Purpose: reverence for spirits and nature, criteria for the beautiful and societies
sociopolitical structures.
• These are songs or chants that are usually given during exorcisms and
thanksgiving during good harvest.
• These are stories of native Filipinos
• These deal with the power of nature- personified, their submission to a
deity- usually Bathala– and how this deity is responsible for the blessings
and calamities
• These also tackle about irresponsibility, stupidity, deception and fallibility
that eventually leads to the instilling of good morals.
Usual Themes:
• Are very lengthy narratives that are based on oral traditions. These contain
encounters of fighters, stereotypical princes or heroes that save a damsel in
Before the Spanish period, the early forms of the Philippine drama were the
duplo and the karagatan.
• Duplo was a poetical debate held by the trained men and women in the
ninth night, the last night of the mourning period for the dead.
• Bellacos are the male participants, they are the heads of the games
• Karagatan- was also a poetical debate like the duplo, but its participants
were amateurs.
• Both were held in the homes
• Theme- all about a ring that fell into the sea.
Nipa Hut- a single room house
composed of wood, bamboo or other
native materials.
Tree House- small house built on top of
trees to prevent animal as well as
enemy attcks.
Islam as a religion has long been established since the early A.D. 600s. Along
with its emergence around the world, it also paved way for the development of
its own unique style of art. Islamic art place emphasis on creating an artform
that is built on the beauty and respect for the teachings of Islam. Islamic art is
characterized by designs of flowers, plant forms and geometric designs. It is
used in calligraphy, architecture painting, clothing and other forms of fine art.
Mosques in the Philippines have a
common architectural feature that is
similar with its Southeast Asian
neighbors. It is made of light materials
such as wood, bamboo and cogon grass
and was used in the building of the early
types of mosques but these light
materials did not last long.
Philippine Muslim homes represents their
identity therefore Islamic art is seen in their
houses. These houses usually contain framed
calligraphy of Qur’an passages in its walls.
These ornaments usually are made from
Muslim dominated countries like Malaysia,
Egypt and Saudi Arabia brought home by
overseas Filipino workers as mementos of their
• A design related to Islam that is used in
the Philippines is batik cloth design. This
kind of design traces its influence from
Indonesia. It contains abstract themes
with geometric and floral design.
However, human and animal depiction is
a rare motif in batik
Qur’an is the central religious text of Islam,
believed by Muslims to be a revelation from
God (Allah).
• Though the South have been resistant, the Spanish Colonizers gained
control in the Central part, which they classified them as “Lowland
• Art forms, as they demanded, are under the strict rule of the church and the
colonial state
• By religious orders, they dispatched t convert all the natives to Catholicism
• Art forms are stylistically and culturally which are classified under religious
art, lowland Christian art and folk art
• Baroque are implied with churches like:
- San Agustin Church in Manila
-Morong Church in Rizal
- Paoay Church in Ilocos Norte
- Sto. Tomas de Villanueva Church in Miag-ao, Iloilo
• The Spanish Friars introduced
western paintings to the
artisans who learned to copy
two dimensional forms from
religious paintings such
religious icons were paintings
of saints and of the holy family.
• In the 17th Century, Chinese artisans are engaged in making icons or saints
or santos.
• Santos are displayed most on decorative altar niche which are called retablo
• Via Crucis (14 paintings or relief sculptures) is series of reliefs which shows
Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection.
• Spanish colonization brought with it printing technology in the form of
catechism and prayer books in Spanish for a lot to read and write and to
• Doctrina Christiana (The Teachings of Christianity)- printed in 1953 in
Spanish and Tagalog compiling song lyrics, commandments, sacraments,
and other catechetical material.
• It also engraves the production of secular or non-religious works like which
scientists and artists does maps as other sources of classification.
• Another example is Augustinian botanist Fr. Manuel Blanco made an
extensive compilation of the Philippine plants in Flora de Filipinas in 1878
• Many Philippine churches shows the influence of the baroque style with a
massive walls and thickness buttresses to adapt our geographical condition
• Houses also is that of native hut, wide windows, its utilization of a ground
floor is only for storage and garage for the carruaje.
• Western musical instruments like the pipe organ, the violin, the guitar, and
the piano give a very new European flavor with new rhythms, melodies and
musical forms.
• Other musical forms like pasyon or pabasa which are biblical narration of
Christ’s passion chanted (sometimes read)
• Another one is Balitao which is sentimental love songs and lullabies in the
latter half of the 19th century.
• Sentiments began to develop which Kundiman is born that spoke about
resignation and fatalism, a vehicle for resistance with lyrics of unrequited
• As the galleon trade between Mexico and Philippines brought Mexican
influences Cariñosa, Pandanggo or Fandango, Polka, Dansa and the
Rigodon and European influence like Habañera, Jota, and Tango dances
from Spain.
• One of the earliest forms of theater is pomp and pageantry
• Zarzuela or Sarsuwela in the 19th Century is a singing ang dancing- prose
dialogue which the story is carried out in song.
• Senakulo- Christ’s suffering in metaphor to the suffering of Filipinos under
Spanish colonial rule
• First Senakulo written in 1704 by Gaspar Aquino de Belen is now divided
into two main types:
a. Komedya de Santos
b. Moro-moro
• Independence
- Philippine Revolution of 1896 was cut short to the establishment of
American Colonial Government.
• Treaty of Paris in 1898 is where the Spain surrendered the Philippines to
the United States
• Filipino playwrights found themselves confronted by censorship in issuance
of Sedition Law which banned writing, printing, and publication of materials
advocating Philippine independence
• Lingua Franca in English, poems and stories from books in the classroom to
facilitate teaching of the English through public school system, which the
American has brought.
• In less than a decade, Filipino began to write plays in English.
- In 1915, Lino Castillejo and Jesusa Araullo authored “A Modern Filipina”
which was the first Filipino play written in English.
• Neo-classic and art deco architecture are integrated in City Planning, Public
Works, Structures and Infrastructures to make the place attractive,
impressive and places for leisure amid urban light.
• Manila’s Neo-classic architecture examples are:
-Post Office and Legislative Building
-National Art Gallery
• 1909, a year after establishment of the University of the Philippines, School
of Fine Arts was opened and the course on commercial design
aforementioned had in-demands
• Fernando Amorsolo became a professor in the UP School of Fine Arts, which
students pertained to as “Amorsolo School”
• Guillermo Tolentino, on the other hand, in sculpture studied Fine Arts in
Rome being influenced by the classical tradition.
- He made the Oblation (1935, original/ 1958, bronze cast found at the
UP- Oblation Plaza
- Bonifacio Monument, 1933 in Caloocan
• As the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines, the Modern Art project
begun to slowdown
• The “Moderns” and “Conservatives” producing art continued in KALIBAPI
(Kapisanan sa Paglilingkod ng Bagong Pilipinas)
• Since the Japanese advocated for culture of East Asia, preference was
given to the indigenous art and traditions of the Philippines. This
emphasized their propaganda of Asia belonging to Asians.
• Modern Era in the Philippine Art began after World War II and granting of
independence. Writers and artists posed the question of national identity as
the main theme of the various art forms.
• Modern, Conservative, abstract, experimental and public art
• Real Estate, Safe Housing, Condominiums, Subdivision, Villages, Malls,
Commercial/Business/Convention Buildings
• Philippine Contemporary Art was an offshoot of social realism brought about
by Martial Law. Art became expression of people aspiration for a just, free,
and sovereign society.
• Figurative, non-figurative, art for art sake, multi-media, mixed media
• Real Estate, Safe Housing, Condominiums, Subdivision, Villages, Malls,
Commercial/Business/Convention Buildings