Scientific American - August 2022
Scientific American - August 2022
Scientific American - August 2022
The New Race
to the Moon
Data Explorer
What the oc out
s ab
is teaching u
life — on Eart
and beyond
Au g u s t 2 0 2 2
VO LU M E 3 2 7, N U M B E R 2
10 Forum
The U.S. used the Marshall Islands as a nuclear testing
ground. It’s time to finish cleaning it up.
By Hart Rapaport and Ivana Nikolic´Hughes
12 Advances
8 Worldwide shifts in psilocybin’s legal status. A chemical
hit to mason bees’ attractiveness. Human eye cells
revived after death. Flying dinosaurs launch from water.
24 Meter
A poet recalls her father’s prop plane flight into the
eye of a storm to study hurricanes. By Sandy Solomon
86 Mind Matters
One brain region helps us create a consistent and
lasting identity. By Robert Martone
12 88 Reviews
Signals of animal intelligence. Dissolving the barriers
of memory. A medicinal history of booze. Stories of the
Milky Way told through autobiography. By Amy Brady
90 Observatory
Influential carbon-reduction models rely on tech
that doesn’t exist. By Naomi Oreskes
92 Graphic Science
Snapshots of the human genome over time reveal
how scientists pieced together our full genetic code.
00 By Clara Moskowitz and Martin Krzywinski
Scientific American (ISSN 0036-8733), Volume 327, Number 2, August 2022, published monthly by Scientific American, a division of Springer Nature America, Inc., 1 New York Plaza, Suite 4600, New York, N.Y. 10004-1562.
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Sea Surprises
The textbook view of the oceans stratifies them into layers
according to depth. As Fischetti describes on page 65, that’s just
one way to slice it. Scientists are increasingly realizing that
We humans may think of ourselves, or possibly beetles, as typical other qualities are just as important for understanding ocean
Earthlings, but to a first approximation, life on Earth exists in the zones: salinity, light, color, temperature, even life-forms. The
sea. And what spectacular life! Our special package on the oceans eye-opening graphics by Skye Moret and Scientific American
is teeming with images of eerie, delicate, elaborate, glowing and senior graphics editor Jen Christiansen offer a new inspiring
occasionally kind of frightening creatures that have rarely been view of the ocean.
seen by terrestrial species. The in-depth report, which starts on Mystery, discovery and surprise. As deep-ocean biologist
page 28, was guided by sustainability senior editor Mark Fischetti Timothy Shank writes on page 70, the ocean is full of diverse life,
along three main themes: mystery, discovery and surprise. unexpected chemistry and weird physics—and there’s still so
One of the most common abilities on Earth is a mystery we’re much to learn.
just now solving: bioluminescence. As author Michelle Nijhuis You may have heard that we know more about the surface
shares on page 30, recent surveys show that most organisms in of the moon than the structure of the seafloor, but as Fischetti
the ocean are able to glow. This ability evolved independently details on page 40, with new marine mapping and the release of
across phyla, using different chemical processes and for different private data, that soon won’t be true (if it ever was).
purposes, transmitting light-based messages even on the seafloor. What’s next for the moon? There’s a race among nations and
Ocean creatures live much more three-dimensional lives than various billionaires to send missions, and possibly people again,
people realized, surging vast distances from the deep ocean to- to the moon, which is a lot more difficult than sending a rocket
ward the surface in search of food. This “diel migration”—by an to space. Author Rebecca Boyle reports on page 72 that scientists
estimated 10 billion tons of animals—moves carbon and other are cautiously optimistic—there’s a lot of research to be done on
elements through the oceans and the world, as contributing the moon, and new partnerships with private companies could
editor Katherine Harmon Courage explains on page 48. The stun- actually lead to an exciting time of lunar exploration.
ning images for this story and throughout the package were gath- Clear, dramatic graphics have the power to change the world.
ered by photography editor Monica Bradley. Florence Nightingale launched the modern era of public health
Sea-dwelling creatures are exposed to a lot of pathogens, and and public health messaging with her depictions of death and
they have evolved an astonishing variety of chemical defenses disease during the 1853–1856 Crimean War. They helped to rev-
to protect themselves. These chemicals have the potential to treat olutionize medical practices around the world and saved count-
human diseases, and as science journalist Stephanie Stone less lives (page 78). Our graphics editors at Scientific American
reports on page 56, some have been turned into treatments for are always striving to present complex, mind-bending and some-
various types of cancer, chronic pain and C OVID, with many times invisible phenomena using engaging graphics, building on
more deep-sea drugs in development. Nightingale’s work.
Robin E. Bell Jonathan Foley John Maeda
Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Executive Director, Project Drawdown Global Head, Computational Design + Inclusion, Automattic, Inc.
Columbia University Jennifer A. Francis Satyajit Mayor
Emery N. Brown Senior Scientist and Acting Deputy Director, Senior Professor, National Center for Biological Sciences,
Edward Hood Taplin Professor of Medical Engineering Woodwell Climate Research Center Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
and of Computational Neuroscience, M.I.T., Carlos Gershenson John P. Moore
and Warren M. Zapol Professor of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School Research Professor, National Autonomous University of Mexico Professor of Microbiology and Immunology,
Alison Gopnik Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Vinton G. Cerf
Professor of Psychology and Affiliate Professor Priyamvada Natarajan
Chief Internet Evangelist, Google
of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley Professor of Astronomy and Physics, Yale University
Emmanuelle Charpentier
Lene Vestergaard Hau Donna J. Nelson
Scientific Director, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology,
Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and of Applied Physics, Professor of Chemistry, University of Oklahoma
and Founding and Acting Director, Max Planck Unit for the
Harvard University Lisa Randall
Science of Pathogens
Hopi E. Hoekstra Professor of Physics, Harvard University
Rita Colwell Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard University Martin Rees
Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland College Park Astronomer Royal and Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics,
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson
and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Co-founder, Urban Ocean Lab, and
Kate Crawford Co-founder, The All We Can Save Project Daniela Rus
Director of Research and Co-founder, AI Now Institute, Christof Koch Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering
and Distinguished Research Professor, New York University, Chief Scientist, MindScope Program, Allen Institute for Brain Science and Computer Science and Director, CSAIL, M.I.T.
and Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research New York City Meg Urry
Meg Lowman
Nita A. Farahany Director and Founder, TREE Foundation, Rachel Carson Fellow, Israel Munson Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Yale University
Professor of Law and Philosophy, Director, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, and Research Professor, Amie Wilkinson
Duke Initiative for Science & Society, Duke University University of Science Malaysia Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago
“I do not read S
cientific American f or
the book reviews, but I recognize one that
is beautifully written.”
robert hunt southern methodist university
reversal. If it took place instantaneously, 2014, one of the main topics was about a
birds would be none the wiser because their near miss that actually occurred in July
compass is not sensitive to the polarity of 2012: a large coronal mass ejection was
the magnetic field. But the reversal typical- detected passing Earth by the STEREO-A
ly takes several thousand years, during satellite. It was suggested that it could
which time the local magnetic field intensi- have had a much larger impact than the
ty can be very much smaller than it is to- Carrington Event. The 2012 event missed
day. Perhaps the birds would simply rely us by one week.
on other directional cues until the magnet- Steve Senger P
rince George,
ic field settled down again. British Columbia
April 2022 In response to Alexander: Tracking de-
vices usually employ frequencies well be- DON’T SLEEP ON THIS OFFER
yond 100 megahertz, which are very un- In “Nap Like a Genius,” Bret Stetka writes
FLIGHT OF THE NAVIGATORS likely to affect the birds’ magnetic compass. about recent research on Thomas Edison’s
“The Quantum Nature of Bird Migration,” Frequencies within the range that can af- practice of jolting himself from the edge of
by Peter J. Hore and Henrik Mouritsen, fect their compass could indeed falsify re- sleep to boost creativity. I tried Edison’s
describes the biophysical underpinnings sults. Usually the transmitters are active sleep-interruption technique by holding a
of how the animals navigate. This article only intermittently and for very short pe- copy of Scientific American as I started a
is fascinating. I believe that Earth’s mag- riods, however. Therefore, even if they used nap, waiting to reach the N1 stage. When
netic north pole shifts position every so the critical frequencies, there might be no the magazine fell to the floor, I woke with a
often. How would this affect the ability of significant effect on the birds’ orientation. revelation: “It’s time to renew your subscrip-
birds to migrate successfully? tion.” The true genius appears to lie within
Steven Sverdlik D allas, Tex. CRITICAL ACCLAIM your subliminal marketing department.
I do not read S cientific American f or the Jay Lynch P
ittsburgh, Pa.
Radio-frequency (RF) transmitters are in- reviews, but I recognize one that is beau-
creasingly attached to birds to track their tifully written. Omar El Akkad’s review of TRAUMA AND THERAPY
movements. The sizes of transmitters and Emily St. John Mandel’s novel S ea of Tran- In “The Long Shadow of Trauma” [Janu-
the methods of attaching them have had quility u nder the heading “Half-Lived ary 2022], Diana Kwon describes the his-
unfortunate physical impacts on birds, Years” [Recommended] is a piece that can tory of the stigmatized diagnosis of bor-
which are gradually being addressed stand alone as an essay on our times and derline personality disorder (BPD) and the
through design improvements. But in light the literature emerging from them. He question of whether it should be recast as
of the eye-opening findings presented in should be commended for it. a trauma-related condition. As two psy-
Hore and Mouritsen’s article, it seems we Robert Hunt chologists who have treated many trauma-
also need to be concerned about RF fields Director of Global Theological Education, tized and BPD patients and supervised
generated by tracking transmitters and Perkins School of Theology, hundreds of psychotherapists in training,
how those fields might impact birds’ su- Southern Methodist University we appreciate the clarity and depth of
premely delicate natural compass. Kwon’s reporting. Not every aspect of this
Mike Alexander P alo Alto, Calif. CLOSE SOLAR ENCOUNTERS complex topic could possibly be addressed
“The Threat of Solar Superflares,” by Jona- in one article, but there are two points we
THE AUTHORS REPLY: To answer Sverd- than O’Callaghan [December 2021], discuss- feel are important to emphasize.
lik: Earth’s magnetic field does indeed shift, es instances within the past 10,000 years in First, one of American clinical psychol-
and pole reversals occur from time to time which immense flares from the sun have ogist Marsha Linehan’s most brilliant in-
(the last one was almost 800,000 years ago). caused geomagnetic storms on Earth, in- sights about the treatment of BPD is that
We know that birds are capable of calibrat- cluding the massive 1859 Carrington Event psychotherapists themselves must receive
ing their magnetic compass with informa- and a far stronger storm around a.d. 775. support and supervision to be effective
tion from the sun. If they do this every day, It should be noted that at the National treatment providers. BPD patients are dif-
it does not matter where the magnetic poles Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- ficult. Psychotherapists are human. Very of-
are. No one knows what happens during a tion’s Space Weather Workshop in April ten, they, too, have been traumatized and
Laura Helmuth
Maria-Christina Keller Michael Mrak
invalidated, and they may retaliate against COPY DIRECTOR CREATIVE DIRECTOR
patients who “invalidate” them by failing CHIEF FEATURES EDITOR Seth Fletcher CHIEF NEWS EDITOR Dean Visser CHIEF OPINION EDITOR Megha Satyanarayana
to improve in treatment. The hostility to- FEATURES
ward these patients mentioned in the arti- SENIOR EDITOR, MEDICINE / SCIENCE POLICY Josh Fischman SENIOR EDITOR, TECHNOLOGY / MIND Jen Schwartz
cle is not only the consequence of a differ- SENIOR EDITOR, SPACE / PHYSICS Clara Moskowitz SENIOR EDITOR, EVOLUTION / ECOLOGY Kate Wong
ence in the therapist’s theoretical ap- SENIOR EDITOR, MIND / BRAIN Gary Stix
proach; it is a consequence of the therapist’s SENIOR EDITOR, SPACE / PHYSICS Lee Billings ASSOCIATE EDITOR, SUSTAINABILITY Andrea Thompson
countertransference left untreated. MULTIMEDIA
Second, a psychiatric diagnosis is based SENIOR MULTIMEDIA EDITOR Tulika Bose SENIOR EDITOR, COLLECTIONS Andrea Gawrylewski
on a model of disease entities causing ill- ART
ness. In the case of viruses, this model is SENIOR GRAPHICS EDITOR Jen Christiansen PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Monica Bradley ART DIRECTOR, ONLINE Ryan Reid
clearly useful. In the case of psychological
pain, the entity-based model may be help- SENIOR COPY EDITORS Angelique Rondeau, Aaron Shattuck
ful in supporting less blame and shame, and PREPRESS AND QUALITY MANAGER
more compassion, from society in general. EDITORS EMERITI Mariette DiChristina, John Rennie
For the purpose of effective treatment, EDITORIAL Amy Brady, Katherine Harmon Courage, Lydia Denworth, Ferris Jabr,
Anna Kuchment, Michael D. Lemonick, Robin Lloyd,
however, diagnoses are poor guides. Mod- Steve Mirsky, Melinda Wenner Moyer, George Musser, Ricki L. Rusting,
els based on continua, such as the intensity Dava Sobel, Claudia Wallis, Daisy Yuhas
ART Edward Bell, Violet Isabelle Francis, Lawrence R. Gendron, Nick Higgins, Kim Hubbard, Katie Peek, Beatrix Mahd Soltani
of the individual’s experienced trauma and EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR Maya Harty SENIOR EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Brianne Kane
invalidation, genetic and temperamental
vulnerability, etcetera, may be more accu- SCIENTIFIC A MERIC AN CUS TOM MEDIA
rate and useful. As Peggy Wang, a person Cliff Ransom
Kris Fatsy
who’d been diagnosed with both BPD and ENGAGEMENT EDITOR Dharmesh Patel ACCOUNT MANAGER Samantha Lubey
complex post-traumatic stress disorder, was
quoted as noting in Kwon’s article, “The la-
beling is not the issue.” PRESIDENT
Kimberly Lau
vances; August 2021], looks like a useful CONSUMER MARKETING & PRODUC T
product for those of us living in a hot, sun- SENIOR PRODUCT MANAGER Ian Kelly
ny climate. Bushwick quotes materials sci- SENIOR COMMERCIAL OPERATIONS COORDINATOR Christine Kaelin
entist Yuan Yang noting that manufactur- MARKETING COORDINATOR Justin Camera
ers of such material will need to figure out ANCILL ARY PRODUC TS
“how to make sure that the paint stays CUSTOM PUBLISHING EDITOR Lisa Pallatroni
Next Frontiers
Exploration is fundamental to science
and a fundamental human trait
By the Editors
Clean Up the forced from their homes may not be able to safely return until
the radiation naturally diminishes over decades and centuries.
Beyond plutonium and uranium, strontium 90 is a radioiso-
Marshall Islands tope of concern in the Marshall Islands. It can cause leukemia
and bone and bone marrow cancer and has long been a source
of health concerns at nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl and
Restoring the islands is a matter Fukushima. Despite this, the U.S. government’s published data
of environmental and social justice don’t speak to the presence of this dangerous nuclear isotope.
By Hart Rapaport and Ivana Nikolić Hughes We have tested sediment from two bomb craters in the north-
ern Marshall Islands and found consistently high values of stron-
Russia’s placement o f its nuclear arsenal on high alert during tium 90. Although detecting this radioisotope in sediment does
the war in Ukraine has unearthed fears of nuclear holocaust. As not neatly translate into contamination in soil or food, the find-
governments across the world consider their own roles in less- ing suggests the possibility of danger to ecosystems and people.
ening the risk of nuclear war, the U.S. cannot excuse itself. We More than that, cleaning up strontium 90 and other contam-
should talk about stemming a future nuclear impact, but equal- inants in the Marshall Islands is possible. Congress should appro-
ly important is reckoning with our past. priate funds, and a research agency, such as the National Science
Between 1946 and 1958 the U.S. nuclear testing program Foundation, should initiate a call for proposals to fund indepen-
drenched the Marshall Islands with firepower equaling the ener- dent research with three aims. We must first further understand
gy yield of 7,000 Hiroshima bombs. Cancer rates have doubled the current radiological conditions across the Marshall Islands;
in some places, displaced people have waited decades to return second, explore new technologies and methods already in use for
to their homes, and radiation still plagues the land and waters future cleanup activity; and, third, train Marshallese scientists,
of this Pacific island nation. The U.S. must prioritize the restora- such as those working with the nation’s National Nuclear Com-
tion of these islands and the resettlement of their people as a mission, to rebuild trust on this issue.
matter of human rights and environmental justice. What the U.S. Through the collective work of dozens of researchers rather
has done so far is simply not enough. than a small group of scientists at the doe, remediation efforts
The tests most gravely affected four atolls in the north of the across the world will benefit. The Marshallese people and oth-
nation: Bikini (seen here in 1946), Enewetak, Rongelap and Utirik. er affected communities have told us for decades just how dan-
In the first two cases, members of the U.S. military resettled com- gerous nuclear weapons are. Let’s heed their warnings before
munities prior to testing, whereas people on Rongelap and Utirik it is too late.
Bettmann/Getty Images
left after fallout from tests reached them. Today only Enewetak
and Utirik have substantial permanent populations; refugees from
Bikini and Rongelap are still unable to return home safely. Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
In addition, the structural integrity of the Runit Dome, a con- or send a letter to the editor:
Legal Trip
As psilocybin research ramps
up, the drug’s status under
the law is shifting
Magic mushrooms a re undergoing a
transformation from illicit recreational
drug to promising mental health treat-
ment. Numerous studies have reported
positive findings using psilocybin—the
mushrooms’ main psychoactive com-
pound—for treating depression as well
as smoking and alcohol addiction, and for
reducing anxiety in the terminally ill.
Ongoing and planned studies are testing
the drug for conditions that include opioid
dependence, PTSD and anorexia nervosa.
This scientific interest, plus growing social
acceptance, is contributing to legal changes
in cities across the U.S. In 2020 Oregon
passed statewide legislation decriminalizing
magic mushrooms, and the state is building
a framework for regulating legal therapeutic
use—becoming the first jurisdiction in the
world to do so. For now psilocybin remains
illegal and strictly controlled at the national
level in most countries, slowing research. But
an international push to get the drug reclas-
sified aims to lower barriers everywhere.
After a flurry of research in the 1950s
and 1960s, psilocybin and all other psyche-
delics were abruptly banned, partly in
response to their embrace by the counter-
culture. Following the 1971 United Nations
Convention on Psychotropic Substances,
psilocybin was classed in the U.S. as a
Schedule I substance—defined as having
Yarygin/Getty Images
Beetles’ shifting colors offer
both camouflage and warning
Flashy iridescent shells might not seem with artificial glossy and matte green shells Kjernsmo speculates that this might help
like the best evolutionary strategy for bugs and a color-shifting shell with matte varnish. explain why so many insects are irides
trying to avoid hungry birds. But in recent They baited the shells with mealworms, then cent—it “allows them to be protected in
years biologists have shown that irides- offered this buffet to day-old domestic chicks. many different contexts.”
cence—lustrous shifts in color, depending The chicks scarfed down mealworms This hypothesis might also explain why
on the angle of view—can actually camou- under matte green shells, but they hesi- these beetles evolved to use iridescence
flage green jewel beetles among sun-dap- tated when encountering glossy shells and rather than a more typical warning color
pled leaves. And now a study published in both color-changing types. A previous such as bright red or orange, often used
Animal Behavior suggests iridescence has study showed that birds shy away from by insects that have poison as a backup
another protective quality: birds seem to be glossiness, but the specific avoidance of defense. For this jewel beetle species,
innately wary of these color changes. shifting colors was not previously docu- which does not have chemical defenses,
The study authors say this is the first time mented, the researchers say. the extra attention drawn by traditional
iridescence, as opposed to simple glossiness Johanna Mappes, a University of Hel- warning colors might not be worth it; bet-
or bright colors, has been shown to deter sinki biologist who worked on the earlier ter to blend in when possible.
predators. “It’s actually the changeability, the study but was not involved with the new More research is needed to discern
very hallmark of iridescence, that is impor- one, praises the way Kjernsmo’s team con- why iridescence frightens birds. The bee-
tant for this protective function,” says Karin trolled for each type of shell finish, “espe- tles might be mimicking other iridescent
Kjernsmo, a researcher at the University of cially creating matte iridescence signals— insects that do have chemical defenses,
yod67/Alamy Stock Photo
Bristol in England and the study’s lead author. it’s really genius.” the researchers suggest, or the changes
To test how birds reacted to iridescent The new findings suggest iridescence is might simply confuse predators—if a bee-
beetles’ varying colors, Kjernsmo and her an evolutionary two-for-one deal: it helps tle’s color shifts, a predator might not be
colleagues set out glossy, color-shifting S ter- the jewel beetles hide, but it also scares off able to classify it as safe or dangerous.
nocera aequisignata jewel beetle shells, along predators that manage to spot them. — Kate Golembiewski
been studied as extensively but were two distinct components of male horned
cally kill bees directly. Previous research was not involved with the study. “It’s a
had found that insecticides deemed “low great paper.” Boff hopes his team’s findings
risk” for bees can still impact their devel- will prompt more scrutiny of fungicide use
opment, feeding behavior and learning; and possibly lead to alternative pest-con-
fungicides such as fenbuconazole had not trol methods. —Darren Incorvaia
longer missions will require a sustainable fight off pathogens, minimize environmen-
One Small source of food. “All of human exploration
has been driven by the ability to keep crews
tal stress and absorb crucial nutrients such
as nitrogen. Lunar regolith lacks a natural
Sprout fed,” says Gil Cauthorn, an Osaka, Japan–
based researcher with the Astrobotany
microbiome, and so the plants struggled
to take in nutrients and manage stress.
Scientists grow first-ever International Research Initiative. Plus, regolith can become extremely
seedlings in Apollo moon dirt Ferl’s recent work, published in Com- dense, like cement, when water is added.
munications Biology, o ffers an important “It’s difficult to get that stuff to not become
Twelve grams o f the moon arrived at first step in that journey, ultimately proving a rock,” says Cauthorn, who was not
Robert Ferl’s laboratory in an undeco- that plants can grow in moon soil. The involved in the new study.
rated UPS box. seedlings failed to truly thrive, however, Adding extra nutrients or composting
Ferl, a horticulturist at the University indicating that any future lunar farmers crops to foster microbe growth could
of Florida, had waited more than a decade will need to fertilize their regolith. improve plants’ prospects. And North,
for that moment. The small box of dirt, To test the moon soil, Ferl and his team who has studied plant growth in simulated
postmarked from nasa, held some of the divvied up the samples into 12 pots of 900 Martian conditions, suspects the moon still
last remaining unopened samples of moon milligrams apiece and planted seeds from offers more fertile ground than the Red
dust, called regolith, collected by A pollo Arabidopsis thaliana, a hardy relative of Planet’s rusty soil. That’s because Martian
astronauts. Despite months of practice, mustard and cabbage. All the seeds suc- regolith is full of perchlorate, an oxidative
Ferl recalls, he lifted the sample with trem- cessfully germinated, but the seedlings compound that can be harmful to plants
bling hands. “It’s freaky, scary stuff,” he had difficulty with the next growth stage: and animals alike.
says. “I mean, what happens if you drop establishing a healthy root system. The Ferl hopes to continue studying how
that?” Ferl and his team were about to Apollo sprouts were stunted and stressed, life might take hold in otherwise barren
become the first researchers to grow not only by the salt- and metal-rich regolith soils, with an eye toward both boosting
plants in actual lunar soil. but also by its lack of water and microbes. humanity’s prospects off the planet and
The experiment was green-lit as part Helpful microbes are among the most improving agriculture in nutrient- and
of a lunar research boom fueled by nasa’s important components of any soil used for water-depleted soils here at home. But
Artemis program, which aims to send planting. “They play a huge role,” says for now he and his fellow researchers
UF/IFAS/Tyler Jones
humans back to the moon later this decade. Gretchen North, a plant physiological are grateful to experiment with one of
This time around nasa wants to build an ecologist at Occidental College, who was the only bits of lunar soil on Earth. “For
outpost there as a dress rehearsal for future not involved in the study. Symbiotic bacte- us,” he says, “it was—and continues to be—
voyages to Mars. Scientists anticipate such ria help plants regulate growth hormones, a real privilege.” —Joanna Thompson
Sight Unseen
Researchers restore electrical
activity in human retinas after death
stanley45/Getty Images
tissue. “The retina is a window to the brain, raises the prospect of retinal transplants, families,” Vinberg says. “We hope this will
so if you can restore communication in the although those are likely still very far off, encourage people . . . to check that box in
retina after death, it makes you pause and the researchers say. their driver’s license and also be willing to
consider what kind of communication you This new work illustrates the impor- donate tissues for research.” —Tanya Lewis
Oyster GPS
that have become increasingly rare as reefs recorded shrimp sounds and settled on
fall silent and ships dominate the ocean hard surfaces nearby. Larvae had difficulty
soundscape. Oysters lack ears but sense locating those surfaces without the sounds
Shrimp sounds could lure baby sound vibrations, so the team wondered if playing or with boat noise disrupting them.
bivalves to build new reefs the larvae could follow a sonic beacon of The researchers say luring oyster larvae
their own: the crackle of snapping shrimp. to potential reef sites could offer an alterna-
Oyster reefs once carpeted much of the tive to expensive, labor-intensive measures
seafloor, filtering water, stabilizing shore- such as sending divers to ferry larvae to
lines and providing habitats for a vast array their new homes. “There is a cost and effort
of life. But in the past 200 years net-drag- in raising oysters,” notes marine scientist
ging fishing boats have destroyed most of Terry Palmer of Texas A&M University–
these reefs around the world. Now, in the Corpus Christi, who works on oyster con-
Journal of Applied Ecology, r esearchers at servation but was not involved with the
Australia’s University of Adelaide reveal study. He says the new method might be
a curious fact that may help rebuild useful in conjunction with providing sur-
such formations: baby oysters follow faces for reef building, especially in areas
the sounds of shrimp. with relatively few of the animals.
Australian flat oysters’ microscopic And this sound technique might
larvae drift in currents and swim with eventually help more than just oysters.
hairlike cilia, searching for a hard surface— “They’re really the building blocks of the
ideally a thriving reef made of shells from southern reefs,” says University of Adelaide
other oysters—to cement themselves to for marine biologist Brittany Williams, the
the rest of their lives. If no established reef study’s lead author. Where oysters go,
is nearby, the babies float aimlessly over more life will follow. And although tricking
the sandy seafloor; only a lucky few find larvae into settling on a lifeless reef might
homes on stray rocks. Conservation scien- These reef-dwelling creatures snap their seem like a cruel bait and switch, rest
tists have tried to start new reefs by intro- claws to unleash jets of water that stun assured: the plankton and algae that oys-
ducing limestone boulders for larvae to prey, producing a staticky-sounding, ters eat are nearly omnipresent in the water,
settle on, but most remain lost at sea. 210-decibel cacophony—as loud as a rock so the bivalve trailblazers won’t starve
Previous studies demonstrated that concert. In their laboratory and in an while they wait for the rest of the reef com-
other sea creatures can navigate toward ocean experiment, the scientists found munity to arrive. —Kate Golembiewski
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by Michael Pittman et al., in Scientific Reports, Vol. 12; April 21, 2022
Fossil showing pterosaur
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By Joanna Thompson
IN THE NEWS For the first time, scientists retrieved a human genome New analysis of a space rock found in the desert in 1996
Hits 30s, with markers for spinal tuberculosis, and they also
analyzed the bones of an accompanying woman over 50.
4.6 billion years ago on the outskirts of our solar system.
By Joanna Thompson
A species of P yralidae m
last recorded in 1912 was
discovered in a passenger’s
Although the annual monarch
luggage in the Detroit airport.
butterfly migration has been in
Several moth larvae had
decline for three decades, ento-
apparently stowed away in
mologists confirmed that east-
a bag of medicinal tea, which
ern monarchs’ wintering
the traveler purchased in
grounds in Mexico increased in
the Philippines.
area by 35 percent since last year.
The insects may be adapting to
climate change, experts suggest.
nasa satellite imaging
BOLIVIA captured activity indicating
Using lidar, a laser-based remote sensing technology, multiple eruptions from the
archaeologists uncovered traces of 11 Indigenous villages CAMBODIA underwater volcano Kavachi.
from 1,500 years ago. These settlements were connected Cambodian environmental officials have asked the In addition to being geologic
by a complex series of roads and bridges to two large, public to stop picking carnivorous, distinctively ally active, the site is home to
previously known cities called Landivar and Cotoca. shaped “penis plants.” These rare, insect-consuming a thriving shark population—
For more details, visit
plants are found only in shallow, nutrient-poor soils earning it the superb nick in some of the country’s remote mountain regions. name “sharkcano.”
Unequal has also been linked to diabetes risk, she says, and that could
include the stress of experiencing racism.
Diabetes Care Ngo-Metzger, who was the uspstf’s scientific director from
2012 to 2019, notes that “most studies of diabetes were done in
middle-aged white individuals,” and that’s what screening stan-
U.S. screening guidelines miss dards were based on. She argues that they should be revised. “The
study found that you would miss so many Blacks, Hispanics and
too many people of color Asians when you use these guidelines. I think it’s a disservice.”
By Claudia Wallis The uspstf is unlikely, however, to revisit its guidelines soon,
usually waiting three to five years, says Michael J. Barry of Massa-
Rahul Aggarwal was in medical school when he got the surpris- chusetts General Hospital, a task force vice chair. The uspstf is
ing news that his mother—a fit woman in her 40s—had been diag- committed to health equity, he says, but it needs more evidence
nosed with type 2 diabetes. “I always thought of diabetes as a dis- that altering its recommendations would result in better long-term
ease of people at higher weights and with certain lifestyle outcomes for patients—an issue the new study does not address.
practices,” he recalls, “but my mom was an Indian American wom- Still, it seems obvious that detecting—and treating—diabetes
an with a healthy weight and good diet and exercise practices.” earlier in communities where it is often missed would lead to
Aggarwal, now a clinical fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical improved health. Harvard University cardiologist Dhruv Kazi,
Center in Boston, began thinking about how diabetes seems to senior author on the A nnals s tudy, points out that diabetes takes
disproportionately affect certain ethnic and racial groups. Those an outsize toll on Americans of color. “Black individuals with dia-
musings were the seed of an eye-opening study published earlier betes are more than twice as likely to end up on dialysis than white
this year in the Annals of Internal Medicine. It quantified diabe- individuals with diabetes,” he notes. They are also more likely to
tes risk in minority groups to determine if current screening rec- lose limbs and vision to undertreated diabetes. Kazi attributes these
ommendations are equitable. Spoiler alert: they are not. tragic disparities to “structural” inequities such as poor access to
The current standard was released in 2021 by the U.S. Preven- health care, high-quality food and opportunities for exercise.
tive Services Task Force (uspstf), which issues evidence-based Like Ngo-Metzger, Kazi would like to see screening guidelines
guidance on disease prevention. The recommendation is to test better reflect individual risk factors that include race and ethnic-
adults aged 35 to 70 for diabetes if they are overweight or obese, ity. Without such changes, he says, insurers may refuse to cover
defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 kg/m2 or more. diabetes testing in people who have a BMI below 25 or who are
Aggarwal and his collaborators looked at the lowest-risk individ- younger than 35. Fixing larger social inequalities would require
uals eligible for screening under that rubric: 35-year-olds who are major changes, Kazi concedes, “but making screening more equi-
just barely overweight (with a BMI of 25). Within this cohort about table is a good place to start.”
ooplankton fill the seas, but they don’t just drift along with
the currents, as once was thought. They react and move as
water conditions change, driving the ocean’s food web and
much of its daily life.
trayed them as bad omens, describing a mariner’s “silent, ing concentrated enough to produce a continuous glow.
superstitious dread” on entering a “midnight sea of milky Finally, milky seas had been established as a scientific
whiteness,” as if “shoals of combed white bears were phenomenon with a biological cause. But to understand
swimming round him.” In Jules Verne’s novel Twenty where, when and exactly why they occurred, researchers
Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, written almost two needed more data than serendipity could provide.
decades later, the fictional submarine pilot Pierre Aron-
nax is less perturbed by his voyage through a milky sea SAILING OVER SNOW
in the Bay of Bengal, calmly informing his assistant that For the U.S. Navy, m
arine bioluminescence is a practical
“the whiteness which surprises you is caused only by the concern because a patch of bright seawater can outline
presence of myriads of infusoria, a sort of luminous lit- a submarine, turning it into an easy target. In the early
tle worm, gelatinous and without color.” 2000s Steven Miller, an atmospheric scientist then at
Verne’s pilot was on the right track, but it would be the Naval Research Laboratory in Monterey, Calif.,
more than a century before science began to catch up began to wonder whether satellite sensors could detect
with science fiction. In July 1985 a U.S. Navy research ves- bioluminescence from above. The only sensors capable
sel encountered a milky sea off the Arabian Peninsula. of observing visible light at night were those in the Oper-
The scientists onboard, who were conducting a broad ational Line Scan (OLS) system that flew on U.S. Air
study of marine bioluminescence, were equipped for this Force satellites. Miller knew that most surface displays
stroke of luck, and they quickly collected seawater sam- of marine bioluminescence were much too small to reg-
ples for inspection. In addition to the dinoflagellates, ister on the sensors, so, on a whim, he searched the
NOAA/Colorado State University/CIRA
copepods and other types of plankton associated with the Internet for mentions of widespread bioluminescence.
familiar, flashing displays, the samples contained biolu- He turned up a description of milky seas on the Web site
minescent bacteria. The researchers suggested that milky Science Frontiers, an idiosyncratic catalog of “unusual &
seas occurred after algae colonies on the water’s surface unexplained” happenings then maintained by physicist
bloomed and died. When the dead algal cells ruptured, William R. Corliss.
they released lipids subsequently consumed by bacte- Miller, his curiosity piqued, began to collect eyewit-
ria, which then multiplied furiously, eventually becom- ness accounts. Among them was a relatively recent report
Jerome Mallefet/Minden Pictures; David Shale/Minden Pictures; David Shale/Minden Pictures; Jerome Mallefet-FNRS/
called the day-night band (DNB) sensor would allow a steady glow results from “quorum sensing,” the ability
left: a green
systematic survey of milky seas. The sensor, launched in of bacteria to communicate through chemical signaling.
Minden Pictures; Jerome Mallefet-FNRS/Minden Pictures; Solvin Zankl/Minden Pictures (c lockwise from top left)
brittle star;
2011, now rides on two satellites more than 500 miles Once their density is high enough to produce a percep-
a firefly squid
above Earth’s surface, each orbiting the planet daily. tible collective glow, they sustain a continual shine. But
whose under-
More than 100 times as sensitive as the OLS, the DNB why? Some biologists think bioluminescence in other
side glows to
can easily pick up the gleam of a milky sea. But it can marine organisms helps them attract food or mates or camouflage it
also pick up the faint “airglow” produced by the absorp- functions as a kind of burglar alarm, flashing when they against the
tion of ultraviolet light in the upper atmosphere, some are under attack in hopes of attracting the predators of water above
of which is reflected by clouds. “There were clouds every- their predators. The glow of quorum sensing in bacte- when seen by
where. The airglow is emitting upward, and sometimes ria may act as a different invitation: when a colony runs enemies below;
it makes this really diffuse, widespread veil of light,” low on food in the open water, it may glow to encourage a viperfish;
Miller explains. Differentiating bioluminescence from nearby fish to come and consume the bacteria, conse- two hatchetfish;
these other phenomena, he adds, “took us many years quently sustaining the bacteria in their guts. a dragonfish;
of looking at what seemed like very noisy imagery.” The decade of DNB data complicates the idea that and the belly
Thanks to the long history of sightings by mariners, milky seas occur most frequently in winter and late sum- of a pearlside.
Miller and Haddock knew that the occurrences of milky mer. The peaks in milky-sea formation do appear to be Dots along the
seas peaked in winter and summer and that they were strongest in the northwestern Indian Ocean when win- belly are photo-
most often reported in the northwestern Indian Ocean, ter and summer monsoons trigger phytoplankton blooms phores—organs
where both the A labama a nd the L
ima h ad encountered by bringing deep, cold, nutrient-rich water to the sea sur- that produce
them, as well as around Indonesia, in particular near the face. Farther east, however, milky seas may be set up by light through
island of Java and in the Banda Sea. Narrowing his search the Indian Ocean Dipole, an El Niño–like pattern of sea- chemical reac-
to these seasons and locations, Miller analyzed DNB data surface temperatures associated with cool, dry conditions tions or symbi-
collected on moonless nights from 2012 through 2021, and strong winds in the eastern Indian Ocean between otic bacteria.
hen sea angels hunt, they transform
into monsters. The free-swimming slugs,
less than an inch long, store six jellylike
“arms” known as buccal cones inside
their heads (left). When they sense prey—
for example, a nearby sea butterfly—
muscles in their core contract, causing
Alexander Semenov
High-tech mapping is finding surprising
underwater formations everywhere
By Mark Fischetti
Illustrations by Maceij Frolow
ceanographers are fond of saying that we know more about the moon’s surface than
we do about Earth’s seafloor. It’s true. As of 2017, only 6 percent of the global seabed
had been mapped, typically by ships with sonar instruments sailing back and forth
in straight lines across a local section of sea.
But since then, nations have become eager to chart the sea- governments, industries and research institutions everywhere.
floor within their own “exclusive economic zones,” which reach Public release of previously private bathymetric data is helping
200 nautical miles from their shores, in part to look for critical to widen the areas plotted. And uncrewed, remotely operated
minerals they can scrape up using big mining machines. The vehicles fitted with sonar that can zoom around underwater for
other push is Seabed 2030—an effort to map Earth’s entire sea- days at a time are speeding the pace of mapping. By June 2022
floor by 2030, run jointly by the Nippon Foundation and the non- an impressive 21 percent of the world’s seafloor had been charted.
profit General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. The more experts map, the more surprises they find—such as the
The goal is to collect and stitch together mapping done by three unexpected, unusual formations revealed here.
Scientists at James Cook University in Australia were charting
underwater habitats just beyond the northern end of the
Great Barrier Reef using multibeam sonar when they came
on a freestanding coral reef tower 1,640 feet tall—taller than
the Empire State Building. The base of the wedge, shaped like
a shark fin, is almost a mile across, and the tip is only 130 feet
below the sea surface. Subsequent dives by a remotely
operated vehicle showed the tower was teeming with fish
and exhibited no signs of the coral bleaching that has
tormented the Great Barrier Reef.
eclusive telescopefish live nearly a mile
below the ocean’s surface, where they
feed on bioluminescent creatures. They
orient themselves vertically to pick out
the silhouettes of prey swimming
overhead, then strike with their nasty
jaws. Whenever they ingest a glowing
Danté Fenolio/Science Source
E very evening around the world trillions of zooplankton, many smaller than
a grain of rice, hover hundreds of feet below the surface of the sea, waiting
for their signal. Scientists long considered these tiny animals to be drifters,
passive specks suspended in the ocean, moved by the whims of tides and cur-
rents. And yet, just before the sun disappears, the swarms begin to rise on a
clandestine journey to the surface.
As they climb, clusters of other zooplankton join in: copepods, salps, krill
and fish larvae. The multitudes remain near the surface at night, but just as the first beams of
morning light begin to cascade across the sea, they are already turning back down to the deep.
As sunset and sunrise slide from east to west every 24 hours—across the Pacific Ocean, then the
Indian, the Southern and the Atlantic—swarm after swarm make the same upward journey,
retreating as daylight returns.
Humans are mostly unaware of this daily aquatic movement,
known as diel vertical migration, but it’s the largest routine
There are all kinds of crosscurrents and eddies. Now, with
increasingly sophisticated sonar, underwater autonomous vehi-
migration of life on Earth. Current estimates indicate some cles and advances in DNA sequencing, researchers are starting
10 billion tons of animals make these excursions every day. Some to understand those details. The specifics will help answer ques-
of them ascend from more than 3,000 feet below. It’s an aston- tions that have implications for the oceanic food web, the global
ishing feat. For a quarter-inch fish larva, making a one-way ver- carbon budget and the very nature of life on Earth.
tical trip of 1,000 feet is the equivalent of a human swimming
more than 50 miles—in just an hour or so. During the trip these DANCES OF THE DEEP
animals pass through zones of ocean where the conditions are Early recordings of diel migration date to World War II, when
wildly different. At 1,000 feet the water is roughly 39 degrees ships and submarines using sonar to sweep the oceans for enemy
Fahrenheit—maybe 20 degrees colder than the surface—and the subs detected something odd—parts of the seafloor seemed to be
pressure is about 460 pounds per square inch, more than 30 moving up and down, creating a deep “scattering layer” that
times what it is up top. Why would huge numbers of tiny ani- reflected the sonar signals. The layer fluctuated twice a day by as
tonaquatic/Getty Images (p receding pages)
mals make such an arduous trip every day? much as 3,000 feet—shifts that seemed to defy logic. In 1945
The short answer is to eat—and to avoid being eaten. During oceanographer Martin Johnson embarked on a research ship to
the day vulnerable zooplankton hide from predators such as sample plankton at various times and depths over 24 hours. “From
squid and fish in the dark depths. When night begins to fall, they these preliminary observations there appears to be some direct
rush to the surface to feed on phytoplankton—the microscopic correlation of the planktonic animals with the scattering layer,”
aquatic plants that live in the top few hundred feet of water— Johnson wrote. The proposal that the layer was composed of liv-
under cover of night. ing creatures raised more questions than it answered, however.
But this is just the prevailing wind of vertical migration. Answering those questions proved difficult. The animals
Solvin Zankl/Minden Pictures; Sergio Hanquet/Minden Pictures; Sergio Hanquet/Minden Pictures (top row, left to right);
Solvin Zankl/Minden Pictures; Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures; Sinclair Stammers/Minden Pictures (bottom row, left to right)
of tiny animals. Clockwise from top left: A crab larva known an inkling that it might hold part of the carbon answer.
as a megalopa from the Atlantic Ocean; a blue and orange On the ocean’s surface, phytoplankton suck an enormous
plankton from the Canary Islands; a sea butterfly also from amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but they release
the Canary Islands; an arrow worm, found in all oceans, much of it right back into the air, often within days. As migrat-
from the surface to the deep; a blue bioluminescent plankton ing zooplankton swim up at night and eat these marine plants,
from the Arctic Ocean; and a buglike copepod from the Atlantic they become a kind of biological conveyor, transporting carbon
deep sea, common in tropical regions. down into the deep sea, where it can get sequestered for hun-
dreds or thousands of years.
ing to piece together the global carbon budget—the amount of To study this crucial movement of carbon, Michael Stukel, a
carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere and the amount plankton and marine biogeochemistry researcher at Florida State
pulled from it, in part by marine ecosystems. The numbers University, spends a lot of time peering through a microscope at
weren’t adding up; more carbon was disappearing from the zooplankton’s fecal pellets. Individual excretions are small, but
ocean surface than they could account for. Then Steinberg got when they happen on such an enormous scale, they take on global
a look into the darkness. biogeochemical significance.
As part of her research, done at the Bermuda Institute of Fecal pellets from vertical migrators, rich in carbon, descend
Ocean Sciences, Steinberg would often dive during the daytime, through the water column. They are joined by other sinking bio-
and she became well versed in the local fauna. But then she got logical particles, creating “marine snow” that slowly drops to the
to take a night dive. She plunged off the side of a small boat above deep seafloor. Together with the swimming zooplankton carry-
13,000 feet of dark water and soon found “it was a totally differ- ing their carbon-loaded dinners back down with them, this global
ent community. I was in the water with animals of every single sequestration of carbon means the planet is “not as hot as it oth-
kind,” she recalls, her voice still ringing with excitement more erwise would be,” Stukel says.
than a quarter of a century later. That night was her cue to Estimates of the amount of carbon sequestered by migrating
Photographs by Devin
56 Scientific American, August 2022 Oktar Yalkin
the Scripps Institu
tion of Oceanography
wade through sea
grass beds near
San Diego (opposite
page). The scientists
collect microbes
there for study and
store them in ultra
cold freezers at their
lab (this page).
fter completing six long rounds of
chemotherapy, 75-year-old Pedro
R. L. received the news he and his
family had been hoping for: his
chronic lymphocytic leukemia was
in complete remission. But while
his body was still recovering, he
contracted COVID-19. He was admitted to the Quirón-
salud Madrid University Hospital on January 30, 2021.
Initial treatments failed, and by February 25 he had
developed severe pneumonia. That’s when his doctor,
Pablo Guisado, recommended they try plitidepsin, a
potent antiviral compound in a phase 3 clinical trial
for treating hospitalized COVID patients.
Plitidepsin comes from a place few drugmakers
would have predicted: the seafloor around Es Vedrá, an
uninhabited rocky island off the southwestern coast of
Ibiza, Spain. Back in 1988, Madrid-based pharmaceuti-
cal company PharmaMar organized an expedition to
the storied site, an abrupt outcrop thought to have
inspired Homer’s tale in The Odyssey about singing
sirens luring sailors to their death. While diving on a
reef packed with purple corals and red sea fans, scien-
tists pulled a comparatively uninspiring invertebrate cer angle because cancer drugs tend to be more profit-
creature from a rocky slope 36 meters deep—a translu- able than antivirals. After decades of research and test-
cent, pale-yellow tunicate, Aplidium albicans, t hat ing, in 2018 Australia approved plitidepsin as a treat-
resembled a wad of discarded facial tissues. ment for multiple myeloma.
The researchers were interested in tunicates because When the COVID pandemic hit, company scientists
they filter-feed on plankton by continuously drawing quickly proved that plitidepsin was effective against
water through their barrel-shaped bodies. Along with SARS-CoV-2 in both laboratory cultures and mice, and
their food, they pull in viruses and other pathogens, so it outperformed competing antivirals in preclinical,
they need strong chemical defenses to fight off infec- head-to-head trials. In 2020 PharmaMar launched a
tious organisms—and that makes them promising phase 1-2 clinical trial for hospitalized COVID
sources for medicines. that concluded in 2021. The results were dramatic:
By 1990 PharmaMar had isolated a compound from 74 percent of the patients with moderate disease recov-
the A. albicans specimen that was active against both ered fully within a week of their first dose. The phase 3
cancer and virus cultures. PharmaMar pursued the can- trial is due to finish by December. In May, PharmaMar
In 1989 Paul Jensen brought sediments from the Baha-
mian seafloor back to his lab at the Scripps Institution
of Oceanography to mine them for medically useful bac-
teria. It wasn’t easy. His first challenge was to grow
marine bacteria in lab conditions that are, at best, an
approximation of those in the ocean. Then, when some
species grew, he had to persuade them to produce at
least a few of the molecules in their arsenal, even
though they weren’t subject to the same stimuli they
would face in their natural environment.
Despite these hurdles, Jensen eventually discovered
a new species of bacteria, S alinispora tropica, t hat pro- sequencing the DNA of entire communities of organ-
duced a novel cancer-killing molecule. That compound, isms in a sample—revealed still more hidden potential.
now marketed as marizomib, has just completed a Scientists started to find compound-encoding gene
phase 3 trial as a drug for glioblastoma, the deadly brain clusters in species they hadn’t even cultured in the lab.
cancer that claimed the lives of John McCain and Beau Today Jensen is also looking directly for molecules
Biden. It is currently awaiting approval from the Food instead of the microbes that produce them. On four
and Drug Administration. Marizomib is a powerful occasions over the past year, postdoctoral researchers
example of the potential for marine bacteria to yield on his team have waded into the seagrass beds off San
new medicines, but the process took more than three Diego’s Point Loma peninsula to submerge sheets of
decades, motivating Jensen and others to look for bet- tiny, absorbent beads, called resins, that pull organic
ter approaches. molecules out of seawater. Back in the lab, Jensen ana-
By the early 2000s genomics had transformed their lyzes the samples for bioactive compounds—chemicals
work. The first full genome sequences for marine that can act on a living organism.
microbes, including S. tropica, r evealed that species He already has a hit: a compound with an unusual
that produced just a few compounds in lab cultures carbon skeleton that includes a group of enzyme-reac-
could usually make many more; some of them had doz- tive molecules Jensen thinks could act “as something
ens of compound-encoding gene clusters in their DNA. like a warhead.” This novel structure might function
Within a few years metagenomics—the process of very differently than existing medicines do. “I think it’s
Targeted genome mining couldn’t come at a better time.
The COVID pandemic has highlighted the need for a
deeper pool of drugs to treat emerging infectious dis-
eases. There is also a desperate need for new drugs to
treat established diseases. Many bacterial infections,
including pneumonia, tuberculosis, gonorrhea, blood
poisoning and various foodborne diseases, have become
harder—and in some cases, impossible—to treat be
cause of rising microbial resistance to antibiotics. Pub-
lic health officials widely recognize antibiotic resistance
as one of the gravest threats facing humanity.
Because almost all antibiotics come from terrestrial
microbes, it seems clear that marine microbes, which
are greatly understudied, hold the potential to address
this crisis. University of Sydney chemist Richard Payne
is particularly excited about their ability to treat tuber-
culosis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. “Over
the last 10 years TB has been the greatest killer among
infectious diseases,” Payne says, “and with all the efforts
that have gone to COVID, we’ve gone backward with
our control of TB.” An antibiotic that targets a differ-
ent TB protein than past drugs is needed.
That’s exactly what Payne found in a bacterium from
Shinyang Beach on Jeju Island, South Korea, a horse-
shoe of white sand on a small peninsula best known for
its ideal windsurfing and kitesurfing conditions. The
compound, ohmyungsamycin A, prevents M. tubercu-
losis from properly disposing of its waste proteins, ulti-
mately killing the cell. And when Payne created a set of
chemical analogs—slightly altered, chemically synthe-
sized molecules that could be produced in volume—one
of them was so potent that it completely sterilized a lab-
grown tuberculosis colony in three days. The drug has
already proved effective in infected zebra fish and is
moving on to trials in mice.
Finding and developing new antibiotics have largely
fallen to academics in recent decades because the drugs
sell at such low prices that pharmaceutical companies
lack the financial incentive to pursue them. The same
math applies to treatments for many neglected tropi-
cal diseases, including malaria. In 2012 Scripps chem-
ist William Gerwick isolated a molecule called carma-
phycin B from a tuft of cyanobacteria growing on a
boat’s mooring line in a Curaçao harbor. He chemically
synthesized a set of analogs that he tested against can-
cer cells, a frequent first line of research.
How the ocean organizes itself
Editor: Mark Fischetti
Graphics: Skye Moret and Jen Christiansen
Consultant: Kelly J. Benoit-Bird,
Science Chair, Monterey Bay
Aquarium Research Institute
Numerous diagrams depict the ocean as
a layer cake made up of five standard zones that
are defined by depth and are uniform worldwide.
The typical cross section, which is admittedly handy,
is shown below. In reality, however, the ocean is
much more dynamic and varied.
Pressure at sea level is
1 atmosphere (atm)
Sunlight typically will see hundreds of illustrations that
to 200 meters depict the same vertical profile of the
Zone sea. The thin, top layer is the “sun-
Sunlight light” or epipelagic zone, which receives
200 m (epipelagic) enough light for photosynthesis by phyto-
656 feet Twilight plankton, algae and some bacteria. Below it
1,000 m (mesopelagic) is the twilight zone, where the light fades but
0.6 mile is still strong enough for some animals to see
by and where many animals make their own
200 atm light through bioluminescence. Next is the
(2,000 m) Midnight midnight zone, with no measurable light, fol-
(bathypelagic) lowed by the relentlessly cold abyss. Finally,
there are the incredibly deep seafloor
400 atm
(4,000 m) trenches known as the hadal zone, named
4,000 m after Hades, Greek god of the underworld.
2.5 mi In this classic view, the amount of light
and the water pressure—which increases
steadily with depth—largely define which
600 atm Abyssal
creatures live where. Those factors are
(6,000 m)
important, but so are water temperature,
salinity, amounts of oxygen and nitrogen,
and the changing currents. Data collected
worldwide have revealed that ocean dynam-
Seafloor ics, and ocean life, are far more complex
Trench Hadal
than we thought, surprising us again and
again as we explore.
Surface water tends
Alique eossitempora
to be low in nitrogen
aspiciis et prat aliquis
because the element
sim res moditasim
is consumed by the 4,000 m
fugia nissequibus
many photosynthesiz 2.5 mi
aborro esequib
ing phytoplankton
usciandel ium
there. In the Southern Data from
velectumque volupta
Ocean, water that is Nov. 2003
core doloria cus
more uniformly dense
perspelibus et faccabo
from top to bottom
repellab id quisque sus
helps to distribute
expernam abo. Ut dus
nitrogen evenly.
ex estraestis apero qui
Each et
sphere indicates a measurement at that
quisque sus expernam
depth; more measurements have been made in
the Ut few
ex meters of the water column. 4,000 m
estrumaestis apero qui
cuserspelibus 2.5 mi
42.7 et
micromoles per kilogram
faccabo repellab id
0.04 µmol/kg
quisque sus expernam
abo. Ut dus ex
Warm water reaches deeper in equatorial regions such as the Indian
Ocean. The transitionaspiciis
Alique eossitempora between et warmer surface
prat aliquis sim reswaters and colder
moditasim fugia 5,000 m Data from
deep waters aborro
nissequibus happens at increasingly
esequib usciandelshallower depths toward
ium velectumque voluptathe
core 3.1 mi Jan. 2004
poles (Southern
doloria Ocean).etOn
cus perspelibus average,
faccabo worldwide
repellab temperature
id quisque in the
sus expernam
abo.700 meters
Ut dus has risen
ex estrum by about
inciend 0.8apero
aestis degreequiCelsius since 1971.
cuserspelibus et
faccabo repellab id quisque sus expernam abo. Ut dus ex estrum
0.5˚C 26.1˚C
levels are high at the surface, where water
with aireossitempora
and photosynthesis
aspiciisisetextensive. Low
prat aliquis sim res
Cold Hot concentrations
Each bubble represents
oxygen asium theyvelectumque
decompose small creatures.
volupta core doloria
a sample analyzed
Colder water,
cus as in theetSouthern
perspelibus faccaboOcean,
repellabcanid contain
quisque sus Data from
from a discrete depth.
more oxygen abo.byUtvolume.
dus ex In the past
estrum 50 years
inciend aestis Aug. 2005
oxygen levels
apero quiworldwide have et
cuserspelibus decreased
faccabo an average
repellab id of
316 µmol/kg
2 percquisque
ent, andsuslevels in some abo.
expernam tropical regions
Ut dus have
ex estrum
dropped by upaestis
inciend to 40apero
cus of warming. 11 µmol/kg
5,000 m
3.1 mi
Sources: World Ocean Atlas 2018,
by Tim P. Boyer et al., NOAA National
Centers for Environmental Information.
h ttps:// Central Pacific
accession/NCEI-WOA18. A ccessed June
2022 (d ata plotted on columns) ; “Global
Maps of Forel–Ule Index, Hue Angle
and Secchi Disk Depth Derived from
21 Years of Monthly ESA Ocean Colour
Climate Change Initiative Data,” by
Data from 6,000 m
Dec. 2005
Jaime Pitarch et al., in E arth System
Science Data, V ol. 13; February 2021
Southern Ocean
3.7 mi (photic zone reference); “A World of
Chlorophyll,” image created by Jesse
Allen, NASA Earth Observa t ory, using
data provided by SeaWiFS Project,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
and ORBIMAGE (s ea-surface color refer California Coast
ence) ; “The Global Importance of the
Southern Ocean and the Key Role of Its
Freshwater Cycle,” by Michael P. Mere
dith, inOcean Challenge, V ol. 23; 2019
(g lobal ocean conveyor belt reference) August 2022, 67
ing penguins nest in massive colonies—
sometimes with hundreds of thousands
of birds—on sub-Antarctic islands. They
do not build nests. Instead they keep
each egg warm on the top of their feet.
Tui De Roy/Minden Pictures
Discoveries keep revising our long-held views of life
By Timothy Shank
for more than 50 years deep-sea exploration has been a continuous fount of discoveries
that change how we think about life in the ocean, on dry land and even beyond our planet.
Consider the following three events.
On October 16, 1968, a cable tethering the submersible discovered a significant hydrothermal vent ecosystem on the East
lvin t o a research ship located 100 miles off Nantucket broke.
A Pacific Rise. The system had been destroyed by a seafloor erup-
The sub sank to the seafloor more than 5,000 feet below; the tion just a few years earlier, yet it had already been bountifully
crew of three escaped safely. Nearly a year later, when a team recolonized. A bologna sandwich might decay so slowly in the
brought Alvin b ack to the surface, the biggest surprise was that deep that you could eat it a year later, but it turned out that bio-
the crew’s lunch—bologna sandwiches and apples in a plastic logical processes in the deep sea could be extremely fast as well.
box—was strikingly well preserved. Bacteriological and bio- Each new ocean discovery that disrupts old dogma rein-
chemical assays proved it. Someone even took a bite. Subse- forces a much larger truth: the ocean is far more complex—and
quent experiments in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- much more intertwined with our own lives—than we ever
tion laboratory where I’m writing this article found that rates imagined. For much of the 20th century, for example, scientists
of microbial degradation in the retrieved samples were 10 to maintained that the deep ocean was a harsh, monotonous place
100 times slower than expected. This discovery, and others, led of perpetual darkness, frigid temperatures, limited food and
to the conclusion that metabolic and growth rates among deep- extreme pressure—conditions that should make complex forms
sea organisms were much slower than those of comparable spe- of life impossible. But new tools for observing, sensing and
cies at the ocean’s surface. sampling the deep ocean, such as increasingly sophisticated
In 1977 scientists diving in the restored Alvin made another underwater vehicles with high-definition camera systems, have
historic discovery—the first in-person observations of life demonstrated that biodiversity in the darkest depths may rival
around hot, hydrothermal vents rising from the seafloor. This that of rain forests and tropical coral reefs. These missions
sighting overturned the long-held view that our entire plane- have further revealed that the depths are far from uniform; like
tary food web was built on photosynthesis—using sunlight’s kangaroo habitat in Australia and tiger lands in Asia, they are
energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into complex car- home to evolutionarily distinct biogeographic regions.
bohydrates and oxygen. The hydrothermal organisms, and the We are beginning to appreciate how connected these realms
entire ecosystem, thrived in pure darkness, converting chemi- are to our own. The rapid three-dimensional change of condi-
cals in the vent fluid into life-sustaining compounds through a tions such as temperature, salinity and oxygen concentration in
process we now call chemosynthesis. the deep ocean and the currents and eddies that establish the
If that revelation wasn’t surprising enough, an expedition I boundaries of these provinces are expected to fundamentally
was part of in 1993 exposed an earlier mistaken belief. We had change as the effects of human activity reach ever farther below
THE ORPHEUS from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution terized by misfolded proteins. In addition, decoding the genes
is designed to maneuver autonomously and in swarms of vehicles that govern traits we see in deep-sea animals, such as those that
at the deepest depths and to land to collect samples on the fly. stave off errors in DNA replication, transcription and transla-
tion, might be used in therapies for cancer and other afflictions.
the surface. Already lobsters are moving to deeper, colder waters The greatest paradigm that ocean exploration may tear
and molting at different times of the year. Commercially impor- down is that Earth represents the sole example of life in the
tant groundfish such as cod and haddock are migrating pole- universe. Life might have existed on Mars when it hosted liquid
ward in search of more suitable habitat. water, and the fact that Earth and Mars have shared ejected
We are seeing that the ocean’s biogeographic boundaries are material in the past means we could have exchanged the build-
neither immutable nor beyond the imprint of humans. In stud- ing blocks of life. But the discovery of chemosynthetic life on
ies, more than half of sampled hadal organisms—those living in Earth and the more recent finding of perhaps 13 liquid-water
the deepest parts of the ocean, beyond 20,000 feet—had plas- oceans underneath the icy shells of moons such as Jupiter’s
tics in their gut. PCBs, which were banned in the U.S. in 1979 Europa and Saturn’s Enceladus—places that may have been too
Evan Kovacs/© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
and phased out internationally as part of the Stockholm Con- distant to have shared life-bearing material with Earth in the
vention beginning in 2001, are also common in tissues of ani- past—raise the possibility of a second, independent genesis of
mals from the extreme bottoms of the sea. life. And if life can form twice in one solar system, then it could
We are also starting to learn that life in the deep might have be anywhere we look in the heavens.
things to teach us. Deep-sea fish produce biomolecules called os
molytes that permit cellular functions, such as the precise fold-
ing and unfolding of proteins, to proceed unimpeded by crush-
ing water-column pressures exceeding 15,000 pounds per square Team Players. J effrey Marlow and Rogier Braakman; November 2018.
inch. Medical researchers have determined that some of these
s c i e n t if i c a m e r i c a n . c o m /m a g a zi n e /s a
molecules could help treat Alzheimer’s disease, which is charac-
The New
to the
Moon Commercial spacecraft are vying
to land on the lunar surface, but can
they kick-start a new space economy?
By Rebecca Boyle
The celebrated nurse improved public health
through her groundbreaking use of data storytelling
By RJ Andrews
2 3
Nightingale collaborated with physician and medical statistician
William Farr on her first batch of diagrams. They included bar
charts, area charts and circular diagrams (1). This diagram shows
the British Army’s monthly mortality rate across the war. The small
circle at the center of the composition represents the mortality
rate for similar groups in the city of Manchester, England, where
living conditions and general health were poor at the time, which
helped readers grasp the extreme mortality rate in the army.
UCLA Library Special Collections, History & Special Collections
sources who had recorded deaths during the war. An extant army
record (2) indicates the nonstandardized data that Nightingale
helped to wrangle. Farr’s team of GRO clerks assisted with data
analysis; they also drafted the diagrams. Nightingale managed and
funded diagram lithography, printing and distribution. Her edits,
which survive in correspondence and on diagram drafts, reveal a
leader engaged with the project from conception through produc-
tion. Although these first diagrams attracted attention, the circular
diagrams contained a visual encoding flaw that caused large values
to appear overexaggerated. Nightingale and her team corrected
the mistake in their second batch of graphics.
itary reform). The first diagram, shown here, emphasizes the problem by comparing
the monthly rate of army mortality across two years (radiating wedges) with the aver-
age mortality rate in the city of Manchester (inner circle).
Creating Our it turns out that each one makes different contributions to
self-related thought. The dorsal section plays a role in distin
Sense of Self
guishing self from other and appears to be task-related, where
as the ventral section, the vmPFC, contributes more to emo
tional processing.
In the SCAN study, the researchers used the self-reference
One brain region helps people effect to assess memories of present and future selves among
maintain a consistent identity people who had brain lesions to the vmPFC. The scientists
worked with seven people who had lesions to this area and
By Robert Martone
then compared them with a control group made up of eight
We are all time travelers. Every day we experience new things people with injuries to other parts of the brain, as well as 23
as we travel forward through time. As we do, the countless con healthy individuals without brain injuries. By comparing these
nections between the nerve cells in our brain recalibrate to groups, the scientists could investigate whether brain lesions
accommodate these experiences. It’s as if we reassemble our in general or those to the vmPFC specifically might affect SREs.
selves daily, maintaining a mental construct of ourselves in All people in the study underwent a thorough neuropsychol
physical time, and the glue that holds together our core identi ogical evaluation, which confirmed that they were within nor
ty is memory. mal ranges for a variety of cognitive assessments, including
Our travels are not limited to physical time. We also exper measures of verbal fluency and spatial short-term memory.
ience mental time travel. We visit the past through our memo The researchers then asked the participants to list adjectives to
ries and then journey into the future by imagining what to describe themselves and a well-known celebrity, both in the
morrow or next year might bring. When we do so, we think of present and 10 years in the future. Later, the participants had
ourselves as we are now, remember who we once were and to recall these same traits.
imagine how we will be. The researchers discovered that people in their control
A study, published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affec- group could recall more adjectives linked to themselves in the
tive Neuroscience (SCAN), explores how one particular brain present and future than adjectives linked to the celebrity. In
region helps to knit together memories of the present and other words, scientists found that the self-reference effect
future self. When people sustain an injury to that area, it leads extends to both the future and the present self. Although there
to an impaired sense of identity. The region—called the ventral was some variation in the group—people with brain injuries to
medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC)—may produce a fundamen areas other than the vmPFC were somewhat less able to recall
tal model of oneself and place it in mental time. When the re details about their future self when compared with healthy
gion does so, this study suggests, it may be the source of our participants—the self-reference effect still held true.
sense of self. Results were distinctly different, however, for the partici
Psychologists have long noticed that a person’s mind han pants with injuries to the vmPFC. People with lesions in this
dles information about oneself differently from other details. area had little or no ability to recall references to the self,
Memories that reference the self are easier to recall than other regardless of the context of time. Their identification of adjec
forms of memory. They benefit from what researchers have tives for celebrities in the present or future was also signifi
called a self-reference effect (SRE), in which information re cantly impaired when compared with the rest of the partici
lated to oneself is privileged and more salient in our thoughts. pants’ responses. In addition, people with vmPFC lesions had
Self-related memories are distinct from both episodic memory, less confidence about an individual’s ability to possess traits
the category of recollections that pertains to specific events than other people in the study. All of this evidence points to a
and experiences, and semantic memory, which connects to more central role for the vmPFC in the formation and maintenance
general knowledge, such as the color of grass and the charac of identity.
teristics of the seasons. The new findings are intriguing for several reasons. Brain
SREs, then, are a way to investigate how our sense of self lesions can help us understand the normal function of the re
emerges from the workings of the brain—something that multi gion involved. Lesions of the vmPFC are associated with altered
ple research groups have studied intensely. For example, previ personality, blunted emotions, and a number of changes in
ous research employed functional magnetic resonance imaging emotional and executive function. Injury to this area is most
(fMRI), a method that uses blood flow and oxygen consumption often associated with confabulations: false memories that peo
in specific brain areas as a measure of neural activity, to identify ple recite to listeners with great confidence. Although it may be
regions that were activated by self-reference. These studies iden tempting for someone to view confabulations as deliberate or
tified the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) as a brain region re creative falsehoods, people who tell them actually are unaware
lated to self-thought. that their stories are false. Instead it is possible their confusion
This area, the mPFC, can be further divided into upper could stem from misfunctioning memory retrieval and moni
and lower regions (called dorsal and ventral, respectively), and toring mechanisms.
More broadly, the study helps us understand how self- ity of the hippocampus alters creative and future imaginings,
related memories—recollections key to maintaining our core which suggests an important role for brain structures support
sense of identity—depend on the function of the vmPFC. But ing memory in imagining the future. In fact, although we often
what about our past selves? Curiously, in previous studies that think of memory as the brain’s accurate and dispassionate re
asked people to consider their past selves, there was no more cording device, some scholars have characterized it as a form
activation of the mPFC than when considering someone else. of imagination.
Our past selves seem foreign to us, as if they were individuals Future thought is a vital component of being human. Its im
apart from us. portance in our culture is embodied in the mythological figure
One idea that scientists have put forward to understand and pre-Olympian god Prometheus (whose name means “fore-
this distinction is that perhaps we are not very kind in our thinker”), patron of the arts and sciences. According to Greek
judgments of our past selves. Instead we may be rather critical legend, he shaped humans out of clay and bestowed them with
and harshly judgmental of our previous behavior, emotions fire and the skills of craftsmanship. These are acts that illus
and personal traits. In these situations, we may use our past trate the power of imagining a novel future. Although there is
primarily to construct a more positive self-image in the pres debate as to whether thinking about the future is an exclu
ent. Put another way, because we may recognize flaws in our sively human feature—birds such as Western Scrub-Jays, for
past self’s behavior, we tend to distance ourselves from the per example, appear to anticipate and plan for future food needs—
son we once were. it is clear that future thought has played a significant role in
Bringing the present and future into the spotlight, then, human evolution. This ability may have contributed to the
is central to understanding the way our brain and thoughts development of language, and it has a key part in human inter
build our current identities. In many ways, it makes sense that actions, where the vmPFC is central to evaluating and taking
the mPFC is important in this process of recalling present de advantage of social context.
tails and imagining future ones that build on our recollections. Now, thanks to this new research, we have a better idea than
The prefrontal cortex, including the mPFC and its subdivi ever about the way a small region within our brains is able to
sions, forms a network in the brain that is involved in future build and hold this core ability to maintain our identity.
planning. That network also includes the hippo campus, a
brain structure that is central to episodic memory formation
and that can track moments as sequential events in time. In Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
past work, researchers have found that manipulating the activ or send a letter to the editor:
Sad Species
Are humans really the smartest animals?
Review by Darcy B. Kelley
Would we, as a species, be better off if we scientists (who are generally considered
were more like other animals? I suspected smart humans) who devote their careers
I’d enjoy reading Justin Gregg’s tour of this to creating artificial intelligence can’t agree
question when he opened with a quote on what intelligence is. Humans basically
from Pyramids, by Terry Pratchett, a book “know it when we see it” and regard intelli-
in one of my favorite science-fiction series: gence as a positive trait. We often look out-
“Mere animals couldn’t possibly manage to ward for extraterrestrial signs of intelligence
act like this. You need to be a human being by seeking messages or signals that come
to be really stupid.” from faraway planets. Curiously, we don’t do
Gregg, an expert on animal cognition, very well with this search on our own planet.
explores what human foibles reveal about Let’s take lying: an overdeveloped hu-
animal intelligence by invoking philosopher man trait that is often employed for advan- The book is a snappy read but lingers:
Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche’s conun- tage. Gregg argues that the key feature of it left me wondering why we don’t respect
drum, as Gregg sees it, is that he both en- lying is intention. Although there is certainly signals of intelligence from other species—
vied cows and pitied them for the same rea- evidence of deception throughout the ani- and more deeply consider how our own
son: cows do not have an awareness that mal kingdom, our species has the supposed- intelligence works against us.
they will die. Nietzsche was both an intel- ly superlative abilities of language and “the-
lectual genius and a mental wreck—the lat- ory of mind.” But do they serve us well? Are Darcy B. Kelley is Harold Weintraub
ter overcoming the former when, so the we better off? Gregg dives into a fascinating Professor of Biological Sciences
story goes, he witnessed a horse being discussion of the downsides, running from at Columbia University.
whipped in Turin, Italy, and subsequently Jane Austen (“we have daily proof”) to the
suffered a psychotic break. The premise modern onslaught of disinformation. From
here is that being unhappy is the price our here he compares our species with others in If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal:
species pays for intelligence. But how do we terms of “death wisdom” and mortality and hat Animal Intelligence Reveals
know if other animals are actually happier? later considers the happiness of bees, as about Human Stupidity
Gregg cheekily points out that even the well as what it means to foresee the future. by Justin Gregg. Little, Brown, 2022 ($29)
Meet Us by the Roaring Sea: Doctors and Distillers: The Milky Way:
A T he Remarkable Medicinal History n Autobiography of Our Galaxy
by Akil Kumarasamy. of Beer, Wine, Spirits, and Cocktails by Moiya McTier.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2022 ($27) by Camper English. Grand Central Publishing, 2022 ($27)
Penguin Books, 2022 ($18, paperbound)
Set in a future of eye scans, carbon credits and Moiya McTier assumes the role of cosmic inter-
advanced AI, Akil Kumarasamy’s new novel none- Your favorite cocktail may very well have its roots preter to let our galaxy tell her own story. As a char-
theless feels surprisingly like home—even as it in medicine of generations past. With immense wit acter, the Milky Way is a cross between a Greek
tests the boundaries of self and story. and charm, author Camper English traces millen- goddess and GLaDOS, the artificially
Its protagonist, grieving the recent nia to explore how civilizations used superintelligent computer system from
death of her mother, throws herself fermented and distilled beverages to the Portal video-game series. She gos-
into translating a little-known Tamil do everything from hydrating the sips about other galaxies, teaches us
manuscript about 17 medical stu- workforce to fending off the Black about her past and imparts a primer on
dents who strove to achieve radical compassion Death. English takes a tongue-in- astrophysics, all the while relishing every opportunity
during the Sri Lankan Civil War (dating to 1983– cheek approach to his subject matter, resulting in to throw shade on humankind’s egocentrism and
2009). This and her other portals to shared experi- wildly compelling stories, such as how Buckfast, closed-mindedness. McTier—who in 2021 became
ence—the omnipresent television, a new drug that a tonic wine created by monks to treat colds and the first Black woman to graduate from Columbia
transfers memories—dissolve the barriers of being influenza, became the “U.K.’s version of Four Loko.” University’s astronomy Ph.D. program—dedicates
into a dizzying alchemy of past and present, love It is every bit as entertaining as it is educational. the book “to everyone who’s been made to feel that
and truth, death and memory. —Dana Dunham — Mike Welch they’re not ‘sciencey enough.’” —Maddie Bender
Wishful Thinking been invented or build a civilization on Mars without first figur-
ing out how to get even one human being there. You’d likely con-
in Climate Science sider me irrational, perhaps delusional. Yet this kind of thinking
pervades plans for future decarbonization.
The IPCC models, for instance, depend heavily on carbon cap-
Influential carbon-reduction models ture and storage, also called carbon capture and sequestration
(either way, CCS). Some advocates, including companies such as
rely on tech that doesn’t exist ExxonMobil, say CCS is a proven, mature technology because for
By Naomi Oreskes years industry has pumped carbon dioxide or other substances
into oil fields to flush more fossil fuel out of the ground. But car-
At last year’s Glasgow COP26 meetings on the climate crisis, U.S. bon dioxide doesn’t necessarily stay in the rocks and soil. It may
envoy and former U.S. secretary of state John Kerry stated that migrate along cracks, faults and fissures before finding its way
solutions to the climate crisis will involve “technologies that we back to the atmosphere. Keeping pumped carbon in the ground—
don’t yet have” but are supposedly on the way. Kerry’s optimism in other words, achieving net negative emissions—is much hard-
comes directly from scientists. You can read about these beliefs er. Globally there are only handful of places where this is done.
in the influential Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change None of them is commercially viable.
(IPCC) Integrated Assessment Models, created by researchers. One site is the Orca plant in Iceland, touted as the world’s big-
These models present pathways to carbon reductions that may gest carbon-removal plant. Air-captured carbon dioxide is mixed
permit us to keep climate change below two degrees Celsius. They with water and pumped into the ground, where it reacts with the
rely heavily on technologies that don’t yet exist, such as ways to basaltic rock to form stable carbonate minerals. That’s great. But
store carbon in the ground safely, permanently and affordably. the cost is astronomical—$600 to $1,000 per ton—and the scale
Stop and think about this for a moment. Science—that is to is tiny: about 4,000 tons a year. By comparison, just one compa-
say, Euro-American science—has long been held as our model for ny, tech giant Microsoft (which has pledged to offset all its emis-
rationality. Scientists frequently accuse those who reject their sions), produced nearly 14 million tons of carbon in 2021. Or look
findings of being irrational. Yet depending on technologies that at carbon capture at the Archer Daniels Midland ethanol plant
do not yet exist is irrational, a kind of magical thinking. That is in Illinois, which, since 2017, has been containing carbon at a cost
a developmental stage kids are expected to outgrow. Imagine if to the American taxpayer of $281 million (more than half the
I said I planned to build a home with materials that had not yet total project cost); at the same time, overall emissions from the
plant have increased. And the total number of people employed
in the project? Eleven. Meanwhile numerous CCS plants have
failed. In 2016 the Massachusetts Institute of Technology closed
its Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies program
because the 43 projects it was involved with had all been can-
celed, put on hold or converted to other things.
It’s obvious why ExxonMobil and Archer Daniels Midland are
pushing CCS. It makes them look good, and they can get the tax-
payer to foot the bill. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act, passed last year, contained more than $10 billion for efforts
to develop carbon-capture technologies. In contrast, the act con-
tained merely $420 million for renewable energy—water, wind,
geothermal and solar.
Scaling up solar and wind is going to cost money and will need
to be supported by effective public policies. The big question is,
Why can’t we get those programs? One reason is the continued
obstructive activities of the fossil-fuel industry. But why do sci-
entists accept this hand-waving? My guess is that, frustrated by
the inability of elected officials to overcome the political obsta-
cles, researchers think that getting around the technological ob
stacles will be less difficult. They may be right. But by the time
we know if they are, it may be too late.
Visit Scientific American on Facebook and Twitter
or send a letter to the editor:
Aug us t
1922 Topographers
Hike a Lot
“Last year a good many of the keen-
a forlorn hope than it did.’ ”
During a subsequent 1924 attempt to
scale the peak, George Mallory and his
beautiful little green leaves. A
young oak tree, growing in this
way on the mantelshelf, is a very
eyed engineers and their assis partner, Andrew Irvine, disappeared, elegant and interesting object.”
tants making maps for the United last seen less than 1,000 feet from the
States Geological Survey covered summit. Mallory’s body was not found Mineral Water Inquiry
12,311 square miles of territory, until 1999. “It would be a most desirable study
making the total mapped since for a physician of experience to tour
the work began in 1879 equal to
43 percent of the country, exclu
sive of Alaska: 1,301,136 square
1872 Electric
“The following are the electric
our most renowned mineral waters,
and to accurately ascertain their
real merits. Most of the published
miles. The engineers are estimated lights in England and France with descriptions are by proprietors,
to have tramped an aggregate of the dates they were erected: Dun hotel keepers, or those in their
approximately nine million miles, geness, January 1862; Cape La Heve, interest, who are only concerned
for the average amount of walking France, South Light, December to brag as loudly as possible about
varies, from five miles for every 1863, North Light, November 1866; the virtues of particular sources.
square mile surveyed in ordinary Cape Grisnez, France, February Certain it is that the prolonged use
country to ten or more miles in 1869; Souter Point, England, Janu of any mineral water in health or
rough country.” ary 1871; South Foreland, England, disease is of doubtful efficacy.”