Muscle Up Strength
Muscle Up Strength
Muscle Up Strength
The goal of this template is to assist the skill development portion with better pulling and
pressing abilities for the Muscle Up, and is for athletes looking to get their first muscle up or
only have them in small sets or are inconsistent. While this template will help develop the
strength required for muscle ups, there is a heavy technique portion where you need to be
mindful of how you're moving. If you have muscle ups and are looking to improve your
capacity to do bigger sets, check out the Muscle Up Volume Template 2.0.
Follow the program with the notes on each prescribed day, scaling reps as needed with an
emphasis on quality vs. "by any means necessary". When working on strict pull ups or strict
dips, ensure you're working through the entire range of motion or further to really develop the
strength needed. Ensure that before and after each training day you're stretching and mashing
the tissues you've used so that mobility or soreness doesn't negatively impact your training.
Prior to starting you should establish your goals and a small test to be able to re-test and see
your progress. If your goal is 1 muscle up, then easy - you just have to try to get one after 5
weeks! If you have them inconsistently, a short 6-10 minute EMOM of 1-2 reps would be a good
place to start. When in doubt, just ask us and we can give you some tips!
3 days per week for 5 weeks
Friday Ring Pull Down + Transition 5x4 See Photos on Last Page
Rest 2-3 mins between sets
Friday Ring Pull Down + Transition 5x3 See Photos on Last Page
Rest 2-3 mins between sets
Set up in a seated position with legs and Keeping the feet and legs off the Allow the legs to relax as you
feet slightly off the ground. Arms should be ground, lean back while simultane- sit up, pulling yourself through
extended overhead, and rings should be ously pulling the rings towards the rings into the bottom posi-
gripped in at least a partial false grip your belly button. tion of the dip.
Set up in a seated position with feet resting on the Keeping the feet on the ground,
ground. Arms should be extended overhead, and train- lean back while simultaneously
ing bar or dowel should be gripped with thumb around pulling the bar towards your
and pinky knuckle on top belly button.