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Language Is The Key To The World.: Victoria-Languages - de

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The Language Institute of VICTORIA | International University of Applied Sciences Winter 2022/23

is the key to
the world.
Language courses. Exam center.
Corporate training. Accommodation.


Since 2013, the VICTORIA | Academy of Languages, formerly the F+U

Academy of Languages, has specialized in offering language courses
to prepare students for university as well as tailor-made corporate and
government training, which are held at the International Education
Campus near Potsdamer Platz, on-site at our clients’ premises or live
online in virtual classrooms. As a test centre for a wide range of test
formats (TestDaF, TOEFL, etc.) and languages, we support our stu-
dents until they have successfully completed their language training.
Since 2017, we have also been authorized to call ourselves a “telc
Competence Center University”. Our international expertise helps hun-
dreds of young people from all over the world to study in Germany.

Our clients benefit from the decades of experience of our language

schools and our higher education institutions, our flexibility and
homo­geneous learning groups. The family-run F+U group of compa-
nies is one of the largest private education providers in Germany with
over 40 years of experience. It has locations throughout Germany and
in other European countries and cooperates with public and private
educational institutions worldwide.

Since 2021, the VICTORIA | Academy of Languages has been part of

the VICTORIA | International University of Applied Sciences – formerly
the Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Technik und Kultur (hwtk), for which we
have been acting as the International Office since 2017. The upgrade
as a language institute further sharpens our profile and emphasizes
our proximity to the academic world. Not only can our ECTS-eligible
language courses be credited toward a later university degree, but
VICTORIA University’s specialization in dual study programs in the
model of the split-week is also reflected in our language courses: All
intensive courses are now geared towards the most effective possible
interlinkage of theory and practice. In dozens of subject areas and
sectors, from law to marketing, healthcare and international manage-
ment, we have our finger on the pulse and know exactly what is
­important in terms of technical language.

With us, you can achieve your goal easily, quickly and according to
plan – regardless of whether you want to go to university or continue
your job training.

Welcome 2
More than a language school  4
What makes us special 5
At a glance  6
Learning languages at the VICTORIA  8
German  10
English  14
Other languages  16
Language exams at VICTORIA  18
Study preparation  20
Extra services 21
Living at VICTORIA  22
VICTORIA in figures  26
VICTORIA education partners  30
Central location 31
Examination calendar  32
Calendar of events  34

VICTORIA | Academy of Languages

Bernburger Str. 24 – 25
10963 Berlin

Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 – 18:00

Move-ins to our accommodation on Sundays

Move-outs Saturdays

P: +49 30 206176-79
F: +49 30 206176-71

More than a
language school

Since 2013, our Berlin language school has been providing goal- and practice-oriented
language programs for prospective international students (university preparation), professionals,
public autho­rities and diplomatic missions in both Berlin and Brandenburg.

As the Language Institute at the VICTORIA | International Our individual and corporate customers also benefit from
University of Applied Sciences as well as the International our proximity to the academic community, its research and
Office, our international expertise helps hundreds of young innovation potential, and its dual network with the Berlin
people from all over the world find places to study in Ger- business community. With ties to dozens of industries
many every year. The fact that the VICTORIA University of ­including law, marketing, healthcare and international
Applied Sciences specializes in dual courses of study in management, we have our finger on the pulse of the times.
the split-week model is also reflected in our language
courses: all intensive courses are now geared toward the The allegory of the winged VICTORIA stands symbolically
most effective possible integration of theory teaching for personal success, for the ability to confidently over-
and practical applicability. come all obstacles along one’s own personal and profes-
sional life path. Language is the key to foreign worlds.
We want you to be as comfortable on the street, at the Anyone who learns a foreign language, opens up new
bakery, or in a German government office as you are at ­frontiers and transcends borders. This is what VICTORIA
work or in a lecture hall. stands for.

What makes
us special

The 6x6 principle Personalized online learning platform

A fast, effective language Prepare yourself adequately for your
learning system with an ­language stay or continue to work
unbeatable price- ­independently after the lessons, with
performance ratio. extra features tailored to your needs.

More than a language school Homogeneaous learning groups

As the language institute of a university, Quick and efficient assessment at
we benefit from the academic research the ­beginning of the course and regular
and teaching, as well as the opportunities ­progress checks using VICTORIA
for networking, and inter­national exchange. ­intermediate level tests.

Decades of Experience ECTS eligibility

The sponsor of our language and higher for all of our language programs.
education courses celebrated its fortieth
Proximity to business:
anniversary in 2020 and is today one
VICTORIA | International University of
of the largest family-run educational
­Applied Sciences works with 500 dual
companies in Europe.
­cooperation companies and is a member
Flexibility and Modularity of countless associations and networks,
Course entry and change possible at any such as Berlin Partner for Business and
time. Courses for every industry, every in- technology.
dividual stage of development. On|campus,
Experienced, long-standing test center
on|line or on|spot at a location of your
for TestDaF, telc, TOEFL, and others.
choice. Either individually or in a group.
Awarded as “telc Competence Center
Predictability ­University”
Fixed level start dates (p. 7), and trans­
No risk
parent 6x6 principle
Free online trial lessons available.
Certified Quality
Plans change. Virtual entry and exit
As part of the university we are subject to
­options from your home country now
a strict, close-meshed quality manage-
just as possible as spontaneous online
ment. Our independent awards and quality
participation in group lessons –
seals make this a guarantee.
possible at any time, hassle-free.

At a Professionally managed

lending library (languages,
economics) with computer
reading room for self- Campus dormitory
study with a copier/printer directly in the school
(for a fee) building (single, double,
shared rooms)

Coffee break and lounge

area on the 1st floor
with various snack Academy Hostel (rooms
Modern, newly equipped and beverage vending with private bathrooms
training rooms and com- machines Exclusive courtyard and and TV) within 15 minutes
puter areas in the historic small garden area for walk from the campus
Gründerzeit building taking a break and doing

In the heart of Potsdamer i Our 6x6 principle
Platz, with a variety of
Free career counseling for shopping, café and restau- All of our German intensive courses are aimed at an
international guests by rant options nearby. academically or professionally educated audience,
the VICTORIA | Interna- ­Government district, who already know their own weaknesses and
tional University of Applied Reichs­tag, Brandenburg strengths and would like to progress just as quickly as
Sciences team Gate, Friedrichstraße, they do sustainably. We don’t play around. We simply
Gendarmenmarkt, Check- make it happen.
point Charlie, Tiergarten
and Gleisdreieck Park all Language Level A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 Test training
Excellent accessibility to within walking distance. No. of weeks 6 6 6 6 6 6
the campus and housing
by public transport It is possible to join the course at any time, even with-
(S/U Potsdamer Platz, in a level, depending on the level of knowledge. The
U Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-­ Safety is a top priority- days of instruction are structured in a dual format, i.e.
Park, S Anhalter Bahnhof) Cameras, alarm system, divided into two parts: In the morning, theoretical
security service in oper­ knowledge is taught (theory course), and in the after-
ation noon its pragmatic application is trained (practical
course). The perfect combination of both linguistic
theory and practice.

Plans change, we understand. Students who don’t

have time to come to school or those who want to
continue the course after leaving – in their usual circle
and with the teacher they trust – can continue to take
the course online. The sophisticated hybrid equip-
ment in all our classrooms makes this possible.

i Start dates 2022

A1: 05.12. | A2: 19.12. | B1: 28.11. | B2: 05.12.

C1: 21.11., 19.12.

i Start dates 2023

A1: 02.01., 06.02., 06.03., 03.04., 02.05., 05.06., 03.07.,

07.08., 04.09., 02.10., 06.11., 04.12.
A2: 23.01., 13.02., 20.03., 17.04., 15.05., 12.06., 17.07.,
14.08., 18.09., 16.10., 13.11., 18.12.
B1: 02.01., 06.02., 06.03., 27.03., 02.05., 30.05., 26.06.,
24.07., 28.08., 25.09., 30.10., 27.11.
B2: 16.01., 13.02., 20.03., 17.04., 08.05., 12.06., 10.07.,
07.08., 04.09., 09.10., 06.11., 11.12.
C1: 2 3.01., 27.02., 27.03., 02.05., 30.05., 19.06., 24.07.,
21.08., 18.09., 16.10., 20.11., 18.12.
Test preparation: 23.01., 27.03., 28.08.

More Info:

Learning languages

on|campus on|line on|spot

No unwanted suprises.
We make the fine print bold
right here for you.
Flexibility through technology
Registration fee for new customers
The VICTORIA | Academy of Languages has twenty-two seminar rooms is 50 € (25 € for 2 customers).
equipped with high-quality teaching technology, creating a contemporary One lesson lasts 45 minutes.
learning environment both on|line and on|campus. All group courses are hybrid,
i.e. based on a complementary exchange between on|line and on|campus You can start any Monday, with the
­participants. exception that language learners with
no previous knowledge can start on
Plans change, even by the day – so a spontaneous switch to virtual classes is 2022: 07.11., 05.12.
also permitted to on|campus learners at any time. Cold symptoms, housing 2023: 02.01., 06.02., 06.03., 03.04.,
changes, early departures, and even parties the night before no longer lead to 02.05. (Tuesday), 05.06., 03.07.,
a loss of time and knowledge! Our on|line offerings do not replace on|campus 07.08., 04.09., 02.10., 06.11., 04.12.
courses but actually perfectly complement it by using modern collaboration and
learning tools. Personal, individual interaction between teachers and students Free trial lessons are possible at
is at the heart of every lesson. any time.

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)

CEFR TH per Level Language Certificates

Level English German
A1 160 English A1, LCCIPreliminary1, telc Deutsch A1
TOEIC® 10-1201

A2 160 English A2, LCCIPreliminary 2, telc Deutsch A2

TOEIC® 120-2251

B1 160 English B1, B1 Business,LCCI-1, Zertifikat Deutsch (telc),

TOEIC® 226-5501, TOEFL® 42-71 Deutsch-Test für Zuwanderer

B2 160 English B2, B2 Business,LCCI-2, telc Deutsch B2, B2 Beruf, B1/B2 Pflege,
TOEIC® 551-7851, TOEFL® 72-94 TestDaF 3 (B2.1-B2.2), DSH 1

C1 160 FSK2 English C1, LCCI-3, telc Deutsch C1, C1 Hochschule, C1 Beruf,
TOEIC® 786-9451, TOEFL® 95-113 B2/C1 Medizin, TestDaF 4 (B2.2-C1.1),
TestDaF 5 (C1.1-C1.2), DSH 2

C2 400 Übersetzer|in, English C2, LCCI-4, TOEIC® DSH 3, telc Deutsch C2

946-9901, TOEFL 114-120

Course duration (of one level)

One level is 160 lessons (TH), which – depending on the review of the material covered. In the case of individual
intensity of the booked course – can be completed in six tuition, the total number of hours required to complete a
weeks, assuming regular course attendance and intensive course level is reduced by approx. 50 %.
The test results listed here refer to the Listening & Reading language competencies in the TOEIC® exam.
More Info:

i CEFR criteria, acquired language skills

CEFR Listening Reading Speaking Writing


A1 Can understand Can understand Can communicate Can produce

simple sentences. simple sentences. in short phrases. short, simple

A2 Can understand Can read short, Can communicate Can produce

the overall simple texts, in sentences short, simple
­meaning of short, e.g., personal in everyday notes, messages
simple, clear correspondence. situations. and personal
messages. letters.

B1 Can understand Can comprehend Can participate Can produce

important infor- text written in in conversations simple, connected
mation regarding everyday about family, text on familiar
work, free time, language. hobbies, and themes.
etc. work.

B2 Can follow Can understand Can communicate Can produce

lengthy state- newspaper fluently and ­detailed texts
ments and most ­articles and spontaneously. and effectively
TV programs. ­literary prose. present an

C1 Can understand Can comprehend Can express Can produce

lengthy state- complex and thoughts fluently, clear, well-struc-
ments and TV literary texts. spontaneously, tured texts on
programs without and precisely. complex subjects.
great effort.

C2 Can understand Can comprehend Can participate Can produce

complex langua- any text with effortlessly in all and discuss
ge with ease, ease. conversations sophisticated
also when spoken and discussions. and complex
quickly. texts.


1. Intensive course 2. Theory course

30 hours per week, on|campus, on|line 20 hours per week, on|campus, on|line

Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 14:30 CET, 6 – 15 persons* | A1 – C1 Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 12:15 CET, 6 – 15 persons* | A1 – C1

Theory and practice at a special price. The perfect combi- Focus on theoretical teaching of productive and receptive
nation of teaching for those who want to progress quickly language skills (reading comprehension, listening compre-
and sustainably. hension, writing, speaking) as well as descriptive grammar
VICTORIA 6x6 principle: A language level is usually com- instruction. Attendance of the application-oriented practi-
pleted in only six weeks! After just 36 weeks, participants cal course in the afternoon is recommended. Participation
with no prior knowledge of German are ready to take a both on|campus and on|line possible. Flexibility guaran-
German language exam that qualifies them for university teed: change between both learning environments is pos-
study, such as TestDaF or telc C1. sible at any time.

Weekly prices Weekly prices

1 – 4 € 210 1 – 4 € 175
5 – 12 € 190 5 – 12 € 155
13 – 24 € 165 13 – 24 € 140
from 25 € 155 from 25 € 130

on|line Discount: A booking to solely participating online in on|line Discount: A booking to solely participating online in
our intensive courses leads to a 15 % price discount! our intensive courses leads to a 15 % price discount!

i Technical requirements for

Online participation in our face-to-face courses

requires a stable Internet connection as well as
a device (computer, laptop, tablet) with a func-
tional camera and headset. Participation via
smartphone is also possible, but due to the lim-
ited software options and screen size, is recom-
mended only in exceptional cases.

More Info:

3. Practice course 4. Super Intensive course

10 hours per week, on|campus, on|line 35 hours per week, on|campus, on|line

Mon – Fri, 13:00 – 14:30 CET, 6 – 15 persons* Mon – Fri, 08:15 – 14:30 oder 09:00 – 15:15 CET,
6 – 15 persons* or 1 person | A1 – C1

Focus on the practical application and consolidation of Supplement the intensive course (1.) with five individual
what has been previously learned. Specific language skills training sessions with a professionally qualified teacher,
are promoted. Train for real-life everyday, professional and prepare or follow up with the material of the day. Time to
university situations. No systematic explanatory units. ask questions without shyness and to seek out higher-­
Taking the theory course in the morning is recommended. level learning. Individual, personalized arrangements are
Participation in both on|campus and on|line possible. possible.
Flexibility is a guarantee: Switching between both learning
environments is possible at any time.

Weekly prices Weekly prices

1 – 4 € 120 1 – 4 € 360
5 – 12 € 105 5 – 12 € 330
13 – 24 € 95 13 – 24 € 320
from 25 € 85 from 25 € 310

 ICTORIA Deal: One-on-one lessons with university
­professors and teachers for an additional 20 %.

*Temporarily, but not permanently, the group size may be exceeded by on|line participants.


5. Combined Test Training course 6. Test-DaF course

30 lessons, on|campus, on|line 20 lessons, on|campus, on|line

Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 14:30 CET, 6 – 20 persons | Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 12:15 CET, 6 – 20 persons |
Classes at C1+ level Classes at C1+ level

Comprehensive preparation for two qualifying language Course designed for six weeks, with entry possible on a
exams: TestDaF and telc C1 for university. The varied weekly basis. Start dates 2023: 23.01., 27.03., 28.08. and if
learning units are perfectly coordinated and allow for a required after completion of an intensive C1 course.
­direct analysis of both test formats.

Weekly prices Weekly prices

1 – 4 € 210 1 – 4 € 175
5 – 12 € 190 5 – 12 € 155
13 – 24 € 165 13 – 24 € 140
ab 25 € 155 from 25 € 130

VICTORIA Deal: Participants of a six-week test training VICTORIA Deal: Participants|in the six-week course are
combination course receive a test placement guaran- guaranteed a test placement at our center. Date subject
teed and also a 10 % discount on a telc German test at to availability.
the level of their choice (e.g. telc C1 for university) at
our company.

7. Telc C1 university course 8. Educational leave DE

10 lessons, on|campus, on|line 30 lessons, on|campus

Mon – Fri, 13:00 – 14:30 CET, 6 – 15 persons | Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 14:30 CET, 6 – 15 persons | A1 – C1
Classes at C1+ level

Designed for six weeks, entry possible on a weekly basis. Maximum duration two weeks according to educational leave
Start dates 2023: 23.01., 27.03., 28.08. and if required after laws of the federal states via info@victoria-languages.de
successful completion of a C1-intensive course.

Weekly prices
1 – 4 € 120 Weekly price € 250
5 – 12 € 105
13 – 24 € 95
ab 25 € 85

VICTORIA Deal: Participants of a six-week Telc C1 uni-

versity course are guaranteed a telc test placement in
our center at a 10 % discount. Date subject to availability.

9. Evening course 10. Individual lessons
on|campus, on|line on|campus, on|line, on|spot

Mon and Thu, 18:30 – 20:00 CET, 4 – 8 persons | A1 – C1 Dates free by arrangement | A1 – C1

German course in small flexible group for international One-on-one classes. Lessons also possible on the spot,
­professionals. Late out of a meeting? No problem, parti­ i.e. at home or at work or in your favorite café (extra charge
cipation is also possible spontaneously online, from the 10 %). Lessons on weekends (Sat/Sun) for 15 % extra
workplace. All language skills are taught, with a focus on charge. Placement test and final certificate included. Mini­
everyday situations in the students’ professional and mum booking 4 lessons (2 x 90 minutes)
­private lives.

Weekly price € 60 Price per hour for 1 participant € 40

Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 60

VICTORIA Deal: Bring your colleagues! Employees of VICTORIA Deal: Bring your friends or colleagues with you!
the same company pay no registration fee. If you register together, you all pay registration no fee.

11. Corporate training 12. Online-Introductory

University course
on|campus, on|line, on|spot on|line

Schedule (weekdays) and industry-specific course content by the hour | time flexible
according to customer requirements | A1 – C1

One-on-one classes. Analysis of client needs, placement To complement our German group courses, we can offer
test, teaching mate­rials, additional online exercises and a hourly introductory courses at a university level for busi-
high-quality certificate of completion from a university ness, management, marketing/PR, mathematics, hospita­
continuing education course included. Lessons also avail- lity/tourism, IT, and law. A perfect, tailor-made preparation
able on the spot, directly at the workplace, at no extra course for later studies, with our university lecturers – live,
charge. Minimum booking 6 lessons (3 x 90 minutes). online, flexible in time. Feel free to ask us about the later
recognition of credit points!

Price per hour for 1 participant € 50

Price per hour for 1 participant € 60 Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 75
Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 90 Price per hour for 6 – 10 participants € 100


13. Summer course 14. Combined German + English course

15 hours per week, on|campus, on|line 20 + 15 hours per week,
on|campus, on|line

July – August | Mon – Fri, 13:00 – 15:30 CET, July – August, Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 15:30 CET,

6 – 12 persons | A2 – C1 6 – 12 persons | A2 – C1

Intensive Standard English course in a small group. Two in one! Learn German in the morning and English in
Teaching material included! the afternoon as an intensive course in a small group.

Weekly prices Weekly prices

1 – 8 € 160 1 – 8 € 260

VICTORIA Deal: 8 weeks (03.07. to 25.08.) only € 1.100 VICTORIA Deal: 8 weeks (03.07. to 25.08.) only € 1.990
plus registration fee plus registration fee

on|line Discount: A booking to solely participating online on|line Discount: A booking to solely participating online
in our intensive courses leads to a 15 % price discount! in our intensive courses leads to a 15 % price discount!

15. Individual lessons 16. Corparate training
on|campus, on|line, on|spot on|campus, on|line, on|spot

Dates available by appointment | A1 – C2 Events (weekdays) and industry-specific course content
as requested | A1 – C2

One-on-one classes. Lessons also possible on the spot It is possible to join the course at any time, even within a
(10 % charge), i.e. at home or at work or in your favorite café. level, depending on the level of knowledge. The days of
Lessons on weekends (Sat/Sun) for 15 % extra charge. instruction are structured in a dual format, i.e. divided into
Placement test and certificate included. Minimum booking two parts: In the morning, theoretical knowledge is taught
2 lessons. (theory course), and in the afternoon its pragmatic appli-
cation is trained (practical course). The perfect combina-
tion of both linguistic theory and practice.

Price per hour for 1 participant € 60

Price per hour for 1 participant € 40 Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 90
Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 60


17. Individual lessons

on|campus, on|line, on|spot

European foreign language (except German, English),

including Russian and Turkish, by choice | A1 – C2

One-on-one classes. Dates available by appointment.

­Lessons also possible on the spot (charge 10 %), i.e. at
home or at the workplace or in your favorite café. Lessons
on weekends (Sat/Sun) for 15 % extra charge. Placement
test and certificate included. Minimum booking 2 lessons.

Price per hour for 1 participant € 45

Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 70
Company training 20 % surcharge

18. Individual lessons

on|campus, on|line, on|spot

Foreign language of choice | A1 – C2

One-on-one classes. Dates available by appointment.

­Lessons also possible on the spot (charge 10 %), i.e. at
home or at the workplace or in your favorite café. Lessons
on weekends (Sat/Sun) for 15 % extra charge. Placement
test and certificate included. Minimum booking 2 lessons.

Price per hour for 1 participant € 45

Price per hour for 2 – 5 participants € 70
Company training 20 % surcharge

Language tests

1. TestDaF exam 2. Telc exam

German test for the higher levels from B1, required for Language test, which is offered for all levels from A1 – C2
­enrollment at German universities. The TestDaF tests all (in addition to German, other languages are also possible
4 core competencies (reading, listening, writing, and on request). The telc test checks all 4 core competencies
speaking), whereby a certain result can be achieved in of the respective tested level (reading, listening, writing
each core competency, which indicates the respective and speaking) and can only be taken for one level at a time
language level. The TestDaF is offered digitally as well as as well as in a specialized language.

Dates 2023 Dates 2023

Date and form Registration period 04.01., 01.02., 01.03., 05.04., 24.05., 28.06., 26.07.,
14.02. – digital 22.11.22 – 06.02.23 23.08., 21.09., 19.10., 15.11., 13.12.
09.03. – paper based 22.11.22 – 09.02.23
11.04. – digital 22.11.22 – 03.04.23 Duration depending on level and focus 1 h – 4,5 h
11.05. – paper based 22.11.22 – 13.04.23
13.06. – digital 22.11.22 – 05.06.23 Examination fee German
11.10. – paper based 16.08. – 13.09.23 A1 – A2 € 160
B1 – B2 € 180
Duration approx. 4,5 h C1 – C2 € 190
C1 for university € 199
Examination fee € 210 (digital); € 215 (paper based) Further examination variants and languages:
Price on request

Up to 30 working days (not including Saturday) before
exam date possible

Evaluation 4 – 6 weeks

Additional fees
Desired date: € 30
Late registration fee: registration from the 29th to the 14th
day before the exam € 35

3. VICTORIA exam 4. OnSET

All languages | A1 – C2 Languages: English, German

Applicants to VICTORIA | International University of Applied Fast and uncomplicated assessment of your German level.
Sciences or iba | International University of Cooperative The test takes only one hour and you will receive the result
Education can have their B2 or C1 language level (German immediately afterwards!
or English) certified easily, quickly, and at a one-time spe-
cial price. We guarantee a result within 48 hours of taking Dates offered once every month
the exam. 2023: 12.01., 09.02., 16.03., 13.04., 04.05., 08.06., 13.07.,
10.08., 14.09., 11.10., 09.11., 14.12., 03.11.
Appointments every Tuesday
Registration Still possible until one day before
Possible for up to 30 working days (not including Saturday)
before the exam date Exam fee € 20

VICTORIA or iba applicants € 100
External participants € 180


Study Counseling Provisional Admissions

For our local students who wish to continue their studies at For students who have booked an intensive course at our
a state university in Germany after completing their course, school with a course duration of at least 12 weeks and need
we offer a student advising service. This service includes: provisional admission for their visa application, we offer
­assistance with university applications to a maximum of
• Guidance in the selection of suitable universities/fields two universities. We assist with:
of study
• Preliminary review of application documents • Review of application documents
• Assistance in applying to up to three universities • Preparation of application to universities
• Correction of motivation letter/resume • Review and editing of letter/resume
• Communication with universities
Prerequisite for participation: Proof of higher education
entrance qualification in home country Time for processing: takes up to eight weeks. Please
submit your application in time.
Fee: € 300
Admission requirement: Proof of university entrance quali-
fication in the home country*
Study Advisory Service VICTORIA
Fee: € 550 plus a possible processing fee for the respec-
Our Language Institute is also the International Office of tive university.
the state-recognized VICTORIA | International University
of Applied Sciences of the F+U Group in Berlin, where stu-
dents can enroll in German- and English-language Bache- Internship program; Internships, Erasmus
lor’s and Master’s programs with a focus on business. With
thirteen specializations for the B.A. Business Administra- Our unpaid internships are open to young people from the
tion alone – such as Hotel and Tourism Management or age of 16 who, in addition to their intensive German course,
Marketing Communication and Digital Media – as well as would like to actively participate in our cultural programs
three permeable study models (dual, full-time attendance, and get a taste of the administrative work of an interna-
distance learning), students are given the greatest possi- tional language school. Please send your application with a
ble planning flexibility. The International Management letter of motivation and a short Europass CV exclusively to
(B.A.) program complements the university’s profile with info@victoria-languages.de. Placement fee: € 200.
an exciting English-language course of study with an inte-
grated stay abroad, e.g. in Dublin, Ireland. Our language Erasmus+ internships in school administration are also
school provides free assistance with all application pro- available upon request, please apply early and in a mea-
cesses at VICTORIA | International University of Applied ningful manner (limited availability). No placement fee.
Sciences. Our language courses and exclusive VICTORIA
language certificates qualify students for admission to the

*Successful approval cannot be guaranteed. In case of rejection, the

initial 200 € of the administrative fee will be refunded; the processing fee
of the university is not refundable.

music course

In cooperation with our partner INKLANGART Music

Academy, we can arrange first-class piano lessons at
music academy level (individual training with lectur-
ers from the Hanns Eisler Music Academy and the
University of the Arts, UdK) as well as rehearsal
rooms with excellent instruments (pianos, concert
grand pianos) and sound characteristics in the trendy
district of Prenzlauer Berg. Lessons from about € 105
per UE; rehearsal rooms between € 6 and € 11 per hour.

Visitors to our intensive language courses receive an

exclusive 10 % discount on all INKLANGART services Authority Support
upon presentation of our student ID!
Placement fee: € 35. Customers requiring a visa can receive assistance
from us in almost all matters concerning the authori-
ties after arrival: Registration or re-registration at the
citizens’ registration office, advice and appointments
for opening a bank account, help with taking out Ger-
man health insurance, checking documents for the
Berlin State Office for Immigration, general advice on
visa extensions.

Prerequisite: booking a language course with the

­duration of at least 12 weeks.

Fee: € 250 (individual services, such as the registra-

tion at the Bürgeramt, can also be booked separately
for only € 85)

Cultural programs

VICTORIA offers a varied cultural and leisure programs,

i.e. The groups are accompanied by a VICTORIA staff
member. The events are announced through notices
on campus and online on our social media profiles.

Living at
Accommodation information

Arrival and departure Catering, Food Court

• Move-in: Sundays (10:00 – 21:00). Move-ins on • All our accommodation is equipped with shared
Saturday or after 21:00 are possible in exceptional kitchens.
cases and for an extra charge. • Meals with the host families are provided according
• Move-out: Saturdays (until 12:00). Move-outs on to the booking.
Sunday (until 10:00 a.m. at the latest) possible for • Countless restaurants and bistros close to the school.
a surcharge We recommend the varied food court of The Playce
at Potsdamer Platz or the nearby Mall of Berlin with
over 30 snack restaurants.

• All VICTORIA accommodations are equipped with Accommodation fees

­internet access. Some of our host families also allow
shared use of their computers or WLAN networks for • Administration fee: € 80; Deposit: € 200
an additional fee. • Double rooms bookings are available only for joint
• In all cases, the German Internet law in its entirety ­arrival and booking.
and our IT Usage Regulations in particular must be • Our dormitory rooms with only 2 – 3 beds are avail-
observed. able for single bookings from the age of 18; as is
­usual in dormitories, there is a mixed occupancy
(no gender separation).
Cleaning and equipment • Relocation (at own request): € 60
• Women’s shared flats: for an extra charge (25 %)
• Common areas are cleaned by VICTORIA at least we guarantee accommodation in a dormitory room
once a week. “female students only”.
• For the entire duration of your stay, you are respon­
sible for cleaning the rooms yourself
• Free use of washing machine and dryer exclusively Cancellation
for hostel or campus residents.
• Host family accommodation: free use of the washing • To be applied for in writing, 4 full weeks notice period.
machine usually once or twice a week. • Fee: € 100
• Bed linen and towels: Bed linen is provided once at
move-in, however, please bring your own towels.
• Washing utensils, dishwashing detergent, and
hygiene products: ­Commodities such as soap,
shower gel, dishwashing detergent, and toilet paper
must be purchased by the student.


Living directly on campus, under one roof with the lan- Small single rooms (approx. 8 sqm) and larger double
guage and university! Within walking distance: govern- rooms on the 4th and 5th floors of the campus share two
ment district, Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, Friedrich- fully equipped kitchen and dining room areas with shared
straße, Gendarmenmarkt, Tiergarten and Gleisdreieck refrigerators, private kitchenware lockers as well as WC
Park, the largest shopping mall in Berlin (“Mall of Berlin”), and communal showers (gender separation).
and much more. Very easy to reach by S-Bahn and U-Bahn.

Rent per week and bed

Extra day3
1 – 4 weeks 5 – 12 weeks from 13 weeks from 20 weeks*

Single Double Shared Single Double Shared Single Double Shared Single Double Shared Single Db./Sh.

€ 250 € 180 € 160 € 220 € 170 € 140 € 200 € 150 € 125 € 180 € 130 € 115 € 75 € 55


The Academy Hostel Berlin is located just one subway the hostel is a large, newly built sports and recreation park
stop away, or a 15 minute walk from the school near Pots- (Gleisdreieck), where you can play basketball, beach
damer Platz. Each room has a private bathroom, TV and a volley­ball, table tennis, etc., and also jog and skate for
small private fridge. The spacious communal kitchen with free. World-famous Berlin Craft Beer brewery with a bistro
dining room and private lockers for kitchenware is ­located is also nearby, as well as appealing, inexpensive hotels
in the basement. Private parking in the courtyard is avail- right in the neighborhood – ideal for occasional visits from
able for a fee (€ 25/week). Directly across the street from family and friends!

Rent per week and bed

Extra day3
1 – 4 weeks 5 – 12 weeks from 13 weeks from 20 weeks*

Single Double Shared Single Double Shared Single Double Shared Single Double Shared Single Db./Sh.

€ 275 € 200 € 170 € 250 € 190 € 155 € 240 € 170 € 140 € 220 € 150 € 130 € 85 € 60

*VICTORIA Deal: Best price for full rent prepayment. No cancellation possible.

Host families

Would you like to learn German even more intensively and singles, often with years of hosting experience, who are
use it in your daily life? Do you want to get to know life in interested in intercultural exchange and are available as
Berlin from the locals and keep in touch with Germany’s mentors and guides in Berlin’s big city life. We are happy to
most exciting city even after leaving Berlin? Our Berlin host consider your wishes or any other considerations you may
families are carefully selected small families, couples or have. We strive to find the perfect host family for you.

Cate­ Distance from Rent per week/room1 Extra day3 | Rent

gory the school 1 – 4 weeks 5 – 12 weeks from 13 weeks per day/room

Single Double Single Double Single Double Single Double

B Maximum
50 minutes by € 175 € 320 € 165 € 310 € 155 € 285 € 40 € 65
public transport2

A Maximum
30 minutes by € 210 € 390 € 195 € 360 € 180 € 335 € 45 € 75
public transport2

Charge for catering: Breakfast € 50 per week; half board (breakfast and dinner) € 80 per week.

Travel time to S/U Potsdamer Platz, S Anhalter Bahnhof, U Mendelssohn-Bartholdy-Park by public transport. The way to the stop is not included,

but is usually only 5 – 10 minutes walk from accommodation.

An extra day is invoiced for arrivals on Saturday or departures on Sunday.

Transfer to and from your accommodation External housing

You have the option of using low-cost direct of the We are also happy to help you book outside guest
local public transport system between Berlin Airport houses, apartments, hotels and youth hostels.
and the city centre. Further information and tickets
are available and tickets are available from the Berlin Agency fee: € 150.
S-Bahn (sbahn.berlin) or the ­Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe
(BVG www.bvg.de). Offers based on request: weekly rent ranges from
€ 200 to € 2,000 depending on size, location in the
In addition, we also offer an exclusive transfer service city, features and season.
on the first weekend1 (to be booked at the latest on
Thursday, 14:00, before arrival or departure). City Hotels of all price ranges are located near the cam-
center special destinations (hotels, private addresses), pus. Sleeping places can also be arranged in Berlin
discount for group bookings, joint arrival and/or de- youth hostels and private hostels
parture on request.


Transfer during the week only by exception and with a charge

One Way € 50 € 80 € 105 of 15 %

Meeting point at the northern main entrance, Europaplatz.
Both Ways (Return) € 90 € 150 € 200 3
Meeting point at the place communicated in advance.

Extra services
VICTORIA in figures
VICTORIA | Academy of Languages*

Age groups of our students

8 %
26 %
1% 5 %
18 %
42 % 31 – 40 years
22 – 25 years
Up to 15 years 41 – 71 years

26 – 30 years
16 – 21 years

Percentage distribution of all course participants by age group (Period: 01.01.2020 – 31.08.2021)

Guests from all over the world

2 % 36 % 45 %

13 %
4 %
North America Europe

Central and South America

Percentage distribution of all course participants by continent of origin (Period: 01.01.2020 – 31.08.2021)

Our most popular courses

61 % 4 %
9 %
25 %
Theory Course
Practice Course

Individual Lessons
Intensive Course

Percentage distribution of all course participants by continent of origin (Period: 01.01.2020 – 31.08.2021)

Our most popular exams

2 %

60 %

33 % 3 %


Percentage distribution of all course participants by continent of origin (Period: 01.01.2020 – 31.08.2021)

*up to 31.12.2020 F+U Academy of Languages

VICTORIA in figures
VICTORIA | International University of Applied Sciences

+600 +16 19 2
Students Teachers Study programs Locations

Students from around the world

89 % 7 %
3 %

North and
South America Africa

Percentage distribution of all students by continent of origin (period: winter semester 2019/2020)

Our most popular courses

17 % 69 % 14 %

International Management Business Administration Business Management &


Percentage distribution of all audits by revenue (period: 01.01.2020-31.08.2021)

Berlin as a location for science

• Four universities and Charité- • Over 30 state-recognized private universities

Universitätsmedizin Berlin • 70 non-university research institutions
• Six universities of applied sciences • International students: over 21 percent
• Four art academies Source: Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office, status 2020

Nationalities in Berlin

3 %
64 % 23 %

6 %
North America
3 % Europe 1 %


Australia and Oceania

stateless, unaccounted for

Source: Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office

Companies in Berlin

18 % Construction 4 % Real estate and housing

7 % Mining, manufacturing, 21 % Economic services

Energy/water supply
9 % Education and teaching,
27 % Trade and hospitality, transport and warehousing Health and social work

3 % Information, communication 9 % Arts, entertainment, recreation,

other services
2 % Financial and insurance

Source: Berlin-Brandenburg Statistics Office

education partner

VICTORIA is an innovative, state-rec- The iba | International University of

ognized private university of applied Cooperative Education is Germany‘s
sciences with headquarters in Berlin largest state-recognized vocational
and a campus in Baden-Baden with academy.
currently around 500 students. It
­offers both bachelor’s and master’s As part of the practice-integrated de-
programs, and management-oriented gree programs in Business Adminis-
degree programs in three study mod- tration and Business Administration
els thus complimenting the existing International Management in 14 spe-
tertiary education system with new cializations, Social Pedagogy & Man-
study models: classic studies, prac- agement, Social Pedagogy, Manage-
tice-integrated dual studies and dis- ment & Coaching and Engineering &
tance studies – both full and part Management, as well as the training-­
time. Within the framework of this integrated degree programs – Physio­
concept, students have the opportu- therapy and Applied Therapy Sciences
nity to choose the form of study that (Focus on Occupational Therapy), the
best suits their preferences and indi- iba imparts to its dual students profe-
vidual circumstances. Additionally, sional content and introduces them to
we have partners cooperating from management tasks, in order to train
the economy and a modern, flexible them to become decision-makers of
and well-trained junior staff. tomorrow. After three years, the dual
students will have a state-recognized
bachelor’s degree and three years of
work experience.


h ardt
e Central Monbijoupark



Spreebogenpark -S







Spree Dorotheenstra

Reichstagsgebäude Dorotheens 5
Doro theenstr Mittelstraße 6
Unter den Lin
Unter den

1 U55 Brandenburger Tor Linden
Unter den

. Juni 12
Straße des 17 Brandenburger Tor 4


Eber tstraße

Großer Tiergarten he Straße

3 Französisc

he Str.
Französisc 9




ße Jägerstraße
ndt- U2 Hausvogteiplatz

-Are 8




U2 Mohrenstraße raße
Eber tstraße

e rens
és U2/U6 Kronenstraße
Voßstraße raße
lle Leipziger St

es 10
ße Straße

Potsdamer Platz 14 Potsdamer St Krausenstra


mer Str

Potsda U2 Potsdamer Platz






e S2 Potsdamer Platz ße


aß 1 Brandenburger Gate

er 2 Deutscher Bundestag/Reichstag


ts 3 Akademie der Künste



te 4 Komische Oper
16 Al Zim merstraße

5 Dussmann Kulturkaufhaus (Bücher, Musik)


15 Niederkirch


6 Humboldt-Universität (HU)

17 schke-St
20 Rudi-Dut

19 7 Galeries Lafayette (Frz. Kaufhaus)





8 Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler (inkl. Mensa)



9 Gendarmenmarkt (Konzerthaus, Deutscher Dom,



Französischer Dom)

10 Mall of Berlin (Shops, Foodcourt)



burg 11 Embassy of the USA

er S rst raße

tr. alte

12 Embassy of the Russian Federation



S2 Anhalter Bahnhof

13 Tiergarten traße


14 Postamt

15 The Playce (Shops, Restaurants)


ß e

16 Alte Nationalgalerie, Gemäldegalerie,

U2 Mendelsohn tra
rS ße



La Bartholdy Park rg


nd Berliner Philharmonie



eh hö

17 Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
rk Sc 21



19 Deutsches Spionagemuseum



19 Martin-Gropius-Bau
20 Topographie des Terrors

21 Tempodrom

22 AoL Hostel, Gleisdreieck-Park, Brlo-Brauerei

23 Victory Column “Victoria”

Examination calendar July – December 2022
July August September October November December
1 Fri 1 Mon 31 1 Thu 1 Sat 1 Tue Exam 1 Thu
2 Sat 2 Tue Exam 2 Fri 2 Sun 2 Wed 2 Fri
German Unifi­-
3 Sun 3 Wed 3 Sat 3 Mon cation Day 3 Thu OnSET 3 Sat
4 Mon 27 4 Thu 4 Sun 4 Tue Exam 4 Fri 4 Sun
5 Tue Exam 5 Fri 5 Mon 36 5 Wed 5 Sat 5 Mon 49

6 Wed 6 Sat 6 Tue Exam 6 Thu OnSET 6 Sun 6 Tue Exam

7 Thu 7 Sun 7 Wed 7 Fri 7 Mon 45 7 Wed

8 Fri 8 Mon 32 8 Thu OnSET 8 Sat 8 Tue Exam 8 Thu OnSET

9 Sat 9 Tue Exam 9 Fri 9 Sun 9 Wed 9 Fri

10 Sun 10 Wed 10 Sat 10 Mon 41 10 Thu TestDaF d 10 Sat

11 Mon 28 11 Thu OnSET 11 Sun 11 Tue Exam 11 Fri 11 Sun
12 Tue Exam 12 Fri 12 Mon 37 12 Wed 12 Sat 12 Mon 50

13 Wed 13 Sat 13 Tue TestDaF d 13 Thu TestDaF 13 Sun 13 Tue Exam

14 Thu OnSET 14 Sun 14 Wed 14 Fri 14 Mon 46 14 Wed telc

15 Fri 15 Mon 33 15 Thu 15 Sat 15 Tue Exam 15 Thu
16 Sat 16 Tue Exam 16 Fri 16 Sun 16 Wed telc 16 Fri

17 Sun 17 Wed 17 Sat 17 Mon 42 17 Thu 17 Sat

18 Mon 29 18 Thu 18 Sun 18 Tue Exam 18 Fri 18 Sun
19 Tue Exam 19 Fri 19 Mon 38 19 Wed telc 19 Sat 19 Mon 51

20 Wed 20 Sat 20 Tue Exam 20 Thu 20 Sun 20 Tue Exam

21 Thu 21 Sun 21 Wed telc 21 Fri 21 Mon 47 21 Wed

22 Fri 22 Mon 34 22 Thu 22 Sat 22 Tue Exam 22 Thu
23 Sat 23 Tue Exam 23 Fri 23 Sun 23 Wed 23 Fri
24 Sun 24 Wed telc 24 Sat 24 Mon 43 24 Thu 24 Sat Eve

VICTORIA Christmas
25 Mon 30 25 Thu 25 Sun 25 Tue Exam 25 Fri 25 Sun Day

VICTORIA Boxing 52
26 Tue Exam 26 Fri 26 Mon 39 26 Wed 26 Sat 26 Mon Day

27 Wed telc 27 Sat 27 Tue Exam 27 Thu 27 Sun 1. Advent 27 Tue

28 Thu 28 Sun 28 Wed 28 Fri 28 Mon 48 28 Wed

29 Fri 29 Mon 35 29 Thu 29 Sat 29 Tue Exam 29 Thu
VICTORIA End Daylight
30 Sat 30 Tue Exam 30 Fri 30 Sun Saving 30 Wed 30 Fri
44 New Year‘s
31 Sun 31 Wed 31 Mon 31 Sat Eve

January – June 2023
January February March April May June

1 Sun New Year‘s 1 Wed telc 1 Wed telc 1 Sat 1 Mon Labor Day 1 Thu
2 Mon 1 2 Thu 2 Thu 2 Sun 2 Tue Exam 2 Fri
3 Tue Exam 3 Fri 3 Fri 3 Mon 14 3 Wed telc 3 Sat
4 Wed telc 4 Sat 4 Sat 4 Tue Exam 4 Thu OnSET 4 Sun

5 Thu 5 Sun 5 Sun 5 Wed telc 5 Fri 5 Mon 23

6 Fri 6 Mon 6 6 Mon 10 6 Thu 6 Sat 6 Tue Exam


7 Sat 7 Tue Exam 7 Tue Exam 7 Fri Friday 7 Sun 7 Wed
8 Sun 8 Wed 8 Wed Women’s Day 8 Sat 8 Mon 19 8 Thu OnSET

9 Mon 2 9 Thu OnSET 9 Thu TestDaF 9 Sun Sunday 9 Tue Exam 9 Fri
VICTORIA Easter 15
10 Tue Exam 10 Fri 10 Fri 10 Mon Monday 10 Wed 10 Sat

11 Wed 11 Sat 11 Sat 11 Tue TestDaF d 11 Thu TestDaF 11 Sun

12 Thu OnSET 12 Sun 12 Sun 12 Wed 12 Fri 12 Mon 24

13 Fri 13 Mon 7 13 Mon 11 13 Thu 13 Sat 13 Tue TestDaF d

14 Sat 14 Tue TestDaF d 14 Tue Exam 14 Fri 14 Sun Day 14 Wed

15 Sun 15 Wed 15 Wed 15 Sat 15 Mon 20 15 Thu

16 Mon 3 16 Thu 16 Thu OnSET 16 Sun 16 Tue Exam 16 Fri
17 Tue Exam 17 Fri 17 Fri 17 Mon 17 Wed 17 Sat
VICTORIA Ascension
18 Wed 18 Sat 18 Sat 18 Tue Exam 18 Thu Day 18 Sun

19 Thu 19 Sun 19 Sun 19 Wed 19 Fri 19 Mon 25

20 Fri 20 Mon 8 20 Mon 12 20 Thu 20 Sat 20 Tue Exam

21 Sat 21 Tue Exam 21 Tue Exam 21 Fri 21 Sun 21 Wed

22 Sun 22 Wed 22 Wed 22 Sat 22 Mon 21 22 Thu

23 Mon 4 23 Thu 23 Thu 23 Sun 23 Tue Exam 23 Fri
24 Tue Exam 24 Fri 24 Fri 24 Mon 17 24 Wed 24 Sat
25 Wed 25 Sat 25 Sat 25 Tue Exam 25 Thu 25 Sun
26 Thu 26 Sun 26 Sun Saving Time 26 Wed 26 Fri 26 Mon 26

27 Fri 27 Mon 9 27 Mon 13 27 Thu 27 Sat 27 Tue Exam


28 Sat 28 Tue Exam 28 Tue Exam 28 Fri 28 Sun Sunday 28 Wed telc

Whit 22
29 Sun 29 Wed 29 Sat 29 Mon Monday 29 Thu
30 Mon 5 30 Thu 30 Sun 30 Tue Exam 30 Fri
31 Tue Exam 31 Fri 31 Wed

Calendar of events* Berlin 2022/23
Month When Event
November 03.11. to 06.11. Jazzfest Berlin
16.11 to 15.01.23 Christmas Garden Botanic Garden
21.11. to 01.01.23 Christmas Market Season
December 31.12. New Year's Party at Brandenburg Gate

Month When Event
January 18.01. to 22.01. Ultraschall – Festival für Neue Musik (with the best composers and
performers of the present)
27.01. to 05.02. CTM Festival (Experimental and electronic music)
Furthermore in Berlin Fashion Week: Winter (Top-class international trade fairs and shows)
February 01.02. to 05.02. Transmediale (Multimedia Art Festival)
10.02. ISTAF Indoor (International indoor athletics event)
16.02. to 26.02. Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin („Berlinale“)
March 07.03. to 09.03. ITB Internationale Tourismus-Börse (World’s largest travel trade fair)
17.03. to 26.03. MaerzMusik – New Music Festival
April 02.04. to 10.04. Festival at Staatsoper Berlin
02.04. Berlin Half Marathon (for runners and inline skaters)
19.04. to 26.04. achtung berlin – New Berlin Film Award
May 01.05. MyFest – Street party in Berlin-Kreuzberg
10.05. to 28.05. Theatertreffen (Ten production highlights of the current theater season)
10.05. to 14.05. XJazz – Berlin Jazz Festival
26.05. to 29.05. Karneval der Kulturen (Happy street festival with many parades and music)
June 03.06. DFB Pokalfinale (Soccer)
21.06. Fête de la Musique (Street Music Festival)
Furthermore in June Berlin Biennale (Local and international art shows)
July 06.07. to 10.07. Classic Open Air
22.07. Christopher Street Day
14.07. to 15.07. Botanische Nacht im Botanischen Garten Dahlem (spectacular light
installations, music, artistry)
August 26.08. Lange Nacht der Museen (Long night of the museums)
26.08. to 19.09. Musikfest Berlin (Festival for the new concert season)
September 01.09. to 05.09. IFA – Internationale Funkausstellung (News from entertainment and
communication electronics)
10.09. Tag des Offenen Denkmals (Unusual insights into famous
monuments and historical places)
Oktober 21.10. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften (Exciting insights into laboratories,
archives, libraries, lecture halls of the city)

*Subject to change without notice. Information without guarantee.

More than
a language

VICTORIA | Academy of Languages

Bernburger Str. 24 – 25
10963 Berlin

Opening hours
Monday to Friday 8:00 – 18:00

P: +49 30 206176-79
F: +49 30 206 176-71

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