A Giant Mystery: Learning How The World's Biggest Animals Find Their Prey Could Save Endangered Whales
A Giant Mystery: Learning How The World's Biggest Animals Find Their Prey Could Save Endangered Whales
A Giant Mystery: Learning How The World's Biggest Animals Find Their Prey Could Save Endangered Whales
Living with
Why People
Hate Open Offices
Learning how
the world’s biggest
animals find their
prey could save
endangered whales
A pr il 2 0 2 3
VO LU M E 3 2 8 , N U M B E R 4
26 Big Little Mystery 50 Living with Leopards
How do giant filter-feeding whales Big cats are learning to live
find their tiny prey? The answer among people—and if the carni-
could be key to saving endangered vores are to survive, people must
species. By Kate Wong learn to live with them.
P S YC H O LO G Y By Vidya Athreya
36 Why People Q UA N T U M P H Y S I C S
Hate Open Offices 62 Imaginary Universe
Open-plan offices create health Complex numbers are an inescap-
and productivity problems. able part of quantum theory.
Now insights from Deaf and autistic By Marc-Olivier Renou, Antonio
design communities could Acín and Miguel Navascués
improve them. B y George Musser ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE C OVE R
Humpback whales are among the best-
E X P E R I M E N TA L P H Y S I C S 68 Chatbots Talking studied cetaceans on the planet, yet no one
42 A Hidden Variable An AI-generated conversation knows how they find the tiny krill and other
behind Entanglement between a filmmaker and a zooplankton that form a mainstay of their
The little-known origin story philosopher shows the entertaining diet. Figuring out how humpbacks and other
Nayan Khanolkar
Izhar Cohen
9 10 78
Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 328, Number 4, April 2023, published monthly by Scientific American, a division of Springer Nature America, Inc., 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, N.Y. 10004-
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Good Habitats pointed out that its own “level of sophistication raises concerns
about the potential for ChatGPT to be used for nefarious purpos-
Humpback whales hunt using one of the most hilarious strate- es, such as impersonating individuals or spreading misinforma-
gies in nature. Groups of whales swim in a circle around their tion.”) On page 68, computer scientist Giacomo Miceli explains
prey ... and blow bubbles. As the bubbles rise, they form a column how and why he created an “infinite conversation” between two
that acts as a virtual net and concentrates prey. The whales swim AI chatbots trained to impersonate filmmaker Werner Herzog and
upward in a spiral, spewing bubbles all the way, then lunge into philosopher Slavoj Žižek, who are perfect targets of a goofy but
the center of the column to grab an enormous mouthful of krill. illuminating fake. (Chickens are involved.)
But how do these gigantic creatures find patches of tiny krill in the Have you ever worked in an open office? We’re hoping to hear
first place? S
cientific American’s evolution and ecology senior edi- from readers about their own office experiences in response to
tor Kate Wong went to Antarctica with a group of scientists study- Scientific American contributing editor George Musser’s story on
ing a chemical that may give whales a scent of supper. The research, page 36. (George worked alongside many of us years ago in our
helped along by citizen scientists taking cruises to Antarctica, could first open-plan office.) Many people hate them—the lack of privacy,
help predict endangered whales’ behavior and save them from ship the noise, the germs. But they don’t have to be so dehumanizing,
collisions. We hope you enjoy our cover story, starting on page 26, and designers are using insights from people who are deaf or autis-
almost as much as Kate enjoyed her reporting adventure. tic to build more welcoming and productive office habitats.
It’s hard to wrap your head around imaginary numbers. Unlike Leopards have made human habitats their own. On page 50,
“real” numbers, they don’t refer to physical quantities. But maybe ecologist Vidya Athreya shares her fascinating career studying
in some sense they do? Imaginary numbers produce a negative leopard behavior in India, with a goal of protecting both the big
number when multiplied by themselves. Complex numbers (which cats and the people they live among. It reminds me of research on
are a combination of real and imaginary numbers) have been use- coyotes in Chicago—both types of carnivores stay in the shadows
ful in quantum theory, but many physicists assumed they were just during the day and roam at night, effectively time-sharing dense-
a mathematical convenience. Physicists Marc-Olivier Renou, Anto- ly populated cities. The gorgeous photos also tell the story well.
nio Acín and Miguel Navascués recently created tests of quantum Chien-Shiung Wu was the first scientist to document entangled
theory that show imaginary numbers are necessary for certain pre- photons, or what Einstein called “spooky action at a distance.” It’s
dictions (page 62). What does it all mean for the nature of reality? not your fault if you haven’t heard of her—she was passed over for
They’re still working on that. a Nobel Prize in 1957 in one of the many discriminatory injustices
We’ve been talking a lot at Scientific American HQ about the in the award’s history. Last year’s physics prize honors research that
risks and potential rewards of artificial-intelligence programs that built on her groundbreaking studies, and it’s a great time to appre-
can generate text. This is a Very Serious Issue with implications ciate her rightful place in science. Turn to Michelle Frank’s article
for copyright, plagiarism, misinformation, and more—but it can on page 42. If you enjoy podcasts, we publish an ongoing series
also be funny. Our editors conducted an online Q&A with the AI called “Lost Women in Science” that is full of brilliant characters,
ChatGPT and asked it why it should be regulated. (It correctly like Wu, whose work is just now being rediscovered.
Robin E. Bell Jonathan Foley John Maeda
Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Executive Director, Project Drawdown Chief Technology Officer, Everbridge
Columbia University Jennifer A. Francis Satyajit Mayor
Senior Scientist and Acting Deputy Director, Senior Professor, National Center for Biological Sciences,
Emery N. Brown Woodwell Climate Research Center Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering Carlos Gershenson John P. Moore
and of Computational Neuroscience, M.I.T., Research Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology,
and Warren M. Zapol Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School and Visiting Scholar, Santa Fe Institute Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Vinton G. Cerf Alison Gopnik Priyamvada Natarajan
Professor of Psychology and Affiliate Professor Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Yale University
Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley
Emmanuelle Charpentier Donna J. Nelson
Lene Vestergaard Hau Professor of Chemistry, University of Oklahoma
Scientific Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics,
Harvard University Lisa Randall
and Founding and Acting Director, Max Planck Unit for the
Professor of Physics, Harvard University
Science of Pathogens Hopi E. Hoekstra
Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology and Curator of Mammals, Martin Rees
Rita Colwell Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University Astronomer Royal and Emeritus Professor of Cosmology and
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland College Park Astrophysics, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Co-founder, Urban Ocean Lab, and Daniela Rus
Kate Crawford Co-founder, The All We Can Save Project Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering
Christof Koch and Computer Science and Director, CSAIL, M.I.T.
Research Professor, University of Southern California Annenberg,
Chief Scientist, MindScope Program, Allen Institute for Brain Science Meg Urry
and Co-founder, AI Now Institute, New York University
Meg Lowman Israel Munson Professor of Physics and Astronomy and Director,
Nita A. Farahany Director and Founder, TREE Foundation, Rachel Carson Fellow, Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Yale University
Professor of Law and Philosophy, Director, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, and Research Professor, Amie Wilkinson
Duke Initiative for Science & Society, Duke University University of Science Malaysia Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago
PAGAN REPLIES: K ramer’s intuition is cial and other situations work, rendering
right in that these spikes are caused by the those situations less confusing.
construction of the telescope. Technically, It would be appropriate to have a more
there are eight diffraction spikes in total: balanced look at which autism therapies
the prominent six spikes he mentions, actually work to the advantage of the per-
which are the result of the light diffracting son in therapy, not just the perspectives of
off the edge of each side of the primary hex- those who are looking in from the outside.
agonal mirror, and two smaller horizontal Miriam Duman Goldberg via e-mail
spikes, which are caused by the light inter-
acting with the two struts holding the sec- It is good to see that autism therapists are
December 2022 ondary mirror. How this pattern arises is coming to realize how harmful forcing
described further in an infographic enti- conformity can be. As a person on the
tled “Webb’s Diffraction Spikes” that you spectrum myself, I hope that this can be
TELESCOPE OF THE UNIVERSE can find at webbtelescope.org. communicated to the general population
Your special report on “A New Era for As- As of late, the calibration pipeline has as well. Attempts to force changes in the
tronomy” includes several photographs no feature for removing the spikes. This way of thinking can create depression and
from the James Webb Space Telescope kind of distribution of light from a single- quash creativity.
(JWST). In one article in the report, “Be- point source is called a point spread func- James W. Scott Vernon, N.J.
hind the Pictures,” by Clara Moskowitz tion (PSF) and is unique to each optical
and Jen Christiansen, science visuals de- system. While not infeasible, it is difficult TRAUMA AND EXPERIENCE
veloper Alyssa Pagan of the Space Tele- to model and subtract such a complex PSF In “An Invisible Epidemic,” Elizabeth Svo-
scope Science Institute comments on how across an entire image. When the pattern boda discusses a type of trauma caused by
scientists turn raw data from the telescope obscures crucial information in a specific a person’s core principles being violated,
into images that give a truer representa- target that takes up most of the field, how- such as during wartime. This “moral inju-
tion than what our naked eye can see. ever, the scientists or image processors ry” sounds like a way of life for many peo-
I was stunned by these photographs, will go in and manually remove the PSF. ple. Gay and transgender people have to
first by their beauty and second by the six- Otherwise, we allow JWST to differentiate constantly adjust responses to external
pointed stars around bright objects. I am itself with its eight-spike signature. cues, circumstances and attacks. Over a
guessing the latter are artifacts resulting long period of time, this can weigh heavily.
from the construction of the telescope. I NEURODIVERSITY If the psychologists mentioned in the
am also guessing the photo-processing I found it interesting to read “Rethinking article would interview some older gay
software used to make the images in- Autism Therapy” [The Science of Health], and trans people, they may find the cop-
cludes an option for removing them. Are Claudia Wallis’s piece on how autism ing mechanisms and support strategies
perhaps the images given to astronomers treatment is moving away from “fixing” these individuals have used to be helpful,
made with such an option on? What is the the condition. I applaud the approach of which could move their own research on
truth about those pretty six-pointers? allowing people to be who they are and treatments forward.
By the way, the six-pointers provide an commend the idea that society needs to Steven Cain I rving, Tex.
easy way to tell a JWST photograph from work harder at accepting neurodiversity.
a Hubble image: publicly available Hub- In emphasizing past and current views COSMIC QUICK START
ble photographs have four-pointed stars. about attempts to change behaviors, how- Jonathan O’Callaghan’s article “Breaking
Thomas R. Kramer via e-mail ever, the piece may imply that applied be- Cosmology” successfully describes JWST’s
havioral analysis (ABA) is the only thera- flurry of images of surprisingly early gal-
The article on the components of JWST peutic model available. It seems to ignore axies and possible explanations for them.
was excellent. The marvelous photographs therapies such as relationship develop- I also commend the author’s brief com-
made me feel very small, however—many ment intervention (RDI), which allows for ments on how the rush to publish these
magnitudes as small as a subatomic par- more flexibility on the part of the autistic findings suggests a more efficient and fast-
ticle. It’s an old, big universe out there. person and those around them while help- er peer-review process.
Mike Maffett L ake Burton, Ga. ing them understand more about how so- James Carlisle A tascadero, Calif.
Laura Helmuth
According to O’Callaghan, JWST data MANAGING EDITOR Jeanna Bryner COPY DIRECTOR Maria-Christina Keller CREATIVE DIRECTOR Michael Mrak
show early galaxies that seem too large CHIEF FEATURES EDITOR Seth Fletcher CHIEF NEWS EDITOR Dean Visser CHIEF OPINION EDITOR Megha Satyanarayana
and well developed for their age. I recall FEATURES
other Scientific American articles describ- SENIOR EDITOR, MEDICINE / SCIENCE POLICY Josh Fischman SENIOR EDITOR, TECHNOLOGY / MIND Jen Schwartz
ing supermassive black holes that also SENIOR EDITOR, SPACE / PHYSICS Clara Moskowitz SENIOR EDITOR, EVOLUTION / ECOLOGY Kate Wong
seemed too large for their early times. SENIOR EDITOR, SPACE / PHYSICS Lee Billings
Which came first? Could precocious super- SENIOR EDITOR, HEALTH AND MEDICINE Tanya Lewis ASSOCIATE EDITOR, SUSTAINABILITY Andrea Thompson
massive black holes have contributed to SENIOR OPINION EDITOR Dan Vergano ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR Sarah Lewin Frasier
NEWS REPORTER Meghan Bartels
the precocious development of galaxies?
Tampa Bay, Fla. MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Kelso Harper
The article describes 120 million years as ASSOCIATE GRAPHICS EDITOR Amanda Montañez ASSOCIATE PHOTO EDITOR Liz Tormes
“a cosmic blink of an eye.” This would be COPY & PRODUCTION
SENIOR COPY EDITORS Angelique Rondeau, Aaron Shattuck
0.87 percent of the universe’s age of 13.8 MANAGING PRODUCTION EDITOR Richard Hunt PREPRESS AND QUALITY MANAGER Silvia De Santis
billion years. An eyeblink of 0.1 second is CONTRIBUTOR S
0.0000000045 percent of three score and EDITORS EMERITI Mariette DiChristina, John Rennie
EDITORIAL Rebecca Boyle, Amy Brady, Katherine Harmon Courage, Lydia Denworth, Ferris Jabr,
10 years of life. Perhaps “a long winter’s Anna Kuchment, Michael D. Lemonick, Robin Lloyd, Steve Mirsky, Melinda Wenner Moyer,
George Musser, Ricki L. Rusting, Dava Sobel, Claudia Wallis, Daisy Yuhas
nap” might be a closer metaphor. ART Edward Bell, Violet Isabelle Frances, Lawrence R. Gendron, Nick Higgins, Kim Hubbard, Katie Peek, Beatrix Mahd Soltani
“Constructing the World from Inside Out,” ENGINEERS Kenneth Abad, Ruben Del Rio, Haronil Estevez, Michael Gale, Akwa Grembowski, Stephen Tang
by György Buzsáki [June 2022], explores CONSUMER MARKETING
how perception of our physical surround- HEAD, MARKETING Christopher Monello
ings occurs in the brain. An even more puz- MARKETING COORDINATOR Justin Camera
support healthy functioning saves money, time and lives.
The concept of “natural capital,” or the idea that ecosystem ser-
vices should be valued in a similar manner as any form of wealth,
In the climate crisis, wetlands have more dates back to the 1970s. Markets have always valued timber as a
economic value than new development commodity, for example, but not the services that came along with
producing it, such as soil maintenance, carbon storage, erosion
By the Editors control and nutrient cycling. We didn’t need a market for resourc-
es that industrialists saw as abundant and endlessly renewable.
Coastal cities worldwide are squeezed by two opposing forces: This exploitative assumption turned out to be very wrong. Failing
urban sprawl and the rising sea. This struggle is intensely visible to measure the benefits of ecosystem services in policy and man-
in the flatlands of South Florida, where burgeoning neighborhoods agement decisions is a major reason many of those ecosystems dis-
routinely flood and saltwater inundation damages the estuaries appeared. In one of many recent corrections to earlier misunder-
that protect communities from the worst of our climate crisis. standings of the value of nature, a 2021 World Bank report said
Massive resources are being put into environmental restora- that natural capital should redefine wealth.
tion projects there, and development is subject to many layers of Climate change makes the undervaluation of ecosystem servic-
approvals. Yet in 2022 the Miami-Dade County Commissioners vot- es more dangerous. Wetlands that mitigate flooding in a commu-
ed to expand a legal boundary that contains sprawl to allow a 400- nity during rare deluges will have far more economic value in 2050
acre warehouse project. They are failing to see the value of this when damaging storms arrive more frequently. The value of a pre-
land in the greater ecosystem: pave over it, and you’ll cut off water- served forest is unfathomably large when it prevents new patho-
ways that sustain a critical buffer against flooding and erosion. gens from emerging and spinning out into a pandemic. Clearly,
Wetlands, coastal plains, sand dunes, forests, and many other monetary valuation of nature is tricky to estimate and has practi-
permeable surfaces do cheaply (or even for free) what engineered cal limits. It’s also highly site-specific, with the protective value
levees, seawalls and pumps do at a cost of billions of dollars. They depending on the surrounding density of people, industries and
protect the land around them from storm surge, flooding rains, infrastructure. It would be difficult to create a template that would
erosion and pollution. They are vital infrastructure that makes us help all types of municipalities crunch the math on natural assets.
more resilient against climate change, and the cost of destroying It also seems crass to place a dollar amount on ecosystems
them or weakening their ability to function must be factored into that we’d rather view as priceless, existing for their own sake and
the decisions we make to build and grow. valuable to humans in ways that transcend capitalism. This pre-
To do so, the economic incentives to develop any natural land- ciousness is ethically sound. But developers have long conflated
scape should be weighed against the protective economic value pricelessness with worthlessness, allowing them to profit with-
that land already provides. Economists call this an “avoided dam- out paying for the consequences of destroying the environment.
age” valuation. Local planning boards might consider the value of It’s impossible to avoid difficult trade-offs between development
a sand dune, oyster reef or swamp in flood protection versus the and conservation—we cannot ignore the affordable housing cri-
expense of replacing it with a seawall and water pump system. sis in the U.S., for example. The case for preserving nature as
How do these “ecosystem services” fare against the cost of, say, infrastructure, however, aligns with what many urban planners
are calling for as solutions: moving away from
single-family zoning restrictions to allow for
multifamily and mixed-use construction and
communal spaces that reduce car dependency.
Basically, less sprawl.
Economic value is never the only reason
nature is worth preserving; it is simply a pow-
erful, underused tool to help us make decisions
about how to live more sustainably in a cli-
mate-changed world. If policy makers consid-
ered natural infrastructure in the language of
economics, they might recognize just how
deeply we rely on it.
Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
or send a letter to the editor: editors@sciam.com
Universal Basic would eliminate the means test, thereby creating a universal
child allowance.
Income Evidence
Universal benefits have several advantages over means-tested
benefits. They remove the stigma associated with targeted bene
fits, increasing uptake. Universal benefits tend to be more popu
A monthly payment could lift people out of lar and thus are more politically secure and better funded. And
poverty without increasing unemployment dispensing with means testing makes them easier to administer.
The universal child allowance would enroll all children at birth so
By Michael W. Howard no child would be excluded.
As an example of how such a system can work, Alaska has enact
The temporary expansion of the Child Tax Credit during the ed a Permanent Fund Dividend, an annual cash payment that goes
COVID pandemic was a major win for the U.S., lifting 3.7 million to nearly every resident without a means test or work requirement.
children out of poverty in December 2021 without significantly Decades of evidence show that it contributes to poverty reduction
reducing parents’ work participation. The expansion increased and has no negative effect on people’s willingness to work.
the amount of the payment and made it periodic rather than a In the U.S., a universal child allowance and Social Security for
single lump sum. It also ended the work requirement for parents. seniors would mean that the two most vulnerable age groups in
This positively affected one third of all children in the U.S. and our population would have reliable income. Extending a basic
even higher percentages of Black and Hispanic children, many of income to the country’s remaining adults faces more serious hur
whose families were formerly excluded because the parents dles, such as the widely held belief that able-bodied adults should
earned too little to qualify for the tax credit. work for their income. But studies from the U.S. and Canada,
Despite its success, the credit’s expanded benefit expired in among other research, support the idea that few people who re
January 2022, plunging those children back into poverty. Still, the ceive a guaranteed income actually leave the workforce. Those
legislation remains an important political milestone: Congress who stop working for wages do so for good reasons, such as to fin
came close to permanently abandoning parental work require ish high school or to care for young children. A modest guaran
ments as a condition for cash assistance for families. teed minimum income can help people pay for child care or trans
The Child Tax Credit expansion was one step toward a univer portation, making work outside the home possible for some who
sal basic income, or UBI. This kind of policy could eliminate pov otherwise could not take it on.
erty, benefit tens of millions of people and save hundreds of bil We should also challenge the assumption that every able per
lions of dollars by reducing the social costs of poverty. son receiving cash payments ought to be seeking a job. Tradition
A UBI is defined as “a periodic cash payment unconditionally al jobs are not the only form of work. Taking care of children and
delivered to all on an individual basis, without means test or work elders is work—performed mostly by women without compensa
requirement.” The Child Tax Credit can’t be considered UBI be tion. UBI is a way of supporting and recognizing that work with
cause it is only for families with children whose means fall with out intrusive state monitoring and reinforcement of gendered
in a set range. A more ambitious bill, introduced by Representa divisions of labor.
tives Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Mondaire Jones of New York, Moreover, income differences are only partially determined
by individuals’ efforts; much comes down to
luck, such as the family one is born into, unfor
tunate accidents or unrecognized disabilities.
A guaranteed minimum is one way to even out
the luck, benefiting the unfortunate with some
help from the fortunate.
To the extent that the mere fact of “churn
ing”—money going out to everyone only to be
taken back in taxes from some—is an obstacle to
political support, a means-tested guaranteed
income may be the more politically feasible pol
icy, but it lacks some of the advantages of uni
versal programs. In the meantime, if a truly uni
versal child allowance is eventually adopted, it
could build support for UBI down the road.
Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
or send a letter to the editor: editors@sciam.com
• “Organ-on-a-chip” models
crucial vaginal microbes
• New genes get a tiny
synthetic cell moving
• Strange material flouts rule
of thermal physics
• Magnetic fields shape galactic structure
Urine Luck
Stone Age critter pee could
help solve a puzzle of ancient
human development
High on a sheer cliff in South Africa’s
Swartberg mountain range last September,
University of Utah paleoclimatologist Tyler
Faith finally reached something he hoped
might solve one of anthropology’s stickiest
mysteries. His target looked like goo that
had oozed from the sandstone cliff and
hardened into a foot-thick slab of black
amber. Gas mask on, Faith got to work
hewing away a 70-pound chunk; dust flung
from his chainsaw quickly filled the air with
a yellow-gold haze.
“It just gets in your pores,” Faith says.
“The second you jump in the shower and
that stuff finally rehydrates, it’s like: Imag-
ine the most stinky alleyway where people
have been peeing. It’s awesome. But yeah.
All my gear now smells like pee.”
The substance is fossilized urine from
untold generations of marmotlike critters
called rock hyraxes—and it acts as an
excellent record of the ancient climate.
Sticky and viscous like molasses, hyrax
urine hardens quickly in air. It traps pollen
grains and charcoal, telling scientists when
particular plants grew and wildfires raged.
It also preserves chemical isotopes indicat-
ing precipitation and temperature. And
DSPhotographyCPT/Getty Images
Tyler Faith
something,” says University of Michigan climate events and technology. lenge: South Africa’s sparse climate history.
anthropologist Brian Stewart, who is not Boomplaas Cave offers a way around “We don’t have traditional archives like
live human vaginal tissue from a donor and
a laboratory setting, partly because study rupt that Lactobacilli,” which can lead to BV.
animals have “totally different microbi- Ingber and his colleagues have demon-
omes” than humans do, says Don Ingber, strated that L actobacilli growing on the
a bioengineer at Harvard University’s colleagues created their unique chip, de chip’s tissue help to maintain a low pH by
Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired scribed in the journal M
icrobiome: a n inch- producing lactic acid. Conversely, if the
Engineering. To address this, he and his long, rectangular polymer case containing researchers introduce G ardnerella, t he chip
Help Stem
change affected different areas in different what the climate is doing at a global level.”
ways. Faith says South Africa’s paleocli Faith, Chase and Quick sampled mid
mate is still so little known that it’s unclear dens near Boomplaas Cave last September
whether the region was dry and harsh or
wet and lush at the peak of the last Ice Age.
Team member Brian Chase, a paleo
and received the first radiocarbon dates
from the samples earlier this year. Combin
ing the continuing Boomplaas excavations
The Theocratic
climatologist at the University of Montpel
lier in France, saw a possible solution to
with their unconventional climate record,
the researchers say, offers a real shot at
Tidal Wave
this puzzle in hyrax middens, where these finally unraveling the con
tentious links
small mammals—which look like rodents between climate and technological change
but are more closely related to elephants— in the Later Stone Age—and beyond.
have dutifully returned to do their business “There’s this whole other sphere of ques Join the nation’s
for millennia. Chase has devoted his career tions that we’re going to be able to jump largest association
to unlocking these over ooked data troves into by having those giant blocks of pee to
and has collected hundreds of samples play around with,” Faith says. “We hope it’ll of atheists and agnostics
from southern Africa. “Personally, I think be useful to a lot of people.” ——Elise
Elise Cutts working to keep religion
out of government.
develops a higher pH, cell damage and does have its limitations,” Mackay says.
increased inflammation: classic signs of BV. For example, many researchers are inter
In other words, the chip can show how ested in vaginal microbiome changes that Join now or get a FREE trial
a healthy—or unhealthy—microbiome occur during pregnancy because of the link membership & bonus issues
affects the vagina. between BV and labor complications. of Freethought Today,
The next step is personalization. Ingber Although the chip’s tissue responds to FFRF’s newspaper.
says his team has already begun to study estrogen, Mackay is not convinced it can
volunteer individuals’ varying microbiomes fully mimic pregnancy without feedback
by loading their personal bacterial com loops involving other organs.
munities onto chips using vaginal swabs. Ingber says that for simulating pro
The chip is a significant leap forward, cesses such as pregnancy, researchers
says sexual health physician Achyuta Nori “may not need all the other complexity Call 1-800-335-4021
of St. George’s, University of London, who that people assume is important.” Still,
was not involved with the study. “It could his team is already working on connecting ffrf.us/science
change how we practice medicine,” he says. the vagina chip to a cervix chip, a combi
Nori is particularly excited by the prospect nation that could better represent the
of testing how typical antibiotic treatments larger reproductive system.
for BV affect the different bacterial strains. Even if some applications require more
Currently “the quality of evidence for most development, Mackay is thrilled that the
women’s health [issues] is very, very poor,” chip is a reality. Beyond being a promising
he says. “This is an opportunity to bring technological advance, she says, the interest
women’s health into the modern times, of someone like Ingber—whom she calls the
using modern technology.”
Critics of organonachip
organ-on-a-chip technology
“godfather” of organ chip technology—may
help normalize research on vaginas. “There ffrf.org
often raise the point that it models organs shouldn’t be any stigma around it,” she says.
in isolation from the rest of the body. “It “But there is.” —Ida
— Ida Emilie Steinmark FFRF is a 501(c)(3) educational charity.
Deductible for income tax purposes.
infrastructure, the research team says. effectively creating a towering, temporary function when planes are in range could
“What they’ve done is very impressive,” and controllable lightning rod in the sky potentially address safety concerns, the
says Jerry Moloney, an optical scientist above the area to be protected. Scientists study authors say.
at the University of Arizona, who was an have dreamed of building laser lightning For now, though, Benjamin Franklin’s
early pioneer of this laser application but rods for decades, but previous experiments innovation will have to do. — A
llison Parshall
tain circumstances.
JAPAN To test those predictions, Hu and his col
In an unlikely partnership, Japan’s rare leagues placed a tiny piece of boron arsenide
Amami rabbit has a mutually beneficial
arrangement with a parasitic plant that
the Heat less than 100 microns thick in the gap be
tween two diamonds. They applied pressure
sucks energy from others’ roots. Scien Strange material breaks to the diamond sandwich to create a force on
tists found that very few other animals a classic rule of physics the boron arsenide hundreds of times greater
will gobble up the plant’s dry and unap- than that at the bottom of the ocean. The
pealing fruits and disperse its seeds. A basic tenet o f college physics is that researchers used ultrafast optics, spectros
SIBERIA as pressure increases, thermal conductiv copy and x-rays to document how boron
The first humans arrived in the Americas ity—a material’s ability to conduct heat— arsenide’s thermal conductivity begins to
from northeastern Asia, but Native increases, too, because atoms that are decrease as heat propagates across the sam
American DNA found in ancient Siberians’ squeezed together interact more. ple and it is subjected to intense pressure.
genomes suggests it wasn’t a one-way More than a century of research has They observed that the decrease comes from
trip. Indigenous Americans most likely confirmed this rule. But engineers have similar types of heat waves overlapping and
traveled via boat to Siberia multiple times, now found an exception: when they applied canceling one another out—a phenomenon
including as recently as 1,500 years ago. intense pressure to boron arsenide, a recently predicted by quantum mechanics.
SINGAPORE discovered semiconductor material, thermal If Hu and his colleagues can show this
Like dogs breeding with wolves, chickens conductivity d ecreased. The finding, described behavior generalizes to other materials, he
sometimes mate with their undomesti- in Nature, c hallenges established theory and says, physicists may have to revise established
cated cousins. New research suggests potentially upends current models of how models for environments such as outer space
chicken DNA is supplanting wild genomes substances behave under extreme conditions. or planetary interiors, including Earth’s. The
of local red junglefowl. This endangers “Now that we’ve made this first discovery, latter could alter predictions about climate
the latter’s genetic diversity and poten- we think this can’t be the only material with change because terrain temperatures are
tially its ability to adapt to disease. abnormal behavior,” says study senior author affected by what happens inside the planet.
U.S. Yongjie Hu, a chemist and mechanical engi The new study provides “the first and best
The Food and Drug Administration will neer at the University of California, Los Ange experimental evidence that I know of to show
no longer require new drugs to be tested les. If other substances show this property, that thermal conductivity can be tuned,” says
on animals. Developers can use alternative “the established understanding of thermal University of California, Berkeley, geophysicist
methods, such as simulating human conductivity might not be correct.” Raymond Jeanloz, who was not involved in
tissues with high-tech chips, to prove In prior studies, Hu and other researchers the research. The finding, he adds, “opens up
a drug is safe to test in humans. identified boron arsenide as having excep the possibility” of advanced technologies that
For more details, visit www.ScientificAmerican.
tionally high thermal conductivity. The scien save energy and cool electronics by control
com/apr2023/advances tists also calculated that conventional thermal ling thermal conductivity. —Rachel Nuwer
Lung Delivery
A drone speeds transport of
a fragile donated organ
(which performed the first successful lung Hawk, they flew only 120 feet the first Scientific American is a registered trademark
transplant in 1983) and Unither Bioelectron- time,” Keshavjee says. “But now look at of Springer Nature America, Inc.
ics replaced a commercial drone’s landing where air travel is.” — Caren Chesler
poor rotting wood, then consume the nitrogen-rich worms.
“Nematodes happen to be the most abundant animals these
fungi encounter, so I think it’s very interesting evolutionarily, this
in Images cross-kingdom prey interaction,” says study senior author Yen-Ping
Hsueh, a molecular biologist at Academia Sinica in Taiwan.
By Susan Cosier The study team of geneticists, molecular biologists, biochemists
and fungal biologists had previously found that oyster mushrooms
exude an unidentified toxin that somehow paralyzes the worms
Guy Edwardes/Minden Pictures
within minutes and causes calcium to flow into their cells, killing
Oyster mushrooms feature in cuisines around the world, but them. This mechanism differs from those used by other carnivorous
they should be off the menu for hungry worms—which these fungi and could be unique to oyster mushrooms.
delicious fungi kill and devour with abandon. Now researchers For their new work, the researchers grew and analyzed sam-
finally know how they do it. ples of the fungi’s tissue, finding no noticeable toxin even when
A study published in Science Advances details how oyster mush- they broke it up. They reasoned that whatever was killing the
Pressing On
Microbe withstands the solar system’s
many pressures
ings at the American Astronomical Society’s 2023 winter meeting.
Star Magnet For this work, the researchers are determining the fine-scale
direction of these magnetic fields by measuring how dust parti-
Intricate magnetic fields regulate star growth cles align. Specifically, they’re quantifying how magnetic proper-
in our galaxy’s “bones” ties help keep gas and dust in the massive bones from collapsing
to form stars. With data from instruments flown onboard the
The Milky Way’s rotating disk o f gas and dust gives rise to Boeing-747-borne telescope SOFIA in its final years of activity,
graceful spiral arms, which make up the galaxy’s most active star “we could view the field structure in star-forming clouds across
formation sites. Now researchers using an airplane-borne tele- large swathes of the galaxy,” Coudé says.
Let us stand outside our spacecraft
long enough at height high enough
to see Earth breathing its seasons,
to feel its pulses across years,
the rise and fall of global indices—
Checking Up even old-school phone calls to allow clinicians and patients to com-
municate appears to be here to stay. It has settled at 10 to 30 per-
cent of patient appointments in many large hospital systems.
In ransomware attacks, h ackers encrypt a computer system and lion from them. “I’d say that’s up there with the largest ransom-
then extort victims to pay up or risk losing access to their data. ware groups we’ve got data on, in terms of how many organizations
Victims have included large companies such as the meat suppli- have been impacted and how much money is being paid out,” says
er JBS, major infrastructure such as the Colonial Pipeline and Josephine Wolff, an associate professor of cybersecurity policy at
entire countries such as Costa Rica. The Department of Justice Tufts University. Scientific American spoke with Wolff about how
recently announced some rare good news about this criminal the fbi took down Hive and how much of an impact this law-en-
industry: The fbi infiltrated a major ransomware group called forcement operation will have on other ransomware criminals.
Hive and obtained its decryption keys. These keys let the ransom- [An edited transcript of the interview follows.]
ware victims recover their data without paying the demanded fee.
The fbi’s work helped affected parties avoid paying $130 million. What action did the fbi take against Hive?
Afterward American law enforcement worked with internation- There are two parts of this, both of which are really interesting. The
al partners to seize Hive’s servers and take down its website. first thing that law enforcement did was to actually infiltrate their
According to the doj, Hive has been a major player in the ran- internal communications for a period of several months—we think
somware space since June 2021, attacking more than 1,500 vic- going back to last summer, based on what the Justice Department
tims in more than 80 countries and extorting more than $100 mil- has said. And because law enforcement was inside their comput-
ers and able to see who they had infected Will Hive’s downfall deter other policing in the U.S. but also in Europe: try-
and, more important, what the decryption ransomware groups? ing to catch people, do takedowns and
keys were to undo that ransomware, the That depends a little bit on some of the next make ransomware a less lucrative crime.
Justice Department has said it was able to steps. I think this is not a story that’s neces- Some of that also centers on regulation of
help lots of victims who had been targeted sarily going to make cybercriminals run in the cryptocurrency industry: trying to
and actually unencrypt their systems by es- fear. My guess is that some of the larger or- sanction certain cryptocurrency exchang-
sentially stealing those decryption keys ganizations are going to be sweeping their es that criminals are using to process these
from the Hive servers without Hive’s knowl- own systems and looking for any signs of a payments. Cryptocurrency intermediaries
edge of what was going on. So for months similar presence that they should pay atten- facilitate currency payments at scale and
you had an undercover presence in those tion to. I don’t know that it’s going to make across national borders, which is so essen-
servers of law enforcement, taking decryp- anybody tone down their ransomware op- tial for this to be a profitable business. An-
tion keys and giving them to victims so erations, partly because I think there’s less other thing that the U.S. government defi-
they can recover their computers. attention to that and less fear of that for cy- nitely is pursuing is the international part-
The second part of that, which is what bercriminals who operate overseas. But it’s nership piece. Most of these criminals are
just happened, is the takedown. And that’s certainly going to give people some ner- based not in the U.S. or other countries
where the Justice Department actually goes vousness about the possibility of their own where most of the victims are located. Tak-
in and seizes servers and removes Hive’s systems being infiltrated in this manner. ing them down requires very active collab-
website. For that part, it’s harder to know oration with law enforcement overseas.
what the long-term impacts will be because What else have these groups been
servers and websites are replaceable. So it’s up to lately? What’s the current state Are cybercriminals changing up their
a good disruption, but it’s not necessarily of the ransomware world? tactics to counter the more robust
equivalent to saying, “These people will We continue to see these fairly significant, response from law enforcement?
never be able to distribute ransomware really impactful ransomware attacks on One piece we haven’t touched on a lot is the
again.” And my guess would be that the rea- health-care institutions, at local and na- question of what happens when ransom-
son the takedown happened is because the tional government levels, at private insti- ware operators don’t just encrypt a victim’s
law-enforcement presence in Hive’s system tutions. My sense, certainly from insurers, system but also steal copies of all their data
had been detected. Because otherwise I has been that the rate of ransomware has and then threaten, “If you don’t pay a ran-
think you would try to maintain that pres- slowed a bit in the past six months to a som, I’m going to leak all of your data on-
ence as long as you reasonably could. year—that it’s not as frequent or as com- line.” And that has been growing in fre-
mon as it was perhaps in 2020, 2021, at the quency for the past couple of years. It’s par-
Is the fbi likely to continue putting moment when it was doing the most dam- ticularly problematic when you think
together operations like this that involve age and causing the greatest number of about solutions we’ve seen, where the hope
embedding agents in the systems claims. But that’s not to say it’s gone away. is “if we provide the decryption key, then
of criminal organizations for months? people won’t pay the ransom.” If there’s a
Honestly, I hope so. It’s a tricky thing to do Why is that slowdown happening? stolen copy that’s being held over a victim’s
because many cybercriminal organizations, There are different ideas about that. Many head, that’s a less effective mitigation.
for obvious reasons, are fairly cautious of the insurers would say, “We’ve gotten bet-
about who has access to their servers. My ter at requiring policyholders to take cer- What else can we learn from
guess is that this is a little bit of an anoma- tain measures to protect themselves”—the Hive’s takedown?
ly, finding one that was poorly protected most straightforward of which is creating In the Department of Justice announce-
enough. Perhaps that is also tied to the fact backups, requiring that everyone be able to ment, they said that when they were inside
that Hive is a “ransomware as a service” or- reboot their systems if everything gets en- the Hive servers, they could see who was be-
ganization: you see them renting out their crypted. And they think that has helped re- ing targeted. But they were only getting re-
malware to a bunch of other bad actors. duce, at least, the number of claims and the ports from about 20 percent of those vic-
Therefore, it is being used quite widely by a amount of damages caused by ransomware tims. This gives us one data point for what
whole bunch of different entities in this attacks. To some extent, the war in Ukraine percent of ransomware attacks are actual-
space, and they have a lot of dealings with throws the ransomware industry into some ly being directly reported to the fbi versus
people who are not internal, known mem- amount of disarray. There’s a set of ransom- the ones for which the fbi had to proactive-
bers of their own organization but are cus- ware groups and cybercrime organizations ly reach out and say, “It looks like this ran-
tomers buying their services. Perhaps that that have people in Ukraine, often leaders somware group may have impacted you.
made it easier to introduce new people to based in Russia, who are starting to leak in- We think we can help.” Twenty percent is a
the organization and the systems. Certain- formation about each other and undermine pretty low number in terms of trying to un-
ly this is something law enforcement will each other’s efforts from within. derstand the scale of this problem beyond
keep trying to do. I hope it’ll be successful. The other piece of it is pretty aggressive what people voluntarily report.
Researchers are racing to figure out how giant filter-feeding
whales find their tiny prey. The answer could be key
to saving endangered species
By Kate Wong
W hen it’s time to eat, humpback whales head toward the ends
of the earth. Their mission: feast until they are fat and happy.
They must build up their energy reserves, packing on nearly
a ton of blubber a week to sustain them on the voyage from
their polar and subpolar feeding grounds to the balmy
waters where they breed. The journey may require travel-
ing thousands of miles over several months—and they must
be ready to reproduce when they arrive. Perhaps because nature loves a paradox, these colossal
predators, which can measure 60 feet long and weigh 40 tons, accumulate these fat stores by eat-
ing some of the smallest prey in the sea—including krill, shrimplike crustaceans that live in all
the world’s oceans but are concentrated in the cold waters found at high latitudes.
We know a lot about how humpbacks eat. They filter
seawater through plates of keratin, called baleen, that
line their upper jaws and resemble the frayed bristles of
The North Atlantic right whale, a dark, stocky ceta-
cean that eats rice-size zooplankton called copepods,
has the unfortunate distinction of being one of the most
a worn toothbrush. They devour several thousand endangered mammals on the planet. Commercial whal-
pounds of their tiny prey every day. To obtain that quan- ing nearly extinguished this species in the early 1900s.
tity of food, they must seek out dense aggregations of the By 1935 the League of Nations banned the hunting of
crustaceans. Once they find a swarm, they may deploy a all right whales. But unlike other species whose num-
clever cooperative hunting tactic, swimming in circles bers plummeted because of whaling, the North Atlan-
while blowing columns of bubbles to create a kind of net tic right whale has been unable to make a comeback.
to corral the krill. Then they feed, lunging at the tightly The animal’s feeding grounds off the coast of New Eng-
gathered prey with jaws agape, engulfing thousands land and the Canadian Maritimes overlap with areas of
of gallons of krill-filled water in their pleated throat intense human activity. Collisions with ships and entan-
pouches before straining the catch through their baleen. glement in fishing gear, along with climate change–
Yet for all scientists have learned about these char- induced disturbance of their habitat and prey, have
ismatic leviathans, no one knows how baleen whales (a taken a terrible toll.
group that includes humpback, blue, fin and sei whales, The most recent estimates indicate that fewer than
among others) find their food in the first place. Their 350 North Atlantic right whales remain, only 70 of which
cousins the toothed whales—sperm whales, belugas, are females of reproductive age. According to some pro-
dolphins, and the like—use ultrasonic sonar signals to jections, the species could go extinct in the next couple
detect prey, but baleen whales don’t have that ability. of decades. Understanding how baleen whales track
Somehow they still manage to find their minuscule down their prey could help scientists predict where the
quarry in the infinite sameness of the sea. whales will go to feed—and better manage human activ-
Scott Wilson (preceding pages)
It’s a mystery that scientists are eager to solve. In ities in those areas that might harm the whales.
part that’s because it is a huge gap in our basic knowl- All of this matters for more than just a single species
edge of high-profile species. More urgently, the ques- of whale. North Atlantic right whales and other baleen
tion of how baleen whales seek out their food has whales are ecosystem engineers, feeding in deep water
important conservation implications, particularly for and then releasing nutrients near the surface through
a baleen species called the North Atlantic right whale. their feces, which support the growth of microscopic
by larger animals. The whales’ tissues also trap enor- to learn how baleen whales find food. I went as a guest of whales in
mous amounts of carbon dioxide that could otherwise the cruise operator, Polar Latitudes, to observe a study Antarctica to
contribute to global warming—an estimated 33 tons for being carried out by the seven scientists they were host- learn how they
the average large-bodied whale. And when whales die, ing on their tourist boat and to lecture on whale evolution. find krill.
their carcasses sink to the seafloor, where they sustain By joining a tourist expedition, the international
and Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Cetacean Permit 2018-0020
entire communities of deepwater organisms—from team of researchers based in the U.S., Sweden and Japan
sleeper sharks to sulfur-loving bacteria—that are spe- saved on the exorbitant costs of getting to the white con-
cially adapted to using these so-called whale falls for tinent. In return for three shared staterooms, meals, and
food and shelter. The health of baleen whale populations the use of two sturdy inflatable rubber boats called Zodi-
supports the health of a host of other species. acs, the scientists gave the other passengers regular
The most direct way to learn how a baleen whale finds updates on their research, which was billed as a whale-
its food is to tag it with a device that can record its under- focused expedition for citizen scientists.
water behavior and watch the animal forage. That’s not The team was testing a hypothesis about baleen
possible with North Atlantic right whales, which are so whale foraging that grew out of research on seabirds.
stressed from human activity that any direct human con- Starting in the mid-1990s, Gabrielle Nevitt of the Univer-
tact could just make things worse. Fortunately, the right sity of California, Davis, showed that dimethyl sulfide
whale has cousins, such as the humpback, that are in (DMS), a chemical that is released when phytoplankton
much less peril. And one of the best places to watch them are eaten by zooplankton, attracts tube-nosed seabirds—
eat is on their feeding grounds at the bottom of the world. a group of carnivorous birds that includes albatrosses,
e left from the Argentine port o f Ushuaia, the water toward a group of whales, slowing on the approach.
southernmost city in South America, on Feb- That bunch looked lazy, though. They didn’t want to tag
ruary 28 and spent the next two days of the another slumbering whale, so Owen and Bombosch
leap year crossing the Drake Passage, the notoriously decided to target another group that looked more active.
turbulent 620-mile-wide waterway between South From my vantage point in a separate Zodiac, two
America and Antarctica, escorted by albatrosses and humpbacks came into view. Only their small dorsal fins
petrels. On March 1, we passed over a boundary zone and the uppermost part of their sleek black backs were
known as the Antarctic Convergence and entered the visible. They didn’t look all that big. But like icebergs,
calm, cold waters of the Southern Ocean. For the first most of their mass is below the waterline. At a distance,
time since entering the Drake, we glimpsed land off the you only get a sense of how huge humpbacks are when
starboard side of the ship—Smith Island, part of the they wave their great flippers in the air, raise their tail
South Shetland Islands of the British Antarctic Territory. flukes ahead of a deep dive, or propel their entire bod-
With the stomach-churning swells of the Drake ies clear out of the water in a glorious breach.
behind us and the soporific effects of the motion sick- Zitterbart gripped the unwieldy tagging pole and
ness medication wearing off, I could now fully register stood tensed, one foot on the bow box and one in the
my extraordinary surroundings. Icebergs, bergy bits boat. Attaching the tag is a fraught operation. To ensure
and growlers—some of the many forms of ice here— a strong signal from the transmitter, he had to place the
joined sea and sky to display every shade of blue. Fuzzy tag as high on the animal’s back as possible but not too
Gentoo penguin chicks chased after their exhausted close to the sensitive skin surrounding the blowhole. As
parents to demand food. Platinum blond crabeater seals the tag boat neared the whales, Zitterbart raised the
lounged on divans of drifting ice, basking in the sun. I pole and then, at exactly the right moment, cast it down
let the otherworldly beauty of the place wash over me. with just enough force to plunk the tag securely onto
On the morning of March 4, I awoke to daybreak in one of the animals. The whale startled, then sank out
Paradise Bay, a scenic harbor where whaling ships once of sight—a typical reaction—and the researchers moved
anchored. From my seat on the pontoon of a Zodiac, I quickly to stow the pole, mark the GPS location of the
watched the rising sun pierce through an opening in tagged whale and prepare to monitor the animal. They
the cloud cover to bathe a distant glacier in golden light. were now three for three with attaching the tags.
vertebrate group when they transitioned to life in the lia, South America and Antarctica. When the separation
water. Like all organisms, whales evolved under the influ- of these landmasses was complete, the Antarctic circum-
ence of environmental change. They got their start some polar current swept around Antarctica, isolating it from
50 million years ago in the greenhouse conditions of the warmer waters and pulling up nutrients from the deep
Eocene epoch. Back then, the southern supercontinent that supported an abundance of phytoplankton and zoo-
of Gondwana was in the process of disbanding, and the plankton. So vast and powerful was this new current, in
ancient Tethys Sea reached from the Pacific Ocean to the fact, that it altered ocean circulation, temperature and
Mediterranean. In the warm, shallow waters of Tethys, productivity across the globe. From this crucible of tec-
ing cold, but just a few weeks earlier Antarctica had smaller targets. The team uses two frequencies, one
logged an all-time high temperature of 64.94 degrees low and one high, to search for aggregations of the tiny
Fahrenheit. The Antarctic Peninsula, where we had krill, which typically hang out in the upper 650 feet of
been exploring, is one of the fastest-warming regions the water column. Warren’s lab mascot, a small squeaky-
suspended above the seafloor in the shallow waters uring the past three years, w
hile waiting for the
of the embayment. What the work lacked in adrenaline next Antarctic opportunity, Zitterbart, Owen and
it made up for in potential scientific impact. “Nobody their colleagues have been studying the relation-
has surveyed much of these bays, so any data we can ship among DMS, zooplankton and baleen whales in the
get are valuable,” Warren said. They returned to the waters off Massachusetts. Because they can’t tag North
ship with two krill patches detected and dozens of Atlantic right whales, they’re looking for correlations
water samples analyzed—data that will help research- between DMS hotspots and right whale aggregations in
ers understand how krill and DMS are distributed in Cape Cod Bay. The idea is to see if the chemical can be
the Southern Ocean and establish a baseline for mea- used as a proxy to predict where the whales will show
suring future change. up. The team surveys the whales by boat and plane, no
tags required. Whereas the Antarctic research aims to
By March the brief austral summer was already draw- identify the precise mechanism by which the baleen
ing to a close. Daylight was ceding time to darkness, whales find their prey—whether it’s by following DMS
and the sea ice was starting to advance. Soon the hump- gradients to swarms of krill or some other means—the
backs would head north to breed in the warm waters Cape Cod work seeks only to establish whether these
off the western coasts of South and Central America. whales tend to show up in parts of the ocean where DMS
Maybe that’s why they weren’t cooperating. Although concentrations are higher. If so, then regardless of
the researchers had successfully tagged the five whales whether the whales are actually detecting DMS or fol-
they had permits for, only two of the creatures went on lowing some other cue that just happens to be linked to
to feed while they were being monitored. The other DMS, the scientists can theoretically use DMS values to
three snoozed or milled around the bays relaxing. To predict where and when whales will appear.
Zitterbart, the whales’ lack of interest in foraging means Current efforts to protect North Atlantic right
that next time the team needs to shift the timing of their whales involve seasonal speed restrictions for ships and
research. “By March [the humpbacks] are already so visual and acoustic monitoring systems. For example,
big that they’re sleeping too much,” he said. “Earlier in from January 1 to May 15 in Cape Cod Bay, an impor-
the season is better because the whales are still build- tant feeding ground for the right whales, all vessels 65
ing their body reserves and are more active.” feet long or longer have a speed limit of 10 knots to
The water chemistry strategy may need tweaking, reduce the likelihood of serious injuries to whales from
Open-plan offices create health and
productivity problems. Now insights from
Deaf and autistic design communities
could improve them
By George Musser
everyone that open offices are germ-filled petri dishes. (This was movement toward inclusive design, which seeks to support people
known before: in 1995 a Finnish study found that sharing an of- who are hard of hearing or autistic, as well as others who have trou-
fice increased the chance of catching multiple colds a year by a ble with conventional offices. Some of the architectural changes
third, nearly the same level of elevated risk as being a parent of that reduce discomfort and productivity issues for these people
young children, who repeatedly bring colds home from schools work for open-plan offices in general. Companies, still looking at
and day care.) their real estate bills, don’t seem inclined to give employees back
Gensler, in another survey in 2021, found that nearly a third their private spaces, but they may change how work spaces function.
of the people they asked said they wanted to work from home For example, Gavin Bollard, an information technology man-
indefinitely. Half preferred a hybrid arrangement—ideally two ager in Australia, who blogs about his experiences with autism,
office days a week. These new working habits have upended cor- is deaf and uses hearing aids. “I’ve always struggled with the
porate office strategy. Companies that kept shaving inches off sound design of the open-plan office structure because it’s hard
workstations to cram in more people now have half-empty facil- to know how loud I am talking, and it’s hard to hear effectively
of Harvard Business School corroborated it in 2018 with more ob- in a school cafeteria. By 2020 Gensler found that one in 10 knowl-
jective measures. They had 152 workers at two companies wear sen- edge workers in the U.S. had such an arrangement.
sors to track their movements. After moving from individual offic- The nonterritorial office is simultaneously the most reviled
es to an open plan, the workers spent only a third as much time in- and the best liked of arrangements. Gensler respondents with-
teracting face-to-face as they had before, a striking downturn. out assigned desks were split down the middle. In 2008 Christi-
The second finding is that factors such as job function and gen- na Bodin Danielsson of the Royal Institute of Technology and
der influence how happy or unhappy people are with an open of- statistician Lennart Bodin (her father-in-law) of the Karolinska
fice. In early surveys, for instance, clerical workers said they were Institute, both in Stockholm, surveyed 469 employees at 26 lo-
happier with an open office—it gave them someone to talk to while cal offices. Those in assigned-seat open offices reported the worst
filing papers or transcribing memos. Women, however, have more health and job satisfaction, whereas those in private offices and
recently reported a distressing fishbowl effect. In an intensive case nonterritorial or “flex” offices reported the highest. “The flex of-
study of a new open office in 2018, Hirst and Christina Schwaben- fice appears to be preferred over traditional open offices, and in
land of the University of Bedfordshire in England found that wom- some cases, it seems to even be better than the [private] office,”
en felt the new design put them on display and responded by Bodin Danielsson says. What workers in nonterritorial offices
this office type. When the goal is to pack in as many employees as ways want too much openness, either, because movement in the
possible, the nonterritorial office loses whatever advantages it had. background can keep drawing their attention and lead to eye fa-
Unfortunately, that is all too often the case. For a 2021 paper, tigue. When the balance of sight lines is right, “there’s an empha-
Ingrid Nappi and Hajar Eddial of the ESSEC Business School in sis placed on always seeing one another and knowing where oth-
the suburbs of Paris interviewed 16 managers and consultants ers are in space and being able to have connection to the other,”
who make corporate real estate decisions. These people cited ex- says Hansel Bauman, a designer in Washington, D.C., whose team
penses such as rent and utilities as their primary reason for in- at Gallaudet University developed architecture called DeafSpace.
Perhaps the most important i nnovation of inclusive design is not
The Origin of Cubicles and the Open-Plan Office. George Musser;
the design itself but the process. Most people who have been ScientificAmerican.com, August 17, 2009.
through an office redesign get the feeling that companies solic-
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
it workers’ views less to inform the design than to get them to
A Hidden Variable behind
The little-known origin story of the science
that won the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics
By Michelle Frank
In November 1949 Chien-Shiung Wu and her graduate student, Irving Shaknov, descended to
a laboratory below Columbia University’s Pupin Hall. They needed antimatter for a new exper-
iment, so they made their own, using a machine called a cyclotron. The machine’s multiton mag-
net was so gigantic that, according to university folklore, a decade earlier administrators had
to blast a hole in an exterior wall and recruit the football team to maneuver the block of iron
into the building.
Lynn Gilbert
The magnetic field produced by a cyclotron accelerates particles to dizzying speeds. In the
lab, Wu and Shaknov used it to bombard a sheet of copper with deuterons, generating an unstable
hien-Shiung Wu was born the same year as the New
Republic of China, in a small town in the Yangtze River ba-
sin. Her father, Zhong-Yi Wu, was an intellectual, a revolu-
tionary and a feminist. To celebrate his daughter’s birth and the
end of dynastic rule, Zhong-Yi hosted a party in the spring of 1912
where he announced his daughter’s name and his new plan to
open the region’s first elementary school for girls. At a time when
most names for girls suggested a delicate fragrance or beautiful
flower, Zhong-Yi’s name for his daughter translated to “strong hero.”
Chien-Shiung grew up in the crosscurrents of Chinese nation-
alism and the New Culture Movement that criticized traditional
Confucian values. In 1936, at age 24, having reached the limit of
what China could offer in physics training, she boarded the SS
WU’S immigration file from 1936. Hoover bound for California. Political movements were calling
for “science and democracy,” along with a generation of scholars
isotope, Cu 64, as a source of positrons—the antimatter. When a who could elevate China’s status. Wu was off to pursue a Ph.D. in
positron and an electron collide, they annihilate each other, releas- physics. She would study under pioneers such as Emile Segrè, Er-
ing two photons that fly apart in opposite directions. A few years nest Lawrence and J. Robert Oppenheimer.
earlier physicist John Wheeler had predicted that when matter At the University of California, Berkeley, Wu became a star
and antimatter met, the resulting photons would be orthogonally student. Her dissertation research on the fission products of ura-
polarized. Wu and Shaknov were looking for conclusive proof of nium was so sophisticated and sensitive that it was turned over
Wheeler’s so-called pair theory. to the military and embargoed until the end of World War II. Yet
They weren’t the first. An earlier team of experimentalists had Wu had trouble finding a job after graduation. For two years she
a high margin of error, so their results were not sufficiently reli- depended on mentors for research appointments. At the time,
able. A second team came back with results that were too low to none of the top 20 research universities in the country had a
match Wheeler’s predictions. But Wu was known for her extreme woman on the physics faculty.
precision and strategic experimental design. The prior year she Gender bias was not Wu’s only obstacle. A year after her arriv-
had proved Enrico Fermi’s theory of beta decay after more than al in the U.S., the escalation of World War II cut off communica-
a decade of attempts by others. tion with China, and discrimination against Asian immigrants had
Wu and Shaknov packed the copper isotope into a tiny cap- intensified, especially on the West Coast. In 1940 Berkeley’s acting
sule, eight millimeters long, and waited for electrons and posi- comptroller wrote to Wu’s supervisor to warn him that Wu’s em-
trons to collide inside the apparatus. Then they tracked the re- ployment would be approved only on a temporary basis; less than
National Archives
sulting annihilation radiation at the farthest edges of their ex- a year later he wrote again: “Regulations laid down by the Regents”
periment, using two photomultiplier tubes, anthracene crystals meant “Miss Wu is not eligible for employment,” and “immediate
and a scintillation counter as a gamma-ray detector. steps should be taken to dismiss this employee from your staff.”
years junior to Wu when they were graduate students at Berke- for most physicists. Researchers who explored questions about
ley. Both had studied under Oppenheimer, and both worked in entanglement often disguised their research because backlash
E. O. Lawrence’s prestigious radiation laboratory. Bohm had ev- could stymie a promising career. We’re left to wonder whether
ery reason to know of Wu’s stellar reputation. He acknowledged Wu might have done so as well.
Wu in a footnote in his 1957 article. Silva points out that Wu came back to her 1949 experiment
Silva traces how Wu’s experimental work—in 1949 and later more than 20 years later to refine it further. By then, Wu was far
in 1971—prompted later entanglement experiments. Silva’s find- more professionally secure, and she addressed questions about
ings were published in T he Oxford Handbook of the History of quantum mechanics directly. She favored traditional quantum-
y the time Bohm’s paper o n hidden variables right, they expected to see a mirror image of what they had seen
emerged, much had changed in Wu’s life. She had before. Instead the experiment revealed that parity was not conserved
married and moved to the East Coast. She had bro- for weakly interacting particles: the spinning nuclei of cobalt 60 kept
ken a glass ceiling at Princeton, had a child and had be- emitting electrons preferentially in one direction, relative to their spin.
come a U.S. citizen. She was on the faculty of Columbia This unexpected result shocked the physics world.
University, though still not a full professor.
In 1956 Wu’s Columbia colleague T. D. Lee approach Expected Observed
ed her for advice about an odd question. He and his re-
search partner, Chen Ning Yang, wondered if some Electrons Mirror
of the tiniest particles in the universe might vio- (beta rays) image
late long-established expectations. In response,
Wu pointed Lee to a body of research, and
she described a handful of possible experi-
ments to address the questions he posed. Magnetic
Yang and Lee were far from the likeli-
est of candidates to act on Wu’s sugges-
tions. Both were theorists, not experimen-
talists like Wu. In an oral history with the
Simons Foundation half a century later,
Yang confessed that neither he nor Lee had
any sincere belief in 1956 that their hypothesis
would hold up. In fact, physicists had assumed for
decades that the opposite would be true: that sym-
metry would be among the immutable, consistent pat-
terns in many building blocks of our universe. Mathe- Spinning cobalt 60 nuclei during radioactive decay
matical conservation laws said that if you ran the same
sequence of events forward and backward in time, the
events would remain symmetrical. Yang and Lee’s hy-
pothesis, though, suggested that the behavior of nuclear particles radioactive patterns showed a preference for “right-handed” or
in beta decay might not look the same if you flipped the events in “left-handed” behavior. She enlisted cooperation from the Nation-
an imaginary mirror. The idea simply did not align with conven- al Bureau of Standards (nbs, now the nist) in Washington, D.C.,
tional scientific thought or with common sense. because, unlike many other labs, they had the technology and ex-
Like her father, Wu was willing to question mainstream think- pertise to work at temperatures close to absolute zero. For months
ing. She suspected the issue was important, and she knew how Wu commuted between New York City and Washington, oversee-
to approach it. So she designed and led an experiment to address ing graduate student work that supported the experiment.
her colleagues’ ideas. It meant canceling a trip to China that By January 1957, in close consultation with Yang and Lee, Wu
would have been her first visit home since 1936. and her nbs partners made an astonishing discovery. Beta-decay
To run the experiment she had in mind, Wu needed to reduce particles were slightly “left-handed,” not symmetrical as all of
the temperature of radioactive cobalt 60 nuclei until the parti- physics had assumed. As soon as it was announced, Yang, Lee
cles almost stopped moving. She wanted to study whether the and Wu, along with other experimentalists who followed Wu’s
daughter particles of nuclear decay shot out in a symmetrical pat- work, found themselves on a national conference circuit, their
tern—as all of mainstream physics believed they would—or if the names and images splashed across the popular press. When the
n his Nobel lecture that December, Yang told the committee
and guests how crucial Wu’s experiment had been, making a
bold statement that the results were due to Wu’s team’s cour-
age and skill. Lee would later plead with the Nobel Committee
to recognize Wu’s work. Oppenheimer publicly stated that Wu
should have shared in the 1957 prize. Segrè called the overthrow
of parity “probably the major development of physics after the war.”
Other scientists criticized Wu’s exclusion from the highest rec-
ognition of scientific achievement, too. In 1991 Douglas Hof-
stadter, the author of G ödel, Escher, Bach, o
rganized scientists to
write letters to the Nobel Committee recommending Wu for the
physics prize. And in 2018, 1,600 researchers invoked Wu’s name
in an open letter to CERN challenging current-day sexism in
physics. “[T]here are at least four women whose work is relevant
for particle physics who are widely viewed as having deserved
the Nobel prize but who did not receive it, in some cases even
though their male colleagues did,” the letter says. Wu’s name ap-
pears at the top of that list.
After overthrowing parity, Wu became the first woman to re-
ceive the Comstock Prize from the National Academy of Sciences;
the first female president of the American Physical Society; the first
physicist to receive the Wolf Prize; and the first living physicist to
have an asteroid named in her honor. Her work pushed open doors
to university teaching in the West for women and scientists of col-
or. In China, she is revered. In 2021 the U.S. Postal Service released
a Forever stamp with Wu’s portrait. Today Wu’s parity experiment
is understood as an early step on the path to what would become
the Standard Model of particle physics, and it points toward pos-
sible answers about why matter exists in our universe at all.
American Association of Physics Teachers; Courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
Living with
them in forests. Ajoba must have been exiled from Mumbai’s sub-
urbs and now had simply gone home. A N EYE FOR AN EYE
As humans, we believe that only we have agency. But like tens I’ve been fascinated w
ith large cats since I first encountered the
of millions of people in rural India whose forests and fields are story of Lord Ayyappa, when I was a little girl. Ayyappa is a
being converted to mines, factories, dams and highways, animals Hindu god who, as a child, was ordered to get tiger’s milk. He
must adapt if they are to survive in an increasingly challenging did so, returning on the back of a tigress. The imagery in my
picture book was peaceable, full of compassion and understand- be recaptured. For every leopard, I noted where it was caught
ing, and it seems to have stayed in my head. and why—and I soon realized they were being moved to jungles
In 2001, after getting master’s degrees in ecology and evolution- not because they’d attacked people but simply because they’d
ary biology, I found myself living in the Junnar subdistrict, a rural been seen near villages.
area full of sugarcane fields. I was the mother of a small child. I In 1972 the Indian government had passed the Wildlife Protec-
had followed my then husband, a physicist, to the Giant Meter- tion Act, which prohibited the killing of endangered animals. (A
wave Radio Telescope there and planned to devote all my time to tiger or leopard that was proved to habitually prey on people could,
raising my daughter. But I became intrigued by reports of large however, be shot.) Since the 1980s forest departments in India, held
numbers of people in the area being injured or killed by leopards. responsible for large wild animals, had been removing leopards
Between 2001 and 2003 leopards attacked 44 people in Junnar. from inhabited areas as a way of reducing conflict between leop-
Some of those assaults may have been accidental, but others were ards and humans. By the mid-2000s it was clear that, at least in
premeditated, as when cats lifted small children who were sleep- Junnar, translocation itself was increasing conflict.
ing outdoors between their parents, killing them so swiftly and For years Junnar’s villagers reported an average of four leop-
stealthily that no one woke up. ard attacks a year. Then, in February 2001, the local forest depart-
It made no sense. Why were there so many leopards in this agri- ment initiated the translocation program. During the following
cultural landscape, which was bereft of wild herbivores for them year its staff released 40 leopards caught in the region and else-
to feed on? And why were the animals so aggressive? There were where into two protected areas tens of kilometers away. Attacks
no reports in the conservation literature on large carnivores out- on humans near the reserves more than tripled, to about 15 a
side of protected areas, but Maharashtra’s forest department was year, and the fraction of fatal attacks doubled, to 36 percent. And
capturing leopards all over the state’s rural areas for release into there were more attacks near the release sites. One leopard
forests. (Leopards are smart, but being cats, they will enter boxes— caught and tagged in Junnar, and which the forest staff moved
Nayan Khanolkar
trap cages.) I received a small grant and put together a team to to a protected area in Maharashtra’s northwest, went on to attack
microchip them. The tags did not transmit signals, but a handheld people near its release site. (We realized it was the same cat when
reader would allow us to identify an individual if it happened to it was recaptured, and we scanned its microchip.) It was the first
time the region had experienced such attacks, despite leopards ogists Ullas Karanth and Raman Sukumar to support a doctoral
having always lived there. project investigating leopard ecology using tools such as camera
Leopards are very secretive, so we cannot really know how traps. When I started work around Akole, a town of 20,000 peo-
capture and release affects them. What we do know is that stress ple, I wasn’t even sure there were enough leopards there for us to
increases aggression, and moving large cats in captivity from one learn anything meaningful. No scientist had ever reported a leop-
zoo to another elevates their levels of stress hormones. Home is ard from this locale. But the field staff of the forest department
a biological imperative for cats. And in the few places where wild showed me the evidence: fresh pugmarks (paw prints) at the side
leopards occasionally show themselves, such as Sri Lanka and of a field, in courtyards and in school playgrounds; kills hanging
Africa, they have social lives, centered on females; it stands to in trees; dogs missing or injured; a dead pig here and there. I
reason that disrupting their relationships compounds the stress seemed to be in the right place. But how could I design a camera-
of relocation. Moreover, studies in Russia on collared tigers found trap study in a place where people were everywhere? I was one of
that when they did attack, they were usually responding to being the last biologists using film cameras. Every roll was precious, and
provoked or injured. In 1988 Asiatic lions preyed on humans the cameras might get stolen.
for the first time since 1904—after 57 lions were moved from It was a difficult period for my six-year-old daughter, who would
human-dominated areas to Gir National Park, a protected area cry every time I left for Akole, where I stayed during weekdays. I
dedicated to them. began by interviewing 200 villagers about their livestock losses
Had the translocated cats learned to see humans as threats? and leopard encounters and telling them about my project. At first
Whatever the reasons may be, when leopards were separated by they were surprised to see a field ecologist, particularly a woman,
humans from their homes and families and released in unfamiliar setting up cameras in sugarcane fields and walking for kilometers
terrain, it was disastrous for the villagers they chanced on. to look for leopard signs, but soon they got used to me and would
offer me breakfast, lunch or tea when they saw me.
L IVE AND LET LIVE In the early days it was scary to walk in six-foot-high stands of
While traveling around Maharashtra microchipping leopards in sugarcane and other tall crops where the animals could hide or
the early 2000s, I’d become intrigued by a region of beautiful hills along dry streambeds with overhanging shrubbery where they
and valleys just north of Junnar. A lot of leopards were being cap- might rest. To avoid surprising a leopard, I took to talking to myself
tured in this agricultural area—one female and her cubs were if I walked alone; if someone else was there, we chatted.
trapped inside a wheat field. There were apparently many leop- As I talked to the farmers, my fear just went away. They were
ards in a place with many people, yet there were no attacks. I regularly interacting with the leopards. A man at a local tea shop
Nayan Khanolkar
wanted to understand why. recounted, with great amusement, how his wife had thrown dirty
By then I had been working on leopards with the forest depart- water from her home onto the field below and was terrified to
ment for four years, and my record persuaded senior wildlife biol- hear the growl of a leopard she’d splattered; the leopard simply
The elusive leopard (P anthera pardus) is the most adaptable of the big
felines. A powerful runner, swimmer and climber, it ranges across the tropi-
cal forests, drylands and cultivated fields of Africa and South Asia to the
frozen far east of Russia. Consummate hunters, they eat what they can get:
deer, monkeys, cattle, goats, dogs, even rats or fish. Three subspecies, the
Amur (P. p. orientalis), Arabian (P. p. nimr) and Javan (P. p. melas) leopards,
are critically endangered; the rest are endangered or threatened.
Leopard Status
Status, Distribution, and the Research Efforts across Its Range,” by Andrew P. Jacobsonet al., in PeerJ; May 2016 (chart reference); Kontur Population data set (India human population data)
Sources: “Panthera pardus (Amended Version of 2019 Assessment),” by A. B. Stein et al., in The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 2020 (leopard range data); “Leopard (Panthera pardus)
People per AHH
Square Kilometer M
1,000–1,500 Mean Human Population Density
in Global Leopard Ranges
More than 1,500
(people per square kilometer)
If I were to put radio collars on some of the leopards, the GPS sig-
nals they transmitted would help us learn more about how they
were sharing space with the people of Akole. I was initially reluc-
tant to collar the cats—the stress of the intervention could be disas-
trous both for the leopards and for the villagers who’d made me
feel so welcome—but the deep interest of Maharashtra’s chief wild-
life warden and my scientific curiosity induced me to try. What we
Nayan Khanolkar
fields—within pouncing distance of people going about their busi- been killed by a leopard. Like a typical wildlife biologist, I asked
ness, unaware of the leopards lurking nearby. At night, when the her what problems she had with leopards. She brusquely replied
rural landscape was devoid of people, it was, from the cats’ per- that a particular leopard routinely came by a path in the hills,
spective, just another wild space. The tracking data showed us passed her house and went “that way.”
that this was the leopards’ time, when they stalked houses, look- Later I asked Ghule kaka what I’d done to annoy her. “These
ing for goats and pets, and prowled garbage dumps hunting for people revere the leopard, and you’re asking her what problem her
foraging dogs and domestic pigs. god gives her!” he replied. Nearby was a statue of Waghoba, a large
We collared a female and a male who turned out to be a mother cat deity that many people in the region have worshipped for at
and her subadult (in human terms, teenage) son. We could see least half a century. I remember a pastoralist whose sheep was
from the signals, transmitting every three hours, that they some- taken by a leopard. “The poor leopard had no prey in the forest,”
times met up, fed together on the same carcass and then went he said. “What else could he eat? So he’s taken the sheep, and God
their separate ways. When the female had a new litter, there were will give me more.”
two nights when she was away and her subadult son stayed with I’d started out as an arrogant young biologist convinced that we
his young siblings—babysitting! can resolve human-wildlife “conflict” only by understanding the
And then one night one little cub fell into a well. The GPS sig- animal involved. My experiences in Akole convinced me that it is
nals showed that the mother paced by the well all night, leaving at humans who hold the key, and I soon got a chance to test that theory.
dawn for her daytime shelter about 250 meters away in a sugar-
cane field. The forest department rescued the cub the next day and A LLEY CAT
released it after dark near the well. Within half an hour of the cub’s In 2011 Sanjay Gandhi N ational Park got a new director, Sunil
release, the mother was back by the well. A few hours later pug- Limaye, who faced a serious problem: a history of leopard attacks
marks from three cats were spotted together—the mom, her half- in and around the reserve. At their peak, in June 2004, the cats
grown son and the baby, reunited. attacked 12 people, most of them living in slums at the inner edge
Leopards were not only surviving but raising families in this of the reserve forest. Limaye was familiar with my work in Jun-
agricultural landscape—and there was something about the way nar, and he had an idea about what the problem was. For years
local people dealt with it that I could not fathom. I’d been trained the forest department had been releasing leopards trapped
to see the juxtaposition of large carnivores and people as a situa- around SGNP and elsewhere into the national park in relatively
Nayan Khanolkar
tion of imminent conflict. One day, early in my research in Akole, large numbers—15 in 2003. But relocation didn’t help: another
I drove with Ghule kaka (“kaka,” an honorific, means uncle), the leopard swiftly took over the vacated territory, and attacks near
farmer I was working with, to interview a woman whose goat had the release site were likely to increase. Although a lot of forest
officers understood this dynamic, the pressure from politicians be removed. It was politically empowered upper-class residents of
and the media to remove leopards was immense. high-rises near the reserve who relished the green view but pan-
Limaye wanted to start an initiative involving scientists and icked if a leopard so much as showed up on a security camera.
the citizens and institutions of Mumbai to reduce the leopard con- Interestingly, the Warlis and Kohlis, Indigenous peoples who wor-
flict, and he wanted me involved. I was busy writing a Ph.D. the- shipped Waghoba and who had lived in the forest for centuries
sis on the work I had done in Akole, but I couldn’t resist the chance before Mumbai expanded to surround it, were not afraid of leop-
to help resolve a terrible situation for leopards and people alike. ards and rarely experienced attacks. They wanted the carnivores
Plus, my sister had moved to Mumbai around that time, so my there to scare off encroachers and developers.
daughter could play with her cousin while I worked. Limaye put As the research and the awareness-raising program proceeded,
together a team that included me, several forest officers and Vidya the forest department improved its ability to handle leopard-
Venkatesh, currently director of the Last Wilderness Foundation. related emergencies—one being cornered in the urban area, for
Many of Mumbai’s residents regarded the forest as a source of trou- example. The department also worked with the police to increase
ble, and our group agreed that mindsets had to change. The sur- their capacity to control mobs that might seek to attack these ani-
est way to make that happen was to get Mumbaikars involved. mals and, perhaps most important, with the municipality to initi-
We recruited wildlife enthusiasts who’d long wanted to help ate garbage collection in areas around the park frequented by leop-
protect a nature preserve they loved. They formed an association, ards. Once our report came out, we worked with the Mumbai Press
Mumbaikars for SGNP, and began a campaign to educate their fel- Club and other media organizations to advise people about how
low citizens about the value of the national park as a reservoir of they could stay safe: keep their surroundings clean, don’t let chil-
green space and a source of water and oxygen. Local students set dren play outdoors after dark, illuminate unlit environs and move
up camera traps to count leopards. In 117 square kilometers in away from a leopard if they spot one. Mumbaikars for SGNP held
SGNP and the Aarey Milk Colony, a nearby scrub forest given over regular workshops with members of the press, seeking to change
to cattle for milk production, the cameras captured 21 leopards— their coverage from sensational—some were habitually referring
a very high density. The national park had wild prey, mainly deer, to leopards as “man-eaters”—to informed. In response to one media
but the leopards were clearly being attracted to the slums by the report that spoke of the dangers to school-going children at the
many feral dogs that were feeding on the garbage strewn around. edge of the park, the government started a school bus service there.
We also interviewed people to understand their interactions The outcome was a press and a public much more knowledge-
Nayan Khanolkar
with leopards. As social geographer Frédéric Landy of the Univer- able about and accepting of leopards, and the benefits were tangi-
sity of Paris has noted in his work, it wasn’t the slum dwellers— ble. In most years since then, there have been no attacks. Individ-
the people most often attacked—who were calling for leopards to ual leopards did attack people in 2017, 2021 and 2022, but because
I shouldn’t have been s urprised that the people of the Indian sub-
continent have a deep and complex relationship with the big cats
they’ve shared space with since prehistory. But I was schooled in a
strict separation of nature from humans that originated in Europe
and reached its apotheosis in North America. Cleansing the land-
scape of all that they found threatening, European settlers all but
eradicated wolves and cougars. When British colonizers arrived in
India, they shot tens of thousands of tigers and leopards and exter-
minated the cheetah.
The dominant narrative in conservation continues to focus on
large carnivores as predators that will inevitably hurt people or
their livestock. In many documentaries about carnivores, the story
is one of nature red in tooth and claw. This view presupposes con-
flict and implies that the only way to deal with large carnivores is
to kill or remove them. I believe the contrary: most leopard-human
conflict originates with the presupposition of conflict.
Among people, aggression prompts retaliatory aggression, and
it might be the same for large cats. In the rare cases when they delib-
erately attack humans, we need to ask why. A leopard’s normal reac-
tion to hearing or seeing people is to run away; how does it get over
that fear enough to kill in the rare instances when one does so? Is
it because of something we have done to that individual?
We cannot know. But when I look at most sites I visit, the dom-
inant narrative is one of peace rather than conflict. In rural Him-
achal Pradesh, local people referred to leopards as “Mrig,” mean-
ing “wild animal,” a neutral framing. We found humans and leop-
ards sharing space, trying hard to survive and lead their lives, which
were often very difficult to begin with.
Many Indian ecologists are moving toward the idea of coexis-
tence in shared landscapes. Given the deep cultural relationship
between humans and big cats in the subcontinent, it is conceivable
that if ever the animals return to the ranges they have vanished
from, people will accept them.
In December 2011, just as I was starting the work in Mumbai, a
speeding vehicle on a nearby highway hit a leopard. An animal lover
was driving past. Seeing that the animal was badly injured but still
alive, he picked it up—it weighed 75 kilograms (165 pounds)—and
put it in the trunk of his car, with his family sitting inside. He drove
it to the national park in the hope that the forest department and
its veterinarians would save it, but by the time he arrived, an hour
later, the leopard had died. Its collar had fallen off, as it was
designed to, but the microchip could still be read. It was Ajoba.
I was told people cried when they heard his story. A Marathi
director was so inspired by the saga that he made a feature film on
Ajoba, teaching millions of his fellow Indians to love leopards. It is
this empathy that gives me hope that my daughter and her children
will also inhabit a world rich with wild things.
Nayan Khanolkar
T hree years ago one of us, Toni, asked another of us, Marco, to come to his office
at the Institute of Photonic Sciences, a large research center in Castelldefels near
Barcelona. “There is a problem that I wanted to discuss with you,” Toni began.
“It is a problem that Miguel and I have been trying to solve for years.” Marco made
a curious face, so Toni posed the question: “Can standard quantum theory work
without imaginary numbers?”
Imaginary numbers, when multiplied by themselves, produce
a negative number. They were first named “imaginary” by phi-
losopher René Descartes, to distinguish them from the numbers
he knew and accepted (now called the real numbers), which did
not have this property. Later, complex numbers, which are the
sum of a real and an imaginary number, gained wide acceptance
by mathematicians because of their usefulness for solving com-
their being just mathematical recipes to describe and make pre-
dictions about experimental observations.
C ot tb s
An AI-generated
conversation between
a filmmaker and
a philosopher shows
the entertaining
and disturbing
potential of
By Giacomo Miceli
Illustration by John Cuneo
*The two conversants are AI chatbots trained to imitate Žižek, the philosopher, and Herzog, the filmmaker.
good and too easy to make. Just this past January, example, AI Žižek’s view of Alfred Hitchcock alternates
Microsoft announced a new speech-synthesis tool between seeing the famous director as a genius and as
called VALL-E that, researchers claim, can imitate any a cynical manipulator; in another inconsistency, the
voice based on just three seconds of recorded audio. real Herzog notoriously hates chickens, but his AI
We’re about to face a crisis of trust, and we’re utterly imitator sometimes speaks about the fowl compas-
unprepared for it. sionately. Because actual postmodern philosophy can
To emphasize this technology’s capacity to produce come across as muddled—a problem Žižek himself has
ample quantities of disinformation, I settled on the noted—the lack of clarity in the Infinite Conversation
idea of a never-ending conversation. I needed only a can be interpreted as profound ambiguity.
large language model—fine-tuned on texts written by This probably contributed to the success of the
each of the two participants—and a simple program to project. Several hundred of the Infinite Conversation’s
control the flow of the conversation so that it would visitors have listened for more than an hour, and some
feel natural and believable. people have tuned in for much longer. As I mention on
Given a series of words, language models predict the the website, my hope for visitors of the Infinite Conver-
next word in a sequence. By fine-tuning a language sation is that they not dwell too seriously on what the
model, it is possible to replicate the conversational style chatbots are saying. Instead I want to give people an
of a specific person, provided you have abundant tran- awareness of this technology and its consequences. If
scripts of that person talking. I decided to use one of the this AI-generated chatter seems plausible, imagine the
leading commercial language models available. That’s realistic-sounding speeches that could be used to
when it dawned on me that it’s already possible to tarnish the reputations of politicians, scam business
generate a fake dialogue, including its synthetic voice leaders or simply distract people with misinformation
form, in less time than it takes to listen to it. This real- that sounds like human-reported news.
ization provided me with an obvious name for the proj- But there is a bright side. Infinite Conversation visi-
ect: the Infinite Conversation. After a couple of months tors can join a growing number of listeners who report
of work, I published it online in October 2022. This year that they use the soothing voices of Werner Herzog and
the Infinite Conversation was selected to be part of the Slavoj Žižek as a form of white noise to fall asleep to.
Misalignment Museum art installation in San Francisco. That’s a usage of this new technology I can get behind.
Once all the pieces fell into place, I marveled at
something that hadn’t occurred to me when I started
the project. Like their real-life personas, my chatbot FROM OUR ARCHIVES
versions of Herzog and Žižek often talk about philoso-
AI Platforms Like ChatGPT Are Easy to Use but Also Potentially Dangerous. Gary Marcus;
phy and aesthetics. Because of the esoteric nature of ScientificAmerican.com, December 19, 2022.
these topics, the listener can temporarily ignore the
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
occasional nonsense that the model generates. For
Kindness Goes port their own experience and predict their recipient’s response.
We wanted to understand how valuable people perceived these
Farther Than acts to be, so both the performer and recipient had to rate how
“big” the act seemed. In some cases, we also inquired about the
You Think
actual or perceived cost in time, money or effort. In all cases, we
compared the performer’s expectations of the recipient’s mood
with the recipient’s actual experience.
Across our investigations, several robust patterns emerged.
Small acts boost recipients’ For one, both performers and recipients of the acts of kindness
moods in big ways were in more positive moods than normal after these exchang-
es. For another, it was clear that performers undervalued their
By Amit Kumar
impact: recipients felt significantly better than the kind actors
Scientists who study happiness know that being kind to others expected. The recipients also reliably rated these acts as “bigger”
can improve well-being. Acts as simple as buying a cup of coffee than the people performing them did.
for someone can boost a person’s mood, for example. Everyday We initially studied acts of kindness done for familiar people,
life affords many opportunities for such actions, yet people do such as friends, classmates or family. But we found that partici-
not always take advantage of them. pants underestimated their positive impact on strangers as well.
In studies published online in the J ournal of Experimental In one experiment, participants at an ice-skating rink in a public
Psychology: General, N icholas Epley, a behavioral scientist at the park gave away hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. Again, the
University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and I examined experience was more positive than the givers anticipated for the
a possible explanation: people who perform random acts of kind- recipients, who were people who just happened to be nearby. Al-
ness underestimate how much recipients value their behavior. though the people giving out the hot chocolate saw the act as rel-
Across multiple experiments involving approximately 1,000 atively inconsequential, it really mattered to the recipients.
participants, people performed a random act of kindness—that Our research also revealed one reason that people may un-
is, an action done with the primary intention of making some- derestimate their action’s impact. When we asked one set of par-
one else (who isn’t expecting the gesture) feel good. Those who ticipants to estimate how much someone would like getting a
perform such actions expect nothing in return. cupcake simply for participating in a study, for example, their
From one situation to the next, the specific acts of kindness predictions were well calibrated with recipients’ reactions. But
varied. For instance, in one experiment, people wrote notes to when people received cupcakes through a random act of kind-
friends and family “just because.” In another, they gave cupcakes ness, the cupcake givers underestimated how positive their re-
away. Across these experiments, we asked both the person per- cipients would feel. Recipients of these unexpected actions tend
forming a kind act and the one receiving it to fill out question- to focus more on w armth t han performers do.
naires. We asked the person who had acted with kindness to re- Missing the importance of warmth may stand in the way of be-
ing kinder in daily life. People know that cupcakes can
make folks feel good, to be sure, but it turns out that cup-
cakes given in kindness can make them feel surprising-
ly good. If people undervalue this effect, they might not
bother to carry out these warm, prosocial behaviors.
And kindness can be contagious. In another experi-
ment, we had people play an economic game that allowed
us to examine what are sometimes called “pay it forward”
effects. In this game, participants allocated money be-
tween themselves and a person whom they would never
meet. People who had just been on the receiving end of
a kind act gave substantially more to an anonymous per-
son than those who had not. The person who performed
the initial act did not recognize that their generosity
would spill over in these downstream interactions.
These findings suggest that what might seem small
when we are deciding whether or not to do something
nice for someone else could matter a great deal to the
person we do it for. Given that these warm gestures can
enhance our own mood and brighten the day of anoth-
er person, why not choose kindness when we can?
Volcanic Activity final chapter hasn’t yet been written. In a region called Cer-
berus Fossae, there are large numbers of cracks in the surface
Surprises on Mars
(fossae are trenches or fissures), and one such feature has dark
streaks of material running alongside it for dozens of kilome-
ters. Measurements from orbit show the material is loaded
A mass of moving material called with pyroxenes, minerals common in volcanic lava. Startling-
ly, these outflows may have occurred only tens of thousands of
a mantle plume may be causing years ago. That’s recent in planetary time and points toward
quakes and volcanism ongoing activity under the surface.
Moreover, in 2018 nasa’s InSight lander touched down in
By Phil Plait the vast Elysium Planitia region, in a spot about 1,600 kilome-
ters from Cerberus Fossae. Part of a mission to help measure
For decades p lanetary scientists assumed Mars was dead. what is going on below the Martian surface, InSight had a
Geologically, that is. Smaller than Earth, the planet would seismometer that detected hundreds of small marsquakes
have cooled faster than ours after it formed. It was, for a time, during its operational years, as well as several that were fair to
quite volcanically active. The assumption was that when the middling in energy. The overwhelming majority of them
interior temperature gradually decreased, so, too, did the appear to have come from the direction of Cerberus Fossae.
planet’s ability to generate large-scale geologic activity such as Again, this activity indicates the Martian mantle may not yet
huge volcanoes and “marsquakes.” be completely dead.
New discoveries, however, belie that belief. It just so hap- In the new Nature Astronomy study, the scientists focus on
pens that Mars is only m ostly d
ead. Scientists have found that this region of Mars. Much of the planet’s surface shows com-
a large region on Mars has been prone to quakes and even pression features, such as wrinkle ridges, that are formed
mild volcanic activity in recent geologic times, indicating when the surface of a planet contracts as it cools. Elysium
something is brewing underneath the surface. But what? Planitia, in contrast, is a bulge on the surface viewed as
After looking over data from several robotic Mars missions, evidence for extension: a stretching of the crust as the local
a team of planetary scientists came to the astonishing conclu- area expands. The cracks making up Cerberus Fossae are
sion that an immense tower of hot material moving upward in fissures where the crust has split apart because of this ex
the planet’s mantle is pushing on the crust from below, creat- tension. The scientists also note that the floors of impact cra-
ing pressure that is cracking the surface and causing tectonic ters that formed many millions of years ago are tilted away
activity. Called a mantle plume, it may be a relatively new fea- from the center of the bulge, which would be expected if they
ture in Mars’s interior, one that has analogues on Earth. It had formed before the surface was pushed upward. Together
might even have implications for extant life on Mars—or, more these findings indicate that whatever caused the uplift is rela-
accurately, inside it. The work was published in December tively young.
2022 in N ature Astronomy. All this evidence is consistent with a mantle plume. The
Mars was once a heavily volcanic planet. The surface is still basic idea of a plume may be familiar if you’ve ever watched
dotted with ancient mounds, including one called Olympus water boil or a hot-air balloon in flight: hot material rises as
Mons. This monster is more than 600 kilometers in diame- cold material sinks in a process called convection. The core of
ter—roughly equal to the length of the state of Colorado—and a planet is hot, and the mantle above it is somewhat cooler, so
towers 21 kilometers above the average surface elevation of its the material heated at the base of the mantle rises.
planet, about two and half times as high as Mount Everest. The curveball here is that much of Mars’s mantle (and
Although other volcanoes on Mars are smaller, they are still Earth’s) is actually solid; it’s a misconception that it’s a liquid.
giant, and all of them are terribly old. But convection can work even in a solid. The silicate material
Large-scale volcanism on Mars started before the planet that makes up the bulk of a mantle is crystalline, and there
was even a billion years old and was active for roughly a bil- can be flaws and breaks in the crystal pattern. Under the huge
lion years thereafter. Globally, volcano building pretty much pressures deep underground, atoms from the material below
stopped after that. There’s evidence of some lava flows on can fill in these cracks in a process known as dislocation creep.
Olympus Mons that date back to only a few million years ago, In this way, hotter material close to the core can rise up slowly,
but these were small-scale events and were probably sporadic. essentially flowing. It’s an extremely slow process; Earth’s
By three or so billion years ago the era of active volcano con- mantle flows at an average rate on the order of a few centime-
struction on Mars was over. For comparison, most of the active ters a year, roughly as fast as your fingernails grow.
volcanoes on Earth are less than a million years old. It’s not clear exactly how mantle plumes form. At the base
Until recently, scientists considered that the end of the sto- of the mantle above the core, a hotter-than-average spot can
ry of volcanism on the Red Planet. Spacecraft orbiting Mars, create a region of stronger convection where the material
however, have captured high-resolution images that show the flows in a more constrained column. This plume rises to the
surface over tens or hundreds of millions of years. When it One of the fractures making up the Cerberus Fossae system
gets near the crust, the pressure is much lower, and the solid on Mars. The fractures cut through hills and craters, indicating
material can liquefy. It spreads out, forming a mushroomlike their relative youth.
cap that pushes up against the crust, causing an extension fea-
ture like the one seen in Elysium Planitia. wouldn’t explain the uplift or anything else. The idea that cov-
This scenario would explain essentially all the anomalies in ers the most ground, literally, is a mantle plume.
Cerberus Fossae: the uplift, the cracks, the volcanic eruptions, If the hypothesis proves to be correct, then this is indeed
the quakes. Measurements of Mars’s gravity field even show important news. For one thing, when drawing many of their
that the field is slightly weaker under Cerberus Fossae, which conclusions about the Martian interior, scientists have as
would be consistent with lower-density mantle pushing up sumed that Elysium Planitia is boring—just another spot on
toward the crust. These findings indicate that the uplift is sup- Mars. If it is sitting on the cap of a tremendous plume of hot,
ported very deep underground. low-density material, that changes how we should interpret
The scientists used computer models to simulate the geo- InSight’s seismic measurements.
physics of Mars and found that a plume that was 95 to 285 And although it’s a bit of a stretch for now, the plume could
degrees Celsius hotter and slightly less dense than the sur- have implications for life. Scientists have long thought water
rounding mantle could do the trick if it were centered almost under the Martian surface takes the form of ice, but a warm
directly under the fossae. It would form a cap spread out over mantle plume could heat pockets of water enough to make it
a few thousand kilometers and push the crust up about a kilo- liquid. Life on Earth needs liquid water, so it may not be too
meter, again matching Cerberus Fossae. It would also be a silly to consider the possibility of biology deep under the sur-
young feature: the activity in and around Cerberus Fossae face of Mars.
appears to have started approximately 350 million years ago, In that case, Mars might not be entirely dead, either geologi-
ESA/DLR/FU Berlin (CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)
long after every other large-scale engine inside the planet had cally or in the more common biological sense. We’ve only just
effectively shut down. begun to understand the true nature of the Red Planet, and the
Although the plume model is an excellent match to the ob more we look, the more we find it still has a little kick left in it.
served data, the scientists acknowledge that there could be
other explanations. For example, a slightly lower-density blob
of mantle material could be just sitting there under the region, Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
which would account for the gravity readings, although it or send a letter to the editor: editors@sciam.com
NONFIC TION with a second-person scene in which you— evidence-based even in its imaginings. Plait
you!—are on a trip to some astronomical cites space missions that gave scientists the
phenomenon. You begin with solar system– data to understand these alien worlds as real
centric journeys: Among your first stops are places rather than cosmic abstractions. The
The origins of
Jeff VanderMeer’s
creepiest creatures
With the reissue of V eniss Underground,
first published in 2003, new audiences will
encounter the roots of the surrealist bio-
horror that best-selling author Jeff Vander-
Meer became known for in acclaimed nov-
els such as Annihilation (2014). Frankenstein-like results. There’s a kitten house life without feeling the pain of its
VanderMeer’s debut book, like much with a tongue emerging from a human own decay.
of his subsequent work, is a phantasmago- ear on top of its head and a large, biolumi- The reprint includes four short stories
ric thriller that explores the themes of cli- nescent caterpillar whose body serves as and a novella, all previously published, that
mate disaster and humanity’s selfish pur- a map of the underground. are also set in and around the city of Veniss.
suit of control over nature. Rising sea levels The novel follows struggling artist In these offshoot plots, a human settle-
have turned inland cities into detached Nicholas, his twin sister Nicola and her ment is under attack by Flesh Dogs that
coastal settlements, forcing the govern- former lover Shadrach. When Nicholas steal the faces of the people they’ve killed,
ment of Veniss to build miles below Earth’s goes to work for Quin, a powerful Living and an artificial intelligence sows compli-
surface to accommodate its citizens. Artist whom many consider a godlike fig- ance through tragic stories of citizens who
Operating on the edges of society are ure, he sets off a chain of events that re- disobeyed their orders. It’s a joy to discover
the Living Artists: bioengineers who prac- sults in Nicola’s kidnapping and Shadrach’s here that elements in VanderMeer’s later
tice gene manipulation to bring extinct descent into the city’s underground to science fiction—such as the tower of living
Hugh Mitton/Alamy Stock Photo
species back to life, devise new creatures, save her. As Shadrach struggles like Dante flesh in Annihilation and the bioengineered
and “improve” on animals for the benefit Veniss through level after level of increasingly chimeras in Borne (2017)—originated in
of humans, such as by giving meerkats Underground mutated humans and creatures, Vander- the gloom of Veniss’s depths. Taken to-
opposable thumbs so they can cook and by Jeff Meer’s talent for writing the sublime gether, these works provide a chaotic and
wash clothes. Part science and part per- VanderMeer. shines. There’s an encounter inside a levia- captivating window into an author’s early
verse artwork, the practice often yields MCD, 2023 ($30) than fish that has been engineered to world building. —Michael Welch
In the Lives of Puppets Chasing Giants: In Search of the Elixir: A Parisian Perfume House
by TJ Klune. World’s Largest Freshwater Fish and the Quest for the Secret of Life
Tor, 2023 ($28.99) by Zeb Hogan and Stefan Lovgren. by Theresa Levitt.
University of Nevada Press, 2023 ($29.95) Harvard University Press, 2023 ($32.95)
Infused with warmth and playful
humor, TJ Klune’s latest novel both You might know Zeb Hogan as the In 19th-century French laboratories,
charms and challenges, tugging at excitable host of M
onster Fish, a TV scientists followed their noses in a race
our understanding of the essential show about his quest to definitively to discover the source of perfume’s
self. Vic Lawson lives a peaceful but identify the largest freshwater fish. perceived vitality. Pulling from histori-
isolated life deep in the forest, a lone human raised Chasing Giants conveys the same prem- cal publications and personal writings,
by an android father. When Vic and his two robot ise in chapters instead of episodes: amid accounts of Theresa Levitt vividly explains why perfume—
companions secretly reanimate an abandoned wrangling piranhas in Brazil and sawfish in Australia, bathed in, lathered on and orally consumed—had
android, they incite a crisis, sending Vic on a dan- Hogan and his co-author, journalist Stefan Lovgren, a chokehold on Parisian life. The natural oils used to
gerous journey that forces him to conceal his describe the environmental pressures endangering make scented products were widely considered to
humanity even as he discovers its complicated con- these targets. The final reveal is a satisfying conclu- be the very life essence of a plant, imbued with ben-
nections with the machines around him. Inspired sion, but it’s hard to ignore the absence of voices eficial properties that could keep death and disease
by T he Adventures of Pinocchio, t his heartfelt saga who lent local knowledge throughout the expedition. at bay. Levitt traces how researchers’ pursuit of the
offers a lively look at identity, free will and love. I wanted to hear more from the hidden figures who true composition of these oils laid the foundation for
— Dana Dunham made such a grand endeavor possible. —Sam Miller modern organic chemistry. —Fionna M. D. Samuels
The Disasters the USGS after a career studying landslides and debris flows, told
me that American research universities generally “avoid hiring
Science Neglects
faculty or training students to do this type of work.” To his knowl-
edge, “no scientist who specializes in landslides/debris flows has
ever been elected to the National Academy of Sciences.” A search
Landslides kill and hurt thousands of of the academy’s membership using the key word “landslide”
turned up three names: a seismologist, a geophysicist specializ-
people, yet researchers seem uninterested ing in theoretical rock mechanics, and a geologist specializing in
By Naomi Oreskes biological forces shaping landscapes. None of the three works
primarily on landslides.
This winter devastating floods and mudslides in California One reason for this lack of research is money. U.S. federal funds
killed at least 17 people, closed roads for days and caused thou- for biomedical research soared to more than $25 billion a year
sands to be evacuated. Mud and water ripped through the hill- between 1990 and 2000 and have stayed high. On the other hand,
side town of Montecito five years to the day after a 2018 slide funding for everything else—physics, environmental sciences, oth-
there killed 23 people and destroyed more than 100 homes. er life sciences, mathematics and even computer science—has
Between 1998 and 2017 landslides and mudslides affected remained mostly flat. Environmental science, under which slide
nearly five million people worldwide and took the lives of more research falls, regularly has received less than $5 billion a year.
than 18,000, according to the World Health Organization. In con- Another problem is that slides are notoriously hard to study.
trast, wildfires and volcanic activity killed 2,400. In the U.S. alone, The basic idea is simple: a hillside becomes unstable when the
slides and other debris flows kill 25 to 50 people every year. Yet force of gravity exceeds the forces holding it together. This hap-
by and large we don’t hear very much about hazardous slides. pens when the hillside is undercut—for example, by an engorged
Tornadoes, volcanoes, wildfires and hurricanes get more head- river—or oversteepened or when friction is decreased by heavy
lines. They get more scientific attention, too. rains. But because rocks and soils are highly variable, predicting
And climate change is making these slides more common. In when a particular hill will give way is almost impossible. It’s hard
fact, they are a prime example of the cascading effect of an altered to publish ambiguous results, so scientists may choose other
climate: Drought leads to fires, which destroy the plants that research topics that seem more promising.
anchor earth to hillsides, and that instability creates slides when Slides suffer from siloed science, too. As one civil engineer put
rain finally comes. Drought isn’t the only cause, either. Across Asia it, “Despite the high risk when extreme rainfall and droughts
melting snow and ice are engorging rivers and undercutting hill interact, most research in this area focuses on only one or the
slopes, making them prone to collapse. Last June a landslide after other. Different government agencies oversee flood and drought
heavy rains in India killed 61 people. monitoring, warning and management, even though they are
Why don’t scientists pay more attention to this threat? The extremes of the same hydrological cycle.”
U.S. Geological Survey has a landslide research program, but Scientists also like to take on things they find interesting, and
most universities don’t. Richard Iverson, recently retired from slides appear to fall short. Many researchers think of their work
as a kind of detective story, where “interesting” means
understanding an underlying hidden mechanism. In
cancer research, for instance, this has led to a focus on
genetic causes of the disease instead of prevention. In
earth science, it has prompted examinations of the
internal processes of our planet. But slides aren’t hid-
den. They happen quite clearly on the surface, and the
mechanisms are in some ways obvious. Iverson put it
this way: “Many scientists are most intrigued by things
that are most mysterious.” Slides are catastrophic but
not mysterious.
I don’t fault scientists for wanting to study things they
find fascinating. A lot of good work has been motivated
by mystery. But researchers have to find a way to balance
love of intrigue with a need to fix pressing problems
such as the slippery ground underneath our feet.
Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
or send a letter to the editor: editors@sciam.com
1973 Catalytic
“Among the most troublesome air
anthropoid from the west discov-
ered by Harold Cook.’ The fossil
was found in the upper phase of the
summit; and in times of eruption,
the fiery streams seem to encom-
pass it and flow far below its level.
pollutants produced by automo- Snake River beds, associated with In this structure, thus dangerously
biles are the chemically active ni- remains of the rhinoceros, camel, located, Professor Palmieri, a well
trogen oxides. Workers at Bell Asiatic antelope and an early form known Italian savant, has estab-
Laboratories have found catalysts of the horse. Hitherto, no speci- lished an observatory and, with
that react nitrogen oxides with a men of anthropoid primates had 1973 marvelous intrepidity, has re-
reducing gas (hydrogen or carbon been discovered in America.” mained at his post watching the
monoxide), converting them to Within a few years the novel classifica- convulsions of the volcano at times
nitrogen and such harmless by- tion was proved to be a mistake; it was when his house stood between tor-
products as water and carbon retracted in 1927. rents of liquid fire, the heat from
dioxide. They can be coated on a which cracked the windows and
ceramic support to make a filter- Artificial Rain scorched the solid stone of the walls.
like device that could be installed “There have been plenty of reported The knowledge obtained at so
in an automobile. So far such de- achievements in [artificial weather great a risk has been recently giv-
vices have been tested only in the making] that, on investigation, turn 1923 en to the world in an ably written
laboratory; further tests are neces- out to be illusory. Now we are asked volume, which contains data of in-
sary to see if they will stand up to believe that a method of dispel- valuable assistance in the future in-
under the severe conditions in an ling clouds and fog, and incidental- vestigation of volcanic phenomena.
exhaust system of an automobile ly of turning clouds into rain, cheap Professor Palmieri considers that,
running for extended periods. The enough to be applied universally for to a certain extent, eruptions may
automobile industry faces increas- the benefit of aviators and others, be predicted. We suggest he sup-
ingly strict Federal standards for has been devised by investigators at plement his efforts by turning from
reducing carbon monoxide, un- work at McCook Field, near Dayton, an intermittent to a constant volca-
burned hydrocarbons and oxides Ohio, on behalf of the Army Air Ser- 1873 no—from Vesuvius to Stromboli.”
of nitrogen in exhaust emissions.” vice. The process consists of spray-
ing the clouds from an airplane Science Benefits Economy
1923 Discovered:
Nebraska Man
“At the recent meeting of the Na-
with electrically charged sand,
clearing away the cloud and pro-
ducing an incipient rainstorm. We
“It is noticeable that scientific sub-
jects have received more attention
from the newspaper press of late.
tional Academy of Sciences, Dr. are unable to see any reason why This is partly [because] it is becom-
Henry Fairfield Osborn announced this process should extend very far. ing more generally known that dis-
the discovery of a tooth giving evi- The grains of sand would quickly coveries that seemed at first to be
1923, Air Mail:
dence of a pre-historic and un- lose their electrical charge and be- “The Transatlantic without any application have con-
known species of anthropoid in- have the same as any other miner- rapid mail service tributed to the general good. Exper-
termediate between the ape and al dust found in the atmosphere.” by aircraft is iments in magnetism and electrici-
the earliest man. This discovery being seriously ty, which led to the invention of the
was made by Harold J. Cook in the
middle Pliocene formations of
Nebraska. This tooth matches no
1873 Vesuvius House,
Great Lava Views
“About two thirds of the way up
discussed. This air
liner would be
820 feet long, 110
electric telegraph, were made from
curiosity only. None could have an-
ticipated the use of spectrum analy-
feet in diameter,
known tooth of ape or man, mod- the side of Vesuvius stands a small sis in the manufacture of steel. Oth-
capable of carry-
ern or extinct. Dr. Osborn classi- building, plainly visible. During ing 12 tons of mail er cases may be noted to illustrate
fies it as a new species and genus cloudy and wet weather, it is and 40 passen- the proposition that every addition
and names it Hesperopithecus shrouded in the dense veil of gers at a speed that may be made to physical sci-
haroldcookii, which means ‘the smoke which settles around the of 65 knots.” ence is capable of an economic use.”
S cientific American, Vol. 128, No. 4; April 1923
Melting Chocolate
At the papilla level, the difference between chocolate types is large at the molten stage. In chocolate with a higher fat content,
lower friction is observed here when the surface of the chocolate first interacts with the tongue.