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Journal of Infection 86 (2023) 9–13

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Redefining Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: A structured approach

guiding diagnostic and therapeutic management
Ilse J.E. Kouijzer a, Vance G. Fowler Jr. b,c, Jaap ten Oever a,∗
Department of Internal Medicine and Radboud Center for Infectious Diseases, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Department of Medicine, Duke University, Durham North Carolina, USA
Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, North Carolina, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: The current duration of therapy in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) is based on dif-
Accepted 23 October 2022 ferentiating complicated from uncomplicated disease. While this approach allows clinicians and investiga-
Available online 9 November 2022
tors to group SAB patients into broadly similar clinical categories, it fails to account for the intrinsic het-
Keywords: erogeneity of SAB. This is due in part to the fact that risk factors for metastatic infection and confirmed
Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia metastatic infection are considered as equivalent in most scoring systems. In this viewpoint, we propose
Classification a two-step system of categorizing patients with SAB. Initially, patients with SAB would be categorized as
Risk stratification ‘high risk’ or ‘low risk’ for metastatic infection based upon an initial set of diagnostic procedures. In the
Diagnostic work-up second step, patients identified as ‘high-risk’ would undergo additional diagnostic evaluation. The results
Individualized treatment of this stepwise diagnostic evaluation would define a ‘final clinical diagnosis’ to inform an individualized
final treatment plan.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Introduction into three categories: simple SAB, uncomplicated SAB, and com-
plicated SAB, with differing durations of therapy with each cate-
Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB) is characterized by a gory. Over a decade later, the Infectious Diseases Society of Amer-
unique ability to involve metastatic infections in almost every or- ica (IDSA) guidelines for the treatment of methicillin resistant S.
gan system in the body. Around 20% of the patients with SAB die aureus (MRSA) infections omitted the category of ‘simple SAB’, and
within 30 days.1 In patients with SAB, the distinction between un- defined uncomplicated SAB as the presence of all of the follow-
complicated and complicated SAB is therapeutically important, as ing: a) negative follow-up blood cultures obtained 2–4 days af-
guidelines recommend different treatment durations for these two ter the initial set; b) defervescence within 72 h of initiating ef-
entities.2 , 3 However, this dichotomous classification strategy can fective therapy; c) no prosthetic material; and d) no endocarditis
incompletely reflect the heterogeneity of SAB. In this viewpoint, and metastatic infection.2 These guidelines recommend that pa-
we discuss the limitations of the currently used definitions for SAB. tients with uncomplicated SAB should be treated with at least 2
We then propose a new approach to define the extent of infection weeks of parenteral antibiotics.
in patients with SAB, providing an individualized framework for di- The term ‘complicated’ SAB, further defined in 20035 to include
agnosis and treatment. attributable mortality, metastatic foci or infection beyond the pri-
mary focus, or relapse, has become embedded in everyday practice
Current classification and scientific research. Subsequent studies6 and the IDSA guide-
lines2 also included the presence of positive follow-up blood cul-
There is currently no consensus on the exact definitions of tures in the definition of complicated SAB, because of its strong
‘complicated’ and ‘uncomplicated’ SAB. In 1998, uncomplicated SAB association with metastatic infection and death.5 , 7 Other investiga-
was described in a study that investigated the association be- tors considered patient characteristics including persistent fever5 ,
tween adherence to consensus recommendations for treatment prosthetic material2 , 4 , 8 , and hemodialysis dependence9 as indica-
and patient outcome.4 In this study, SAB patients were classified tive of complicated SAB.

Corresponding author at: P.O. Box 9101 6500, HB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
E-mail address: jaap.tenoever@radboudumc.nl (J. ten Oever).

0163-4453/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
I.J.E. Kouijzer, V.G. Fowler Jr. and J. ten Oever Journal of Infection 86 (2023) 9–13

Fig. 1. Proposal for a new approach for diagnosis and treatment in adults with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB).

Shortcomings of the current classification for complications could then undergo a more extensive diagnostic
work-up to find or exclude these complications, in contrast to the
The major limitation of including predisposing host character- patient without risk factors present at baseline or with negative re-
istics, features of bacteremia, and the clinical course (see below) sults from the initial work-up (‘low-risk SAB’). Ideally, the result of
in the definition of complicated SAB is that they increase the risk the more in-depth diagnostic work-up would delineate the extent
of metastatic infection and are not, in themselves, metastatic in- and nature of the patient’s S. aureus infection. This ‘final clinical
fection. As a result, it is possible for patients at risk for metastatic diagnosis’, and not a designation of complicated SAB solely on the
infection but without its confirmed presence to be diagnosed with basis of the presence of factors that are associated with metastatic
and treated presumptively for complicated SAB.2 , 3 In addition, the infections, would correspond with a certain treatment strategy for
current classification can discourage a precise clinical diagnosis, the average patients with this clinical picture, including route of
since SAB encompasses a much wider range of clinical manifesta- administration, duration, and load reduction. The last step is to es-
tions than uncomplicated and complicated SAB. Explicitly defining tablish the final treatment plan for the individual patient by fur-
patient characteristics and SAB diagnosis would allow a more per- ther streamlining or changing duration of the treatment based on
sonalized treatment including shorter durations of intravenous (IV) clinical factors. Of course, for this classification to work in clinical
therapy and more convenient routes of administration.10-14 decision making, it must be able to accurately identify the absence
of metastatic infections in patients with SAB, even when traditional
evaluations fail to identify one.
Need for a new classification

Clinicians need a classification for SAB that directs the diagnos- Risk stratification to guide diagnostic work-up
tic work-up and individualizes antibiotic treatment (Fig. 1). This
framework can also be used to identify knowledge gaps for fu- Factors associated with metastatic infection
ture research (Table 1). This proposed classification system be-
gins after the initial positive blood culture with a requisite eval- A prerequisite for an individualized diagnostic approach is the
uation for every patient with SAB, including physical examina- ability to prospectively differentiate patients in whom metastatic
tion, repeat blood cultures, and echocardiography.3 Risk stratifica- infections are very unlikely from those with increased risk for
tion based upon these results could then define patients at high these complications. Many studies have defined factors associated
or low risk of metastatic infection. Patients identified as high risk with mortality or metastatic infection in patients with SAB. These

I.J.E. Kouijzer, V.G. Fowler Jr. and J. ten Oever Journal of Infection 86 (2023) 9–13

Table 1
Future research questions concerning diagnosis and treatment in SAB.

1. The absence of which risk factors and negative results of an initial work-up makes additional diagnostic investigations for metastatic infections including
infective endocarditis unnecessary?
2. Which novel predictive factors can improve the discriminatory power of clinical risk stratification?
3. Is a risk-based diagnostic work-up associated with improved outcomes and is it cost-effective?
4. How can clinical prediction scores be improved to reduce the number of patients classified as high risk for endocarditis while maintaining acceptable
negative predictive value?
5. Which high-risk patients need an [18 F]FDG-PET/CT?
6. Which patients can be treated with oral antibiotics and/or for a shorter duration?
7. Which biomarkers are useful for individualizing treatment duration?

factors can be divided into 3 domains: predisposing host character- Detection of metastatic infectious foci
istics (prostheses, venous catheter, injection drug use, medical his-
tory of endocarditis), features of bacteremia (duration, short time Echocardiography
to positivity, community acquisition, treatment delay), and the pa-
tient’s clinical course (persistent fever, unknown source of infec- Using a risk stratification for diagnostic investigations is only
tion, and signs of metastatic infection).2 , 5 , 7 , 15 , 16 Besides these tra- helpful if there are diagnostic modalities that can reliably detect
ditional factors to stratify patients at risk for metastatic infections, metastatic infections. For either diagnosing or excluding endocardi-
recent studies point towards the utility of inflammatory biomark- tis in SAB, standard clinical practice is to perform echocardiography
ers for this purpose.17 And while the absence of these factors can in patients with SAB2 , 3 , as a significant portion of patients with
help to identify patients with a low probability of metastatic infec- SAB have endocarditis in absence of clinical signs.20 , 24 , 25 Scoring
tions5 , 18 , it is insufficient to exclude them. For example, ∼15% of a systems have been developed to determine the necessity of (trans-
large cohort of SAB who exhibited none of the study-identified risk esophageal) echocardiography.26 , 27 Transesophageal echocardiogra-
factors for complicated infection ultimately had this more serious phy (TEE) should be performed with low threshold in patients
outcome.18 with negative TTE but persistent suspicion of endocarditis and in
patients with prosthetic heart valves and/or cardiac implantable
Stratifying the risk in clinical practice electronic devices.28 On the other hand, the combined absence of
certain risk factors and prognostically unfavorable features of bac-
While the use of risk factors present at baseline to identify pa- teremia can probably obviate the need of TEE.26 Future research
tients prone to poor outcome in SAB is necessary, it is also insuf- should focus on how clinical prediction scores can be improved to
ficient. Thus, additional steps, including repeated physical exam- reduce the number of patients classified as high risk for endocardi-
inations, follow-up blood cultures, and echocardiography, are es- tis – and thus requiring TEE – while maintaining acceptable neg-
sential to establish a patient’s risk for complications. Physical ex- ative predictive value.26 It must be said, however, that such trials
amination alone is fundamental in every patient with SAB but is will be difficult to conduct as the event rates are low in the very
insufficiently sensitive to exclude metastatic infection.19 , 20 For ex- low risk patient group and will therefore require large numbers to
ample, in a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the man- demonstrate any difference between the strategies.
agement of staphylococcal bacteremia, mandatory use of follow-up Another question is whether there are subgroups of patients
blood cultures and echocardiography reclassified a significant pro- with SAB in whom echocardiography can be safely omitted alto-
portion of SAB patients from uncomplicated to complicated infec- gether. For example, patients with a very low a priori risk of en-
tion.21 Careful risk factor stratification may ultimately be shown docarditis, or patients with transient bacteremia already receiv-
to promote diagnostic stewardship by limiting testing in low-risk ing extended courses of parenteral antibiotics for other sites of
patients while supporting more extensive evaluation in patients at infection might not always require TTE. Scenario-based research
high-risk for complications. Identification of risk factors, alone or has shown that clinicians already actively engage in risk stratifica-
in combination, that exclude underlying infectious complications tion when applying echocardiography strategies.22 It is important
and render additional diagnostic testing unnecessary is therefore to note, however, that TTE is widely available, safe, inexpensive,
an important research question (Table 1). and standard of care for patients with SAB.3 Thus, any decision
Recent reports suggest that certain clinical factors are already to withhold echocardiography from SAB patients will need to be
used in this manner to justify ordering echocardiography22 or shown not to cause harm in high quality, adequately powered, and
other imaging23 in patients with SAB. This use of risk stratification broadly generalizable trials.
is not an absolute classification in SAB, but rather should be con-
sidered as supplemental data with which to assess the individual [18 F]FDG-PET/CT to detect metastatic infection
risk of a particular patient with SAB. Using our proposed risk strat-
ification strategy (Fig. 1), a significant minority of SAB patients will Metastatic infections other than endocarditis are common in
be indeterminate for either low-risk or high-risk SAB, such as pa- SAB, but may be clinically occult in up to 70% of patients.5 , 23 , 29 , 30
tients in whom follow-up blood cultures are not properly collected A promising recent diagnostic modality in patients with SAB is 2-
or when it is unclear what risk should be assigned to certain pros- [18 F]fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography with
thetic material. These indeterminate patients need an additional combined computed tomography ([18 F]FDG-PET/CT). Nonrandom-
diagnostic evaluation based on specific patient characteristics. In ized studies have shown that the incorporation of [18 F]FDG-PET/CT
the eventuality that this diagnostic work-up fails to exclude ele- into the diagnostic work-up of high-risk SAB patients is associated
vated risk, these patients must be regarded by default as high-risk with lower mortality and relapse rates.23 , 30 , 31 The high sensitiv-
SAB for decisions involving treatment. Thus, a future research pri- ity of [18 F]FDG-PET/CT for extracardiac infections enables a shorter
ority should be to identify the requisite diagnostic studies needed treatment duration in high-risk patients if [18 F]FDG-PET/CT and
to determine safe, effective treatments for patients with SAB. echocardiography are negative.32 In addition to the detection of ex-
tracardiac metastatic infection, [18 F]FDG-PET/CT has a recognized

I.J.E. Kouijzer, V.G. Fowler Jr. and J. ten Oever Journal of Infection 86 (2023) 9–13

role in Europe in the work-up of prosthetic valve endocarditis.28 Biomarkers to individualize treatment duration
Unfortunately, [18 F]FDG-PET/CT is not universally available and in
the postoperative setting it could be difficult to distinguish phys- A possible way to personalize treatment even more could be
iologic post-surgical [18 F]FDG uptake from infection.33 Thus, RCTs with the use of biomarkers, as is already done with procalcitonin
will be required to determine the optimal role of [18 F]FDG-PET/CT in intensive care unit and in patients with community-acquired
in SAB management (Table 1).34 A recent Dutch retrospective study pneumonia. If shown to be effective in clinical studies, one poten-
assessed the impact of [18 F]FDG-PET/CT on treatment adjustment tial example of personalizing antibiotic therapy based upon novel
in SAB patients that already had a treatment indication of at least diagnostic platforms includes the use of microbial cell-free S. au-
6 weeks before performing the nuclear imaging because of compli- reus DNA from plasma to define the duration of antibiotic therapy
cations present.35 [18 F]FDG-PET/CT results led to treatment modifi- in patients with SAB by identifying when S. aureus DNA drops be-
cation only in those patients with clinically suspected endovascular low limits of detection.45
infection and could be safely omitted in other patients who were
clinically stable. In a recent prospective observational Israeli study Follow-up
treatment modifications commonly occurred following [18 F]FDG-
PET/CT and the results suggested that the benefit may have been Structured follow-up is also essential after discharge. First, clin-
greater in low-risk patients than high-risk patients.31 Another ob- ical response should be monitored to detect clinical failure. Sec-
servational study among 91 patients (including 39 due to S. aureus) ond, patients are increasingly completing treatment at home, ei-
with late acute hematogenous PJI, showed that the risk of con- ther through oral therapy12 , 40 or outpatient parenteral antimicro-
comitant PJI in an additional asymptomatic arthroplasty was very bial therapy (OPAT)46 and, regardless of the route of adminis-
low36 , findings that were recently confirmed.37 tration, treatment-related toxicities should be actively monitored.
Based on the above, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the treat-
Establishing a final treatment plan ment plan. Finally, follow-up must continue well beyond the end
of treatment as up to 5% of patients will experience a relapse.47
After the risk-adapted diagnostic work-up, the final clinical di-
agnosis describes the metastatic infections and informs the defini- Conclusion
tive treatment plan. Importantly, an accurate final clinical diag-
nosis is not always possible, or clinical suspicion for an underly- The framework proposed here for the classification and man-
ing metastatic infections is high even in the absence of an estab- agement of patients with SAB has the potential to solve the short-
lished diagnosis. In both such settings, patients should be treated comings of the current simplistic definition of uncomplicated and
for complicated SAB, with extended courses of antibiotics. complicated SAB. It consists of four steps: (1) risk stratification for
In SAB patients, with or without metastatic infection, a more the presence of metastatic infection that (2) directs a diagnostic
individualized treatment might eventually be possible. The re- work-up in search for these infections leading to (3) ‘final clini-
sults of the SABATO randomized trial were recently presented cal diagnoses’ corresponding with a general direction for treatment
and showed non-inferiority of oral switch therapy after 5–7 days that (4) can be individualized to favorable clinical characteristics.
of IV treatment compared to a complete 14-day IV course in This framework provides guidance to the clinician and a context
the small group of patients at low risk of complications.38 A re- for future research to improve patient outcome and individualized
cent observational study suggested that a minority of patients treatment.
with SAB can be treated with an abbreviated course of antibi-
otics.39 Partial oral treatment was shown to be non-inferior to a Disclosures
complete IV treatment course in stable patients with left-sided
Gram-positive infective endocarditis and a satisfactory clinical re- VGF reports personal fees from Novartis, Novadigm, Durata, De-
sponse to initial treatment, although only 47 of orally treated pa- biopharm, Genentech, Achaogen, Affinium, Medicines Co., Cerexa,
tients had SAB and MRSA was excluded in this randomized con- Tetraphase, Trius, MedImmune, Bayer, Theravance, Basilea, Affin-
trolled trial.40 In a retrospective single center study, oral step- ergy, Janssen, xBiotech, Contrafect, Regeneron, Basilea, Destiny,
down was associated with low mortality and absence of relapse Amphliphi Biosciences. Integrated Biotherapeutics; C3J, grants from
in selected patients with metastatic infection in whom endovas- NIH, MedImmune, Cerexa/Forest/Actavis/Allergan, Pfizer, Advanced
cular infection had been ruled out with echocardiography and Liquid Logics, Theravance, Novartis, Cubist/Merck; Medical Biosur-
[18 F]FDG-PET/CT.12 faces; Locus; Affinergy; Contrafect; Karius; Genentech, Regeneron,
Future randomized clinical trials will further establish the pre- Basilea, Janssen, from Green Cross, Cubist, Cerexa, Durata, Thera-
requisites for less intensive and personalized treatment in SAB pa- vance; Debiopharm, Royalties from UpToDate; and a patent pend-
tients. The SAB7 randomized clinical trial will assess whether 7 ing in sepsis diagnostics.
days of antibiotic treatment in patients with uncomplicated SAB,
defined as rapid defervescence and clearance of bacteremia in
the absence of endocarditis and other risk factors for metastatic
infection, is non-inferior to 14 days of treatment.41 Currently,
VGF was supported in part by 1R01AI165671 – 01.
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