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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: F. Martin-Martínez, A. Sánchez-Miralles, M. Rivier

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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A literature review of Microgrids: A functional layer

based classification
F. Martin-Martínez n, A. Sánchez-Miralles, M. Rivier
Institute for Research in Technology (IIT), ICAI School of Engineering, Comillas Pontifical University, Santa Cruz de Marcenado 26, 28015 Madrid, Spain

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Operation of distributed energy resources and resilience related problems are becoming of most
Received 3 November 2014 importance in the pursuit for a more sustainable electricity delivery. Microgrids (MGs) could contribute
Received in revised form significantly to both issues and may play an important role in the new decentralized paradigm of power
19 August 2015
systems. This paper proposes a hierarchical organizational scheme of MGs with a clear distinction of the
Accepted 3 May 2016
Microgrid, Nanogrid and Picogrid concepts, and addresses a detailed technical literature review to
identify and classify MGs main features and design alternatives. Definitions; descriptions of MGs,
Keywords: Nanogrids, Picogrids; operation modes; business models and communication protocols are dispersed in
Microgrid the literature. In order to gather clearly all the existing information, this review has been organized
Communication protocols
according to four functional layers, inspired by the ones commonly used in Smart Grid architecture
Microgrid testbeds
description. For each one and whenever possible, the paper classifies the outcomes of the review in a
Aggregation types
Business models table kind of format that helps summarizing the different MGs' options. Regarding the first layer, the
Distributed energy resources paper describes the different physical devices involved in MGs, such as generators, converters, electric
Demand response vehicles (EV) and energy storage systems (DS) and the DC levels that are being discussed. For the second
layer the paper addresses a review of the communication protocols currently used or proposed. Then, the
intelligence layer is analyzed concerning any decision making issue related to operation and planning of
the MGs as well as any other aspect that may be relevant for taking advantage of MGs potentiality. In the
last layer, the paper reviews different business models adapted to a future where MGs will be deployed.
Finally, the paper ends with an exhaustive review of the practical MG experiences in place worldwide,
classified according to the issues presented previously, and a brief discussion of the key points to be
addressed in the MGs deployment.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1134
2. Structure and architecture of a MG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1134
3. Physical layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1135
4. Communication layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1136
5. Intelligence layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139
5.1. Main characteristics of MG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139
5.2. Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141
5.3. Optimal planning of distributed resources and operation in grid connected mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142
5.4. Optimal isolated operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142
5.5. Demand response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1142
5.6. Stability control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1143
5.7. Aggregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144
5.7.1. EV fleets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144
5.7.2. VPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: francisco.martin@iit.comillas.edu (F. Martin-Martínez), alvaro@comillas.es (A. Sánchez-Miralles), michel@iit.comillas.edu (M. Rivier).

1364-0321/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1134 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

6. Business models layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1144

7. Microgrids in the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1146
8. Critical analysis on Microgrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1146
9. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1150
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1151

1. Introduction MG concept. They usually correspond to smaller subsets of the grid.

They have been already mentioned in other studies such as [7].
In the near future, renewable energy sources (RESs), distributed This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 proposes a hier-
generation (DG) and DSs will be deployed in power systems archical organizational scheme of the MGs with a clear distinction of
leading, among others, to significant changes in the way dis- the Microgrid, Nanogrid and Picogrid concepts involved. Section 3
tribution networks are currently operated, closely linked to the focuses on the first layer and performs a review of converters, types of
future Smart Grids [1]. loads and generation technologies currently used in MGs. Section 4
Policies in many countries are encouraging the deployment of presents the communication layer with a review of the main protocols
these new distributed energy resources (DERs) with the objectives used or proposed so far to exchange signals, orders, and information.
of minimizing environmental impact and supply costs, and Section 5 deals with the intelligence layer, with a review of the ways
increasing system efficiency, reliability and resilience. This, toge- of aggregating DERs and the modes of operation of a MG. Section 6
ther with the fast development of information and communica- discusses the future business models concerning MGs proposed so far.
tions technologies (ICT), is fostering the study and appearance of Section 7 includes an exhaustive review of the MG experiences
more decentralized business models to efficiently manage DERs around the world. Finally, Section 8 ends with a brief discussion of the
which range from the MG and virtual power plants (VPP) concepts current issues related to MG to be addressed by researchers and the
to the deployment of new distributed services like aggregations of authors final conclusions.
energy resources or electric vehicle fleets. These new business
models seek to provide value to generators, grid operators, end-
users and electricity market [2,3].
2. Structure and architecture of a MG
There is still a lot of work to do to clearly assess the advantages
and disadvantages of the different approaches that can be adopted.
As mentioned, two are the main architectures of MGs defined
Fully MGs based schemes seem to offer the best solution regarding
in the literature so far: the American one, developed by the CERTS
resiliency, although their overall technical benefits need still to be
(Fig. 2) [4,8], and the European one (Fig. 3) [8,9] described in the
further discussed. Indeed this kind of approach requires decen-
MICROGRIDS and MORE MICROGRIDS projects. However, the main
tralized controls and new business models able to cope for
difference between them is that CERTS MG is conceived to provide
instance with system balancing and energy prices clearing pro-
both power and heat while the European MG only provides power
cesses. Other solutions like VPP or other kinds of aggregation
[8], although they can be operated in isolated mode.
seems to behave better for efficiency objectives since they fit
For sake of clarity and as a natural extension of the MG concept,
better with centralized generation schemes that benefit from
we propose in this paper to include at this point two additional
economies of scale.
less used concepts in order to configure a new hierarchical
To better understand how and how much MGs could contribute
scheme, the Nanogrid that can be defined as the grid of a building
to a more sustainable electricity delivery in the future and the role
with DER and DS systems and the Picogrid as an aggregation of the
they may play in the new decentralized paradigm of power sys-
manageable loads connected in a household. Although these terms
tems, this paper addresses a deep technical literature review
have been used in previous studies, each one has been used in a
related to MGs. MG is a concept still not fully clearly defined.
different way. Authors use this distinction to classify and define
Indeed different authors refer to it in distinct ways. MG is usually
MG structures as explained in next paragraphs. Thus, our hier-
defined as a cluster of micro-generators, storage systems and loads
archical approach (Fig. 4) encompasses all the chain from house-
operating as a single system [4], although formal definitions differ
holds up to the distribution networks. Picogrids, Nanogrids and
in the literature. This concept of MG was set by the Consortium for
MGs are the electricity grids which usually correspond to house-
Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS) in the USA and it
holds, buildings and neighborhoods respectively, and which are
was defined as “an aggregation of loads and microsources oper-
finally connected to the power distribution grid or to another MG.
ating as a single system providing both power and heat” [4].
This division allows a clear distinction of the functions (as
However, in the EU approach, see for instance the European
MICROGRIDS project, a MG is defined as “a low voltage distribu-
tion network comprising various DG, storage devices and con-
trollable loads that can operate interconnected or isolated from
the main distribution grids” [5].
Regulatory Framework
The paper performs a review and classification of MGs' accord-
Business Models
ing to four functional layers inspired in the division of the Smart

Grid architecture model described by the European Commission in
[6]. The layers described in [6] are: the Component layer, the Communications

Communication layer, the Information layer, the Function layer and Infrastructure
the Business layer. In order to clarify the MG concept and its defi- Microgrid
nition this paper use a similar division (Fig. 1) to the one used in [6]. Picogrid
However, in this paper, layers are divided in different levels (MG,
Nanogrid and Picogrid), according to their functionality within the Fig. 1. Distribution network with the Microgrid model.
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1135

described in Section 5) that define what is a Picogrid, Nanogrid or uninterruptable power systems (UPS). Energy boxes (EB) or any
MG. home energy management system will be in charge of these
Picogrids are responsible for carrying out peak-shaving, load- algorithms. In our concept, these management systems will belong
shifting (price signals) and other energy management algorithms to an energy service provider (ESP) or to an aggregator/retailer.
for all the household devices being connected as pico-loads to the This level does not include generation systems. Its main objectives
network, including low capacity local storage systems, such as are to carry out load management to minimize energy purchase
costs and to execute orders resulting from the Nanogrid.
Nanogrids are in charge of controlling nano-generation (nano-
wind turbines and photovoltaic panels), nano-loads and Picogrids.
Nanogrids may also include DS, for example batteries from EVs
parked in a building. For this reason, Nanogrids not only will use
peak-shaving, load-shifting (price signals and DS operation) and
other energy management algorithms in order to manage its loads,
but also will try to maximize DER integration. They will use
building management system (BMS) from an ESP or aggregator/
retailer to carry out their services.
At the third level in the grid hierarchy is the Microgrid.
Microgrids control Nanogrids and micro-generation (micro-wind
turbines, biomass boilers, Combined Heating, Cooling and Power –
CHCP). Microgrids may be either directly connected to the elec-
tricity distribution power network, at least at one connection
point, or connected to another MG. Their main functions are to
maximize the DER integration and to assure the isolated operation
of the system when it is required. For these reasons, there will be
two systems in this network: a MG Management System (MGMS)
Fig. 2. Vision of the MG by CERTS [4].
from the DSO or a DISCO whose main function is to guarantee
stability and security in the network and an Aggregated Manage-
ment System (AMS) owned by an ESP or aggregator/retailer which
is in charge of the energy and economic exchanges of the MG and
providing energy efficiency services.
This proposed hierarchical structure will serve as reference also
to the review process performed in next sections for each one of
the functional layers.

3. Physical layer

This layer contains all physical elements that take part in a MG

(or in a smart grid in a wider sense): loads, distributed generators
(photovoltaic systems (PV) or wind turbines), DSs (EVs or bat-
teries) and power electronic systems. This section performs a
review and analysis of technologies involved in MG (DG, DS, EV)
according to the literature, and studies the differences between DC
Fig. 3. Vision of the MG by the MICROGRID project [9]. and AC usage in lower voltage networks.

Electronic device
VSC: Back to Back Voltage Source CHCP: Combined Heat Cold & Power
Generator CHP: Combined Heat & Power
ECU: Electronic Control Unit
Renewable generator PV: Photovoltaic panels
Load Compensator
Storage uWind nWind
Mill PV Mill
CHCP pLoad pLoad
Inverter Inverter Inverter On/Off Regulator
VSC/ECU control

Power grid VSC Microgrid Nanogrid Picogrid

VSC/ECU VSC/ECU Inverter control
CHP Geothermic Storage UPS
Picogrid Diesel
Nanogrid generator Regulator
Microgrid VSC/ECU

Fig. 4. Physical structure of the smart electric power grids.

1136 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

As shown in Fig. 4, electronic power systems are required in Combination of energy storages, loads and distributed genera-
order to obtain a plug-and-play functionality of all the devices tion is known as hybrid energy systems, which generate AC elec-
connected to the different levels of the MG. MGs need to change tricity using different configurations as described in [21]: Series,
their operating mode between grid-connected and island modes Switched and Parallel. The Series configuration has a DC bus where
and new DERs need this plug-and-play ability in order to be all generators and loads are connected through their respective
connected without altering the system. Therefore, electronic converters. The Parallel configuration has an AC bus where gen-
power systems are used in the connection point between MG and erators (a diesel generator in [21]) and loads are directly con-
the power grid (using a “back to back Voltage Source Converter”, nected, and being the DC devices connected using their own
VSC), and in the connection points of DERs to the Nanogrid or inverters or using a DC bus which connects to the AC bus using a
loads to the Picogrid [10] (using VSC or “Electronic Control Unit”, bi-directional inverter. Finally, in the Switched configuration, the
ECU). For instance, solar arrays and electric batteries need these load can be supplied by the DER or by the grid but not both at the
inverters in order to obtain the required frequency and amplitude. same time. This configuration has a DC bus and an AC bus con-
These converters are conventionally single- or three-phase, two nected by two inverters. One is used to charge the battery and the
stage bidirectional converters made up of a VSC (AC to DC stage) other is used when the load is supplied by the DER. The main
and a buck or buck-boost choppers (DC–DC stage) [11–13]. advantages and disadvantages of those configurations are sum-
Some DERs such as PV or DS produce DC current, and many marized in [22] and shown in Table 2.
appliances or household devices consume DC current. Therefore, Some works like [23,24], propose to use converters able to
the use of DC technology in the home areas could be a promising provide both AC and DC currents at the same time. The main
solution, leading several studies to investigate control methods advantage is that a single converter can supply both DC and AC
and appropriate voltage levels of DC in households [14] (no voltage loads from a single DC input. Other advantages are: the AC output
standard levels of DC have been set up to now). An important can be lower or higher than the DC source voltage; it shows better
initiative in that direction is the, which did a call for participation electromagnetic noise immunity than the voltage source inverter;
about DC in the home launched by the IEEE Standards Association and it does not need dead-time circuit because it allows shoot-
in November 2013 in order to establish a business case and stan- through (both switches in one leg are ON) in the inverter legs,
dard voltage levels for DC [15]. Thus, it could be more feasible to which in traditional voltage source inverters causes damages due
find a DC bus in the Picogrids and Nanogrids than in a MG as to the short-circuit current.
suggested by [7,16]. This fact is due to the bigger size of the MG As mentioned, there are no standards in the voltage levels for
which complicates the security requirements of DC. However, DC DC at home, being security the main criterion, and knowing that
in distribution networks is studied in [17] and it concludes that AC high levels are required for applications which demand high
grids are outperformed by DC grids in large distribution systems, power in order to avoid high currents and losses rates. When the
particularly with high DG penetration. [7] proposes an architecture voltage is over the upper low-voltage bound in dry conditions
of an electric power system similar to the one suggested in this (120 V), it has to be inaccessible to people. The most common
work. Its system is called Intergrid and it is made of a mix of voltage levels mentioned in the literature are (Table 3):
Picogrids, AC- or DC-Nanogrids, MGs and Megagrids that can Generation technologies, DSs and EVs are reviewed in [33]. For
operate alone, being hierarchically interconnected. In [16], the each one of them, it makes a comparison between different
authors describe DC and AC MGs and which are the links between technologies as shown in Table 4. Moreover, the main renewable
them in their hierarchical approach. energies and technologies are reviewed, and their profitability
Using DC versus AC has some advantages [12,13,18], as shown studied to highlight their current economic feasibility in [34]. The
in Table 1. One of the most important ones is the lowering of losses current profitability of renewable sources could be studied using
because the AC/DC conversion stage and the power factor cor- this kind of studies. For instance, some RES such as wind are more
rection circuit are not necessary. Moreover, the characteristics of profitable in the median scale than in small scale systems
DC decrease the losses too. DC does not present current harmo- according to [35].
nics, skin effects or reactive power related issues. In addition, after On the other side, different type of loads (commercial, resi-
a blackout or voltage sag, there is no change in the DC bus voltage dential or industrial loads) can be found in distribution networks.
due to the stored energy of the capacitor and the control of the AC/ Residential loads in Spain have been studied in [36,37]. They show
DC converter. Finally, if the wires support the voltage levels, there the percentage of penetration of different appliances and the
is no need of changing them. importance of the electric heating, which is the main source for
On the other hand, the use of DC has also some drawbacks such demand response (DR) programs in the Spanish system.
as the need for more complex and expensive protections in the
distribution systems. This complexity rises from not having zero
crossing points so that it is much difficult for breakers to open a 4. Communication layer
circuit and from the use of higher voltage levels in the system.
More advantages are reviewed in [19] and a detailed study on AC The communication layer is in charge of providing the intelli-
and DC distribution systems can be found in [20]. gence layer with all the data and information on the status of the
physical layer in order to properly carry out its functions. This
Table 1
paper contributes to this layer review providing a table classifying
Main benefits and drawback of using DC instead of AC. the current uses, characteristics and the Open System Inter-
connection (OSI) levels of the communication protocols.
Advantages Disadvantages This topic has been studied mainly from the point of view of
Smart Grids because there are few studies dealing with MGs'
 Lower losses.  Protection System more
 No reactive power. complex. communication issues. However, we argue that the same concepts
 No harmonics.  No zero crossing points. can be applied to our MGs scheme, taking into account the divi-
 No power factor correction.  Higher voltage levels. sion used in Smart Grids related studies. Different levels of com-
 No changes in the dc bus voltage after a munication networks can be found in the literature related to
blackout or voltage sag.
 No need of changing wires in some cases.
Smart Grids. Thus, the communication protocols can be found in
the literature organized in a different number of area networks
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1137

Table 2
Hybrid energy system configurations from [22].

Advantages Disadvantages Schemes

Series  The generator can be sized to be optimally loaded  The load inverter must be sized to supply the peak
while supplying the load and charging the load of the system.
battery bank.  The battery bank is cycled frequently, which shortens
 No switching of AC power between the different its lifetime.
energy sources is required.  The cycling profile requires a large battery bank to
 No interruptions in the power supplied to the load, limit the depth-of-discharge (DOD).
when the diesel generator is started.  The diesel cannot supply power directly to the load;
 The inverter can generate the signal desired therefore the system efficiency is low.
depending on the application.  Inverter failure results in complete loss of power to
the load

Paral-  The system load can be met in an optimal way.  Automatic control is essential for the reliable opera-
lel  A reduction in the capacities of the DER is feasible. tion of the system.
 Diesel generator efficiency can be maximized  The inverter has to be a true sine-wave inverter with
while its maintenance can be minimized. the ability to synchronize with a secondary AC source.
 System operation is less transparent to the untrained
user of the system

Switch  The inverter can generate the signal desired  Power to the load is interrupted when the AC power
depending on the application. sources are changed.
 The diesel generator can supply the load directly  The load inverter is designed to supply the peak load,
which reduces its efficiency at part load operation.

such as: Wide-area network (WAN), Field Area Network (FAN), Table 3
Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) Building Area Network (BAN), DC voltage levels in the literature [11,12,18,25–32].

Industrial Area Network (IAN) and Home Area Network (HAN).

Voltage Data Ref.
– WAN: This Area is a high bandwidth communication network
that handles long-distance data transmissions providing two- 380 V Voltage standard developed by EPRI and Lawr- [11,18,25–
ence Berkley National Laboratory for data centers 27,31, 32]
ways communication for automation and monitoring purposes
and also by Emerge Alliance. It usually appears
[38]. divided in 7 190 V and neutral line.
– FAN and NAN: There are parallels between them in the literature 340 V Divided in 7 170 V and neutral line. [28]
because they are both located in the distribution networks [39]. 325 V The maximum of the rectified sine-wave [29]
FAN can be described as a bridge between customer's premises 230 V – [12,29]
120 V Upper low-voltage bound under dry conditions by [25]
and secondary substation with data concentrators [38]. On the
other hand, NAN is established among smart meters of the 60 V – [25]
houses in an area to support Home Energy Management 48 V A standard already in the telecommunication [18,25,30]
Systems (HEMS) and it consists of a number of BANs [40]. market
24 V Only designed for appliances with low-power [25–27,30]
– BAN, IAN and HAN: These are Local Area Networks (LAN) and
requirements. It is also a standard from Emerge
each one will correspond to a kind of consumer: domestic Alliance.
consumers would be in HANs and industries would be in IANs. 20 V – [29]
The BAN aggregates several HANs that are associated to indivi-
dual apartments [41].
defined in the literature in contrast with others papers where they
Fig. 5 shows how all these different area networks used in the only make use of few of them.
Smart Grid Concept fit into the MG conceptual model proposed in The lowest levels of the communication architecture are the BAN
this paper. A description of the most common communication [42] and the HAN. The former manages the communications inside
protocols to be used in each of these levels follows. It is important each building (Nanogrid) and they are in charge of collecting the
to highlight that Fig. 5 takes into account all the areas network consumption of each apartment (Picogrid) and the production of
1138 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Table 4
Technology review adapted from [33].


Type Power Dispatchable Eff. % Common app.a

Electric (e) Thermal


Solar PV X – No o 30% PG, NG

Solar TC – X No o 60% PG, NG
Solar CSP X0 X Yes o 60% Thermal: MG
Electric: MG, P
Solar PV/T X X No 430% PG, NG, MG
Wind power X – No o 60% MG, P
Poly-generation X X Yes 460% NG, MG
Biomass X X Yes o 60% Thermal: PG, NG, MG
Electric: MG, P
Geothermal X' X Yes 460% Thermal: PG, NG, MG
Electric: MG, P


Type Density Resp. time Cycle life (time) Eff. % App.b

Ener. wh/ Pow.w/kg
Battery 20–200 25–1000 30 60–80 200–2000 B, DS, DG
SMES 30–100 1e4-1e5 5 95–98 1.00E þ 06 PQ
Fly-wheel may-50 1e3-5e3 5 95 4 20,000 DS, DG, PQ
Super Cap o 50 4000 5 95 4 50,000 PQ
NaS 120 120 o 100 70 2000 B, DS, DG
Comp. air N/A N/A 41e3 70–80 41e6 B
Hydro-electric N/A N/A 41e3 70–85 41e6 B


Vehicle Init. cost (kUSD) Comm. avail. Eff. % Main challenges

EV 21.3 Now 450% Chemical sustainability, battery costs
HEV 24.2 Now o 50% Chemical sustainability, battery costs
Hydrogen ICE 18 In 2–3 years o 25% Lack of infrastructure
Fuel-Cell 40 In 2–3 years o 25% Lack of infrastructures, high costs
Biofuels 17.1 Now o 25% CO2 fixation, responsible farming

PG: Picogrid, NG: Nanogrid, MG: Microgrid, P: Power plant.
B: bulk storage; DG: distributed gen. DS: distributed energy storage; PQ: power quality storage.

FAN Industry
NAN Picogrid
Microgrid HAN
WAN Nanogrid

Power grid Microgrid Electronic

Nanogrid Picogrid Devices

Nanogrid UPS


Fig. 5. Communication Area Networks in the Microgrids concept.

the RES within the building. The latter are responsible of gathering based in the standard IEEE 802.15.4 but in order to support the most
the consumption data and controlling the smart appliances within widespread protocol, TCP/IP, they include the IP protocol in their
each apartment (Picogrid), being the Home Energy Management network layer.
Systems (HEMS) and home automation systems that perform these In an upper level, a NAN could be used for the communications
functions. The HEMS also include graphical user interfaces where inside a Microgrid. At distribution level, it also can be found a FAN
the consumers could see their consumption and SCADA systems to which is responsible of the communications between the substa-
save the information. In these systems, the most used protocols are tions and the Microgrid. These areas host standards for substation
Wi-Fi [38,41–43], HomePlug [38,41], DSL [44], ZigBee [38,39,41– and automation such as IEC 61850 [38,43,46,47]. Before the con-
43,45–49], ZigBee Smart Energy [41,43,46], 6loWPAN [41,42,46,49], sumption and production data of each Nanogrid is sent to the DSO,
Dash7 [43,50] or PLC [39,41,43,46]. ZigBee SEP and 6lowPan are each Microgrid has a NAN with a central data hub in charge of
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1139

Longer distance (WAN)

Microgrids (NAN, FAN)
Picogrids y Nanogrids (HAN, BAN, IAN)

ZigBee SEP
Session Upper layer protocols



Dash 7
Network 6loWPAN
Data Link
IEEE 802.15.4 D L O GSM LTE WiMAX Satellite
Physical S C N

Fig. 6. Common protocols used in the MG environment based on [41,52].

collecting the data packets and storing them. Nowadays, com- union which is a middleware platform in order to develop differ-
munications drivers used are Wi-Fi [39,41,43,45–47] for buildings, ent applications that can use different protocols underneath.
PLC [39], DSL [41], cellular communications (EDGE, GPRS, GSM)
[41,43,45,47,48] or Fiber [41].
Finally, energy management systems have the goal of opti- 5. Intelligence layer
mizing the energy use, collecting power consumption and power
production data of different Microgrids. The consumption of This layer includes all the control and decision making systems,
buildings and industries related data in each Microgrid are local or centralized that process the information coming from the
transferred to a gateway from the smart meters, and then the elements located on the physical layer (loads, DG, Picogrids,
gateway sends the message to the WAN. In the WAN there will be Nanogrids and MG). It uses the communication layer to be con-
a central controller that could be the DSO or any other operator nected with sensors, metering systems and actuators located in
which optimizes the electrical power system sending parameters the physical layer. Each grid subset would have its own objectives
to the Microgrid Operator (MGO). The current communications' (Table 6) which have been briefly explained before:
drivers used in these networks are 3G/4G (LTE) [39,41,47,51],
cellular communications [38,39,45], Satellite [41] WiMAX  The Picogrid would try to perform load leveling and load-
[38,39,41,43,45–47] or Optical Fiber [38,41]. shifting for reducing the cost of the energy consumed. End-
Fig. 6 summarizes the most common protocols split by their user's preferences and price signals would be taken into
OSI layers and where they can be used. In addition, the main use account by the EB in the Picogrid in order to manage its loads.
and characteristics of these protocols are explained in the Table 5.
 The aims of the Nanogrid would be to obtain the most of the
As shown in Table 5, there are various protocols and standards renewable sources and to reduce energy losses using peak-
shaving, load leveling and load-shifting algorithms. BMSs would
that can be used for carrying out the same work. Furthermore, the
try to manage the generation and the storage optimally.
amount of protocols and standards are continuously increasing
 MG would have two main objectives depending on their
with new ones, like the ISA 100 Committee which seeks to offer
operation mode. When the MGs are working in a grid-
standards for implementing wireless systems in the automation
connected mode, AMSs would aggregate the clients in order
and control environment [53]. So, there is a strong requirement for
to interact with the wholesale markets. However, when the
all gateways used among the different area networks to be com-
MGs are operating in islanded mode, AMS would try to manage
patible with different standards and protocols.
the energy and economic flows of the MG using for example a
The interoperability between different ways of communication
local market. In addition, AMSs would provide energy efficiency
will allow various different systems (HEMS, smart meters…) to
services. In both modes, MGMS would try to guarantee the
share the required smart grid information. The open platform stability and security of the network in real time.
OGEMA (Open Gateway Energy Management Alliance) is an
example of this approach at the households' level. OGEMA was This section explains and provides a literature review of the
created in order to use different protocols in the same software main tasks to be addressed by MGs. These tasks concern several
[54]. Similarly, an ARTEMIS project known as SOFIA has the issues such as planning, control schemes and operation in both
objective of connecting the physical layer with the intelligence modes of operation. It includes also other topics related with MG'
layer maintaining interoperability between different entities [55]. operation such as demand response programs, aggregation of
In the same way, the concept of Internet of Things is being used resources, and stability.
[49], where all the devices are connected to the Internet with a
unique IP and they can share data between them. 5.1. Main characteristics of MG
Other companies have developed their own protocols such as
IBM which has implemented the MQTT protocol [56]. The purpose MGs may play an important role regarding resiliency. In the last
of MQTT is to be an open protocol in order to be used in smart years, the concept of resiliency, defined as the ability of a material
energy meters, industrial control systems, sensors and any device to resist under disturbances, outages or catastrophes, has become
able to communicate messages. In that sense, IBM has developed one of the most important objectives in distribution network
an event management system called Intelligent Operations Center designs. For sure resiliency is one the main contributions that MGs
(IOC) that uses this protocol to extend its range. However, there can offer due to their capability of operating disconnected from
are also public initiatives such as FIWARE [57] from the European the grid. The importance of resiliency and the use of MGs are being
Table 5
Communication protocols: main uses and characteristics [41,43,47,58].

F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Wired Wireless

PLC Optical Fibers DSL ISO/IEC Mobile- WPAN 802.15 Wi-Fi (IEEE WiMAX (IEEE Cellular Networks Satellite
18000-7 Fi (IEEE 802.11) 802.16)
802.20) IEEE IEEE IEEE 802.15.4 GSM, GPRS 3G/4G
802.15.4/ 802.15.1

HEM ✓ I ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Advanced Metering ✓ ✓ ✓ I ? ✓A ✓ ✓B ✓B ✓B
Demand Response ? ✓ ✓ I ✓ ✓B ✓B ✓B
Substation and ✓ ? I ✓ ? ? ?
Automation and
Outage I ✓
Electric Vehicle I ✓ ? ✓ ✓ ? ✓
Wide-area Situa- ✓ I ✓ ✓ ✓
tional Awareness
Distribution Net- ? I ? ✓ ✓ ? ✓
Asset and Meter I ? ?
Distributed energy I ✓ ? ? ✓
resources and
Standards (Layers NB-PLC [KNX (1- AON, BPON, HDSL, ADSL, DASH 7 - 6LowPan Bluetooth IEEE 802.15-4 (1- IEEE 802.11e IEEE 802.16 EDGE, HSPA, HSPA þ LEO [Iridium]
in the OSI Model) 7), LonWorks, GPON, EPON ADSL2, ADSL2 þ , (1-7) (3) (1-7) 2) IEEE 802.11n IEEE 802.16j GSM, GPRS & LTE (1-3) MEO & GEO
Insteon, X10] (1-2) VDSL, VDSL2 (1) ZigBee (3-7), IEEE 802.11s IEEE 802.16 m (1-3) [inmarsat &
ZigBee SEP IEEE 802.11p (1-2) BGAN] (1-2)
BB-PLC (3-7), Wireles- (1-2)
[HomePlug] sHART (1-4, 7)
Coverage NB-PLC: up to AON: up to ADSL: up to 1 km – similar to up to 10–75 m IEEE 802.11e/ IEEE 802.16 up – HSPA þ : up to depend on the
150 km BB-PLC: 10 km, BBPON 4 km, ADSL2 & zigbee 100 m s/n: up to to 10 km 5 km number of
up to 1.5 km & GPON: up to ADSL2 þ: up to 300 m satellites and
20–60 km 7 km, VDSL: up p: up to 1 km IEEE 802.16 m: LTE: up to their beams
EPON: up to to 1.2 km, up to 100 km 100 km
20 km VDSL2: up to
1 km
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1141

Table 6
Iridium: (2.4–

BGAN: (384–
Services in each level.
128 kbps),

450 kbps)
28 kbps),

Size Resources Services


DER DS Loads
5.75 Mbps up;

22 Mbps up;

86 Mbps up
Picogrid House Load Management, energy
14.4 Mbps

326 Mbps
efficiency, demand response
84 Mbps
HSPA þ :
down &

down &

down &
✓ ✓ ✓

Nanogrid Building DG & Load management,

LTE: energy efficiency
Microgrid Neighborhood ✓ ✓ ✓ DG & Load management,
GSM: up to

Energy trading, Resiliency,

GPRS: up

114 kbps
9.6 kbps


analyzed in Maryland [59], where the deployment of MGs is being

IEEE 802.16 m:
28 Mbps up;
IEEE 802.16:

investigated. This importance is also shown in the interest of some

100 Mbps,
128 Mbps

governmental agencies in networks which can operate isolated

1 Gbps.

from the main network, called SPIDERS [60] or the use of MG for
Military bases.
In addition, MGs present other technical benefits such as
IEEE 802.11e/

improving the reliability of the energy supply inside and outside

600 Mbps

A ¼ for appliances B ¼ for backhaul C ¼main objective L ¼Local environment S¼ Substation I ¼being investigated ✓ ¼ Found in the literature ? ¼Possible use.
54 Mbps;

n: up to
s: up to

the MG [61,62], increasing the quality of service by reducing vol-

tage variations [63] and enhancing efficiency in the system by
reducing losses due to the lower distance between generation and
consumption [64]. Moreover, it also provides economical benefits
such as those related to the buying or selling of ancillary services
like reactive power and voltage control [65], black-start capability
256 Kbps

[66], frequency control reserves, and other indirect benefits such

as those related to environmental issues.
24 Mbps

5.2. Architectures
up to

As mentioned previously, two main architectures (from the

200 kbps

physical point of view) of MG (the American one and the European

one) have been designed. In both architectures, different agents
are used. Each one is in charge of different tasks such as voltage
and power flow controls, market aspects or protection issues. This
1 Mbps

kind of system is known as the Multi-Agent System (MAS).

A MAS is a system where different entities called agents
cooperate among themselves to reach a final goal by solving
200 kbps

smaller problems. Some agents may have social abilities that allow
their mutual interaction. Thus, an intelligent agent has pro-activ-
ity, reactivity and social ability, so that it can act alone or together
85 Mbps down &
24Mbps down &

16–85 Mbps up;

& 3.5 Mbps up;

with other agents [67]. Studies such as [68,69] use JADE in order to
12 Mbps down
ADSL: 8 Mbps

1.3 Mbps up;

3.3Mbps up,

model a MAS for market operation and for energy resource sche-
VDSL: 52–

200 Mbps
ADSL2 þ:

down &

duling of an islanded system.



For instance, the CERTS MG has three types of agent [4]:

■ Microsource Controllers: they are in charge of the stability of the

2448 Mbps up,

EPON: 1 Gbps.
BBPON: 155-

GPON: 155–

microsource without the use of communication.

622 Mbps;
100 Mbps;

■ Energy Managers: the task of this agent is to establish the set-


points to each Microsource Controller.

■ Protection Coordinators: their main objective is to disconnect the
MG from the grid when a fault occurs.
10 Mbps (200 in
short distance)
NB-PLC: up to
500 Kbps BB-
PLC: up to

On the other side, the European MG has also three types of

agent [5]:

■ Microsource Controllers: they are in charge of the stability of the

microsource without the use of communication.
■ Load Controllers: they are in charge of the stability of the load
without the use of communication.
Data rate

■ MG Central Controller: the task of this agent is to optimize the

MG operation and to coordinate Load Controllers and Micro-
source Controllers.
1142 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Table 7
Differences between centralized and decentralized controls.

Characteristics Advantages Disadvantages

Centralized -Local agents dependent on a Central Con- – Operational knowledge of the whole system to make – Requires high data interchanges.
Control troller for decision making decisions. – Lack of plug and play capability
– Central Controller that allow an economic imple- – Single point of failure
mentation and easy to maintain. – Difficult to expand
– Communications and controls actions occur
Distributed -Local agents make decisions collectively – Minimum communications requirements. – Need communications to make the sys-
Control without a Central Controller – Plug-and-play capabilities, so it is easy to expand the tems synchronous.
network. – Narrow control of the entire system.
– System survivability. Increased reliability and – Need more time to reach consensus. Lack
robustness. of prioritization.
– Distributed decision makers that is suitable for
complex systems

Adapted from [70] and [71].

In addition, [5] explains the operation and market aspects a MG for different cases such as grid-connected mode, pre-
under the EU architecture where the buyer and sellers offer their planned islanding, line-to-ground fault and line-to-line faults.
bids in a market controlled by the MG Central Controller. [82] proposes a MG emergency energy management algorithm
This MAS architecture has been conceived to cope with a cer- which consists of four steps: to characterize the operating state, to
tain level of decentralized decisions inside MGs due to DER. For determine the power disturbance to determine the amount of load
this reason, both architectures have local controllers. MAS can use to be shed and to evaluate the security of the MG during the
two control schemes explained in [19], the fully decentralized and emergency state.
the totally centralized schemes. While centralized approaches Some of the projects like MICROGRID describe their algorithms
profit from economies of scale, decentralized approaches seem to and strategies in the deliverables corresponding to Work Package
be more flexible and easier to implement. Centralized and B (WPB), WPC and WPD [83]. These deliverables include the
decentralized management systems present other advantages and algorithms for all agents and algorithms of the islanded mode.
disadvantages described in studies such as [70,71], and summar- Furthermore, the MORE MICROGRID project, see especially WPG
ized in Table 7. [84] studies the operation of MGs in both modes and they find out
that a local market offers a chance for trading between DG and end
5.3. Optimal planning of distributed resources and operation in grid consumers. Some mathematical models (crisp or fuzzy linear
connected mode models) developed under this project and related to markets'
operation are shown in [85].
Environmental concerns have fostered the appearance of dif- Although this project mentions the idea of local markets, it is
ferent DG technologies and of economic studies dealing with the not clear in the literature how the units' production is going to be
associated effects on the investments and expansion planning of set in the isolated mode. For instance, in [86] DERs in a MG act as
the distribution networks they are connected to. [72] for instance VPP and they belong to the same owner who uses priorities to set
addresses distribution network reinforcements together with DG their operation. Another example is found in [69] where the
deployment plans (capacities, location and time frame of the islanded system is made up of several loads and three MGs that
investments). [73] develops a linear programming model to obtain participate in the local wholesale electricity market.
the optimal sizing and scheduling of the most common DER under
different pricing scenarios in Madrid, Spain. Finally, [74] uses a 5.5. Demand response
similar model in order to evaluate the effects in distribution net-
works due to thermal constraints. The concept of demand response can be useful for a MG in
In addition, there are tools which investigate the planning and order to manage the loads and to distribute the consumption
operation of MGs. For instance, Berkeley Laboratory has developed among hours. In grid-connected mode, DR is used to achieve
a model (DERCAM) whose outputs are the investments and dis- economical benefits whereas in islanded mode is useful mainly for
patch of DER that minimize costs or emissions using consumption, security of supply motives.
weather, DER technology and tariffs data as inputs [75]. Other DR is defined in the literature [87–89] as any way to inform the
tools like this are reviewed in [76–78] where they are compared end-consumer about their energy usage in order to encourage
according to the energy sectors, the time-steps, the geographical them to modify it, in response to changes in prices either due
area and the time-frames considered. Finally, there are currently to some contingence or to high wholesale market prices.
projects such as the Eþ Project [79] which are trying to develop [90] concludes that DR will lead to 202 TWh of annual savings, 100
energy management systems for districts taking into account DGs, million tons/year of CO2 emissions reduction, avoid €50bn of
EVs, DSs and DR programs. This kind of problems will develop investment and provokes an annual electricity bill savings of
energy management algorithms for this mode of operation in real €25bn by 2020 in Europe. Finally, an analysis under different test
systems. systems and penetration levels of DR resources (loads that com-
pete side by side with supply – side resources in the wholesale
5.4. Optimal isolated operation market) is done in [91] in order to study the economic and
emission impacts of DR resources curtailments.
Planning and operating the DER in a radial distribution net- The costs and benefits of DR are studied in the literature. These
work in islanded mode is studied in [80]. However, studies on costs and benefits appear classified per activity in the power sys-
islanded MGs are mostly focused on voltage and frequency reg- tem (generation, transmission, distribution and consumers) in
ulation. For instance, [81] shows the results of a control strategy in [92]. The main implementations of DR in USA, China and Europe
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1143

Table 8
Types of DR.


Incentive- ■ Demand Bidding and Buyback: a demand resource can offer a price for load reductions or an amount of load to be curtailed at a given price.
Based ■ Direct Load Control: customer's loads are turns off remotely by the program sponsor on short notice.
■ Emergency Demand Response: reduction of the load consumption due to an emergency event.
■ Interruptible Load: loads can be curtailed subject to tariffs or contracts that provide a bill credit or a rate discount.
■ Load as Capacity Resource: an amount of load is curtailed in case of contingence
■ Non-Spinning Reserves: demand-side resource available in ten minutes or more.
■ Regulation Service: increase or decrease loads in response to real-time signals.
■ Spinning Reserves: demand-side resource available for imbalances.
Time-Based  Critical Peak Pricing with Control: a combination of direct load control with a pre-specified high price during critical peak hours.
 Critical Peak Pricing: high prices in time periods (days or hours) due to contingences or high prices.
 Peak Time Rebate: customers earn a rebate if they consume lees tan a baseline in a determined number of hours on critical days.
 Real-Time Pricing: reflection of Price changes in the wholesale market.
 Time-of-Use Pricing: prices in periods which reflect average cost of power generation during each time interval.
 System Peak Response Transmission Tariff: reduction of loads during peaks as a way of abating transmission charges.

Other DRP that not are in the previous classification.

are reviewed in [93] where the costs and benefits are divided in
seven final categories depending if they are initial costs or Power exchanges [102,103]
operating costs. Link with the electricity Markets [104,105]
As reviewed in [92] there are different criteria for classifying DR
programs (see Table 8): the final purpose (reliability and/or eco-
nomics) [89], the trigger factor (incentive or price based) [94], the V and f recovery [102,103]
origin of the signal (system-led or market-led) [95], the type of Synchronization with the grid [104]
signal (load or price response), the motivation method (incentive-
or time- based) [88] and the type of control (direct or passive load Production=Consumption [105]
control) [3]. In the FERC survey [88] fifteen DRP are identified,
Inner loops for stabillize I and V [102,104]
classified in Incentive-Based Programs, Time-Based Programs, and
other categories.
Literature related to DR has exponentially increased in the last Fig. 7. Control levels based on [102–105].
years. For instance, [96] presents a DR algorithm for primary fre-
quency regulation which minimizes the number of loads modified.
[103] this level is in charge of controlling the voltage source
DR in residential MGs is studied in [97] with the purpose of
inverters in the case of energy storages and the current source
minimizing the energy cost and improving the stability of the
inverters in the case of photovoltaic panels and wind turbines. In
aggregated load. Algorithms for market models where the aggre-
some references this level is included in the next one.
gator decides the demand pattern are studied in [98,99]. In addi-
– Level 1 (Local, decentralized or primary control): this control is
tion, [98] shows up another benefit associated to the aggregator
in charge of simulating the physical behavior of the synchronous
figure which is to ensure a more equal distribution in the benefits generators and stabilizing the power system using droop con-
of the agents involved. trols. Hence, in this level P/f and Q/V controls are found which
Other examples of DR can be found in projects. For instance, are responsible for maintaining the balance between the pro-
the ADDRESS project [100] uses an aggregator as the mediator duction and the consumption, controlling the values of V and f
between the consumers, the market and the rest of power system [103]. In [106] it is highlighted that, in DC networks, the controls
actors. Algorithms to be used by the Aggregator and the EB are would be P/V because there is no frequency. [102] also mentions
described. Another example is the EU-DEEP project where three these type of controls and it also points that in DC soft-starts
business models with DR are investigated: aggregation of com- cannot exist although DC has advantages as mentioned before.
mercial and industrial DR, use of micro-CHP at residential scale – Level 2 (Secondary control): in [102,103], this control is in
and use of CHP and commercial DR [101]. Besides, the aggregator charge of recovering the nominal voltage, in the case of AC
model from the MICROGRID project includes not only the interests and DC, and frequency, in the case of AC. Unlike primary control,
of micro-sources like the FENIX and the EU-DEEP, but also the this level uses communication technologies because it can
interests of the consumers [84]. operate in longer times and the amount of information is lower.
In [104], this control is responsible for connecting and discon-
5.6. Stability control necting to/from the grid. This supposes to synchronize the
voltage and frequency of the MG with the grid, establishing
As mentioned before, MASs have various agents in charge of operational points of distributed generators and energy storages
regulation of voltage, frequency and power flows in the MG. which provide the best economical results for the MG.
These issues can be managed with different control methods. – Level 3 (tertiary control): according to [102,103], this level is in
The most important one is a hierarchical control divided in dif- charge of the energy production, and for this reason it is in
ferent levels (Fig. 7). Although each author uses a different number charge of the exchanges with the grid, changing the values of f
of levels (three or four), there are similarities between them. The and V. This control is not needed when the MG is operating in
levels and their functions are explained below: islanded mode, and in DC it only controls the input current in
the AC/DC converter. [104,105] mention the idea of using this
– Level 0 (Inner control): this level is responsible of stabilizing the level as a link with the electricity market which sets the
current and voltage through lineal or none lineal controllers in operational points when VPP or Microgrids are in grid
each distributed generator and energy storage [102,104]. In connected mode.
1144 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

The best primary control for both modes (grid connected and
islanded) is proposed in [105–107]. This method proposes a sys-
tem where the units are adjusted using a voltage-based droop
control (VBD) with a smart transformer adjusting the exchanged
power with the grid changing the voltage. This control is explained
in detail in [106] and a comparison with the rest of the primary
methods is studied in [107]. It concludes that VBD improves the
reliability of the system and the integration of RES.
DS and EVs can work as loads and as generators balancing the
system through DR and vehicle to grid technologies (V2G). For
instance, V2G services offering regulation or DR services are
investigated in a house equipped with PV in [108]. Furthermore,
[82,109]conclude that EV can contribute to voltage and frequency Fig. 8. Differences between VPP and MG [84].
regulation in low-voltage islanded MG using the frequency-
voltage droop control in their simulation. 6. Business models layer

5.7. Aggregation This layer tackles the kind of business model that may be
deployed in the future to cope with a more decentralized orga-
MGs are one of several ways of aggregation. DER technologies, nization of power systems. The review of the literature related to
in most of the cases, imply some sort of aggregation in order to this layer shows that business models related to MG cannot be
offer services to the grid, making small groups of commercial, analyzed out of the scope of a larger context. The role of DSOs,
industrial, or residential customers visible to it. Aggregation of VPPs, MGs, etc. fully conditions the business models to be
resources presents advantages over individual DER operation. deployed. Therefore the review in this section embraces much
These advantages described in [110] are: reduction of risk to not more than the pure MG. A summary and classification of the
meet aggregators' market commitments, assuring the possibility review performed in this section is provided in Fig. 9.
to enter the markets, decreasing energy deviations' cost and The current state of electric distribution systems in the EU is
exploiting arbitrage potentials of aggregating different types of presented in [110], and the current DSO business models in EU
devices. Aggregation of resources can be done in different ways members are studied in [119]. In [120], the electric market struc-
such as MGs, Aggregations of customers, VPPs or EV fleets. ture is described, showing the iterations between the relevant
actors that participate in it, including the distribution system
5.7.1. EV fleets operator (DSO), the distribution companies and the retailers.
In the literature, the most investigated case is the EV fleets Finally, [121] reviews the current situation of DES in Spain
which are able to supply ancillary services through V2G, which including their penetration rates and support payments, level of
allow balancing the fluctuation of the RES. Some studies investi- market integration, economic regulation of DSOs and their
gate the charging strategies of EVs in order to assess their incentives for innovation, and proper grid operation and planning.
advantages. For instance, the operation with EVs and RESs is stu- Nevertheless, DER deployment will foster a change in the current
died in [111] showing that V2G technologies allow obtaining situation, having different possible options, as shown in the Fig. 9.
higher efficiency, less CO2 emissions and better wind power A change towards higher share of renewable energy generation
integration. It uses an electric vehicle model where different V2G scenarios [122] is motivated by the existence of old plants that
control strategies are applied on a national network in two sce- have high repair or replacement costs, by more strict environ-
narios, one with high presence of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) mental requirements, by lower costs in some renewable technol-
and the other one without it. Another example is [112] where the ogies, by the deployment of smarter grids with new services that
authors point out that when RESs do not have regulation capacity; allow utilities to have new incomes, by the search of clean power
the use of EV by the current ancillary service providers allows resources by the consumers and by tougher carbon policies [123].
creating synergies between them, because they do not have to For this reason, new business models are being studied. For
change their operation point from its optimal power output. Other instance, [124] reviews the literature and it identifies two sides in
studies such as [113], where a V2G frequency regulation strategy is generic business, a customer-side and a utility-side. Utility-side
developed, build up the equations for the charging strategies and business models are similar to traditional business models with a
sequence controls of the EV. Likewise, there are numerous small number of large scale assets whereas consumer-side busi-
examples of EV aggregation, for example in the projects described ness models present large number of small scale assets and closer
in [69,114], where two business models and systems for aggre- relationships with the customer. [124] shows a comparison
gating EV were developed and tested. Other examples of EV between them attending to four different criteria: value proposi-
aggregations are presented in [115,116]. tion, infrastructure, customer relationship and financial aspects.
This reference concludes that although utilities-side promises
5.7.2. VPP better profits, customer-side business may grow in the future.
VPPs and MGs are also ways of aggregation to support RES. The Regarding utilities new business models, the impact of DER is
main difference is that VPP consists in joining together DG and DS seen like a “death spiral” for utilities in [125]. First, costs in net-
whereas MGs also include loads (Fig. 8). In both cases, the aggre- works' reinforcements will increase the tariffs which will provoke
gation of DER will consist in carrying out their operation man- the adoption of more DER and changes in the consumers' behavior.
agement. For instance, in the EDISON project the EVs are com- This will produce lower revenues causing an increment of tariffs
bined with VPPs which can be controlled by an existent market for the remaining clients to cover costs, who in turn will be
player or by a new player in charge of the VPP [117]. Another encouraged to adopt DER and/or change their consumption pro-
example of the use of VPP is the FENIX project, where business files using DR solutions. However, [123] concludes that only uti-
opportunities for providers of smart aggregation, DSO and TSO are lities with a minimum involvement will suffer this “death spiral”.
identified using two kinds of VPPs [118]. A high utility participation will convert the utility into an ESP
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1145

Concept Options
Low Involvement Medium Involvement High Involvement
Utility Consequence “Death Spiral” Aggregator
- Partnerships with ESP Become ESP

Type Consumer Prosumer

Consumer New Services Home Energy Providers of system such
Customer Services
Needed Management Systems as PV, ES, EV…
Type of
DSO Passive Network Management Active Network Management
Third Party
Responsible Third Party Aggregator of
DER DSO paid by Market Inside
of Operation paid by DSO consumer
Loads (Residential,
Commercial or Industrial)
- EV fleets VPP
Ways Aggregation of Consumer
Aggregation Microgrids
Type of Buy/Sell Energy
services Buy/Sell Energy Ancillary Services
How Demand Response Operation Management
DSO Retailer Third Party Aggregator
(Smart Meter) (Energy Box) (Energy Box) (Energy Box)
DSO Retailer Third Party (EV network or Spot owner)
Owner Data access point
DSO Central Data Hub
Data manager
Management By themselves
Partnership with a ICT Company

Fig. 9. Options for business models.

offering services to customers through an aggregator who done by the DSO whereas in the third one they are done by the
attempts to improve their benefits. In addition, a medium parti- regulator.
cipation scheme where the utilities make partnerships with ser- In addition to DSO models, there are more options of new
vice providers is identified. A comparative table between these business models. For instance, three different business models are
models is shown in [123]. proposed in [84,131], which belong to the MORE MICROGRID
On the other hand, projects and energy efficiency programs are project. The first model is a DSO monopoly, which is also
being carried out in order to discover new business structures, responsible for the retailer functions and DER operations. The
services and requirements. Three of these projects are described in second model is a prosumer consortium model, similar to the
[126] where the importance of giving information to the consumer aggregation of consumers found in the literature, where con-
is highlighted. Offering services and incentives to motivate chan- sumers minimize their costs by exporting or changing their con-
ges in the consumption patterns of the consumers improves the sumption. This last model is neglected by the DSO which will
amount of energy savings. In [127] different business models for obtain lower benefits. Finally, the third model is a market inside
DG are investigated such as: aggregation of DG, small-scale hydro the MG, where a Microgrid Central Controller (MGCC) is in charge
plants, distributed balancing services and active networks of local balancing, exporting and importing. This last model
management (ANM). assures a similar distribution of benefits between all the agents
ANM is discussed in some projects related with the business involved.
model of the DSO. For instance, DSO will have two business The market approach in MV and LV networks inside a MG is
models according to DG-GRID project: an ANM and a passive investigated in other reports of the MICROGRID and MORE
network management. The main difference is that in the active MICROGRIDS projects [83]. In [83] two policies are described. The
approach, there are ancillary services traded between DSO and the first one consists in satisfying the local energy demand using its
rest of players (DER aggregator, DG, large and small consumers) local production without exporting power to the upstream dis-
[119]. In the ADINE project, technical solutions are established in tribution grid, behavior known as “good citizen”. In the second
real environments to make ANM possible [128] and in the Grid4EU one, the behavior is known as “ideal citizen”, and the MGCC takes
project, European DSOs try to solve how they can manage elec- part in the market between MGs buying and selling power in
tricity production and consumption in order to integrate large order to maximize their revenues, so the MG could be seen as a
amount of renewable energy and how to transform the consumer VPP to the MV feeder. In this project, there are two kinds of bids:
into an active participant [129]. On the other hand, threats to the loads are divided into low and high priority and users offer low
current business model of DSO and energy suppliers are explained priority loads to be shed in the next operational periods.
in [120] from DISPOWER Project. In addition, DER ownership is Other studies related with the market at the district level could
also linked with the DSO in studies such as [130] where three ways be found in the NOBEL project [132], whose objective is to improve
of managing DER are presented. The first one consists of DERs the energy management in the neighborhoods. [133] explains DR
owned and operated by the DSO. In the second and third case for prosumers offering three possible scenarios: bilateral contracts
DERs are independent, but in the second one the payments are between DSO and prosumers, local markets among prosumers
1146 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

which are considered as prosumers' VPP, and a combination of DES they have deployed, the kind of load involved, the type of
these two models and energy management systems. In [134] control used and whether they work under an AC or DC scheme.
software-agents are investigated in order to make forward bilat- To the authors' best knowledge, no similar MGs testbeds table
eral contracts in a multi-agent electricity market. review has been yet published in the literature with this level of
Business models with EV are also investigated in the literature. detail and broadness.
In [135,136] two business models and systems for aggregating EV As mentioned, some organizations [19] are carrying out MGs by
were developed and tested. Both models are described in [114]. In their own such as CERTS in the US, NEDO in Japan, and MICRO-
the former, the aggregator has a contract with the EV driver to GRIDS and MORE MICROGRIDS projects in Europe. The majority of
manage battery and the business model resembles the mobile- the MGs deployed have one of the following purposes:
phone business. A control center for the aggregator and the
embedded system installed in each EV was developed. On the – Giving access to electricity by themselves: remote areas, where
contrary, in the latter, the aggregator has a contract with the it is difficult to connect with the main grid finds MG as an
charging post owner and the business model is based more on interesting option. Some examples could be: all the MGs in
current practices in the electricity-supply business. In this case, a Africa (Akkan, Diakha Medina, Lucingweni [143,144]) or remote
control center for the aggregator and the embedded system area communities which work in isolated mode (Agria pig farm
installed in the charging post has been developed. Both control in Kozuf, Macedonia [83]). Furthermore, the isolated mode
centers optimize the profit of the involved agents taking into allows islands to be autonomous.
account energy and ancillary markets, customer preferences and – Developing studies: many projects use their own MGs to study
minimizing battery degradation [137]. New agents will be needed control schemes (centralized versus decentralized), commu-
in order to carry out these business models. For instance, two new nication protocols, P/f and Q/V droop controls such as MORE
agents in charge of the EV infrastructure and providing services MICROGRIDS project [83] or DISPOWER project [145]. In addi-
are studied in [138]. tion many universities [19] (Manchester, Leuven, Santa Clara,
Related to the future business models different issues have to San Diego [146], Howard, Hefei University) and technological
be solved. For instance, who is the owner of the smart meters? institutes (Illinois Institute of Technology [147]) have also
Who is in charge of the management of the data? Who is the developed their own MG to carry out experiments while they
owner of the EV infrastructure? In [110], the advantages of the are self-producers.
ownership of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) by the – Improving the security in case of wars or disasters: 40 military
DSO or by the retailer are discussed. In [139], the owner of this bases in the US are operating as MGs and the department of
infrastructure is the DSO, although in other papers, the smart defense is investigating the deployment of small MGs in hot
meters belong to the aggregator [98]. Three models for the man- spots [148]. This interest in MGs has grown in the US after
agement of data are also mentioned in [110]. The data could be Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy which causes large periods with-
owned by the DSO or a regulated central data hub or a data access out energy.
point manager from a third party. The management can be done
individually by themselves or by making a joint venture with ICT
companies, like it is proposed in [140]. Thus, a table with the 8. Critical analysis on Microgrids
relations between ICT providers and Telecommunication Compa-
nies is presented in [141] where different data handling models At this point, MGs have been analyzed and classified from four
are described. different points of view (physical layer, communication layer,
On the other hand, [110] proposes four market models for the intelligence layer and business model layer) and worldwide
owners of the EV infrastructure that can be either the DSO, the examples have been detailed in Table 9. Finally, in this section, a
retailer or a third operator (who has their own EV charging net- final brief analysis is performed in order to highlight, for each
work or who is the owner of the parking spot). Moreover, the layer, the important points to be addressed in the future and how
location where the EV can be charged is discussed in [138] where authors forecast the MG deployment in each later is done in
different charging modes such as EV Home charging, public Table 10.
charging and dedicated charging stations are presented. Further-
more, in [142] from the Berkeley Lab., three different business – Nowadays, the physical layer has been extensively studied being
models for EV storages are presented. In two of them the EV sto- few the new inputs to be expected. The huge amount of testbeds
rage is integrated in the building energy management systems and real MGs already deployed proves that there are no relevant
whereas in the third case EV storage provides regulation reserve technological problems to overcome. However, one important
independently from the building. decision to be taken regarding future distribution networks is
After studying the current trends in business models, the the standard voltage in which DC networks will be deployed in
upcoming of utilities offering services such as selling solar panels households and buildings. Fig. 4 and Table 6 show which
or HEMS can be foreseen. In addition, when the consumers elements (generators, loads and power electronics devices)
become prosumers with these services, they will be more active, and which services corresponds to each grid. For these reasons,
and when the networks become smarter with AMI and energy we believe there would be two DC voltage standard levels. A low
management systems, the aggregation of end-users will be voltage level would be found inside Picogrids to supply energy
inevitable. Moreover, depending on the country and the impor- to the main appliances and a higher one for DGs and ESs in
tance given to resiliency, MG will appear as the solution to these Nanogrids (24 V and 380 V seem to be the most frequently used
purposes, aggregation and resiliency. in the literature). In addition, authors believe that each network
needs to have energy management systems (EB, BMS, AMS and
MGMS) that can execute different kind of algorithms. Currently,
7. Microgrids in the world there are individual systems for houses, buildings and networks
but they need to be connected for exchanging data such as price
Several real MG and MG testbeds are deployed around the or emergency actions.
world. Table 9 summarizes all the MG experiences found in the – The standardization of communication protocols is an essential
literature survey, classifying them according to the kind of DG and step towards the full deployment of MGs since the controlling
Table 9
Main Microgrids around the world.

Name (if it has)/place Location Organism/institution DG DES AC or DC Control Load

Europe Kynthos Kynthos, Greece More Microgrids Project PV, Diesel Battery AC Centralized Residential
Labein Experimental Derio, Spain More Microgrids Project Wind, PV, Microturbine, Battery, Super AC Centralized & –
Center Diesel Capacitor, Flywheel Decentralized
Ílhavo Municipal Swim- Lisbon, Portugal More Microgrids Project & EDP Distribuição micro-CHP, – AC – –
ming-Pool microturbine
CESI RICERCA Milan, Italy More Microgrids Project PV, Wind, CHP, Diesel Battery, Super AC [19] Centralized –
Capacitor, Flywheel DC [20]
Genoa University Italy Genoa University PV, Wind, CHP, Gas Battery AC Decentralized Residential
Continuon Holiday Park Bronsdergen, More Microgrids Project PV Battery AC Centralized Residential

F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Demotec Kassel, Germany ISET & University of Kassel Institute for PV, Wind, CHP, Diesel Battery AC Centralized Residential/ Comercial
electrical energy technology Industrial
Mannheim (MVV Energie Mannheim, Germany More Microgrids Project PV, CHP Battery AC Decentralized Residential
Am Steinweg (MVV Ener- Stutensee, Germany DISPOWER Project PV, CHP Battery AC Centralized Residential
gie Projects)
Benchmark Low-voltage Athens, Greece Microgrids Project PV, Wind, Fuel Cell Flywheel, Battery AC Centralized & Residential
NTUA Athens, Greece National Technical University of Athens PV, Wind Battery AC Decentralized –
University of Leuven Leuven, Belgium University of Leuven PV, CHP Battery – Decentralized –
University of Manchester Manchester, England University of Manchester Generator Flywheel AC Centralized -
Nimbus Testbed Cork, England Cork Institute of Technology and United CHP, Wind, Fuel Cell Battery AC Centralized Residential
Technologies Research Centre Ireland Ltd
Bornholm Island Manchester, England More Microgrids Project Wind – AC Decentralized Residential Comercial/
University of Nottingham Nottingham, England University of Nottingham Wind Battery DC Decentralized Residential
Agria pig farm Kozuf, Macedonia More Microgrids Project Biomass plant – AC – –
UTC Compiègne, France University of Technology of Compiègne PV, Fuel Cell Battery DC Decentralized Motor
Lyon France NEDO PV EVs AC – –
Malaga Spain NEDO – EVs AC – –
University of Seville Spain University of Seville PV, Fuel Cell Battery DC Decentralized Residential, Motor
Barcelona Spain IREC PV, Wind EV, Battery AC – HVAC, Air Conditioners
FEUP Testbed Porto, Portugal INESC Porto PV, Wind, Fuel Cell, Battery AC Centralized –
Azores Island Plant Azores, Portugal Electricidade dos Açores PV, Wind, Diesel, Hydro No AC – –
PowerMatching City Groningen, KEMA PV, micro-CHP, Wind EVs AC – Residential
Samso Island Samso Island, Government and citizens Thermal PV and Wind – AC – Residential
Denmark (21 turbines)
Utsira Norway StatoilHydro and Enercon Wind Hydrogen storage AC – Residential
Horizon Manchester, England H2Ope CHP, Wind, PV – – – –
SGEM “Hailuoto” Finland Consortium of Finnish Companies Wind, Diesel – AC – –
Eigg island plant Scotland SMA Solar Technology Hydro, PV, Wind Flywheel AC - –
Gazi University Ankara, Turkey Gazi University PV, Wind Battery AC – University
Mt. Newall Antarctica National Renewable Energy Laboratory PV, Wind, Diesel No AC – –
Miñano Spain Ikerlan – – AC Centralized –
Asia Shimizu Japan Shimizu Institute of technology Gas turbine Battery, Super – Centralized Residential
Fukuoka Japan Smart Energy Laboratory Wind, PV Battery DC – Home
Hachinohe Japan NEDO PV, Wind, Diesel, CHP Battery AC Centralized Industrial, Comercial
Yokohama Japan NEDO Gas Battery AC – –
Kyoto Eco Energy Japan NEDO PV, Wind, Fuel Cell, Battery AC Centralized Residential

Table 9 (continued )

Name (if it has)/place Location Organism/institution DG DES AC or DC Control Load

Aichi Japan NEDO PV, Fuel Cell. Battery AC Centralized Industrial, Comercial
Akagi Japan NEDO Diesel No AC Decentralized -
Sendai Japan NEDO PV, Fuel Cell, Gas Battery AC Centralized [20] Decen- Residential Comercial/
turbine tralized [19] Industrial
Miyako Island Okinawa, Japan OEPC – – – – –
Kuroshima Island Japan Kyushu Electric Power – – AC Centralized –
INER Testbed Taiwan Institute of Nuclear Energy Research PV, Wind, Diesel, Gas Battery AC Decentralized Motor
DC Building Taiwan Elegant Power Application Research Center – – DC – Home
Subax China – PV, Wind, Diesel, Gas Battery AC – –
Hsinchiang China – PV, Diesel Battery – Centralized Residential/ Comercial

F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Hefei University of China Hefei University of Technology PV, Wind, Diesel, Hydro Battery, Super - Centralized [70] Decen- Motor
Technology Capacitor tralized [19]
Tianjin University Tianjin, China Tianjin University PV, Wind, Diesel Battery DC Centralized University
Xiamen University Xiamen, China Xiamen University PV EV, Storage DC Centralized Home and Office
Nanjing University Nanjing, China Nanjing University PV, Wind Battery AC Centralized Motor
Sino-Danish Project China Aalborg University/Kamstrup/ Shangai Solar PV, Wind Storage AC Centralized –
Energy /Tsinghua University DC
Town Island Hong Kong, China HKU – – AC Centralized –
Singapure Pulau ubin Singapore – PV, Diesel Battery AC – Residential
GreenHome Korea – – – DC – –
Changwon Korea – – – AC Centralized –
Yuseong-gu Korea – PV, Diesel, Gas Battery AC – –
Jeju Island Korea – PV, Wind, Fuel Cell, Battery AC – –
Wani Area Microgrid India Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. PV, Biomass, Diesel No AC Decentralized Residential,
IET India – Fuel Cell – AC Centralized Motor
Africa Akkan Morrocco AECID PV , Genset Battery AC Centralized Residential
Diakha Madina Senegal – PV Battery AC Centralized –
Lucingweni South Africa Nersa PV, Wind, Diesel Battery ACDC Decentralized Residential
Oceania Newcastle Australia CSIRO Energy Center Wind, PV, Microturbine Battery AC Centralized –
Coral Bay Australia – Wind – – – –
Bremer Bay Australia – Wind – – – –
Denhan Australia – Wind – – – –
Rottnest Island Australia – Wind – – – –
King Island Tasmania – Wind – – – –
QUT Microgrid Australia Queensland University of Technology PV,Wind Battery DC Centralized Motor
Hopetoun Australia – PV – – – –
Esperence Australia – Wind – – – –
Kings Canyon Australia UNSW PV AC Centralized –
America AEP CERTS AEP Walnut Test AEP,TECOGEN, S&C Electric, Northern Power Diesel, CHP Battery AC Decentralized Induction motor
Facility, US system, Sandia National Laboratories, Uni-
versity of Wisconsin
University of Miami Florida, US University of Miami PV, Fuel Cell Battery DC Decentralized University Residential
FIU Testbed Florida, US Florida International University PV, Fuel Cell, Wind Flywheel DC Centralized Residential,Motor
Mad River Waitsfield, Vermont, Northern Power System Biodiesel, Microturbine, Battery AC Centralized Industrial, Comercial
US Propane
Laboratory scale MG New Jersey, US New Jersey Government PV Battery AC Centralized Residential,Motor
Los Alamos New Mexico, US NEDO PV Battery AC Decentralized Residential
Albuquerque New Mexico, US NEDO PV Battery AC Decentralized Residential/ Comercial
RIT Microgrid New York, US Rochester Institute of Technology PV, Fuel Cell, Wind No AC Decentralized Residential,Motor
Borrego Springs California, US San Diego Gas & Electric PV EV, Batteries AC Centralized Residential Comercial/
Manzanita Hybrid Power California, US – Wind, PV Battery AC – –
Marin County California, US Xanthus Consulting International, Infotility, PV – AC Decentralized Commercial/ industrial
California California, US Santa Clara University PV, Wind – AC – University
Palmade California, US Sandia National Laboratories Wind, Hydro, Diesel, Gas Capacitor AC Decentralized Residential, Commer-
cial, Motor
Madison Madison, US University of Wisconsin Diesel, PV Battery AC Decentralized Residential
Stamford Connecticut, US Pareto Energy – – – – University
Santa Rita Jail Dublin, US Berkeley Lab. PV, Wind, Fuel Cell, Battery AC – Jail
San Diego San Diego, US University California San Diego PV, Gas – – – University
Columbus Columbus, US Dolan Technology Center – – AC Decentralized –
Washington Washington, US Howard University – – – – –
Woodstock Minnesota, US National Renewable Energy Laboratory PV, Wind Battery AC – Shop & Office

F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Chicago Chicago, US Illinois Institute of Technology PV, Wind EV, Batteries AC Decentralized –
Colonias Texas, US State Energy Conservation Office (SECO), PV, Wind, Diesel – AC Centralized –
Texas Engineering Experiment Station,
Xtreme Power
UT Austin Texas, US University of Texas Diesel, Gas Flywheel AC Decentralized Motor
Hawaii Hydrogen Power Hawaii, US Hawaii National Energy Institute PV, Wind, Fuel Cell No DC Centralized Residential
Dangling Rope Marina Utah, US National Renewable Energy Laboratory PV No – – National Park
Dolan CM Testbed Ohio, US DOE, CERTS – – – – –
Fort Bragg North Caroline, US Encorp Honeywell Diesel Thermal energy AC Centralized –
Kotzebue Microgrid Plant Alaska, US Kotzebue Electric Association Wind, Diesel, PV – AC – Villages
Wales Alaska Power Plant Alaska, US Kotzebue Electric Association National Wind, Diesel Battery AC – Residential
Renewable Energy Laboratory
St. Paul Power Plant Alaska, US National Renewable Energy Laboratory Wind, Diesel No AC – Airport
Bella Cola Canada BC Hydro, GE, PowerTech PV,Wind, Hydro Battery AC Centralized –
Hartley Bay Canada Pulse Energy – – AC Decentralized Residential/ Comercial
Boston Bar Canada BC Hydro Hydro, Diesel No AC Centralized [70] Residential
Decentralized [20]
Boralex Senneterre, Canada Hydro Quebec Diesel – AC Decentralized Residential
Kasabonika Lake Canada Hydro One, GE, University of Waterloo – – AC Centralized –
Nemaiah Valley Canada NRCan PV – AC Centralized Commercial
Fortis-Alberta Canada CANMET Wind, Hydro No AC Centralized Industrial
Ramea Island Canada N & L Hydro, Nalcor Energy, NRCan, Frontier Wind, Diesel Battery AC Centralized [149] Decen- Residential
Power tralized [20]
Sunwize Power Plant Canada Sunwize Power & Battery PV, Wind, Diesel Battery AC – –
Ascension Island Power Canada National Renewable Energy Laboratory Wind, Diesel – AC – Residential
Ilha da Ferradura Brazil – PV Battery AC Centralized –
Campinas Brazil University of Campinas PV, Diesel Battery DC – Residential
Chico Mendes Brazil Electrobas PV Battery ACDC Centralized –
Alto Baguales Coyhaique, Chile National Renewable Energy Laboratory Wind, Diesel, Hydro – AC – –
Isla Tac Microgrid Plant Isla Tac, Chile Bergey Wind power Co. Wind, Gas Battery AC – Islanded Community
San Juanico Plant Mexico National Renewable Energy Laboratory PV, Wind, Diesel No DC – Fishing community
Xcalak Mexico – Wind Battery DC – Village

This table is built using: [19,20,70,83,143–164] – no data.

1150 F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153

Table 10
Future MG operation and structure.

Picogrid (house) Nanogrid (building) MG (neighborhood)

Physical layer DC (lower than 24 V) and AC DC (380 V) and AC AC

Loads Loads, DS and DER Loads, DS and DER
Communication layer Wireless communication (ZigBee, ZigBee Wireless communication for energy man- Wired communication (PLC or Ethernet)
SEP, Wi-Fi or KNX) agement (ZigBee, Wi-Fi or KNX)
Wired communication for stability and
security issues. (PLC or Ethernet)
Intelligence layer EB or Smart Box will be in charge of mini- BMS will be in charge of increasing DER MGMS will be responsible of guaranteeing stability
mizing costs using peak-shaving, load-shift- integration to reduce leakage costs using and security in the MG, whereas the AMS will be in
ing (due to price) and load management load-shifting (due to price and DS charge of giving energy efficiency services and the
algorithms operation). economic and energy flows inside the MG.
Business layer The EB will belong to an ESP or to a Retailer/ The BMS will be owned by an ESP or Retai- The AMS will be owned by an ESP or Retailer/
Aggregator. ler/Aggregator. Aggregator. It will be responsible of a local elec-
tricity market for the isolated mode and of offering
energy efficiency services taking advantage of the
aggregation of customers for the connected mode.
The MGMS will be owned by the grid owner, which
is usually a DISCO or DSO.

and protection systems relies on them. Currently, as presented – One of the main drawbacks for a large deployment of MGs is the
in this paper, the lack of standardization has leaded multiple cost associated to the existing distribution networks, which will
protocols been developed to carry out the very same goals, with become stranded costs if those networks happen to be clearly
some companies having created their own protocols. In Fig. 6 overinvested due to the lower use of them. This makes countries
and Table 10, we have assigned to each grid the main protocols with large still non-electrified areas or with areas with very low
that can be used. In fact, we believe that Nanogrid and Microgrid reliable supply as good candidates for their deployment. Never-
communications related with stability should be wired to theless, countries in Europe and America would still need to
guarantee more security. know if the installation of MG could be profitable for them.
– In the intelligence layer, both operation modes, connected and Further studies devoted to compare the actual costs of MGs
isolated ones, would be still under discussion in the near future. versus the aggregation of dispersed consumers need to be
Control systems used by MGMS to guarantee stability and performed in order to identify the factors (and their correspond-
security in the network will depend on the requirements of each ing threshold values) that will be relevant for that comparison.
regulation and the number of changes between operation
modes. Authors consider that in areas such as Europe and North Finally, Table 10 foresees how MG will be found in future net-
America where very reliable networks are available, the pre- works taking into account the revision done in this paper.
dominant operation mode could be the connected one except
for when a contingency occurs or if the regulation framework
makes the isolated mode to be more profitable in some periods. 9. Conclusions
However, in areas that suffer frequent contingencies or unde-
veloped regions the isolated mode could be more profitable one. This paper contributes to clearly define the use of MGs in the
In developed areas, prices obtained from electricity market are future electric systems. To the authors' best knowledge, it is the
expected to be lower than the cost associated with auto- first time an exhaustive MGs review has been performed covering
consumption if regulation policies are properly done. In addi- all the functional layers associated to MGs. Different definition and
tion, which energy management algorithms and which DR descriptions have been done in the literature and gathered in this
programs are going to be used by future AMSs, BMSs and EBs paper. The layer by layer kind of approach used for the review
need to be established. In Table 10, authors suggest the functions helps providing a better understanding about the current state of
and algorithms these systems should do. Since EBs would be the art related to MGs. The outcomes of the analysis and review
located in a network without generators, they only should be in performed at each layer level is suitably summarized and classified
charge of reducing their consumption cost whereas BMSs also in Tables and Figures enabling a comprehensive outlook of the
need to take into account their DER operation. In the upper level, main design options and relevant issues involved in each layer. The
MGMSs would be responsible of the correct operation of the analysis of the physical layer provides a comparison between the
network whereas the AMSs would be in charge of the energy AC and DC options, a review of the DC voltage levels, a clear
and economic exchanges of the MG and giving energy efficiency physical division (Picogrid, Nanogrid and MG) and a comparison of
services to their clients. technologies involved within the MG concept. Regarding the
– Regarding the business model layer, different questions still communication layer, two main contributions can be outlined, a
need to be solved since there are no solid developed business table classifying the communication protocols and their main uses
models yet. For instance, who should be or will be in charge of (which are different in the literature) and characteristics and a
the operation of the MG? Who should be or will be the owner of table presenting the OSI layers in the most commonly used pro-
the energy management systems deployed in houses and gen- tocols and how they will be deployed in our organizational
erators? Who should be or will be the owner of the generator in scheme of MGs. In the Intelligence layer, the main topics related to
each district? Authors believes that in areas such as Europe and the MG operation have been identified and discussed and in the
North America, a Retailer/Aggregator or an ESP would be in business layer, different options for future business models taking
charge of the management of several MGs trying to maximize into account different alternatives found in the literature have
their global profit when connected to the grid, and trying to been organized and classified. They have been summarized in
minimize their individual costs when isolated. Fig. 9 which allows a better understanding of these options.
F. Martin-Martínez et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016) 1133–1153 1151

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