Testbank OB
Testbank OB
Testbank OB
Question 1: Leadership is the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision
and set of goals.
A. True
B. False
Question 2: Which of the following is NOT a reason for why organizations need leaders ?
Explain: Organizations need leaders to challenge the status quo, to create visions and to inspire
members while they need managers to formulate plans, to create structures and to oversee day-to-
day operations of employees.
Question 3: What is the biggest difference between trait and behavioral theories of leadership ?
Explain: Traits theories of leadership select the right person to become leader (personal
characteristics and inherent qualities) while behavioral theories of leadership train them to become
effective leaders (trainable qualities that can be developed over time through training, coaching
and mentoring).
Question 4: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic in the Big Five Model of trait
leadership ?
A. Extraversion
B. Emotional Stability
C. Self-motivation
D. Conscientiousness
Question 5: Which of the following traits is usually considered as the opposite of emotional
stability in the Big Five Trait Model of leadership ?
A. Neuroticism
B. Introversion
C. Agreeableness
D. Openness to experience
Question 6: Which of the following is the core component of emotional intelligence (EI) ?
A. Social skills
B. Self-awareness
C. Self-management
D. Empathy
Question 7: Trait theories are a far bigger predictor of leadership emergence than leadership
A. True
B. False
Question 8: Trait theories select the right people for leadership but behavioral theories train people
to be leaders.
A. True
B. False
Question 9: The quality of initiating structure is most closely associated to the human-oriented
approach of leadership behavior
A. True
B. False
Question 10: Which of the following is NOT an action implemented by a leader that is
characterized by a higher level of initiating structure ?
Explain: A leader that is in high level of initiating structure (task-oriented leadership) will
Question 11: A leader who emphasizes interpersonal relations, takes personal interest in the needs
of employees, and accepts individual differences among members
A. Task-oriented leader
B. Production-oriented leader
C. Employee-oriented leader
D. Human-oriented leader
Question 12: Which leadership theory is premised on the notion that leaders establish close
working relationships with an in-group of followers?
Question 12: The leadership approach in which the way a leader makes a decision must be aligned
with what they actually decide is path-goal theory
A. True
B. False
Explain: The leadership approach in which the way a leader makes a decision must be aligned with
what they actually decide is leader-participation theory.
Question 13: Which leadership theory is premised on proposes that effective group performance
depends on the proper match between the leader’s style and the degree to which the situation gives
the leader control.
Question 14: Which of the following best describes one of the downsides of the charismatic
leadership style?
A. Charisma is overrated
B. Charismatic leadership always leads to inflated stock prices
C. Charismatic leaders may not always act in the best interests of the organization
D. Charismatic leadership is usually ineffective in most modern organizations
Explain: There are two dark sides of charismatic leadership which are:
+ Gullible people or people with low self-esteem can be led astray
+ Charismatic leaders may not always act in the best interest of organizations
Question 15: How does the affiliative leadership style build resonance?
Question 16: The quality of consideration is most closely associated with which approach to
A. Task-oriented leadership
B. Production-oriented leadership
C. Structure-oriented leadership
D. Human-oriented leadership
Question 17: Which of the following best describes the value of trait theories of leadership?
A. They are good at predicting leader effectiveness, but not leader emergence.
B. They are good at predicting leader emergence, but not leader effectiveness.
C. They are good at predicting both leader effectiveness and leader emergence.
D. They are not good at predicting leader emergence, nor leader effectiveness
Explain: Trait theories of leadership select the right person with appropriate characteristics to
become leader => It emphasizes the leader emergence rather than leader effectiveness (who know
the right person with the right traits for leadership can lead employees well ?, For example,
accountants need to be careful but not all careful people can become excellent and effective leaders
Question 18: Production-oriented leadership is the practice in which the leaders emphasize
technical and task aspects of the jobs.
A. True
B. False
A. Being ethical
B. Practicing servant leadership
C. Universal effectiveness
D. Creating trust
Explain: Three components of authentic leadership: being ethical + practice servant leadership +
creating trust (integrity + benevolence + ability)
Question 20:Which of the following is NOT an aspect of creating trust in authentic leadership
approach ?
A. Fairness
B. Integrity
C. Benevolent
D. Ability
Explain: Three components of authentic leadership: being ethical + practice servant leadership +
creating trust (integrity + benevolence + ability)
Question 21: Coaching leadership style has positive climate on the team and it builds resonance
by valuing people’s inputs and getting commitment through participation
A. True
B. False
Explain: Valuing people’s inputs and getting commitment through participation is democratic
leadership style.
A. Affective
B. Cognitive
C. Assonance
D. Behavioral
Explain: Job attitudes (ABC model) = Cognitive (evaluation - What I think) + Affective (feeling -
How I feel) + Behavioral (action - What I am going to do)
Question 23: Which component of attitude describes an intention to behave desired action in a
certain way toward someone or something ?
A. Behavioral
B. Cognitive
C. Satisfaction
D. Affective
Explain: Job attitudes (ABC model) = Cognitive (evaluation - What I think) + Affective (feeling -
How I feel) + Behavioral (action - What I am going to do)
Question 24: Job involvement is the degree to which an employee identifies with a particular
organization and its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the organization.
A. True
B. False
Question 25: Job involvement connects perceived personal performance with what individual
A. Self-esteem
B. Self-concept
C. Self-improvement
D. Self-worth
Explain: Job involvement is the degree in which a person identifies his or herself with the job,
actively participate in and consider performance important to self-worth
A. Job satisfaction
B. Organizational commitment
C. Psychological empowerment
D. Psychological flexibility
Question 27: Which of the following is correct about the difference between job involvement and
organizational commitment ?
Question 28: According to the textbook, which is the main cause of job dissatisfaction?
A. Pay
B. Job security
C. Promotion
D. Job stress
Question 29: Which of the following is true about job dissatisfaction in the US ?
D. US employees feel satisfied with their jobs due to the high degree of adhocracy
Question 30: According to job dissatisfaction in VietNam, which of the following is NOT a reason
for why employees feel unsatisfied about their jobs ?
Question 31: Dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve
conditions is “Voice” response method
A. True
B. False
Question 32: Which of the following is incorrect about Emotional intelligence (EI) ?
D. People develop strong EI competencies as they get older and more experienced and have
spent more time working and leading others.
Explain: Everyone contribute to the overall level of group EI, but particularly leader (leader role
accounts for more proportion than employees => inequality)
Question 33: What gender differences have been demonstrated to exist with respect to the
experience of emotion?
Question 35: Which of the following is not a characteristic when applying psychological
flexibility to develop emotional intelligence (EI) ?
A. Trust
B. Long-term thinking
C. Fair and inclusive decision making
D. Social orientation value
Explain: There are 4 important characteristics to consider when applying psychological flexibility
to develop EI:
+ Trust
+ Long-term thinking
+ Social value orientation
+ Psychological flexibility
Question 36: Which of the following is NOT one of the leadership styles included in the leadership
repertoire in Primal Leadership?
A. Transactional
B. Pacesetting
C. Democratic
D. Commanding
Explain: There are 6 styles of leadership in leadership repertoire: visionary, coaching, affiliative,
democratic, pacesetting, commanding.
Question 37: Which of the following best describes one of the downsides of the charismatic
leadership style?
A. Charisma is overrated
B. Charismatic leadership always leads to inflated stock prices
C. Charismatic leaders may behave out of narrow self-interest
D. Charismatic leadership is usually ineffective in most modern organizations
Question 39: What is the best way of familiarizing yourself with the core design principles of the
Prosocial process?
D. By applying them to a group that pays you
Question 40: Which of the following concepts best captures the essence of leadership?
A. Position
B. Volition
C. Precision
D. Vision
Question 41: Charismatic leadership is usually a combination of traits (“leaders are born”) and
behaviors (“leaders are made”).
A. True
B. False
Question 42: According to Primal Leadership, empathy can be built over time through practice.
Which of the following is NOT one of the practices that allows this process to occur?
Question 43: According to Prosocial, what is one of the key capabilities required in order to
develop well-being?
A. Integrating what is actually happening and the interpretations and meanings we attach to
what is happening.
B. Consolidating what is actually happening and the interpretations and meanings we attach to
what is happening.
C. Differentiating between what is actually happening and the interpretations and meanings we
attach to what is happening.
D. Ignoring what is actually happening and the interpretations and meanings we attach to what
is happening.
Question 44: Emotions and moods are both subcategories within which larger category of
psychological phenomena:
A. Aspiration
B. Antagonism
C. Awareness
D. Affect
Question 45: Which of the following is NOT one of the four major employee responses to job
A. Neglect
B. Exit
C. Labour
D. Voice
Explain: There are 4 types of response when employees face job dissatisfaction: voice, exit,
loyalty, neglect.
Question 46: Personality is determined by two components: heredity and personality traits
A. True
B. False
Question 47: What is the best conclusion that can be drawn about the current state of the scientific
evidence of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) with respect to its usefulness in
Question 48: People who have high levels of neuroticism/ emotional stability will be less likely
to suffer mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sadness.
A. True
B. False
Explain: Câu này khá khó chịu do đó nên dùng mẹo cặp Neuroticism/ emotional stability có
neuroticism đứng đầu nên hoàn toàn trái ngược với emotional stability. Do đó low level of cặp này
(low level of neuroticism) => tend to be more emotional stable and resilience nhưng high level of
cặp này (high level of neuroticism) lại easily to experience negative affect (mood swings, anxiety,
Question 49: Which of the following traits is considered the opposite of emotional stability among
the Big Five Personality Model traits?
A. Conscientiousness
B. Extraversion
C. Openness to experience
D. Neuroticism
Question 50: Which of the following qualities is typically NOT associated with
A. Pragmatism
B. A belief that the ends always justify the means
C. Emotional closeness
D. Emotional distance
Explain: Machiavellianism = pragmatic, emotional distance, believe that ends can justify means
Question 51: Which of the following qualities is typically NOT associated with Narcissism?
A. Arrogant
B. Self-importance
C. Admiration
D. Persevere until meaningful change occurs
Explain: Narcissism = the tendency to be arrogant, emphasizes on self-importance, require
excessive admiration and have a sense of entitlement
Question 52: Values are not fluid and flexible but tend to be relatively stable and enduring
A. True
B. False
Question 53: Which of the following best describes the concepts of terminal and instrumental
A. Both terminal values and instrumental values are about the “what”
B. Terminal values are about the “how”; instrumental values are about the “what”
C. Terminal values are about the “what”; Instrumental values are about the “how”
D. Both terminal values and instrumental values are about the “how”
Explain: Terminal values (desirable end-states): Values that people want to achieve during their
lifetime (e.g., Health and well-being, Economic security, Independence). While instrumental
values (how to achieve these end-states): values based on behaviors and actions to achieve terminal
A. Accomplishment values
B. Instrumental values
C. Terminal values
D. Proactive personality
Question 55: The value of “work-life balance” is thought to have first emerged with which
generation’s entry into the workforce?
A. Baby Boomers
B. Gen-Z
C. Gen-X
D. Gen-Y / Millennials
Explain: Mẹo
+ Traditionalists: value workplace that have a clear chain of command and top-down
+ Baby boomers: value workplace that have flat hierarchies
+ Gen X: fun, positive, work-life balance
+ Gen Y: workplace that provides continuous feedback
+ GenZ: more entrepreneurial, flexible, digital-native
Question 56: Baby boomers value workplaces that have flat hierarchies, democratic cultures,
humane values, equal opportunities, and warm and friendly environments
A. True
B. False
Question 57: What is the term used to describe the alignment between the values of an
organization and the values of a particular person performing a particular job in the organization?
A. Job-person fit
B. Job-organization fit
C. Person-person fit
D. Person-organization fit
Question 58: Which of the following is NOT a component under Hofstede’s Five Value
Dimensions of a National Culture ?
A. Power distance
B. Performance orientation
C. Individualism
D. Uncertainty avoidance
Explain: Hofstede’s Five Value Dimensions of a National Culture (văn hóa dân tộc):
+ Masculinity/ Femininity
+ Uncertainty avoidance
GLOBE Framework for Assessing a Culture = retain the five values in Hofstede’s model and adds
performance orientation and humane orientation
Question 59: Frameworks like Hofstede and GLOBE are becoming less useful and meaningful
in an increasingly global business landscape
A. True
B. False
Question 60: The GLOBE framework for assessing cultures: retains five Hofstede’s values and
adds performance orientation and humane-orientation.
A. True
B. False
Question 61: What is the most accurate comparison of “surface-level” and “deep-level” diversity
with “demographic” and “individual” diversity?
Question 62: Practicing diversity in modern organizations does NOT have which of the following:
A. It leads to greater fairness and equity in the workplace, and better representation of
marginalized or underrepresented population groups in organization
B. It gives a diversification of the range of individual approaches to problem-solving;
creativity; solutions analysis; innovation; strategic thinking; and other qualities that
organizations value when trying to recruit the best talent in diversity background
C. The ethical and business cases for diversity are totally inextricably separated.
D. Demographic and individual diversity work hand-in-hand
Explain: The ethical and business cases for diversity need to go hand-in-hand
Question 63: What is one of the downsides of focusing on fairness in groups and teams?
A. It causes people to focus on how they are benefiting themselves from the group, rather than
the actual shared purpose of the group.
B. It causes people to stop focusing on group productivity.
C. It causes people to stop focusing on organizational profitability.
D. It causes people to focus on how the group is benefiting, rather than on how the organization
is performing.
Question 64: According to Prosocial, what quality most notably increases among employees
when all people are treated with fairness?
A. Remuneration
B. Communication
C. Diversification
D. Motivation
Question 65: In an organization with well-functioning diversity and inclusion policies, and equal-
opportunity recruitment and selection policies, what is the single-most important characteristic that
should be identified in potential new job candidates?
A. Their gender
B. Their age
C. Their sexual orientation
D. Their qualifications
Question 66: Person-organization fit should be assessed during selection process to predict
performance and job knowledge
A. True
B. False
Explain: Person-job fit should be assessed during selection process to predict performance and job
Question 67: Which of the following statements is correct when mentioning the application of
person-job-organization fit for an adaptable firm ?
A. Adaptable firm should focus more on creating personal-job fit to maximize efficiency
B. Adaptable firms should concentrate on fitting between employees' values and corporate
culture to maintain organizational commitment.
C. Adaptable firm should let employee’s personalities fit with the overall organization’s culture
rather than with the characteristics of any specific job
D. Adaptable firm should create harmony between person-job-fit and person-organization-fit to
reduce turnover
Explain: For adaptable firms, it is more important to let employees’ personal characteristics match
with the overall organization’s culture, rather than of any specific job. (Person-organization fit >
Person-job fit)
Question 68: Which of the following is NOT correct about individual diversity ?
Explain: Open dialogue is the key approach to develop and solve the issues related to
group/demographic diversity, not individual diversity.
Explain: “What you can bring to the table but someone else can’t?” => Idiosyncratic diversity is
the thing that an individual can bring to the organization to improve its performance and
Question 70: Diversity training programmes have been proven to be especially effective to
promote group and individual diversity level in the organization
A. True
B. False
Explain: Diversity training programs have not been proven to be effective to enhance both group
or individual diversity.
A. People’s attitudes are often a product of the generation they are from and generational
changes can take time. Therefore, the wide application of diversity and inclusion is costly
for organizations
B. There are sometimes innocent, non-discriminatory explanations for demographic
C. The topic of demographic diversity in the workplace is very controversial and
inflammatory and it can not yet approach this issue in a measured, democratic, and humane
D. Biases in attitudes and discrimination in policies and practice can sometimes prevent
demographic minorities from being given the chance to prove they are the best candidate
HOWEVER, demographic diversity now can partially be solved by a very approachable and
measurable way: open-dialogue.
Explain: Fundamental attribution error (I-E): overestimating internal factors and under- estimating
external factors in the other failures.
Self-serving bias (E-I): overestimating external factors and underestimating internal factors in
one’s own failures.
A. Efficiency
B. Accuracy
C. Comprehensiveness
D. Universality
Explain: Self-serving bias (E-I); overestimating external factors and underestimating internal
factors in one’s own failures.
Question 75: What is a major downside of involving a lot of people in making a decision?
Explain: Bounded rationality: loại bỏ những features không thật sự cần thiết thay vì capturing all
of the complexity (since we can not process all the information we absorb)
Question 77: What makes inclusive decision-making systems more resilient over time?
Question 78: What is the hindsight bias (also known as retrospective illusion)?
Explain: The hindsight bias: we usually view unpredictable events as predictable ones after it
occurs. In other words, we overestimate our predictive capabilities after an outcome is known.
Question 79: What is the relationship between mental ability and perceptual errors?
A. People with higher mental abilities almost always avoid perceptual errors
B. People with higher mental abilities can be prone to perceptual errors, and are just as likely
as people with lower mental abilities to overcome them
C. People with higher mental abilities are almost always subject to perceptual errors
D. People with higher mental abilities can be prone to perceptual errors, but are better
positioned to overcome them
Question 80: “Tell and sell” is synonymous with which decision-making style?
A. Consultative
B. Content-based decision-making
C. Facilitative
D. Autocratic
Question 81: What is the most dominant philosophy of ethical decision making in business?
B. Deontology
C. Collectivism
D. Utilitarianism
Question 82: Which of the following is correct about how we perceive the information on the
reality around us ?
A. Our behaviors are determined by our perception about the reality but not the reality itself
B. What we perceive about the reality is the same as what the reality actually is
C. Our behaviors are determined by the fact of reality but not our perception about the reality
D. Knowing and suffering the reality does not provide any linkage to what we organize and
interpret our perception about itself
Question 83: Which of the following is one of the factors that influence perception ?
A. Stimulus
B. Target
C. Affective
D. Behavioral
Explain: There are three factors that influence perception: perceiver, situation, target
Question 85: The approach in which we judge others based on attributions we make about their
behavior, and whether it was internally- or externally-caused is attribution theory
A. True
B. False
Question 86: Internally-caused behaviors in attribution theory are the ones we attribute to
situational factors
A. True
B. False
Explain: Externally-caused behaviors in attribution theory are the ones we attribute to situational
Internally-caused behaviors in attribution theory are the ones we attribute to individual control.
A. Distinctiveness
B. Consensus
C. Consistency
D. Expertise
Explain: The way we make attributions of internally- or externally- caused behaviors is based on:
+ Distinctiveness
+ Consensus
+ Consistency
Question 88: The cognitive bias and perceptual shortcut characterized by the tendency to rely
heavily upon the first piece of information that individuals receive is
A. Hindsight bias
B. Halo effect
C. Anchoring bias
D. Confirmation bias
Question 89: The cognitive bias and perceptual shortcut characterized by the preferency to ignore
negative information is
A. Endowment effect
B. Ostrich effect
C. Sailence bias
D. Observer Expectancy Effect
Question 90: Which of the following is NOT a component of individual differences in decision-
making ?
Question 91: Which of the following is correct when mentioning differences in individual
decision-making by genders ?
A. Females are more likely to make risky decisions with low information based on perceived
short-term gain
B. Males are more likely to overanalyze problems before making a decision and to try to
change a decision once it has been made
C. Males are more likely to make risky decisions with low information based on perceived
short-term gain
D. There is no evidence-based on how gender can influence decision-making of a person
Explain: Women - over analyze the situation while men are more risk-takers
Question 92: Which of the following is NOT a constraint in the decision-making process in the
organization ?
A. Historical Precedents
B. Cognitive biases
C. Time Constraints
D. Performance evaluation
+ Performance evaluation
+ Time Constraints
+ Historical Precedents
+ Reward System
+ Formal Regulations
Question 93: Which of the following is NOT a type of decision-making process to practice with
risk and uncertainty ?
Question 94: Which of the following is NOT a component in the 3-Component Model of
Creativity for better decision-making
A. Deontology
B. Expertise
C. Creative-thinking skills
D. Intrinsic task motivation
Question 95: Inclusive decision-making systems are more resilient over time because they are less
dependent upon individuals and their specific preferences
A. True
B. False
Question 96: Which of the following terms best helps to differentiate teams from groups?
A. Synthesis
B. Syndication
C. Synergy
D. Symbiosis
Question 97: Which of the following is NOT one of the perceived benefits of monitoring group
A. Decreased cheating
B. Decreased conflict
C. Improved coordination
D. Increased shared identity
+ Increased prosociality
+ Decreased cheating
+ Increased motivation and shared identity
+ Improved coordination
Question 98: Which of the following does a shared purpose in a group NOT create?
A. Motivation
B. Empowerment
C. Belonging
D. Reduced personal benefits
Question 99: Group norms have what effect on the external control of the group?
D. They reduce the incidence of external control
Explain: Group norms are established to make sure group members work toward a shared purpose
(making internal control more powerful). Thus, it reduces the necessity of external control.
Question 100: With respect to group formation, what does uncertainty avoidance help to provide
for individuals joining a group?
A. Fairness
B. Frankness
C. Freedom
D. Fit
Explain: Uncertainty avoidance helps to eliminate the concerns of members about the group. Thus,
making them become more fit with the group.
Question 101: When considering the contribution all group members make to group Emotional
Intelligence (EI) what is the role of the leader?
Question 102: Approximately how often should monitoring meetings be held among groups?
A. Every week
B. Every 1-2 weeks
C. Every 2-4 weeks
D. Every 6 months
Question 103: Which of the following categories best describes a team which has a norm of
listening to everyone’s perspective?
A. Self-confident team
B. Self-managed team
C. Self-inclusive team
D. Self-aware team
Self-managed team: take responsibility for group and other members’ emotions
Empathic team: understand the differences in emotions and use them to drive success
Question 105: Team size and effectiveness are related in which way?
Question 106: Formal group is natural formations in the work environment that appear in
response to the need for social contact
A. True
B. False
Explain: Informal group is natural formations in the work environment that appear in response to
the need for social contact
Question 107: Based on social identity theory to explain why do people form groups, which of
the following is NOT a characteristic of the theory ?
A. Uncertainty reduction
B. Similarity
C. Group involvement
D. Status
Explain: Social identity theory to explain why people form groups: They create group to fulfill
four objectives:
+ Similarity
+ Distinctiveness
+ Status
+ Uncertainty reduction
Question 108: Which of the following is NOT one of the stages in group development model ?
A. Norming
B. Reforming
C. Performing
D. Adjourning
+ Forming: group is characterized by much uncertain about purpose, vision and l eadership
+ Storming: intragroup conflict due to members resist constraints]
+ Norming: group is cohesive with strong group identity and close relationship
+ Performing: group fully functions and works toward achieving goals
+ Adjourning: for temporary group: break up
Question 109: Which of the stages in the group development model is characterized by a high
level of uncertainty about purpose, identity and leadership ?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
A. Cohesiveness
B. Diversity
C. Roles
D. Generation
Question 111: Which is the implication for job productivity based on the correlation of
performance norms and degree of cohesiveness in groups ? (Difficult)
A. Both low level of performance norms and cohesiveness will result in low productivity
B. High level of performance norms and low cohesiveness will result in low productivity
C. Both high level of performance norms and cohesiveness will result in low productivity
D. Low level of performance norms and high level of cohesiveness will result in low
Low performance norms + High cohesiveness = Low productivity (Nhiệt tình + Ngu dốt = Phá
Question 112: According to the Primal Leadership, to build emotional reality for teams, all of the
following is necessary EXCEPT:
A. Self-aware
B. Self-managed
C. Self-motivation
D. Empathic
Question 113: Which of the following is correct about the effectiveness and efficiency of group
decision-making ?
Question 114: Which of the following is NOT a characteristic when defining and creating
effective teams ?
A. Context
B. Performance
C. Composition
D. Process
Explain: Defining and creating effective teams need to consider the model: Context - Composition
- Process
Question 115: Which of the following can be the ways to monitor teams’ behaviors well ?
Question 116: Which of the following is NOT a benefit of monitoring teams’ behaviors ?
A. Increased satisfaction
B. Increased prosociality
C. Decrease cheating
D. Increased motivation and shared identity
Question 117: All of the “official leaders” in an organization are defined by the emotional leaders
A. True B. False
Question 118: Which of the following is true regarding meritocracy as a challenge in workplace
diversity ?
A. The best individual candidate for the job should be hired if their personalities fit with
organizational demographic qualities
B. The best individual candidate for the job should be hired regardless of their demographic
C. The best individual candidate for the job should not be hired if their personalities fit with
organizational demographic qualities
D. The best individual candidate for the job still should not be hired regardless of their
demographic qualities
Question 119: Which of the following is the best comparison of the experiences of responding to
helpful behavior compared with responding to unhelpful behavior?
B. They are very different
Explain: We will encourage helpful behaviors and discourage all unhelpful behaviors so the
manner to solve with two kinds of behaviors are absolutely different
Question 120: Which of the following is one of the principal advantages of written
Explain: For written communication, its longevity will stand the test of time since there is a “paper
trait” in which the information will be recorded in hard products - paper. However, for the
feedback, written communication usually doesn’t receive immediate response since it takes time
for the receiver to process the information even in the real-time situation.
B. Their perspective
C. Their personality
Explain: When you want to evaluate someone about their responsibilities and roles for the tasks,
please don’t be interpretive and evaluative. Instead, you need to treat the interpretations as
provisional hypothesis (to confirm or disconfirm based on more information when you listen from
their perspective)
Question 122: When communicating a sanction or penalty to someone, it’s usually helpful to
accompany this communication with which of the following:
Explain: Rather than always blaming someone for their failures by soothing fears of sanction or
penalty, it is better to encourage helpful behavior.
Question 123: The essence of communication is the transfer and understanding of which of the
A. Meaning
B. Emotional expression
C. Information
D. Data
Explain: Communication is not mere the exchange of information. It is also the transfer of meaning
between two and more parties. Communication in business and management is especially goal-
oriented. This means the transfer of meanings is toward achieving shared purpose and goals.
Question 124: In the process of selective perception, the receivers of a communication project
what into their understanding of the message?
C. Their speaking characteristics
+ Filtering: The sender purposely manipulates the information in a way that the receiver will
see it favorably.
+ Selective perception: Usually the receiver decodes the information selectively based on
their needs, their interests, their background, their expectations.
+ Information overload
+ Emotions
+ Language
+ Resilience
+ Apprehension
+ Lying: Very prevalent, but has many different meanings.
Question 125: Which of the following best represents the understanding of the concept of “lying”?
C. Lying is understood to mean the same thing by all peoples across the world
D. Lying is based on different definitions and interpretations across people and cultures
Question 126: Which kind of processing of communication is most closely related to the concepts
of cognitive biases and perceptual shortcuts?
A. Cognitive processing
B. Controlled processing
C. Automatic processing
D. Autonomous processing
Explain: Automatic processing: rapidly and quickly process the information based on own
intuitions, instincts, mental shortcuts.
Controlled processing: Slowly and studiously process the information by careful about the
contextual data and avoid biases.
Question 127: How can having psychological flexibility help you in a situation in which you have
to communicate with someone who has performed a negative behavior?
B. It will ensure that you punish the person appropriately but fairly
D. It will allow you to become more open and receptive to that person
Question 128: Which of the following best captures the importance of communication in business
and management to achieve desired organizational outcomes ?
A. Meaning
C. Emotional expression
D. Goal-oriented
Explain: Communication is not mere the exchange of information. It is also the transfer of meaning
between two and more parties. Communication in business and management is especially goal-
oriented. This means the transfer of meanings is toward achieving shared purpose and goals.
Question 129: Using force, or the threat of force, in order to establish power represents what kind
of power? 0
A. Reward power
B. Reference power
C. Coercive power
D. Legitimate power
+ Legitimate power: the power based on authority to job title, job position and status to use
organizational resources to make decisions
+ Reward power: the power based on ability to distribute and withhold rewards or other
sources of values.
+ Coercive power: the power based on threat or a force of action to achieve compliance.
Question 130: When conflict is healthy, nothing about the conflict itself is:
A. Perfect
B. Permanent
C. Personal
D. Perspective-dependent
Question 131: Which of the following is NOT one of the three constitutive features of dependence
as it relates to power?
A. Importance
B. Status
C. Scarcity
D. Non-substitutability
Question 132: Organizational factors influence organizational politics mostly as a function of
A. Inclinations
B. Incentives
C. Interests
never be:
A. Tolerated
B. Abandoned
C. Completely rejected
D. Recognized
Question 134: Under good conflict management practices, which of the following is emphasized:
A. Harmony
B. Unity
C. Agreement
D. Solutions
Question 135: When people have good political skills, they will typically view office politics as
A. A temporary imposition
B. A necessary inconvenience
C. An opportunity to grow personally
Explain: When people have good political skills, they will view office politics as opportunities for
performing well and growing personally.
When people have poor political skills, they will view office politics as threats to their position,
thus, try to activate defensive behavior
Question 136: Power achieved as the result of charisma has what kind of formality?
A. Formality
B. Informality
C. Misformality
D. Proformality
Explain: Power achieved as a result of charisma is referent power which is a type of informal
(personal) power in organizations.
Question 137: Under poor conflict management practices, perspectives are considered:
A. Anonymously
B. Selectively
C. Universally
D. Invariantly
Question 138: The features of an individual’s contracted job profile represent what kind of power?
A. Reward power
B. Coercive power
C. Legitimate power
D. Referent power
+ Legitimate power: the power based on authority to job title, job position and status to use
organizational resources to make decisions
+ Reward power: the power based on ability to distribute and withhold rewards or other
sources of values.
+ Coercive power: the power based on threat or a force of action to achieve compliance.
Question 139: Which of the following is NOT one of six elements of organization structure ?
A. Work specialization
B. Formalization
D. Departmentalization
+ Work specialization
+ Departmentalization
+ Formalization
+ Chain of command
+ Span of control
+ Centralization vs Decentralization
Question 140: Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which jobs can be
D. Based on customer needs
Question 141: Which of the following is NOT one of advantages in jobs involving a high level of
decentralization ?
B. Clarity in decision-making
Question 142: Which of the following is NOT one of the problems created by a misaligned
organizational structure?
Question 144: The concept of an organization that isn’t limited by structural boundaries originated
with the head of which American company?
A. Ford
B. General Electric
D. Berkshire Hathaway
Question 145: Matrix-based organizational structures are mainly designed based on differences
in what:
A. Departmental dysfunctionality
B. Departmental formalization
C. Departmental informalization
D. Departmental functionality
Question 146: The great advantage of organically-designed organizations lies in their greater:
Question 147: Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of the relative absence of
separation of ownership and control in Vietnamese corporate governance?
C. Poor accountability
Question 148: What is thought to be the main conceptual difference between organizational
structure and design?
Question 149: Consider a task force in the context of the Five Stage Team Development model
(Class 5). Which of the following best describes the process of a task force:
B. A task force performs, then adjourns, then returns to the norming stage.
Question 150: Which of the following is NOT an aspect of managerial complexity to determine
the number of subordinates a manager can efficiently and effectively direct ?
A. Time allocation
B. Motivation potential
C. Process standardization
D. Work variety
Explain: There are 4 aspects of managerial complexity to determine optimal span of control”
+ Time allocation
+ Process standardization
+ Work variety
+ Team required skills
Question 151: Which of the following is NOT a core value in which the organization is designed
A. People
B. Process
C. Structure
D. Compensation
Question 152: In which organization structure do employees are spread across multiple functions,
working in one department while having responsibilities in another ?
A. Matrix structure
B. Divisional structure
C. Bottom-up structure
D. Hierarchy structure
Explain: In matrix structure, employees have to serve with dual lines of authority, one is to work
with managers, another is to work with project managers.
Question 153: Which of the following is NOT true regarding structural boundaries within an
organization ?
D. It replaces departments with empowered teams
Question 154: Which of the following is correct when comparing the sharing value in strong and
weak organizational culture ?
A. In strong culture, values are widely shared while in weak culture, values only accepted by a few
B. In weak culture, values are widely shared while in strong culture, values only accepted by a few
C. Regardless of the strong or weak culture level, values are widely shared to ensure employees to
work toward common goals
D. Regardless of the strong or weak culture level, values only accepted by a few people, usually
top management
Question 155: Which of the following best describes organizational culture and climate ?
Question 156: Which of the following is NOT a component of the mechanistic approach of
organization structure ?
A. High specialization
B. Rigid departmentalization
C. Low formalization
D. Narrow spans of control
Question 157: Which of the following is NOT a dimension to consider the fit between strategy
and structure in an organization environment ?
A. Capacity
B. Volatility
C. Complexity
D. Technology
Question 158: Which of the following is NOT a way to build an ethical culture in the organization
Question 159: Which of the following is considered as a way to establish a strong and positive
culture within an organization ?
B. Benevolence
C. Strong sense of purpose
D. Open-mindedness
Question 161: Which of the following has global implications for practicing organization culture
when it appears to multinational corporations (MNCs) ?
B. Different countries have the same perspectives on values, thus MNCs are not necessary to adapt
a new value into other cultures.
C. Values don’t always neatly translate from one national or cultural context to another, thus
MNCs need to consider and adapt appropriate values to best fit with the other cultures.
D. MNCs are forced to make their subordinates in other cultures fit with the values in their home
nations due to the fact that value is static, not fluid and flexible.
Question 162: The organizational structure of working with many groups at a given locality is
referred to as:
A. Egalitarianism
B. Ecosystem
C. Equal economy
D. Externality economy
Question 163: “Scale independence” is a feature of what kind of organizational structural feature:
A. Polycentric governance
B. Unicentric governance
C. Tricentric governance
D. Bicentric governance
Question 164: What is the term which denotes the basis by which jobs are grouped?
A. Specialization
B. Formalization
C. Departmentalization
D. Naturalization
A. Executing decisions
B. Planning decisions
C. Defining decisions
D. Authorizing decisions
Question 166: What kind of structure employees dual lines of authority to streamline workplace
A. Hierarchical structure
B. Boundaryless structure
C. Matrix structure
D. Organic structure
Question 167: What can top management most effectively do with regard to creating an ethical
culture within their organization?
D. Be a public role model
Question 168: Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which employees learn
organizational culture?
A. Language
B. Training
C. Stories
D. Rituals
Question 169: “Managing upward” can be particularly difficult within which kind of
organizational structure:
A. Adhocracy
B. Boundaryless
C. Matrix
D. Hierarchy
Question 170: The term “formalization” is largely interchangeable with which other
organizational structure term?
A. Centralization
B. Standardization
C. Decentralization
D. Informalization
A. Tightness
B. Limitlessness
C. Looseness
D. Limitedness
Question 172: Although the market today is dynamic and changeable, there are still companies
that have a particularly stable environment.
A. True
B. False
Explain: Although the market today is dynamic and changeable, there are no companies that have
a particularly stable environment since change is relentless and unstoppable in organizations.
Question 173: What is the rallying cry among today's managers worldwide?
A. Change is constant
C. Change or die
D. Management is an art
Explain: “Adapt or die”, “Change or die” are rallying cries among managers today.
B. Economic shocks
C. Globalization
D. World politics
+ Technology
+ Economic shocks
+ Competition
+ Social trends
+ World politics
A. HRM Department.
C. The shareholders
D. Change agents
Question 176: How do you explain the principle that Connelly calls "launch hard and ramp fast."?
A. Continuously selling products with lower costs compared to the market price
A. Security
D. Favoritism
+ Habit
+ Security
+ Economic factors
+ Fear of the unknown
+ Selective information processing
A. Structural inertia
C. Organizational culture
+ Structural inertia
+ Limited focus of change
+ Group inertia
+ Threat to expertise
+ Threat to established power relationships
Question 179: What are the three steps in Lewin's Change Model?
D. Diagnosis, analysis, action, evaluation and feedback
Question 181: Which approach to managing organizational change whose focus is on how
individuals make sense of their work environment?
C. Action Research
D. Organizational Development
B. Power equalization
C. Gender equality
D. Participation
A. True
B. False
A. Discovery, dreaming, design and destiny
A. 1 week to 1 month
C. Over a year
A. Organic structure
C. Abundant resources
D. Interunit communication
Question 187: Which is NOT one of the three fundamental problems of traditional organization
that proponents of the learning organization envision it as a remedy?
A. Fragmentation
B. Specialization
C. Competition
D. Reactiveness
Question 188: "They correct errors by modifying objectives, policies, and standard routines" is the
definition of:
A. Single-loop learning
B. Double-loop learning
C. Idea champions
D. Process Consultation
Question 189: Which of the following best describes the likely outcome of having no stress in our
A. Subordinating the collective interests of the organization to the individual interests of the
B. Subordinating self-interest to the individual interests of the organization
C. Subordinating the collective interests of the organization to self-interest
D. Subordinating self-interest to the collective interests of the organization
Question 191: Which of the following best describes the ability of people and organizations to
respond to change:
A. Change is difficult for people to accept, but easy for organizations to absorb
B. Change is easy for people to accept, and easy for organizations to absorb
C. Change is easy for people to accept, but difficult for organizations to absorb
D. Change is difficult for people to accept, and difficult for organizations to absorb
Question 192: Who declared stress to be the health epidemic of the 21st century?
D. Red Cross
Question 193: In building a culture of change, what term refers to the people that promote good
ideas and encourage people within the organization to buy into such ideas?
A. Innovators
B. Pacesetters
C. Champions
D. Change agents
Question 194: Organizations which allow their employees to burn themselves out:
Question 195: Complete the expression which best describes organizational change: “Adapt...
A. …and survive”
B. …and thrive”
C. …and die”
D. …or die”
Question 196: Moderate levels of stress can have the effect of:
Question 197: Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 Principles of Change Management?
A. Eliminating change
B. Planning change
C. Communicating change
D. Understanding change
Question 198: Chronic workplace stress that has not been effectively managed will likely lead to:
A. Burning
B. Burner
C. Burns
D. Burnout
Question 199: Human resource management’s success in developing leaders mainly depends on
the quality of their:
A. Policies
B. Processes
C. Practices
D. Programs
Question 200: Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that performance evaluations can
be improved?
A. Training evaluators
B. Providing employees with due dates
C. Selective evaluation
D. Use of multiple evaluators
Question 201: The most successful development programs are NOT based on:
A. Creative license
B. Competencies
C. Spirit
D. Culture
Question 202: What does the evidence suggest about using training to increase employees’
interpersonal skills in the workplace?
Question 203: The friction or incompatibility associated with competing demands at home and in
the workplace is referred to as:
A. Work-life balance
B. Work-life synthesis
C. Work-life conflict
D. Working lifestyle
A. Flexibility
B. Failure
C. Forgiveness
D. Feedback
Question 205: In setting goals for development, the goals themselves should ultimately be
designed by whom:
Question 206: According to numerous experts, what is the single-best selection test that can be
administered to potential employees?
A. CQ test
B. EI test
C. EQ test
D. IQ test
Question 208: Relying too extensively on interviews during selection is problematic because
potential candidates may use what sort of techniques?
A. Intelligence management
B. Impression management
C. Industry management
D. Interview management
Question 209: In background check during selection process, the recruiters should be mindful of
what if they go in so detail about the candidate’s ethnic, gender, sexual orientation:
B. Inequity
C. Inapplicability
D. Inappropriate