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Chapter 1 - Rabies Virus Transcription and Replication

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Rabies Virus Transcription

and Replication
Aurélie A. V. Albertini,* Rob W. H. Ruigrok,† and
Danielle Blondel*

Contents I. Introduction 2
II. Molecular Aspects of Viral Transcription
and Replication 2
A. Virion structure 2
B. Genome organization 3
C. Viral cycle 5
D. Viral transcription and replication 5
III. Structural Aspect of RABV Transcription
and Replication; Proteins Involved in Transcription
and Replication 10
A. Nucleoprotein 10
B. Phosphoprotein 10
C. Large protein 14
IV. Cellular Aspect of Rabies Transcription
and Replication: IBs Formed in Infected Cells Are the
Sites of Viral RNA Synthesis 16
V. Concluding Remarks 18
Acknowledgments 18
References 19

Abstract Rabies virus (RABV) is a negative-stranded RNA virus. Its genome is

tightly encapsidated by the viral nucleoprotein (N) and this RNA–N
complex is the template for transcription and replication by the

* UPR 3296 CNRS, Virologie Moléculaire et Structurale, Gif sur Yvette, France
UMI 3265 UJF-EMBL-CNRS, Unit of Virus Host Cell Interactions, Grenoble, France

Advances in Virus Research, Volume 79 #2011 Elsevier Inc.

ISSN 0065-3527, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-387040-7.00001-9 All rights reserved.

2 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) and its cofactor, the

phosphoprotein (P). We present molecular, structural, and cellular
aspects of RABV transcription and replication. We first summarize
the characteristics and molecular biology of both RNA synthesis
processes. We then discuss biochemical and structural data on the
viral proteins (N, P, and L) and their interactions with regard to their
role in viral transcription and replication. Finally, we review evi-
dence that rabies viral transcription and replication take place in
cytoplasmic inclusion bodies formed in RABV-infected cells and
discuss the role of this cellular compartmentalization.


Rabies virus (RABV) and rabies-related viruses belong to the Lyssavirus genus
of the Rhabdoviridae family, which also includes the Vesiculovirus genus with
the prototype vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). However, the natural histories
of RABV and VSV are very different. RABV is a prototype neurotropic virus
that causes fatal disease in humans and animals, whereas VSV is an arthro-
pod-borne virus that primarily affects rodents, cattle, swine, and horses and
can cause mild symptoms upon infection of humans and other species.
Rhabdoviridae are part of the Mononegavirales order, which includes other
virus families such as the Paramyxoviridae, the Filoviridae, and the Bornaviridae.
RNA transcription and replication of rhabdoviruses require an intri-
cate interplay of the nucleoprotein N, the RNA-dependent RNA polymer-
ase (RdRp) L, a nonenzymatic polymerase cofactor P, and the RNA
genome enwrapped by N, also called the nucleocapsid. During RNA
synthesis, P binds L to the N–RNA template through an N–P interaction
that involves two adjacent N proteins in the nucleocapsid. L–P binding to
the N–RNA probably triggers conformational changes that allow access of
the polymerase to the RNA.


A. Virion structure
Rabies virions have a bullet-like shape, with a diameter of 75 nm and a
length of 100–300 nm depending on the strain (Matsumoto, 1962; Tordo
and Poch, 1988b). One end is conical, and the other end is flat (Fig. 1). The
viral RNA is encapsidated by the nucleoprotein N (450 amino acids (aa)) to
form a helical nucleocapsid in which each N protomer binds to nine
nucleotides like for VSV (Iseni et al., 1998; Thomas et al., 1985). The nucleo-
capsid is associated with a significant amount of phosphoprotein P (297 aa),
Transcription and Replication 3

Glycoprotein (G)
505 aa Lipid membrane

Phosphoprotein (P)
297 aa (-) Viral RNA
12 kb

Matrix protein (M)

202 aa
RNA-polymerase (L) Nucleoprotein (N)
2130 aa 450 aa

FIGURE 1 Schematic representation of the rabies virus particle. Viral proteins (N for
nucleoprotein, P for phosphoprotein, M for matrix protein, G for glycoprotein, and L
for large protein) and their length in amino acids are indicated. The viral membrane is
covered by the glycoprotein G, and M is located beneath the membrane. N is bound
to the genomic RNA and together with P and L forms the ribonucleoprotein that
constitutes the active viral replication unit.

some of which carry copies of the RdRp (L for large protein 2130 aa). The
RNA plus N, P, and L form the ribonucleoprotein (RNP), which is the
component that is active in transcription and replication. The RNP is
enwrapped by a lipid bilayer derived from the host cell plasma membrane
during the budding process. The matrix protein M (202 aa) and the glyco-
protein G (505 aa) are membrane-associated proteins. M protein is located
beneath the viral membrane and bridges the nucleocapsid and the lipid
bilayer. G protein is an integral transmembrane protein that is involved in
viral entry. In the case of VSV, the organization of the compacted nucleo-
capsid and its mode of interaction with M in the bullet-shaped virion have
recently been determined by cryo-electron microscopy (Ge et al., 2010).

B. Genome organization
The Lyssavirus genome consists of a single negative-stranded RNA
molecule of about 12 kb that encodes the five viral proteins in the order
of 30 -N-P-M-G-L-50 (Fig. 2). The N, M, and L proteins are similar in
structure and length among all lyssavirus species and strains, whereas
the length of P and cytoplasmic domain of G are variable (Le Mercier et al.,
1997; Marston et al., 2007).
4 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

1424 nt 991 nt 805 nt 1675 nt
ψ 6475 nt
3⬘ N P M G L 5⬘ vRNA (-) TTP

Intergenomic A/UCUUUUU G(N) UUGURRnGA Signals at the 3⬘ UGCGAAUUGUU
signals: Transcription Transcription genomic termini : 5⬘ ACGCUUAACAA
termination polyadenylation initiation

FIGURE 2 Rabies virus genome organization. Transcription initiation signals (TIS) and
transcription termination and polyadenylation signals (TTP) are indicated on the
genome. Genes are separated by variable intergenic regions (IGRs). Noncoding sequences
at the genome termini constitute the 30 leader and 50 trailer. The first and last nine
nucleotides (nt) of the viral RNA are inversely complementary and conserved.

1. Genome signals and intergenic sequences

Each gene is composed of an internal coding region flanked by noncoding
regions (NCRs) that are bordered by transcription initiation signals (TISs)
and transcription termination polyadenylation (TTP) signals (Fig. 2).
These signals are composed of about 10 nucleotides that are closely
related to those of VSV (Tordo et al., 1986). The TIS consensus sequence
(30 -U-U-G-U-R-R-n-GA-50 ) is strictly conserved in all Lyssavirus genomes.
The TTP consensus sequence (30 -A/U-C-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-G-50 ) contains
a sequence of seven uridine residues, which are reiteratively copied
by the RNA polymerase to produce the polyadenylated tail of each
mRNA before reinitiating at the next start signal. In some RABV strains,
there are two consecutive TTPs for the M and G cistrons (Tordo and
Poch, 1988a). These sequences modulate the activity of the polymerase
during transcription but are ignored or inactive during the replication
The genes are usually separated by conserved nontranscribed inter-
genic regions (IGRs; Fig. 2). The IGRs are short (2–6 nucleotides) except
for the M-G IGR in Mokola virus and Lagos bat (16 nucleotides) and
for G/L IGRs in all lyssaviruses (19–28 nucleotides) (Tordo et al., 1986).
In the case of VSV, the four IGRs consist of the same GA dinucleotide
(Rose, 1980).

2. Signals at the genome termini

The five genes are flanked by two short NCRs at the 30 - and 50 –ends: the
30 leader (le) and 50 trailer (tr) (Fig. 2). These sequences, respectively,
initiate and terminate genome transcription and replication. The leader
and trailer are very rich in U and A nucleotides. The leader region is
strictly conserved in length (58 nucleotides) and the first nine nucleo-
tides are identical in all lyssaviruses. The length and sequence of the
trailer region are more variable (around 70 nucleotides). The sequences
Transcription and Replication 5

of the 30 - and 50 -ends of the genome are inversely complementary

(Bourhy et al., 1989; Conzelmann and Schnell, 1994; Tordo et al., 1988).
This complementarity is another classical feature of the Mononegavirales.
Reverse genetic experiments have shown that the termini contain essen-
tial promoter sequences for transcription and replication and also sig-
nals for encapsidation of newly made viral RNAs (Conzelmann and
Schnell, 1994).

C. Viral cycle
The viral cycle is cytoplasmic (Fig. 3A). After receptor binding, the vir-
us enters the cell via the endocytic pathway. The acidic environment of
the endosome induces a change in the conformation of the glycoprotein
G that mediates fusion of the viral envelope with the cellular membrane.
The negative-sense RNP is then released in the cytoplasm and constitutes
the template for viral gene expression and replication by the viral
RNA polymerase (the L–P polymerase complex). It has been recently
shown that RABV transcription and replication take place within
Negri bodies (NBs) that are inclusion bodies (IBs) formed during viral
infection (see Section IV). During transcription, a positive-stranded leader
RNA and five capped and polyadenylated mRNAs are synthesized
(Fig. 3B). The replication process yields nucleocapsids containing full-
length antigenome-sense RNA, which in turn serve as templates for
the synthesis of genome-sense RNA. During their synthesis, both the
nascent antigenome and the genome are encapsidated by N protein.
The neo-synthesized genomic RNP either serves as a template for second-
ary transcription or is transported to the cell membrane and assembles
with the M and G proteins for the budding of neo-synthesized virions
(Fig. 3A).

D. Viral transcription and replication

In many aspects, transcription and replication of the single-stranded,
negative-sense RNA viruses are similar and much of the understanding
of RABV transcription and replication comes from studies on VSV
(Banerjee, 1987; Emerson, 1987; Wagner, 1991). The template for viral
transcription and replication is a helical complex consisting of the viral
RNA and the nucleoprotein (N) (Arnheiter et al., 1985). Figure 4A shows a
negative stain electron micrograph of the helical N–RNA structure
in which the individual N-protomers can easily be distinguished.
The RNA is protected and hidden inside this helical structure.
6 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.


Virus entry Secretion pathway

AAA Translation
AAA N Assembly

Host cell Transcription Nucleocapsid Budding

receptors formation

Mature virion
(+)RNA (−)RNA

Antileader Antitrailer
5⬘ 3⬘ RNA (+)

Leader Trailer
3⬘ 5⬘ vRNA (−)

Leader RNA N mRNA

Transcript gradient

FIGURE 3 Viral cycle. (A) Rabies virus replicates in the cytoplasm of the host cell.
Several phases can be observed: receptor binding, endocytosis followed by membrane
fusion and nucleocapsid release, then transcription, replication, and finally virus
assembly and progeny virion budding. (B) Overview of RNA synthesis events during the
rabies virus infectious cycle. Viral mRNAs produced during transcription are naked (free
of N), the leader RNA is neither polyadenylated nor capped, whereas viral mRNAs are
polyadenylated at the 30 -end and capped at the 50 -extremity by the L subunit. Reinitia-
tion of the transcription at each TIS does not always occur, generating a gradient of
amounts of transcript (leader RNA > mRNA G > mRNA N > mRNA P > mRNA M >
mRNA G > mRNA L). Viral RNA () and RNA (þ) produced during replication are always
associated with N, P, and L.

1. Transcription
The polymerase complex gains access to the vRNA in a, as yet, poorly
understood manner (Fig. 4B). It is thought to recognize a specific promoter
at the 30 -end of the genome and progress toward the 50 -end by a stop–start
Transcription and Replication 7

300 Å


5⬘ 3⬘
Viral RNA
Incoming N°P
B C complexes

5⬘ 5⬘ 5⬘
3⬘ 3⬘
5⬘ 3⬘

5⬘ 5⬘


5⬘ 3⬘ 3⬘ 3⬘

Transcription Replication

FIGURE 4 Transcription and replication by rabies virus. (A) Electron micrograph of

negatively stained rabies virus nucleocapsid purified from infected cells by CsCl gradient
density centrifugation. Individual nucleoprotein subunits on the viral RNA can be easily
distinguished. The scale bar indicates 30 nm. (B and C) Schematic models of rabies virus
transcription (B) and replication (C). During transcription and replication, the catalytic
subunit of the polymerase (L) is associated with a phosphoprotein dimer; L–P binding to N
subunits in the nucleocapsid probably triggers a local RNA release allowing access of the
polymerase to the viral RNA. During transcription (B), the mRNA is capped and methy-
lated on its nascent 50 extremity at the end of the gene. During replication (C), the newly
synthesized RNA is instantly encapsidated by incoming N0–P complexes. Extension of the
replication process leads to the production of a new full-length encapsidated genomic or
antigenomic N–RNA complex.

mechanism, producing six consecutive transcripts: first, the leader RNA

and then the five successive mRNAs coding for the N, P, M, G, and L
proteins (Fig. 3B). The leader RNA is uncapped and nonpolyadenylated,
while all mRNAs are capped and polyadenylated by the polymerase com-
plex. The 30 -poly-A tail is synthesized by the polymerase through slippage
8 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

on the short poly-U stretch in the TTP (Barr et al., 1997). To control the
sequential progression of the synthesis of the mRNAs, the polymerase
complex recognizes transcription initiation, transcription termination, and
polyadenylation signals flanking the cistrons (described in the Section II.
B.1). The complex is thought to dissociate from the template at each stop
signal and to reinitiate poorly at the next start signal. The process continues
until the enzyme reaches the end of the L gene and results in a concentra-
tion gradient of the amount of each mRNA depending on its order and its
distance from the 30 -end: leader > N > P > M > G > L (Fig. 3B).
Results obtained during the past 10 years indicate that (i) the VSV
RNA polymerase can initiate transcription directly at the N gene start and
not exclusively at the 30 -end of the genome (Whelan and Wertz, 2002); (ii)
two RNA polymerase complexes isolated from VSV-infected cells are
separately responsible for transcription and replication in infected cells:
a transcriptase containing P–L and the EF1 host factor initiating at the N
gene start and a replicase containing N–P–L initiating at the 30 -end of the
genome (Qanungo et al., 2004). Although the stop–start model of viral
transcription and replication is admitted, these results raise discussions
about the detailed mechanisms of RNA synthesis (Curran and
Kolakofsky, 2008; Whelan, 2008). New approaches are required to under-
stand the precise mechanisms of these processes.

2. Replication
Unlike transcription, replication requires ongoing protein synthesis to pro-
vide a source of soluble N protein (N0) necessary to encapsidate the nascent
RNA; the activity of the polymerase P–L complex switches from transcrip-
tion to replication to produce a full-length positive RNA strand complemen-
tary to the complete genome (Figs. 3B and 4C). Replication is asymmetric,
producing an up to 50-fold excess of genomes over antigenomes for RABV
(Finke and Conzelmann, 1997). These positive-stranded RNAs are also
encapsidated by the N protein, bind the L–P complex, and are used as
template to amplify negative-stranded genomes for the progeny virions. It
is thought that a promoter for encapsidation exists near their 50 -end to initiate
the concomitant encapsidation of the nascent RNA. Newly synthesized N0
protein binds to nascent leader RNA and prevents recognition of termination
signals (Fig. 4C). This association of N protein to the viral genome or anti-
genome is regulated by the P protein, which plays the role of chaperone in
the form of an N0–P complex, preventing the N protein from binding to
cellular RNA and from aggregating (Fig. 4C; Peluso and Moyer, 1988).

3. Regulation of viral RNA synthesis and gene expression

Accurate regulation of viral gene expression is required for successful RABV
infection. Indeed, RABV gene expression and genome replication differ in
some respects from those of VSV. Whereas the highly cytopathic VSV should
Transcription and Replication 9

replicate very fast, RABV regulates viral gene expression to produce viral
components in sufficient amounts for viral spread, but low enough to
maintain host cell survival and to escape from antiviral host cell responses.
RABV has evolved different mechanisms to regulate viral gene expression.

a. Alternative termination of M and G cistrons A typical feature of tran-

scription of the RABV genome is the phenomenon of alternative termina-
tion due to the presence of two consecutive TTPs for the M and G cistrons
separated from each other by around 400 nucleotides (Conzelmann et al.,
1990; Tordo and Poch, 1988a). This alternative synthesis of mRNAs with
longer or shorter 30 -NCRs may influence the efficiency of transcription of
the distal gene by modifying the size of the IGRs. The fact that the ratio
between the large and the small messengers varies during the course of
infection and is different in fibroblast and neuronal cells suggests that
alternative termination is a mechanism for regulating the expression of
the rabies genome. Interestingly, alternative termination is only observed
with some laboratory strains (SAD, PV, ERA) and not in most of the other
strains for which only the distal TTP is used (Bourhy et al., 1993; Kuzmin
et al., 2008; Marston et al., 2007; Sacramento et al., 1992).

b. Role of IGRs in differential gene expression Sequential synthesis of

mRNA according to the stop–start model is a common feature of all
negative-stranded RNA viruses and provides means to differentially
express individual genes. The major determinant is the relative distance
of a gene from the 30 -promoter. The other determinant is the attenuation at
gene borders. In the case of VSV, the genes are usually separated by a
conserved IGR consisting of the GA dinucleotide (Rose, 1980). At each gene
border of VSV, around one-third of the polymerases that terminate an
upstream mRNA fail to initiate transcription of the downstream gene,
resulting in a transcription gradient. The IGRs of the RABV genome
(described in Section II.B.1) that increase in length along the genome result
in a severe attenuation at the G/L border and, consequently, to a drastic
downregulation of L synthesis (Finke et al., 2000). Interestingly, the switch
of the IGRs in a recombinant rabies genome alters the mRNA and protein
levels of the downstream genes indicating that the length of the IGRs plays
an important role in regulating gene expression (Finke et al., 2000).

c. Role of the matrix protein in the regulation of the balance between

transcription and replication The RABV matrix protein is a multifunc-
tional protein that plays an essential role in viral assembly and budding,
M is responsible for recruiting RNPs to the cell membrane, their conden-
sation into tight helical structures and for the budding of virus (Mebatsion
et al., 1999). The M proteins of Rhabdoviridae have also been shown
to play a regulatory role in the balance of virus transcription and
10 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

replication (Finke and Conzelmann, 2003; Finke et al., 2003); M protein

inhibits viral transcription and stimulates viral replication.



A. Nucleoprotein
Viral nucleocapsids are very flexible structures, and in order to determine
the structure of N, a regular form or complex had to be found. When N is
expressed by itself in bacterial or eukaryotic cells, it binds to cellular RNA
and forms long helical N–RNA complexes or closed N–RNA rings, depend-
ing on the length of the encapsidated RNA (Iseni et al., 1998). After separa-
tion of these rings in distinct size classes, they could be crystallized and their
atomic structure determined (Albertini et al., 2006, 2007). This artificial way
of obtaining regular N–RNA structures was also successful for the structure
determination of the N–RNAs of VSV and RSV (Green et al., 2006; Tawar
et al., 2009). The structure of the N–RNA ring is shown in Fig. 5A.
N is a two-domain protein with a positively charged cleft between the
two domains (Fig. 5C–E). Both domains have extensions that reach over to
the backs of the neighboring N-protomers to strengthen and rigidify the
N–RNA structure. Part of the C-terminal extension is flexible and not
visible in the structure (dots in Fig. 5D). The very C-terminus of the
protein comes back to its own protomer to complete the C-terminal
domain. The RNA follows a wavy path, indicated in black, at the inside
of the ring. In Fig. 5B, the ring is cut open to show the RNA. Each N-
protomer binds exactly nine ribonucleotides that are completely enclosed
by the protein (Fig. 5C and D). The RNA is recognized through its sugar-
phosphate backbone through electrostatic interactions between positively
charged amino acid side chains with the phosphates and the 20 oxygen of
the ribose, without any nucleotide base specificity. The manner in which
the RNA is bound to N suggests that this structure represents an RNA
storage state in which the RNA is hidden from cellular RNAses and
factors that recognize foreign nucleic acids in order to start interferon
production. The L protein cannot have access to the RNA in this state and
a conformational change in N will be necessary in order to make the RNA
available for transcription or replication.

B. Phosphoprotein
The phosphoproteins of RABV and VSV form elongated dimers (Gerard
et al., 2007) that contain three ordered and functional domains separated
by two intrinsically disordered regions (Gerard et al., 2009; Fig. 6A and B).
Transcription and Replication 11




domain RNA binding

FIGURE 5 Crystal structure of the rabies virus N–RNA complex. (A) Ribbon diagram of
the rabies N11–RNA ring structure as viewed from the top (PDB code: 2GTT). The 99 nt
RNA molecule is shown as black sticks. (B) View of the inside of the ring with the
N-terminal domain (NTD) of N at the top and the C-terminal domain (CTD) of N at the
bottom. The RNA molecule is shown as a ribbon and black sticks in a clockwise 50 –30
orientation. (C) Ribbon diagram of the N protomer viewed from the side showing the
enclosure of the RNA (represented as sticks) by the N protomer. (D) Ribbon diagram of
the N protomer viewed from the inside of the ring displaying the two main domains (top
NTD and bottom CTD) and two subdomains NTD arm and CTD arm. (E) Electrostatic
potential surface of an N protomer revealing the basic cavity (blue) located between the
NTD and the CTD which constitutes the RNA binding site.

Such unfolded regions are often involved in transient interactions with

partner proteins and may fold upon binding to these partners (Dyson and
Wright, 2002). In the case of rabies P, part of the N-terminal unfolded
region interacts with L (Castel et al., 2009; Chenik et al., 1998) and a
domain in the C-terminal unfolded region interacts with the cytoplasmic
dynein light chain, LC8 ( Jacob et al., 2000; Raux et al., 2000). Folding upon
binding may allow high specificity without very tight binding, which may
be important for dynamic processes.
The N-terminal functional domain is predicted to be folded into a pair
of a-helices but is not very structured when expressed on its own (Gerard
et al., 2009). The first 40 amino acids are involved in forming the N0–P
complex (Castel et al., 2009; Mavrakis et al., 2006). In this complex, in
which one molecule of N0 binds a dimer of P (Mavrakis et al., 2003), P
has a chaperone function and binds to N that is not yet bound to viral
12 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

1 52 87 132 195 297

N° binding L binding Dimerization
site N-RNA
site domain
binding site

binding site



C N C-terminal PCTD
N + 1 C-terminal


N −1 N N +1

FIGURE 6 Structural data on the rabies virus phosphoprotein. (A) Schematic drawing of
the rabies virus phosphoprotein. Folded domains are depicted as boxes (PNTD stands for
phosphoprotein N-terminal domain, Pdim for phosphoprotein dimerization domain, and
PCTD for phosphoprotein C-terminal domain). (B) Structural model of the P dimer
showing the known X-ray structures (dimerization domain (PDB code: 3L32) and
C-terminal domain (PDB code: 1VYI). Disordered regions are represented by dotted lines.
Regions of the protein that are susceptible of being folded upon binding to a partner are
shown as dotted circles. (C) Ribbon diagram of the rabies N–RNA–P complex showing
the positioning of the PCTD on the surface of the N–RNA complex. Three adjacent N
protomers are represented in blue and PCTD is colored in orange. Note that the
orientation of N in this figure is upside down compared to its orientation in Fig. 5.
Transcription and Replication 13

RNA in order to keep it from binding nonspecifically to cellular RNA

(Masters and Banerjee, 1988a,b) and to prevent it from oligomerizing with
other molecules of N0 (Fig. 4C). Although no structural information has
yet been published on the N0–P complex, the highly acidic nature of this
domain of P suggests that it may bind in the RNA binding groove on N
and perhaps also interfere with the two extensions on N that are involved
in interprotomer contacts in the N–RNA structure. A mutant of the
nucleoprotein of VSV that is incapable of binding RNA is, however, still
capable to oligomerize (Zhang et al., 2008), suggesting that these two
activities are independent and that both will have to be inhibited in the
N0–P complex. Expression or transfection of a peptide containing the
first 57 residues of P leads to significant inhibition of virus infection,
probably by out-competing the viral phosphoprotein in binding to N0
(Castel et al., 2009).
The middle domain of P is the dimerization domain (Gerard et al., 2009).
Both P proteins from VSV and RABV form dimers, but the structures of the
dimerization domains are quite different. For VSV, the domain consists of
two parallel helices flanked by b-sheets on both sides but with the N- and
C-terminal unfolded regions coming out of this domain at opposite sides
(Ding et al., 2006). For RABV, the domain consists of two helical hairpins
that stick together and are stabilized by extensive hydrophobic contacts
(Ivanov et al., 2010). In this case, the N- and C-terminal unfolded regions
come out at the same side of the domain (Fig. 6B), which may be necessary
for the close opposition of the two unfolded regions or for the interaction of
binding partners on both regions. The biological role for dimerization is not
known since a mutant of Mokola virus P that lacks this domain is still active
in transcription ( Jacob et al., 2001).
The C-terminal domain of P binds to the viral N–RNA and, as such,
attaches the polymerase complex to its template (Gerard et al., 2009;
Mavrakis et al., 2004). This highly structured domain has the shape of a
lengthwise cut pear with a large number of charged amino acid residues
on both the round and the flat sides that are involved in binding to the N–
RNA ( Jacob et al., 2001; Mavrakis et al., 2004). The corresponding domain
of the VSV phosphoprotein is clearly homologous in structure but misses
a number of helices making it considerably smaller (Ribeiro et al., 2008).
Early proteolysis experiments on N–RNA showed that removal of the
C-terminal domain of N (residue 377 up to the C-terminal residue 450)
prevented binding of P to N–RNA, suggesting that the C-terminal exten-
sion of N and, in particular, its unfolded part (dots in Fig. 5D) is involved
in binding to P (Schoehn et al., 2001). It was not possible to crystallize the
recombinant RABV N–RNA rings with bound phosphoprotein or with a
bound C-terminal domain of P. However, probably due to the smaller size
of the N–RNA binding domain of VSV P, it was possible to do so for VSV
and it was observed that the C-terminal domain of VSV P binds to the tip
14 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

of the C-terminal domain of N and is enclosed by two C-terminal loops of

the same N-protomer and that of the neighboring protomer that have now
become ordered in this complex (Green and Luo, 2009). In parallel,
performing small angle X-ray scattering experiments on the RABV
N–RNA–P complex, combined with biochemical characterization and
model building, the equivalent position for RABV P on the N–RNA com-
plex was identified (Ribeiro et al., 2009; Fig. 6C). The contacts between the
C-terminal domain of P and the C-terminal loops of N and N  1 (Fig. 4C)
are more extensive than for VSV, and due to the larger size of the P-domain,
the loops are significantly distorted and will not allow the binding of P onto
the neighboring N. At most, one monomer of P can bind per two protomers
of N or one dimer of P per four protomers of N, which is very close to the
estimated N–P ratio of 1.9 in the virus particle (Flamand et al., 1993). The
charged residues in P that were identified to be involved in binding to N
( Jacob et al., 2001) are involved in salt bridges with residues on the N loops.
In the infected cell, binding of P to N–RNA is accompanied by phosphory-
lation of N at Ser389, which enhances the affinity of P for N (Toriumi and
Kawai, 2004). In the structure, the phosphates on two subsequent N loops
were modeled and these made new interactions with positively charged
residues on both faces of the P domain (Ribeiro et al., 2009). Finally, the
manner in which this domain of P becomes enveloped by the C-terminal
loops of two consecutive N-protomers in an N–RNA structure also
excludes that this domain can bind to soluble N0. Although the effect of P
binding to long, noncircular N–RNA complexes, similar to N–RNA com-
plexes isolated from virus, has not yet been tested, the specific binding of P
to two subsequent N-protomers is likely to impose a particular curvature to
the N–RNA, which may be necessary for the accessibility of the RNA to L.
The P protein is phosphorylated at multiple serine residues by protein
kinase-C and another cellular kinase (Gupta et al., 2000). Phosphorylation
of P is not required for its oligomerization (Gigant et al., 2000), and no
effects of the phosphorylation of P on viral transcription and replication are
known to date.

C. Large protein
The large protein (L) is the enzymatic component of the L–P polymerase
complex and is responsible for nucleotide addition to the neosynthesized
RNA chain (RdRp activity) and for the synthesis of the cap-structure for
the viral mRNAs. Apart from sequence analyses, very little is known
about the large protein of RABV because no easy system exists for
reconstituting in vitro transcription or replication. Hence, mutational ana-
lyses, such as have been done for the polymerases of VSV and
the paramyxovirus Sendai virus, have not been possible for rabies
L. Sequence analysis of L showed that it contains the same six conserved
Transcription and Replication 15

regions as other nonsegmented negative-stranded RNA virus poly-

merases (Poch et al., 1990; Fig. 7A). For VSV, regions I–IV are supposed
to fold into the RdRp, domain V is involved in placing a GDP onto the 50 -
end of monophosphorylated mRNA (Li et al., 2008; Ogino et al., 2010), and
domain VI is active in methylating the N7G and the 20 O of the cap (Li et al.,
2005). As has been described for the capping enzyme of bluetongue virus,
a rotavirus (Sutton et al., 2007), it is likely that the domains involved in the
capping reactions are arranged in a sequential manner so that the newly
made mRNA first receives the G(50 )PPP(50 )N on domain V and is subse-
quently methylated on domain VI. Such a process would most likely slow
down the early steps in the transcription process. Studies on L–P interac-
tion have shown that domain VI located in the C-terminus part of L is
involved in the binding to P (Chenik et al., 1998). Although it is likely that
the transcription active L–P complex has other posttranslational modifi-
cations or binds to other host factors than the replication active complex,
for RABV nothing is known yet. Recently, Whelan and coworkers pro-
duced new insights into the structure of VSV L (Rahmeh et al., 2010). They
expressed and purified a full-length active VSV L protein from insect cells
and visualized it by electron microscopy. Their results show that L is
organized in several structural domains: a ring-shaped domain that har-
bors the RNA polymerase activity and a set of three globular domains

RNA polymerization Cap addition Cap methylation


1 500 1000 1500 2000 2109

30 nm

FIGURE 7 Domain organization of L protein and electron micrographs of VSV L. (A)

Schematic drawing of the VSV large protein. Conserved regions among negative-
stranded RNA virus are depicted as boxes (I–VI). Location of RNA polymerization, cap
addition, and cap methylation is indicated. (B) Electron microscopic characterization of
VSV L: six class averages of negatively stained L show its overall appearance consisting of
a ring-shaped domain ( 100 Å in diameter) and a variable appendage that comprises
three globular domains (50 Å in diameter for each). In several averages, only two
globular domains are visible, suggesting the presence of flexible linkers between the ring
domain and the smaller domains (scale bar ¼ 30 nm). Images courtesy of Dr. Sean
Whelan (Rahmeh et al., 2010).
16 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

carrying the capping machinery (Fig. 7B). Electron microscopy images of

purified L–P complexes indicate that, upon binding of P, VSV L under-
goes an important structural rearrangement. L needs to be associated with
the phosphoprotein to be active for RNA synthesis; thus, these conforma-
tional changes may reflect an optimal positioning of the domains of L for
RNA synthesis.



RABV infection induces the formation of cytoplasmic IBs termed NBs

(Negri, 1903). As these structures are typical of RABV infection of the
brain, they have a diagnostic value and have been used as definite histo-
logical proof of such infection. These spherical structures having a diame-
ter of a few micrometers (2–10 mm) are found in the cytoplasm of infected
nerve cells. IBs are also present in nonneuronal cells (Lahaye et al., 2009;
Menager et al., 2009). Consistent with the known properties of NBs, these
inclusions could be stained with the Seller’s solution containing the
dye, basic fushin (Lahaye et al., 2009). Thus, the staining characteristics,
the size, and the shape of the IBs formed in infected cells indicate that these
structures can be considered as Negri body-like structures (NBLs). NBLs
are full of N (Fig. 8A) and P (Fig. 8D) and contain also the polymerase L
(Finke et al., 2004), but M and G are excluded. Electron microscopic
observations indicate that NBLs progressively associate with a double
membrane that could be derived from the RER (16-h postinfection,
Fig. 8B). NBLs have been considered for a long time as side products of
the infectious process due to the passive accumulation of large quantities
of proteins produced in excess during infection. It has now been demon-
strated that NBLs are functional structures where viral transcription and
replication take place (Lahaye et al., 2009). Specifically, in situ fluorescent
hybridization (FISH) techniques reveal that all viral mRNAs plus genome
and antigenome are located inside the IBs (Fig. 8C). Interestingly, viral
RNAs synthesized inside the NBLs appear to be surrounded by a cage
formed by N that may protect them from degradation. Although the FISH
method does not allow a precise quantification, it clearly indicated that N
mRNA is more abundant than L mRNA, in agreement with the gradient of
decreasing mRNAs concentration that reflects the gene order (data not
shown). In addition, short-term RNA labeling in the presence of Bromo
UTP (BrUTP) indicates that the RABV polymerase incorporates BrUTP
into RNA that is actively synthesized within the NBLs (Fig. 8D). This
provides evidence that the NBs are not RNA storage compartments, but
active sites of viral transcription and replication. Similar results have
A 4 h p.i. 20 h p.i. B 16 h p.i.
N N Cy


Merge Merge Merge

Genome Antigenome N mRNA

Merge Merge Merge Merge


BrUTP P Merge

FIGURE 8 Negri body-like structures are the sites of viral transcription and replication.
(A) Evolution of NBLs during the viral cycle. BSR cells were infected with rabies virus
and analyzed at different times postinfection (p.i.) by confocal microscopy and by using
an antibody directed against the viral N protein that is the major component of
NBLs. At an early stage of infection (4-h p.i.), infected cells present one or two viral
inclusions that grow in size at a later stage of infection with the appearance of smaller
structures (20-h p.i.). (B) Ultrastructural aspect of one NBL present in BSR infected
cells. NBLs display a granular dense structure that is surrounded by a double membrane.
(C) All viral RNAs are detected in the NBLs (16-h p.i.) as shown by FISH experiments
with biotinylated oligonucleotides followed by incubation with streptavidin conjugated
to Cy3. The N protein (green) forms a cage around the viral RNAs (red). (D) Viral RNAs
are synthesized inside the NBLs. Short-term RNA labeling was performed in the presence
of BrUTP and actinomycin D (inhibitor of cellular transcription).
18 Aurélie A. V. Albertini et al.

recently been reported for VSV for which the viral replication machinery is
also localized in cytoplasmic inclusions (Heinrich et al., 2010). However,
the confinement of VSV RNA to inclusions appears to be dependent on the
time of the viral cycle. Primary RNA synthesis seems to occur throughout
the cytoplasm and then protein expression induces the formation of inclu-
sions to which RNA synthesis is redirected. This could also be the case for
RABV, but such early events have not been analyzed. Compartmentaliza-
tion of the viral replication machinery, a common property of many
positive-stranded RNA viruses, might also be generalized among viruses
of the Mononegavirales order. Until now the functional significance of such
compartments has not been elucidated; it is not known whether they serve
to concentrate host and viral components in one place to facilitate viral
replication and/or to immobilize and inactivate proteins that would oth-
erwise inhibit infection, or whether they reflect a cellular response to
infection. Further studies on the characterization of NBLs, such as the
identification of cellular factors associated with these structures, should
provide a better knowledge of their function. Interestingly, this cellular
confinement with the recruitment of cellular factors may explain the
failure to perform in vitro transcription with RNPs purified from RABV
or from infected cells. Electron microscopy and tomography will help to
obtain structural information on the organization of these macromolecular
complexes and their communication with organelles.


Important progress has been made in understanding viral transcription and

replication of the Mononegavirales. Molecular biology and reverse genetics
approaches have allowed a more detailed analysis of the regulatory
mechanisms of these RNA synthesis processes. Structural studies have
increased the knowledge of the structural dynamics of the transcription/
replication machinery. The atomic structure of the intact L protein of the
Mononegavirales or of functional domains of L that are missing today should
reveal new mechanistic insights into polymerase function. Advances in the
identification of host factors recruited for the polymerase activity will pro-
vide a complete structure–function analysis of the polymerase complex.

We thank our colleagues in Gif-sur-Yvette and Grenoble for extensive discussions. We thank
Dr. Sean Whelan, Harvard Medical School, Boston, for discussions and for the pictures
shown in Fig. 7B. The work of R. W. H. R. was supported by grants from the French ANR
(ANR-07-001-01; ANRAGE) and from the FINOVI foundation. We acknowledge support
from the CNRS.
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