Annex I Hydrological Report
Annex I Hydrological Report
Annex I Hydrological Report
1.1 General
The proposed bridge site lies in between Khadadevi Rural Municipality ward No.-1 Lubhu Left
Bank and Sunapati Rural Municipality ward No.-2 Right Bank of Ramechhap district at Lubhu
Khola. The detail hydrological study has been carried out to find out the hydrological
design parameters required for the design of bridge. Maximum design discharge for 100
yrs. return period, linear waterway, normal and maximum scour depths and vertical
clearance and afflux are main hydrological parameters required for design and are
determined on the basis of depth study. The coordinate of the bridge axis at the Lubhu
Khola is: 85°48’39.60” E & 27°27’34.05” N.
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
The locations of meteorological stations along with catchment map is shown below.
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
σ = ln(Q100/Q2)/2.326 = 0.68
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
2 32.476 18.066
5 57.750 28.661
10 78.016 36.477
20 99.991 44.507
50 132.249 55.690
100 159.276 64.643
200 188.962 74.137
500 232.294 87.482
1000 268.523 98.261
5000 365.246 125.746
10000 412.791 138.709
Analysis of flood
Q5year 37.33 m3/s
Q20year 63.69 m3/s
Q50year 84.95 m3/s
Q100year 104.04 m3/s
Q1000year 189.85 m3/s
Q10000year 323.94 m3/s
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
Where, Qav is the yearly average 24 hrs flood over a number of years in m 3/s and it is
calculated as Qav = CfxA0.8.
Ref: Design Guidelines for Hydropower Project
Catchment Area (CA): 24.84 km2
Fuller's Coefficient (Cf): 1.03 adopted for Nepal
Reoccurrence Interval
S.N. Qav in m3/s QT in m3/s Remarks
(T, Yrs.)
1 2 25.59 31.75
2 5 25.59 39.89
3 10 25.59 46.05
4 20 25.59 52.21
5 50 25.59 60.36
6 100 25.59 66.52
7 200 25.59 72.68
8 500 25.59 80.83
9 1000 25.59 86.99
Using Dicken’s method, the T year flood discharge QT, in m3/s, can be calculated as
QT = CTA3/4
CT = 2.342*log(0.6T)*log(1185/P)+4
T = Return Period
P = 100(As+6)/A
As = Snow covered catchment = 0 km2
A = Total Catchment area = 24.84 km2
Reoccurrence Flood
S.N. CA, km2 As , m2 P CT Remarks
Interval Flow
(T, Yrs.) (m3/s)
1 2 24.84 0 24.15 4.31 48.00
2 5 24.84 0 24.15 5.89 65.53
3 10 24.84 0 24.15 7.08 78.79
4 20 24.84 0 24.15 8.27 92.05
5 50 24.84 0 24.15 9.85 109.59
6 100 24.84 0 24.15 11.04 122.85
7 200 24.84 0 24.15 12.23 136.11
8 500 24.84 0 24.15 13.81 153.64
9 1000 24.84 0 24.15 15.00 166.91
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
Initially certain value is assumed for Tc, then; Catchment Area (A)= 24.84 km2
Q= 0.222AIF m3/sec Length (L)= 13.19 km
F= 1.09352-0.06628ln(A) 24 hr. rainfall= 238.33 mm
D= 1.102L2 /(F*S) Hmax.= 2204.0 m
RTC= 0.22127xRTxTc * 0.476577 Hmin.= 555.0 m
I= RTC/Tc Slope (S)= 12.50
K R= 0.651x (Tc+1)
CKR= 0.95632/KR * 1.4806 Q= 180.02 m3/s
TC2= (TC3/0.585378) ^ (1/2.17608)
Qpr= qprxCAxAxR = 96.17 m3/s
qpr= 2.78xCP/tPR = 0.18
tPR= tpr+0.25(tR-tr) = 9.85
tr = tpr/5.5 = 0.73
tpr= 0.75xCt(LxLc)*0.3 = 4.03
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
The Fuller’s approach gives lowest flow and B.D. Richard's approach gives highest flow.
For this catchment, the flood flow given by B.D. Richard's approach seems suitable for
design. Thus, the design flow is taken as 180.02 m 3/sec given by B.D. Richard's
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
approach, which is also highest in the above table. The flood level corresponding to the
design flood has been determined from HEC-RAS analysis using the x-section,
longitudinal profile and roughness information obtained from field. The HFL given by
HEC-RAS analysis is 501.42m and Energy Gradient Line (EGL) is 502.28m before
putting bridge.
Plot from the HEC-RAS output of HFL is shown below:
Crit PF 1
Bank Sta
100 120 140 160 180 200
Station (m)
In case of hilly region and gravel bed channel, the waterway calculated by Kellerhal’s
approach seems to be reasonable in this river.
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
However, linear waterway at site according to high flood during site survey = 26m.
Considering the design discharge, available linear waterway, available height, bed level,
topography, site geology and x-section at bridge axis, minimum bridge length can be
provided with a span of 28.80m. However, the span of the bridge is also governed by the
river training cost involved with bridge. There is waterway constriction according to
Kellerhal’s formula.
After the construction of the bridge, linear waterway will constrict to 28.80m at HFL at
501.66m. It shows rise in high flood level. Plot from the HEC-RAS output of HFL is
shown below:
Crit PF 1
Bank Sta
100 120 140 160 180 200
Station (m)
The afflux has raised due to waterway constriction, which is also considered in this
design. According to Nepal Bridge Standards-2067, for discharge below 200m 3/sec,
vertical clearance should be minimum 1000mm, discharge more than 200m3/sec to
500m3/sec, vertical clearance should be minimum 1200mm, discharge more than
500m3/sec to 2000m3/sec, vertical clearance should be minimum 1500mm, discharge
more than 2000m3/sec to 5000m3/sec, vertical clearance should be minimum 2000mm
and discharge above 5000m3/sec vertical clearance should be more than 2000mm. Here
design flow is less than 200m3/sec. Therefore, 1.0m vertical clearance needs to be
provided. So, the minimum level of bearing = 501.66+1.0 = 502.66m.
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
For Annex:
Before Putting Bridge:
Plan: Plan 01 Lubhu Upper RS: 0 Profile: PF 1
E.G. Elev (m) 502.28 Element Left OB Channel Right OB
Vel Head (m) 0.86 Wt. n-Val. 0.026 0.027 0.026
W.S. Elev (m) 501.42 Reach Len. (m) 100 100 100
Crit W.S. (m) 501.42 Flow Area (m2) 14.71 21.9 10.98
E.G. Slope (m/m) 0.00418 Area (m2) 14.71 21.9 10.98
Q Total (m3/s) 180.2 Flow (m3/s) 43.76 104.6 31.85
Top Width (m) 26.53 Top Width (m) 10.81 7.66 8.07
Vel Total (m/s) 3.79 Avg. Vel. (m/s) 2.97 4.78 2.9
Max Chl Dpth (m) 3.04 Hydr. Depth (m) 1.36 2.86 1.36
Conv. Total (m3/s) 2787.3 Conv. (m3/s) 676.8 1617.9 492.6
Length Wtd. (m) 100 Wetted Per. (m) 11.25 7.77 8.71
Min Ch El (m) 498.38 Shear (N/m2) 53.61 115.49 51.65
Alpha 1.18 Stream Power (N/m s) 159.43 551.64 149.84
Frctn Loss (m) 0.33 Cum Volume (1000 m3) 2.36 1.79 3.25
Hydrology of Lubhu Khola Bridge
C & E Loss (m) 0.16 Cum SA (1000 m2) 3.23 0.61 4.83