Biomechanics of Incisor Retraction With Mini Implant Anchorage
Biomechanics of Incisor Retraction With Mini Implant Anchorage
Biomechanics of Incisor Retraction With Mini Implant Anchorage
Mini-implants have been successfully incorporated into orthodontic practice all over the world. One of the most
popular applications of mini-implant anchorage is to facilitate retraction of the anterior teeth. This article reviews
the mechanics involved in anterior tooth retraction with mini-implant supported anchorage. An attempt has been
made to synthesize information available in the literature and present it in a manner that is easily understandable
from a clinical perspective. We discuss the fundamental differences mini-implant based incisor retraction has when
compared to conventional techniques, mechanical factors affecting this process and provide a step-by-step analysis
of incisor retraction. In addition, various models of space closure are discussed that have evolved through careful
evaluation of in vitro and in vivo experiments.
Introduction closure. The shift is seen not only in the anchorage demand
The extraction of premolar teeth and labial segment between the two techniques but also in the biomechanics
retraction is generally indicated when there is obvious involved. When using conventional mechanics, force appli-
protrusion. In the presence of a full unit class II cation is usually parallel to the occlusal plane and hence,
malocclusion or class I bimaxillary protrusion, ancho- the orthodontist is only required to analyze force in one
rage control is important because maintenance of plane. However, because MIs are usually placed apical
posterior buccal segment position is critical. A loss in to the occlusal plane into the bone between the roots of
molar anchorage not only compromises correction of teeth, the force applied is always at an angle (notably, the
the anterior–posterior discrepancy, but also affects the preferred location for MI placement is between the roots
overall vertical dimension of the face (Upadhyay et al., of the second premolars and first molars close to the
2008a,b; 2010). The application of mini-implant (MI) mucogingival junction; care should be taken that the MIs
supported anchorage can circumvent these anchorage are not inserted too far apically in the movable mucosa,
reinforcement issues and help maintain molar position since this can lead to failure due to persistent inflammation
whilst establishing a class I canine relationship. around the insertion site). This angulated force lends itself
The science behind the use of MIs and their effect on to be broken into two components by the law of vector
the dentition has undergone a paradigm shift since the resolution (Upadhyay et al., in press): a horizontal
introduction of these appliances into clinical orthodon- retraction force (r) and a vertical intrusive force (i). The
tics almost two decades ago. Through this paper we force applied with MIs in such a setup is also closer to the
intend to highlight the evolution of the biomechanics Centre of Resistance (CRES) of the anterior unit.
involved in incisor retraction with MI anchorage and Therefore, the MF (Moment due to the Force) is
how the scientific evidence is constantly evolving this significantly less, compared to that generated in
process. conventional mechanics (Upadhyay et al., 2008a,b;
2009; 2010; 2012). Clinically it translates into a
decreased tendency for the teeth to tip (Figure 1).
Mechanical differences in incisor retraction between With conventional mechanics, the posterior segment
MIs and conventional techniques usually serves as the passive anchor unit, while the anterior
The use of MIs for the retraction of anterior teeth presents teeth act as the active unit. The force system is there-
a paradigm shift from conventional methods of space fore differentially expressed in the active unit and the
Figure 2 Anterior teeth that have to be distalized a greater distance (a) and will be automatically predisposed to
greater degrees of tipping than those requiring less distalization (b) (Note: the molar represents the posterior
segment while the incisor represents the anterior teeth)
JO September 2014 Mini-implant Supplement Fundamentals of the mechanics involved S17
Figure 5 Power arm based space closure. (a) En masse retraction of anterior teeth shows controlled tipping. (b)
Translation of the canine using a power arm
that space closure is a dynamic process and things change Phase I: This initiation of incisor retraction. A single
as teeth move. Considerable research in this area has force (F) is applied in an upward and backward/distal
provided us with a more detailed representation of the direction (Figure 6a). This force produces a moment
incisor movement and its effect on the entire dentition (MF) acting at the CRES of the incisor segment, causing it
(Barlow and Kula, 2008; Josell et al., 1997; Kojima and to tip as it is being distalized. Since there is some degree of
Fukui, 2010; Kojima et al., 2012; Kojima and Fukui, 2014; play between the archwire and the bracket slot at this
Moore and Waters, 1993; Sia et al., 2009; Tominaga et al., stage, the tooth is free to tip in the mesio-distal direction
2009) Based on the evidence gathered from this pool of in an uncontrolled manner, creating a centre of rotation
research, we have further refined the mechanical model of (CROT) slightly apical to the CRES (Kojima et al., 2012;
incisor retraction with MIs. Essentially, incisor retraction Kojima and Fukui, 2014; Sia et al., 2009; Tominaga et al.,
can be divided into four phases (Figure 6): 2009) (Figure 4). This can also be referred to as the
JO September 2014 Mini-implant Supplement Fundamentals of the mechanics involved S19
Figure 6 Mechanics of incisor retraction with MIs (Red dot: centre of rotation). (a) Phase I (The unsteady state/
uncontrolled tipping). The archwire-bracket play allows for uncontrolled tipping of the incisor. Note: Due to the
play there is no MC (moment due to a couple) generated. (b) Phase II (The controlled state/controlled tipping).
The archwire-bracket play does not exist anymore. There are signs of initial contact between the archwire and the
bracket edges giving rise to MC. However still MF..MC. (c) Phase III (Restorative phase/root uprighting due to
decreasing force). There is a decrease in the force levels causing a decrease in MF. Here MF,,MC. Note the
deflected wire now springs back as the retraction force is reduced causing a reduction in the moment. (d) Phase
IV (Continuous/heavy force). Permanent deflection of the archwire due to the continuous/heavy F making the MC
ineffective in creating any root correction. Here again MF..MC
‘unsteady state’ of incisor retraction, characterized by deflection, as we will see later) and the CROT moves
uncontrolled tipping. Here it is easy to see that the greater apically, creating controlled tipping of the incisors. This
the play the more tipping occurs or in other words the can also be called the ‘steady state’ of incisor retraction.
smaller the size of the archwire the greater the tipping. From this point onwards, the movement of the teeth will
Phase II: The incisor is now tipped to the extent that depend upon the nature of the retraction force, i.e. a
the clearance (or play) between the bracket slot and the steady continuous force or a force decreasing with time.
wire has been eliminated. Figure 6b depicts the incisors This at the clinical level is a very relevant supposition.
somewhat later in time relative to Figure 6a. Archwire– Phase III (decreasing force): For space closure to enter
bracket slot contact now exists. This two-point con- this phase, it must be assumed that the distal driving force
tact by the archwire creates a moment in the opposite is undergoing a constant decay through the retraction
direction of MF resulting in less tipping of the incisors process. This is often seen with an elastomeric chain
when compared to phase I. This is the ‘counterbalancing or active tiebacks. (Barlow and Kula, 2008; Josell et al.,
moment’ or ‘moment due to a couple’ (MC). As the 1997) As the force decreases, so does the MF; however,
wire further deflects, MC continues to increase (Force a because of the angulated bracket and the local bending
S20 Upadhyay et al. Mini-implant Supplement JO September 2014
Figure 9 Clinical application of power arm soldered on 0.01960.025 SS archwires for space closure. The blue arrow
shows the root movement obtained
are critical factors for controlling incisor retraction with increases in friction/binding forces leading to stagnation
MI-supported anchorage. It is imperative to regulate or slowing of tooth movement.
these factors in order to minimize archwire deflection for Various models describing incisor retraction have been
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Figure 10 Sliding mechanics with power arm. (a) Moment (blue) due to retraction force. (b) Moment (red)
generated by the torsional effect of the archwire
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