed in thumbnail view as shown below. These thumbnails represent four modes of device opera- tion: differential, common-mode, and the two mode-conversion types (common-mode stimulus with differential response and differential stimulus with common-mode response). A double mouse-click on any of these thumbnails will expand the selected parameter to full screen for closer analysis. Not shown here are the additional sixteen single-ended time-domain parameters. Figure 24. The mixed-mode time-domain matrix. Frequency-domain analysis The mixed-mode frequency domain is another common starting point. Initially, sixteen parameters are displayed in thumbnail view as shown below. These thumbnails represent four modes of device operation: differential, common-mode, and the two mode-conver- sion types (common-mode stimulus with differential response and differential stimulus with common-mode response). A double mouse-click on any of these thumbnails will expand the selected parameter to full screen for closer analysis. Not shown here are the additional sixteen single-ended frequency-domain parameters. Figure 25. The mixed-mode frequency-domain matrix. 15 Self Resistance Self Inductance Self Capacitance Self Conductance Mutual Resistance Mutual Inductance Mutual Capacitance Mutual Conductance Measurement-based eye diagram analysis Using the built-in digital pattern generator, the user is able to define virtual bit pattern (as wide as 2 32 -1 bits). PLTS then con- volves the selected bit pattern with the device impulse response to create an extremely accurate measurement-based eye pattern diagram. This eliminates the need for a hardware pulse/pattern generator, and its flexibility allows for a great deal of "What if" analysis. Figure 26. The digital pattern generator. After the eye pattern is generated, marker functions can be used to make typical measurements like jitter, eye opening, rise and fall times, and more. Figure 27. Eye pattern diagram. RLCG model extraction RLCG (resistance, inductance, capacitance, and conductance) models describe the electrical behavior of passive transmission lines in an equivalent circuit model. From the measured S-parameters of a device, PLTS calculates the R, L, C, G, complex propagation constant, and complex character- istic impedance. This provides a highly accurate, measurement-based coupled transmission line model for export into modeling and simulation software such as Agilent ADS, Synopsis HSPICE, and others. Figure 28. RLCG model extraction (W-Element shown). 16 Frequency N u m b e r
o f
c h a n n e l s 4-port 50 GHz 4-port 67 GHz 4-port 18 GHz 12-port 20 GHz 12-port 50 GHz 12-port 67 GHz 4-port 20 GHz 14-port 20 GHz N-port 8-port 20 GHz 8-port 50 GHz 4-port 40 GHz 12-port 40 GHz 8-port 40 GHz 8-port 67 GHz PLTS Signal Integrity Solutions Portfolio PNA-Based Examples Below are 4-port PLTS configuration examples. For a complete list of compatible test sets go to For a custom test set solution contact your local Agilent sales representative. PLTS multiport conguration (4-port 67 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 11 ps, 67 GHz 1 N5227A-401 10 MHz to 67 GHz vector network analyzer, 4-ports, configurable test set 4 N4421B-K67 Test port cables, 3 ft., 1.85 mm (m-f) 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis networked license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal networked license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 N4694A Recommended Startup Assistance 1 Option 00F 1.85 mm ECal kit PLTS multiport conguration (4-port 50 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 15 ps, 50 GHz 1 N5225A-401 10 MHz to 50 GHz vector network analyzer, 4-ports, configurable test set 4 N4421AK20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 2.4 mm (m-f) 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis fixed license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal fixed license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 Recommended Startup Assistance 1 N4693A-00F 2.4 mm ECal kit 17 PLTS multiport conguration (4-port 43.5 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 16.5 ps, 43.5 GHz 1 N5224A-401 10 MHz to 43.5 GHz vector network analyzer, 4-ports, configurable test set 4 N4421AK20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 2.4 mm (m-f) 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis fixed license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal fixed license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 Recommended Startup Assistance 1 N4693A-00F 2.4 mm ECal kit PLTS multiport conguration (4-port 26.5 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 27 ps, 26.5 GHz 1 N5222A-401 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz vector network analyzer, 4-ports, configurable test set 4 N4419AK20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 3.5 mm (m-f) 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis fixed license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal fixed license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 Recommended Startup Assistance 1 N4433A-010 3.5 mm ECal kit PLTS multiport conguration (4-port 20 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 35 ps, 20 GHz 1 N5230C-245 4-port PNA-L network analyzer 4 N4419AK20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 3.5 mm (m-f) 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis fixed license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal fixed license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 Recommended Startup Assistance 1 N4433A-010 3.5 mm ECal kit 18 PLTS multiport conguration (16-port 26.5 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 27 ps 26.5 GHz 1 N5222A-401 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz vector network analyzer, 4-port configurable test set 1 N5222A-551 N-port calibrated measurements 16 N4419AK20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 3.5 mm (m-f) 1 U3042AE12 12-port 26.5 GHz multiport test set 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis fixed license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal fixed license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 N1930B-7FP PLTS N-port measurement and analysis fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 Recommended Startup Assistance 1 N4433A-010 3.5 mm Ecal kit PLTS multiport conguration (12-port 50 GHz system) Qty Default options Available options Description Physical layer test system, 15 ps 50 GHz 1 N5225A-401 10 MHz to 50 GHz vector network analyzer, 4-port configurable test set 1 N4421A-1CP Rack-mount kit with handles 12 N4421AK20 Test port cables, 3 ft., 2.4 mm (m-f) 1 U3045AE08 8-port 50 GHz S-parameter multiport test set 1 N1930B-1FP PLTS base analysis fixed license 1 N1930B-3FP PLTS measurement and cal fixed license 1 N1930B-5FP PLTS advanced calibration (AFR) fixed license 1 N1930B-7FP PLTS N-port measurement and analysis fixed license 1 PS-S20-01 Recommended Startup Assistance 1 N4694A Option 00F 2.4 mm Ecal kit 19 Upgrades from 2-port PNA to 4-port PLTS Supported network analyzers
N4420B 45 MHz to 40 GHz N1930B E8363A/B/C H08, H11 10 MHz to 40 GHz 1. See software licensing sidebar on page 26. 2. PNA firmware is frequently updated. For the latest recommended firmware, please go to PLTS Ordering Guide PLTS system requirements To ensure that PLTS operates effectively, your PC should have the following minimum requirements: PLTS feature Introduced in PLTS version: Must be used with PNA version or higher: USB ecal support for calibration in PLTS 3.0 A.04.87 Multiport Calibration in PNA 4.0 A.06.00 Query individual calibration thru types 4.2 A.07.21.00 Calibration view window 4.5 A.07.50.27 Refresh Cal 5.0 PNA-X and C models: A.08.33.13 Load Error terms 5.0 N5230A and E836xB: A.07.50.37 PNA support 2 The following are requirements for PNA Firmware. Firmware selection may depend upon the CPU. See how to determine your CPU type. (Internet connection required.) All PNA (E836xC) Series and PNA-L N5230C - A.09.33.09 All PNA-X (N524xA) Series - A09.33.09 All PNA (N522xA) Series - A09.33.09 All models with 1.1 GHz CPU: (E8361A, E8362B, E8363B, E8364B, N5230A) - A.07.50.48 Any model using XP on 500 MHz CPU: - A.06.04.32 Any model using Windows 2000; and all 3-port models: (N3381A, N3382A, N3383A) - A.04.87.01 In addition, some PLTS features require a later PNA firmware version.
Measurement mode ONLY Off-line analysis mode
In the lab, controlling test equipment and making quick analysis of the results. In your office, performing What if... analysis, characterization, cross-domain analysis, filtering, waveform math, and eye diagram simulation. CPU 1 GHz 1.5 GHz Main memory (RAM) 512 MB - 1 GB is recommended when measuring 16,000 points with the PNA B-model network analyzers. 1 GB Virtual memory - As a general rule, virtual memory should be 1.5 to 2 times the size of main memory. 2.5 GB+ 2.5 GB+ GPIB interface With PLTS 4.2, PLTS can connect to a PNA over LAN Agilent 82357A USB/GPIB Interface for Windows or supported GPIB card (any National Instruments or Agilent 82340/41 or 82350 GPIB card) No GPIB connection is required to use PLTS off-line. Saved (stored) measurement files can be recalled at any time for analysis. Operating systems Windows XP, Vista 32, Vista 64, and Windows 7. Windows XP, Vista 32, Vista 64, and Windows 7. Screen resolution 1280 x 1024 or greater required 1280 x 1024 or greater required Display colors High Color (16 Bit) or greater High Color (16 Bit) or greater 20 PLTS multiport test set ordering information Test sets for use with 2-port network analyzers (E836X Family) Model Freq Switch # Test set ports Options # Total system ports U3024AE06 40 GHz Mechanical 6 port 700 STD (with amp) 8 U3024AE06 40 GHz Mechanical 6 port 001 BiasT 8 U3024AE10 40 GHz Mechanical 10 port 700 STD (with amp) 12 U3024AE10 40 GHz Mechanical 10 port 001 BiasT 12 U3025AE06 50 GHz Mechanical 6 port 700 STD (with amp) 8 U3025AE06 50 GHz Mechanical 6 port 001 BiasT 8 U3025AE10 50 GHz Mechanical 10 port 700 STD (with amp) 12 U3025AE10 50 GHz Mechanical 10 port 001 BiasT 12 Test sets for use with 4-port network analyzers (N5230A/C Family) Model Freq Switch # Test set ports Options # Total system ports U3042A E08 20 GHz Solid state 8 port 700 STD 12 U3042A E08 20 GHz Solid state 8 port 001 Amp 12 U3042A E08 20 GHz Solid state 8 port 002 BiasT/amp 12 U3042A E12 20 GHz Solid state 12 port 700 STD 16 U3042A E12 20 GHz Solid state 12 port 001 Amp 16 U3042A E12 20 GHz Solid state 12 port 002 BiasT/amp 16 U3044A Exx 40 GHz x Port Future test sets U3045A Exx 50 GHz x Port Future test sets Z5623AK44 20 GHz Solid state 4 port STD STD 8 Z5623AK44 20 GHz Solid state 4 port 001 Amp 8 Z5623AK44 20 GHz Solid state 4 port 002 BiasT/amp 8 Test sets for use with 2-port (E836X Family) or 4-port (N5230A/C Family) analyzers Model Freq Switch # Test set ports Options # Total system ports U3022AE10 20 GHz Mechanical 10 port STD STD 12 or 14 U3022AE10 20 GHz Mechanical 10 port 001 BiasT/amp 12 or 14 Note 1: The highest port count available to date is 24-ports. This is achieved by using the following configuration: N5230C-245 (4-Port VNA) U3042AE10 (10-Port Test Set) U3042AE10 (10-Port Test Set) Note 2: PLTS 5.2 is the last release that supports the legacy 8753 and 872x VNA based measurement systems. This will also be the last release that officially supports PNA network analyzers with a CPU board < 1.1 GHz. There are currently upgrade kits or trade-in programs to assist in upgrading or migrating these legacy instruments to a supported platform. Please contact your local support team for more information. 21 PLTS software ordering information Model Description N1930B-1NP Base analysis networkable license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-1FP Base analysis fixed license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-1TP Base analysis transportable license (USB Key); 1-year update subscription N1930B-3NP Measurement & cal networkable license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-3FP Measurement & cal fixed license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-3TP Measurement & cal transportable license (USB Key); 1-year update subscription N1930B-5NP Advanced calibration networkable license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-5FP Advanced calibration fixed license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-5TP Advanced calibration transportable license (USB Key); 1-year update subscription N1930B-7NP N-port measurement & analysis networkable license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-7FP N-port measurement & analysis fixed license; 1-year update subscription N1930B-7TP N-port measurement & analysis transportable license (USB Key); 1-year update subscription Important notes regarding PLTS software conguration 1. If PLTS Studio is used (PLTS options 1NP, 1FP or 1TP), this will allow data analysis of files up to and including 4 ports (*,s4p Touchstone files). However, if data is to be analyzed from files containing more than 4 ports (for example, 12-port data from a *.s12p Touchstone file), the appropriate PLTS multiport option must be purchased (PLTS options 7NP, 7FP or 7TP). 2. As noted in the sample configurations on pages 16-19 of this technical overview, the VNA firmware options 550 or 551 must be ordered in conjunction with PLTS to work properly as a calibration and measurement system. Option 550 is for applications of 4 ports or less, while option 551 is for applications greater than 4 ports. 3. PLTS option 1xP is required for either 3xP, 5xP, or 7xP options. 4. PLTS has an annual update called SUS that stands for Software Update Service. Each new PLTS license comes with 12 months of SUS. After 12 months, a 1 or 2 year SUS must be purchased to receive technical support and new PLTS software updates. If any SUS lapses, then a 2 year SUS must be purchased to re-activate the support and updates. 5. Option 3xP is required for instrument control portions of option 5xP. As noted in 3 above, option 1xP is required for either 3xP, 5xP, or 7xP options. 22 Agilent has developed a breakthrough signal integrity software tool that enables digital interconnect designers never before available capabilities. The Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) ver- sion 5.2 software Option N1930B-5TP will incorporate three new advanced calibration tools that optimize the design of high speed connectors, cables, backplanes and printed circuit boards. The PLTS Option N1930B-5TP provides advanced calibration wizards for a complete suite of signal integrity capability including: Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) calibration wizard for design and validation of customer-built test fixtures Differential crosstalk calibration wizard that takes into account coupling effects of differential transmission lines on fixtures for extremely accurate error correction Automatic fixture removal feature that requires only a symmetric Thru structure is measured for quick and easy fixture de-embedding TRL calibration wizard Many high-speed digital labs today must design test fixtures for data rates above 5 Gbps. More advanced design techniques must be used when designing test fixtures for these sensitive s-param- eter measurements. The TRL calibration process has been the tra- ditional method for microwave engineers for decades to precisely locate the measurement reference plane. However this advanced technique has been out of reach for most digital laboratories due to complexity. This is no longer the case. The TRL calibration wizard is the worlds first software tool that enables the design and validation of a PCB-based TRL calibration kit. This step-by-step process easily guides you carefully through the normally tedious and error prone process of TRL fixture de- sign, saving at least 50% of the design cycle time from beginning to end, thus reducing the number of board spins. Now, with TRL calibration wizard, you can invoke the wizard to define the line lengths for each calibration structure. After sending the board layout details to a PCB house for manufacture, the wizard will measure the newly designed TRL test fixture to verify that it will work properly at the desired high frequency range. Figure 29. The TRL Calibration Wizard in PLTS N1930B-5TP option is an industry rst for enabling complex vector network analyzer error correction in an easy to use format for PCB xtures. Figure 30. The TRL Calibration Wizard has a step-by-step procedure for validating the customer built TRL xture and veri es the high frequency performance level in a quantitative fashion. Advanced Calibration Software Option N1930B-5xP 23 Differential crosstalk calibration wizard When designing test fixturing for interconnect characterization, the age old question is How should I route my test fixture transmis- sion lines, single-ended or differential? Some engineers correctly route them single-endedly, some erroneously route them differen- tially and some just dont care. The biggest mistake is to route dif- ferentially and ignore the coupling effects. As long as a calibration algorithm is used to remove coupling effects, then this test fixture design flaw can be easily remedied. The differential crosstalk cali- bration wizard in PLTS 5.2 Option 5TP will automatically measure these coupling effects and remove them from the measurement using a proprietary calibration algorithm. Some steps in the wizard can be eliminated if the fixture is symmetric from front to back, thereby optimizing the algorithm in real time. There are test fixture amplitude measurement errors as large as 25 dB that have been fixed by the differential crosstalk calibration wizard. Automatic xture removal It can sometimes be a complicated process to achieve accurate calibrations with a vector network analyzer (VNA). The time consuming part of the measurement sequence is often not the measurement itself, but the calibration. For those who feel that way, we have created the Automatic Fixture Removal. There are two ways to accomplish AFR: the legacy 2X Thru method intro- duced in PLTS 2011 or the new 1-port open method introduced in PLTS 2014. The legacy method is a simple process that entails measuring a user created 2X Thru calibration PCB coupon (two fixtures end-to-end). This 2X Thru coupon trace can be built on test fixtures themselves or on a separate Cal board. In either case, as soon as this measurement is input into the wizard and the total measurement of the DUT plus fixtures is in the active window of the wizard, then a simple click on the Apply button and the fix- ture is accurately removed. The resultant accuracy is better than a TRL calibration. It is simple, fast AND accurate. For PLTS 2014, the 1-port AFR has been greatly enhanced to allow the test fixture itself to be used as a 1-port open cal structure. This means that AFR can now accommodate any application for high-speed signal integrity applications. Making VNAs easier than TDRs It has often been stated that VNAs are extremely accurate at the cost of being complicated. This is possibly true if the right tools are not at your disposal. Well, now the right toolset is available at the right time; just as data rates are driven to 5 Gbps and higher. No longer do you need to settle for the 40 dB dynamic range of a TDR when you have a VNA toolset that makes high dynamic range measurements a simple task. The PLTS 2014 Option N1930B-5TP is exactly what youve been waiting for. Figure 31. One of the most difcult error corrections to do is remove differential coupling in test xtures. The Differential Calibration Wizard is the rst tool of its kind to perform a correction to remove error due to this type of coupling. Figure 32. Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) is the industry standard for de-embedding test xtures without having the xture S-parameters. 24 PLTS application software uses new licensing capabilities. Besides fixed license and networkable FLEXlm licensing on a shared server, there is also a transportable USB key. The summary of the three licensing options are as follows: Option xFP Fixed license (default). Fixed licenses are locked to a single PC through its host ID (e.g., the MAC address) with or without connected system hardware. Fixed licenses do not require any networking or license server processes. A fixed license is also known as a node-locked license. Option xNP Networkable license. Networkable licenses allow users to share a single license, or multiple licenses, over a network. The application soft- ware may be installed on an unlimited number of PCs with or without connected system hardware. The number of available licenses determines the number of concurrent users. Networkable licenses require a license server and a TCP/IP (or IPX/SPX) connection between clients and server(s). A networkable license is also known as a floating license. Option xTP Transportable license. Transportable licenses are locked to a USB key that can be shared among different PCs.
Important licensing notes:
1. File import, file export, calibrations, and measurements greater than 4 ports requires one of the following PLTS options: 7NP, 7FP, or 7TP. 2. For 4-port calibrations option 550 is required on the PNA firmware. For greater than 4-port calibrations option 551 is required on the PNA firmware. 3. See configuration guide information contained in this Technical Overview for further details. Web resources Visit our Web sites for additional product and literature information. MATLAB is a registered trademark of the The MathWorks, Inc. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. For more information on Agilent Technologies products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at: Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600 Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacic Australia 1 800 629 485 China 800 810 0189 Hong Kong 800 938 693 India 1 800 112 929 Japan 0120 (421) 345 Korea 080 769 0800 Malaysia 1 800 888 848 Singapore 1 800 375 8100 Taiwan 0800 047 866 Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15 Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100 France 0825 010 700* *0.125 /minute Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204 Israel 972-3-9288-504/544 Italy 39 02 92 60 8484 Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111 Spain 34 (91) 631 3300 Sweden 0200-88 22 55 United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201 For other unlisted countries: (BP-09-27-13) Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2012-2014 Published in USA, January 22, 2014 5989-6841EN myAgilent myAgilent A personalized view into the information most relevant to you. Three-Year Warranty Beyond product specification, changing the ownership experience. Agilent is the only test and measurement company that offers three-year warranty on all instruments, worldwide. Agilent Assurance Plans Five years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specifications and you can continually rely on accurate measurements. Agilent Electronic Measurement Group DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System Agilent Channel Partners Get the best of both worlds: Agilents measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.
Design and Implemation of An Enhanced Dds Based Digital Modulator For Multiple Modulation Schemes Manoj Kollam, S.A.S Krishna Chaithanya and Nagaraju Kommu IJSSAN 2011