separate sheet of paper. 8. A flat surface that extends
infinitely along its length and
1. These terms have formal width.
definition. a. Line c. Plane
a. Axioms/postulate b. Point d. Postulate
b. Defined terms 9. Points that lie on the same line.
c. Undefined terms a. Line c. Collinear Points
d. Theorems b. Non-Collinear d. Point
2. Cannot be precisely defined. Points
a. Axioms/postulate 10. Points that do not lie on the
b. Defined terms same line.
c. Undefined terms a. Line c. Collinear Points
d. Theorems b. Non-Collinear
3. A statement which is accepted Points d. Point
as true without proof. 11. It is part of a line consisting two
a. Axioms/postulate end points.
b. Defined terms a. Line segment c. Plane
c. Undefined terms b. Opposite rays d. Ray
d. Theorems 12. It is part of a line with only one
4. A statement that can be endpoint and extending in only
proven. one direction.
a. Axioms/Postulate a. Line segment c. Plane
b. Defined terms b. Opposite rays d. Ray
c. Undefined terms 13. In a line arrowhead symbolizes
d. Theorems what?
5. What are the undefined terms? a. Stop c. Infinity
a. Collinear points, coplanar b. Pause d. None
points, subset of a line 14. Two lines that lie in the same
b. Point, line, plane plane and do not intersect are
c. Axioms, postulate, called.
theorems a. Perpendicular c. Lines
d. Parallel, perpendicular, lines
intersecting lines. b. Parallel lines d. Plane
6. It has only location but no 15. It is a figure formed by two
dimension, length, width, noncollinear rays with a
thickness, and does not occupy common endpoint called the
an area vertex.
a. Line c. Plane a. Angle c. Point
b. Point d. Postulate b. Sides d. Rays
7. It is a straight, continuous
arrangement, it extends
infinitely in two directions.
a. Line c. Plane
16. It is a one dimensional
18. It is a one dimensional
20. It is a one dimensional figu
II. Identification
Give what is asked in the
2. It is having the same shape and size
1. It is having the same shape and size
2-4. Give the three properties of triangle
2-4. Give the three properties of triangle congruence.
5-7. Give the parts of a triangle
5-7. Give the parts of a triangle
8. The symbol of “correspondence to”
8. The symbol of “correspondence to”
9. What is included in SAS postulate?
9. What is included in SAS postulate?
10. “If two angles and the included side
10. “If two angles and the included side of one triangle are congruent to two
of one triangle are congruent to two angles and an included side of another
angles and an included side of another triangle, then the two triangles are
triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.” What postulate is this?
congruent.” What postulate is this?
11. “If two sides and an included angle
11. “If two sides and an included angle of one triangle are congruent to two
of one triangle are congruent to two sides and the included angle of another
sides and the included angle of another triangle, then two triangles are
triangle, then two triangles are congruent.”. What postulate is this?
congruent.”. What postulate is this?
12. “If three sides of one triangle are
12. “If three sides of one triangle are congruent to three sides of another
congruent to three sides of another triangle, then the two triangles are
triangle, then the two triangles are congruent.” What postulate is this?
congruent.” What postulate is this?
13.-15. For 3 points. Write my full name
13.-15. For 3 points. Write my full name
that they are congruent using
ASA, and SSS postulate.
1. ASA postulate
1. △BAM ≅ △TOP
BA = 15cm ¿= 15cm
AM = 15cm OP = 15cm
MB = 15cm PT = 15cm