Bsa2 1ST Sem - Ac 2104 - Notes
Bsa2 1ST Sem - Ac 2104 - Notes
Bsa2 1ST Sem - Ac 2104 - Notes
Three fundamental objectives that are
common to all organizations:
● To support the firm’s day-to-day
● To support management decision
● To support the stewardship
function of management
Information System
- is the set of formal procedures by
which data are collected,
processed into information, and
distributed to users.
- is an event that affects or is of The Accounting Information System
interest to the organization and is Transaction Processing System
processed by its information (TPS)
system as a unit of work. - is an activity composed of three
major subsystems—
Financial Transaction ● the revenue cycle,
- is an economic event that affects ● the expenditure cycle, and
the assets and equities of the ● the conversion cycle.
organization, is measured in
financial terms, and is reflected in General Ledger/Financial Reporting
the accounts of the firm. System (GL/FRS)
- is a system that produces
Nonfinancial transactions traditional financial statements,
- are events that do not meet the such as income statements,
narrow definition of a financial balance sheets, statements of
transaction. cash flows, tax returns, and other
reports required by law.
Management Reporting System General Ledger/Financial Reporting
(MRS) Systems
- is a system that provides the ● GLR & FRS
internal financial information - 2 closely related
needed to manage a business. subsystems
- viewed as a single
The Management Information System integrated system because
Management information System of their operational
(MIS) interdependency
- Processes nonfinancial
transactions that are not normally ● GL
processed by traditional AIS - Comes from transaction
cycle subsystems
The Need to Distinguish between AIS - Summaries of transaction
and MIS activity are processed to
update genera ledger
control accounts
- Measures status of
financial resources and
changes in those
resources and
communicates this
AIS SUBSYSTEMS information to external
Transaction Processing System users
- Converts economic events into
financial transactions, records ● Nondiscretionary reporting
financial transactions in - is a type of reporting in
accounting records, and which the organization has
distributes essential financial few or no choices in the
information to operations information it provides.
personnel - Much of this information
- Groups similar types into consists of traditional
transaction cycles financial statements, tax
- 3 Transaction Cycles returns, and other legal
- Revenue Cycle documents.
- Expenditure Cycle
- Conversion Cycle
Management Reporting System DATA VERSUS INFORMATION:
- Provides internal financial Data
information needed to manage a - are facts,
business - which may or may not be
- Examples: budgets, variance processed (edited, summarized,
reports, cost-volume-profut or refined) and
analyses, and reports using - which have no direct effect on the
current cost data user.
● Discretionary reporting
- is a type of reporting in Information
which the organization can - causes the user to take an action
choose what information to that he or she otherwise could
report and how to present not, or would not, have taken.
End Users
End users
- are users for whom the system is
built. Data Sources
- 2 Groups: - are financial transactions that
● External users enter the information system from
- include creditors, either internal or external
stockholders, potential sources.
investors, regulatory
agencies, tax authorities, Data Collection
suppliers, and customers. - Is the first operational stage in
● Internal users the information system.
- include management at all
levels of the organization Data Processing
as well as operations - is a group that manages the
personnel. computer resources used to
perform the day-to-day
processing of transactions.
● Retrieval
Database Management - Task of locating and
Database extracting an existing
- is a physical repository for record from database for
financial data. processing
● Deletion
Data Attribute - Task of permanently
- Most elemental piece of removing obsolete or
potentially useful data in redundant record from
database database
● Attribute
- Is a logical and relevant
characteristic of an entity about
which the firm captures data
● Primary Key
- Unique dentifier attribute
- Is a complete set of attributes for
a single occurrence within an
entity class
Information Generation
File / Table Information generation
- Complete set of records of an - is the process of compiling,
identical class arranging, formatting, and
- Organization’s database is the presenting information to users.
entire collection of such files
Qualitative Characteristics of Useful
Database management Relevance
- is a special software system that - Contents must serve a purpose
is programmed to know which - Present only relevant data in its
data elements each user is reports
authorized to access. Timeliness
- 3 fundamental tasks: - Information must be no older than
● Storage time frame of action it supports
- Assigns keys to new Accuracy
records and stores them in - Information must be free from
their proper location in material errors
database - Material error exists when
amount of inaccuracy in
information causes the user to Production
make poor decisions or to dail to - Production planning involves
make necessary decisions scheduling the flow of materials,
Completeness labor, and machinery to efficiently
- No piece of information essential meet production needs.
to a decision or task should be - Quality control monitors the
missing manufacturing process at various
Summarization points to ensure that the finished
- Information should be aggregated products meet the firm’s quality
in accordance with user’s needs standards.
- Maintenance keeps the firm’s
Feedback machinery and other
Feedback manufacturing facilities in running
- is a form of output that is sent order.
back to the system as a source of Marketing
data. Distribution
Organizational Structure and AIS Finance
- Physical AIS comprise
technologies of various types and
configurations as well as people
and tasks from across the
- The sales processing system,
which is a subsystem of the
revenue cycle, includes the
following organization functions:
sales, credit, inventory control,
warehousing, shipping, billing,
accounts receivable, general
ledger, and data processing.
- are functional units of a business
Materials Management
● Purchasing
● Receiving
● Stores
packages are sometimes called
turnkey systems because they
often can be implemented by the
user with little or no modification.
Accounting Independence
- is the separation of the
record-keeping function of
accounting from the functional
areas that have custody of
physical resources.
Data Processing
Centralized data processing
- is a model under which all data
processing is performed by one
or more large computers, housed
at a central site, that serve users
throughout the organization.
Distributed data processing (DDP) Turnkey systems
- is reorganizing the IT function - are completely finished and
into small information processing tested systems that are ready for
units (IPUs) that are distributed to implementation.
end users and placed under their Custom software
control. - is software built to individual
Systems Development and - Custom systems are more
Maintenance expensive than commercial
Commercial software Systems development life cycle
- is pre-coded software that a user - is the software development
purchases from a software process.
vendor. Commercial software
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Cloud computing
- is a system assembled of - is a location-independent
prefabricated software computing variant of IT
components. outsourcing whereby shared data
SYSTEMS MAINTENANCE centers deliver hosted IT services
over the Internet.
Database Administration - These services fall into three
Network Administration
Network ● Software as a service (SaaS)
- is a collection of interconnected - is a software distribution
computers and communications model in which service
devices that allows users to providers host applications
communicate, access data and for client organizations
applications, and share over a private network or
information and resources. the Internet
Network administration
- is being responsible for the ● Infrastructure as a service
effective functioning of the (IaaS)
software and hardware that - is the provision of
constitute the organization’s computing power and disk
network. space to client firms who
- This involves configuring, access it from desktop
implementing, and maintaining PCs.
network equipment. - The client firm can
configure the infrastructure
Outsourcing the IT Function for storage, networks, and
IT outsourcing other computing needs,
- is contracting with a third-party including running
vendor to take over the costs, operating systems and
risks, and responsibilities data processing
associated with maintaining an applications.
effective corporate IT function,
including management of IT ● Platform as a service (PaaS)
assets and staff and delivery of IT - enables client firms to
services such as data entry, data develop and deploy onto
center operations, applications the cloud infrastructure
development, applications consumer-generated
maintenance, and network applications using facilities
provided by the PaaS fair presentation of a client firm’s
vendor. financial statement.
Attest function
- is an independent auditor’s
responsibility to opine as to the
CHAPTER 2 - involves the acquisition of
Introduction to Transaction materials, property, and labor in
Processing exchange for cash.
- The actual disbursement of cash
may occur at a different point
An Overview of Transaction after the receipt of the goods or
Processing services, based on a credit
The most common financial transactions
- These financial transactions have
are economic exchanges with external
a physical component and a
financial component.
These include the sale of goods or - The subsystems of the
services, the purchase of inventory, the expenditure cycle include:
discharge of financial obligations, and ● Purchases/accounts payable
the receipt of cash on account from system
customers. ● Cash disbursement system
● Payroll system
Financial transactions are common
● Fixed asset system
business events that occur regularly.
Financial Transaction
Conversion Cycle
- is an economic event that affects - involves tracing the cost flows in
the assets and equities of the the transformation of raw
firm, is reflected in its accounts, materials into finished goods, a
and is measured in monetary primary concern of cost
terms. accounting courses.
- are common, repetitive events - The conversion cycle (for
that involve external parties manufacturing companies) has
(customers or suppliers) or two typical subsystems:
internal events (depreciation, use ● Production system (materials
of materials, etc.). planning, scheduling,
- Similar transactions are grouped releasing, controlling)
into cycles. ● Cost accounting system (flow
The Transaction Cycles of costs for inventory
valuation, budgeting,
The three primary transaction cycles decisions)
(expenditure, conversion, and revenue
cycles) and their typical subsystems. Revenue Cycle
Manual Systems
File Structures
● Digital file structures and storage
techniques vary widely among
transaction processing systems.
● Some structures are effective at
processing all records in large
master files.
● Some file structures are better for
directly locating and processing a
single record in a large file.
● The legacy systems are
mainframe systems implemented
in the late 1960s through the
1980s. ● The database model is a
symbolic model of the structure
of, and the associations between,
THE FLAT-FILE MODEL an organization’s data entities.
● The flat-file model is an ● The database management
environment in which individual system (DBMS) is a software
data files are not related to other system that controls access to
files. the data resource.
● There are three significant ● The most striking difference
problems in the flat-file between the database model and
environment: data storage, data the flat-file model is the pooling of
data into a common database
that all organizational users ● is a documentation technique
share. used to represent the relationship
among data entities in a system.
Document flowcharts
● Alternative transaction
processing models fall broadly
into two types:
○ (1) batch processing and
○ (2) real-time processing.
● Batch processing
○ involves gathering
transactions into groups or
batches and then
processing the entire
batch as a single event.
● Real-time processing systems
○ process individual
transactions continuously
as they occur.
○ is well suited to systems DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BATCH
that process lower AND REAL-TIME SYSTEMS
transaction volumes and
period of time (a day or a
certain number of days, a
week, etc.) and then is
processed all at once, or in
a "batch." This choice of
procedure creates a time
● Information Time Frame lag between when a
○ Batch systems transaction takes place
■ are systems that and when it is recorded in
assemble the accounting system,
transactions into and only works in
groups for industries that do not need
processing. up-to-the-minute currency
○ Real-time systems in their databases to be
■ are systems that effective in the
process marketplace.
transactions ● Resources: the hardware,
individually at the programming, and training
moment the required to perform the
economic event processing.
occurs. ● Operational Efficiency refers
● Resources to the number of resources
● Operational Efficiency consumed per unit of output.
● Efficiency versus Effectiveness ○ Batch processing is
typically more efficient
when there are large
Computer-Based Accounting volumes of similar
Systems transactions.
○ Efficiency (minimizing the
Differences Between Batch and
consumption of resources)
Real-Time Systems
needs to be evaluated
The two types of computer-based concerning effectiveness
accounting systems with respect to (accomplishing your
transaction processing classes are: goals).
batch systems and real-time systems. ○ If up-to-the-minute
information is required to
● Time Lag refers to the period
properly conduct business
of time between the economic
effectively, then real-time
event and when it is recorded.
processing must be used
○ With batch processing,
(e.g., an Internet retailer,
data is collected over a set
such as Land's End or ● Advantages of data coding in AIS
J.Crew, or an airline are:
reservation system). ○ Concisely representing
large amounts of complex
information that would
TRANSACTIONS unmanageable.
○ Providing a means of
● Updating a master file record accountability over the
involves changing the value of completeness of the
one or more of its variable fields transactions processed.
to reflect the effects of a ○ Identifying unique
transaction. transactions and accounts
● Master file backup procedures within a file.
● If the current master file becomes ○ Supporting the audit
corrupted or is destroyed, function by providing an
corporate IT professionals can effective audit trail.
retrieve the most current
backed-up file from the archives. NUMERIC AND ALPHABETIC
Data Coding Schemes
● Sequential Codes
● Data coding ○ are codes that represent
○ involves creating simple items in some sequential
numeric or alphabetic order (ascending or
codes to represent descending).
complex economic ○ ADVANTAGES
phenomena that facilitate ○ DISADVANTAGES
efficient data processing. ● Block Codes
A SYSTEM WITHOUT CODES ○ A numeric block code is a
coding scheme that
● Business organizations process assigns ranges of values
large volumes of transactions that to specific attributes such
are similar in their basic as account classifications.
attributes. ○ A chart of accounts is a
● Uncoded entry takes a great listing of an organization’s
deal of recording space, is accounts showing the
time-consuming to record, and is account number and
obviously prone to many types of name.
errors. ○ ADVANTAGES
○ Alphabetic codes are
alphabetic characters
assigned sequentially.
Alphanumeric codes are
codes that allow the use of
pure alphabetic characters
embedded within numeric
● Mnemonic Codes
○ Mnemonic codes are
● A popular data processing alphabetic characters in
approach, particularly for large the form of acronyms and
operations, is to digitally capture other combinations that
and process aspects of the convey meaning.
transaction at the source as they ○ ADVANTAGES
occur, and process other aspects ○ DISADVANTAGES
of the transaction in batch mode.
Appendix - Data Structures
● Deadlock or “wait”
○ is a state that occurs ● Data structures
between sites when data ○ are techniques for
are locked by multiple physically arranging
sites that are waiting for records in a database.
the removal of the locks ● Organization
from the other sites. ○ refers to the way records
are physically arranged on
the secondary storage
NUMERIC AND ALPHABETIC device (e.g., a disk).
CODING SCHEMES (continued) ● Access method
○ is a technique used to
● Group Codes
locate records and
○ Group codes are used to
navigate through the
represent complex items
or events involving two or
● Flat-file approach
more pieces of related
○ is an organizational
environment in which
users own their data
● Alphabetic Codes
○ Sequential structure
■ is a data structure
in which all records
○ Indexed structure
in the file lie in
■ is a class of file
contiguous storage
structure that uses
spaces in a
indexes for its
specified sequence
primary access
arranged by their
primary key.
○ Indexed random file
○ Sequential access
■ is a randomly
organized file
■ is a method in
accessed via an
which all records in
the file are
○ Virtual storage access
○ Sequential files
method (VSAM)
■ are files that are
■ is a structure used
for very large files
sequentially and
that require routine
must be accessed
batch processing
and a moderate
degree of individual
record processing.
○ Direct access structures
■ is the storage of
data at a unique
location, known as
an address, on a
hard disk or floppy
primary key of a
record directly into
a storage address.
○ Pointer structure
■ is a structure in
which the address
(pointer) of one
record is stored in
the field on a
related record.
○ Types of Pointers:
■ A physical
address pointer
● contains the
actual disk
surface, and
number) that
the disk
■ A relative address
● contains the
position of a
record in the
● A logical key
contains the
primary key
○ Hashing structure
of the related
■ is a structure
employing an
algorithm that
converts the
○ are more likely to be
client-server networks of
distributed data processing
in real-time, where
transactions are stored in
databases in real-time.
The Preventive-Detective-Corrective
Internal Control Model is a very useful
Modifying Assumptions for systems model to approach risk management.
designers and auditors include:
● Preventive controls are
● Management Responsibility: designed to reduce the
Management is ultimately opportunities for the commission
responsible. of errors or fraud. They are
● Reasonable assurance: The passive controls, meaning that
internal control system should they are integrated into the
provide reasonable rather than system in the hopes of preventing
absolute assurance. errors and fraud before they
● Data Processing Methods: The happen. They provide
methods utilized for data safeguards that are built into the
processing will change the types system's routine procedures.
of internal controls needed and ● Detective controls are designed
utilized to achieve the four to detect errors or fraud after they
objectives. have occurred. These controls
● Limitations: Every system has compare what has actually
limitations including the possibility happened with what was
of error, circumvention, supposed to happen. If deviations
occur, they are identified.
● Corrective controls are the recommendations of the US
measures taken to correct errors, Congress’ Committee of Sponsoring
especially material ones, once Organizations of the Treadway
they have been detected. Such Commission (COSO).
measures should be taken with
Internal Control Components
caution after the reasons for the
errors have been found. If an According to SAS No. 78, internal
error is a minor one, it may not be control consists of the control
worth analyzing and correcting. environment, risk assessment,
Auditing and Auditing Standards information and communication
activities, monitoring activities, and
control activities.
Auditors are required to obtain sufficient Control Activities are the policies and
knowledge of the information system to procedures used to ensure that
understand: appropriate actions are taken to deal
with the identified risks. There are two
● The classes of transactions that categories, computer controls, and
are material to the financial physical controls.
statements and how those
transactions are initiated. Computer Controls can be categorized
● The accounting records and into two groups: general controls and
accounts that are used in the application controls.
processing of material
● General Controls pertain to
pervasive, entity-wide concerns
● The transaction processing steps
such as access and approval,
involved from the initiation of a
such as human resources and
transaction to its inclusion in the
project management.
financial statements.
● Application Controls pertain to
● The financial reporting process
the details of specific systems,
used to prepare financial
such as payroll.
statements, disclosures, and
accounting estimates. Physical Controls typically relate to
manual procedures. Traditionally, there
are six categories of physical controls
Monitoring must be performed to activities:
determine that the internal controls are
● Transaction Authorization:
functioning as intended.
Employees should only be
Monitoring may be performed by internal carrying out authorized
auditors who periodically test controls transactions. Authorizations may
and report to management any be general or specific. General
weaknesses that could be a cause for authorization may be granted to
concern. Monitoring can also be employees to carry out routine,
performed continuously through the everyday procedures while
implementation of computer modules specific authorization may be
needed for non-routine is unable to observe employees
transactions. who work with the system.
● Segregation of Duties: The key ● Accounting Records are the
segregations should be between source documents, journals, and
the authorizing and the ledgers of a business. These
processing of a transaction and documents provide the audit trail
between the custody of an asset for all the company's economic
and its record-keeping. The transactions. Audit trails are also
system must be designed so that created in computer-based
it would take more than one systems, but the form and
employee to successfully carry appearance of the accounting
out a fraudulent act. In a records are different from those in
computerized system, however, a manual system (hashing
many duties that must be techniques, pointers, indexes,
segregated in a manual system embedded keys). Auditors must
may be combined because understand system controls to
computers do not make errors or know their impact on the audit
commit fraud. Nevertheless, in a trails of the records.
computer-based system, ● Access Controls safeguard
segregation should exist between assets by restricting physical
the functions of program access. In computer-based
development, program systems, access controls should
operations, and program reduce the possibilities of
maintenance. Figure 3-6 computer fraud and losses from
illustrates the top 3 objectives for disasters. Access controls should
the segregation of duties. limit personnel access to central
● Supervision is referred to as a computers, restrict access to
compensating control because it computer programs, provide
comes into play when there is not security for the data processing
an adequate separation of duties center, provide adequate backup
and employees must double up for data files, and provide for
on tasks. This control is disaster recovery.
especially important for ● Independent Verification
computer-based systems as procedures identify errors and
often management must hire misrepresentations and can be
from a small supply of technically performed by both managers and
competent individuals, these computers. For example,
individuals have access to much managers can review financial
of the organization’s sensitive and management reports, and
data, and because management computers can reconcile batch
totals or subsidiary accounts with
control accounts. Management
can assess an individual
application’s performance,
processing system integrity, and
data accuracy. Examples of
independent verification include
reconciling batch totals at various
points of processing, comparing
physical assets with accounting
records, reconciling subsidiary
ledgers with general ledger
control accounts, and reviewing
management reports.
- Transaction authorization
- Segregation of duties
- Access controls
- Accounting records
- Independent Verification