The trend equation and trend line of the mean annual minimum temperature over the past 30
years (1991 – 2020) generally shows a decreasing trend (-0.0168x), implying that the annual
minimum temperature has been significantly decreasing in the study area. The degree of
variation (R2 = 0.0063 or r=0.079), implying that there has been significant variation of
temperature within the area in the past 30 years (1991 – 2020). The trend equation and trend line
model of maximum temperature also generally shows a decreasing trend (-0.0045x) which
means that average maximum temperature has been decreasing. The degree of variation (R2
=0.35 or r = 0.59) shows that insignificant variability in maximum temperature in the area. The
trend equation and trend line of the annual average temperature over the past 30 years (1991 –
2020) generally shows an decreasing trend (-0.0307x), implying that the annual average
temperature has been significantly decreasing in the study area. The degree of variation (R2 =
0.07 or r = 0.86), implying that there has been insignificant variation of temperature within the
area in the past 30 years (1991 – 2020) (Figure 6).
Chart Title
f(x) = − 0.0446125324434552 x + 24.9942720306513
20.0 R² = 0.347720449944532
The total annual rainfall in the study area from 1991-2020 showed that high inter-annual
variability and ranged between 201.2 mm as the minimum (the driest year) and 1250.7 mm as
maximum (the wettest year) for the last three decades (1991-2020). The mean average of the
annual rainfall, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation (CV) 485.4 mm 302.8 mm and
62% respectively. The largest value of coefficient of variation (CV> 30%) indicates that the
study area was experienced high interannual rainfall variability during the study period. The
analysis of annual rainfall trends of the last three decades (1991-2020) over the study area
showing that the rain is below the average in the year 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997,
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,2013, 2015, 2016 this show that
more than half of total years of the study periods are in shortage of rainfall
800 f(x) = 25.7150834260289 x + 86.8328735632184
R² = 0.558836244620014
91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19
19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
1991 0.1 10.3 50.1 22.8 28 4.9 31 39.8 37.4 9.7 0 17.4 251.5
1992 2.4 10 21.5 43.7 28 25.2 43.9 52 51 10.1 6.9 14.1 308.8
1993 36.1 5 0.8 58.5 46.5 11.2 22.7 42.7 26.4 23.7 0 0.4 274
1994 0 0 5.4 30.3 28.7 15.7 48 18.8 42.3 2.5 9.5 0 201.2
1995 0 7.4 29.8 76 17.3 8.3 53.5 55.4 30.7 4.6 0 4.4 287.4
1996 11.6 1.1 29.3 49.5 59.7 47.1 31.5 65 30.1 0.6 9.3 0.2 335
1997 1.3 0 25.9 30.9 39.7 25.9 47.7 31.6 19.5 70.9 28.3 3.8 325.5
1998 24 10.3 8.3 14.5 32.4 12.1 42.6 28.9 52.5 19.6 3 0 248.2
1999 0 1.4 35.1 20.6 20.8 24.6 43.3 73.5 35.2 47.4 2.8 1.6 306.3
2000 0 0 1.7 35.8 34.9 10.3 28.2 57 36.2 5.5 7.3 4.7 221.6
2001 0.1 2.5 20.8 19 42.1 16.2 39.5 64.8 22.3 5.8 0.1 0.2 233.4
2002 8.5 0 26.4 28.2 13.1 15.2 30.9 42.1 25.8 11.4 0 9.8 211.4
2003 1.4 2 9.6 43.3 13 23.5 53.3 49.3 31.9 0 0.1 10.3 237.7
2004 16 0 8.7 72.2 4.9 16 26.6 30.6 37.2 12.8 11.3 1.4 237.7
2005 0.6 1 21.1 35 63.1 7.2 26.1 36.2 48.7 9.6 8.2 0 256.8
2006 0.8 8.6 15.5 54 33.8 19.5 42.4 65.1 40 33.5 4.7 27.3 345.2
2007 0 0.3 7 45.3 34.5 17.4 45.3 42.1 46 8.5 3.3 0 249.7
2008 1.6 0 0.8 13.6 46.3 24.9 49 48.6 44.1 11.3 21.7 0 261.9
2009 23.8 5.6 5.9 78.3 90.4 54.1 162.9 133.8 124.1 139.9 12.4 44.6 875.8
2010 2.7 41.9 79.4 123.8 73.1 75.2 144.6 178.2 170.8 5.3 54.9 0.6 950.5
2011 0 0.1 0.7 40.5 112.9 58.1 122.6 224.2 162.3 0 11.5 0 732.9
2012 0 0 13.5 56.9 50.6 73.8 166.4 149.9 108.9 4.1 6.8 6.9 637.8
2013 2.3 0 159.9 171.7 122.5 14.8 215.8 186.6 141.9 156.5 78.7 0 1250.
2014 0 0.8 51.3 88.2 147.8 18.9 141.9 175.3 150.5 88.1 5.5 0 868.3
2015 0 0 32.4 76.2 178.8 89.6 15.5 162.5 52.2 7.9 4.6 0.4 620.1
2016 0.2 2.2 2 147.1 32.1 88.3 158.6 38.1 160.4 11.7 13.8 6.7 661.2
2017 0 36.6 11.6 51.7 48.9 21.4 142.7 134.6 64.7 14.9 0.4 0 527.5
2018 0 12.2 26.3 85.5 80.4 76.3 80.5 288.9 126.1 72.6 28.3 0 877.1
2019 0 0 30.5 45.2 117.9 49.2 124.5 141.8 137.1 56.2 12.3 0 714.7
2020 0 0 40.2 166.1 238.6 84.1 183.6 164.2 127.7 26.9 21.2 0 1052.
Max t
1991 24.9 24.8 25.3 23.7 22.3 23.4 24.7 24.9 23.6 22.9 23.4 24.4 24.0
1992 27 26 25.5 24.8 23.7 23.9 23.9 24.6 23.9 23.4 22.7 23.5 24.4
1993 27.1 24.5 25.1 24.6 24.7 25 25.1 24.7 24.4 23.5 24.3 26.6 25.0
1994 27.4 26.4 25.8 25 24.7 25 25.1 24.7 24.4 23.7 25.3 25.2 25.2
1995 24.7 24.9 25.1 25.4 22.6 23.7 24.9 25.2 24.4 24.2 25.2 26.9 24.8
1996 25.8 25.1 23.7 23 23.7 24.6 25.3 25.5 24.2 23.9 24.8 26 24.6
1997 25.1 24.9 25.1 23.9 24.3 24.7 25.3 23.7 22.7 23.6 24.4 24.9 24.4
1998 26.9 26 26.8 25.6 23.6 24.1 23.9 24.6 23.9 23.6 24.9 26 25.0
1999 24.3 26.3 26 25.4 22.6 23.3 24.1 23.2 23.1 22.7 23.1 26.1 24.2
2000 25.2 25.8 25 24.8 23 23.9 24.3 24.4 23.8 23.1 22.8 25.6 24.3
2001 25.6 25.2 25.8 26 24 24.4 24.1 25.1 24.4 22.4 24.4 26.1 24.8
2002 27.1 25.3 26.4 23.9 23.1 23.8 24.4 25.6 24.2 23.6 23.4 25.2 24.7
2003 25.4 25 26.2 24.4 24.3 24.9 24.2 25 24.3 24.2 25.6 28.4 25.2
2004 27.4 25 24.9 24.9 24.2 24.7 24.6 25.9 24 24 25.1 25.5 25.0
2005 24.4 24.5 25.6 25 23.1 23.4 24.3 23.5 23.3 22 23.9 26.3 24.1
2006 26.7 25.1 25.5 24.1 23.8 23.7 24 24.8 23.4 23.4 24.3 24.9 24.5
2007 27.2 25.3 24.6 24.7 22.6 23.3 24.1 23.2 22.7 22.9 23.8 26.2 24.2
2008 25.7 26 26 25.4 22.5 23.3 24.1 23.2 23.1 22.6 24.3 23.9 24.2
2009 24.8 24.4 25.2 24.7 22.2 23.6 24.7 25.5 24 23 24.8 26.2 24.4
2010 26.7 26.6 25 25.3 24 24.1 25.6 25.7 24.2 23.4 24.7 26.5 25.2
2011 27.3 25.7 26.5 24.5 23.2 24 24.3 25.1 24.8 24.4 24.6 27.2 25.1
2012 24.9 24.8 25.7 24.5 22.7 24 24.3 24.6 23 22.6 24.6 26.5 24.4
2013 23.5 23.4 24.3 25.2 23.6 21.7 22.6 22.9 22 14 23.1 22.1 22.4
2014 23.4 22.8 24.2 25.6 24.4 21.5 22.8 21.9 23.6 25.2 23.8 24.5 23.6
2015 23.6 22.4 22.6 25.4 24.2 23 23.8 23.8 23.8 24 23.8 26.2 23.9
2016 22.6 22.8 23.8 24.2 24.8 25.2 24.1 21 23.4 24.3 24.6 25 23.8
2017 22.1 23.6 22.8 24.5 23.8 22.8 22.8 23.4 22.8 23.4 24.1 24 23.3
2018 22.6 24.2 23.4 25.1 24.2 21.1 22.5 23.6 22.5 23.2 24.5 23.4 23.4
2019 25 23.5 23.7 23.6 26.2 21.7 22.9 23.6 22.1 24.3 22.5 24.6 23.6
2020 23.8 24.3 24.1 24.8 27.1 26.2 24.3 21.6 20.6 20.6 21.4 22.9 23.5
Min t
1991 9.5 10.7 11.9 12.4 12.5 12.8 12.6 12.9 12.7 9.5 8 8.2 11.1
1992 10.6 12.2 12.6 13.3 14 13.9 13 12.9 11.8 9.7 8.1 9.8 11.8
1993 11 9.4 10.2 13.3 12.4 13.2 12 12.3 11.8 10.5 7.5 6.2 10.8
1994 6.6 7.9 11.2 13.2 13.2 14.3 12.9 12.4 11.9 9.1 7.5 6.9 10.6
1995 7.7 11.3 12.3 13.2 13.1 13.5 13.2 13.4 13 9.5 7.5 8.6 11.4
1996 9.2 10.2 12.5 13.3 13.6 13.6 13.2 13.1 12.5 9.5 8.2 7.6 11.4
1997 9.3 8.9 12.3 12.8 13 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.3 11.6 10.9 7.5 11.7
1998 11.2 11.4 13.2 12.8 14 14.2 14 14 13.2 10.7 7.7 6.9 11.9
1999 8.7 9.7 12.6 12.9 13.6 13.6 13.1 13.2 12.8 11.1 7.6 7.2 11.3
2000 7.3 8.9 10.9 13.1 14 13.5 13 12.9 13.1 10 9 8.4 11.2
2001 8.7 9.4 13.1 12.9 13.6 13.3 13.2 12.8 12.5 10.6 7.9 8.1 11.3
2002 9.9 9.6 12.2 13.4 13.9 13.8 13.5 13.5 13.2 11.2 8.6 10.7 12.0
2003 9.4 11.3 12.2 13.8 13.8 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.4 9.8 9.5 8.6 11.9
2004 10.7 8.9 11.1 13.9 13.2 13.8 13.2 13.6 13 10.6 8.1 9.5 11.6
2005 9.5 10.9 13 12.7 13.9 14.2 13.3 13.3 13 9.9 8.6 6.4 11.6
2006 9.2 11.1 12 12.7 13.4 14.1 13.3 13.4 12.8 12.1 8.5 10.4 11.9
2007 9.2 10.4 11.6 13.4 14 13.9 13.5 13.6 13 9.5 7.9 6.7 11.4
2008 8.7 9 9.3 13.2 14 13.7 13.1 13.1 13 10.4 8.6 6.3 11.0
2009 9.2 10.3 12.2 13.2 13.6 13.8 13.2 13.2 12.8 10.3 8.3 9.6 11.6
2010 8.6 11.8 12.3 13.9 14.9 14.7 13.6 13.8 13.2 10.1 9.4 7.4 12.0
2011 9.6 10.2 10.9 13.7 13.5 14.5 13.7 13.6 13.1 9.8 9.4 7.5 11.6
2012 8.5 8.6 10.7 12.6 13.1 13.8 13.3 13.7 13 10.3 9.1 9.5 11.4
2013 10.3 10.6 12.4 12.5 12.8 12.2 11.4 11.1 11.2 7.5 10.2 7.2 10.8
2014 9.8 7.6 12.3 11.2 13.2 12.1 10.5 10.1 9.8 6.9 5.5 6.5 9.6
2015 7.6 9.8 12.3 10.5 13.1 12.3 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.1 7.6 9.1 10.3
2016 7.2 7.8 12.4 11.3 12.8 12.5 11.6 10.3 11.3 9.5 9.8 7.1 10.3
2017 9.2 6.8 12.6 11.4 13.5 124 12.1 12.1 11.6 8.4 10.2 5.6 19.8
2018 9.5 9.5 13.4 10.8 12.4 12.9 10.5 11.2 9.8 10.1 11.3 3.4 10.4
2019 8.4 -1.6 8 11.2 10.9 11.2 11.5 10.5 11.6 10.6 10.4 1.8 8.7
2020 7.6 7.8 9.8 10 10.5 10.8 11.4 12.8 11.7 0.6 -0.3 -0.4 7.7
Either enter a postal code (eg. "9011", "AB1", "9980-999") or a city (eg. "London")
Place Code Country Admin1 Admin2 Admin3
1 Rotterdam 3011 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
2 Rotterdam 3029 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
AD Holland
3 Rotterdam 3061 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
4 Rotterdam 3067 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
5 Rotterdam 3068 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
6 Rotterdam 3069 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
7 Rotterdam 3071 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
8 Rotterdam 3072 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
9 Rotterdam 3072 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
DB Holland
1 Rotterdam 3079 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
0 Holland
1 Rotterdam 3083 Netherlands Zuid- Rotterdam
1 Holland
1 Dordrecht 3311 Netherlands Zuid- Dordrecht
2 Holland
1 Dordrecht 3317 Netherlands Zuid- Dordrecht
3 Holland
1 Utrecht 3544 Netherlands Utrecht Utrecht