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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews: Nelson Fumo

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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A review on the basics of building energy estimation

Nelson Fumo n
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Tyler, 3900 University Blvd., Tyler, TX 75799, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Energy security, environmental concerns, thermal comfort, and economic matters are driving factors for
Received 29 July 2013 the development of research on reducing energy consumption and the associated greenhouse gas
Received in revised form emissions in every sector of the economy. Building energy consumption estimation has become a key
29 September 2013
approach to achieve the goals on energy consumption and emissions reduction. Energy performance of
Accepted 18 November 2013
Available online 7 December 2013
building is complicated since it depends on multiple variables associated to the building characteristics,
equipment and systems, weather, occupants, and sociological influences. This paper aims to provide an
Keywords: up-to-date review on the basics of building energy estimation. Regarding models, a classification for
Building energy estimation energy estimation models is proposed based on the different classifications found in the literature
Building energy simulation
review. The paper focuses on models developed with whole building energy simulation software and
Weather files for simulations
their validation. This focus is justified because of the importance that whole building energy tools have
Building energy models calibration
gained on areas such as green building design, and analysis of energy conservation strategies and
retrofits. Since a suitable weather file is a major component for reliably simulations, the section about
weather data provides pertinent information.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2. Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3. Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4. Verification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5. Weather data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

1. Introduction is a function of a great amount of information regarding

(a) building characteristics, (b) energy systems characteristics,
Energy consumption of the residential sector averages approxi- control and maintenance, (c) weather parameters, and (d) occu-
mately 30% worldwide [1]. In the U.S., the residential sector pants' behavior, among other sociological parameters, forecasting
accounts for 22.2% of the total energy (primary energy consump- buildings energy consumption is not an easy task. In this sense, a
tion, electricity retail sales, and electrical system energy losses) lot of efforts from the scientific community, governments, and
consumption when compared with the 18.5%, 31.4%, and 27.8% of industry have originated multiple research efforts that have given
the commercial, industrial, and transportation end-use sectors origin to several approaches and methods as well as multiple tools
respectively [2]. Therefore, forecasting energy consumption at for estimation of building energy performance. The Building
the design stage or analyses of retrofit options is important for Energy Software Tools Directory [3] is a comprehensive list of
energy and emissions reduction efforts. Since energy consumption tools grouped in four subjects: whole building analysis; codes and
standards; materials, components, equipment, and systems; and
other applications. These subjects show that efforts can go from
Tel.: þ 1 903 565 5588.
a specific component affecting the energy use such as equipment
E-mail addresses: nfumo@uttyler.edu, nfumo@yahoo.com (e.g. condenser of the heat pump) to the whole building analysis.

1364-0321/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
54 N. Fumo / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60

In this paper, when a particular information is given, it refers to  Forward (classical) approach: in this approach the equations
applications developed or/and adopted in the U.S., with particular describing the physical behavior of systems and their inputs are
interest in residential buildings. known and the objective is to predict the output. Accuracy
Countless papers related to approaches used on building increases as models become more complex and as detail
energy estimation can be found in academic databases. For information on the building is known {A1}.
example, recent works on regression analysis approaches include  Data-driven (inverse) approach: in this approach input and
[4–9] and on machine learning approaches include [10–13]. These output variables governing the performance of the systems
references illustrate examples on the use of the approaches on have been measured. The known data is used to define a
predicting energy consumption. However, this paper focuses on mathematical description of the system. The data can be
the basics of whole building energy estimation and not in any nonintrusive or intrusive. The intrusive data refer to data
particular approach. On the other hand, this paper considers only gathered under controlled experiments. When operation of
approaches that have been used for whole building energy the building limits the implementation of controlled experi-
estimation at the design stage of new buildings or for analysis of ments, nonintrusive data is gathered from normal operation.
energy conservation measures and retrofit; it does not consider
approaches used in energy management oriented to control of
building performance or performance of building's component or For both approaches, forward and data-driven, the models can
systems [14,15]. It is also important to mention that similar or the be steady-state or dynamic. Steady-state models do not consider
same approaches may be used for energy demand analysis or the transient effect of variables and is good for analysis in time
energy models [16–19], but this subject is outside the scope of steps equal or greater than 1 day. Dynamic models are able to track
this paper. peak loads and are useful to capture thermal effects such as those
The information on the basics of whole building energy obtained from setback thermostat strategies.
estimation is presented in four sections that are justified as The data-driven approach includes three categories.
follows. The literature review showed that there is no unique
structure for the classification of the information available regard-  Empirical or “Black-Box” Approach: this approach uses a simple
ing the different approaches on building energy estimation. In or multivariable regression analysis to find the relationship
Section 2, the author has tried to summarize several of the criteria between the outputs and inputs parameters such as climate
found. Calibration is an important procedure to determine the data, occupancy behavior, and operation parameters {A2}.
accuracy on the estimation of the energy performance. Therefore,  Calibrated Simulation Approach: this approach implies the use of
in Section 3 material regarding experiences and procedures for a simulation computer program that has been calibrated with
calibration are considered. Calibration requires actual data that in actual measured data, allowing the model to predict the energy
general is not available. However, for certifications such as the consumption satisfactorily {A3}.
Home Energy Rating System (HERS), software meeting some  Gray-Box Approach: this approach uses a two steps develop-
verification criteria is accepted to produce satisfactory energy ment. First a mathematical model is developed for the physical
estimations. Section 4 summarizes some references regarding this configuration of the building and/or systems/equipment having
matter. For all models the input parameters dealing with weather relevant impact on energy consumption. Then, statistical ana-
should be the same when models want to be compared, calibrated, lyses are used to identify and quantify the parameters that can
or validated. Thus, in Section 5 information on weather data for allow the model to estimate energy performance satisfactorily.
energy estimation (energy simulations) is covered.

A list of methods based on this classification is given in Ref.

2. Classification [20] {A4}.

In this section, the author has tried to use the effort of other
authors regarding the review of previous publications on the Statistical Hybrid Engineering
different approaches used for whole building energy simulation.
Therefore, this section is developed based on five comprehensive
reviews [1,20–23]. A capital letter and a number inside of curly Regression Intelligent Forward Calibrated
brackets after an approach described in the references consulted is
used in Table 1 to point correspondence with the classification
proposed by the author in Fig. 1. Genetic Algorithm Neural Networks Support Vectors Machine
The 2009 ASHRAE Handbook [20] has a broader category based
on two approaches. Fig. 1. Classification for energy estimation models.

Table 1
Correspondence of approaches on references with the proposed classification.

Ref. Statistical Hybrid Engineering

Regression Intelligent Forward Calibrated

Genetic algorithm Artificial neural networks Support vector machine

[20] {A2} {A4} {A1} {A3}

[1] {B1} {B2}
[21] {C2} {C3} {C4} {C5} {C1}
[22] {D1} {D3} {D2}
[23] {E2} {E3} {E1}
N. Fumo / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60 55

Swan and Ugursal [1] introduce two main categories based on the Nodal approach. For the focus of this paper, the Multizone
the reference to the hierarchal position of data inputs as compared approach is of interest since it is the approach used in common
to the housing sector as a whole. simulation software such as EnergyPlus [24], ESP-r [25],
TRNSYS [26], and e-QUEST [27]. In comparison with the other
 Top-down approach: this approach considers the overall energy two approaches in this category, the Multizone approach
consumption of the residential sector. This involves informa- considers that the properties defining the thermodynamic state
tion on energy consumption as the one given by the U.S. Energy of each building thermal zone are homogeneous over the entire
Information Administration. This approach is used to identify volume {E1}.
factors defining changes in energy consumption trends on the  Statistical methods: this category refers, when compared to the
long-term. physical approaches, in the fact that the approaches in this
 Bottom-up approach: this approach accounts for models con- category do not require physical information about the building
sidering small samples with similar characteristics that later or systems. This category includes Multiple Linear Regression
can be used to extrapolate the results to identify a segment of or Conditional Demand Analysis, Genetic Algorithm, Artificial
the residential sector. Neural Network, and Support Vector Machine {E2}.
 Hybrid models: this category refers to approaches that combine
In this paper only the bottom-up approach is of interest. elements of physical approaches and statistical approaches,
Therefore, the two groups of methods discussed by Swan and which are also called “grey box.” These kind of approaches try
Ugursal on the bottom-up approach are of interest. to overcome the limitations of physical approaches on the need
to know detailed information on building physical character-
 Statistical methods: these methods use historical data on energy istics, and the limitations of statistical approaches regarding
consumption and any kind of regression analysis to identify the the need of considerable amount of measured data and the
source of the energy consumption from particular end-uses. difficulty to associate results to physical concepts {E3}.
The authors define three sub-groups: regression, conditional
demand analysis, and neural networks {B1}. Fig. 1 illustrates the classification proposed by the author summar-
 Engineering methods: these methods use equipment and sys- izing the classifications given by the references consulted. Some
tems and/or heat transfer and thermodynamic relationships to comments are needed for the justification of this classification.
account for end-uses energy consumption {B2}.
 The hybrid approach is considered at the same category of
Zhao and Magoulès [21] present five groups for prediction statistical and engineering approaches because the hybrid
methods. approach is a combination of both, “… a physical model to
represent the structure or physical configuration of the build-
 Engineering methods: methods that use physical principles to ing or HVAC&R equipment or system, and then identifies
estimate energy performance at the building or component important parameters representative of certain key and aggre-
level {C1}. gated physical parameters and characteristics by statistical
 Statistical methods: methods developed to correlate historical analysis [20].”
energy consumption data or energy indexes with data of the  The statistical approach is divided in two sub-categories
variables governing the energy consumption {C2}. (regression and intelligent) to account for methods purely
 Neural networks: artificial neural networks, as artificial intelli- statistical (e.g. simple linear and multiple linear regressions)
gence, are used to solve nonlinear problems to predict building and methods involving learning or training algorithms.
energy consumption {C3}.  The engineering approach has two sub-categories (forward and
 Support vector machines: methods of machine learning that are calibrated) to distinguish models based on the use of measured
effective in solving nonlinear problems even with small quan- data for validation. The forward sub-category refers to models
tities of training data {C4}. accounting for natural phenomena affecting system behavior
 Gray models: models developed when the information of the and overall performance, but they have not been calibrated
system is partially known or due to the uncertainty of the with actual measured data. The forward sub-category includes
data {C5}. models developed for specific buildings that although has not
been calibrated with measured data, their results are consid-
Pedersen [22] defines three methodologies to categorize load ered to be validated through the verification status of the tool/
and energy estimations. method used (see Section 4). The calibrated sub-category refers
to models that have been calibrated using actual measured
 Statistical approaches/regression analyses: these approaches are data.
mainly based on linear or multivariate regression analyses that  The steady-state or dynamic characteristic is intrinsic to the
use large amount of metered energy consumption data to models regarding if the model accounts for delay in heat gain
generate results with high statistical significance {D1}. and losses due to thermal mass, variation in equipment/system
 Energy simulation programs: these programs uses weather data and efficiency due to partial load, and any other input affecting the
detailed building characteristics to simulate the building energy energy performance for time analysis of one hour or less.
performance in “… an attempt to emulate the reality” {D2}.
 Intelligent computer systems: systems developed based on The approaches found in the references used in this section
machine learning algorithms that are capable of “make deci- have been used to generate Table 1 which shows the correspond-
sions” based on an interpretation of data {D3}. ing approaches based on the proposed classification of Fig. 1.
The accuracy of an approach depends on the information that is
A most recent review done by Foucquier et al. [23] suggests available for the purpose of the approach. Statistical approaches
three main categories with common approaches for each one. need measured data but not buildings characteristics, while the
forward engineering approaches need building characteristics but
 Physical models: this category includes the Computational Fluid not data, at least that a calibrated model is the goal. Therefore, for
Dynamics approach, the Zonal approach, and the Multizone or the question of what approach is better, the answer depends on
56 N. Fumo / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60

Table 2 Energy are EnergyPlus (a new-generation building energy simulation

Suitability of approaches (S: satisfactory and G: good). program from the creators of BLAST and DOE-2), DOE-2 (DOE-2.1E, an
hourly, whole-building energy analysis program which calculates
Approach Application
energy performance and life-cycle cost of operation), Building Design
Design ECM Retrofit Advisor (provides building decision-makers with the energy-related
information they need beginning in the initial, schematic phases of
Regression N/A S S building design through the detailed specification of building compo-
Intelligent N/A S S
Hybrid N/A S S
nents and systems), and SPARK (models complex building envelopes
Forward G G S and mechanical systems that are beyond the scope of EnergyPlus and
Calibrated N/A G G DOE-2) [3].
Reddy [30] presented a detailed literature review of calibrated
simulation techniques, describing their strengths, weaknesses, and
what type of the information is available and in what magnitude. applicability. The references consulted by Reddy where grouped as
For example, Hernandez and Sanzovo [28] compared results from follows:
an EnergyPlus model as a forward engineering model and a feed-
forward artificial neural network approach. Results were similar  calibration based on manual, iterative, and pragmatic
with some large errors on the forward approach mainly related to intervention,
proper evaluation of schedules for lighting, equipment, and  calibration based on a suite of informative graphical compara-
occupancy. Based on the lack of an accepted methodology for tive displays,
comparing approaches, information on when an approach could  calibration based on special tests and analytical procedures,
be used is more useful. Therefore, Table 2 is proposed as a and
reference on the suitability (satisfactory or good) of an approach  analytical/mathematical methods of calibration.
based on the scope of the paper on approaches used for new
buildings design, analysis of energy conservation measures (ECM), Among the six purposes mentioned by Reddy regarding the use
and analysis of retrofits. of calibrated simulations, one is directly related to the focus of this
paper. In this sense, Reddy suggests that calibrated models support
the analysis of investment-grade energy conservation measures
3. Calibration allowing an accurate estimation of their payback.
Having Reddy's comprehensive review as a reference of pre-
“The process of fitting the model to the observed data by vious work done, pertinent work found to be published after
adjusting the parameters is known as calibration [29].” This Reddy's review is given in this section.
definition was given in a general context, but this section focuses Raftery et al. [32] described a five steps approach for calibra-
on models for building energy consumption, and in particular with tion: (1) preparation (initial model, historical weather data,
whole building energy simulation models which fall into the calibration data, documentation), (2) obtain readily accessible data
calibrated engineering models as per in Fig. 1. Therefore, the and information, (3) update model inputs (zone-typing, construc-
following definition is more appropriate “Calibrated simulation is tions, HVAC and plant, internal loads), (4) error check, and
the process of using an existing building simulation computer (5) iterative calibration process (test model for acceptance, review
program and “tuning” or calibrating the various inputs to the outputs using visualization techniques, investigate possible further
program so that observed energy use matches closely with that sources of information, update model). They point out that
predicted by the simulation program [30].” The focus of this although the methodology is intended to apply to detailed
section is based on the common use of whole building energy calibration studies with high resolution measured data, the pri-
simulation programs for the analysis of energy-conservation and mary aspects of the methodology (evidence-based approach,
energy-efficiency measures. Some statements supporting this version control, and zone-typing) are independent of the available
orientation are (a) “… an existing building simulation computer measured data. For the case study, they used EnergyPlus as the
program and “tunes” or calibrates the various physical inputs to whole building energy simulation software. The results showed
the program so that observed energy use matches closely with excellent correlation with a mean bias error of  4.2% for the HVAC
that predicted by the simulation program. Once that is achieved, electrical consumption data.
more reliable and insightful predictions could be made than with Ryana and Sanquist [37] presented a narrative review of the
statistical approaches [30]”; (b) “Reducing the energy use of validation of building energy models under idealized and realistic
existing homes offers significant energy-saving opportunities, conditions. Validations under idealized conditions seek to validate
which can be identified through building simulation software the coupled physics of the models and the engineering assump-
tools that calculate optimal packages of retrofit measures [31]”; tions. In idealized cases, test cells are often modeled. A test cell is
(c) “Simulation is commonly held to be the best practice approach an experimental arrangement that can be useful when trying to
to performance analysis in the building industry [32]”; and (d) isolate the effects of specific building features in order to define
“Ideally, whole-building energy simulation programs model all how the model predict different parameters and how the para-
aspects of energy use and thermal and visual comfort in buildings. meters are correlated with each other. In realistic validation
…, an essential component of the development of such computer studies building energy models are compared to metering and
simulation models is a rigorous program of validation, testing, and auditing data. In realistic validation, validation of the physics
diagnostics [33],” “Energy simulation models play a key role in behind the models is sought, but also the methods used to account
computing potential energy savings from retrofits [34],” “Simulation for the occupants and their behavior. In general, realistic validation
provides a mechanism to determine where savings opportunities exist methods attempt to verify the accuracy of building energy models
or energy inefficiency occurs in a building [35],” and “Calibrated under a variety of conditions where the effects of the occupants
simulation is also very useful, facility professionals who can benefit need to be included in the model.
from the availability of a model to explore energy saving potentials as Heo et al. [34] point out that whole building transient simulation
well as ECM impacts [36].” In this sense, the whole-building energy models such as EnergyPlus can be used to model a building and its
performance simulation tools sponsored by the U.S. Department of control systems which are important when some characteristics or
N. Fumo / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60 57

parameters need to be evaluated within the context of overall prediction of the energy and demand reductions. In a further
energy consumption of the building. However, they also suggest description of the methodology, six elements of the calibration
that to compare cost-benefits of competitive retrofit technologies at methodology are discussed. The first five elements are directly
the macro-level, the level of detail that a simulation program associated to the five steps of the methodology, but the last one
demands is often not necessary. Therefore, they propose that a refers to the computation of uncertainties in the calibrated model
Bayesian approach can potentially allow the use of lower resolution prediction.
models to be used without compromising the degree-of-confidence Coakley et al. [40] used a four steps methodology for calibration
in the outcomes. The authors conclude that the case study con- of an engineering model developed using EnergyPlus [24]. The
sidered demonstrates that the proposed methodology can correctly steps can be described as follows. (1) Data Gathering/Building
evaluate energy retrofit options and support risk conscious Audit refers to gathering building geometric data, weather data,
decision-making by explicitly inspecting risks associated with each HVAC systems specifications, and detailed load/occupancy sche-
retrofit option. dules; (2) Evidence-Based Building Energy Simulation (BES) Model
Ahmad and Culp [35] developed a test protocol with con- Development refers to an initial construction of the model and an
straints on available resources, including time, simulation skill, iteratively update of the model based on information acquired on
and simulation software. In their approach, they used measure- a continuous basis; (3) Bounded Grid Search refers to an statistical
ments covering building energy use over several years; the data calibration based on a Monte Carlo method to define range of
were not made available until after the simulation results using variation for unknown input variables based on data classification;
the software DOE-2.1E were completed. As per the result of the and (4) Uncertainty Analysis refers to the process of ranking the
data and simulations results comparisons, they concluded that solutions based on statistical goodness-of-it (GOF) criteria since
when the total energy for the building was calculated, discrepan- more than one solution may satisfy the objective function.
cies in the range of 7 30% were observed, and in general, In a more general context, Building Energy Simulation TEST
uncalibrated simulations were observed to result in discrepancies (BESTEST) is a method for testing, diagnosing, and validating the
from the measured data exceeding 790% for individual compo- capabilities of building energy simulation programs. The BESTEST
nents such as chilled water or hot water. validation standard has been under development by the National
Pan et al. [36] describe the methodology and results of a Renewal Energy Laboratory (NREL) since the 1980s. A list of
calibrated building energy model to be used for evaluation of related documents is available for download on the NREL publica-
energy performance and cost-effectiveness of energy conservation tions database. From the BESTEST Test Suites, the BESTEST for
measures. They used three different measurements and verifica- existing homes (BESTEST-EX) [41] is commented in this review.
tion approaches to define the acceptable tolerance for monthly BESTEST-EX is a test procedure that allows software developers to
data calibration. For the development of the model they used the evaluate their audit tools' performance in modeling energy use
DOE-2.1E as the simulation engine. In their approach they use the and savings in existing homes when utility bills are available for
“refine model” step to revise the model inputs when the model model calibration.
was not satisfactorily calibrated. After calibration, the mean bias BESTEST-EX includes two kinds of test cases: building physics
error index (used for comparisons of monthly energy use) test cases with fully known inputs, and calibrated energy savings
decreases from 739% to 77.1% and from 782% to 713.1% for test cases with specified base-case monthly utility bill data and
electricity and gas respectively. uncertainty ranges for selected inputs. The building physics test
Westphal and Lamberts [38] presented results of a case study of cases are a direct application of software-to-software comparative
their six stages methodology for calibration of building simulation test methods. A given audit model is tested using specified inputs;
models. The methodology was tested using EnergyPlus, and BESTEST-EX compares software simulation findings to reference
sensitive analysis was applied considering the linearity effect of results generated with state-of-the-art simulation tools such as
the input parameters. In each step different parameters were EnergyPlus, SUNREL, and DOE-2.1E [41]. Utility bill calibration test
adjusted and for the final model the higher monthly difference cases, after running the building physics cases, diagnosing results
was 20%, with the annual energy electric consumption estimated disagreements, and correcting all found modeling errors, a given
by simulation was only 1% lower than recorded value. audit model (and associated calibration methods) can be tested by
Reddy et al. [39] proposed a general methodology of calibrating comparing utility-bill-calibrated energy savings predictions to
detailed simulation programs. The methodology is deeming to be results from the reference programs [42]. The BESTEST-EX base
methodical, rational, robust, and computationally efficient while building is based on HERS BESTEST [43]. “Typical building descrip-
being flexible enough to satisfy different users with different tions and physical properties published by sources such as DOE,
personal preferences and biases. Their approach advocates that it the National Association of Home Builders, the American Society of
is much more robust to identify a small set of most plausible Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE),
solutions instead of the “best” solution. This is justified since the and the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) are used for
calibration of a detailed energy simulation program involving the test cases [43].”
numerous input parameters is a highly underdetermined problem. Most of the work done at the NREL in conjunction with the
Thus, a satisfactory overall calibration to the utility billing data will International Energy Agency is the content of the ASHRAE Stan-
not guarantee accurate identification of the individual parameters dard 140 [44]. The standard specifies tests procedures for evaluat-
in the simulation program. The main idea behind each steps are ing the technical capabilities and ranges of applicability of
(1) prepare a preliminary simulation input file of the building that computer programs that calculate the thermal performance of
is as realistic and error-free as possible; (2) reduce the dimension- buildings and their HVAC systems. The tests should allow identify-
ality of the parameter space by resorting to walk-through audits ing and diagnosing predictive differences that may possibly be
and heuristics; (3) identify the more sensitive or strong para- caused by algorithmic differences, modeling limitations, input
meters by performing a “bounded” coarse grid calibration using differences, or coding errors. The current set of tests included
a Monte Carlo simulation involving numerous trials with different consists of (1) comparative tests that focus on building thermal
combinations of input parameter values; (4) perform a guided envelope and fabric loads and mechanical equipment performance
search calibration to further refine or improve on the calib- and (2) analytical verification tests that focus on mechanical
rated solutions identified by the coarse grid search; and (5) use equipment performance. The scope of the standard establishes
a small number of the most plausible solutions for a more robust that while the standard test procedures cannot test all algorithms
58 N. Fumo / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60

within a building energy computer program, they can be used to although a model developed using accredited software is not a
indicate major flaws or limitations in capabilities. calibrated model; its results are assumed to be accurate enough to
To finalize this section, the OAK REDGE National Laboratory is be considered valid.
developing the Autotune methodology [45,46] for calibrating
building energy models (BEM). Autotune is aimed at developing
an automated BEM tuning methodology that enables models to 5. Weather data
reproduce measured data such as utility bills, sub-meter, and/or
sensor data accurately and robustly by selecting best match input Weather parameters are some of the most important factors
parameters for the software EnergyPlus (or other simulation and that influence the load and energy demand on buildings. For
energy audit tools) in a systematic, automated, and repeatable whole building energy simulations, a suitable weather file is a
fashion. The methodology is based on a multiobjective optimiza- major component that allows reliably analysis of energy savings
tion via sensitivity analysis; data mining to provide automated from energy management practices and retrofits. Weather stations
mapping between available data and model input variables; usually record many weather parameters, but some are more
application of a suite of machine learning algorithms to generate important than others for building energy consumption. For
calibration functions; and quantification of trade-off between example, for simple regression analysis models the outdoor
tuning accuracy and amount of data available. temperature is the parameter used, and for multiregression
analysis usually no more than three weather parameters are used.
Pedersen [22] addresses weather files for thermal load and
4. Verification energy estimations in buildings with a focus on European sources.
In this paper, the focus is on weather files/formats used in the U.S.
In the U.S. residential sector, the Residential Energy Services and mainly by the EnergyPlus software [24]. The EnergyPlus' site
Network (RESNET) [47] sets the Nation's standards for Home has a webpage for “Weather Data for Simulation.” In this webpage
Energy Efficiency. RESNET is responsible for creating the national it is stated that “Users of energy simulation programs should avoid
training and certification standards for Home Energy Rating using single year, Test Reference Year-type (TRY) weather data.”
System (HERS) raters and home energy survey professionals. The The Typical Meteorological Year (TMY) and Weather Year for
HERS and certified professionals are recognized by federal govern- Energy Calculations (WYEC) are recommended because these
ment agencies such as the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. formats reproduce a year that can predict energy consumption
Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. mortgage industry. and energy costs that are closer to the long term average. This
HERS rating gives an index that measures home's energy effi- webpage recommends a paper by Crawley [49] for more informa-
ciency. The index is obtained by comparing the home energy use tion on selecting weather data appropriate for energy simulation.
against a reference home. To obtain the house's energy use to be In Ref. [50], Crawley et al. present more detail on the “E/E” weather
compared with the reference home (reference house's energy use), format used by EnergyPlus and ESP-r, as two of the major
a whole building energy simulation program is used. The software simulation programs in the U.S. and Europe, respectively. This
used by HERS raters must be verified and accredited by RESNET. format is based on data available within the TMY2 weather format.
For a software to be accredited by RESNET, it must satisfy the An important difference between EnergyPlus/ESP-r (E/E) format
requirements set out on the Procedures for Verification of RESNET and TMY2 is a minute data field. The minute data field is used for
Accredited HERS Software Tools [48]. The verification process is data measured at intervals of less than 1 h which facilitates
based on the satisfaction of the test suite adopted by the RESNET calibration of models when data is available. For EnergyPlus, the
Board. E/E format is identified as EPW. In order to translate typical
weather data into the EPW format, Crawley et al. [50] developed
 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2011, Class II, Tier 1 Tests: the ANSI/ a utility that is available on the EnergyPlus software. As examples
ASHRAE Standard 140-2011, Class II, Tier 1 test procedure has been on the use of this formats, verification procedures for HERS
adopted by RESNET and is a requirement for all software programs software tools are based on TMY weather file format, with Color-
to be accredited. ado Springs, Colorado (a clear, cold climate) and Las Vegas, Nevada
 HERS Reference Home autogeneration tests: these tests verify (a hot, dry climate) as two locations for the test [51], and ASHRAE
the ability of the software tool to automatically generate the Standard 140 uses TMY weather files to perform tests.
HERS Reference Home. Typical Meteorological Year version 3 (TMY3) data sets are an
 HERS method tests: these tests verify that software tools can update to, and expansion of, the TMY2 data released by the
accurately calculate the HERS Index that is used as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in 1994 [52].
numerical indicator of relative performance for a home. Because they are based on more recent and accurate data, TMY3
 HVAC tests: these tests verify the accuracy and consistency data sets are recommended for use in place of earlier TMY2 data.
with which software tools predict the performance of HVAC For calibration of building energy models weather data match-
equipment, including furnaces, air conditioners, and air source ing the recording time of energy consumption is necessary. These
heat pumps. weather data should include all of the variables which have a
 Duct distribution system efficiency tests: these tests verify the significant effect on the building and should be measured at the
accuracy with which software tools calculate air distribution building itself where possible [32]. When on-site data is not
system losses. ASHRAE Standard 152 results are used as the available, other resources must be used to have a measured data
basis for the test suite acceptance criteria. as close to the site as possible. The webpage “Real-Time Weather
 Hot water system performance tests: these tests determine the Data” from the EnergyPlus website, allows to obtain real-time data
ability of the software to accurately predict hot water system that can be useful for calibration purposes. Another source, with a
energy use. link on the EnergyPlus website, is Weather Analytics [53]. This site
can provide TMY files or Actual Meteorological Year (AMY) files
Although “there is no such thing as a completely validated building (delivered in the same file formats as TMY files). The use of data
energy simulation computer program. All building models are simpli- recorded by a weather station not located close enough to the site
fications of reality [44],” verification is a valid practice to accept results may introduce error due to the influence of microclimates condi-
from simulation programs when compared to a reference. Therefore, tions. For example, Bhandari et al. [54] investigated the impact of
N. Fumo / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 31 (2014) 53–60 59

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