Ais Reviewer
Ais Reviewer
Ais Reviewer
o Natural System – range from the atom Non-financial Transaction – are events that do
(system of electrons, protons, and neutrons), not meet the narrow definition of financial
all life forms such as plant and animals transaction
o Artificial System – man-made (clock,
submarines, social systems, information IV. AN ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM
- AIS subsystems process financial
Multiple Components transactions and nonfinancial transactions
o system must contain more than 1 part that directly affect the processing of financial
(exampleː yoyo) transactions.
VII. GENERAL LEDGER/ FINANCIAL REPORTING o Internal financial transactions involve the
SYSTEM exchange or movement of resources within
the organization
- The general ledger system (GLS) and the
financial reporting system (FRS) are two Data Collection - first operational stage in the
closely related subsystems. information system. Most important stage in
the system
FRS measures and reports the status of financial
resources and the changes in those resources. Data Processing - range from simple to
The FRS communicates this information complex, include mathematical algorithms
primarily to external users. (non-discretionary)
Data Management - The organization’s
database is its physical repository for financial
and nonfinancial data
- provides the internal financial information
needed to manage a business o Data Attribute - most elemental piece of
- Typical reports produced by the MRS potentially useful data in the database
include budgets, variance reports, cost-
o Record - complete set of attributes for a
volume-profit analyses, and reports using
current (rather than historical) cost data. single occurrence within an entity class
Internal Users
Database Management Task XI. Acquisition Information System
3 Fundamental Tasks Turnkey System
- finished and tested systems that are ready
o Storage Task - assigns keys to new records
for implementation
and stores them in their proper location in
- customized to a specific industry
the database
- have built-in software options that allow the
o Retrieval - task of locating and extracting
user to customize input, output, and
an existing record from the database for processing through menu choices
processing Backbone System
- pre-programmed
o Deletion - is the task of permanently
- consist of a basic system structure
removing obsolete or redundant records - Vendor then designs the user interfaces to
from the database suit the client’s unique needs
Information Generation - is the task of Vendor-Supported System
permanently removing obsolete or redundant - Customized
records from the database - purchase commercially rather than develop
o Relevance - must serve a purpose
- software vendor designs, implements, and
o Timeliness - age of information is a critical maintains the system for its client
factor in determining its usefulness
o Accuracy - Information must be free from XII. Organizational Structure
material errors - reflects the distribution of responsibility,
o Completeness - No piece of information authority, and accountability throughout
essential to a decision or task should be the organization
o Summarization - Information should be Business Segment
aggregated in accordance with the user’s
o Geographic Location
- organizations have operations dispersed
Feedback across the country and around the world
o is a form of output that is sent back to the - each geographic segment as a quasi-
system as a source of data autonomous entity
o may be internal or external
o Product Line
Information Objective - Companies that produce highly diversified
1. To support the stewardship function of products often organize around product
management lines, creating separate divisions for each
2. To support management decision making.
3. To support the firm’s day-to-day operations. o Business Function
- Functional segmentation divides the
organization into areas of specialized
responsibility based on tasks
Functional Segmentation
Data Storage
- An efficient information system captures
and stores data only once and makes this
single source available to all users who need
Data Updating
- data stored in files that require periodic
updating to reflect changes
Currency of Information
- performing multiple updates
Task-Data Dependency
- user’s inability to obtain additional
information as his or her needs change