DV y Plano Oclusal
DV y Plano Oclusal
DV y Plano Oclusal
Department of Craniofacial Growth and Development Dentistry, Kanagawa Dental College, Japan
Purpose: In order to examine the relationship between the and malocclusion often develops during this period. The
vertical dimension change and the growth of the maxillo-facial skeletal form of the craniofacial complex at the beginning of
complex in the mixed dentition, we applied a denture frame occlusion development is often categorized as Class II because
analysis including the measures of vertical dental and skeletal the mandible is retruded. Generally, deciduous occlusion is
height, and maxillo-mandibular growth. characterized by the relationship of distal surfaces of the
Materials and methods: The materials used in this study deciduous second molars [3, 13]. In normal growth and
consisted of 225 pair of dental casts in occlusion and serial development, these distal surfaces line up vertically, and
lateral cephalograms of 25 children. We observed their occlu- dental professionals characterize this state as a “Flush Termi-
sion and growth in the initial stage (Stage 1), beginning of nal Plane”.
exchange of the buccal segment (Stage 2), end of exchange Mixed dentition begins when the permanent first molars
of the buccal segment (Stage 3), and final stage (completion erupt. Although normal molar contact in the permanent
of occlusion, Stage 4). dentition is designated as Class I in Angle’s classification, the
Results: Most of the dentition (58%) became Class I molar usual arrangement of the deciduous molars is categorized as
relation before Stage 2 and almost all of the Class II at Stage 2 an equivalent of a Class II relation. During the transition from
remained as Class II occlusion at the final occlusion (Stage 4), deciduous occlusion to the beginning stage of the mixed
indicating rarely available Lee way space for obtaining Class I dentition, the occlusal relationships of the molars change
molar relation. The skeletal Class II group showed a signifi- significantly. The alteration of occlusion in this stage is one
cantly higher eruption of the lower first molar in Stages 2 and 3, of the key points to obtain a proper occlusion in the future.
while Class III skeletal group showed a significantly higher A clear characterization of this dynamic process is, however,
eruption of upper first molars at Stage 4. There were significant lacking.
differences of posterior occlusal plane (POP) in different Previous research shows that, without therapeutic inter-
skeletal frames. vention, the children whose deciduous dentition is character-
Conclusion: The results suggested that the increase in ized by a Flush Terminal Plane will transition into Class I and
vertical dimension and inclination of the POP influence the Class II permanent dentitions with probabilities of 56% and
growth of the mandible in obtaining Class I molar relation and 44%, respectively [2]. For the children in whom the relation-
that improper vertical dimension and inclination of POP are ship of the first molars is Class II at initial occlusion, the
related to the development of skeletal malocclusions. corresponding probabilities are 70% and 30%, respectively [1].
Combining the previous research results, it can be estimated
Keywords: Vertical dimension, occlusal plane, skeletal that approximately 35–45% of the population will develop
frame, growth, lee way space Class II malocclusion in the permanent dentition. Much
research has shown that the retrognathic mandible rather
than the prognathic maxilla is the defining feature of Class II
malocclusion [11, 16] and this group of malocclusions often
Considerable occlusal changes take place during the transi- leads to craniomandibular disorders [12, 25]. Class II maloc-
tion phase from deciduous dentition to permanent dentition, clusion presents a substantial risk to oral health, and we
therefore urge dental professionals to recognize the condition
in the earliest stage possible in order to implement early
This research is a part of Jeong Il Kim’s PhD Thesis in Kanagawa Dental
College. Results of this research were once published in the Kanagawa therapeutic interventions.
Shigaku, Volume 41, 2006 issue, in Japanese. Therefore this English Leeway space, the length difference between the decid-
translation issue is a secondary publication with copyright permission uous lateral segment and the permanent lateral segment, has
from Kanagawa Shigaku.
been described as an essential concept that allows for a normal
Correspondence: Sadao Sato DDS, PhD, Department of Craniofacial transition from the Flush Terminal Plane in the deciduous
Growth and Development Dentistry, Division of Orthodontics, Kanagawa
Dental College, 82 Inaokacho, Yokosuka 238-8580, Japan. dentition to a Class I relationship in the permanent dentition
E-mail: satos@kadcnet.ac.jp [14, 15]. The deciduous lateral segment is longer than the
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Statistical analysis
Statistical significance of differences between the three classes
of growth changes in the occlusal plane as a function of
craniofacial complex type and occlusal type were tested using
Kruskal–Wallis ANOVA (SPSS, version 18) and the level of
rejecting the null hypothesis was set at 5%. In addition, the
correlation between the increase in vertical dimension and
forward growth of the mandible was assessed by Pearson’s
correlation analysis. The significance of correlation was as-
sessed within 1% level.
Alterations of occlusal relationships of molars
Observation of first-molar occlusion during craniofacial
growth and development in each growth stage showed that
in Stage 1, 46% were in Class II, 52% in Class I, and 2% in
Class III (Fig. 3). In Stage 4, 38% were in Class II, 30% in Class I,
and 32% in Class III.
It was examined how the initial occlusion subsequently
Fig. 2: Cephalometric analysis of the craniofacial morphology, vertical changed (Fig. 3). Many cases of Class I occlusion changed to
dimension, and occlusal planes Class III, then 19% changed to Class II (5 sides), 39% to Class I
Fig. 3: Alterations of molar relation in different stages of occlusion development. Fifty-two percent of the cast sides showed Class I molar relation at
Stage 1 of dental development. Final occlusion (Stage 4) distributed into almost an equal balance of Class I, Class II, Class III, while the Class II molar
relation was predominant. Fate of Class I occlusion at Stage 1 showed that one-fifth of Class I became Class II, while 42% of Class I changed to Class III.
Conclusively, 38% of Class I remained as Class I at Stage 4. Fate of 23% of Class II molar occlusion showed that about one-third of the sides
were Class I occlusion, but majority of Class II occlusion did not change their molar relation even through the period of buccal segment exchange
(Stages 2 and 3), suggesting that the Lee way space does not contribute much to the attainment of Class I molar occlusion
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(10 sides), and 42% changed to Class III (11 sides). In the cases in Class II. The increase at B point was significantly more in the
which were Class II in the initial stage, most of them remained third and final stages in Classes II and III than in Class I.
Class II until the final stage (Stage 4). In the final stage, 61% However, there were no significant differences in the growth of
maintained Class II (14 sides), 22% changed to Class I (5 sides), point A at any stage.
and 17% to Class III (4 sides). The cases which showed
occlusion change from Class II to Class I (8 sides) indicated Vertical dimension increase in the skeletal group
that Class I occlusion was gained before the transition of
deciduous teeth to permanent teeth in the buccal segment S-PP shows the perpendicular height of the maxilla. In the
(Stage 2), suggesting that leeway space was not necessary to dental classification, it did not show any significant difference
establish Class I occlusion. at any stage. In the skeletal classification, there were signifi-
The case which had Class III (1 side) in the initial stage cant changes between Class II group and Class III group before
remained as Class III until Stage 4. the lateral-segment exchange (Stage 2) but not in any other
growth stage. The total vertical dimension (VD) of the upper
and lower first molars and S-PP was not significantly different
Alterations of vertical dimension in dental and skeletal
at any stage in either the occlusal or skeletal classification.
There were no significant changes in the perpendicular Alterations in the occlusal plane (Fig. 6)
growth of upper and lower molars between dental Classes I,
II, and III groups in any growth stage (Fig. 4). On the other In this study, the average changes in the different occlusal
hand, comparing skeletal groups, Class III group in the final planes, AOP, POP, and GOP were analyzed. There was no
stage showed a significant difference in the growth of the significant difference in either AOP or GOP in the dental group
upper first molar, and Class II group in Stages 2 and 3 had or in the skeletal group. In POP, there were no significant
significant growth changes of lower first molars. differences among skeletal Classes I, II, and III at either Stage 1
or 2. However, in the last two stages, there were less significant
changes in the Class III group and more differences in Class II
Anteroposterior growth of maxilla and mandible
group at Stage 4.
Points A and B provided a reference to measure the antero-
posterior growth of the maxilla and the mandible, respectively.
Relationship between increase of vertical dimension
In the dental classification groups, there was no significant
and the forward growth of the mandible
difference in the growth of maxilla and mandible in any class
at any time (Fig. 5). In contrast, there were differences among We calculated correlation coefficients to quantify the relation-
skeletal groups. In the last two developmental stages (Stages 3 ship between three vertical-dimension variables and the for-
and 4), the distance to point B increased more in Class III than ward growth of the mandible (defined as the forward
15.0 15.0
Dental Class I (U6) Skeletal Class I (U6)
Dental Class II Skeletal Class II
Dental Class III Skeletal Class III
10.0 10.0
Increment of dental vertical height (mm)
5.0 5.0
0 0
15.0 15.0
Dental Class I (L6) Skeletal Class I (L6)
Dental Class II Skeletal Class II
Dental Class III Skeletal Class III
10.0 10.0
5.0 5.0
0 0
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Fig. 4: Alteration of vertical height of upper and lower 1st molars. In dental classification, there was no significant difference with the increment of
dental height. In the skeletal classification groups, Class II skeletal group showed a significantly higher eruption of lower first molar in Stages 2 and 3,
while the Class III skeletal group showed a significantly higher eruption of the upper first molar in Stage 4
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15.0 15.0
Dental Class I (A) Skeletal Class I (A)
Dental Class II Skeletal Class II
Growth of point A (mm)
5.0 5.0
0 0
15.0 15.0
Dental Class I (B) Skeletal Class I (B)
Dental Class II Skeletal Class II
Growth of point B (mm)
5.0 5.0
0 0
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Fig. 5: Alteration of forward growth of the maxilla (A) and the mandible (B). In groups of dental classification, there was no significant difference in
the forward growth of maxilla and mandible. In the groups of skeletal classification, Class II skeletal group showed significant difference in mandibular
growth (B), while maxillary growth was not significantly different
30.0 30.0
Dental Class I Skeletal Class I
Dental Class II Skeletal Class II
Dental Class III Skeletal Class III
25.0 25.0
Posterior occlusal plane (Degree)
20.0 20.0
15.0 15.0
10.0 10.0
0 0
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Fig. 6: Alteration of posterior occlusal plane inclination. There were significant differences of posterior occlusal plane in different skeletal frames,
steeper posterior occlusal plane in Class II skeletal and flat posterior occlusal plane in Class III skeletal frame, while there were no significant differences
in AOP and GOP
movement of point B). The three variables were the VDI of Discussion
the upper molars plus S-PP, the VDI of lower first molars, and
total VDI. There were significant correlations between the How the occlusion affects craniofacial growth is a subject of
variables and the mandibular forward growth (Fig. 7). The fundamental interest to researchers in the fields of pedodon-
correlation coefficients were 0.449, 0.267, and 0.503, respec- tics and orthodontics. In particular, the influence of occlusion
tively. on the growth of the mandible is an essential element by which
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Fig. 8: Possible mechanisms to develop different malocclusions. The results of this study suggest that the increase of vertical dimension and
inclination of the posterior occlusal plane contribute to the mandibular growth and to obtaining Class I molar relation rather than Lee way space and that
improper vertical dimensions and inclination of posterior occlusal plane are related to the development of skeletal malocclusions
beginning of the mixed dentition do not transition to Class I created. This brings the question about the leeway-space
even after the lateral-segment exchange period. In fact, there is hypothesis by Nance which simply explains that Class I
only a low probability that the ones who are Class II at Stage 2 occlusion develops as a consequence of the anterior–posterior
will transition to Class I by the exchange of the lateral-seg- movement of the first molar.
ment. Most of the Class II occlusion cases in Stage 2 will Hwang et al. [5, 6] reported that there is a significant
remain as Class II in the permanent dentition (Stage 4). This relationship between the inclination of the posterior occlusal
suggests that other important mechanisms exist besides lee- plane and anteroposterior position of the mandible, in which
way space and it is important to manage the occlusion at an the inclination of posterior occlusal plane was closely related
early stage of mixed dentition. with the anteroposterior relationship of the mandible. In
Different skeletal classes, Classes I, II, and III classified addition, Sato [18] reported cases that had an occlusal plane
based on the APDI, showed vertical changes in the upper and of skeletal Class III malocclusion which became flatter by
lower first molars POP. The amount of the eruption of the growth and development, indicating that mandibular protru-
upper first molars after the lateral-segment exchange period sive adaptation is important in the developmental processes of
was significantly more in Class III than in other classes, and the skeletal Class III malocclusion. Kato et al. [8] and Fushima
eruption of the lower first molars before and after lateral- et al. [4] later examined the vertical dimension and inclination
segment exchange in Class II was significantly more than for of occlusal plane of Class II malocclusion cases; the molar’s
other classes (Fig. 4). At the same time, the posterior occlusal vertical dimension was significantly lower and the occlusal
plane in Class III became gradually flatter during craniofacial plane was steeper. In addition, the series of research papers
growth. However, in Class II it became steeper. By combining done by our research group [19–22] showed that vertical
these, eruption of the upper molars resulted in a flat POP. dimension and occlusal plane changes during growth and
Following this, the mandible adjusted itself by protrusive development and adaptation of the mandible toward it are
rotation and consequently developed Class III. Eruption of important elements of craniofacial skeletal growth and the
the lower molars made the occlusal plane steeper, because of cause of developing malocclusions. In addition, it suggests
posterior rotation of the mandible, and then Class II occlusion that the retrognathic mandible such as in Class II malocclu-
develops. It is suggested that the type of occlusion one sion is the result of secondary adaptation of the mandible [23].
develops strongly depends on the vertical dimension and From these reports and the findings of the present study,
occlusal plane changes that take place during growth and it is clear that Classes II and III malocclusions are related to
development. occlusal vertical dimension and inclination of the occlusal
We studied the relationship between the growth of the plane, especially that of posterior part (Fig. 8) [8]. In addition,
vertical dimension of maxilla and mandible and the antero- as shown in this research, these changes start at a considerably
posterior growth of the mandible. As a result, the sum of VDI, early stage of the growth and development. It can be conclud-
vertical increment of maxillary and mandibular first molars, ed that it is important to clinically observe the changes of
and cranial base to palatal plane distance was significantly occlusion and vertical dimension to avoid malocclusion at the
related to the forward growth of the mandible (point B) time when the first molars erupt.
(Fig. 7). This shows that alterations in the vertical dimension
of dentition are closely related to the growth of the mandible
and for establishing Class I occlusion. It is necessary that the
mandible must protrusively adapt after the vertical dimension Results of the present study regarding craniofacial mea-
increases, otherwise an anterior open bite malocclusion is surements including vertical dimension and occlusal plane
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