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Punjab Technical University Ladowali Road, Jalandhar Agenda 1s" Meeting of the Board of Governors Committee Room, 6" Floor, Punjab Civil Secretariat Chandigarh August 9, 2004 at 1630hrs ——<—<— POINTS FOR THE 15" MEETING OF THE BOARD OF 'TO BE HELD ON 09 AUGUST 2004 the approval of the procedure thereof ot Jalanchar-Kapurthaia road, ‘Description Page | Annexure set __No.__| no. ‘Toconfim the proesedings ofthe 14° meeting of [I-10], the Beard of Governors hed on 30.4.0 To stat the construction of University bulldng and | 11-08 TH V Commites for the recruitment of Deans & Controller of Finsnce ‘To approve the recommendations of the Sdedion | 29-30 ‘To discuss the ecacemic regulations Tor BBA/SCA courses in View of the Hontle High Court Judgment, strike by the students and its implication, SPs To discuss he pans raised by We previous Chairman BOG and Vice-Chancellor, PU Sti ¥:5: Rajan about PTU's specie ental ems to be taken care off as suitable polcy and aractee, a desired by Hon'ble CM, Punjab to be examined at | peopel level and necessary action al To dri ie board about te results of May 2608 examinations ane applicability for promotion to 5” and 6" semester as per academic regulations le the students who do not pass their 1" semester cannot be allowed to register for S semester and the students who do not pass ther 2” semester can not be allowed to register for 6” semester. ‘To approve the relevant minutes of the Academic ‘Council meeting held on 03 June 2004 & 05) August 2004 a7 To brief about the admissions for the year 2004 05 ‘To approve oe ‘terms and conditions of the | appointment ofthe Registra; To discuss and. take appropriato—dacion ‘Fegarding the adhoc emplayees ot the University. in-vew of the Boord x recommendations at te 10” meeting held on 20.5.2003 | Recommendations for nomination in the Board | “To consider amendments to Academic Reguiasions | ‘ny other item withthe permission of the Chair. As there sno weitten comments received from ary member of the BOG, on record, the proceedings may taken as confimed, JRE action taken report on 14% mesting of BOG is placed os Annexure ~ 11 *S pliced before the Board of Governcrs for confirmation, No. 15.2 Construction of Buildings at Kapurthala site of PTU. ‘of 101 ares has been mutated inthe same of Punjab Technical Unversty fthe Department of Givi Aviation. On ths land, bullings are to be constructed the Departments / offtes of the PTU. Presently, the PTU, offices. are in the Suiting oven on lease to by the Department of Educaton, which (s Be inadequate to mect the actual reauiemants of the PTU. The matter regarding he nd developmont/censiruson of bulding at Kapurtala ste was placed before Me Board of Governors vie Item no. 10.19 in ts 10° meating hele > 25-05-2003 iMteralia decided as under proposal forthe consirection ofthe building comoesing 15.000 suse fet at G08 of Rs One crore at Kapurttala site of PTU was approved. The BOG iso ta Pray Socretary Government of Punjao Dept. 2 Farce has agreed 9 se re fads 10° tis purpose an cesred seedy action by te Unversity he matter ragarting the release of grant of Rs. One Crore was also taken up wth “the Principal Secretary to Government, Pp Ospartrent of Finance. No grant ~in-ad sanctioned by the Punjab Government during the financia year 2003-2004, The maiter resatcing construction of Buliings 2t Kapurthala was again discussed In ‘etals 11" Board of Governers meeting held on 29-10-2003 vide tem No Lane it “was decided as under: ister was cisco in decals: The ice Cranceler informed 0 the Board tat ‘Pere 8 0 gereral operon expressed by many enitant persors Cet arcitectutet desis of tre bullings shoul! be unk snd marge wth or excel In comparison |Win the arcntectura! designs af the adoning buildings of Pushoa Gua! Science Ob. i nas therefore thought at ane stage to hire the service ofthe Archteet who fave designed the building of Pushpa Gujral Science Cty. However alter careful ough as fet erat the Unies i not necessary to ropes tat tutto have a G20 ard sacedy mrcchanist) (9 implement the architectural ard cOnsPUcton Wark ‘or PTL 20rin & managommont t0 bogin with, ie requested the Biord to siggest ‘passble method for the selection of architects on ommpettve task. then Poot Separate tenders for bulls o° have a selection of architect and cursructor {ination or stort stad architects based on proven capabalies of such bulrgs HE Since PTU may not buld a bulcngs at ore stroee, the queston of ing tom Usrangements nos also merioned, es a possbe option, The question of speeding wa sproecs as Livery does not have 2 haat alo was consired. The Board aft considering ail matter decided to have a high level Empowered Genimitace which can decide on suitable mechanism (3) keazing i mind the need to ‘ave proper procedures selection. ‘The matter wes discussed in the 14° meeting of Board of Governors. The Board eeiged the following of ne Committee's Was Held in the office of Punjab Infotech, S” Float ja on 3.8.04, The recommendations of the Wis necessary that Universty must have its own {oasbie rather than operate rom the leased exting ‘Read Jatsnchay, campus 85 soon as ‘bulding at Ladowad wits decided by the Commitee to save tme. it would be aptroprate to ‘Ge the first Block of about 15000-20300 sq f designed by the one athe Publis sector agercics proferatie PUDA. Whereas the wore for ie $4:6GHOn af he Architect for Master Plan arc ater detaliea cesign sea ‘fersinicton actiaty may go on paralelly. PUDA woud be reaponotie ie Hesign of one Block required immediately. The commites: have, ‘fecommended the following 1) Kt was recommended to request Criel Adminisivater, UDA for bheping the University in the design ef the frst Block of abet 180000 to 20008 9.8. at the aries and on the basis of at ‘design float tenders for constuction of tne Butding ‘The document for cating up open tids for inviing Expression of Interest (EO) for tiakaing the Architect for the Masiat Plan, wos also discussed The draft n this rogard was dacussed in detal i Was siplained that this draft was prepared with the help of ing Ghiet Archtedt of UT, Chancigarh and was also duly got voted by the Chet Archrect’ Punjab. it was decided to accent the document and process it fume for caling up bids fer Fuitng Expression of intaroat a he artist Hand sequence of ction forthe campus of PTU is enclosed to the ) i feqvested 19 aporove the following ‘The procedure and sequence ot acton as recommended me Aepravel for deputation of one Executive Engineer from Punjeb ‘Government for PTU's eanstruetion work ‘Award. of contract to PUDA for designing administrative block of 15000 45g, feat anid on completion of design, inwtation fer tenders for ‘@nstrucion of the block as recommended by PUOA pl testing of PTU site ot Jalerdhar-Kapurthala road has been done and report Annexure-1V Is placed before the Board of Governors for consideration and approval, Depart Chaiemanshp of Prof. S.K. Joshl former Director CSIR te erpormant of Scientiic 8 Indl. Research was orsetens oe i Mee Chanel, PTU on 291.04 for tne selection of Dear? S'EZAmYnation. Flowing were the members ofthe Secon torre “Pint PV. Indireasan, Former Director ITT Macras BB, DY. Singh, Former Director IIT Madras, IDI R-S. Stroh, Director ITT, New Dath Dh RP. Bajpayee, Directar CS10 BF. AS, Baits, Director DEAL Be Vik. Saraswat, Director Resestch Centre INRAT SHV. Sandias, Chie! Controter R&D BMIMP. Kapoor, Chairman North West Comme, AICTE Chandigarh etn 15.6.04 and selected the candidates for the post of Desn, ithe Seecton Commuttee isin sealed cover and it wil be coun eae meeting of BOG. FeneteSeS 10 approve the selection, so that appcinimant wets to the Geanaicates may be sued accordingly Fereare, Pest of Cortroter of Examination was rot conducted, as the Shert sted was not suMclent. It was decided to ask the seme Wauffcent candidates wil not be avelatie then re-adverisonert nt dope Sorstltuted by the then Chairman BOG and Vice-chancetor, PT ip of Mr. R. Ramanathan, Retired Secretary Govt. Of ng. members for the selection of Contoler of Prence acd {Bit Lexi Narayanan, Oy, CAG (Retd,) | Molot Gen AK. Das Gupta, AVSH (Retd,) BERS. Kendpur, DG rusia Gujral Science Cty "Bt LD. Gaba, Former Director O8D0 DUMS, Grewal, Registrar, PTU Member Secretary Pes ie Post of Cortroter of Finance was only conducted. The Aas ost of Soars Co-ordinator will be conducted along wth Me Bithe pot of Controller of Examination, {the Selecion Committee fs in sested cover and wile open jeeing Of the BOG. The Board is requestec to apsiore the ‘ecommendatons of the Selection Committee, so that appointment latter to the selected candidates may be issued accordingly. ‘Theitem fs placed before the BOG for aparoval a, University is holding two Computer Programmers in scale of Rs. 8000-13500 . Both ‘of them has completed their regular service of 5 y's. DPC will be held for the promotion ofthese Programmers as per the Punjab Govt, Rules and wil be aclusted fo the relevant scale on the post available If fourd sutable, ‘Tiss for the information of the BOG. TromNo.15.4 To discuss the academic regulations for BBA/BCA courses in view of the Hon'ble High Court Judgment, strike by the students and its implications ‘A candidate is required to pass in all the courses prescibed in 2 semester by ecuring minimum prescribed marks in @ course & in the aggregate as prescribed in the regulations. However, if a candidate fails to secure required marks In a course or In the aggregate, he/she shall be allowed to reappear according to the fallowing regulations: (A candidate detained from appearing in any semester examination of a subject(s) due to shortage of attendance Wil retake the course of study ‘when the subject(s) are offered as a regular course in the subsequent semesters Those candidates who obtain less than 40% marks in University examination in any of the courses shall be placed under reapoear They ‘may appear in the University examination in the regppear course in the subsequent semester when the examination of this course s held A candidate who has been placed in reappear because of University ‘examination shall bellowed to study for nett semester exemination & shall be permitted to appear in the failed papers of the previous ‘examinations in the subsequent examinations which shall be held along ‘with the papers of the higher subsequent examinations which shall be held along with the papers of the hicher examination, subject to the condition that for prmotion inthe third someaer atleast 50% course: o! first & second semester should be clear & similarly for promotion to the fifth semester, atleast 50% of the first, second, third and fourth semester courses together should be cleared. A total of nine semesters (four and a half years) from the date of ‘admission shall be given to a canddate to pass all the courses, after Which the candidature of the cancldate stall be canceled. A maximum of three chances (including the reguar chance) shall be given for cleering & course of any semester The students and ther parents were making recuestscertinuusly to the Universty ‘drectly o by bringing appicatons duly recommend by the concert Prncial/ rector for geting the mercy ciace | reeppea’ chance or relaxation of rules The Academic Counc of PTU at its 11% masting held en 22,4.03 considered the Imatter and re-terated its eatier decision not to allow mercy chance la the interest of maintenance of high academic standards. However keeping in view, the hardshio ofthe students the Academic Counell further decided as urder: As per the existing rules, maximum of three chances (inchiding the regular chonce) are allowed for clearing 2 course of any somastor The students who do not pass 1° semester courses upto 3° semester may be allowed to clear the back fog in the # semester, but they will not ‘bg allowed to register for the regular courses of semester. Similarly the students, who do not clear 2" semester courses upto P samo ony ‘Tem No. 15.5 To discuss the points raised by the previous Chairman BOG and Vice-Chancellor, PTU Shei ¥.S. Rajan about PTU's specific critical items to be taken care off as Suitable policy and practice, as desired by Hon'ble CM, Punjab to be examined at appropriate level and necessary action. PTU's specific erica itoms to be taken care of as stable policy and practice was Cutlinad by the previous Chairman, BOG and Vice Chancelor. ShY.S Rajan and was. forwarded to the Honble Chief Minister, Punjad on 3° Feb, 2004. The Hon'ble CM has observed that the issues rased by Sh Rajan may be examined at ‘appropriate level for necessary action, Inview of ths, these items have been breught for discussion at the BOG POLICY + PTU not to be treated as a sub-ontinate or attached office by the Deptt of ‘Technical Education (OTE), Punjab Govemment The Goverment colisges affiated to PTU should have an independent Governing BoardiCounc! with eminent Champersons. from industy, or ‘Academia o” S&T ~ somebody who has leadership quality, modern mind and has-@ network which willhelp. The Principals t have freedom, Rules to be ‘amerded suitably The Govt. Colleges have been lucky to have good inwesiment and infrastructure before bul now for past four or five years funds wore cui uff This yass no fund from Punjab Gwvl, They liave te surelve or {their student fees, Then why choke them? Let them De tree to raise funds, ‘give incentives. to their faculy ard cthers to do consultancy et. I yl be dificult in the current Govt. contrlied cclleges. (Pursly as PTU, VC need not worry about these colleges except pointiia out the needs as | had done Jnweting to earlier CS), Otherwise these colleges, which are good ones wih PTU system wil decay. (GOVT. GRANTS FOR PTU © Due to extemely poor “living conditions” and very litte staff, PTU has ‘managed not fo go bankrupt. It has some suplis. But itis fagle. The ‘commitment of R52 crores per anum as grant by Punjab Gavi. envisaged in the Act should be regulaly remitted to PTU without raising unnecessary questions. Loti build as a bulfer for medemizing PTU system and to take. pro-active steps to raise up standards and to build image with potential employees, This s 4 must. The action should be to cover up the earlier year lapses too. (in comparison, Punjb Govt is giving several hundreds of crores of rupees to Punjabi University. GNOU, PAU, Punjab University not only (0 University but also to their affilated private colleges. Only PTU is ‘being left out ast isan Wagimase crpnan)~ Lui W wrivols & pow, PTU is atways being poted at) “The sooner this is corrected, better itis for PTU & for Puna. Maximum thus! (and maxmum number of students) of higher professional ‘educational opportunites are being given only by PTU. Really speaking, the students out of hese colleges are the (future) engines of growth of Punab, TTEN No. 15.6 To brief the Board about the results of May-2004 Examinations end applicability for promotion to 5" and 6° semester a3 per academic regulations i.e. the Students who do not pass their 1* semester cannot be Sllowed to register for 5" semester and the students who do not pass their 2"° semester cannot be allowed to register for 6" semester. A. Declaration of Results 1 The semester examinations were conducted. in May/2une-2004 for Engineering, Maragement & Pharmacy courses. The followng resuts have been declared, a [couse ; Oa ee Guy SS a sir (Re-appeai) 2002 Batch | [ites [77.98| {finn [wat 6 semester [(éq 18. Phatmacy 8” Semester “The dedraton of results of other examinations I in progress, hopefuly they wil be declared in tre end of August or star of September 1 Inadkition to above the results of Distance Education for TT courses have vee peen declared and the decaration of resuts of Nor-TT courses & In progress. 4-5 and 2-6 rules According to the latest reguations 2 student has to clear all the subjects of te comester for registering tothe 5 semester and he/she has to clear al the pape ef 2" semester for registering to the €* semester. On the bass ofthe Peps decared for 2009 batch students as mary a6 631 of this batch have failed to clear 1% semester and ineligible to register in 5° semester, “The matter Is placed before 8:0.G. for information Team No. 15.7 ‘Toapprove minutes of the Academic Council held on 03 June 2008 8 05 August 2008 (specific tems) Recommendations of Ph.D Committed - Approval of fee structure Admission of S students In diferent colleges on the direction of State Gow. Eligbilay criteria for adwision to regular / part-time M. Tech. couses tinder PFU ‘The academic calendar fr session 2004 -05. Ariation of new courses and re colleges. Continuation of athiation of areacy running colleges J inevtuten. To consluts dhe revision o/ the Acaderi Reguistons ~2001 ‘To review the stuation arsing aut of agjtation by BBA /ECA students wha have falled to plear one or more subjects In maximum number of avalatie (3 chances) and to make suitable recommendations for MBA/MCA, BBA/BCA }No.15.8 To brief about the admissions for the year 2004-05 ET 2008 was conducted for admission to fe FT, Gurs Nanak Dey Urs jA2s appointed the authority competent to make admission to B Pharmacy Management and Catering Techrlocy (BMECT) / LEET ( Lateral Srery @ Test ) for various Engineering / Pharmacy/ Hotel Management colleges, Ihe Entrance test wes conducted on 13” July 2004 at 10 centres in OF these, 1517 suucerns appeared for a test for admission to B.Tech thravon ‘niry ard 701 students eppeared for admission to B Pharmacy course, of the number of applicants, numbar of seats ard number of seats allotted 50 ugh Counsaling Is given as under: Course | Seats) Ro. af |W | Counseling [Admiision | 96 | ‘Available | students | students | at Pru | tege” _ | 2palied | appsared pet sweet] 120 | st é 0 a [30% tow | oe | ies | m1 S10 364 [72% Bre) i390 | ris | asses | mma | aes | Fae Bach | 230 | "a36 733 153 7 [| to Management Quota & 15% outside candidate of CET 2004 not yet matter is placed before the Board for information. “tem No. 15.9 Pay Ay ADA Period af Appointment Joining tine and Transfer TA eave Travel Concession ‘Accommoaation Medical Aid ‘cantrioutory Provident Fund ‘and Gratuity TA/DA Foy of Stat (Car Telephone Leave pales, Foreign Tours TE aL ciao aaa ‘To approve the terms and conditions of the appointment, of the Registrar Pay scale 16300-22400 , Rs. 17750 Basc (before revision and merger of part of DA wit pay) + RS. SQ0!- as Special ‘Allowance* ‘As per Punjab Government Rules. Three years ‘According to Purjab Gort. Rules instructions, ‘According to Purjab Govt. Rules Rent fee accommodation wil be provided by the Punjab Technical University ‘aS per Punjab Techical Unversity /Pu Govt. Rules ‘Aciording to Punjab Technics! Univerity. Rules. ‘According to Purjab Tethnical University Rules ‘On the basis of functional requirement as may bbe aaproved by the. Vie-Chavcalor ‘Technical University Punjab According to Punjab Tectnical University Prior approval of 80G / Gavt. of Punjab must be obiained. ‘Pinlad Unversity alow Rs. 600/- as Special Mlowance to the Registrar and PAL / pjbl Universty allow Special Alowance Rs. 1000/-10 me Regstrar. ie matier is placed before the Board for approval may please be allowed in addition to pay as itis a tenure post of "years (extendable for further period of three years.) tom No.15.10 To ciscusa and take appropriate decision regarding the adhoc employees of the University in view of the Board ‘s recommendations at its 10” meeting held on 20.503, The following posts were approved for various categories of grade 'C’ & ‘empioyses at the siart of the University [Nature of Poste Revised no. of posts] “recommended by Finance | Le —_Committo | [Data Entry Operators C 3 (Clerks c 32 Later on the distance education programme was started in June 2001 but no ost was sanctioned for running the work of Distance Education Programme ‘Against the above sanctioned posts the following number of employees were aepointed from tee to time on fixed salary mentioned against each caleners of post to look etfe: the work of PTU including Distance Education Programme. Gieris sf At afixed salary of Rs. 4500. Drivers 06 Ata fixed salary of Rs. 4090i- ‘Attendants 28 At afixed salary of Rs. 3000/ Maties. a1 Ata fixed salary of Rs. 3000). The employees have been representing time and again that their services May be regularised and they may be given regular ecale(s). As per draft fequilstions regarding eppointment of arade 'C’ & ‘D’ emeloyses yet to he approved by the govemment, the VC is the appointing authority for these ‘categories of post. There was no Board of Govemors for the period ater the xpi of the frst Board of Govemors in October, 1999 upto December 2001 ‘The 2" Board of Govemors was constituted vide notification No. PRB-2G- 2001/10850 datad December 13, 2001. The VC constituted a Committee of the follawing to consider the case for the raguiareation of employees Sh. SK, Bhatia, Registra Sh. K. $. Klair, COE if. Chawioha Singh, ‘The prescribed qualifications for these posts are as under. Clerks. Minimum qualification Graduate, greferably with knowledge of Computers and with typing speed of 30 wpm Middle pass having valid Driving License wthout ary punishment or penalty and minum espenence of tree years, ‘Attendants Middle proferably Matriculate Data Entry Operators Graduate with knowledge of Data _Enty Preference. with an experience from Govt. / recognized Organisation Certificate course in computing from s reputed Edu. Cenre Knowledge of Punjabi language upte Matic standard or its equivalent ‘No person was appointed in the scale of Data Entry Operator. ‘Sweepers / Chowkidars / Literete, (Punjab Goxt. has fixed minimum middle Males [pass qualifications with Punjabi for all posts) ‘The Committee screened the employees working on feted pay, scrutinized their service records and interviewed them and recommended their fegularsaton as under a) that the persons working against the posts of Clerks, Date Entry Operators, Drivers, Attendants, Malies may be placed in regular scale of Clerk, Driver, Attencant etc that all these ermployees will be considered on probation for one year In addtion to the above posts, some persons viz JE etc. are working in higher scale, they may be considered for placement in respactve scale after proper screening, The Vo accepied tie secommendations of tho Commitee and placed the ‘matter before the Board of Governors at iis 7" meeting held on 26.12.2001. It was also placed before the Boerd of Governors that to cope with the increased work due to tho starting of Distance Education Programme and increase in the number of affliated coleges, the additional persons appointed ‘against the sanctioned no. of pasts may also be reqularised. The Board of Governors discussed the matter in detail and decided as under - (@) The persons working against the posts of cerks, data entry operators, divers, atiendants, malies may be placed in regular scale (6) All these employous be considered on probation for one year (¢) _Inaddition to the above posts. persons, Viz. JE. ete, whe ave in higher scale, may be considered for placement in respective scale after proper screening, The Boerd further desired that statulory requrements regarding medical fitness and character venfication of these employees may also be gat competed within reasonable time The Board also observed that the following action wil ba taken by the’ University () Greaton of addtional posts may be brought before the Beard of Govemors at its regular meeting through the Finanes Commites (Fer further structuring of the stat, » hierarchical system be evolved. ‘and senior postions be created and some of the present employees be given a chance to be glacad in these positions on the basis af their ‘expenence, performance and capabiities, A reference was received from the State Goverment that the election for Vigran Sabha were declared in the evening of 25th December 2001 and as ah he pectesangs of the BoC regarding the reguisrzaticn of adhoc employees cannot be consifeted as valid. In view of this no further action was taken by the University for the regularization of the statf Keeping in view of the repeated representations: from the laff the VC constituted the follewing commttes to conser the matter regarding the grant ‘of regular scales to the existing staff Director (Colleges) Director (8D) OSD (Exams) Programme Co-ordinator Registrar — Convenor ‘After considering the matter from all angles the committee recommended as under 1. Stesio-ypist / Clerks / including employees warking on computers may be given the scale of 13,3120-5160 with a stat of Rs 3220 plus allowances provided they ful the prescribed quaifications, 2 Supporting staff / operators for vanous services like transport ete. may be given the scale of Rs, 2820-4050 plus allowances provided they fulfl the preserited quafficatane 3 Attendants. chowkidars, malies may be given the scale of Rs, 2520. 3140 with a start of Rs.2620 plus alowances provided they fulfl the brescribed qualiications. Parsons working against the post of Junior Engineer in me University may be given the scale of Rs 4020-6200 plus allowances for the ime. being. (The approved scale for the post of JE 's Rs.§800-£200 on Govt side) ‘Alleyal advice of ihe rerea High Court judge wes also obtained who advised that the precedure being adopted for giving regular Seale(s) is order And 35 such all the employees were givan the minimum of the scat of tne post against which thay were werking wef 1" March, 2002, ‘The Board of Governors at its ©" meeting held on Nov .20. 2002 decided to constitute various task force. Accorsingly Sh. Y. S. Rajan constituted the ‘ask force regarang protessionaiisation of the PTU staff ‘The BOG at its 10” meeting held an 20” May, 2003 considered the recommendations of the said task force and interaia took the following decision regarding the reqularization of the lower staf. $ was notes by the BOG that about move than 140 staff embers cade (C8 'D including 95 staf members (appointed during the period of Dr HS Gurm 28 VC) were appointed without advertisement of the past. Considering ever all inierest of PTU sysion aid conmidering rusia practical aspect of furetioning the PTU, the BOG approved the folowing in espect ct lowe staf 1 Regularization of existing staff subject to availabilty of posts through ‘constitution of the following committes, 2 For fower posts action for advertsement will be taken after the BOG ‘committee completes the review of the existing staff ang recommended anaction The Board further constituted the following committee to regulariee the lower stat - 1. Shi R S.Khandpur, Chaliman Director Genera! Pushpa Gujral Science City 2 DSK Salwan Member Senior Advigor, PTU 8 Dr D. Gaba Member Former Director. HRD, ORDO 4. Registar, PTU Member {n vow of the decision of the Bosrd of Governors taken in its 10° meeting held on 2cth May, 2003 vde item No, 10° that the services of the loner stat? be tequlanzed mapping the revised approved posts and the existing stat! ‘appointed on contract oF adhoc basis. This exercise should also include ‘utable test for which some notice may be given to the existing Saft ‘The above committee held its two meetings Le, on 03.00.2003 and 25092003 and examined this matter In detail In its last meeting held on 25092003, the Committee desided that a test and an interview for ‘regularzation of the services of the PTU staff be conducted. This decision Was notified to ail he Heads of Departments / Section inchrages of PTU vide No 6898 dated 28.08.2003 to get It noted from all the staf! members working Under them, A wniten test in respect of the staff working on technical posts ind drivers was held on 17.16.2003, which wae followed by an interview on the same day. Similarly, a writen teet and interview for other posts wore hele ‘on the dates given below. Name of the Post Date of test Date of interview Attendants 30.10.2003, 31.10.2003, Clorke 34.10.2003, 8" & 7" Nov, 2003, The matter regarding requlafzation of staff C&D employees was again discussed in the 11” mesting of BOG held on October 29. 2003. During the aiscussion of ths item, Shri KBS Sidhu, Secretary to Govt of Purjab Dept. of Technical Education & Industrial Training Chandigarh pointed oi that a letor has been received from the Viglance Deparment regarding the process being undertaken by the University fo: segulatizatio of lower love staf. ‘The letter had pointed that sinc the appointment ofthese officials has been found to be ireqular and tainted thei services deserves to be ferminated to sive a fair chance for recruitment against these posts to deserving candidates. YC pointed out that since he joined while news items appeared there was no letter rom Vighance Bureau to University. Also the BOG cacsion on the subject of regularization of existing sia™ was taken with due consideration of various news items from Vigilanes angle. Also the letter pertains only to 85 officials staff recruited by one former VC, Dr HS. Gurm. However the university since its incaption had no regular procedure and 44 oficial / staff ete recrrted since 189/ upto the joning of Dr. H.S. Gurm , are also adhoc ‘Thus al the 138 are adhoe. Two or three middle level persons were recruited ‘against advertisement These are the only stafl members avaliable at the university and universty s already grossly understated at senior ard middle postions as well as these levels. Of these if 139 are removed the university wil come to a grind halt. The Task Forse, which considered PTU staf. had the detailed tnowletge of these existing staff and did not try to adust or to ‘accommodate: They made ther own objective assessmert Considering the totally of the matter BOG took a decision to adjust the vacances ‘recommended by the Task Force against these oersons after @ due test and a commitee wth Shri Khandpur has been appointed to study the matter However before the process of reguiarizaton could ve started, some ‘employees filed @ writ peti in the Honourable court of Punjab & Haryana, BI. ‘The Honourable Court disposed of the wrt pation with the folowing orders dated 17-7-03 tecaived in PTU on 28” July 2003 "We dispose of this writ petition with the direction to respondert No-2 (PTU) to decide the representations dated 12.5.03,14.6.03 and 4.6.03 of the petiione’s in te light of relevant law, rules and nstuctions by passing a ‘speahing order within three months of the receipt of a copy of this order. It is further drectea thst while deciding the aforesaid representations, the case of allthe petitioners, who are the pettionars in the present writ patitone, ehail be considered irrespective of the fact as t whether they have made any ‘representation or not It further diected that til the matter is decided, status quo regarding Services of the petitioners shall be maintainea ‘As desired by BOG earlier, the statfs wore given notice of tests and indicated subject matter for writen tests, However, before the tests began a few staff members again went to court to try to step test and to go for direct absorption. The Hon'ble Court dismissed te writ peliion and ordered that the staf! stiouid undergo the process Prescribed by the university and only after university decides, i mey have ‘gilvence they can ‘Above ail the university 1s a running system and public Interest of about 32.000 students in affiliate colleges and about 20,000 students in Distance Education Programme is involved. If all the staff is removed, there is no question of running of the university any longer. VC said that he had already taken up the matter with higher levels of Punjao Govt, ‘Shri KBS Sidhu, Secretary Dept of Technical Education & Industrial Training and Shri Jashie Singh Bir, Spocial Secretary Depariment of Technical Education & industrial Training said while perhaps the tests could continue pooiniment could await unti the VB snater is sorted out VC said that i dificult 19 continue adhocism in such a manner for seven year. While he himself has avoided ad hoc appointment like this, unless the past 140 cases ate settled, the university cannot institute proper personnel policy and new ‘achievements of gap areas, Therefore the earler BOG decisions, which it Continues to emphasise, may stand. BOG agreed to folew the process of regularization. The committee has met and given the recommendations, Recommendations are kent pending. In the meantime, Mr. A. P. Pandey, IPS, adGP-curn-Chief Diecinr. Viglance Bureau, Punjab vie his letter No, 35447\VBVS-7 dated, Chandigarh the: - 45:10.2009 stated that FIR No. 68 dated 18.10.02 uis 420, 120-6 IPC and 13 (1) D RAW 13(2) 88 PC Act PSIVBIAL eganst Sh. Jagdish Singh Garcha, Ex- ‘Technical Education Minister, Punjab has been registered by the Vigilance Bureau, Punjab against the senior functionaries of PTU, Jalanchar in which ‘one of the main allegation is that 95 affcers / offcials were recited ilegally by the then senior officials in the year 2002. it has come to the light thatthe PTU hae started the process for regularizing the services of thece 05 officers / officials whose solection was found to be tainted by the Vigiance Bureau ‘The investigation of this case has been completed and the charge sheet has been submitted in the court of Hon'ble District & Session Judge, Jalandhar for ‘lal Since the appointnent of these offi has Been found to be regular and tainted their Services deserve to be terminated to give fair chence for recruitment against these posts to the candidates. ‘The number of each category of staff is as given below’ Clerks 90 All persons in this catagory full the quaifications of Clerks 2s leave aside two persons who are 10+2, allothers are graduate or above Divers 07 ‘They fulfl the requisite qualifications for the past Aitendants 45 All attendants are middle pass Le. minimum ‘qualifications and above excepting two persons ‘who are under-middia. Everyone has appeared in test In adaition there are 36 axtendents / chowkidars on monthly basis wne nave ‘as appeared in the test for rogulavization, © perscns ate in higher scale. They are working on different posts. All of them have appeared in the test for hes reguianzation. 95 employees appointed during the period of Dr. H. S, Gurm Ex- VC. 44 employees were appointed befere the joining of O. H. S. Gur as VC. Alot these employees were oppoinied wihout giving ary advertisement in the paper. In-a Civ Writ Petition No, 7801 of 2004 Prof Satctard Singh Secy, General, Sikh Student Federation (Mehta) having its sub-office under VPO Khiala Kalan, The. Ajnala Distt. Amritsar Versus 1. The State of Punjab through ts Chief Secretary, Dept. of Technical Education, Punjab Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh 2. The Punjab Technical University, Jalandnas through &s Registrar 3. The Vice Chanoetior, Punjab Technical University, Jelarshar where the peiitioner hes prayed for issuance a writin the nature of Mandamus directing the respondent No. 1 to appoint a High Level Committee enquiry, ‘with regard to 95 appointments who have declared 3s irregular und tainted by the Vigilance Bureau, Punjab, Jalanéhar Range, Jalandhar. The Honble Court gave the following directions in the above said wrt petition “in the facts and circumstances of the case, we consider it appropriate to dispose of this petiton with the direction to the respondents to pass an ‘appropriate speaking orde* on the afore-said legal notice dated 15.04.2008 “within a period of four months from the date a cerified copy of this order is brought to their netice.” ‘The matter is placed before the Board of Govemors for consideration and Necessary decision Item No. 15.11, Recommendations for nomination in the Board ‘As per the PTU Act no, t-Leg / 97 of 12.2.1997, the Chancellor will appoire the following members of the BOG for the petied of three years and they shal! be eigble for re-appointment fro another terms ofthe same period ; Ex-Officio Members: 1. Vice-Chanewlor, Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar Vice-Chancellor, University of Roorkee, Roorkee Uttar Pradesh Director of Indian Institute of Techrology, Dehi Secretary to Government of Punjab, Department of Technical Education ard Industrial Training ‘Secretary 1 Government of Punjab, Department of Finance Chainer ofthe North-West Committee, All India Counel fer Technical Education, Chandigarh 7. President ofthe Confederation of Indian Industry or his nominee 5. 6. Nominated Member 8. Two members of the eminent Industrialsts 9. Two eminent technologists 10, One rincipal of coteges by rotation 11, One Head of the Department out of the Heads of Deaarments of tne University by rotason. Dr. S'S Koorer Principal BCET, Gurdaspur who was the nominated member ofthe Board (ane member of the College by rotation) has retired on 28.2.04 Boards requested to recommenc to the Chancellor for nomination of one of Principal of Colleges. A fst of the Princials ofthe Govemment Coleges end Private Cooges ic aso ences! «s Annexure = ‘The fllowing members are not able to attend the meeting of BOG : ‘Shi Atamjt Singh Bawa (Industilist) rop W/S Lotus Bawa Comoary Nakodhar Road Jalandhar Shi Rajinder Gupta (Indutralist) Abhishak Inducties Utd 85, Industrial Area's’ Ludhiana ‘Shi Aramit Singh Bawa attended only ane meeting out of seven meetings of the ‘Soard and Shn Rajinder Gupte could not attenc any meeting ofthe Board. Board Is requested to consider the matter and take aporopriate decsion accordingly, ‘Term of the Board “The recommendations ofthe BOG for nomination is to De approved by the Chancallor TU, it's requested that Board may initate action thres months mn advance, Bem No, 15.12: To consider and approve the amendment of Academic Regulations (2001). {In view of the following considerations, the Vice Chancellor appointed a committee to Fewew the Academic Regulations of the University: + The input eigitity criterion hes undergone dilution over the years and has roaulted i deterioration of quality of students taking admission in techrical fedcation pragrams It is widely felt that applying various fiters results in congregation of weaker students and the focus of the academic standards is unconscously decided by their standards rather thar catering to the bright studants. Although, the percentages of falures in affilatad colloges of Purjab Technical University is in consonance with the statistics of other Universties, yet, the existing environment has threatened continuance of exsting Regulabons. Over the past few years, academic envronment has been vitated by nandha of students which has resulted in foss of racial academic days within a semester, Under this pretext. a committee as under was nominated ‘or a cetaied revew of Aracemic regulators: 4, He, PL. Konll, Former Controier and Registrar, Delhi and Former Deputy Secretary, AICTE. Mr, Vietor Gambhir, Joint Director, Directorate of Techrical Edveation, Gavt. of Prof. Bairam Dogra, Director, Apesjay Insitute of Management, Jalanchar . Prof. H.S. Sagar, Principal, Sant Baba Bhag Singh Institute of Engineering ane Technology, Pachiene, Jalenchar & Former Principal, MIT, Jalandhar 6. OF. RP. Singh, Associate Doan (PSO), PTU 2 Haryana 3. Mr, Manish Jindal, Farmer Assstant Director (Lega), AICTE 4 5. ‘The committee held several meetings at New Delhi and prepared the recommendations and a reoort. It was decided that the local members shal present the rerairmendations and present i tothe acadorsic Counc ‘The report was presented in the 17" Meeting of the Academic Cound held on August 5, 2004 and the recommendations were approved in principle. The Academic ‘Councl authorized the Vice-chaneellor to present the report to the BOG. It vas also ‘agreed that certain writen observations of the Academic Cours! members may be compiled by the local members and put up to the Vic-chancellr. The campiten labservations of the members ofthe Academic Council are put on the table, ‘The full report along with the revised Regulations is placed for consideration ane Spore of tie Coord of Governors

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