Leadership Dynamics: MCQ's
Leadership Dynamics: MCQ's
Leadership Dynamics: MCQ's
1. Which of the following statements best captures the nature of leadership as it should be
for your business to ensure your continued future success?
A. Leaders focus on budgeting, aligning people with a shared vision and solving problems
B. Leader focus on setting direction, align people with a shared vision and motivating people
2. A leader must.
C. remove those who do not support his ideas or hinder his plans.
B. Treating team members as equal and looking out for the well-being of others.
B. When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined.
A. “We can go to the zoo or bird park for this outing. I am OK with anything.”
A. Patience.
B. Integrity.
C. Servanthood.
D. Honesty.
A. be confident.
C. receive encouragement.
B. Bureaucratic leadership
C. Autocratic leadership.
D. Democratic leadership
A. Bureaucratic leadership.
B. Autocratic leadership
C. Democratic leadership
D. Laissez-faire leadership
11. What do you call a style of leadership that takes account of others' views, opinions and
A. Laissez-faire
B. People oriented
C. Democratic.
D. Autocratic
A. Strategy
B. Command
C. Control
A. Establishing direction
B. Aligning people
A. leader’s needs
B. member’s needs
C. both a and b.
16. Which of the following has been influenced as a source of power in leadership?
A. Reward
B. Punishment
C. Referent
A. Organisational authority
C. Leadership skills
A. Position power
B. Reward power
C. Expert power.
D. Identity power
19. Give examples of intangible rewards that can be given to subordinates for jobs well
A. Split power.
B. A dictatorial leader
C. Genuine
D. Both a and b
E. Both b and c
A. Personal qualities.
B. Position in a company
C. Professional qualifications
D. Education
24. Referent power is based on the subordinate’s perception that the leader has a right to
exercise influence because of the leader’s?
A. Personal charisma.
25. Which characteristic of leadership excellence focuses to be clear, concise and correct
A. People skills
B. Vision
C. Communication.
D. Character
26. Which characteristic of leadership excellence focuses leaders to solve problems, sell
themselves and sell their ideas?
A. Communication
B. Vision
C. People skills
D. Competence.
27. A threatened strike action by labour union to force management to accept their
demands is an example of which of the following power?
A. Referent power
B. Legitimate power
C. Reward power
D. Coercive power.
A. Communication
B. Vision.
C. People skills
D. Character
29. An individual who is able to exert leadership and to manage an operation is called a:
A. Leader
B. Leader-Manager.
C. Manager
30. The capacity to influence people and accomplish desired objectives is called
A. Power
B. Leadership.
C. Authority
D. Status
31. The ability to influence people through granting or withholding benefits that are of
interest to them are called:
A. Reward power.
B. Coercive power
C. Expert power
D. Reference power
A. Service firm
B. Non-Profit organisation
C. Manufacturing firm
33. Mr. X is the only person in the company with expertise in the E-Commerce field. This
source of power is called?
A. Reward power
B. Knowledge power.
C. Reference power
A. Authoritarian
B. Democratic
C. Task-Oriented.
D. People-Oriented
10. A leader forces his followers to work hard and penalizes them is____.
A. Positive style
B. Negative style
C. Free rein style
D. Creative style
Ans. B. Negative style
11. The managerial grid consists of how many possible leadership styles
A. 51
B. 61
C. 81
D. 91
Ans. C. 81
12. In managerial grid, the style of management depicts the style of a leader
who is neither concerned about the people nor does he care about the task to
be performed is____.
A. Task management
B. Impoverished Style
C. Country Club
D. Team Management Style
Ans. B. Impoverished Style
13. The employees train themselves and they are self motivated under
A. Free rein Style
B. Negative style
C. Autocratic style
D. Democratic style
Ans. A. Free rein style
15. A leader motivates his followers to work hard by offering them rewards
A. Positive style
B. Negative style
C. Autocratic style
D. Democratic style
Ans. C. Autocratic style
16. A leader exercises his power over his followers because of his position held
in the organizational hierarchy is______.
A. Autocratic leader
B. Intellectual leader
C. liberal leader
D. Institutional leader
Ans. D. Institutional leader
1. ........ Is positive expectation that another will not , through words, actions,
or decisions, act opportunistically.
(a). Trust (b). Risk(c). Familiarity (d). Assertiveness
2. .......refers to an individual's reliability, predictability and good judgement in
handling situations.
(a).Openness (b). Loyalty(c). Consistency (d). Integrity
3. In .....trust , one violation or inconsistency can destroy the relationship.
(a). Identification based(b). Deference based (c). Knowledge based(d).
Personally based
4 . .......trust allows one party to act as an agent for the other and substitute for
that person in interpersonal transactions.
(a). Deference based(b). Knowledge-based (c). Personally best (d).
Identification based
5. A..... is a senior employee who sponsors and supports a less experienced
(a). Trouble shooter (b). Coach (c). Liaison(d). Mentor
6. According to..... theory, flowers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary
leadership ability when they observe certain behaviour.
(a) transformational leadership. (b). Transnational leadership(c). Level 5
leadership (d). Charismatic leadership
7. which is considered the most critical component of charismatics leadership.
(a). The leader experience (b) the flowers readiness (c). A vision (d). Because
the environment.
8. A...... leader has five leadership qualities individual capability, team skills,
managerial competence, the ability of stimulate others to high-performance
and a blend of personal humility and professional will.
(a). Transactional(b). Transformational (c). Level 5(d). Charismatic
9.....are true of themselves and to their flowers ,which is reflected in leaders
who view themselves within their social environment and conduct their lives
according to their values.
(a). Charismatic leaders (b). Transactional leader (c). Authentic leaders (d).
Transformation leaders
10. Leadership .... make it impossible for leader behaviour to make any
difference in follower outcome.
(a). Attribution (b). Mentor(c). neutralizers (d). Substitutes
11. According to the ...theory of leadership, leaders are praised when the
company does well and criticized when things go properly regardless of the
external circumstances.
(a). Attribution (b). Mentor(c). Situational(d). External
12 Proponents of .........purpose that there are set of processes through which
individual control their on behaviour.
(a). Mentoring (b). Online leadership (c). Self leadership (d). Attribution
13. The most effective mentoring relationship....
(a). Are with the immediate supervisor(b). Are with a peer (c). Are with a
manager outside the direct reporting relationship(d).none
14. Ethics are...
(a). Guiding principle (b). Universal principal (c). Moral code of conduct (d). Set
of basic beliefs
15. Which among the following is not a leadership style.
(a). Transactional leadership(b). Transformational leadership (c). Transmission
leadership(d). Paternalistic leadership
16. Followers will only follow charismatics leader if..
(a). They believe change needed(b). They are not motivated(c). They have clear
rewards waiting for them (d). They are confident.
17.Team management is represented by style
(a).1.9 (b). 5.5 (c). 9.9 (d). 9.1
18.Task management is represented by style
(a). 1.9 (b).5.5 (c).9.9 (d).9.1
19. In firdler's theory LPC means
(a). Least preferred coworker (b). Low preferred coworker (c). least prefered
colleague (d). Level preferred coworker