Evaluating The Factors Influencing Online Shopping
Evaluating The Factors Influencing Online Shopping
Evaluating The Factors Influencing Online Shopping
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1 author:
Rupali Rajesh
VES Institute of Management Studies and Research, Mumbai (VESIM)
All content following this page was uploaded by Rupali Rajesh on 27 March 2019.
Rupali R, 2018
Volume 4 Issue 1, pp.54-76
Date of Publication: 16th March 2018
This paper can be cited as: Rupali, R. (2018). Evaluating The Factors Influencing Online Shopping And
Its Consumer Satisfaction In Pune Area. PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1),54-76.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ or send a
letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
Rupali Rajesh
Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Management Studies and Research Faculty of
Management, Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
The purpose of study is to develop an understanding the factors which are influencing for online
shopping in Pune area and to explore the demographic factors which influences the level of
customer satisfaction of online shoppers. Exploratory research method is used. Survey method is
used for data collection through structured questionnaire based on demographic profile like
gender, age, duration and frequency of online shopping etc. 114 samples were scored on the
basis of thirty-four variables of influencers and satisfaction of online shoppers in Pune area from
Maharashtra State in India. The statistical tools for non-parametric data like Mann Whitney
Test, Kruskal Wallis Test are used for data analysis. The finding of the study reveals that online
customers age does not have influencing role in preferring factors for online shopping whereas
male and female, prefers same parameters for online shopping as well as for customer
satisfaction and after sales services. Study covers FMCG product Apparels like T-shirt, jeans,
formals, casuals, ethnic and Accessories category like watches, sunglasses, handbags, jewellery
and Shoes and sandals. Research will help the e-retailers for promoting their brands in
online market targeting to digital customers and can boost the sale by framing appropriate
marketing strategies aiming to demographics, shopping experience and satisfaction.
Motivation and Satisfaction, Online shopping, Customer Satisfaction
1. Introduction
1.1 Online Marketing
Online marketing has brought many unique benefits to marketing. The interactive nature
of online marketing provides instant two-way response is unique and has broader scope. Online
companies are reaching the relevant target audience to avoid clutter by using proper
advertisement and promotional tools. It helps them to stay in constant touch with its customers,
know their preferences and upgrade their products and services accordingly, helps to formulate
strategies for promoting the products in market. Online shopping is the process of researching
and purchasing products or services over the Internet (Verma & Agarwal, 2014). Online buying
is both interactive and immediate. Buyers can interact with the seller’s site to produce exact
structure of shopping information, products, or service they desire and then order or download
them on the spot as per their requirements.
Over the years, online shopping has grown in popularity mainly because of people find it
very convenient and easy to shop comfortably from their home and offices. The online shopping
stores are increasing day by day in numbers this is due to people have accepted this as a new
lifestyle. This recent development in the lifestyle of the today’s consumer is the demand of the
hour with the moving time.
Today shopping is not limited to retail hours, people can buy anywhere and at any time
any products which is available online from banking services to booking holiday tickets, placing
an order. Now shopping mall is just a one click away. People are buying from internet clothing,
beauty products, mobile phones and computer accessories, beauty products, furniture, groceries
etc. this is possible due to the growth of e-commerce industries (statisca.com).
Now a days, customers are becoming more active and comfortable with online shopping,
this could be attributed to various factors such as busy modern lives, Longer working hours,
ability to browse products from the comfort of one’s home, wider range of options available etc.
with variety of reasons such as shopping of apparels, shoes, leather belts, hand bags, jewellery
etc., social and business networking, online transactions, researching products or services,
booking their travel tickets online. With consumers increasingly engaged online, their
expectations on receiving instant and quality customer services at various touch points has also
risen (Rocco, 2017).
1.2 Growth of Online Shopping
The technology orientated new generation, the coming age of a younger, introduction of
new varieties and quality of brands, services. The new online shopping experiences,
implementation of more no of shopping sites with improvements to the shopping process on
existing online sites and customer satisfaction and good after sale services leads to the growth of
online shopping in spite of facing the problems in online shopping (Vaghela 2014)
Now a day in India, people acquire more personal computers/laptops/ smart phones etc. Day by
day increasing usage of internet and credit cards leads to the growth of online shopping. Online
shopping has become the norm and consumers are adopting it especially youth by its advantages
like low prices, widespread collection of goods and services and more convenient shopping on
the other hand for e-retailers have enormous opportunity to grab this.
According To ASSOCHAM Report, 2016
1. Online shopping in Indian Cities, Mumbai scored first position, Delhi ranked second,
Ahmedabad scored third, Bangalore ranked fourth and Kolkata ranked fifth position in
preference for online shopping 2015.
2. 5% to 7% revenue has been generated through e-commerce as compared to last year with all
branded apparel, accessories, jewellery, gifts, footwear.
3. Highest growth rate was seen in apparel segment was 69.5%, followed by electronic items by
62%, baby care products at 53%, beauty and personal care products at 52%, home furnishing
at 49% in 2015.
4. E-commerce websites like Snapdeal, Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra, Jabong etc have been giving
discounts and massive price cuts on their products.
5. India ecommerce market was worth about $3.8 billion in 2009, it went up to $17 billion in
2014 and to $23 billion in 2015, and expected to touch $38 billion by 2016 said by Mr. D.S.
Rawat, Secretary General – ASSOCHAM.
6. Browsing trends broadly shifted from desktop to mobile devices in India, as one of the three
customers make transaction from mobile devices from Tier- I and Tier -II cities in India.
2. Literature Review
According to AC Nielson and Absolute Data Report on Social media in India, 2011
in the survey, 77% of the respondents said that they do seek opinion of their friends on Social
Networking Sites before purchasing product/service. It was also find that 88% of the people
purchase the products/brands after reading online reviews about particular products/brands also
states that 67 percent of Indians who are on the web use online reviews to help them make
purchases. Jain and Jain, 2011 explored impact of consumers and product characteristics on E-
commerce adoption in India, which found significant predictors for future online shopping
related to only consumers such as past online shopping satisfaction, past online shopping
frequency and education etc. Vaggelis Saprikis, Adamantia Chuliara and Maro
Vlachopoulou, 2010 study covered the proportionately rapid growth in number of online
shoppers due to transformation of Information Technology. Online purchases have been revealed
type of products and services purchased and consumer’s characteristics. Study examine the
perceptions of students for adopters and non-adopters of online shopping in terms of
demographic profiles like gender, rank at university, daily usage of internet, frequency of online
purchases etc., Studied consumers expectations and perceptions regarding general online stores
expectations, perceptions on privacy policy of company and online shopping risk. Also studied
advantages of online purchases like anytime shopping, saves time and problems related to after
sale services, online trust etc. study focused on reasons for adoption of online services like lower
prices, wide variety, payment options, high quality were main reasons whereas for not adopting
reasons like security and privacy, shipping delays, unaffordable transportations fees etc. Laxmi
S. 2014, study aimed to analyse the factors of online shopping and online shoppers in broad
dimensions of demographics, culture, psychological, subjective norms, personal traits were
studied under general dimensions wherein product type, brand name, variety, better deals were
studied under shopping dimensions also shopping motivation, Risk, convenience or time saving,
benefits perceptions, previous online experience were studied under online shopping dimensions.
Factors of online shopping behaviour time saving, website design, security, risk perception,
referent influence has been studied. Study suggested that retailers should introduce a mechanism
that would improve safety and privacy to motivate people to buy online. It was analysed that
youngsters prefer to buy apparels and electronic goods more through cash on delivery, especially
men’s as compared women’s. Lack of security and network reliability becomes the major
obstacles for online shopping. Mishra 2015, studied growing trend in online shopping has led to
explore the role of individual income as a motivator of online shopping behaviour with the
convenience of one place shopping. Study examined demographics factors like gender, age,
income of respondents, educational background, occupations, occasions for shopping, reasons
for online shopping like low prices, saves times, wide variety of products, cash on delivery
facility, home delivery etc. product categories purchased, most preferred sites, money spends on
online buying per month, frequency of shopping, mode of payment mostly used, satisfying and
not satisfying reasons of online shopping. Study suggested to provide free cash on delivery
services, immediate replacement of products and refunding of payment, should reduce the
complaints of providing poor quality to attract more customers in future. Joshi 2015, study
focused on potential growth of online shopping has triggered the idea of conducting a study on
factors affecting consumer attitude towards online shopping. Study revealed that online shopping
in Himachal Pradesh is significant affected by various mac economic factors including benefits
and risk like privacy, convenience, source, fun, wider selection, homepage, price, customer
service. Online shopping retailers can used the relevant variables and factors formulate their
strategies, can prioritize the consumer implicit and explicit requirement in online shopping
environment. Kanade 2015, Study identified the potentials of consumer’s preference towards
online shopping with reference to apparels from Bangalore city. Study investigated the
relationships between attitude and behavioral intentions to make purchases through online
shopping. For this study examines the demographic factors like gender, age, educational level,
income, geographical locations, online shopping previous experiences, perceived benefits,
consumer preferences, perceived retailers trustworthiness, consumers lifestyles, consumer prior
e-commerce experience, online shopping frequency, duration of daily internet usage found no
impact on preferences. Study found that consumers exhibited positively and were strongly
correlated with behavior intention. Pednekar 2014, study accessed the implications of online
shopping on the buying bevhiour of consumers, demographics like age, gender, profession,
Education, monthly income has been studied. Covered the responses from accepting and reading
emails, visiting online shopping websites, online shopping websites, factors influencing in
decision to purchase goods on internet, product category preferred etc. study concluded that
females were doing more online shopping with a reason to security, privacy of information,
delivery time, internet services etc. from Flipkart.com, Mytra.com and Jabong.com wherein cash
on delivery has preferred maximally for online shopping. Consumer preferred online shopping
for personal purpose except few who adopt traditional and local method of shopping due to
loyalty. Vaghela 2014, ‘study focused on online shopping usage and perception of customers
towards online shopping and gender wise. Study covered factors like main problems faced
during online shopping, better options for shopping, amount spend on online shopping,
satisfaction with online shopping, barriers for online shopping during purchases, before
purchases and impact of that on shopping behavior. Study found that online shopping is better
option than manual in spite of expensive and facing problems like delayed in delivery of
products, return of wrong and poor-quality product, confusing online websites, ineffective
customer services, most barrier for online shopping were online payment security and unable to
verify the product personally i.e. touch and feel factor were missing etc. Gupta, 2013 studied
that e-tailing is a challenge for Indian customers faced real time problems related to trust to
quality. Study shows some rigid behaviour towards e-tailing. Study suggested that online
shopping vendors should made their customized strategies based on the consumer behavior.
(touch and feel) also not only to invest in bringing new customer base which creates loyalty will
generate revenues in the long run through e-tailing. Irrespective of online shoppers are satisfied
by their respective service providers and online vendors. Andrita Goswami et al, 2013 study
stated that online customers are satisfied only when online marketers give more importance on
price and after sale service factors. In the competitive era, online marketers should have focused
on customer satisfaction to retain the existing customers and attract the new customers by
offering them day to day new schemes for online purchases. Also studied that factors like wide
variety of the distribution of customers according to their perception with respect to online
shopping depends on the factors like product variety, quality of product, wide variety, price,
packaging of products, after sale services, security of payment etc. T. Shenbaga Vadivu, 2015
Study focused on online shopping or marketing of the uses of technology through computer. For
better marketing performance retailers were devising strategies to meet the demand of online
shoppers; studying consumer behaviour, consumer attitudes towards online shopping. Studied
Gender, Age, Location, Profession, Education, Family Status, Product purchased, problem faced
by the respondent which online shopping. Thus study focused on consumer's attitudes towards
online shopping and studying the factors influencing consumers to shop on. Results shows that
on variety, quick service and reduced prices was three significant ways in which online shopping
influenced people from all over the world. Khedkar, 2015 study find out the factors that are
affecting customer’s satisfaction for online shopping. Study suggested that online retailers should
re-evaluate all these variables which have high impact on customer satisfaction and should
initiate and re-constructed the strategies according to competitive business environment. Study
was important for evaluating and enhancing their performance of online shoppers. Verma,
Sharma & Sheth, 2015 study examined the relationship marketing framework focusing on
online retailing, which identified the strategies which helped to build relationships with online
customers. Word of mouth has been identified as important way for managers to identify loyalty
and commitment among customers. Mann and Jha (2015), study examines the growing use of
internet developed prospects for online shopping. E marketers have developed marketing
strategies to convert potential customers into active with the help of study of factors affecting
online Indian behaviour and the relationship between these factors and types of online buyers.
This research found the information, perceived usefulness, ease of use, perceived enjoyment and
security/privacy are the five dominant factors which influence consumer perceptions of online
purchasing. The study covers two broad application perceptions of its knowledge which are
micro and societal perspectives. The Micro perceptive involved understanding consumers with a
purpose of helping firms to achieve its target wherein macro perceptive applies to aggregate level
knowledge of the mass to influence on the quality and level of standard of living. Study found
out the lack of ‘touch and feel-try’ experience of product delivery to customers, mounting of
competitive pressure, capturing the need of younger generation buying the products on seasonal
occasions and credibility of payment systems. Devi and Saini (2015), study focused on online
shopping suggesting benefits and drawback of online shopping like better prices, convenience,
variety, fewer traps, discreet shopping, ease of comparison shopping, identify unique solution
these are advantages of online shopping whereas suggested disadvantages are lose the tactile
experience, shipping adds to the cost, returns can be costly, dealing with unknown vendors.
3. Objectives Of Study
To study the factors which are influencing online shopping in Pune
To understand the demographic factors which are influencing the customers for online
shopping and its customer satisfaction?
To study the satisfaction level of consumers with respect to online shopping.
4. Hypothesis Of Study
H01 There is no significant difference between male and female in factors influencing
for online shopping.
H11 There is significant difference between male and female in factors influencing for
online shopping.
H02 There is no significant difference between male and female online shoppers on the
various dimensions of customer satisfaction.
H12 There is significant difference between male and female online shoppers on the
various dimensions of customer satisfaction.
H03 Age has no role to play in online shopping factors.
H13 Age has role to play in online shopping factors.
H04 Age has no role to play in customer satisfaction dimensions.
H14 Age has role to play in customer satisfaction dimensions.
5. Research Methodology
In order to evaluate the factors influencing for online shopping and its customers
satisfaction in Pune area has been studied and investigated through primary and secondary data.
Demographics like age, gender and monthly income etc. has been investigated with the help of
primary data and Secondary Data. Research design: - Exploratory research method is used to
describe the characteristics of population of study which is used in research through observations
and survey methods. Sample design: Convenience sampling technique is used to study from the
large population of online shoppers who does online shopping. Primary Data: Primary data is
collected through structural questionnaire method by using Thirty-four factors of influencers and
satisfaction were measured based on five-point Likert-scales ranging from strongly disagree (1)
to strongly agree (5). Secondary Data: The secondary data of the study is collected through
various journals, reports, books, articles, magazines, research papers, websites etc. Sampling: -
A total sample of 114 online responses was elicited using a reliable and validated questionnaire.
Reliability score (Cronbach’s Alpha) of the questionnaire was 0.8. SPSS version 20 (statistical
package for social sciences) is used for the analysis of data. Microsoft excel is used for
evaluation of data and online google form is used to collect responses of online customers.
Product category for online shopping has been studied from FMCG Sector Personal products like
Apparels like T-shirt, jeans, formals, casuals, ethnic followed by Accessories like watches,
sunglasses, handbags, jewellery and Shoes and sandals. The study covers only Pune area from
Maharashtra state in India.
5.1 Factors Influencing Online Purchasing
A questionnaire using a Five-point scales was constructed which consisted of the variable
such as Convenience and time saving, Fast Shipping, Overall speed of shopping process is
satisfactory , Instant ability to get items, Flexibility to choose delivery date, Clear Return policy,
Variety of product and brands, Products are not available in local shops Prices of products are
reasonable, Offers and discounts always available, Online tracking ability, Free and discounted
shipping, No. of Shipping options offered, Mobile applications are available now a days, Trusted
shopping done by friends, Product reviews influence me to go for online, Must ensure ease of
online navigation to access.
5.2 Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction
A questionnaire using 5-point scales was constructed. The questionnaire consisted of the
variable, such Cash on delivery is satisfactory, Trust and past purchase experiences are
satisfactory, Overall Shopping experience is satisfactory, Provide consumers with real time
feedback, shopping on internet saves times, 24 X 7 shopping available, The description of
products shown on the websites are very accurate, favorite brands are not available, Risk of not
getting what paid for, Time consuming process, Believe in touch and feel of product, Good After
sales services Return Policy, Not satisfy about quality of products, It is very difficult to return the
products, Risk of credit card transactions, Value added tax or high shipping duty and Clarity
about terms of conditions.
6.1 Mann Whitney Testing For Factors Which Are Influencing For Online Shopping
Seventeen variables score were checked for normality and it was found that all the
variable was not normally distributed and hence to compare this between the male and female
Maan Whitney test was used.
Normality was checked using Shapiro’s Wilk test described in Table II. A value of less
than 0.05 was achieved in all the variables implying the data is not distributed normally
Prices of products are reasonable .267 114 .000 .858 114 .000
No. o1 Shipping options offered .317 114 .000 .840 114 .000
Trusted shopping done by friends .261 114 .000 .854 114 .000
A) Hypothesis Testing
H01: There is no significant difference between male and female in factors influencing
for online shopping.
Results:- Null hypothesis is accepted and Alternate hypothesis is rejected. H1 is accepted
according to Table III. It shows all seventeen online shopping factors are positively influence
both male and female. The ‘p’ value for independent factors is .000, which is less than 0.05.
Hence, online shopping factors were equally important to both male and female.
I) Using The Mann Whitney Test To Compare The Difference Between Male And Female
Score On Factors Influencing For Online Shopping
Overall Insta
speed nt Produ
of abili Clea cts are
Conveni Flexibi Variety of
Fast shoppin ty to r not
ence and lity to of product
Shipp g get Retu availa
time choose product/br s are
ing process item rn ble in
saving deliver ands reasona
is s poli local
y date ble
satisfact that cy shops
ory I
150 154 1544.
Whitney 1494.5 1599 1587 1520.5 1437 1544
8.5 4 5
Wilcoxon 358 281 3624.
3574.5 2874 3667 2795.5 3517 3624
W 8.5 9 5
- -
Z -0.696 -0.006 -0.082 0.59 -0.49 0.34 -1.007 -0.337 -0.346
2 4
0.55 0.73
Sig. (2- 0.486 0.995 0.935 0.624 0.314 0.736 0.729
4 1
Exact Sig. 0.55 0.73
0.487 1 0.963 0.626 0.316 0.738 0.732
(2-tailed) 6 1
Exact Sig. 0.36
0.246 0.473 0.485 0.28 0.313 0.159 0.369 0.365
(1-tailed) 5
0.00 0.00
Probabilit 0.008 0.007 0.021 0.002 0.003 0.001 0.004
2 1
a Grouping Variable:
Source: SPSS Output
Statistics 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
No. ct
of Mobile Truste review
Offers Onlin ease of
Shippi applicati d s
and e online
Free/discou ng ons are shoppi influe
discounts tracki navigati
nted option available ng nce
always ng on to
shipping s now a done me to
available abilit access
offere day by go for
y informat
d friends online
1580.5 1587 1339.5 1480 1514 1480 1403 1411
Whitney U
3660.5 3667 3419.5 2755 3594 3560 3483 3491
Z -0.12 -1.608 -0.754 -0.527 -0.736 -1.205 -1.176
Sig. (2- 0.904 0.935 0.108 0.451 0.598 0.461 0.228 0.24
Exact Sig.
0.908 0.948 0.111 0.455 0.598 0.465 0.23 0.244
Exact Sig.
0.454 0.473 0.057 0.227 0.301 0.232 0.114 0.123
0.007 0.003 0.001 0.003 0 0.001 0.001 0.002
a Grouping Variable:
Source: SPSS Output
B) Hypothesis Testing
H02: There is no significant difference between male and female online shoppers on the
various dimensions of customer satisfaction.
Results: - Null hypothesis is accepted and Alternate hypothesis is rejected. H1 is accepted
according to Table IV. The ‘p’ value for independent factors is less than 0.05. It means all the
customer satisfaction dimensions are positively influenced by male and female.
II) Using The Mann Whitney Test To Compare The Difference Between Male And Female
Score On Various Dimensions Of Customer Satisfaction
It is very The
difficult descripti
Trust and Overall to return on of
I think past Shoppin the Risk of products favouri
shoppi Cash on purchase g products not shown te
ng on delivery experien experien (Experien getting on the brands
internet is ces are ce is ce for what I websites are not
saves satisfact satisfacto satisfact return paid are very availab
times ory ry ory policy)] for accurate le
Mann- 1422.5 1508.000 1550.000 1509.000 1598.000 1381.0 1560.50 1507.0
Whitney 00 00 0 00
IV) Using The Kruskal Wallis Test to Compare The Difference Between Age Group Score
On Influencing Factors Of Online Shopping.
Table 5: Kruskal Wallis Test for Age and Online Shopping Factors
Overall abili
speed of ty to Produ
shoppin get Clea cts are Prices
g item Flexibil r not of
Convenie process s ity to Retu availa product
nce and Fast is that choose rn Variety of ble in s are
time Shippi satisfact I deliver polic product/br local reasona
saving ng ory want y date y ands shops ble
Chi- 2.498 7.490 7.000 1.19 2.162 5.07 7.167 .204 .428
Square 9 2
df 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Asymp. .287 .024 .030 .549 .339 .079 .028 .903 .807
Exact .287 .022 .029 .553 .341 .079 .027 .904 .809
Point .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
review Must
s ensure
Offers No. of Truste influen ease of
and Onlin Shippi Mobile d ce me online
discou e ng applicati shoppi to go navigati
nts tracki option ons are ng for on to
always ng Free/discou s available done online access
availab abilit nted offere now a by shoppi informat
le y shipping d day friends ng ion
Chi-Square .630 6.206 2.536 .467 1.021 1.441 1.309 .492
df 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Asymp. Sig. .730 .045 .281 .792 .600 .486 .520 .782
Exact Sig. .733 .044 .283 .793 .604 .490 .523 .784
Point .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000
Source: SPSS Output
C) Hypothesis Testing: -
H03 Age has no role to play in online shopping factors.
Results: - Null hypothesis is accepted and Alternate hypothesis is rejected. Kruskal Wallis test is
used to understand the differences in age group and online shopping factors which has shown in
table no V. The ‘p’ value for independent factors is less than 0.05 in all factors. It shows online
shopping factors are positively influenced by age group of customers. Online shopping factors
are very much important to all age group of customers.
V) Using the Kruskal Wallis Test to Compare the Difference between Age Group Score on
Customer Satisfaction Factors of Online Shopping.
on of Not Risk Trust and
products satisfy of not Overall past I think
24*7 shown about gettin Provide Shopping purchase shoppi Cash on
shoppi on the quality g consume experienc experienc ng on delivery
ng websites of what rs with e is es are internet is
availab are very produc I paid real time satisfacto satisfacto saves satisfacto
le accurate ts for feedback ry ry times ry
Chi- 2.184 .448 .390 1.080 .134 6.589 .710 1.146 .443
Df 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Asym .336 .799 .823 .583 .935 .037 .701 .564 .801
p. Sig.
Source: SPSS Output
D) Hypothesis Testing: -
H04 Age has no role to play in customer satisfaction dimensions.
Results: - Kruskal Wallis test is used to understand the differences in age group and customers
satisfaction parameters which have shown in table no VI. The ‘p’ value for independent factors is
less than 0.05 in two factors like value added taxes/ high shipping paid for shopping and
Customer satisfaction for overall shopping experience, which means satisfaction level of online
shopping customers, varies in accordance with age group.
In case of perception of customer satisfaction towards time consuming process, cash on delivery,
favorite brands are not available, clarity about terms and conditions, risk at credit card
transactions, past purchase experience, 24*7 shopping availability, touch and feel of products,
real time feedback, product return policy etc. has same no significant difference in age group.
Customer satisfaction dimensions are positively influenced and equally important to age groups
of customers to satisfy.
jewellery and Shoes and sandals’. The popular website used for online shopping was Flipkart,
Snapdeal and amazon although people were aware and used these sites like Myntra, Jabong,
Homeshop18, Yebhi, Junglee and Zovi for online purchases.
8. Conclusions
Currently e-business organizations are at turning point moving from transactional
marketing to one-to-one relationship marketing for customer satisfaction and retentions. Study
done with the objectives of evaluating the factors which are inducing customer for online
shopping and understanding its satisfaction level based on the demographics of consumers. It
focuses on key dimensions of online shopping factors like convenient and time saving, Clear
Return policy, Variety of product and brands available on online sites, Trusted shopping, Product
reviews, 24*7 Shopping, Cash on delivery, availability of favorite brands, clarity about terms
and conditions, risk at credit card transactions, past purchase experience etc., as well as
customer satisfaction factors like return policy, product quality, overall experience, touch
and feel factor etc. these results will enable e-marketers to designs better appropriate
strategies aiming to shopping experience and satisfaction.
E-Marketers should follow the strategies sometimes in general and sometimes based on
demographics. As there is no difference of opinion among male and female on online shopping
parameters as well as customer satisfaction dimension, which are highly important and
preferable by consumers in Pune area. Marketers should remain familiar of the fact that there is
difference of opinions among different age groups of male and female, so accordingly decide
their strategies. Study is limited to FMCG Sector- Personal products like Apparels like T-shirt,
jeans, formals, casuals, ethnic followed by Accessories like watches, sunglasses, handbags,
jewellery and Shoes and sandals. It covers only Pune area from Maharashtra state in India.
This research will help the e-retailers for promoting their brands in online market
targeting to digital customers. Use of ‘Personalization and Customization’ strategy will help
the marketers for creating loyal customers by using product merchandising, cross selling and up
selling strategies. e-marketers can develop ‘Community Building’ on social networking sites
which covers messaging, discussion forums, ratings, interaction with like-minded group of
customers. This will help for building customer relationships and retaining loyal one. Consumers
should be educated in terms of procedures and policies of online shopping in their local
languages for the same e-marketers should provide proper steps to educate them, “Think Global
and Act Local” strategy will help them to reach in every corner of the India.
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