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Interviews - Questions You Should Be Prepared For (UPP INT)

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Interviews: questions you should be prepared for (p1)

Pre-select 10 of the following interview questions to ask your speaking partner. Conduct a short interview using the
10 questions. Then it is your partner's turn to select 10 different questions to ask you.

 Tell me about yourself! (you have 3/5/10 min)

 What is your strongest point? Second strongest point? Third strongest point?
 What is your weakest point? Second weakest Third weakest?
 Why are you applying for a job in our company rather than elsewhere?
 There are a lot of applicants for this job. Why should we prefer you to the others?
 Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time? What skills do you have to help you?
 Why did you leave your previous job?
 What interests you most in this job?
 Could you see yourself in the director’s chair?
 What makes you angry?
 What do you do with your free time?
 What kind of decisions do you find difficult to make?
 Are you in good shape?
 Do you have drive? Give examples.
 What do you expect from your employer?
 Have you applied elsewhere?
 Do you think you’ll stay here for long?
 Do you see any problem in working for a woman?
 What salary do you expect?
 Do you have any questions?
 Have you prepared the answers that you’re giving?
 What particularly interested you in our ad?
 What kind of impression do you think you are making?
 Describe your father, your mother. Which is your model?
 Are you prepared to work extremely hard for us?
 Are you afraid of failure? How do you react to failure? Give an example.
 Sell yourself! Better still; make me want to buy you!
 What are your results so far?
 What has helped you most in life?
 What do you like to do in life?
 What impressions did you leave on people in your past jobs?
 Have you every managed people? How do you go about it? Give an example.
 How do you integrate in a group? Give an example.
 What do you know about us?
 Describe your car.
 What questions would you like me to ask you?
 Do you accept hierarchy? Discipline? A certain disorder?
 Do you have fixed political opinions?
 Do you enjoy taking risks?
 Do you like money? Why? What for?
 Do you do any sports? Why?
 What newspapers do you read? What do you think about recent events in.....?
 What were your biggest difficulties in the past? How did you cope with them?
 Do you enjoy responsibility?
 What kind of details would you like me to remember about you?
 Are you creative? Give me an example.
Interviews: questions you should be prepared for (p2)
 What really motivates you?
 Who are your moral references?
 Are you stubborn? Give an example.
 What do you think of your diploma?
 How do you prefer to express yourself: orally or in writing?
 Why did you do the studies you did?
 Why did you choose this company for your industrial training period?
 Can you show me your written report?
 How long have you been looking for work? Why?
 Are you a good listener?
 Are you prepared to follow a course in....?
 So you don’t speak Japanese?
 Are you prepared to move about in your work? Nationally? Abroad?
 Do you know what your handwriting shows?
 Which animal would you like to be? Why?
 Do you think your age is problem?
 Why choose our small company? Why choose our large company?
 Do you enjoy working?
 What does ‘honesty’ mean to you? Are you sincere?
 Are you lying in any of your answers?
 What does ‘turnover’ mean?
 If you had to choose between ‘freedom’ and ‘security’, which would you opt for?
 As a woman would you have any difficulty in this job?
 Why would you succeed in this job?
 What do you know about our products, our market, our customers, our competitors?
 When would you be available to start?
 Do you speak any foreign languages? What is your level? Have you lived abroad? What foreign
newspapers or magazines do you read?
 How could you contribute to our company’s development?
 Why did you make a spontaneous application?
 Are you open-minded? Give an example.
 Are you religious?
 What is your ambition?
 If you won £50,000, how would you spend it?
 Why did you put …... on your C.V.?
 How would you react to being made redundant?
 Time is money. Do you agree?
 Define the terms ‘organize’, ‘train’, delegate’, ‘command’.
 What is a good working atmosphere for you?
 Could you tell me about any recent work conflict you may have had?
 Why do you like supervising others?
 How would you prefer to be paid? Fixed rate or commission?
 Would you like to set up your own company one day?
 What do you think of company training schemes?
 What spurs you on in life? Money? Power? Creativity?
 What a firm handshake!
 Describe yourself in three words.
 If you don’t get the job, what are you planning on doing?
 When can you start?
Find an example of a job offer which suits your profile best (consult your CV) and prepare your interview
answers for this job.

Behavioural Interviewing (From: “Business Builder”, Emmerson, Macmillan)

Mini-interview: your management abilities

Prepare for a mini-interview. Decide which of the following areas you want to talk about and make some notes,
using examples from your own experience. Then work with a partner / tutor to discuss how you would answer each

1. Teamwork: Give an example of when you were part of a team. What was the occasion? What were the
objectives? What was your contribution? How did you encourage other team members?

2.Persuasion and negotiation: Give an example of when you attempted to persuade other people. What was the
occasion? How did you prepare? -What actions did you take? What was the result?

3. Planning and objectives: Give an example of when you created a plan to meet specific objectives. What did you
have to plan? What preparations did you make? How did you check progress? Was there a deadline? Did you
achieve your objectives deadline?

4. Decision-making: Give an example of a situation where you made a complex decision. What was the situation?
What information did you use? Why did you choose this information? What did you consider before making your
final decision? What was your final decision? What were the advantages and disadvantages of this decision?

5. Development of others: Give an example of a situation where you encouraged other people. How did you know
they were not performing effectively? What did you do? Why did you do this? What was the result?

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