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Online Language Class in Group b2 French

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B2 French

Online Conversation Classes

We prepare you for a global society characterized by the
unstoppable expansion of new markets, extraordinary
cultural, social and linguistic diversity, innovation and
technology as generators of opportunities, immediacy
and proximity, collaboration and constant change.
We prepare you to join this new reality, by helping you
achieve linguistic mastery"

Conversación Classes
B2 French
Language: French
Course Modality: Online
Duration: 4 months.
2 ECTS Credits
Number of hours: 40 h.
Website: www.techtitute.com/us/school-of-languages/online-language-class-in-group/online-language-class-in-group-b2-french
01 02 03 04
Welcome Is it Important to Obtain a What Is Level B2? Why TECH?
Language Certificate?
p. 4 p. 8 p. 12 p. 18

05 06 07 08
Features of the Intensive B2 Our Methodology Course Objectives Course Structure and
Preparation Course Content
p. 24 p. 28 p. 36 p. 44

09 10 11
Our Students’ Profiles The Professional Benefits of Assessment and
French Certification
p. 48 p. 52 p. 54
Hardly any language is spoken in as many countries and regions as French. It is present
on 5 continents, it is spoken by hundreds of millions of people and it is the official
language of one of the great economic and certificatetic powers of the European Union.
Thus, being able to cope at a medium-high level in this language can facilitate not only
tourist visits to many countries, but also professional and personal opportunities. For
that reason, this program is a great option to improve your oral French, since it consists
of remote group conversation classes, guided by native teachers specialized in language
teaching. Student will then be prepared to manage in the language at the B2 Level as
established by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).


Presentation video
Welcome | 05

Comfortably learn the language

of Baudelaire, Sartre or Zola from
wherever you want with this program
consisting of online conversation
classes guided by native teachers”
06 | Welcome

Don't miss this opportunity: not
French carries great certificatetic weight, as it is the language of one of the most
only will you improve your French
powerful countries in the European Union. It is also spoken in other countries such as
Canada, and in large parts of Africa. France is also a nation full of culture, which has level, you will also prepare yourself
seen the birth of artists of all kinds and where important historical events have taken to obtain a CEFR certification.
place. That is why French is such a useful and important language, which can be used
as a means to advance professionally, but also to enjoy the enormous cultural legacy
that exists in French-speaking countries.

Learn through practical classes

in small groups and improve
your fluency by conversing with
native teachers.
Welcome | 07

It is proven that learning languages

increases your Intelligence. Learning
a foreign language strengthens the
brain's neural networks”
José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

A unique and stimulating experience

Flexible and Tailored Acquire Skills and Abilities Networking

Take the best French conversation With our method you will practice and Join a large community and exchange
program at your own pace and based on consolidate the oral communication skills knowledge and experiences with students
your personal availability and schedule. required at this level. from all over the world.
Is it Important to Obtain a
Language Certificate?
Language certification is essential in today's world. It is not enough to be proficient
in a second language, but it is also necessary to accredit that proficiency so that
institutions and companies of all kinds can know the candidate's real level of command
of a language. Consequently, this program is essential for all students who wish to be
able to accredit their oral performance in French according to the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages.
Is it Important to Obtain a Language Certificate? | 09

A B2 level in French is essential to access

different academic programs and high-level
jobs. Get it thanks to this Language Course”
10 | Is it Important to Obtain a Language Certificate?

TECH - Technological University

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is the only recognized
and accredited system for assessing a student's level of proficiency. Although there are
other certification systems, these come from private institutions and are, therefore, not
valid. The CEFR establishes a single criterion to determine the difficulty of the courses
and awards certificates that are recognized throughout the European Union.

At TECH we offer you the only intensive program designed to prepare you to obtain your
official certificate based 100% on the CEFR, the only system recognized and accepted
throughout Europe.

The best native French teachers will walk

you through the learning process, making
sure you learn quickly and efficiently.

Become fluent in all types of French

conversations and gain access to
important academic and professional
opportunities. Enroll now.
Is it Important to Obtain a Language Certificate? | 11

With this program you will

have all the content and skills
you need to pass the B2 Level”


What Is Level B2?
Level B2 is part of the Independent User Level, which is divided into two sub-
levels: First and Second Independent User Level (B1 and B2).
The B2 Level has two main features: the first is the ability to maintain
interaction and make oneself understood in a variety of situations, for example:
learners generally understand the main ideas of extended discussions around
them, provided the speech is clearly articulated at a standard language level;
offer and ask for opinions in an informal discussion with friends; clearly express
in the main idea they want to get across; flexibly use broad, simple language
to express much of what they want; are able to carry on a conversation or
discussion, but can sometimes be difficult to understand when trying to say
exactly what they mean; express themselves understandably, although they
pause for some grammatical and lexical planning and some mistak-correcting
is evident, especially in long periods language flow.
What Is Level B2? | 13

Language level certification is

essential nowadays: this program will
prepare you to accredit a B2 Level in
French as established by the CEFR”
14 | What Is Level B2?

What Is Level B2?

It is the ability to understand the main ideas in complex texts which You can interact with native speakers with a sufficient degree of
01 deal with both concrete and abstract topics, even if they are of a
technical nature, as long as they are within their field of expertise.
02 fluency and naturalness, so that communication is effortless for
the interlocutors.

This program will help you to communicate

fluently in French at a B2 Level, which will open
the doors to numerous academic opportunities”
What Is Level B2? | 15

You can produce clear and detailed texts on a range of diverse

03 topics, as well as defend your point of view on general topics,
indicating the pros and cons or different options.
16 | What Is Level B2?

B2 level Self-Assessment Chart

What will I be able to do after completing the course?

Comprehension Speaking

Listening Comprehension Oral Interaction

Š Understand long speeches and Š Be able to participate in a
lectures, and even follow complex conversation with fluency and
arguments as long as the topic is spontaneity, which makes normal
relatively familiar communication with native
Š Understand nearly all the news speakers possible
bulletins on the television and on Š Take an active role in debates
current affairs programs based on daily situations,
Š Understand most films in which explaining and defending points
the language is spoken at a of view
standard language level.
Oral Expression More than 100
different activities
Š Present clear and detailed
descriptions of a wide range of to improve your
topics related to my speciality
fluency, expression,
Š Explain my point of view on a
topic, mentioning the advantages comprehension
and disadvantages of different
Prepare yourself in a comfortable options
and pronunciation.
way with TECH to pass the CEFR
B2 oral test thanks to this program”
What Is Level B2? | 17

Qualitative aspects of spoken language usage for Level B2

(According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

What is expected to be achieved with this level?

Scope Interaction
Š Offer clear descriptions Š Start a conversation, take your turn to
Š Express points of view on general topics speak at the appropriate moment and
without obvious pauses to search for finish a conversation when necessary,
a word, using complex sentences to although it may not always be done
achieve it with elegance
Š Participate in debates on day to day
Correction topics, demonstrating understanding,
inviting others to participate, etc.
Š Demonstrate relatively high grammatical
accuracy Coherence
Š Doesn’t make mistakes that lead to
misunderstanding Š Use a limited number of cohesion
mechanisms to turn sentences into a
Š Correct almost all mistakes
clear and coherent speech, although
there may be some "nervousness" if
Fluency the speech is long
Š Produce fragments of a speech with a
fairly uniform rhythm, although there
could be pauses while thinking of certain
structures or expressions Download and practice
Š Make few long pauses during the speech vocabulary: more than
50 pages of lexical
cards and glossaries.
TECH is the most innovative educational institution and it has developed
an online teaching system that allows students to learn languages easily
and effectively, without the need to invest a great deal of time. That is why
TECH designs the most student demanded programs, since, thanks to its
methodological approach, based on practice and repetition, they are a great
boost to accredit any language level.

Learning languages
has never been easier.
This is the program you
have been looking for.
Why TECH? | 19

Gain access to a CEFR certificate,

which does not expire unlike other
language accreditation systems”
20 | Why TECH?

What makes us unique

Our mission is to stimulate the professional and personal
development of our students, promoting their skills and
abilities so that they are able to adapt to a real and constructive
multicultural environment.

TECH's vision is to be an innovative, academically thorough
learning environment of international reference, capable of
transmitting values that inspire the transformation of language
learning to creative and socially responsible models.

Innovation and creativity

Spirit of self-improvement
Social commitment
Exclusivity and leadership
Why TECH? | 21

TECH - Technological University

We offer you the most innovative, creative and We make it easy for you to combine your training with your
distinctive proposal in a dynamic, talented and professional and family activities in a 100% online school
internationally recognized school. that adapts to your needs.

TECH has prepared an educational itinerary

TECH's native teachers will prepare
through which you will gradually learn all the
you to understand and express
vocabulary and expressions at the CEFR B2
yourself in French with ease.
Level in French.

We support you at all times thanks to an involved and The most comprehensive syllabus, based 100% on the CEFR.
committed teaching staff. Our teaching team is native
and works on the language approach in a real, lively
and dynamic context.
Here are all the specific topics required
by the CEFR for the B2 Level. Prepare
yourself thoroughly and pass the level
certification test.
Don't wait any longer:
immediately improve your level
of French thanks to this program.
This program is the fastest and most
convenient way to improve your French.
Don't think twice. Here is your future”
22 | Why TECH?

Advantages of preparing oral communication skills for the B2 level in


Practice the oral skills and competencies required by the Only TECH includes the complete downloadable content of
CEFR B2 Level with guarantees. each unit in PDF format.

exercises based on interaction and oral
expression skills and with a 100% CEFR-
oriented syllabus.
400+ pages of text

Use of a pedagogical approach based on Relearning. Our platform is the only one that allows you to study from
your tablet, PC or Smartphone.

Our CEFR B2 language course is the only one on the TECH offers you the only program
market licensed to use the Re-learning method, which for preparing a French B2 Level in oral
enhances learning by optimizing the effort/result ratio. communicative skills, in which you can attend
class from your cell phone or tablet with the
same functionalities and with no loss of quality.

Study wherever and however you want. Can't attend a class?

We conduct daily sessions at many different times, select Don't worry, use your voucher when you want, at your own
the session that appeals to you, we are waiting for you! pace, and if you can't attend, we'll save it for you.
Why TECH? | 23

Our groups are small so that you can practice properly and We use an efficient and user-friendly platform that is easy
enjoy the advantages of having a private native teacher. to access.

Practice your speaking skills "face to face" with your

Sessions of a maximum of 4 people to native teacher through a modern and easy-to-use system.
encourage active student participation.

And, in addition

Our classes are 100% based on the syllabus proposed by the CEFR.
You will only find native teachers with extensive teaching
We facilitate social, dynamic and interactive learning.
experience and great knowledge of the CEFR.
Learn in real time, ask questions, review your vocabulary and pronunciation every day.

Enjoy a system with the best audio and sound quality.
Acquire the skills you need to pass your B2 level certificate.
native teachers at your service.
You will have a specialized itinerary programmed day by day

We help you with your oral expression.

The CEFR is the most important
language recognition system. Certify

40+ intensive speaking practice sessions.

your level of French thanks to this
program, which focuses on the
speaking skills this important language”
Features of the Online Conversation
Classes for B2 French Preparation
An intensive course
Online Conversation Classes for French B2 preparation is an intensive program that prepares
you for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for French
Level B2. You will attend 40 60-minute sessions to improve your oral proficiency and practice
under the best guidance and supervision.

The Most Comprehensive Syllabus

The syllabus throughout is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages, so you are guaranteed to be prepared with the best content.

Our system allows you to study from your tablet, PC or Smartphone.

Accredited 40 intensive speaking

practice sessions
The only training on the market that, in addition to preparing you to pass your level test,
provides you with a university certificate.

You will have a native teacher with expertise in teaching speaking skills to guide you in your
learning process.
100+ activities for
different skills
Features of the Online Conversation Classes for B2 French Preparation | 25

Study Material
After a complex production process, we transform the best content into high-quality
educational and audiovisual multimedia. We select the best syllabus and make it available to
you. Everything you need to acquire in-depth knowledge of a discipline, from A to Z. Lessons
written and selected by expert native teachers. This is the only training program on the market
that includes the complete course content in downloadable format:

Grammar PDF: you will have access to more than 100 downloadable and printable grammar
worksheets to study wherever and however you want.
Lexical cards and glossaries: you will find 50 pages of lexical cards and glossaries to
download and practice your vocabulary.

Quick and intuitive platform

Forget about cumbersome registrations and problems connecting or following the class. One
device and an internet connection is enough. Connect with a single click and work whenever
and wherever you want.

Cancellation Policy
In order to cancel a previously scheduled or agreed upon class, at least 48 hours notice must
100+ native teachers
be given. If 48 hours notice is not given, the class will be counted. The class will not be counted
if the student has medical or any other proof issued by the competent authority.
26 | Features of the Online Conversation Classes for B2 French Preparation

Skills-based Practice
If the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages establishes the
consolidation of a language through the acquisition of skills and bases its official tests on
these skills, why don't most of the online preparation courses for the level certificate work
according to skills? In TECH you will work on all the oral skills established by the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages in each of the subjects through an
innovative method that is 100% adapted to European guidelines. In this training program we
work according to skills, with more than 100 different activities in order to prepare you to
obtain your official French B2 certificate.

Simulated Learning Scenarios

At TECH, we believe in the importance of linguistic immersion to lay the foundations of a
language as well as in storytelling to favor identification and first-person learning. Therefore,
we present you with real and everyday situations with people like you who will face a new
language and have to overcome all different kinds of problems. In this training we will expose
you to real dialogues and conversation exercises designed and presented by experts and
native speakers.

Testing & Retesting

We periodically evaluate and re-evaluate your knowledge throughout the entire French B2
preparation course.
We will work with more than 100 activities for different oral skills.
We will subject you to real conversation situations with native speakers.
We will work on mock exams so that you are 100% prepared.
Features of the Online Conversation Classes for B2 French Preparation | 27

Specific Virtual Classes for CEFR B2

Are you ready for the exam? Our native teachers will explain to you all the tips and tricks you
can use to pass the course with total guarantee of success, as well as the subjects you need
to prepare better, the exercises that appear most frequently, mistakes to avoid, resources that
can help you in certain situations, etc. All this prepared on video for you to consult when and as
you wish.

Carry the sessions on your phone

and view them wherever you want!

Do you want to revisit

the class afterwards
and review where In addition:
you made mistakes The student will be provided with the following interaction and communication tools, which will
or how a word was be combined throughout the course to obtain the desired level of skills at the level in question.
pronounced? Download
These are:
the recorded session
and watch it again. Internal messaging tools with teachers and tutors
Chat tools for written interaction
Discussion forums for the development of written expression and interaction skills
An interactive chat
Telephone assistance to resolve technical questions or incidents
to share queries,
Technical services contact e-mail
expressions, complex
words, etc. in writing.
Our Methodology
The Online Conversation Classes to prepare for a B2 Level in French is an intensive
preparation course based 100% on the Common European Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR). TECH uses a method of oral proficiency practice in which students
work intensively and repeatedly on all the contents required by the CEFR, thoroughly
preparing them to pass the test.
Our Methodology | 29

You will not find another program like this one, which
will allow you to work at your own pace with native
teachers and in small groups, based on the specific
practice of the CEFR language skills in each session”
30 | Our Methodology

The TECH - Technological University method

Conventional methods of teaching a second language, such as demonstrative

… All of this is enhanced with the best 100% online
classes or mechanical exercises, slow down learning and seriously affect
student motivation, as confirmed by statistical data reflecting the failure of the teaching methodology: Re-learning.…
traditional system and methodology.

TECH's French B2 Level program in oral proficiency preparation offers a method

based on real-time interaction and direct communication between teacher and
student to prepare for the oral level certification test. TECH's objective is to Our school is the first in the world to combine storytelling with a 100% online
strengthen student skills in a changing, real and multicultural context, and to learning system based on repetition, which combines different elements that
guarantee their success in passing the level exam. represent an evolution with respect to the simple study and performance of
The student will learn through activities, stories and real contexts, the resolution
of everyday and basic communication situations in simulated learning
environments and will face real mock exams to prepare intensively for the level
certification test.
TECH offers you the highest quality and
quantity in the academic landscape, with
hundreds of exercises and resources for you
to keep improving your level step by step.
Our Methodology | 31

This methodology, at the forefront of world teaching, is Re-learning Methodology

called Re-learning. Our language school is the first in the
world licensed to employ this successful method, having
managed in 2015 to improve the overall satisfaction levels
(teaching quality, quality of materials, course structure, evidence
objectify, etc.) of the students who complete the courses
08 02
Competencies Re-learning
with respect to the indicators of the best language courses testing from
on the market. (retesting) evidence

The overall score obtained by our learning

07 03
system is 8.01, according to the highest Case based
international standards. learning through Testing

06 04
from an
32 | Our Methodology

We prevent your motivation from waning and offer you the best learning

This intensive oral proficiency preparation program is based on real-time

communication, as this type of interaction has been proven to reinforce
personal participation, strengthen work interaction, socio-emotional
relationships and personal interactions, all of which helps to increase
motivation. (Hrastinski, 2008).

...with a personalized and expert-led

training itinerary...
Our Methodology | 33

In order to promote maximum contact with the Language School, we provide

you with a tutor so that you can write essays, receive answers to your questions
or get advice on how to study.

... and all this with teachers at the forefront of

technology and education...

Our system enables students to

organize their time and learning pace,
adapting it to their schedule, and to
access the contents from any device
with an Internet connection (computer,
tablet, smartphone or the like)”

According to the latest scientific evidence in the field of neuroscience, not

only do we know how to organize information, ideas, images, memories, but
we know that the place and context where we have learned something is
fundamental for us to be able to remember it and store it in the hippocampus
and retain it in our long-term memory. In this way, and in what is called
“Neurocognitive context-dependent learning”, the different elements of our
intensive French B2 Level preparation course are connected to the context in
which the participant will take their certification exam in order to guarantee
success on the day of the test.
34 | Our Methodology

Study wherever and Immersion in real situations

however you want: connect We present you with real conversational situations with native
speakers with different accents in different contexts.
through your mobile device
and learn with the best
native teachers.

Skills-based Practice

At TECH Technological - University, you will work on all

the oral skills established by the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages.

Pronunciation and Phonetics Practice

At TECH Technological - University, we focus our method on

repetition as the best way to consolidate your learning.
Our Methodology | 35

Vocabulary and Socioculture Practice

At TECH we offer you different ways to consolidate your vocabulary

through practice and conversation, and by consulting downloadable
worksheets. At TECH you will find
expert teaching staff
equipped to prepare
Grammar and Spelling Practice you with a high-quality
You will work on grammar without even realizing it, from a syllabus based 100% on
practical point of view through activities with native teachers. acquiring the oral skills
required by the CEFR.

Interactive chat
During the sessions you can practice your written skills by
interacting in the chat.

Solve your doubts

quickly thanks to
Study Material TECH's resources,
Material prepared by expert native teachers, such as downloadable which will be at your
worksheets and glossaries.
disposal anytime,
Course Objectives
The main program objective is to guide students toward obtaining the
necessary linguistic skills to master French at a B2 Level. While progressing
in the language, you will be preparing to certify your level, since these
conversation classes have been designed to pass the CEFR oral test. Thus,
this qualification fulfills a double function: to help students improve their level
of French and to give them all the keys so that they can accredit a B2 Level
in French, which is very necessary in numerous academic and professional
Course Objectives | 37

Practice the speaking skills and abilities

required by the CEFR B2 Level: more
than 100 different practice exercises”
40 | Course Objectives

General Objectives

Understand, interact and express yourself in a extensive range of

01 situations, both orally and written, with good control of linguistic

resources and with a degree of precision and ease that allows for
natural communication with native speakers.

Acquire deeper knowledge of sociocultural aspects related to

02 this situations and alter your register, attitudes and gestures
appropriately in each situation.

Internalize new linguistic resources through functional and formal

03 practice and to reinforce the use of those already known; to
reflect on mistakes in order to be able to correct yourself.

04 Become aware of the communication and learning strategies that

help you the most, so that you can use them intentionally.

05 Develop autonomy in the planning, carrying out, evaluation and

improvement of your own learning.
Course Objectives | 39
Specific Objectives

Oral Comprehension Š Understand most radio documentaries and other recorded or

rebroadcast material spoken in standard language, and identify
Š Understand the main ideas of a linguistically complex speech, the speaker's mood and tone
dealing with both concrete and abstract topics delivered at a Š Understand recordings in standard language that may be
standard language level, including technical discussions within encountered in social, professional or academic life, and identify
their field of expertise the speaker's points of view and attitudes, as well as the content
Š Understand long speeches and complex lines of reasoning of the information
as long as the subject matter is reasonably familiar and the
development of the speech is facilitated by explicit markers
Š Understand any type of speech, both face-to-face conversations
and broadcast speeches, on topics, usual or not, of personal,
social, academic or professional life. Only excessive background Oral Expression
noise, inadequate structuring of speech or idiomatic use of
language affect their ability to understand
Š Participate in conversations with a degree of fluency and
spontaneity that enables regular interaction with native speakers
Š Pick up with some effort much of what is being said around
without strain for either party. Emphasize the personal importance
them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in a
of certain facts and experiences, express and defend points of
discussion with several native speakers if they do not modify
view with clarity, providing adequate explanations and arguments
their speech in some way
Š Speak fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide range of
Š Follow lively conversations between native speakers
general, academic, professional or leisure topics, clearly marking
Š Understand the main ideas of linguistically complex lectures,
the relationship between ideas. Communicates spontaneously
talks and reports, and other forms of academic and professional
and has good grammatical control without showing many signs
of having to restrict what he/she says and adopting a level of
Š Understand statements and messages on concrete and abstract formality appropriate to the circumstances
topics, in standard language and at a normal pace Š Understand in detail what is said in standard language, even in an
environment with background noise
40 | Course Objectives

Š Approach extensive conversations on most general topics, even in a

noisy environment, in a clearly participatory manner
Š Have conversations with native speakers without unintentionally
amusing or annoying them, and without demanding different behavior
from them than they would have with a native speaker
Š Convey a certain emotion and highlight the personal importance of facts
and experiences
Š Follow the rhythm of lively discussions between native speakers. Express
ideas and opinions with precision, present complex lines of argument
convincingly and respond to them
Š Take an active part in informal discussions that occur in everyday
situations by making comments, clearly expressing their points of view,
evaluating alternative proposals, making hypotheses and responding to
Š With some effort, pick up much of what is said in discussions going
on around them, but may find it difficult to participate effectively in
discussions with several native speakers if they do not modify their
speech in some way
Š Express and uphold their opinions in discussions by providing
appropriate explanations, arguments, and comments
Š Keep up with heated discussions and accurately identify the arguments
of different points of view. Express ideas and opinions with precision,
present complex lines and respond to them with conviction
Š Understand, with complete certainty, detailed instructions. Contribute to
the progress of the work by inviting others to participate, speak up, etc.
Š Outline an issue or problem clearly, speculating on the causes or
Course Objectives | 41

consequences and comparing the advantages and disadvantages of

different approaches
Š Negotiate the resolution of conflicts, such as claiming an unfair
traffic fine, claiming financial responsibility for damages caused in an
apartment or for culpability in an accident
Š Express their opinions in the event of damages, using persuasive
language to claim compensation, and clearly establish the limits of any
concession they are willing to make
Š Explain a problem that has arisen and make it clear that the service
provider or customer must make concessions
Š Understand and exchange complex information and advice on
all matters related to their profession. Communicates detailed
information with complete certainty
Š Make clear and detailed descriptions of how to carry out a procedure.
Summarizes and communicates information and arguments from a
variety of sources
Š Conduct effective and fluent interviews, even spontaneously departing
from prepared questions, following the thread and giving interesting
Š Take the initiative in an interview, and expand and develop their ideas,
either with little help or getting it if needed from the interviewer
42 | Course Objectives

Specific Objectives

Sociocultural and Sociolinguistic Competence Linguistic Competence

Broaden and diversify your knowledge of sociocultural aspects of communities where they Manage a wide and varied repertoire of linguistic resources, including complex syntax and
speak the language, acquiring a natural and confident manner of speaking, which doesn’t textual grammar, to naturally approach with precision and clarity texts on a vast range of
attract attention nor leads to special treatment, different to that given to native speakers. situations and topics, almost without showing you have limited knowledge of what you want
Furthermore, gain knowledge of how to adjust your behavior, reactions, attitude, message to say.
and wording to any changes in situation, style and emphasis. Flexibly adapt to changes in direction, register and emphasis, although hesitations and
circumlocutions can still occur.
Identify the most important aspects of a variety of common formal and informal oral and
written registers, and appropriately use the expressions, pronunciation and intonation of the Efficiently use a variety of connectors and discourse markers to clearly show the link
most common registers that you are most in contact with. between different ideas and successfully make the speech cohesive in a flexible and efficient
Perceive the differentiating characteristics of the Italian language pattern in relation to other
widespread or nearby patterns. Possess good command of linguistic resources with very few mistakes. When using complex
structures, especially in discourse development, and even more so in oral communication or
in less common situations, there are sometimes cohesion or inappropriate register mistakes,
as well as sporadic slips or some "resistant" errors in less commonly controlled situations. In
these cases the student will be capable of self-correcting.
Course Objectives | 43

Did you know?

Communicative competence is not merely limited to the knowledge and ability to use the
linguistic code, but has other broader dimensions, which place it in direct relation with other
Join Verlaine, Zola and Carrère: this program competences such as information processing and digital competence, learning to learn, social
and civic competence, or cultural and artistic competence.
will enable you to speak French with great This implies a cultural immersion that is only possible to recreate in the online format through
fluency, the language of great writers” simulated scenarios, storytelling, videos and real situations.

This program will give you access to

numerous activities to reinforce your newly
acquired French language skills.
Course Structure and
Practicing a language in a group is extremely enriching as it not only contributes to personal
oral expression, but also listening comprehension and fluency in all kinds of contexts.
That is why this program has been designed from a unique perspective, where a team of
native teachers will prepare group sessions based on the group's own requirements and
needs. The most advanced conversational topics on nutrition, sports and education will be
covered, among other issues required to pass the oral part of the B2 Level.
Course Structure and Content | 45

Where, When and How is it Taught?

This course takes place over 4 months and consists of 40 60-minute

live sessions taught by native-speaking teachers.

Each session is structured as follows:

Š Practice of oral interaction skills

Š Practice of oral expression skills
Š Simulation of real situations
Š Tips and tricks to prepare for the test
Š Summary and closing
Š Download printable sheets

You will be able to enjoy very

valuable group dynamics to develop
your oral skills, improving both
comprehension and expression”
46 | Course Structure and Content

B2 Level Learning Objectives

In each program, native teachers prepare a series of items that students

must overcome in order to satisfactorily reach the course goals. Thanks
to personalized tutoring, all the proposed objectives can be achieved in the
shortest time possible, thanks to effective and efficient teaching.
Š Advance to an intermediate level of language proficiency
Š Become familiar with new words and more advanced common grammar
Š Develop listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills to cope in a multitude of
Š Speak with some fluency about sports, nature, music and life goals or personal

The working groups will be small in size,

which in addition to providing you with
better listening comprehension, will give
you multiple opportunities to intervene
and enhance your conversational level”
Course Structure and Content | 47

"My company has great contacts with some European countries like France and Spain.
With Spain the communication is very fluid, but sometimes I feel that it isn't efficient with
France. That's why I set out to improve my level of French to avoid misunderstandings.
These classes have been a great personal and business decision: I have improved very
fast and my company has positively noticed it too.”

Carolina Cruz
An Argentinian Businesswoman

"My job consists of transporting various products between France and Spain. This has
allowed me to get to know France quite well, but I still had problems with the language. I
wanted communication to be as smooth as possible, and that could only be achieved by
improving my French. The TECH program has adapted very well to my pace of life, and I
have already noticed a great improvement with the language. It's what I was looking for:
flexibility and a practical approach."

Álvaro Trueba
A Spanish Carrier
Our Students’ Profiles
TECH students rely on innovative teaching methodologies based on the digital world.
This program is based on a 100% online learning system, focused on practice. That is
why it is the best solution for those who do not have the time to travel to a language
academy or who prefer the comfort of their own home to study.
Our Students’ Profiles | 49

Many of our students have come from

other preparation methods that have
led to loss of motivation. At TECH , 9
out of 10 students recommend us”
50 | Our Students’ Profiles

Years of unsuccessful attempts to learn the language Courses taken before enrolling on ours

-1 year 10%

5+ years 25%
None 20%

More than 1 45%

years on
1 - 3 years35%
average At least 135%

3 - 5 years30%

Don't lose motivation! TECH includes a personalized

monitoring and tutoring service.
Our Students’ Profiles | 51

Interest in learning the language

Personal 42% 58% Professional

IT skills

Advanced 10 %

Intermediate 30 %

Basic 60 %

80% of our students pass

the official B2 level exam.

Thanks to our performance measurement

tool you will be able to track your progress
at all times"
The Professional Benefits
of French
French is both a working language and an official language of the UN, the European Union, UNESCO,
NATO, the International Olympic Committee, the International Red Cross and various other international
legal bodies. French is the language of the three cities where the European institutions are located:
Strasbourg, Brussels and Luxembourg.

Together with English, it is the only language spoken across the 5 continents and the only language
which can be learned in all countries worldwide. According to the Observatoire de la langue Française,
a French language control organization, around 220 million people speak French which puts it in 8th
place on the list of most spoken languages on the planet. The Francophonie groups together 68 states
and governments. French is the most studied foreign language after English.

Speaking French opens up more possibilities for individuals in the international labor market.
Knowledge of French opens doors to French companies in France and abroad, in all francophone
countries (Canada, Switzerland, Belgium, Africa). France, the fifth largest trading power and the third
largest destination country for foreign investors, is a major economic partner.

Furthermore, speaking French allows you to study in France, in prestigious universities or in higher
education business and engineering schools, ranked among the best higher teaching centers in
Europe and worldwide. Students who are proficient in French can receive scholarships from the French
Government to study a third year of their degree in France in all disciplines, and earn an internationally
recognized certificate.
The Professional Benefits of French | 53

French is an international language for

food, fashion, theatre, visual arts, dance
and architecture. Knowing French gives you
access to the original versions of the most
famous texts in French and Francophone
literature, as well as cinema and music”
Assessment and
The main evaluation objective at TECH is for students to consolidate what they have
learned and to be aware of their progress. For this reason, after completing each block,
students are shown a report of their results, which visually indicates the skills that they
should strengthen.

The B2 Level oral communication proficiency

preparation program at TECH is the only
one that also issues an academic certificate”
Assessment and Certification| 55

At the end of the course students will receive a certificate of recognition that confirms
that they are prepared to obtain official certification for this level.
B2 French
Online Conversación
Language: French
Course Modality: Online
Duration: 4 months.
2 ECTS Credits
Number of Hours: 40 h.
B2 French
Online Conversation Classes

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